首页 2023年年保研面试自我介绍(三篇)



2023年年保研面试自我介绍(三篇)2023年年保研面试自我介绍(三篇)    范文为教学中作为模范的文章,也经常用来指写作的模板。经常用于文秘写作的参考,也可以作为演讲材料编写前的参考。那么我们该如何写一篇较为完备的范文呢?以下是我为大家收集的优秀范文,欢迎大家共享阅读。     保研面试自我介绍篇一     您好!我是来自华东理工高校化工学院卓越101班的杨帆,来自山东省济南市,于xx年进入华东理工高校化工学院化学工程与工艺(材料化学方向)学习,于xx年度被...



    您好!我是来自华东理工高校化工学院卓越101班的杨帆,来自山东省济南市,于xx年进入华东理工高校化工学院化学 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 与工艺(材料化学方向)学习,于xx年度被卓越工程师班选入,成为卓越101班的一员。经过高校前三年惊慌充溢的高校生活,我的成果达到了保送探讨生的资格,并且获得了xx年免试保送探讨生候选人的名额,现将个人的部分状况列于下文,供各位领导参考。
    高校大一到大三的三年学习中,本人学习目标明确,学习看法端正,勤奋刻苦、孜孜不倦,综合成果始终名列年级前茅,曾获综合课程2等奖学金、综合课程一等奖学金、国家奖学金、综合课程特等奖学金各一次,在学院保研候选人中名列前10。学习之余,我也没有遗忘课本之外的其他协助技能的学习,软件上能娴熟运用包括office在内的许多软件,如autocad、ash1en plus、matlab、proii、hextran、smart plant 3d等,外语上通过了cet4、cet6等级考试。我的优秀课程在于反应工程、化工原理等专业课,相对来说大类基础课程如高等数学有一些薄弱,但是总体来说成果还是不错的。
    我于xx年下半年度报名参与了全国高校生创新实践活动,采纳的是学生自拟课题“超临界二氧化碳发泡环氧树脂及表征”,该课题申请到了上海市级资助,目前我们小组已经完成了试验中环氧树脂的溶胀试验,正在通过调整溶解时间、溶解压力、固化时间、固化温度等参数来筛选合适的发泡条件。在xx年的“华东理工高校-亚什兰”杯化工创新实践大赛中,我们小组抽到了“乙醇-乙醇钠溶液制备”的任务书,经过具体的试验规划和试验操作,我们小组采纳精馏塔,对乙醇和水的混合蒸汽通过外回流并利用3a分子筛通过选择性吸附除去反应中水分的试验最终获得了一等奖。在化工 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 领域,参与了xx年“中石化-三井杯”化工设计大赛,虽然在竞赛中没有获得较好的名次但是通过这次竞赛学到了许多有关化工设计方面的学问,比如利用软件模拟工厂流程、绘制pid和pfd图、精馏塔的具体计算和平安性能校核等。除了以上的内容,作为卓越班的学生,班级还组织过许多工厂的参观活动,对一些化工厂的布置、企业文化有基础的了解。另外,在20xx年底的科训活动中,我在金山的一个专科学校学习了一些工厂工人的基本技能如法兰的连接、泵的调整等。
    探讨生阶段,我想首先是要把一起先的基础课程学问都学好,建立合理的学问结构,尽量广泛的涉猎学科学问,深化的了解所学领域的历史,驾驭独立的探讨 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 和技能,学习更多的探讨方法,并且要强化自己的 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 意识,训练自己写 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 的表达实力。其次探讨生阶段必不行少的就是要做一些探讨,跟导师做也好,自己做也好,把学问应用于实际,最终要有总结自己所做探讨的实力,写好自己的毕业论文,为以后的博士生阶段做好打算。
    distinguished leadership:
    a: hello! i'm from east china university of science and technology institute of chemical industry remarkable 101 class what, come from jinan of shandong province, in 20xx the chemical into the east china university of science and technology institute of chemical engineering and technology  in the direction of material chemistry learning, in 20xx class for excellence engineers, become a remarkable 101 a member of the class. nervous the first three years of college to enrich the university life, my grades achieved walks graduate student's qualification, and the number of candidates won the 20xx an exemption walks graduate student, now parts of the personal conditions listed in the article, reference for the leaders.
    1. academic background
    university freshman to junior three years of study, i am learning objectives, learning attitude, work hard and tireless, comprehensive performance has been ranked the top grade, won a comprehensive course 2 scholarships, such as integrated curriculum first-class scholarship, national scholarship, integrated curriculum special scholarship once and the college insurance research candidates in the top 10. learning, i also not forget other complementary skills learning, text book on software able to skillfully use many, including office software, such as autocad, aspen plus, matlab, proii, hextran, smart plant 3 d, etc., on the foreign language exam passed cet4 test and cet6 level. my good curriculum lies in reaction engineering, principles of chemical engineering and other specialized courses, relatively broad categories foundation courses such as advanced mathematics has some weak, but the overall result is ok.
    2. the experience of scientific research
    i in the 2nd half of 20xx enrolled in the national college students' innovation practice activity, using a student from subject "supercritical co2 foaming and characterization of epoxy resin," the subject application to shanghai municipal finance, now our group has completed the experiment swelling of epoxy resin in the experiment, is dissolved by adjusting time, dissolve parameters such as pressure, curing time and curing temperature to screen suitable border="1" foaming conditions. in 20xx, the "east china university of science and technology - ashland" cup chemical innovation practice contest, our team got "ethanol - sodium ethanol solution preparation" commitments, after detailed experimental plan and experimental operation, our group uses the rectification column, with a mixture of ethanol and water vapor through reflux and by using 3 a molecular sieve through selective adsorption to remove the moisture from the reaction experiment eventually won first prize. in the field of chemical engineering design, participated in the 20xx "sinopec - mitsui cup" chemical design competition, although didn't get good rankings in the game through the game design knowledge, learned a lot about chemical, using the software simulation, the plant processes, such as pid and pfd chart, detailed calculation and safety check of rectification tower, etc. in addition to the above content, as students of outstanding class, the class also organized many factory tour, for some chemical plant layout, have a basic understanding of the enterprise culture. in addition, families and training activities at the end of 20xx, my a in jinshan school learning the basic skills of some factory workers such as flange connection, the adjustment of the pump.
    2. the graduate student stage
    graduate student stage, i think the first is the curriculum knowledge is the basis of the well at the beginning, to establish reasonable knowledge structure, as far as possible a wide range of dabble in discipline knowledge, in-depth understanding of what they have learned in the field of history, with independent research methods and skills, learning more research methods, and to strengthen the awareness of their own specification, train yourself to write an essay. second graduate student stage is necessary to do some research and do with mentor, do your own, or apply knowledge to practice, finally, has the ability to do research, writing their graduation thesis, as well to prepare for future doctoral period.
    both undergraduate and graduate students, the foreign language ability is very important, so the graduate student stage also don't give up learning english, learning english, improve their performance or the toefl test band 4 and band 6 such as language level test, can choose if you get a chance to go abroad for a period of research work, some of the international forefront of chemical knowledge, to have more room for knowledge into full play. i for the coal chemical industry, petroleum cracking, reactor, etc are interested in, hope to be able to work in the related areas of research. graduate level in addition to learning, but also cultivate their foreign language ability, team cooperation consciousness, leading consciousness and relevant social skills, in the future into the enterprise can do it right after work, lead the team to complete the scientific research task.
    graduate students is an important stage of life, if you can smoothly become a member of the graduate school of east china university of science and technology, i will try to get a few years time, let oneself of the ability to the next level, become a useful talents to the society in the future!


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