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Let's enjoy reading信息化教学设计 宋翠娥 潜山三中


Let's enjoy reading信息化教学设计 宋翠娥 潜山三中《Let’s Enjoy Reading!中考英语阅读复习课》 信息化教学设计 设计者 姓名宋翠娥电子信箱448349545@qq.com 联系电话136******** 区县潜山县学校名称潜山县第三中学设计日期2015-04-25 基本信息 教学题目Let’s Enjoy Reading! 所属学科英语学时安排一课时年级班级904 教材版本新人教版 一、教学内容分析 教学内容概述 主线1:由浅入深渗透英语阅读的方法策略; 主线2:理解阅读材料背后的观点、情感、哲理等,本节课的情感主线为“母...

Let's enjoy reading信息化教学设计 宋翠娥 潜山三中
《Let’s Enjoy Reading!中考英语阅读复习课》 信息化教学 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 设计者 姓名宋翠娥电子信箱448349545@qq.com 联系电话136******** 区县潜山县学校名称潜山县第三中学设计日期2015-04-25 基本信息 教学 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目Let’s Enjoy Reading! 所属学科英语学时安排一课时年级班级904 教材版本新人教版 一、教学内容分析 教学内容概述 主线1:由浅入深渗透英语阅读的方法策略; 主线2:理解阅读材料背后的观点、情感、哲理等,本节课的情感主线为“母爱”。 依据 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 课程标准: 新课程要求对学生的培养目标要从以前的“双基”为主转到提高学生阅读理解能力为主。在运用一定阅读方法和策略的基础上,获取所需信息,并从阅读中获得乐趣。 教育技术标准:SETC·S 学生通过多媒体 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 ,拓展学习时空,促进合作学习,提高学习能力和效率 教学目标分析 知识和技能: 1.Learn to read the key words, sentences, paragraphs in the article to grasp the content, theme of a text, the author’s view, attitude and intention; 2. Learn to use different reading strategies. 过程和方法: 1.Through the 5-task teaching process, students try to learn and master some reading strategies and methods. 2.By reading the story The Eagles and watching the video, students try to get to know and feel the love ---Mother’s love. 情感态度和价值观: 1.Cultivate students’ autonomous learning ability, and encourage them to feel, to explore what’s behind the reading materials. 2. Be self-confident to use the problem solving skills for information. 3. Love our mothers, be thankful for what they have done for us and try our best to do something for them. 知识点学习目标描述 知识点编号学习目 标层次 具体知识点描述 1 To know Focus on key words while reading to get the information we need. 2 To master Get to know 5 basic question types in English reading. 3 Can do it Analyze the reading material The Eagles. 4 To feel Feel the emotion (mother’s love) which the reading material and the video carry. 教学重点和难点分析 项目内容解决措施 教学重点Learn to search for key words, sentences and paragraphs in articles. Analyze the reading material 教学难点Grasp the author’s view, attitudes and intentions from the reading materials. Group work to discuss with teacher’s help and guidance. 二、学习者特征分析 1.学习特点: Students have mastered some reading strategies and they are willing to improve their reading abilities. 2.学习习惯: Students have been used to reading several articles every day and they can finish the tasks after reading. 3.学习交往: They are willing to share their ideas. 4.课前对学生的要求: Review the reading strategies they have learned. 三、教学环境选择与媒体设计 1.教学环境选择(打√) (1)WEB教室(2)局域网(3)城域网 (4)校园网(5)因特网√(6)其他: 2.教学媒体资源设计 知识点编号媒体 类型 媒体内容要点 教学 作用 使用 方式 所得 结论 圆锥曲线的二级结论椭圆中二级结论圆锥曲线的二级结论圆锥曲线的二级结论探究欧姆定律实验步骤 占用 时间 媒体 来源 1 AB True or false about me; Guess the riddles according to the key words. ABG H Key words are important to grasp the reading. 5’ A 2 A Several reading questions to lead to the reading questions types. ACGJ H Students can conclude the 5 question types. 10’AC 3 ABD An article and a mind map about it. FG F Mother eagle’s love made the baby eagle really grow up. 10 AC 4 ABDE A video about “mother”. ABHI J Deeply feel the greatest love --- mother’s love. 3’AH 四、课堂教学过程结构设计(教学环节的步骤可以根据需要增减,环节名称可以修改) 教学环节教师的活动学生的活动 教学媒体(资源) 的作用和运用 设计意图、依据 Task1: Read and get to know me (True or false).Show the students the information about the teacher and ask them to guess whether the sentences are true of false. Work in pairs to have a discussion about the information and decide whether the sentences are true of false. Words and pictures to show some information about the teacher. 1. Through this design, students and the teacher can get closer. 2. The last sentence---I love reading---can lead to the topic: Let’s enjoy reading. Task2: Show three riddles Read the riddles and try Riddles on the Arouse students’ Read and guess.on the screen.to get the answers as quickly as possible. screen for the students to guess. interest and ask them to pay attention to the key words. Task3: Read and answer. 1. Show 5 questions about reading comprehension; 1. Read the short passages and answer the following questions; 5 short passages for students to get to know the 5 common question types. 1. Get the students to know the 5 question types; 2. Summarize 5 question types and typical questions; Show the reading strategies. 2. Pay attention to the question types. 2. Make them try to use the reading strategies. Task4: Read and feel. 1. Ask the students to read the passage about the eagles and try to answer the questions below. Offer help when necessary. 1.Read the article and answer the questions. Show the article on the screen and the mind map for students to think and feel. 1.Solve problems by using the reading strategies; 2. Then get the students to do the further reading. 2.Group work to finish the further reading task which is more challenging and more difficult---fill in the mind map. 2. Explore what makes the baby eagle really grow up---the writer’s attitudes and intentions. 3.Lead to “mother’s love”. 3. Find out “mother’s love”. 3. Elicit “mother’s love”. Task5: Watch and feel.1.Play the video. 1.Watch the video and feel how great mother’s love is. Watch the video and students can better feel that mother is great. Spiritual sublimation: do something for the coming Mother’s Day. 2. Homework 2. Sweet homework. 教学流程图 Show pictures. Task2:Read an d guess Read and guess. Read and guess Task1:True or false Read and get to Check the answers. Show riddles Do questions. Point out the key words Show questions Task3:Read and answer answer. Guess the riddles Show Q types and strategies Task4:Read and feel nd feel. Questions and mind map. Show mind map Lead them to discuss Play the video Feel mother ’s love Focus on mother ’s love Task5:Watch and feel. 板书设计 Let’s enjoy reading! ---Reading makes a full man. Mother’s love is the greatest the force in the world. ---Please love your mother! 五、其他个性化策略设计(需要时,可在此处填写相应内容;不需要时,可留空不填或将相应栏目删除) 1.学习情境创设 (1)学习情境类型(打√) ①真实情境②问题性情境√③虚拟情境④其他√ (2)学习情境设计 The eagles’ story: Students first read aloud the story, then do the following questions using the strategies they learned just now. And the most important and meaningful step is to finish the mind map about the reading---two characters; three changes; four feelings and, one love. 2.学习活动组织 (1)自主学习设计(打√,并填写相关内容) 类型相应内容使用资源学生活动教师活动 抛锚式√Task1: True of false Words and pictures Try to guess the information. Use the pictures to show the answer. 支架式√Task 4: Read and feel Words, pictures and mind map Fill in the mind map. Use the mind map to make students to fully and deeply understand the article. (2)协作学习设计(打√,并填写相关内容) 类型相应内容使用资源学生活动教师活动 竞争√ Read and guess the riddles and answer questions. Questions shown on the screen Try to get the answer as quickly as possible. Check the answer and give them comments. 教学内容和 教师的活动 媒体的 应用 学生的 活动 教师进行 逻辑判断 2 页 伙伴√True of false; finish the mind map. Reading article and the mind map about it. Work in groups to finish the mind map. Group the students and offer help if necessary. 3.学习评价设计 (1)测试形式与工具(打√) ①课堂提问√②书面练习√③达标测试√ ④学生自主网上测试⑤合作完成作品√⑥其他 (2)形成性检测 知识点编号学习目 标层次 测试内容 3 Can do it 5 questions according to reading 4 To feel Finish the mind map with two characters, three changes, four feelings and one love 六、教学反思、总结 这节课作为安庆市中考英语阅读复习示范课,整体效果和反映还不错。两条主线(明线为阅读方法与策略,暗线为母爱)相辅相成,相映成彰。 任务1(True of false---get to know me)设计新颖, 以猜测的方式,并结合图片,让学生在了解新老师的同时,也迅速拉近了师生距离。任务2(Read and guess)是三道简单智力题,既挑战学生阅读能力,有考验他们智力,提高了他们的兴趣。任务3(Read and answer)巧妙地将做阅读题与介绍阅读理解题型结合起来,学生记忆深刻。任务4 (Read and feel)中的思维导图将阅读材料充分挖掘,让学生通过two characters, three changes, four feelings 的分析,自然导出one love---mother’s love。任务5(Watch and feel)通过一段关于感受感恩母爱的视频,将情感主线推向高潮。令我欣慰的是,我看到了同学和听课老师眼中泛起的泪花,我也知道,我的情感目标达到了...... 感谢信息化教学技术,它拓宽了我的教学时空,它激活了我的教学潜能,它激发了学生的学习兴趣,它点燃了情感的星星之火...... 当然,如果课件再精炼一些,阅读训练再深入一些,会更好。无论如何,我都会在英语教学这条路上坚定走下去...... 七、感谢及其他 感谢安庆市英语教研室谢余良老师给了我这个机会,让我在安庆市研讨会上展示这节英语阅读复习课;感谢潜山县英语教研室程明月老师以及何老师金老师给我这节课提出的很多宝贵意见;感谢学校英语教研组所有老师对我的指点鼓励;感谢学校孔老师在我制作课件时提供的帮助。
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