首页 化学方程式计算题二及答案



化学方程式计算题二及答案化学方程式计算题二及答案 化学方程式计算习题二 一、计算题 1、有一种含水的过氧化氢样品10g,在二氧化锰的催化作用下,完全分解得到 2g氧气,求该样品中过氧化氢的质量分数。 2、加热6g高锰酸钾可制得多少g氧气, 3.电解9千克的水能生产多少千克的氢气,同时生产多少千克的氧气, 4.工业上,高温煅烧石灰石可制得生石灰和二氧化碳,如果要制得10t氧化钙,需要碳酸钙多少t, 5.要得到32g二氧化硫,需要多少克硫参加反应, 6、制取142g五氧化二磷,需要磷多少g,需要氧气多少g,这些氧气在标准状况...

化学方程式计算题二及答案 化学方程式计算习题二 一、计算题 1、有一种含水的过氧化氢样品10g,在二氧化锰的催化作用下,完全分解得到 2g氧气,求该样品中过氧化氢的质量分数。 2、加热6g高锰酸钾可制得多少g氧气, 3.电解9千克的水能生产多少千克的氢气,同时生产多少千克的氧气, 4.工业上,高温煅烧石灰石可制得生石灰和二氧化碳,如果要制得10t氧化钙,需要碳酸钙多少t, 5.要得到32g二氧化硫,需要多少克硫参加反应, 6、制取142g五氧化二磷,需要磷多少g,需要氧气多少g,这些氧气在 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 状况下的体积是多少升,(在标准状况下 ρ==1.43g/L) O2 7、消化药片所含的物质能中和胃里过多的胃酸,某种消化药品的标记如右图所示,医生给某胃酸过多的患者开出服用此药的处方为每日3次每次2片,试计算: 患者按此处方服用该药一天,理论上可中和HCl多少毫克,(计算结果取整数,已知2HCl+Mg(OH)==MgCl+2HO) 222 Stomachease 帮助消化 减缓胃痛 每片含250mg氢氧化镁 8、中国登山协会为纪念我国首次攀登珠穆朗玛峰成功50周年再次组织攀登珠穆 朗玛峰活动。阿旺扎西等一行登山运动员于今年3月21日13:40成功登顶,假设每名运动员冲顶消耗自带的液氧4.8kg,求: ?这些氧气在标准状况下的体积是多少升,(标准状况下氧气的密度为1.43g/L) ?若在实验室用高锰酸钾为原料制取相同质量的氧气,需要多少千克高锰酸钾, ?用这种方法给登山运动员供氧,是否可行,简述理由。 二、拓展题 1.实验室现需1.12L纯净的氧气(标准状况下,氧气的密度是1.429g/L),某同学用质量比为3:1的氯酸钾和二氧化锰制取氧气,并回收二氧化锰和氯化钾。下 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 为该同学实验的有关数据: 实验1.12收集L氧气后试管内固体残余物充分加热后试管内固体残余物的 的质量 质量 7.98g 6.92g 问该同学最多能回收多少克二氧化锰,(结果精确到0.01g) 2.实验室将16g硫在给定的质量的氧气中燃烧,有如下数据: 给定O的质量1112232 /g 0 5 6 0 4 2 生成SO的质量2333332 /g 0 0 2 2 2 2 观察 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 表中数据,可以得到的结论是:_________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________。 3.燃烧含硫的煤和燃放烟花爆竹都会产生污染空气的SO2,大部分城市明文规定禁止燃放烟花爆竹,但一些中、小城镇和农村仍在春节期间燃放放烟花爆竹,对环境造成了污染,若3天内燃放20亿爆竹,平均每只爆竹产生0.05gSO2,则10亿爆竹产生的SO2相当于燃烧含硫2%的煤多少吨, 4.已知Zn+H2SO4==ZnSO4+H2?今有甲、乙、丙、丁四位同学用Zn与稀硫酸反应,所得相关数据如下(实验中的误差可忽略不计): 甲 乙 丙 丁 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 取用稀硫酸质100 100 100 200 量/g 加入锌的质量χ 1.25χ 2χ 2χ /g 生成氢气的质0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 量/g 试计算:?甲同学加入金属锌的质量是多少克, ?其中稀硫酸中所含纯H2SO4的质量是多少克, 三、巩固题 (相对分子质量:Cu,64 H,1 O,16 K,39 Cl,35.5 Zn,65) 1.计算下列物质的相对分子质量: O:_______________________________ 2 CuO:________________________________ HO:______________________________ 2 2KMnO:______________________________ 4 2.计算下列化学方程式中物质之间的质量比: 2 KMnO 加热 KMnO+MnO+O? 2HO 电解 2H?+O? 42422222 3.3g碳在足量的氧气中充分燃烧,生成物的质量是多少克, 4.agHO与2gMnO混合,完全反应后有残留物质bg,求生成的氧气的质量是多少222 克, 5.某班同学在实验室将14g硫在一定量的氧气中燃烧, 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 如下数据: 实验次序 1 2 3 氧气的质量/g 4.5 14.0 18.0 二氧化硫的质量9.0 28.0 28.0 /g 3 分析数据回答下列问题: ?在这三次实验中,第__________次刚好完全反应。 ?在第______次实验中硫有剩余,剩余____________g;在第______次实验中氧 气有剩余,剩余________g。若将剩余的硫在氧气中燃烧,可生成二氧化硫________g。 6.在食盐中加入适量的碘酸钾(KIO)可有效的防治碘缺乏症,从2001年10月13 日起我国规定每千克食盐中碘酸钾的含量应在0.06~0.08g之间,某研究小组称取食盐样品100g,加入足量的碘化钾发生如下反应: KIO+5KI+3HSO==3KSO4+3I+3HO,测得生成碘单质0.0254g,请计算1000g样324222 品中KIO的含量并判断样品是否符合国家标准。 3 7.饲养观赏鱼可以陶冶人的情操,增进人们对生活的热爱,空运观赏鱼必须密封。为了鱼的吸氧问题,可在水中加入过氧化钙(化学式CaO)过氧化钙与水反应生成2 氢氧化钙与氧气。 ?写出过氧化钙与水反应的化学方程式:_______________________________; ?一养鱼爱好者欲测定所用的过氧化钙的质量分数,做如下实验,称取样品2.0g 氧气的密度为1.43g/L)试计算所用样品加入到适量的水中,生成了224ml氧气( 中过氧化钙的质量分数。 8. 甲醇( CHOH )是一种有毒,有酒的气味的可燃性液体。甲醇在氧气中不3 完全燃烧可发生如下反应: 8CH O H +nO mCO,2CO + 16HO。若反3222 应生成3.6g 水,请计算: ( 1 )m值是 ; ( 2 )参加反应的氧气质量是多少克,(写出 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 计算步骤) 9(某学生称取12.25 g氯酸钾(KClO)制氧气,他用少量高锰酸钾(KMnO)34代替二氧化锰(MnO),待反应完毕后,制得氧气4.96g。该学生加入了多少克2 高锰酸钾, samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method [参考答案] 一、计算题 1.68% 2.0.6g 3.1g,8g 4.17.9g 5.16g 6.62g,80g,55.94L 7.1888mg 8.?3357L?47.7kg?不可行,经济上不合算,价格昂贵,且在实验室制取如此多的氧气,消耗时间过长。 二、拓展题 1.5.28g 2.16g和16gO恰好完全反应生成32gSO,O用量大于16g时生成的SO仍为32g。 22223.12.5t 4.?13g ?29.4% 三、巩固题 1.32,80,18,316 2.316:197:87:32,9:1:8 3.11g 4.(a+2,b)g 5.?2次 ?1次,9.5g,3次,4g,19g 6.解:设100g该样品中含KIO3的质量为X KIO+5KI+3HSO===3KSO+3I+3HO 3242422 214 762 X 0.0254g X 214×0.0254 0.0071g 762 1000g 1000g样品中含KIO 0.0071g× =0.071g 3 100g ?0.71g在0.06~0.08g之间 ?该样品中含KIO3的含量符合国家标准。 7.?2CaO+2HO==2Ca(OH)+O? ?36% 8.解:(1)根据质量守恒定律得:2222 m+2=8,所以m= 6 (2)设:参加反应的氧气质量为X,根据质量守恒定律得n=11 8CH O H +11O 6CO,2CO + 16H O。 32 22 352 288 X 3.6g 352X == X=4.4g 2883.6g 9(解:设KClO分解制得氧气的质量为X。 3 MnO 22KClO 2KCl+ 3O? 32? 245 96 12.25 g X 24512.25g,, X=4.8 g 则KMnO分解产生的氧气质量为:496X 4.96 g—4.8 g =0.16 g 设该学生加入KMnO的质量为Y。 4 5 2KMnO KMnO+MnO+ O? 42422加热 316 32 Y 0.16 g 316Y Y = 1.58 g ,320.16g samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method
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