首页 电子沙盘实验报告



电子沙盘实验报告电子沙盘实验报告 广东财经大学华商学院实验报告 实验项目名称 经营之道 课程名称 企业行为模拟(电子沙盘) 成绩评定 实验类型:验证型?综合型??设计型? 实验日期 1-9周 指导教师 闫丽君 学生姓名 陈虹 学号 412010131 专业班级 12本国贸一班 一、实验项目训练方案 小组合作:是?? 否? 小组成员:莫梓恩、陈虹、欧阳春娴、巫素素、林金凤、 曾宪燕、谭晓琳 实验目的: 企业行为模拟是由学员分组建立若干模拟公司,围绕形象直观的沙盘教具,实战演练模拟企业的经营管理与市场竞争,在经历模拟企业8个...

电子沙盘实验报告 广东财经大学华商学院实验报告 实验项目名称 经营之道 课程名称 企业行为模拟(电子沙盘) 成绩评定 实验类型:验证型?综合型?? 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 型? 实验日期 1-9周 指导教师 闫丽君 学生姓名 陈虹 学号 412010131 专业班级 12本国贸一班 一、实验项目训练 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 小组合作:是?? 否? 小组成员:莫梓恩、陈虹、欧阳春娴、巫素素、林金凤、 曾宪燕、谭晓琳 实验目的: 企业行为模拟是由学员分组建立若干模拟公司,围绕形象直观的沙盘教具,实战演练模拟企业的经营管理与市场竞争,在经历模拟企业8个季度的荣辱成败过程中提高战略管理能力,感悟经营决策真谛。具体包括:制订企业战略、 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 市场信息、制订研发计划、产品特性设计、营销渠道建设、生产制造管理、竞争对手分析、产品定价策略、市场营销推广、全面预算管理、经营绩效分析等等。其主要目的是: 1、将课堂所学的“知”应用于实际中的“行”; 2、将理论应用到行动计划和解决方案上来; 3、学习解决问题的思路与 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ; 4、提升择业就业的综合能力。 实验场地及仪器、设备和材料: 电脑、经营之道软件、数据仓库、服务器集群 orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active-site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. Total 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects of 实验训练内容(包括实验原理和操作步骤): 1、分组:一个班分成10个经营团队,每个小组6-8人,用沙盘教学工具(经营之道软件)模拟各企业经营。各团队成员分别担任企业的重要职位:总裁(CEO)、财务主管、会计主管、生产主管、产品主管、市场主管、销售主管这七个职位。 2、各团队要亲自经营一家销售良好、资金充裕的企业,连续从事8个会计季度的经营活动,演练企业“初始期、成长期、适应期、成熟期”的经营过程,体验企业经营思想。 3、每个团队的初始资金是300万人民币,CEO根据经营附录表的顺序制定战略计划,根据竞争格局分析确定经营指标,进行经营规划,根据市场需求确定业务策略,全面预算管理,对企业绩效进行分析。 4、产品主管负责产品的研发、资质验证以及产品设计;接着市场主管根据CEO的业务策略负责开拓市场渠道、设立销售网点;生产主管则根据企业的销售需要调整生产设备、购买原材料、投入生产;产品主管根据CEO的竞争格局分析进行品牌及广告投入及产品定价;市场主管根据每个市场的最终需要发送货物;最后财务主管根据决策历史进行日常财务记账和登帐,在企业需要资金运转时去银行短贷,登记资产负债表、损益表、现金收支情况表,管理日常现金,进行财务分析与资金调度。 5、在尝试完一个季度的试营运之后,我们对沙盘的操作流程有了大致的了解,各团队总结第一季度的状况并及时查缺补漏。按照沙盘的操作流程正式开始八个季度的运营。 6、在每个季度结束之后,系统会根据各个团队的综合表现进行排名,供团队及时更改经营策略。八个季度运营完毕,每个团队总结实训心得,撰写实训报告。 2ue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects ofthe blg records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in d the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pinglianminatecticality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseg, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and praBeijine annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in ks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around thetworoffices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication nmillion Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign Total 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 levant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. s, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated resite describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment method-orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active 实验报告专用纸 二、实验总结与评价 实验总结(包括实验数据分析、实验结果、实验过程中出现的问题及解决方法等): 1、实验结果 策划与实际多少还是有差别的,Brick集团的经营名次一直在4、5、6、7这几个数字徘徊。我们最终的所有者权益是151.597427W,现金余额为105.945627W,经营的产品有青少年和商务人士,进入的市场有华南市场、华北市场和华东市场,生产线有1条柔性线和1条青少年全自动,取得的认证有ISO9000。 沙盘模拟过程中,各个虚拟企业的经营状况陆续地用数据体现出来了。在8个季度的沙盘模拟经营中,各个公司都各有经历、各有收获。在8个季度中,我们公司的所有成员充分合作,各尽所能,合力完成了艰辛的为期8个季度的经营任务,体会到了企业经营中的复杂与艰辛。模拟经营开始的时候,指导老师就告诉过我们,模拟经营及其容易破产,随便一点小失误就有可能导致经营瘫痪甚至破产,这就要求我们全程随机应变,小心谨慎。经营结束我们公司的业绩并不理想,但恰恰是因为不理想,所以我们比别人感受得更多、体会得更多。也正因为这不理想,所以我们必须总结出教训,总结出经验,希望能借此发现自己的不足,及时查漏补缺: 1、对 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 的不熟悉:由于对游戏规则认识不够,导致一些不必要支出的现金流出,这也直接影响了企业资金的流失。 2、凡事预则立,不预则废:经营的起始阶段,我们没有仔细统筹规划企业的发展方向,没有进行合理的战略分析,无形中抱着走一步算一步的心态。殊不知,现实中的一切不可以重来,所以,一定要高瞻远瞩,有长远的战略眼光。 3、职能分工不明确:经营的前期,由于分工不明确,各总监没有发挥应有作用,没有做好自己本职工作;成员间也存在越权的现象,局面比较混乱,严重影响了企业的战略分析与企业发展。 4、对竞争企业预测不够:在同一市场同一产品的竞争上没有预测到别的企业的行动。比如第3季度的时候,中老年产品在本地市场利润较高,所以本企业在这投入了大量的广告费,未知别的企业也在觊觎这个市场,大家都投入大量的广告费,订单过少,各企业基本上都只拿到一个订单。所以,经营企业不能一味守成,闭门造车,应当尽量了解别的企业经营概况,要认真分析各企业团队桌上的情况,那就是企业的账目情况,揣测竞争对手的心理。 虽然本企业不足之处较多,造成经营结束时所有者权益太少,濒临破产,不过我们团队也有不少可取之处。 1、产品多样化:产品开发较多,能随时提供足够多的产品不断满足不同市场的客户的 Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang d communication networks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office innd goolevel. The two foreign offices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space aate investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new Total 16 assist in securing project, seek St nce has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. d go investment methods, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu provisite describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment an-orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active3in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects ofborn ng, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship oftwork, and disseminated the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the buildiion ne, universality and practicality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives informatct who staff in Beijing, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticityconta 需求,适应市场的变化,提高市场占有率。 2、组员团结一体,精诚合作:由于我们组是男女合组,所以经营策划,课后讨论不能像组员都是同性的情况下方便进行,每次都只能在教室进行,这种天晚上较 冷,但是组员们都毫无怨言积极参与。 3、做事谨慎,未造成较大的失误和损失,没有像其他企业一样大手大脚用钱。 本次模拟操作充分让我们体会了一个公司的运行流程,也培养了我们的思考与应急能力,让我们认识到了自身的不足,并将其改正。以后无论做什么事,都要有长远的眼光,用实际行动说服队友,这样不仅能够使团队达成统一共识,也有助于团队成员之间的了解。我们要不断提高自己的经营能力,有空可以多阅读管理类的书籍,这对于我们之后订决策或者是处理企业事务都会有很大的帮助,而且要在该大胆投资的时候就大胆投资,该小心经营的时候就小心经营。 如果有机会的话,这种实验可以多加进行,这比书本知识更容易让我们接受~ 对实验的自我评价: 在这一次电子沙盘中,我担任的是财务主管一职,我主要负责的是登记每个季度公司现金收支情况,以及填写现金收支情况表、资产负债表、损益表等。在一开始接触到这个职务的时候,我是不知道该如何下手的,但我并没有因此而放弃或者是厌烦,在老师的帮助下和之前自己的一些会计知识基础,逐渐开始上手,知道了每份表需要填哪些内容,虽然数据填写很繁杂,但是这也更好的培养了我的耐心,让我做事情更加细心,每次完成一份表格之后,我都会再次核对数据,因为我知道这几份报表对于一个企业的正常运营是有多么的重要。 沙盘模拟这个课程也给了我一个可以将我所学的知识与实际的运用联系起来,让自己了解一个知识不再仅限于表面,而是能运用到实际工作中,很好的验证了自己对这个学科的掌握程度。在这8个季度中,每一份报表我都认真、细心地去填写 ,遇到问题我都及时请教老师和队友,希望自己表格的精确率能达到百分之百,可能在这过程中我还有做得不够完善的,但是我会不断的去改进自己,争取做到最好。 这一次模拟中,我深刻体会到了凡事预则立,不预则废,无论做什么事都应当有所准备,不能走一步看一步,本次实验将“机会是留给有准备的人的”这句话展现得淋漓尽致。 指导教师评语: 实验成绩评定: 指导教师(签名): 日期: 年 月 日 4ue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects ofthe blg records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in d the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pinglianminatecticality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseg, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and praBeijine annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in ks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around thetworoffices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication nmillion Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign Total 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 levant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. s, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated resite describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment method-orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active 实验报告专用纸 5in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects ofborn ng, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship oftwork, and disseminated the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the buildiion ne, universality and practicality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives informatct who staff in Beijing, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticitycontaBeijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang d communication networks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office innd goolevel. The two foreign offices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space aate investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new Total 16 assist in securing project, seek St nce has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. d go investment methods, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu provisite describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment an-orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active
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