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张家界景点英文介绍.doc张家界景点英文介绍.doc (注:中英不是对应的) 天门山(英文名:Tian Menshan Mountain),位于湖南省张家界永定区,因自然奇观天门洞而得名,也因天门洞而蜚声世界,被誉为“湘西第一神山”、“武陵之魂”和“张家界之魂”。[1] 简史 三国时期,263年,天门山突然裂开一个大洞,当地官员报告给吴国君主孙休,孙休认为是吉兆,故而命名“天门洞”。[1] 1992年7月,天门山被批准为国家森林公园。[1] [] 地理 天门山的主峰海拔为1518.6米,平均海拔在1400米之上。天门山国家森林...

张家界景点英文介绍.doc (注:中英不是对应的) 天门山(英文名:Tian Menshan Mountain),位于湖南省张家界永定区,因自然奇观天门洞而得名,也因天门洞而蜚声世界,被誉为“湘西第一神山”、“武陵之魂”和“张家界之魂”。[1] 简史 三国时期,263年,天门山突然裂开一个大洞,当地官员 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 给吴国君主孙休,孙休认为是吉兆,故而命名“天门洞”。[1] 1992年7月,天门山被批准为国家森林公园。[1] [] 地理 天门山的主峰海拔为1518.6米,平均海拔在1400米之上。天门山国家森林公园面积达190多平方公里。天门山始于燕山运动,后经过喜马拉雅山造山运动,以及千万年的风雨剥蚀,形成了喀斯特台型地貌。植被属于原始次生林。[1] [] 景观 [] 天门山索道 天门山索道线路斜长7455米,上、下站水平高差1279米,是世界最长的单线循环脱挂抱索器车厢式索道。 [] 鬼谷栈道 天门山的侧壁上有鬼谷洞因而得名。 [] 通天大道盘山公路 天门山的盘山公路全长10.77公里。从山脚一直蜿蜒而上山顶。 [] 天门洞 天门洞高131.5米,宽57米,深60米。 [] 李娜别墅 河南籍歌手李娜1997年5月23日游览天门山,6月6日将户口迁移到张家界永定区, 并且建筑李娜别墅一栋于天门山山顶,一月之后在山西五台山普寿寺出家为尼。后 出走美国。 [] 天门山寺 明朝汉传佛教寺庙。 Tianmen Mountain (Chinese: 天门山; pinyin: Tiānmén Shān) is a mountain located within Tianmen Mountain National Park, Zhangjiajie, in northwestern Hunan Province, China A cablecar was constructed by the French company Poma from nearby Zhangjiajie railway station to the top of the mountain. Tianmen Mountain Cableway is claimed in tourist publications as the "longest passenger cableway of high mountains in the world", with 98 cars and a total length of 7,455 metres and ascent of 1,279 metres. The highest gradient is an unusual 37 degrees. Tourists can walk on kilometres of paths built onto the cliff face at the top of the mountain, including sections with glass floors. An 11km road with 99 bends also reaches the top of the mountain and takes visitors to Tianmen cave, a natural hole in the mountain of a height of 131.5 metres.[4] A large temple is also located on the summit with chairlift or footpath access. The original temple here was built in the Tang Dynasty. Today a more recent construction with Tang dynasty architecture occupies the site and includes a vegetarian restaurant in the 10000 square metre setting. On September 25, 2011 Jeb Corliss glided through the 100 feet (30 m) wide archway in the mountain using a wing suit. The flight began from a helicopter at 6,000 feet (1,800 m), and ended with a safe landing on a nearby bridge.[5][6] //////// Tianmenshan Mountain,a famous mountain first recorded in the history of Zhangjiajie with an elevation of 1518.6 meters. It is 8 kilometers from the downtown and is one of the most representative natural sceneries of Zhangjiajie. For long time being,Tianmenshan Mountain attracts the attention of the people not only by its miraculous and unique geology and unparalleled landscape, but also well known for its profound cultural connotations and famous colorful humanistic site. It is revered as the soul of cultural and spirit of Zhangjiajie and reputed as Number One sacred mountain in Western Hunan Province. Tianmenshan Mountain is uniquely skyscraping and domineering. Tianmen cave the natural mountain-penetrating karst cave with the highest elevation in the world, hangs on the towering cliff. The cave become the unique sight under heaven and breeds the profound and grand heaven culture of Fairy Mountain in the local area. Tianmenshan Mountain is the second national forest park in Zhangjiajie. On the mountaintop are intact sub-primitive forests with overflowing wild atmosphere in all the seasons. In addition, the densely populated karst hillocks and karrens plus the mating of strange rocks and graceful trees create a grand garden of bonsai as if blessed by the God. Tianmenshan Mountain Temple, with an area of over 10000 square meters, has been honored as a pilgrimage site ever since the Ming Dynasty. It is the Buddhist center of Western Hunan. The six unresolved mysteries in the past hundreds of years such as Opening of Tianmen cave, shadow of Guigu(famous ancient Toaist), and Auspicious Unicorn have added the mysterious and elusive atmosphere for Tianmenshan Mountain. The mountain winding bus road of Tianmen Mountain is worth the title of world-shocking masterpiece. It brings shocking and unforgettable experience for the tourists. Tianmenshan Mountain cableway; Heaven-linking Avenue, Tianmen cave and Bonsai garden are reputed as the four great wonders. Tianmenshan Mountain cableway, the longest one-way recycling passenger cableway in the world, has a length of 7455 meters and a height gap of 1279 meters. It takes the tourists from the atmosphere of modern city directly to the hug of the primitive garden in the air. Along the way to the top of the mountain by cable car, you see the landscape transforming into a kaleidoscope, experience a miraculous feeling of flying angels in the sky as well as of being blended into a long grand painting of landscape. The mountain-winding bus road of Tianmenshan Mountain, nicknamed as Heaven-linking Avenue, has a total length of less than 11 kilometers, starts from an elevation of 200 meters and winds up to 1300 meters within short range, paves its way painstakingly over the high valleys , along the breathtaking cliffs, zigzags with 99 sharp turnings like flying dragon, declares itself as another world engineering wonder. People couldnt help marveling at it. 金鞭溪是天然形成的一条美丽的溪流,因金鞭岩而得名。溪水弯弯曲曲自西向东 流去,即使久旱,也不会断流。走近金鞭溪,满目青翠,连衣服都映成了淡淡的绿 色。流水潺潺,伴着声声鸟语,走着走着,忽然感到一阵清凉,才觉察有微风习习 吹过,阵阵袭来的芬芳使你不由得驻足细细品味。清澈见底、纤尘不染的碧水中,鱼儿欢快地游动,红、绿、白各色卵石在水中闪亮。阳光透过林隙在水面洒落斑驳的影子,给人一种大自然安谧静美的享受。 金鞭溪因流经金鞭岩而得名,全长5700米,穿行於绝壁奇峰之间,溪谷有繁茂的植被,溪水四季清澈,被称为“山水画廊”、“人间仙境”。有诗赞曰:“清清流水青青山,山如画屏人如仙,仙人若在画中走,一步一望一重天”。途中你会看到点歌台,那里有土家姑娘时刻准备为游人唱民族歌曲,只要付十元钱她们就会为你引吭高歌,当然,如果你不想花这个钱,也可以在一边听听别人点的歌,听完后走人。 金鞭溪沿线是武陵源风景最美的地界,从张家界森林公园门口进入后,往前步行300米左右就是金鞭溪的入口,全溪长5.7公里,穿行在峰峦幽谷云间,溪水明净,跌宕多姿,小鱼游弋其中,溪畔花草鲜美,鸟鸣莺啼,人沿清溪行,胜似画中游。 金鞭溪穿行于深壑幽谷之间,溪的两边千峰耸立,高入云天,树木繁茂,浓荫蔽日,这儿溪水潺潺、琉璃飞瀑,奇花异草与珍禽异兽同生共荣,构成极为秀丽、清幽、自然的生态环境,被称为“世界最美的峡谷”,“最富有诗意的溪流”。 来历 “久旱不断流,久雨水长绿”,这是张家界人夸金鞭溪的俗话,你瞧,它就象一条玉带,串了十五里山峡,流到哪儿,哪几便花鲜、草绿、树青。就连两岸的土家后生、妹子,都长得格外灵秀,人说是水色好。 可是有一年,金鞭溪水变了,变得红不红黑不黑的,又臭又脏,人喝了人死,畜饮了畜亡。两岸的花草树木也得了瘟病。 溪边古白果树下有间小茅房,茅房里往着个巴老头,是远近闻名的烧石灰师傅,一天夜里,巴老头舀了两瓢泥浆水,坐在屋后岩澡盆里抹身子。突然,一颗明晃晃 的星子忽悠悠从天上飘下来,落在岩澡盆里。你说怪不怪,巴老头竟怀孕了。三三九天,生了个小妹崽。巴老头羞得不得了。这妹崽一生下来,就要到岩盆里洗澡,还左一声阿爹,右一声阿爹,叫得怪亲热的。巴老头又喜又愁,喜的是有了个亲人,愁的是怕见外人。妹崽明白阿爹的心事,就说:“你就说是从山里捡来的,好不,”巴老头说:“好是好,可咱这地方苦哩,溪水不能吃了,乡亲们都搬走了,你过得惯么,”妹崽听了,扑在老爹怀里哭了~ 就这样,妹崽和巴老头住了下来。白天,阿爹进山烧右灰,妹崽就从花溪挑回泉水煮饭,又给爹烧一耳锅热水,让爹回来洗身上的石灰。 有天晚上,妹崽到灶屋后洗澡去了,巴老头独个儿坐着吸闷烟,他抽着抽着,突然听到一阵阵“僻僻啪啪”的水响。怪~妹崽洗澡也不该有恁大的响声呀~他走过去一瞧,吓~不得了啦~澡盆里原来是一条鳞光闪闪的青蛇~巴老头一想,这妹崽本来就来得蹊跷,八成是条青龙变的。管它娘的,蛇也好,龙也好,咱有言在先,我总还是它老子。 隔了一会几,妹崽出来了,穿着一身青衣服。她挨着巴老头坐下来,用毛巾蘸着头发上的水。蘸着蘸着,她突然对巴老头说:“阿爹,我有件事该给您说了。”巴老头说:“我听着哩。”妹崽说:“阿爹,我本是武陵湖的龙姑娘,这金鞭溪水本是武陵湖里的龙泉仙水。后来,龙王爷那只乌鳖不守王法,窜进金鞭溪,想在青岩山称王称霸,它天天困在金鞭溪源头拉屎拉尿,于是把溪水给糟污了。龙王爷要我来除害,还说您是个石灰匠,要我找您帮忙……”巴老头忙问:“我能帮你啥忙呢,”妹崽说:“您叫乡亲们帮忙扎些鱼呀、虾呀什么的,越多越好,先在里面灌些石灰,再领着大伙,舞着这些鱼、虾,敲木头、石块、瓢盆什么都行,把妖鳖逗引出来,那妖鳖吃了这些纸鱼纸虾,一定受不了,那时,我再制伏它……” 寨民们听到巴老头的妹崽要夺回金鞭溪,都很高兴。男的女的老的少的,一齐 动手,扎的扎纸鱼纸虾,灌的灌的石灰,只一夜功夫,就全办妥了。第二天,巴妹 崽领着大伙来到金鞭溪源头。她先吩咐众人把纸玩艺丢进泉洞里,接着又叫大伙敲 木棒呀、瓢盆呀什么的,咿咿呀呀,叮叮哨哨,把正在困懒觉的大妖鳖给吵醒了, 它从洞中窜出来张口把那些纸鱼纸虾吞吃了。它刚一吞下去,还没尝出味儿,石灰 水就发作了,妖鳖被石灰水烧得呼呼乱叫,疼得在洞边打起滚来。这时,巴妹崽变 成一条青龙,梭进泉洞里,揪住妖鳖就打,刹时,泉洞便冒出几丈高的水柱子,周 围几里都弄得雾雨蒙蒙。巴老头晓得妹崽跟妖鳖干上了,便领着大伙拼命敲家伙、 打吆喝,为妹崽助威。过了一天一夜,泉洞里冒出一股污血,接着涨起了洪水,巴 妹崽变成的青龙,顺着洪水走了。 三天三夜后,洪水退了,溪水变得更清更甜了。一刹间,荒山青了,花儿开了, 绿水映蓝大,蓝天映青山,就象仙女撒的玉簪、珍珠、碧罗,美极了。青岩山又热 闹起来了,四方游客又游山赏景来了。有个古诗人从百丈峡一直游到金鞭溪,不觉 被这奇山秀水所迷醉,写诗赞道:人游山峡里,宛在画图中。 Golden Whip Stream Zhangjiajie The Yellow River and the Yangtze River are prominent on a world map, but even on a small-scale map of Zhangjiajie, Golden Whip Stream appears as just a fine thread. In the opinion of many tourists, however, this is the most beautiful and memorable waterway. When visiting Golden Whip Stream, vice governor of Colorado, USA, Nancy Dick, remarked these words: People commonly say that the Great Canyon (the Colorado Canyon) is very fantastic, but I think Golden Whip Stream is even more fantastic. It is the most beautiful place in the world, and Ill remember this place forever. With a length of 7.5 kilometers, Golden Whip Stream is famous for its pristine water, its verdant mountains, its steep cliffs and its serene valley. As a veritable paradise for plants, its pathways are adorned by an abundance of flowers, trees, and grasses. Then too, this place is a kingdom fit for various fauna-birds, fish and land animals. Such comparable scenic poetry is only to be found in fairy tales. Indeed, someone has aptly remarked: It is a stream of bright watercolor painting, and a creator of ancient legends. To many other observers, Golden Whip Stream is a stream at once unique and mysterious, producing astonishment in the hearts of those fortunate enough to tour its wonders. What amazing scenery is to be found here! Only by coming here in person can one grasp its true charm. Lets proceed into the valley and take in the scenery with our own eyes, we are greeted by an explosion of splendid and varied scenery: Mother and Child Peak, Bajie Carrying His Wife on the Back, Golden Whip Crag, Magical Hawk Protecting the Whip, Drunk Arhat—. Truly just as noted Every step forward brings you astonishment and all the peaks are in their own different shapes. All of this grandeur requires an investment of about three hours of our time. Golden Whip Stream is a comfortable place for bush walk. From Laomuwang to Shuiraoshimen(water winding four gates),people usually spend 3 hours walking in this 7.5km long canyon without steps. From water winding four gates people can go to Bailong Elevator (2 minutes bus), and Tianzi Mountain Lower Cable Way Station (15 minutes bus) 天子山因明初土家族领袖农民起义领袖向大坤自号“向王天子”,而得名。天子山东临 索溪峪,南接张家界,北依桑植县,是武陵源区四大风景之一。 天子山位于“金三角”的最高处,素有“扩大的盆景,缩小的仙境”的美誉。天子山海拔 最高1262.5米(昆仑峰),最低534米(狮兰峪)。景区总面积67平方公里,环山游 览线有45公里。年平均气温12?,年降雨量1800毫升,年无霜期240天,年冰冻 期60到80天左右。 从天子山的地质地貌来看,除山顶上海拔几百米以上有一层石 灰岩和极少量的龟纹石以外,大部分景区景点都是石英石构成,属砂岩峰林地貌, 基本上与索溪峪,张家界相同,是三亿八千万年前由一片汪洋大海逐步沉下来的沉 积岩(水成岩),后来,又由于复杂而漫长的成岩过程,才形成我们今天所见到的总 厚度达五六百米的石英砂岩,形成了各种造型奇异的景观。 天子山的风光,用一名 话来概括,就是“原始风光自然美”。她的景观、景点都是天造地设,全无人工雕琢痕 迹。这里不但有奇山秀水,还有淳朴的民情,奇特的民俗、独具风味的民族食品正 等待着各位游客光临。 难怪有人评价说:“谁人识得天子面,归来不看天下山”,“不 游天子山,枉到武陵源”。现代肖草《天子山青松》诗:“擎天绝壁突老松,舒展长臂 挡劲风;凌空豪情俯天下,笑傲杜鹃落花中”也给予真实诠释。 天子山一带,风光旖旎,景色秀美,景点众多。该游览线风景相对集中,有“凭栏览 尽天上景”之称。 Tianzi Mountain (天子山) is located in Zhangjiajie in the Hunan Province of China, close to the Suoxi Valley. It is named after the farmer Xiang Dakun of the Tujia ethnic group, who led a successful local farmers' revolt and called himself "tianzi". This means "son of heaven" and is the traditional epithet of the Chinese emperor. 俗话说“不上黄石寨,枉到张家界”,可见黄石寨在张家界风光中的地位了。 黄石寨,位于张家界市的武陵源,是国家5条精品游览线之一。相传汉朝张良, 看破红尘,辞官不做,隐居江湖。在云游这里时,被官兵围困。后来得师父黄石公的帮助脱险,因而把这里叫作黄石寨。 有人曾这样评价黄石寨:五步称奇,七步叫绝;十步之外,目瞪口呆。黄石寨这里的每一座岩蜂都是一件古老的艺术品,它们如剑、如针、如龙首、如龟头、如现代化都市的摩天大厦……1992年5月,两位联合国世界遗产委员会派来的蓝眼睛官员面对黄石寨的磅砣气势哦哦连声,叹为观止。 黄石寨的山有棱有角,形状独特。山的周围有云雾缭绕。云雾袅袅升腾,林涛猎猎起伏,这是多么美的一幅画卷哪~现代肖草《重上黄石寨》诗:“烟云飘渺峰尽俏,风月乍寒林无鸟;故地重来芙蓉骄,黄石不去蓬莱笑”给予了真实诠释。一位旅客说:“看过了黄石寨,此生足矣;看过了黄石寨,觉得更要好好活下去了。” 地理 寨顶面积16.5公顷,西南稍高,东北略低。周围则悬崖绝壁,绿树从生,伸出许多淩空观景台。阴雨天气,寨台四周云烟弥漫,千峰攒聚;晴晨日出,薄雾飘飞,群峰或明或暗,变幻神奇;静夜月明,星空辽阔,峰群淡雅端正,背景幽深缥缈;寒冬冰雪覆盖,冰柱下悬,千峰万壑堆银砌玉;沿寨环行,群峰皆立足下,远近诸般奇景尽收眼底。黄石寨海拔1200米,占地面积250亩,为张家界森林公园最大、 最集中的观景台,主要观景点有20余处,故有“不上黄石寨,枉到张家界”之说。有南北两条步行登寨游道,还有后山车道自老磨湾通通寨后卡门,系砂石路面;从南面登寨,沿途有天 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 宝匣、定海神针、南天一柱、摘星台、天桥遗墩、六奇阁等绝佳景点。 Huangshizhai, ( yellow stone stronghold in English) Covering an area of about 250 mu (about 16.7 hectares) at its top, Huangshi Village is approximately 800 meters above the ground, and 1100 meters above sea level averagely. The village is characterized by the overhanging cliffs, high staking platforms, jagged rocks and elegant apexes. And it is reputed as the enlarged potted landscape landscape and miniature fairyland . Huangshizhai(Yellow stone stronghold) is also called Yellow Lion Village, Yellow Grass Village and the Village of Huang Family. There are many tales and explanations about the origin of the name. Among them, the most popular one is told as below; ZhangLiang, with the official title Liuhou, lived in Qinyan Mountain (former name for Zhangjiajie) in seclusion and made pills of immortality. He did this to avoid the seemingly endless disputes within the imperial government. Unexpectedly, on a certain day, he was found by the government troops and surrounded by them quickly. At this critical moment, fortunately he was saved by his master named Yellow stone Taioist. Because this village is the place that Yellow stone Taoist showed his magic and saved Zhang Liang, it is called Yellow stone stronghold Village. It is very good for health to hike along the top of Yellow stone stronghold Village. The summits fresh air can not only invigorates your lungs but also rejuvenates your skin. To complete the three kilometers tour takes about two hours. Along the way, numerous fantastic scenes meet the hikers in quick succession: Six Wonders Pavilion, Star Gathering Stage, Five Fingers Peaks, Front Garden, Echo Wall, Heicongnao, Remaining Piers of the Heavenly Bridge, Clouds Drifting Cave, Golden Turtle n the Clouds Sea, to mention just a few. There are two approaches to tour the place; one is cable way, people take 3 minutes free bus at Laomuwang to Lower Cable Station, then 5 minutes cable to the top of Yellow stone stronghold village. And it will take us 2 hours to take every scenic spot to the top. The other way is hiking, hiking begins at Laomuwang from the front mountain, 3800 steps lead to the top, it will take 2 hours hiking, and 2 hours tour on the top. You can also take one way cable (price: up 48 RMB,down 48 RMB).There is a buffet restaurant on the top of Yellow stone stronghold village. 黄龙洞现已探明的洞底总面积10万平方米,全长7.5公里,垂直高度140米。洞体 共分四层,整个洞内洞中有洞,洞中有河,石笋、石柱、石钟乳各种洞穴奇观琳琅 满目,美不胜收。据专家考证,大约3.8亿年前,黄龙洞地区是一片汪洋大海,沉积 了可溶性强的石灰岩和白云岩地层,经过漫长年代开始孕育洞穴,直到6500万年前 地壳抬升,出现了干溶洞,然后经岩溶和水流作用,便形成了今日地下奇观。中国 地质部70多位专家的考察结论则是:黄龙洞规模之多、内容之全、景色之美几乎包 揽了《洞穴学》的全部内容,是世界溶洞的“全能冠军”。 黄龙洞以立体的洞穴结构,庞大的洞穴空间,宽阔的龙宫厅及数以万计的石笋, 高大的洞穴瀑布,水陆兼备的游览线等优势构成了国内外颇有特色的游览洞穴,洞 内有1库、2河、3潭、4瀑、13大厅、98廊,以及几十座山峰,上千个白玉池和近 万根石笋。由石灰质溶液凝结而成的石钟乳、石笋、石柱、石花、石幔、石枝、石 管、石珍珠、石珊瑚等遍布其中,无所不奇,无奇不有,仿佛一座神奇的地下“魔宫”。 黄龙洞现已开放有龙舞厅、响水河、天仙瀑、天柱街、龙宫等6大游览区,主要景 观有定海神针、万年雪松、龙王宝座、火箭升空、花果山、天仙瀑布、海螺吹天、 双门迎宾、沧海桑田、黄土高坡等100多个。 人类文化已进入崇尚王牌、追求极品的时代。被列入世界自然遗产的武陵源风 景区,无疑是中华自然风光的一块王牌,而被国家旅游局列为全国35个王牌景点之一的黄龙洞,当之无愧成了这一王牌景区的核心。这颗深藏地下亿年的明珠,伴随着八十年代初张家界的对外开放而得以蛮声海内外。 黄龙洞已探明的洞底总面积10万平方米,全长7.5公里,垂直高度140米,内分两层旱洞和两层水洞。洞内拥有1库、2河、3潭、4瀑、13大厅、98廊。洞内有迷宫、响水河、天仙水、天柱街、龙宫等六大景区,整个大洞犹如一株古木错节盘根,散发开来,洞中有洞,楼上有楼,各种洞穴奇观玲琅满目、美不胜收。其规模之大、钟乳石之多、形状之奇,在国内外溶洞中是极为罕见的,被中外溶洞专家誉为世界溶洞的"全能冠军"。 黄龙洞位于索溪峪东面,被称为“地下魔宫”,洞口雾霭迷漫,洞内长廊蜿蜒,钟乳悬浮,石柱石笋林立, 黄龙洞 还有石帘、石幔、石花、石琴,琳琅满目,异彩纷呈,令人目不暇接。“洞外洞”、“楼外楼”、“天外天”、“山外山”,盘根错节。黄龙洞内可分四层,水陆并进,从最低阴河至最高穹顶,垂直高度差有100多米,洞内有一个水库(黄龙水洞)、二条阴河(响水河、水晶河)、三个地下瀑布(黄龙瀑、天水瀑、天地瀑)、四个水潭、十三个厅(宫)(龙舞宫、水晶宫、迷人宫……)、九十六条游廊,长度约达15公里,最大的厅堂有12000平方米,可容纳万人。真可谓是洞中乾坤大,地下有洞天。入黄龙洞,如入人间仙境一般。 Yellow Dragon Cave is more beautiful than the outside world. Day or night, without fear of rain or wind, all year long, you can delight in its wonderful scenery.The cave is of good beneficial air circulation, and is cool in the summer and war in the winter. Yellow Dragon Cave is one of the foremost scenic areas in Zhangjiajie, and was rated as one of the first 4A National Tourist Attractions in China. Also it has been honored as magical karst cave both in China and in the world . This system of caves is a typical karst formation, and you know that water plays an extremely important role in its development. Flowing into the fissures of the karst layer, water constantly dissolves the limestone rock, thereby widening the crevice. This process continues year after year and thus the caves are created. The Yellow Dragon Cave system covers a proven area of 140 meters. The inner recess is divided into four layers, two dry ones and two possessing waterways. The tally of natural wonders includes: one natural reservoir, 2 underground rivers, 3 pools, 4 waterfalls, 13 grand halls, 96 passageways and hundreds of thousands of stalagmites, columns and stalactites. The Yellow Dragon Cave is so complex and unfathomable, possessing such a multitude of geological features, that it’s impossible for us to take them all in at one time. This “magical place” abounds with all the sceneries that we can enjoy in the karst caves and the stalagmites are in all different shapes. Many famous scenic spots have been developing: the Dragon Dance Hall, Sounding River, Immortal Waterfall, Heaven Pillar Street, and the Dragon Palace. Except for a short distance near the entrance, we won’t have to do any backtracking in the cave. The entire tour takes about two hours—2400 meters by land and an additional 800 meters by water. Yellow Dragon Cave situated in Suoxiyu natural reserve, 15 minutes drive from Suoxiyu town, 1 hour drive from Zhangjiajie City, 20 minutes drive from Zhangjiajie National Park, and people spend 2 hours in the cave. Yellow Dragon Cave is the longest one in Asia; it is an incomparable realm of gigantic subterranean chambers, fantastic cave formations, and extraordinary features. Today many of the wonders of Yellow dragon cave are well known, yet the experience of exploring its chambers is every bit as exciting. The cave remained mystic to local villagers before the first caving adventure took place in 1982; they believe it was the holy home for yellow dragon and spirits. Now the routes are well paved and well lighted. Sturdy walking shoes, flashlights, and water are required when you explore the cave. 宝峰湖主要景点由宝峰湖和鹰窝寨两大块组成。其中宝峰湖、奇峰飞瀑、鹰窝寨、 一线天被称为武陵源“四绝”。是武陵源风景名胜中的精品景点,也是张家界核心景区 惟一以水为主的旅游景点。曾作为2001年张家界国际森林保护节文艺 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演的天然布 景,在中央电视台、湖南电视台多次亮相,骤然间成为海内外游人心中胜景。它是一座 罕见的高峡平湖,四面青山,一泓碧水,风光旖旎,是山水风景杰作。 宝峰湖水深72米,长2.5公里,以其秀丽的湖光水色与幽野的洞天情趣成为武 陵源水景风光的代表之作,电视剧《西游记》中花果山水帘洞外景就拍摄于“奇峰飞 瀑”。 湖中有两座叠翠小岛,近岸奇峰屹立,峰回水转。泛舟漫游,只见一湖绿水半 湖倒影,充满诗情画意。“云梯万丈上天台,高峡平湖一鉴开,王母瑶池金扶,浣沙 仙女下凡来”游宝峰湖,你就会欣赏到这样的诗情画意。群峰拥抱的宝峰湖,长约2.,5 公里,湖犹如一面宝镜,四面青山,一泓碧水,荡桨温游,格外惬意。坐在船上, 环顾四周,千山耸翠,俯视水中,倒影慢移,碧水照相馆得群峰绿,人面桃花水映 红。真是静极了,美极了~韩剧《九天洞》拍摄的湖水就是宝峰湖。 在湖中漫游,还可以见到湖心岛上的一些佳景,如“仙女照镜”、“高峡平湖”、“金 蟾含月” 也各有特色。 鹰窝寨为宝峰公园一景,进公园后西向登山数百石级,头顶的石峰裂缝如线, 入口处有古城门雉堞,尽处有宝峰古寺,香火旺盛。崖上石径直上峰顶,相传旧社 会有匪首如鹰盘踞山顶小寨。一线天是宝峰公园的一大绝景。峡谷长200余米,高 100余米,平均宽度不足两米,中有小溪,溪畔石级盘旋而上,清幽无比,曲奥无穷。 该游览线还有一系列景点,著名的鹰窝寨位于宝峰湖西南一绝壁之上。早年是著名 的土匪寨子,电视剧《乌龙山剿匪记》就拍摄于此。 Baofeng Lake is a veritable place of graceful mountains and charming waterway and for all the kind ,good gracious and wise people. Baofeng Lake is such a paradise that you would like to visit again and again, whether you have been here or not. Located in the high gorges, a body of crystalline and calm water is surrounded by the emerald mountains. The lake is situated part way up the mountain range, 85 meters above the ground, and attains an altitude of 585 meters. Because of its association with the Baofeng Mountain Range, the lake bears the name of Baofeng. With an average depth of 72 meters, Baofeng Lake covers an area of 15 hectares, and can hold 6 million cubic meters of water at full capacity. This water is produced by rainfall, mountain springs and underground streams, and stays emerald all year around, so it is reputed as Paradise in the Human World. Beautiful scenery in this area include: Baofeng Waterfall, Stone Gate Welcoming Guests, Peacock Displaying Colorful Tail, and Golden Toad Biting the Moon, Fairy Lady Reflected in the Lake and so on. Baofeng lake situated in Suoxiyu Natural Reserve, it seats in the half way of eagle mountain, but not a natural lake. in 1970’s people fill the small faults of the lake with concrete to store water and water level come up and beautiful lake takes shape, boat tour in the lake gives a lot of fun with the folk songs by girls in the boat, the tourists are expected to interact with the folk song girls by crossing singing, permanent waterfall at the entrance is a wonder.
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