首页 仓库出库管理流程



仓库出库管理流程仓库出库管理流程 1目的 为加强公司外购原料辅料出库、成品出库、半成品出库等出库流程中各部门工作配合, 确中出库管理合理有效,特制订本程序(注:机器零配件作辅料类别,纳入辅料管理) 2适用范围 适用于公司对成品出库、外购原料辅料出库、半成品出库等出库过程的控制(电商仓不在 此范围); 3工作职责 3.1仓储物流部:负责外购原料辅料出库、成品出库、半成品等物料出库中的配货,按单发料 等出库工作; 3.2品管部:负责处理外购原料辅料出库、成品出库及半成品出库等出库后的质量处理工作 3.3采购部:负责对外购...

仓库出库管理 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 1目的 为加强公司外购原料辅料出库、成品出库、半成品出库等出库流程中各部门工作配合, 确中出库管理合理有效,特制订本程序(注:机器零配件作辅料类别,纳入辅料管理) 2适用范围 适用于公司对成品出库、外购原料辅料出库、半成品出库等出库过程的控制(电商仓不在 此范围); 3工作职责 3.1仓储物流部:负责外购原料辅料出库、成品出库、半成品等物料出库中的配货,按单发料 等出库工作; 3.2品管部:负责处理外购原料辅料出库、成品出库及半成品出库等出库后的质量处理工作 3.3采购部:负责对外购原料辅料出库使用后发现质量问题时的外联工作 3.4财务部:对外购原料辅料出库、成品出库、半成品出库等出库流程规范的监督检查 3.5生产部:根据流程安排成品返工时的成品出库工作 4、物料出库流程 4.1 原辅料出库由生产车间由领用经办管理人员开立根据生产订单需要开具《领料申请单》,领 料单”必须填清楚订单号、物料编号、名称、规格、数量和生产车间。经车间主管核签后 向仓储部相关仓库办理领料,各车间因生产需要领用原辅料,应提前按以上要求开好单据; 4.2成品出库由销售客服根据销售订单在系统生产《销售出库单》后安排出货,销售部或包装 车间不得越过仓库直接发货到客户; 4.3领用工具类,高额度价格用品时或其它维修配件时由机修师傅填写《领料申请单》经车间 主管核签后向仓储部相关仓库办理领料,以损坏的零件到辅料仓库换领新零件,并开具《生 产领料单》; 4.4原辅料仓库收到《领料申请单》后要求依据先进先出原则,及时安排配好原辅料,并开具 《生产领料单》,仓库仓管员与各部门领料人员必须于仓库现场作点交签收手续; 4.5销售成品出库由仓管员根据销售客服在系统制好的《销售出库单》,安排于48小时内配好 货物,配物要求规格数量准确无误,配好后打包,并将红联用塑料袋装好后放出货物,并 在外编织袋写明“内有清单字样”编织袋上写上收货人、地址、电话等信息,以上完成后, 由配货人员填写《成品仓发货 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 表》,便于追溯各批次出货配货人员,仓管员应于次日 将《销售出库单》给内销部一联; 4.6对于投入车间使用过程发现存在质量问题的,由质检反馈采购和仓库,需要暂时封存的应 先封存待采购联系供方进行质量处理; work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 4.7对于未经仓库入库且直接由销售部门发货给客户的,仓库人员不得为其补办出入库手续, 违者处罚仓管员200元/次,并处口头警告一次; 4.8对未办理领料手续而先行发料的给予仓管员5分/次处罚,同时对未办理手续或未经仓管员 许可擅自领料部门予以10分/次处罚; 4.9本流程有违反的按单项违反100元/次处罚责任人 5、附图: 5.1仓库出库流程图 6、附表: 6.1《销售出库单》 6.2《领料申请单》 6.3《生产领料单》 6.4《成品仓发货记录表》 work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 仓库出库管理流程图 生产车间在金蝶系统中 销售部门在金蝶系统中 生成销售出库单 生成领料单 浙江英其尔针织有限公司 仓储物流 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 管理文件 编 号 YQE/GL-002 成品仓根据出货单发货 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 , 成品仓根据出口发货计划按照版本:A/0 生效日期 仓库出库管理流程 按照先进先出原则配货发货 先进先出原则将产品打包 密级:保密 页 码 3/7 在金蝶系统中审核销 售出库单 核对销售出库单、品名、数量、 编号是否与备好的物料完全相符 将成品送到指 将包装数量及规格通 知外贸部 定收货区域 根据实际装箱情况订舱、准备报关单证 将销售出库单蓝联交给 通知代理提货 内销部 外贸部将发货信息邮件通知客户 外贸部将发货信息报财务 并开具销售发票 ,跟进报关并开具发票 附表1: 销售出库单 购货单位 出库日期: 托运部: 下单日期: 地址/电话: 产品代码 产品名称 颜色 实发数量 单位 单价 销售金额 备 注 work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 合计: 审核: 发货: 制单: 收货人: 附表2: 领料申请单 领料部门: 发料仓库: 日期: 物料编码 订单号 物料名称 规格型号 批号 单位 数量 件数 备 注 金额大写: 审核: 记账: 验收: 制单: 注:一式三联,红联车间,蓝联财务。 附表3: 生产领料单 领料部门: 发料仓库: 日期: 编号: 备注(订单物料编码 物料名称 规格型号 批号 单位 数量 单价 金额 件数 号) 金额大写: 审核: 记账: 验收: 保管: 制单: work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 浙江英其尔针织有限公司 仓储物流管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 管理文件 编 号 YQE/GL-002 版本:A/0 生效日期 仓库出库管理流程 密级:保密 页 码 5/7 附表4: 成品仓发货记录表 发货日期 客户名称 出库单号 箱 数 件 数 配单人 备 注 work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by 编制 审核 批准 日期 日期 日期 work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA ... Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, ? a period buried pieces Board installation ? track beam installation ? electric gourd walking installation (electric car) ? body installation ? caught bucket installation ? Note oil, and lubrication ? installation electric control cabinet ? debugging ? acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, reel installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by
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