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安卓2.3.4-3.0获取ROOT权限教程安卓2.3.4-3.0获取ROOT权限教程 操作步骤: 1、在电脑中安装豌豆荚手机精灵(或者91手机助手for Android)。 2、取出手机中的存储卡(通常为TF卡),用手机自带的数据线连接电脑。然后豌豆荚手机精灵(或91手机助手)会自动安装手机所需的驱动并管理手机文件。 3、在电脑上解压缩SuperOneClick1.91软件包,值得一提的是,由于是破解权限的工具,所以电脑上安装的某些安全工具会报告SuperOneClick1.91为病毒,目前我已经发现的有360安全卫士和小红伞。这种情况下请添加为信...

安卓2.3.4-3.0获取ROOT权限教程 操作步骤: 1、在电脑中安装豌豆荚手机精灵(或者91手机助手for Android)。 2、取出手机中的存储卡(通常为TF卡),用手机自带的数据线连接电脑。然后豌豆荚手机精灵(或91手机助手)会自动安装手机所需的驱动并管理手机文件。 3、在电脑上解压缩SuperOneClick1.91软件包,值得一提的是,由于是破解权限的工具,所以电脑上安装的某些安全工具会 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 SuperOneClick1.91为病毒,目前我已经发现的有360安全卫士和小红伞。这种情况下请添加为信任或者临时关闭会误报的安全软件。解压缩之后,双击打开SuperOneClick 1.91主程序(那个机器人标志的程序就是了)。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 4、在打开运行的SuperOneClick1.91主界面上点击root按钮,SuperOneClick1.91会自动破解手机的root权限,途中可能会弹出对话框询问破解成功,是否测试,不用管它,直到SuperOneClick界面上不再变化为止,当然了,英文好的话,可以看到成功破解的提示的。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace Root完成 安装钛备份。。。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 进入钛备份。。。咦~怎么显示错误那,失败了撒 ,郁闷中 ,继续查帖子 找解决方法,无奈,方法说要重新尝试Root一次,那就只好又重复第一步的过程了。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 重新按第一步的方法重新Root后,在次打开钛备份,哈,成功了~~~ 如果丢失dusybox 可按下面步骤 Busybox安装(Root后钛备份不能使用解决方法) busybox 是一个工具,里面提供了很多 Linux 的命令,可以用来做很多事,比如 app2sd ,比如备份系统等。 安装好之后,不会在系统菜单里显示出什么东西。如果安装了 Titanium Backup ,不会再提示没有安装busybox了 ================== 下面是操作步骤 ================== 1. 首先,先把手机root了,这个按照置论坛里的帖子做就可以。 2. 下载安装 root explorer 3. 下载 busybox 下载好之后,用数据线链接手机,把解压出来的busybox拷到sd卡的根目录(或者其它目录,你记得就行)。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 4. 使用root explorer 浏览到/sdcard,找到busybox,长按,在出来的菜单里选择Copy 浏览到/system/bin/目录 点击屏幕右上角的 remount r/w 按钮(新版本的root explorer 是mount R/W好像,反正按来按去,能贴上就行), 然后点击屏幕下面的paste按钮。 拷贝完成之后,长按/system/bin/下面的busybox,选择Permission,按如图所示设置权限(把上面一行全部打钩,其它有钩也没有关系): 至此,你的busybox便按装好了 ================== 大功告成的分割线 ================== 再去用用钛备份,不会说没有装busybox了吧。。。。。。。开心使用钛备份吧、、、、、、 钛备份可以删除系统带的一些应用程序哦。。。。。。。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 点选中间的"备份/还原",在点选要删除的目标,红色M那个就是目标了。 出现提示,咱就直接点‘卸载’ 要成功哦。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 钛备份真的没的说,这么多安全提示,这样就不怕误删除了。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 继续安全提示。。。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 连续的确认后,删除进行中。。。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 看看,已经变成白色了哦,是不是已经成功删除了呢,回到面板上看看去 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 面板已经没有图标了,删除成功咯, work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace
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