首页 2015年污水处理中央预算内投资备选项目-城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目资金申请报告



2015年污水处理中央预算内投资备选项目-城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目资金申请报告2015年污水处理中央预算内投资备选项目-城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目资金申请报告 2015年污水处理中央预算内投资备选项目-城镇生活污水处理再生 利用设施建设项目资金申请报告 从解决当前我国城镇污水处理设施建设发展不平衡问题着手,按照填平补齐的原则,合理安排各地污水处理设施新增能力。建设重点由东部城市和主要的大中城市逐步向中西部、东北地区等老工业基地、中小城市和县城倾斜,优先支持目前尚无污水集中处理设施的设市城市和县城加快建设。对发达地区、污染严重地区、环境容量较低地区以及环境影响较大的重点流域地区,...

2015年污水处理中央预算内投资备选项目-城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目资金申请 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 2015年污水处理中央预算内投资备选项目-城镇生活污水处理再生 利用设施建设项目资金申请报告 从解决当前我国城镇污水处理设施建设发展不平衡问题着手,按照填平补齐的原则,合理安排各地污水处理设施新增能力。建设重点由东部城市和主要的大中城市逐步向中西部、东北地区等老工业基地、中小城市和县城倾斜,优先支持目前尚无污水集中处理设施的设市城市和县城加快建设。对发达地区、污染严重地区、环境容量较低地区以及环境影响较大的重点流域地区,可以提出高于本规划确定的全国平均污水处理率目标要求,适当增加污水处理设施建设规模。 “十二五”期间,全国规划范围内的城镇新增污水处理规模4569万立方米/日。其中,设市城市2608万立方米/日,县城1006万立方米/日,建制镇955万立方米/日,东部地区1898万立方米/日,中部地区1477万立方米/日,西部地区1194万立方米/日。全部建成后,所有设市城市均建有污水处理厂,县县具有污水处理能力,各省,区、市,污水处理率均达到规划确定的目标,全面提升全国污水处理服务水平。 技术要求。重点流域、重要水源地等敏感水域地区的城镇污水处理设施,应根据水质目标和排污总量控制要求,选择具备除磷脱氮能力的工艺技术。污水处理应坚持集中与分散处理相结合的原则,在人口密度较低、水环境容量较大的地方,以及地处非环境敏感区的建制镇,在满足环保要求的前提下,可根据实际条件采用“分散式、低成本、易管理”的处理工艺,鼓励自然、生态的处理方式。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 第一章 城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目概况...... 错误,未定义书签。 1.1城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目概况 ........ 错误,未定义书签。 1.1.1城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目名称错误,未定义书签。 1.1.2建设性质.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 1.1.3城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目承办单位错误,未定义书 签。 1.1.4城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目负责人错误,未定义书 签。 1.1.5城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目建设地点错误,未定义书 签。 1.1.6城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目目标及主要建设内容.. 错 误,未定义书签。 1.1.7投资估算和资金筹措.......................................... 错误,未定义书签。 1.2.8城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目财务和经济评论错误,未 定义书签。 1.2城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目建设背景 错误,未定义书签。 1.3城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目编制依据以及研究范围错误,未定义书签。 1.3.1国家政策、行业发展规划、地区发展规划...... 错误,未定义书签。 1.3.2项目单位提供的基础资料.................................. 错误,未定义书签。 1.3.3研究工作范围...................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 国投华研信息技术研究院 1.4申请专项资金支持的理由和政策依据 ........................ 错误,未定义书签。 第二章 承办企业的基本情况.................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 2.1 概况 ............................................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 2.2 财务状况 ....................................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 2.3单位组织架构 ................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 第三章 城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设产品市场需求及建设规模错误,未定义书签。 3.1市场发展方向 ................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 3.2城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目产品市场需求分析错误,未定 义书签。 3.3市场前景预测 ................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 3.4城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目产品应用领域及推广错误,未 定义书签。 3.4.1产品生产纲领...................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 3.4.2产品技术性能指标。.......................................... 错误,未定义书签。 3.4.3产品的优良特点及先进性.................................. 错误,未定义书签。 3.4.4城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设产品应用领域错误,未定义书 签。 3.4.5城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设应用推广情况错误,未定义书 签。 第四章 城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目建设 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 错误,未定义书签。 4.1城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目建设内容 错误,未定义书签。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 4.2城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目建设条件 错误,未定义书签。 4.2.1建设地点.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 4.2.2原辅材料供应...................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 4.2.3水电动力供应...................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 4.2.4交通运输.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 4.2.5自然环境.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 4.3工程技术方案 ................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 4.3.1指导思想和设计原则.......................................... 错误,未定义书签。 4.3.2产品技术成果与技术 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 .................................. 错误,未定义书签。 4.3.3生产工艺技术方案.............................................. 错误,未定义书签。 4.3.4生产线工艺技术方案.......................................... 错误,未定义书签。 4.3.5生产工艺.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 4.3.5安装工艺.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 4.4设备方案 ........................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 4.5工程方案 ........................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 4.5.1土建...................................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 4.5.2厂区防护设施及绿化.......................................... 错误,未定义书签。 4.5.3道路停车场.......................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 4.6公用辅助工程 ................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 4.6.1给排水工程.......................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 4.6.2电气工程.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 4.6.3采暖、通风.......................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 国投华研信息技术研究院 4.6.4维修...................................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 4.6.5通讯设施.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 4.6.6蒸汽系统.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 4.6.7消防系统.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 第五章 城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目建设进度错误,未定义书签。 第六章 城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目建设条件落实情况错误,未定义书签。 6.1环保 ................................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 6.2节能 ................................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 6.2.1能耗情况.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 6.2.2节能效果分析...................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 6.3招投标 ............................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 6.3.1总则...................................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 6.3.2项目采用的招标程序.......................................... 错误,未定义书签。 6.3.3招标内容.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 第七章 资金筹措及投资估算.................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 7.1投资估算 ........................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 7.1.1编制依据.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 7.1.2编制方法.............................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 7.1.3固定资产投资总额.............................................. 错误,未定义书签。 7.1.4建设期利息估算.................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 7.1.5流动资金估算...................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 7.2资金筹措 ........................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 7.3投资使用 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 第八章 财务经济效益测算...................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 8.1财务评价依据及范围 .................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 8.2基础数据及参数选取 .................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 8.3财务效益与费用估算 .................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 8.3.1年销售收入估算.................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 8.3.2产品总成本及费用估算...................................... 错误,未定义书签。 8.3.3利润及利润分配.................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 8.4财务分析 ........................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 8.4.1财务盈利能力分析.............................................. 错误,未定义书签。 8.4.2财务清偿能力分析.............................................. 错误,未定义书签。 8.4.3财务生存能力分析.............................................. 错误,未定义书签。 8.5不确定性分析 ................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 8.5.1盈亏平衡分析...................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 8.5.2敏感性分析.......................................................... 错误,未定义书签。 8.6财务评价结论 ................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 第九章 城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目风险分析及控制错误,未定义书签。 9.1风险因素的识别 ............................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 9.2风险评估 ........................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 9.3风险对策研究 ................................................................ 错误,未定义书签。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 国投华研信息技术研究院 第十章 附件.............................................................................. 错误,未定义书签。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master
本文档为【2015年污水处理中央预算内投资备选项目-城镇生活污水处理再生利用设施建设项目资金申请报告】,请使用软件OFFICE或WPS软件打开。作品中的文字与图均可以修改和编辑, 图片更改请在作品中右键图片并更换,文字修改请直接点击文字进行修改,也可以新增和删除文档中的内容。
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