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魔剑镇魂曲 攻略秘籍(1)


魔剑镇魂曲 攻略秘籍(1)魔剑镇魂曲 攻略秘籍(1) 简要攻略魔剑镇魂曲共有20关,详细攻略请至魔剑镇魂曲吧查看,此处仅为简要攻略。 第一关 一路往下走就行,这关不难,基本是熟悉操作的。 第二关 克蕾儿和蒂娃加入,个人建议这关克蕾儿和蒂娃向下走,主角带着人往上走,然后依靠着村庄和山脉来防守反击,扛住几波,然后也就不难了。 第三关 这关建议全体先和莘会合,杀光下面的,然后和亚度尼斯一起杀上面的,杀完之后会有一波伏兵,注意下别死了 第四关 这关开始全体杀光下面的敌军。然后伊瓦杰加入,让伊瓦杰去村庄拿魔女之弓,然后给蒂娃,注意一下...

魔剑镇魂曲 攻略秘籍(1)
魔剑镇魂曲 攻略秘籍(1) 简要攻略魔剑镇魂曲共有20关,详细攻略请至魔剑镇魂曲吧查看,此处仅为简要攻略。 第一关 一路往下走就行,这关不难,基本是熟悉操作的。 第二关 克蕾儿和蒂娃加入,个人建议这关克蕾儿和蒂娃向下走,主角带着人往上走,然后依靠着村庄和山脉来防守反击,扛住几波,然后也就不难了。 第三关 这关建议全体先和莘会合,杀光下面的,然后和亚度尼斯一起杀上面的,杀完之后会有一波伏兵,注意下别死了 第四关 这关开始全体杀光下面的敌军。然后伊瓦杰加入,让伊瓦杰去村庄拿魔女之弓,然后给蒂娃,注意一下最后杀boss的时候两边会出来伏兵,小心别挂了。 第五关 这关我的过法比较干脆,追求速度过关,所以让老克秒了右上角俩。然后全体人员斜上方走,记住这关伊瓦杰很蛋疼。。因为是沙漠,移动慢。。。。。最后德芙娜很好打,主角一遍秒。 第六关 这关好像是飞马刚出来那关吧,这关主要就是右边的村庄飞马别去。。必须主角去,会出现三个敌兵,比较难对付。几波飞兵和骑兵不难杀。 第七关 打凯特。开局奥迪斯加入,或许你会看奥迪斯技能不行,记住,这关干掉凯特以后给一个剑士转职,奥狄斯可以直接转掉。注意一下,这里建议先转奥狄斯,因为奥狄斯转职后可用斧头,而其他用斧头的都比较蛋疼。。。 第八关 这关麻烦的也就是魔剑士了。这关建议用敌兵堵住魔剑士,就是把对方的法师卡住,用艾莉卡住,然后主角等迅速解决夏侬过关。如果不会敌兵堵,那就牺牲一下,用自己人堵吧。、、、 第九关 掉落悬崖,这关记得夏侬别上,主角全杀,经验啊。。。。 第十关 比裘夫和希尔达。唯一有难度的就是希尔达出来后的3只龙骑,解决了这三只龙骑别的也就没难度了。 第十一关 这关号称魔剑全关卡第二难,此关贝丝西瓦加入,西瓦从这里就成为主力。这关西瓦扛下路,主角扛右路,霍克以及其他人一起扛中间。扛住几波人以后,你是直接干boss还是全杀,自己决定。记住,接近boss的时候,会出来一堆人,别跑的太快被围死了。注意一下,这关最好带上霍克,霍克在这关十分霸气,但是这关之后弃掉霍克,因为12关霍克跑的慢,而且后面也没有这种扛很多怪的关卡了。 第十二关 魔剑最难关卡。如果上一关西瓦就是牛刀小试,这关西瓦简直就是万夫莫开。这关共有4波伏兵,后方3波,下面打那个剑兵出来一波。刚出来建议左路走,然后一路向下。紧接着,第一波伏兵出现。不要担心,西瓦站在森林或者据点上,无需奶妈,西瓦能杀光他们。之后,向下,再过一会儿第二波伏兵出现,西瓦站在原地继续杀光。然后打到剑兵了。剑兵那的伏兵可以站在有利地形,防守反击,不难。第三波伏兵也是从上面出来,这波伏兵直接跑,别扛,除了主角和种子莘以外都扛不住。然后主角站在绿格子旁边,其他人过去杀哈萨,建议克何林出来时克何林干一次,然后我们自己干一次,减少难度。但是我是自己干了2次。这should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 里建议杀哈萨,而且杀2次,如果只杀1次,那不如直接走。因为第二次杀给征服者(全游戏仅次于蚩尤战斧的斧头)。 杀哈萨也是技术活,杀哈萨的时候,塞提、伊瓦杰是必备的主力输出,其他人可以不要,塞提一定要去,塞提拿着连锁闪电,出2-3次二连可秒一次哈撒。第二次伊瓦杰上去至少反掉他一半血,然后其他人围殴杀之。杀完也应该残了,这时候主角直接走。别贪图经验,死人是很不爽的,毕竟只有28回合。 第十三关 纯粹送经验关卡,注意从艾莉开始杀,否则无法全杀,很容易的,但是注意一定要全杀,会给很多好东西。 第十四关 不是很有难度,简单关卡。最后boss可用法师秒掉,主角不用上。 第十五关 这关我的选择是等待他们撤退,然后直接干魔剑士。但是注意,干掉亚拉提洛克会给第二把征服者,具体怎么取舍看你自己了。至于干魔剑士,注意不要让主角上去接触。全体人员围殴,最后主角拿着斩风秒掉即可。 第十六关 这关也就是上中下那个了,这关建议上路杀完以后去中路,下路直接去中路,然后中路突破就好。记得中间会出来一波弓箭伏兵,不难干。下面的洛斯比裘夫,杀了给个剑士转职,练刺客的可以杀,其他随意。杀掉boss也就完事了。也可以分三路全杀。 第十七关 建议兵分两路,两边下去直接干哈萨,然后往上走。这关会有2波伏兵,1波龙骑,一波混合。第一波中途出现,第二波攻击哈萨时出现。干掉哈萨后给蚩尤斧,从此奥狄斯可以扛怪了。 第十八关 这关建议从左边向上打,其他可以不管(当然建议全杀)然后往上打就行,不难。这关后面会出来几个圣骑,小意思,杀掉就行。 第十九关 这关注意一下,慢慢推进,多存档,注意3波伏兵,第一波莉莉丝,第二波米凯尔,第三波丽蒂亚,第三波建议主角杀,因为丽蒂亚拿着镇魂曲,小心被秒。最后boss用SL大法多试两次,主角用魔剑可以一次秒掉他,对了,这个boss别让他打你,你打他他会用连锁闪电,他打你可就是镇魂曲了。 第二十关 这关可以说是15关以后最简单的,众多小boss,都不难杀,记住法师杀重甲狂战,弓手杀龙骑,上面的夏侬凯特还有那个勇者给西瓦、奥迪斯、莘解决,克何林建议主角干掉,克何林还是挺猛的。 最后的boss耶克撒,第一次1400血可以直接强杀。第二次2400血可以分开打,一次打他1000多,然后他会回血,回200多,然后第二次再打1000多,第三次杀之即可。之后,通关。游戏开始界面的“,,,”会变成“设定集” 恭喜通关 人物点评1.齐格菲 主角,不用多说的人,他是你过关的保障,除了捡村庄之外的万金油。 人物定位:前中后期主力,秒杀boss第一人选,扛怪第一人选。 人物评分:S,逆天级别。 可带武器:剑系 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 推荐武器:水晶剑(主战武器),破坏之剑(备用主战武器),妖刀(后期杀刺客),风之剑(前期杀BOSS专用,后期分给其他角色),暗杀剑(前期杀刺客),隼剑(顶怪时可减少损血,怪多或贫血时使用,也可杀BOSS),斩风剑(2格武器),魔剑雷瓦丁(专杀BOSS,无比犀利) 2.奥狄斯 全游戏,主角之外物理系第一输出,转职前一般,但是出来的那关就可以拿上一个转职道具,转职以后,二连+连续加成保证了强大的输出,行云流水保证了输出连贯性。可以全种子培养,全种子培养后,可以说,如果主角的连舞换成二连,那么奥迪斯完灭主角。 人物定位:中后期主力输出,后期抗怪 可带武器:剑系,斧系(转职后) 人物评分:A+,极品级别 武器配置:狂战士之斧(主战武器) 妖刀、会心之斧(杀刺客) 穿甲破法斩马恶霸(特效武器) 勇者之斧(2格武器) 征服者(大杀器,暴力输出) 蚩尤战斧(顶怪和杀BOSS的神器,虽然奥狄斯不适合顶怪) 3.西瓦 这才是真正的万金油,不仅可以扛怪,可以拥有强大输出,还拥有飞兵无视地形的优势。格挡保证了他被打时也不会太吃亏,二连击+眩晕+贯通保证了强力输出。缺点是抗较低,碰到法师群会很吃亏。另外,弓箭兵对于飞兵也有克制。尽量别让他去扛法师和弓兵了。 人物定位:中后期主力输出,扛怪第二人选。 可带武器:枪系 人物评级:A+,极品级别。 武器配置:水晶枪(主战武器) 屠杀之枪(杀刺客) 天空之枪(备用主战武器) 奥丁之枪(2格高命中武器,也可杀刺客) 骑枪、断空枪、穿甲枪(特效武器) 魔枪盖伯格(神器)塔雷弥尔(可以带,用来抗法师,但更适合夏绿蒂,西瓦不吃种子要40多级才能用,建议留一个魔种子) 4.塞弗 全游戏最硬的奶,抗、魔、技全游戏最高,守全游戏第三(仅次于霍克,西瓦)。造化弄人,神技能,主角杀boss都要他站在旁边。铁壁+格挡以及强大的属性保证了赛弗成为我方必带人物。但是要注意,因为造化弄人,虽然赛弗的防御很高,但是抗不了几个怪,所以还是尽量让他扛法师飞马一类的低攻击敌兵最好。 人物定位:奶爸,偶尔扛怪,辅助杀boss。 可带武器:杖 人物评分:A+,极品 5.莘 她是一个后期。加入较早,但是早期真心不给力,只能补补刀了。后期,较高的速以及技保证了命中和闪避,加上二连,先制,必杀,后期主力输出,前期。。。别对她有多大希望了。如果带她,强烈建议全种子培养,如果不全种子会各种蛋疼、、、 人物定位:后期主力输出。 可带武器:剑系。 人物评分:A,前期不是很强,但是后期很强,而且全种子培养无比逆天。 武器配置:水晶剑(主战武器),破坏之剑(备用主战武器),妖刀(杀刺客),隼剑(顶怪时可减少损血,怪多或贫血时使用),斩风剑(2格武器),穿甲破法斩马(特效武器) 魔剑雷瓦丁、克何林之剑(神器不解释) should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 6.蒂娃 最早加入的弓箭手,黑寡妇保证了强力输出,二连击+集中攻击保证了无论前中后期都可以做到一回合杀一个人。后期杀飞兵法师简直就是砍瓜切菜。相对而言,男弓就不是很给力了。 人物定位:前中后期主力输出,飞兵杀手,男性敌兵杀手。 可带武器:弓系。 人物评分:A,防御较差,抗也低,容易挂。 武器配置:水晶弓(主战武器) 长弩(3~4格武器) 暗杀之弓(杀刺客) 破心弓(威慑性武器) 连射之弩(配合二连击秒怪) 魔女之弓(前中期神器) 恶魔连弩(大杀器) 沃尔提鲁(神器,2~3格安全输出) 7.席丹 中期加入。技能一般,不如女弓,可以舍弃。但是某些飞兵较多的关卡,带上了也是主力输出。相比女弓,杀重甲龙骑重骑一类高防职业比较占优势,但是这个优势并不突出,因为高防职业是法师的菜。 人物定位:飞兵杀手。 可带武器:弓系 人物评分:B+,纠结到底是给A-还是B+,但最后还是给了B+,因为优势不明显,缺乏二连部分时候输出不如蒂哇稳定(常有杀兵的时候留下几滴血。。)。 武器配置:基本同蒂娃,但真心不如蒂娃,给男同胞丢脸啊。(话说他是纯爷们吗,--征服者ZERO语) 8.霍克 全游戏防御最高,前中期霍克往前一站,可谓一夫当关,万夫莫开,可以说是新手们的最爱。特别是在前几关,半血霍克几乎没有几个兵能够打动他。但是,后期,由于法师的增多,加上霍克全游戏倒数第一的抗,还有不争气的命中。。高手们无情地抛弃了他。但是还得说下,命中的情况下,半血亢奋霍克的输出还是很霸气的。后期蚩尤战斧霍克也无疑是扛物理怪的利器,能打动他的人很少。 人物定位:前中期我方扛怪第一人选,中后期我方扛怪主力。前期扛非法师系boss。 可带武器:枪系,斧系(转职后) 人物评分:B+,也是纠结了一会儿该给A-还是B+,但是蛋疼的命中和技能发动率。。。还是B+把。 武器配置:会心之斧(这货的命中。。。。。。) 水晶枪(反正随便给他什么枪,神器除外) 各类枪系和斧系特效武器(高手是不会练他的,这些武器还是给主力吧) 蚩尤战斧(后期用这神器的话还算是个称职的肉盾) 9.伊瓦杰 这是个暴力,拥有全游戏最高的力和最高的血量。仔细看他的技能,韧性和亢奋其实作用不大。用他,就是用加倍奉还。魔剑是一个神话了“二连击”的游戏,只要有二连击的都可以混到主力。但是,伊瓦杰是一个例外,他没有二连击,但他的输出超越了不少有二连击的(比如克蕾尔和早期的莘)新手们都不是很喜欢用他,因为防御实在太低,抗性也差,命中也不行。但是,我认为,伊瓦杰的低防御恰好保证了加倍奉还的高输出。如果伊瓦杰有西瓦的防御,怪都打不动他,加倍奉还,还什么呢,缺憾是转职前不可上山,转职后可以了。 人物定位:暴力输出,12关反死哈撒,前中期秒boss,前中后期反死boss 可用武器:斧系 人物评分:A-,命中降低了评分 武器配置:会心之斧(主战武器) 勇者之斧(2格武器) 征服者(大杀器,should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 暴力输出,可惜命中堪忧) 蚩尤战斧(顶怪和杀BOSS的神器,虽然伊瓦杰不是肉盾,但好歹强化了脆弱过头的防御) 伊瓦杰不需要特效武器,追求极致命中就可以了。 10.夏绿蒂 飞马,和主角是青梅竹马。加入以后,因为强大的移动能力迅速成为主力。但是,因为攻击不行,防御一般,命中一般,后期很多人放弃了。移动能力与全游戏第二的抗性是亮点 人物定位:前中后期补刀杀法师,前中后期跑村庄,前中后期跟着西瓦偷袭敌军。但是夏绿蒂的战略价值很大,可以一击脱离,引诱敌人进攻。有断层的话就可以阴人了。 可用武器:枪系,剑系(转职后) 人物评分:B+,缺点实在太多,对于魔剑这种游戏,防御不是一切,但是战略价值为其加分 武器配置:妖刀(弥补坑爹的命中) 奥丁之枪(2格高命中武器) 穿甲破法斩马、穿甲断空骑枪(特效武器) 塔雷弥尔(必需的,抗法神器) 11.丽蒂亚 女法师,疑似女主角。技能乍一看一般,似乎只有一击脱离是亮点,输出弱于塞提,但强于贝丝。这里得说说她的牛13之处--卖血。丽蒂亚有一个特点就是必杀很高,必杀和暴走都是加必杀的,而且其主战武器杀戮之风的必杀也很高,所以卖血后丽蒂亚的输出十分恐怖,原地半血则更是恐怖。 人物定位:前中后期主力输出。 可用武器:魔法书。 人物评分:A,输出下限很高,半血状态杀兵比塞提稳定。 武器配置:杀戮之风(主战武器,配合她的高必杀) 魔力反噬(特效武器) 绝对零度(3格武器) 连锁闪电(*2武器)镇魂曲(最好给赛提) 12.塞提 这哥们终于给男同胞们争气了,二连击+连续加成, 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 配置,有这个配置的哪个是垃圾(奥狄斯,主角)后期拿着镇魂曲,秒boss都行(曾经有高手用全种子塞提单挑20章最终boss2400血的耶克萨。总体说两个法师的话,就是丽蒂亚输出下限高,塞提输出上限高。总体说来和丽蒂亚不分上下。 人物定位:前中后期主力输出,后期秒boss(他和丽蒂亚最大的不同就是在对boss的输出) 可用武器:魔法书 人物评分:A,强大的技能为其增分不少,但是中期拿连锁闪电命中有点玄。。。 武器配置:连锁闪电 地狱业火(主战武器) 魔力反噬(特效武器) 绝对零度(3格武器)杀戮之风(杀刺客) 镇魂曲(由于连续加成,所以打得越多塞提约占优势,所以镇魂曲最好给塞提) 13.艾莉 从头跟到尾的奶妈,每个人前期必带,有个外号叫村姑,不知道谁起的。没什么好说的。 人物定位:纯奶妈 可用武器:杖 人物评分:B+,只能加血。。还容易死 14.贝丝 这货有个外号,叫混法。确实,她不仅能加血,还能攻击,连续加成小亮点,但是没有二连,输出着实不给力,偶尔用用她攻击,大多数时候用来加血。也有人说她,奶不奶,法不法。。个人感觉,的确,命中过低,ap也低,补刀都是问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,行动也很低。 人物定位:奶妈,偶尔输出。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 可用武器:杖,魔法书。 人物评分:B+,奶不奶,法不法 武器配置:连锁闪电 地狱业火(主战武器,配合连续加成,但不常用) 绝对零度(3格武器)杀戮之风(弥补低命中)镇魂曲(如果你不带男女法,那可以给她镇魂曲) 15.贾斯汀 公认的全游戏倒数第一,有没有不同意的,技能,一句话,渣渣,破甲+贯通,看起来输出不错,但实际上呢,命中就是一坨。。。贯通从来没中过,号称“贯通万年miss帝”。。。破甲从来没出过。新手都知道这货是板凳。作为骑士,机动性强唯一亮点。 人物定位:早期磨血的,中后期板凳。 可用武器:枪系,剑系(转职后) 人物评分:B-,不是我要给这货最低分,而是他实在太垃圾。 武器配置:细长枪、奥丁之枪、暗杀剑、妖刀(别想太多,要带这货能打中才是王道) 16.克蕾儿 魔剑第一补刀+最强骑士(但是魔剑的骑士都很颓废)。虽然只有两个技能,但都是极品,二连击,不用多说了。一击脱离,这个很赞,有时候打完就跑确实需要它。加上作为骑士,凑活的防御以及不错的移动能力,可以了。带个不错的武器,可以杀杀人了。因为全游戏就她运上了40,所以不用担心命中,拿个重装魔枪级别的武器,后期也能杀人。貌似是克何林的女儿。 人物定位:前中期主力,前中后期补刀。 可用武器:枪系,剑系(转职后) 人物评分:B+,遗憾的是转职后没有技能补充 武器配置:重装魔枪(中后期主战武器)天空之枪(前期主战武器)穿甲破法斩马、穿甲断空骑枪(特效武器)奥丁之枪(两格距离武器)屠杀之枪、妖刀(杀刺客)隼剑、魔枪盖伯格(*2武器)克何林之剑(较低的ap比较适合克蕾尔,但是攻击太低,不是很推荐)魔剑雷瓦丁(不建议给,增加技能发动率效果不明显) 17.里奥 第一关就加入的战将,这个命中。。不多说了。输出还行,眩晕+集中+破甲,可以这个命中实在太限制了。在战将中还算不错,后期可以抗怪。 人物定位:前中期主力,后期板凳 可用武器:斧系 人物评分:B+,虽然有了不错的输出,但命中无疑是个限制。 武器配置:会心之斧(主战武器,命中王道)利刃战斧(前期主战武器,ap较低命中不错)恶霸之斧骑兵杀手(特效武器)蚩尤战斧(抗怪)征服者(大杀器)勇者之斧(2格距离武器) 18.德芙娜 后期加入,女战将。技能一般,破甲唯一亮点。至于暴走。。对于战将,后期半血就是死字贴脸上。。别指望太多,输出不如里奥。防御方面和里奥差不多。 人物定位:后期板凳。 可用武器:斧系 人物评分:B,技能着实不给力,属性也一般 武器配置:会心之斧(主战武器,命中王道)恶霸之斧骑兵杀手(特效武器)蚩尤战斧(抗怪)征服者(大杀器)勇者之斧(2格距离武器) 19.亚度尼斯 唯一的刺客,速全游戏第一。技能方面,必杀+女士杀手保证了输出,一击脱离不错,可惜should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 攻击实在一般。。不给力,如果有个二连击或许会好不少,但可惜也没有二连击。。。想练的可以练。不过这里得说下,这货拿着特效武器打女性敌兵各种爽。。。 人物定位:比较纠结,不好决断,基本上算是个主力输出。 可用武器:剑系 人物评分:A-, 武器配置:水晶剑(主战武器),破坏之剑(备用主战武器),妖刀(杀刺客),隼剑(顶怪时可减少损血,怪多或贫血时使用),斩风剑(2格武器),穿甲破法斩马(特效武器) 克何林之剑(神器不解释) 20:榭尔帕 唯一个重装骑兵,后期加入,行动力一般,贯通保证了输出,铁壁保证了防御。防御和赛弗一样,后期扛扛怪不错。但是看到抗,我无奈了,板凳一个。 人物定位:后期扛非法师兵。 可用武器:枪系,斧系(转职后) 人物评分:B,不错的防御为他加了分 武器配置:会心之斧(这货的命中。。。。。。) 水晶枪(反正随便给他什么枪,神器除外) 各类枪系和斧系特效武器(高手是不会练他的,这些武器还是给主力吧) 蚩尤战斧(后期用这神器的话还算是个称职的肉盾) 游戏细节 作者:zxcvbnm4173(现名雷瓦丁)1.集中攻击bug:原地攻击无法触发集中攻击。解决办法:先移动人物至别的地方,再取消回来攻击 2.一击脱离bug:原地攻击后一击脱离跑不动。解决 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 :和上面一样 3.原地攻击会让一击脱离的移动力减少一格,移动后攻击则不会 4.夹击bug:一旦你发动夹击之后,接下来在回合外你都会一直拥有夹击效果,但如果你下一次主动攻击时不夹击,那么这个效果就会消失,另外读档和吃药也会让bug失效。 5.破甲的伤害是对方防御的3分之2,这个值向小的方向取整,比如对方防御5,则破甲伤害为3,破甲的时候出必杀伤害很可观 6.必杀的伤害是原本的伤害乘以1.5倍,也是向小取整,比如伤害为5,则必杀伤害为7 7.贯通时最多只有2次攻击有贯通效果,也就是龙骑用魔枪头2次攻击都发动2连,也只有前2次攻击有贯通效果,贯通8格的伤害为13,7格为11,6格为10...贯通时出必杀伤害可观 8.多个统帅之间没有叠加效果 9.伊瓦杰的加倍奉还计算方式:设此前伊瓦杰的受到的最大伤害为X,先结算伊瓦杰正常情况下造成的伤害然后再加上X,而不是直接将X加到伊瓦杰的攻击力中。 也就是说伊瓦杰出必杀无法放大加倍奉还的伤害,这一点和贯通破甲不同 10.刺客转职后地形适应力会强很多,地形适应力比较强的还有主角,法师,圣者,海贼在水里和平地上一样,在沙漠上十分悲剧,骑士在树林里也很悲剧 11.亢奋是每少2点血增加1点ap,不过无法在战斗过程中增加,亢奋增加的ap取决于本次战斗开始前的失血量,所以霍克一般先打人再补血,而伊瓦杰最好适当卖血 12.暴走和韧性可以在战斗过程中即时发动,和亢奋不同 13.海贼无法上高山,但转职后可以 14.这个游戏技高的技能发动率一直都是高,技低的技能发动率还是低,高级的克蕾尔和低级的主角技相同的情况下,但主角技能发动率还是明显强于克蕾尔。不过技低的用技种子强化后技能发动率可以感觉提高较多,比升级加的技强很多 同样的,魔剑对高技的人物技能发动率提升较多,其中最明显的是主角的单次连舞的攻击次should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 数 15.命中的计算 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 命中=武器命中+(我方的技×2+运),(敌方的速×2+运) 16.你的身边有好地形在敌人的移动范围内,在同样会被你反击的情况下,敌方一定会进入该地形来攻击你(1)你可以利用这点控制敌方的走位(2)就算飞行单位没有地形加成有时也要先及时抢占这些地方,以免使敌方刺客变得更加棘手 17.没有命中的话武器的耐久不会消耗 18.因为武器减少的速度=武器重量×2-力 19.我方速度 大于对方5点先手连续出手2次, 大于对方9点先手连续出手3次, 接下来每大4点改变出手顺序一次。 我方速度 小于对手1点先手攻击后被连打2次, 小于对手5点先手攻击后被连打3次, 接下来每低4点改变一次。 可见反击时攻击连续性较好(先制攻击例外),主角主动攻击时只能连打2次,则反击时就能连打3次,对连续加成更有利 20.敌人最优先使用攻击范围优势武器,没有范围优势优先克制性武器,主动攻击时优先使用×2,×4武器,比如耶克撒主动攻击1格距离的奶妈也会使用镇魂曲而不是威力更大的暗邪封印,敌人使用强力武器的优先度高于第16条占地形,比如: 主角的2格距离上有个村庄,1格距离都是平地,魔剑士依然会用魔剑砍主角而不是进入村庄用斩风剑 21.克制性武器的效果是在原武器攻击力基础上+10,比如穿甲刀攻击13,打重甲时就是23 但除弓系武器外,克制性武器命中悲催,故建议用我方命中高的角色来打对方回避低的敌人(海贼战将重甲重骑) 另外,沃尔提鲁是唯一有克制效果的神器(弓系武器必定克制飞行兵) 22.我方获得的经验取决于敌人的等级差,每次升级的经验都是100,单次战斗获得的经验上限也是100,非满级状态经验下限是1 例子:杀死同等级敌人经验30,高1级的敌人37,高2级的45.....低1级的24,低2级的19..... 奶妈每次补血都是得到18点经验 编辑本段游戏bug1.关闭声音时,存档会丢失。重新开启声音会恢复。 解决方法:尚无,所以不要关闭声音。 2.游戏崩溃 解决方法:推荐将游戏版本更换一下,换成1.0.7或者1.1.0,这两个版本比较稳定,但也有崩溃的时候。同时也应该注意存档,尽量少点空的地方 魔剑排名四大天王 齐格菲、西瓦、奥狄斯、赛弗 四大板凳 里奥、榭尔帕、德芙娜、贾斯汀 四英雄 雷瓦丁(即谜之魔剑士,丽蒂亚的父亲,15章死亡)、克何林(疑似克蕾儿的父亲,12章死亡)、耶克萨(最终boss,被邪神迷惑)、赛弗(14章加入我方,疑似塞提父亲) 四大补刀手 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 克蕾儿、亚度尼斯、莘、夏绿蒂 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and
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