首页 屋面卷材防水推荐做法基本要求



屋面卷材防水推荐做法基本要求屋面卷材防水推荐做法基本要求 一、适用范围 (一)本推荐做法适用于新建,扩建或改建的屋面防水工程。适用于部级标准规定的1-4级耐久年限的建筑(见表1)。 (二)近年来,新型防水材料不断发展,防水施工工艺随之有所变化,屋面卷材防水施工除采用普通油毡热粘结法之外,各种新型卷材用于屋面的冷粘法,热熔法,自粘法等技术已应用多年, 具有一定的先进性、科学性和实用性。 现将屋面防水工程可以使用的新型沥青防水卷材、高聚物改性沥青防水卷材、合成高分子防水卷材等较为成熟可靠的屋面卷材防水做法,推荐给设计施工人员,以供选用。...

屋面卷材防水推荐做法基本要求 一、适用范围 (一)本推荐做法适用于新建,扩建或改建的屋面防水工程。适用于部级 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 规定的1-4级耐久年限的建筑(见表1)。 (二)近年来,新型防水材料不断发展,防水施工工艺随之有所变化,屋面卷材防水施工除采用普通油毡热粘结法之外,各种新型卷材用于屋面的冷粘法,热熔法,自粘法等技术已应用多年, 具有一定的先进性、科学性和实用性。 现将屋面防水工程可以使用的新型沥青防水卷材、高聚物改性沥青防水卷材、合成高分子防水卷材等较为成熟可靠的屋面卷材防水做法,推荐给设计施工人员,以供选用。 二、设计基本要求 (一)屋面工程根据建筑物的性质、重要程度、使用功能要求、建筑结构特点以及防水耐用年限等,将屋面防水分为四个等级,并按不同等级进行设防(见表2)。 (二)推荐做法设计简图中所采用的新型防水卷材,必须遵照卷材技术要求,严格施工。 (三)屋面分上人屋面及不上人屋面。 上人屋面根据设计人选用水泥砂沙浆,地面砖等作保护层。 不上人屋面应做保护层,如涂刷反光涂料,覆盖粗砂、绿豆石等。 (四)平屋面排水坡度2%,外檐沟排水坡度?1%,水落口排水坡度3~5%,上人屋面排水坡度应为2%。 (五)卷材铺贴有四种方法。 1.热熔法:指采用加热器熔化防水卷材底层的热熔胶,实现卷材与基层粘结的方法称为热熔法。 2.冷粘法:指采用胶结材料直接实现防水卷材与基层粘结的方法称为冷粘法。 3.自粘法:指采用带有自粘胶的防水卷材,不需热加工,也不需另涂胶结材料,而直接实现防水卷材与基层粘结的方法称为自粘法。 4.热沥青法:指采用热沥青胶结材料直接实现防水卷材与基层粘结的方法称为热沥青法。 (六)屋面卷材按施工工艺不同可选用满贴、条粘、点粘和空铺等方法施工。铺贴时应同时将卷材下面的空气排出,卷材平整,粘结牢固,接缝处必须满粘,接缝严密。 1.满粘:即铺贴防水卷材时,卷材与基层整个面积实施粘结的施工方法。 2.条粘:即铺贴防水卷材时,卷材与基层只做条带粘结的施工方法。即在卷材幅中位置做宽200~250mm的条带形粘结。条粘亦称条铺法,粘结面积不少于25%。 3.点粘:即铺贴防水卷材时,卷材与基层仅实施点粘结的施工方法,亦称花铺法。粘结总面积一般为6%,每平方米粘结5各点以上,每点面积为100×100mm。 4.空铺:即铺贴防水卷材时,除卷材之间搭接处严密粘结外,卷材与基层仅在四周一定宽度内粘结,其余部分不加粘结的施工方法。 (七)屋面防水做法按设计选材与施工要求进行施工。 一般屋面卷材铺贴方向应按屋面坡度和屋面是否受震动确定: 屋面坡度小于3%时,卷材宜平行屋脊铺贴; 屋面坡度在3%~15%时,卷材可平行或垂直屋脊铺贴; 屋面坡度大于15%或屋面受震动时可垂直屋脊铺贴,上下层卷材不得互相垂直铺贴。 坡度超过25%时,不宜做卷材防水。 (八)卷材搭接宽度,应符合表3要求。 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection (九)屋面阴阳角、管根、水落口等防水细部必须作附加层处理。 (十)屋面防水卷材铺贴、卷材搭接以及对接、收头;平屋面自排水、挑檐排水、女儿墙排水、屋面水落口以及屋面与墙面连接、屋面透气管(管根)等细部处理。 三、施工基本要求 (一)工程前期准备 1.施工前应对图纸进行审核,了解屋面施工图中的防水细部构造,有关屋面层次状况极其技术要求。并编制屋面防水 工程施工 建筑工程施工承包1园林工程施工准备消防工程安全技术交底水电安装文明施工建筑工程施工成本控制 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 或技术措施方案。 2.所使用防水材料应通过技术鉴定并有材料出厂合格证,以及市建委颁发的防水材料使用认证证书。材料必须符合设计要求。 防水材料进入现场,应按规定进行现场抽查复试,复试结果达到技术指标时方准时使用。 3.屋面防水工程必须由防水专业队施工。施工人员操作时要穿工作服,软底鞋并戴手套,必要时戴防毒防护安全用具,采取安全防护措施。 (二)作业条件 1.基层15~20mm厚1:2.5水泥砂浆找平层,应抹平压光,坚实牢固、平整不起砂、不得有凹凸、松动、鼓包、裂缝、麻面等现象。其平整度应用2m长直尺检查,找平层与直尺间的空隙不得超过5mm。 2.找平层表面必须干燥,水泥砂浆应具有足够强度,其含水率?9%。找平层干燥有困难时,可采取排气屋面做法。 3.与找平层相连接的管件、设备或预埋件应在保温层施工前安装好,避免防水层完工后再凿眼打洞。 4.找平层与突出屋面结构物(女儿墙、立墙、天窗壁、变形缝、烟囱等)的连接处以及转角处(水落口、檐口、天沟、檐沟、屋脊等)交接处应作成圆弧。圆弧半径应根据卷材种类按表4选用,内部排水的水落口周围应做成略低的凹坑。 5.找平层的坡度即泛水应符合设计有关规定要求,不得局部积水。 (三)注意事项 1.施工材料和辅助材料多属易燃品,存放材料的仓库及施工现场应备有消防器材。使用二甲苯等溶剂应有相应的防毒措施。施工现场必须符合国家有关安全防火规定。 2.在挑檐等危险部位或垂直作业时,操作人员必须配戴安全帽、安全带。 3.五级风(含五级)以上不得施工。 4.高聚物改性沥青防水卷材热熔法施工不低于-10?C;合成高分子防水卷材现场施工不低于-5?C;沥青防水卷材一般不在冬季施工,如确实急需施工时,气温不低于+5?C。屋面防水卷材施工不得在雨天和雪天进行。 (四)加强管理 1.防水施工要与有关工序作业配合协调,施工人员共同防水层不遭破坏,不穿带钉子的鞋上屋面防水层,注意成品保护。 2.劳动组织根据施工作业面变化进行调整,一般每组为5-8人。 3.防水层铺贴完毕严禁踩踏,必须采取保护措施。 4.防水层铺贴完毕应做蓄水或淋水试验,检查合格,确认无渗漏时再做屋面覆盖保护层。 四、屋面防水验收及保修期 (一)卷材屋面防水质量应符合下列要求才允许验收: 1.竣工的卷材防水屋面不得有渗漏和积水现象。 2.所有材料必须符合质量标准与设计要求。 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 3.防水层铺贴方法和卷材搭接顺序应符合规定,搭接宽度应准确,接缝必须严格嵌填密封。卷材表面平整,收头牢固。 4.节点做法必须符合设计要求。 5.每完成一道工序应有专人检查,合格后方可进行下道工序。 6.屋面防水工程施工完毕,应及时整理全部技术资料做好归档工作。 (二)保修期 各种卷材屋面防水工程的保修期至少定为三年。由施工单位与使用单位签定协议,保修期内凡出现渗漏,由施工单位 负责返修,费用由责任方负担。 屋面卷材防水施工工艺 一、三元乙丙-丁基橡胶防水卷材冷作业施工工艺 三元乙丙橡胶防水卷材属合成高分子防水卷材,是以乙烯、丙烯和双环戊二烯三种单体共聚合成的三元乙丙橡胶为主体,掺入适量的丁基橡胶、硫化剂、促进剂、软化剂、补强剂和填充剂等加工制成的高弹性防水材料。它具有耐老化、使用寿命长、拉伸强度高、延伸率大、对基层开裂变形适应强,以及重量轻、可单层冷作业施工等特点。 (一)施工准备 1.材料 (1)三元乙丙-丁基橡胶防水卷材 规格 厚度 1.2mm , 1.5mm 宽度 1.0mm 长度 20mm 技术性能应符合附表1要求。 (2)基层处理剂、基层粘结剂、卷材接缝粘结剂、增强密封膏、着色剂等配套材料应符合附表2要求。 2.机具:按附表3要求准备 (二)施工工艺 1.工艺 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 清理基层?涂刷基层处理剂?附加层处理?卷材表面涂胶?基层表面涂胶?卷材的粘结?排气、压实 ?卷材接头粘结?压实?卷材末端收头及封边处理?做保护层。 2.操作工艺要点 (1)清理基层:施工前将验收合格的基层清扫干净。 (2)涂刷基层处理剂:涂布聚氨酯底胶。 (A)聚氨酯底胶的配制 聚氨酯材料按甲:乙=1:3(重量比)的比例配合,搅拌均匀即可进行涂布施工。也可以由聚氨酯材料按甲:乙:二甲苯=1:1.5:1.5的比例配合,搅拌均匀涂布施工。 (B)涂刷聚氨酯底胶 在大面积涂刷施工前,用油漆刷蘸底胶在阴角、管根、水落口等复杂部位均匀涂刷一遍。用长把滚刷在大面积部位涂刷。涂刷底胶时不得露白见底,厚度均匀一致。待底胶完全干燥后再进行下道工序施工。 (3)附加层施工:阴阳角、管根、水落口等部位必须先做附加层,可采用自粘性密封胶法或聚氨酯涂膜、也可用三元乙丙卷材铺贴一层处理。 (4)卷材与找平层涂刷CX-404胶:将CX-404胶在桶内搅拌均匀。 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection (A)卷材涂胶。将卷材铺展在干净的基层上,用长把滚刷蘸CX-404胶涂匀。应留出搭接部分不涂胶。 (B) 找平层涂胶。在底胶干燥的找平层上,用长把滚刷CX-404胶均匀涂刷。涂刷面不宜过大,然后晾胶。 (5)卷材粘贴 卷材及找平层上的胶基本干燥后(手感不粘,一般20min左右)即可进行铺贴卷材的施工。 (A)屋面施工:卷材应平行屋脊从檐口处往上铺贴,注意双向流水坡度卷材的搭接要顺流水方向,长边及端头的搭接宽度空铺、点粘、条粘时均为100mm,满粘法时均为80mm且端头接茬要错开250mm。 (B)根据卷材配置的部位,从流水坡度的下坡开始,弹出标准线,并使卷材的长向与流水坡方向垂直。 (C)沿标准线铺贴卷材,把已涂刷粘结剂的卷材,先卷成一卷,由中心孔插入一根ø30×1500mm 1.屋面应平整,不得有积水,蓄(淋)水试验应合格。 2.卷材与卷材之间,基层与卷材之间的接缝部位应粘结牢固,不允许有皱折、孔洞、脱层或滑动现象。 3.卷材与卷材之间的搭接宽度按表3要求粘贴,封边应严密,卷材末端收头应粘结牢固。 4.着色保护涂料与卷材之间应附着牢固,覆盖均匀严密,颜色一致,不得有漏底和脱皮现象。 5.防水工程竣工验收时应提供全套材料产品合格证、认证证书及复试报告, 施工方案 围墙砌筑施工方案免费下载道路清表施工方案下载双排脚手架施工方案脚手架专项施工方案专项施工方案脚手架 等文件。 (四)成品保护 1.施工人员应认真保护已做好的防水层,严防施工机具等把防水层戳破、施工人员不允许穿带钉子的鞋在卷材防水层上走动。 2.施工时必须严格避免基层处理剂、各种粘结剂和着色剂等材料污染已做好饰面的墙壁、檐口等部位。 3.水落口处不准堵塞杂物。 (五)注意事项 1.施工用材料和辅助材料多属易燃品,在存放材料的仓库以及施工现场内严禁烟火。 2.每次用完的施工机具要及时用二甲苯或汽油等有机溶剂清洗干净,清洗后溶剂要注意保存或处理掉。 3.下雨或雨后基层尚未干燥时,不得进行卷材的铺设施工,避免卷材粘结不牢或产生起鼓。开裂现象。雪天,五级风以上严禁施工。 4.在大坡度以及挑檐等危险部位进行施工作业时,操作人员必须配带安全带。 二、氯化聚乙烯--橡胶共混防水卷材施工工艺 氯化聚乙烯--橡胶共混防水卷材,属合成高分子防水卷材,是以氯化聚乙烯树脂与合成橡胶为主体,加入适量的硫化剂、促进剂、稳定剂、软化剂和填充剂等,经加工制成的高弹性防水卷材。这种防水卷材兼有塑料和橡胶的特点,不但具有高强度和优异的耐老化性能,而且还具有橡胶类材料的高弹性、高延伸性以及良好的耐低温性能。 (一)施工准备 1.材料 (1)氯化聚乙烯--橡胶共混防水卷材。 规格 厚度:1.2mm;1.5mm 宽度:1.0mm;1.2mm 长度:20m should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 技术性能应符合附表4要求,配套材料参考用量见附表5。 (2)基层处理剂、基层粘结剂、卷材接缝粘结剂、增强密封膏、着色剂以及自硫化胶带等配套材料应符合附表2要求。 (二)施工工艺 1.工艺流程。同三元乙丙防水卷材施工工艺流程。 2.操作工艺要点 (1)清理基层,涂刷基层处理剂同三元乙丙防水卷材施工要求。 (2)附加层施工 阴阳角、管根、水落口等部位必须先做附加层,可采用自粘性密封胶带或聚氨酯涂膜。 (3)涂刷基层胶粘剂 对满粘法及条粘法的屋面防水工程,应在找平层和卷材表面分别涂刷基层胶粘剂。 满粘法:留出80mm搭接部位,其余部位全部涂刷,找平层表面满涂。 条粘法:在找平层表面打线,按线涂布基层胶粘剂,卷材表面按对应位置打线,涂布胶粘剂。 空铺法:距屋面周边800mm内满涂基层胶粘剂按满粘法处理,其余部位不涂基层胶粘剂。 (4)卷材粘贴 卷材表面及找平层涂刷的基层胶粘剂干燥后,即可铺贴卷材(空铺法卷材表面不必涂胶可直接摊铺)。按基准线,铺展一张卷材后,立即用干净的滚刷沿横向顺序滚压一遍,以便排除空气。 (5)卷材按长方向配置,从流水坡度的下坡开始,平行于屋脊的搭接缝应顺流水方向搭接;垂直于屋脊的搭接方向应顺主导风向搭接。 卷材接缝宽度:全粘法:80mm。 空铺法、条粘法:100mm。 粘结方法:将搭接缝部位翻开,用卷材接缝胶粘剂将翻开的卷材反面点粘做暂时固定,在翻开的两卷材表面均匀涂布胶粘剂,待基本干燥后,即可揭开暂时固定的点粘进行搭接部位的粘贴,然后用手持压辊沿横向顺序滚压粘实。 (6)卷材末端的收头处理: 搭接缝的边缘和末端收头处理,应用聚氨酯嵌缝膏或单组分氯磺化聚乙烯嵌缝膏封闭严密,并可用掺有水泥用量20%107胶的水泥砂浆进行压缝处理。 (7)保护层施工 (A)不上人屋面用滚刷在卷材表面均匀涂刷表面保护涂料。 (B)上人屋面按设计要求做地面砖等保护。 (三)工程验收、成品保护、注意事项、同三元乙丙防水卷材要求。 三、LYX-603氯化聚乙烯防水卷材施工工艺 LYX-603氯化聚乙烯防水卷材属合成高分子防水卷材,是以氯化聚乙烯为基材,以玻璃网格布为骨架,经过压延和复合加工制成的高分子合成防水材料。 (一)施工准备 1.材料 (1) LYX-603氯化聚乙烯防水卷材 规格: 厚度 1.2mm 宽度 900mm 重量 1.8kg/m? should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 面积 20m?/卷 技术性能应符合附表6要求。配套材料的胶粘剂及用量参考附表2及附表7。 2.机具:按附表3要求准备 (二)施工工艺 1.工艺流程:同三元乙丙防水卷材施工工艺流程。 2.操作工艺要点: (1)清理基层:施工前将验收合格的基层清扫干净并涂刷基层处理剂。 (2)附加层施工:同三元乙丙防水卷材附加层做法。 (3)卷材涂刷粘结剂:将卷材展开摊铺在干净平整的基层上,用棉纱蘸汽油将卷材两边各150mm宽范围内的隔离粉擦拭干净。用棕刷蘸满LYX-603-3号粘结剂,均匀涂刷在卷材与基层粘结的一侧150mm宽的表面上。卷材与卷材搭接部位及卷材接头部位暂不涂刷粘结剂。 (4)基层涂刷粘结剂:棕刷蘸满粘结剂,在与卷材涂胶宽度相对应的基层上迅速而均匀地进行涂刷,宽窄要一致。用手感觉基本干燥后才能进行铺贴卷材的施工。 (5)铺贴卷材:在卷成圆筒的已涂刷粘结剂的卷材中心插入一根铁管,两人分别手持铁管两端,并将卷材的一端粘贴固定在预定的部位,再沿着标线铺展卷材。铺展时对卷材不要拉得过紧,应在松弛的状态下进行。边对标准线边铺贴卷材。平面与立面相连的卷材,应由下开始向上铺贴,并使卷材紧贴阴角,不得出现空鼓现象。 (6)排除空气:每当铺贴卷材时,边铺贴边用橡胶刮板朝卷材的横向顺序用力地刮压一遍,特别是附加层部位(为满粘贴)要按顺序进行刮压,以彻底排除卷材与基层间的空气。 (7)滚压:在排除空气后,可用外包橡胶的铁制的小压辊进行滚压,屋面转角处、泛水部位要按顺序滚压,确保粘结牢固密实,不得空鼓。 (8)卷材接头的粘法:待下班前将卷材长边、短边搭接缝使用LYX-603-2号胶进行粘结。卷材与卷材搭接宽度按表3要求粘贴,粘合时应从一端开始,按顺序用手逐一压合,不允许由绉缝、翘起、起边、张口现象。粘合后用手持压辊顺序地认真地用力滚压一遍。凡卷材重叠三层的部位,必须填充密封膏封闭。 (9)卷材末端收头处理:卷材末端收头应卧入凹槽内,端头处用建筑密封膏封闭,待密封膏固化后,即可用掺有胶乳的水泥砂浆将凹槽抹平齐压光封闭。 (10)蓄水试验和涂刷着色剂:当卷材铺贴完毕后,进行蓄水试验,屋面坡度最高部位水深不少于100mm,时间不少于24h,观察无渗漏,合格后将卷材表面的尘土、杂物清扫干净。用长把滚刷均匀涂刷卷材表面着色剂。上人屋面可铺置面砖或另做刚性覆盖。 (三)工程验收、成品保护、注意事项同三元乙丙防水卷材要求。 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection
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