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中国共青团团史中国共青团团史 中国共青团团史 一、成立基础 在20世纪初年~由于帝国主义的侵略和封建统治阶级的腐朽没落~中华民族处在贫穷落后的深渊中。俄国十月革命一声炮响~给中国人民送来马克思列宁主义。从此~中国人民获得了争取民族解放的武器~同时也看到了希望和前途。1919年初~中国在巴黎和会上外交的失败直接导致了五四运动的爆发。6月5日中国工人阶级以独立的姿态参加了这场斗争~使其成为彻底的不妥协的反帝反封建爱国运动和中国新民主主义革命的开端。五四运动促进了马列主义在中国的传播以及与中国工人运动的结合~为中国共产党的成立和青...

中国共青团团史 中国共青团团史 一、成立基础 在20世纪初年~由于帝国主义的侵略和封建统治阶级的腐朽没落~中华民族处在贫穷落后的深渊中。俄国十月革命一声炮响~给中国人民送来马克思列宁主义。从此~中国人民获得了争取民族解放的武器~同时也看到了希望和前途。1919年初~中国在巴黎和会上外交的失败直接导致了五四运动的爆发。6月5日中国工人阶级以独立的姿态参加了这场斗争~使其成为彻底的不妥协的反帝反封建爱国运动和中国新民主主义革命的开端。五四运动促进了马列主义在中国的传播以及与中国工人运动的结合~为中国共产党的成立和青年团的建立作了准备。五四运动后~随着中国出现了一批接受马克思主义的先进分子~建立新型的工人阶级革命政党的任务被提上了日程。1920年8月中国共产党的最早组织在中国工人阶级最密集的城市上海首先建立。在这个组织的筹建过程中~共产党的发起人李大钊、陈独秀等人对发展中国青年运动~在青年中培养和挑选预备党员工作给予了极大的关注。因此~这个组织一成立~便指派其最年轻的成员组建社会主义青年团。8月22日~上海社会主义青年团正式成立。不久~上海青年团在机关所在地创办外国语学社~以培养革命青年。此后~北京、武汉、广州、长沙等地也在党的早期组织领导下成立了青年团早期组织。 二、新民主主义革命初期 1921年7月~中国共产党成立。在党的关怀和领导下~中国社会主义青年团组织的发展进入新的阶段。1922年5月5日至10日~中国社会主义青年团第一次全国代表大会在广州召开。大会通过了团的纲领和章程~建立了团的中央领导机构。这次大会的召开标志着中国青年团组织的正式成立。1923年~在党的领导下~青年团发动团员和革命青年以个人身份加入国民党~帮助国民党改组或重建各级组织~同时还选派团员和革命青年到国共合作后创办的黄埔军校和农民运动讲习所学习~为掀III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 起一个反对帝国主义和封建军阀的革命新高潮发挥了重要作用。1925年1月26日至30日在上海召开了第三次全国代表大会。这次大会认真贯彻了中共四大精神~全面总结了团二大闭幕后17个月的工作~确定了全团会后的工作任务。这次大会还一致决定将中国社会主义青年改名为中国社会主义青年团~明确宣布不再隐讳青年团代表无产阶级利益的主张~要公开本组织的共产主义信仰。1925年5月五卅惨案。共青团在中共中央的直接领导下~通过全国学联迅速在全国掀起规模宏大的反帝斗争浪潮。这个反帝斗争浪潮的兴起标志着中国人民反帝斗争已发展到新的阶段。共青团为此作出了重要的贡献。 三、抗日战争时期 1931年9月18日~日本帝国主义制造了九〃一八事变~发动了侵华战争。广大团员和青年学生在事变发生后立即同各界群众一道掀起抗日救亡运动的高潮。1935年~通过北平学联于12月9日成功地发动了着名的一二〃九运动~在全国吹响了抗日救亡斗争的号角~使抗日救亡斗争发展成为汹涌澎湃的全国规模的群众运动。在1936年11月1日中共中央发出了《关于青年工作的决定》~要求全国共青团组织根据斗争形势的要求改造成为全民族的青年抗日救亡团体~更好地承担起带领青年投身抗日救亡运动的责任。1937年4月12日至17日于延安召开了西北青年第一次救国代表大会~率先完成了共青团改造的任务。1937年7月~全面抗战爆发以后~经过共青团改造而建立的共产党领导下的青年抗日救亡组织在抗日救国的目标下~积极促进全国各族、各界青年的大联合和各地青年组织的互相合作~不分党派、阶级、信仰~把一切青年抗日力量团结在共产党所倡导的抗日民族统一战线的旗臶下~从而使得具有爱国主义传统的中国青年纷纷投入抗战的行列。 四、解放战争至建国初期 中共中央于1946年9月决定通过”择地试建“的方式~重建中国青年团组织。经过一段试建取得经验以后~在1947年7月至9月中共中央召开的全国土地会议和解放区青年工作会议上又决定在土改中普遍建团。在国民党统治区从1945年底爆发”一二〃一运动“开始~不断发生声势浩大的以青年学生为先锋的爱国民主运动。随III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 着解放区军民自卫战争的不断胜利和人民解放战争的胜利发展~这些青年学生和各界人民群众反内战、反迫害的爱国民主运动逐步发展成为配合人民解放战争的第二条战线。一些受共产党影响或领导的进步青年组织得到发展壮大~一大批进步青年通过斗争提高了政治觉悟~经受了锻炼~从而为新解放区的建团工作奠定了基础。在中共中央的关怀和领导下~青年团重建工作的进展十分顺利。适应人民解放战争即将取得全国胜利的新形势~中共中央于1949年1月1日发布了《关于建立中国新民主主义青年团的决议》~更加加快了青年团重建的步伐。当年4月11日至18日~中国新民主主义青年团第一次全国代表大会在刚刚解放的北平市隆重举行。这次大会的召开标志着中国青年团组织重建工作的完成。从此~中国青年运动又有了自己的领导核心~并且即将进入一个新的历史发展时期。 五、建国初期 从1953年开始~新中国进入有计划的经济建设时期。青年团通过积极有效的思想教育活动~激励团员青年成为热爱祖国、忠于人民、有知识、守纪律、勤劳勇敢、朝气蓬勃、不怕困难的年轻一代~为逐步实现国家工业化和逐步过渡到社会主义而奋斗。广大团员和青年响应党、团组织的召唤~以”把青春献给祖国“为行动口号~告别家乡和亲人~积极投身到发展国民经济的第一个五年计划的建设项目中~在新中国的建设史上留下了无数可歌可泣的光辉业绩。 1957年~在全国已经基本完成社会主义改造和中共八大胜利召开的新形势下~青年团为了把全国各族青年紧密团结在中国共产党的旗臶下~为建设社会主义新中国而奋斗~于5月15日至25日在北京召开了中国新民主主义青年团第三次全国代表大会。大会全面总结了第一个五年计划期间青年团的工作~确定了新的工作任务。这次大会还通过决议将青年团组织的名称改为“中国共产主义青年团”。 五、改革开放后 1998年6月19日至25日~共青团跨世纪的全国代表大会--第十四次全国代表大会在北京隆重举行。这次大会以邓小平理论为指导~认真贯彻党的十五大精神~III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 在全面总结共青团十三大以来取得的成绩和经验基础上~使全团明确了面向新世纪中国青年的历史使命~同时确定了在跨世纪征途上共青团的光荣任务。这次大会对于进一步激发全国各族青年投身改革开放和现代化建设的积极性~对共青团事业跨世纪的发展~具有重要而深远的影响。 团的性质: 党章和团章对团组织的性质做了明确的规定:中国共产主义青年团是中国共产党领导下的先进青年的群众组织~是广大青年在实践中学习中国特色社会主义和共产主义的学校~是中国共产党的助手和后备军。 团的任务: 坚定不移地贯彻党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线~以经济建础为中心~坚持四项基本原则 ~坚持改革开放 ~在建设中国特色社会主义的伟大实践中~造就 有理想、有道德、有素质、有文化的接班人~努力为党输送新鲜血液~为国家培养青年建设人才~团结带领广大青年~自力更生~艰苦创业~积极推动社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明建设~为全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化贡献智慧和力量。 团的组织: 团的组织包括中央,团的全国代表大会、中央委员会, 、地方和军队,省级代表大会、县级代表大会、各地方代表大会、地方委员会,、基层,基层委员会、总支部委员会、支部委员会,三个大块。,中央委员会由团的III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 全国代表大会选出~地方委员会由各地方代表大会选出,。 入团志愿书的写法, 1、标题:一般写“入团申请书” 2、称谓:一般写“敬爱的团支部” 3、正文:主要包括: ,1,对团的认识, ,2,入团动机和对待入团的态度~表明自己的入团愿望, ,3,个人在政治、思想、作风、工作和学习等方面的主要表现情况, ,4,今后努力方向以及如何以实际行动争取早日加入团组织等。 4、结尾:一般写:“恳请团组织批准我的入团申请”作为正文结束~加“此致~敬礼”等用语结束正文。申请书的最后要署名及注明日期。 一、入团条件 中国共产主义青年团是中国共产党领导的先进青年的群众组织~团章对青年入团的基本条件作了这样的规定:“ 年龄在 14 周岁以上~ 28 周岁以下的中国青年~承认团的章程、愿意参加团的一个组织并在其中积极工作~执行团的决议和按期交纳团费的~可以申请加入中国共产主义青年团。” III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 团费的交纳和管理使用办法由中央委员会统一规定。 团的经费来源主要是:团员交纳的团费、党和政府以及企事业单位关于青少年事业的专项经费、团属经济实体收益、正当的社会资助和团组织的其它合法收入。 特别说明: 为了使中学共青团和少先队在组织上和工作上更好的衔接起来~也为了进一步激励中学的少先队员在政治上追求进步~使他们更进一步接受共产主义教育~ 在1993 年召开的中国共产主义青年团第十三次全国代表大会通过的团章中增加了“中学少先队组织可以推荐优秀少先队员作团的发展对象”的规定。根据这一规定~团中央进一步明确提出~对于经少先队组织培养推荐和团组织考察已达到入团 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的优秀少先队员~可以在他们年满 13 周岁时~发展他们入团~按照团章和《发展团员工作细则 ( 试行 ) 》的规定~办理入团手续。少先队员入团后在年满 13 周岁未满 14 周岁以前仍保留队籍。这些规定 ~为中学少先队员尽早加入团组织创造了条件。 二、入团手续 共青团是按照民主集中制的原则组织起来的战斗堡垒~具有严格的组织 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。一个青年要成为光荣的共青III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 团员~必须履行团章规定的入团手续。履行入团手续的过程~也是要求入团的青年接受团组织教育和考察的过程。应有以下几个步骤: ,一,认真写好入团申请书 (二) 接受组织的考察 ,三,确定入团介绍人 ,四,填写《入团志愿书》 (五) 团支部大会讨论通过 ,六,上级团委审批 ,七,进行入团宣誓 ,一,认真写好入团申请书 根据团章规定~青年要求入团~应首先由本人向团组织提出申请~客观地向团组织介绍自己的情况~表达自己政治上进步的要求~入团申请书应包含以下主要内容: 1. 本人要求入团的态度~其中包括自己对共青团组织的认识~对团组织的纲领、章程的态度。 2. 本人的基本情况~包括年龄、文化程度、学习、工作的主要经历和家庭主要成员、社会关系的主要情况。 3. 本人的现实表现~如思想觉悟、政治态度、学习、工作的现状等。如果本人受过奖励或处分~也应如实写清楚。 4. 今后的努力方向和存在的主要缺点或问题。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. ,二,递交入团申请书后的工作 争取入团~当然首先要向团组织(支部委员会)提出自己的申请。是不是只要向团组织递交了申请书之后~就可以等待团组织来发展自己呢,当然不是。对于争取加入团组织的青年~向团组织提出申请固然重要~但更重要的是~递交入团申请书后的工作。 1、进一步端正入团动机 2、自觉接受团组织的培养教育 3、以实际行动争取入团 4、随时准备接受团组织的考验 ,三,确定入团介绍人 团章规定~青年入团应有团员 2 人介绍~这一规定的目的在于加强团组织与青年积极分子的联系~了解他们的思想工作情况~加强对他们的教育和考察。入团介绍人必须是本支部的共青团员或保留团籍的共产党员。受留团察看处分的团员~在留团察看期间~不能作为入团介绍人。入团介绍人可以由申请入团的青年积极分子自己选择~也可以由团组织指定。入团介绍人的责任是认真地向被介绍人解释团章~负责地向团组织说明被介绍人的思想、表现和经历。 ,四,填写《入团志愿书》 入团志愿书由团中央组织部统一印制~是发展团员III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 专用的重要表格~是青年入团积极分子郑重向团组织表达自己入团志向和意愿的书面凭证。支部委员会对入团申请人经过研究后~如果认为他已具备入团条件~就可以发给《入团志愿书》。填写《入团志愿书》是加入团组织所履行的必要手续~申请人要严肃认真~实事求是地填写。一般要由申请者本人用钢笔或毛笔填写~不能用铅笔、圆珠笔填写。字迹要工整~不应出现涂抹圈画和错别字等现象。同时对团组织要忠诚老实~实事求是~不能隐瞒重大问题。要联系自己思想实际~在填写对团组织的认识~入团动机和今后努力方向等问题~态度要鲜明~不能含糊其辞。 填写志愿书注意事项: ?注意:志愿书落款、介绍人签名、支部大会决议三个时间的先后顺序不能颠倒。 ?注意:入团志愿与入团申请写法的不同~入团志愿不能照抄入团申请书的内容 。 ?入团申请人必须认真、忠实地填写。 ( 五 ) 团支部大会讨论通过 根据团章规定~青年入团须经团的支部大会讨论通过。要求入团的青年填写《入团志愿书》后~支部委员会应广泛征求团内外群众对发展对象的 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 ~召开支委会~听取入团介绍人的情况 汇报 关于vocs治理的情况汇报每日工作汇报下载教师国培汇报文档下载思想汇报Word下载qcc成果汇报ppt免费下载 ~对发展对象的《入团III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 志愿书》进行审查。 讨论接收新团员的支部大会必须有占支部半数以上有表决权的团员出席才能 ,六,上级团委审批 团支部大会讨论通过接收新团员形成决议后~团支部应将支部大会决议填写在《入团志愿书》上~及时报上一级基层团委审批。 基层团委审批接受新团员应召开团委会~在了解申请人情况和支部大会决议的基础上~就是否批准其入团形成一致意见~并将审批意见填写到《入团志愿书》中~加盖团委公章。被批准入团的青年从支部大会通过之日起取得团籍。 ,七,进行入团宣誓 团章规定:“新团员必须在团旗下进行入团宣誓。”入团宣誓对团员是一次庄严而生动的教育。团章规定的入团誓词是:“我志愿加入中国共产主义青年团~坚决拥护中国共产党的领导~遵守团的章程~执行团的决议~履行团员义务~严守团的纪律~勤奋学习~积极工作~吃苦在前~享受在后~为共产主义事业而奋斗。” 一名青年履行入团手续后~就成为了共青团组织的光荣一员。每名加入共青团的青年~都要把入团道路上的新起点。从此~按照团员的标准~严格要求自己~积极III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 在团的组织中学习锻炼~健康成长~发挥团员的模范带头作用~作一名真正合格的共青团员。 ,八,离团 团员年满二十八周岁~没有担任团内职务~应该办理离团手续。 团员加入共产党以后仍保留团籍~年满二十八周岁~没有在团内担任职务~不再保留团籍。 团员有退团的自由。团员要求退团应向支部委员会递交书面 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ~由支部大会决定除名~并报上级委员会备案。 团员没有正当理由~连续六个月不交纳团费、不过团的组织生活~或连续六个月不做团组织分配的工作~均被认为是自行脱团。团员自行脱团~应由支部大会决定除名~并报上级委员会批准。 权利和义务的辨证关系 团员的权利和义务是不可分割的一个整体~二者是相互联系、相互依存的辩证关系。每一个共青团员在享受组织赋予的权利和利益的同时~必须认真履行团员的义务。在共青团组织内~权利与义务是完全一致的~行使团员正当的权利~但不能影响或损害共青团的利益和国家的利益,履行团员的义务~应从保护团员的权利利III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 益出发~用更高的标准严格要求自己。对组织负责~对个人负责~用自己的行动保证团组织的纯洁性和生命力是每个团员的光荣职责。 奖励与处分 对团员的处分 对于不执行团的决议、违反团章的团员~团的组织应当本着惩前毖后、治病救人的精神~进行批评和帮助~情节严重的~给以纪律处分。 处分分为:警告~严重警告~撤销团内职务~留团察看~开除团籍。对团员的纪律处分~必须经支部大会讨论通过~报上级委员会批准。 留团察看的时间为六个月或一年。团员在留团察看期间没有选举权、被选举权和表决权~不得作青年入团的介绍人。留团察看期满~改正了错误的~应当及时恢复其团员的上述权利,坚持错误不改的~应当开除团籍。 中国共产主义青年团团旗旗面为红色~象征革命胜利,左上角缀黄色五角星~周围环绕黄色圆圈~象征着中国青年一代紧密团结在中国共产党周围。• 来历 : 团旗是毛泽东、周恩来等老一辈无产阶级革命家亲自审定~并经党中央批准的。在1949年召开的中国新民III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 主主义青年团第一次全国代表大会上~团员代表代表们提出了应有一面共青团自己的旗臶的想法~被大会采纳。会议结束后~团中央开始着手实施这项工作。1949年5 月在《人民日报》头版刊登了征求团旗图案的启事。各地的团组织、团员、青年和社会各界人士纷纷响应~共设计出一百多种团旗图案。经过多方评选和几度修改~最后选出几种式样~于1950年4月呈报党中央审定。毛泽东同志于4月28日在其中一个团旗式样上批示“同意此式”~周恩来同志在同一式样上批示“同意这个”~并提出具体修改意见。团中央根据党中央的指示~于1950年5月4日发出了关于颁发团旗的决定~由此团旗诞生了 • 内容: 团旗的旗面为红色~象征革命胜利。在旗面左上角缀有黄色五角星~周围环绕黄色圆圈~象征着中国青年一代紧密团结在中国共产党周围。 • 使用 团章第三十条规定:“团的重要会议以及团日活动可以使用团旗”。具体使用方法是: 1、团的各级代表大会和代表会议、团员大会、举行新团员入团宣誓意识的会场~可以悬挂团旗。 2、团日活动可以使用团旗。 3、在重大节日期间~共青团各级机关门口~只悬挂国旗~不悬挂团旗。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 什么时候使用团旗, 团章第三十条规定:“团的重要会议以及团日活动可以使用旗。”其具体使用方法是: (1)团的各级代表大会和代表会议、团员大会、举行新团员入团宣誓仪式的会场~可以悬挂团旗~也可以同时悬挂党旗。团旗和党旗同时悬挂时~党旗应挂在面向的左方~团旗挂在面向的右方。 (2)团日活动可以使用团旗。在重大节日期间~共青团各级机关门口~只悬挂国旗~不悬挂团旗。 团徽 ,一,来历 中国共产主义青年团团徽是经党中央审定批准~在 1959年“五四”运动40周年纪念日这一天由共青团中央委员会颁布的。 ,二,内容 团徽的内容为团旗、齿轮、麦穗、初升的太阳及其光芒~写有“中国共青团”五字的绶带~团徽涂为金红色两色。团旗的旗面和绶带为红色~团旗上的五角星和环绕它的圆圈、旗杆、旗边、齿轮、麦穗、初升的太阳及其光芒~“中国共青团”五个字都为金色。团徽是团的标志~象征着共青团在马列主义、毛泽东思想的光辉照耀下~团结各族青年~朝着党指引的方向奋勇前进。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. ,三,使用 1、团的全国代表大会和代表会议的会场~团的地方各级代表大会和代表会议的会场可以悬挂团徽。共青团中央和省、自治区、直辖市委机关的会议室可以悬挂团徽。各级团委机关门口不悬挂团徽。 2、团的省级以上委员会以“共青团号”命名的火车、轮船、汽车、电车等~可以悬挂团徽。 3、共青团各级组织在自己颁发的奖状、奖旗、奖章、证书、光荣簿和其他荣誉性文书、证书上,在团的报刊杂志上可以加引团徽。凡是工商业品的标记、装饰、广告、图案和日常生活的陈设布臵~都不得使用团徽。 ?团的全国代表大会和代表会议的会场~团的地方各级代表大会和代表会议的会场~可以悬挂团徽。共青团中央和省、自治区、直辖市委机关的会议室~可以悬挂团徽。团委机关门口~不悬挂团徽。 团的省级以上委员会以“共青团号”命名的火车、轮船、汽车、电车等~可以悬挂团徽。 ?共青团各级组织在自己颁发的奖状、奖旗、奖章、证书、光荣簿和其他荣誉性文书、证件上~在团的报刊上~可以加印团徽。 ?中国共产主义青年团团徽可制成徽章~颁发给共青团员佩戴。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 团支部接受新团员以后~向上级团委报送新团员名单时~领回徽章。在入团宣誓时~由基层团组织发给新团员每人一枚。团徽是共青团的标志。佩带团徽能使团员时刻想到自己是一名共青团员~鞭策自己发挥团员的模范作用。所以每一名团员都应该自觉佩带团徽。各级团委机关中的党员干部也可以佩带团徽。佩带团徽的位臵在左胸前。对于经常不佩带团徽的团员~团组织应当对他们进行督促教育。如果团徽不慎遗失~可以申请补发。团员超龄离团后~团徽由本人妥善保管~留作纪念~一般不再佩带。团员被开除团籍时~应交回团徽。非团员青年不能佩带团徽。如发现非团员青年佩带团徽~团组织应该及时向他们说明团徽不是装饰品~非团员不能佩带的道理~并鼓励他们以实际行动争取早日成为一名共青团员。如确有个别青年冒充团员 , 做有损团组织形象的事情 , 团组织要及时查清情况 , 进行严肃批评教育 , 直至追究责任。 团歌(一)来历 : 1988年5月8日~中国共产主义青团第十二次全国代表大会通过了《关于确定代团歌的决议》~决定《光荣啊~中国共青团》,胡宏伟词~雷雨声曲,为中国共产主义青年团代团歌。2003 年共青团十五次代表大会定为团歌。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. ,二,内容 : 1=A 4/4《光荣啊~中国共青团》胡宏伟 词 雷雨声 曲 我们是五月的花海~用青春拥抱时代。我们是初升的太阳~用生命点燃未来。“五四”的火炬~唤起了民族的觉醒。壮丽的事业~激励着我们继往开来。光荣啊~中国共青团~光荣啊~中国共青团~母亲用共产主义为我们命名~我们开创新的世界。 ,三,使用 : 1、共青团各级代表大会、代表会议、全委会~可以演奏或演唱代团歌。 2、基层团总支、团支部、团员大会可以演奏或演唱代团歌。 3、各级团组织举办的各种大型集会和团的集体活动都可以演唱代团歌。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities.
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