首页 教师招聘英语词汇热点专题复习_免费下载



教师招聘英语词汇热点专题复习_免费下载教师招聘英语词汇热点专题复习_免费下载 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,(7) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,1,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,е?,,õ,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,ж,,,ô,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??,,,,磺drive ,C driver, use ,C us...?,...

教师招聘英语词汇热点专题复习_免费下载 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,(7) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,1,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,е?,,õ,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,ж,,,ô,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??,,,,磺drive ,C driver, use ,C us...?,,,,,?,,,,,,?,, ,, ?,,,п,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,,,2,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,what, how,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,壬,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,е,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,,,5,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?, ?,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,ý,,,,?,þ,š,.,,,,? ,,,,Tom has a new car.,,?,,~,?,,, ,,,,The flower isn,,t beautiful.,,,,,!, ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,,,1,, ,,,,,,,,,,,ν,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,l,,,,be,,,??,?,,,,,,Щ,,,,,,not,,,,,,,,,,?? He is playing the guitar.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, He is not playing the guitar.,,,,,,,,,,,, We can get there before dark.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We can,,t get thee before dark.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,, ,,,,,,,,ν,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,û,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,don,,t, doesn,,t,,didn,,t,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,Ρ, He plays the violin well.,,С,,,,-,?,á,,,,,,,, He doesn,,t play the violin well.,,С,,,,-,?,,á,,,,,, She won the game.,,,,,,,,,,,,,? She didn,,t win the game.,,û,,,,,,? ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,顢,,?,,,ν,? ,,,,,,,Σ,,,?,ø,,,š,,,,,,,,š,.,,,,,,,,?,,,ý,,,1,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,you,,,you,,,,,,,,,,,,???,?,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? Be quiet.,,,,,? You be quiet! ,,,,?,,,,, ,,2,,,,Do+,,,,,,,,?,,?,?,,,,,,,,do,,?,,,,,á,? Do come back at once! ,,,b,,,,,?, Do be careful.,,,С,?, ,,3,,please,,,,,,,,,,п,,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,please,,,,,?,,,,,,,,ö,,,,,,,,,,?,??,,, Open the window, please.,,,,,,,, ,,4,,Let,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,õ,?,,,,,,,,?, Let Jack wait a minute.,ý,,,?,, Let,,s go to school.,,,,,,,,,,?ɡ ,,5,,,,,,,,,,У,Let,,s,, Let us,,,,,,,?,Let,,s,,(,,,,,,,,Let us,,,,(,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Let,,s go skating, shall we ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,飩 Let us try again, will you ,,,,,,,,,,?,Σ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,,?,,,,,,, ,,1,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,, ?,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,be,,,,,have,,,У,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,no4,????,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Do you know Mr. Smith ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Can you swim ,,,,,,,, ,,2,,?,,,,,,,?,, ,, ,,?,,,,,,,?,,,У,,,,,not,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,not,?,,,,,,-n,,t,,,,,?-n,,t,,?,,,,,,,,,,,be, have,,,,,,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,У,?,,,,,ü,,,,,, ,, ,,? ,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,4,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,?? ,,,,,?,,,,,no,,,,,, Aren,,t you a football fan ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,Yes, I am. ,?,,,,,,? ,, No, I am not. ,,,,,?,,,, Won,,t she like it ,,,,,,,, Yes, she will. ,?,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,, No, she won,,t. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,no,?,,,,ý,,, ?,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,what, which, who, whom, whose ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what, which, whose ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,when, where, why, how ,,,õ,,,,,,,,,, ?,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ?,,,,, what What is your father He is a doctor. ? ,,,,,, who Who is that boy He is Jack.He is my? brother ,,ò,,,, what,,like What is she like What does she look like She is beautiful. ?,, what,,for What did they come here for To attend a meeting. ,,, why Why did they come here Because they have a meeting to attend. ,,,, how what,,like How is the weather today What is the weather like today It,,s fine. ,, what color,,,, What dolor is her skirt It,,s red. ? ,,,,?, what size What size does he wear He wars 40. ,,,,,, what time What time is it It,,s 7:30. ,,,,, what day What day is today It,,s Tuesday. ,,,?,,,,, what is the date,, What is the date today It,,s May 2. ,,,,,,, how old How old is he He is 38. ,,,,,,,,,,ã, how long How long have you been here For five months. ,,,,,,,,, how long How long is the bridge It,,s 500 metres. ,,,,,?,,, how far How far is it from here to the zoo It,,s 6 kilometres. ,,,,,,,,,, how often How often do you come back Once a week. ,,,,, 侭?how soon How soon will she arrive In an week. ,,,,,,,??, how many,,,,,,,,,how much,,,,,,,,,,, How many?? jackets do you have How much coffee do you want Three.Two cups. ,?, how much How much is it How much does it cost Five dollars. ,,,,,,,, how tall,,,,,,,how high,,,,,,,,, How tall is she How? high is the tower She,,s 1.73 metres.It,,s 450 metres.3,, ,,,,,,?, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,}?,?,},,,,,?,,,,,,ö,,,,???,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,+,,?,,,,,,,,,,orl,,or,,,?,??,?,,,,or,,,,?,,?},,, ,,,,,,?,,,,,yes,,no,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,? Is your bag yellow or black It,,s black.,, Would you like some tea or coffee Either will do.,, Which do you like better, singing or dancing I like dancing better.4,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,д,,,,1,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, I am your teacher, aren,,t I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? He didn,,t study hard, did he ,,,,,?f,,,,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,,,,к,,з,,,,never,,,,,,,,,,,hardly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,nothing,? none no one, nobody, neither, few, little,,,,,,,,,?,,,ÿ,,,,,,磺 They hardly write to each other, do they ,,,?,,,,,,д,?,,,,, He has found nothing, has he ,,,ô?û,,,,,,,,,,? Few people knew the secret, did they ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,??,,,,,,,,,??,, ?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,á,Yes+,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,á,No+,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,??,,,,,,,,,no,,,,,?,,,ɡ? You won,,t be away for long, will you ,,,,,?,,ã,,,,, ,,,,Yes, I will.,,,,,?,,?,,á, No, I won,,t.,?,,?,,,,??,,á, ,,,,I don,,t think she,,ll come by bike, will she ,,,,?,,,,,,,,г,,,,,,,,,,,Yes, she will.,,,,,,,,,,,,г,4,, No, she won,,t.,?,,,,,,,,,г,4,,? 3,,,,,,,,what, how,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,ø,,,š,,,,,,,,,,,ý,,,,,,,,,,,,,what,,ho? w,,what,,,,,,,how,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??? 1,, what,,?,,,, ,,,,1,,what + a/an +,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,+ν,,,,,,,,What a beautiful city it is!,,ô,,,,,?,,,,а,,,,,,,,,What an interesting story she told!,,,,?,,,ô,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,2,,what+,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,,/,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,+ν,,,,,,,,What expensive watches they are!,,,,,?,,, ,,,,,,What terrible weather it is!,,ô,,,,,,,,? 2,,How,,?,,,, ,,,,1,,How+,,,,,/,,,,+,,,,,,,,,+ν,, ,,,,,,How cold it is! ,,,,,, ,,How hard he works! ,,,,,ô?f,,,, ,,,,2,,How+,,,,,,,,,+ν,, ,,,,,,How he loves his son! ,,,ô,,,,?,,,,,? ,,,,,,How I miss you! ,,,,,?,,, ,,,,3,,How+,,,,,+a/an+,,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,+ν,, ,,,,,,How tall a tree it is! ,,ô,,,?,,,,, ,,,,How they cried! ,,,?,ö,,,,?,! 4,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,壬,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,е,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,,,1,,,,,?,,,, ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,l,,,,when,,,,,,,,,,,,while,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,У,,,since,,,,,,,,,4,? ,,,before,,,,,,,,,,,,,after,,,,,,,,,,,tell/until,,?,,,,,,,,,,,as soon as,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,4,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,He was reading the newspaper when I came in.,,,,4,,,,,,,,?,q,?,, ,,,,Keep an eye on my cat while I am away.,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,è,,? ,,,,Don,,t talk so loud while others are studying.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? ,,,,It has been five years since she went abroad.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, He died before his son came back.,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I,,ll show him around our factory as soon as he arrives.,,?,,,,,,,,,,ι,,,,?,,,,,?? ,,,,I,,ll tell him about it as soon as I see him. ,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,(2) ,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,l,,,,if,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,4,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,If you stay at home, I,,ll go.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, If we don,,t get up early, we won,,t catch the train.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,, ,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,ó,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,},,,b,?,,,l,,?,,,б,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,?,, ,,(1) ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,that,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,?,,,,,Tom isn,,t a good student. The teacher told us,,,,,,,,The teacher told us Tom wasn,,t a good student.,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,?? ,,,,He has given up smoking. She said,,,, ,,,,She said he had given up smoking.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,(2) ,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,whether,,ifl,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,? ,,,,Is Jim a doctor I wonder,,,, ,,,,I wonder whether Jim is a doctor.,,,,,,<,?,,,,,,,,? ,,,,Does she dance well Can you tell me,,,, ,,,,Can you tell me if she dances well ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(3) ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?l,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?? ,,,,She asked me where you were going.,,,,,,,,,,,,, She wondered what he wanted to do.,,,,,,,,,,,ô,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,? ,,(1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(?,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,κ,,,,,? ,,,,I am wondering whether he has come or not.,?,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,,,Please tell me when we,,ll have the meeting.,,,,,,,,ô,,,,,,?,,4,,,,,,,I don,,t know who they are talking about.,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,I have heard the window was broken by John.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,(2) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ù,,,,??,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,He said he would kill her.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,? ,,,,She told us Lucy had returned home.,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mary was wondering who could answer the question.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,, ,,,,I didn,,t told them where you were having the meeting.,,,,,,û,и,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,(3) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,? ,,,,Granny told me that the earth moves around the sun.,,,,,,,,,,,Χ,,,,,??,, She said a friend in need is a friend indeed.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? 5,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,õ,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ε,,,,,?,,,,,,,,д,? ,,(,,),,,,,,,,,,,й,,,, that,, which,, who,, whom,, whose ,,,,,,,, when,,??? where,, why,, how,, 1,, that ,,,,,д,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,, ,,A plane is a machine that can fly. ,,,,??,?,?,,,? ,,I like the book (that) you lent me yesterday. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?顣 2,,which,,,,,д,?,,,,,, ,,The book shop is a shop which sells book. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,The book (which) I read last night was wonderful. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? 3,, who ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, whom ,, who ,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, whose ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,The man who visited our school yesterday is an American friend ,,,,,,ι,,,,,У,,,,,,?λ,9,,,,,?? ,,Who's that woman (whom) you just talked to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,, ,,This is our classmate, Mary, whose home is not far from our school. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,У,,,,,??? 4,, ,,,,, whom,, which ,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,д,,,,?,,,,,, ,,?,,,,,,?,,,,, whom ,, which ,,,,,д,,,,,,д,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,棬磺 That was the room in which we had lived for ten years. ,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,? = That was the room which we had lived in for ten years. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,й,,,,,when,,where,,why,,?,,,,,,,??, 1,, when,,4?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, ,,,,I never forget the day when I first came to the Great Wall,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,ε,,?,,,,,,?? 2,, where ,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,, ,,,,This is the house where the old man lives. ,,,,,,,λ,,,,?,?,,,? 3,,why,,4?,,,,,,,,?,, ,,,,That,,s the reason why he didn,,t come yesterday. ,?,,,,,,,,,?,ôû,,4,,,,, ,,,w, ?,,,,,,,,? 1. Do you know daughter she is A. whose B. whom C. what D. who2. They wondered if the teacher them some English songs the next week. A. would teach B. had taught C. will teach D. taught3. He asked picture was John,,s. A. whose B. who C. whom D. which4. He told me Paris is the capital of France. A. which B. the C. that D. what 5. I,,ll go there by bike it is fine tomorrow. A. whether B. that C. what D. if6. I will write to you I get there. A. while B. as soon as C. as D. since 7. Please answer the question in a loud enough voile all the class may hear. A. so, that B. so that C. and D. or8. I have that I don,,t know which one I should borrow. A. such many books B. so many books. C. such much books D. so much books 9. it was blowing heavily, the farmers went on working in the fields. A. Though, ,, B. Though, but C. Because, ,, D. Because, so 10. He asked me during the summer holiday. A. where I had gone B. where I had been C. where had I gone D. where had I been11. Please give the message to him when you . A. see him B. will see him C. saw him D. are going to see him 12. Can you tell us A. if your father does B. what does your father do C. your father does what D. what your father does13. He asked me if I knew . A. whose pen was it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen is it14. She had cleaned the room her mother came home. A. after B. before C. as soon as D. if15. There are heavy clouds in the sky it is going to rain. A. if B. that C. as if D. whether16. This is the place I have ever visited. A. there B. when C. where D. which17. You may do it yourself leave it to me. A. either,,or B. neither,,nor C. whether,,or D. both,,and 18. Do you know A. what are you listening B. what you are listening C. what you are listening to D. what are you listening to19. It ten years since I taught in the school. A. will B. was C. has D. is 20. ,,Do you know ,,Yes. He is a teacher. A, whom he is B. whom is he C. what is he D. what he is,,,,,,,,??,,,,, 1. Lucy has finished the work.,,,,??,,,,,,, 2. She used to wear white skirt.,,,,?,,, 3 I think Jack is a good student.,,,,?,,, 4. There is something wrong with my watch.,,,,?,,,5. The tree is very tall.,,,,?,,,,,How~,, 6. The cock gets up very early.,,,,?,,,,, 7. He wish to be a teacher.,,,,?,,,,, 8. Come back at once.,,,,?,,, 9. The boy doesn,,t like dancing.,,,,??,,,,,,, 10. You mustn,,t smoke in the classroom.,,,,?,,,,,11. This is a very interesting story.,,,,?,,,,, 12. It,,s very bad news.,,,,?,,,,, 13. Shall we go out for a walk ,,,,?,,,,, 14. She,,s gone to Paris.,,,,?,,,,,,,,, 15. Rose seldom goes skating.,,,,?,,,,,,,,, 16. We don,,t believe Jack has stolen your money.,,,,?,,,,,,,,,17. There is nothing left.,,,,?,,,,,,,,, 18. I am dishonest.,,,,?,,,,,,,,, 19. Be careful!,,,,?,,,,,,,,, 20. Let,,s sing the English song.,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,?,,,,,w,,ο,,, ?,,,,,,,,? 1. A 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B11. A 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. C16. C 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. D,,,,,,,,??,,,,,, 1. Has Lucy finished the work 2. She didn,,t use to wear white skirt. 3. I don,,t think Jack is a good student. 4. There is nothing wrong with my watch./There isn,,t anything wrong with my watch. 5. How tall the tree is! 6. How early the cock gets up! 7. How he wish to be a teacher! 8. Don,,t come back at once. 9. The boy doesn,,t like dancing, does he 10. Don,,t smoke in the classroom. 11. What an interesting story this is! How interesting a story this is! 12. What bad news it is! 13. Let,,s go out for a walk. 14. She,,s gone to Paris, hasn,,t she 15. Rose seldom goes skating, does she 16. We don,,t believe Jack has stolen your money, has he 17. There is nothing left, is there 18. I am dishonest, aren,,t I 19. Be careful, will you 20. Let,,s sing the English song, shall we ,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,, ?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,1,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,е?,,õ,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ж,,,ô,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??,,,,磺drive ,C driver, use ,C useful,, ,,4,,,,,,,,,,,н,?,,,,г,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,ü,,,,,,,,б,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,磺water (n.) ,C water (v.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,1,,,,?,,,,,,,,е?,,,,,?1,,6,,α,,,,,,е,,?,,,,,,,,,,,в,,,,κη,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???? ,е,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,,,,øô,,,,,,b,,,,,,,?,,,?? ,,2,, ,,,, ?,,,,е?,,õ,,,?,,,,,,,,,,д,,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,д,,,,,4,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? Χ,,,,,,,е,?,,,,,,,,?,?,п,,,,,?,,?,,,,?,,?,,,ô,,,,,,,,,,,,г,,,,,,,,,,,,,,г,,?, ,,,,??,,,,,,, 1. Shanghai is a large c t ,,in China. 2. Adam often helps me a lot. He is my best f ,, ,,nd.3. I can,,t carry the box. It,,s too h v .4. The man is very poor. He had no m n to buy food.5. ---How often do you play football --- Tw a week. 6. My grandparents like growing flowers. They w t the flowers everyday. 7. Summer is the hottest s son in the year.8. --- Can you sp the word ,, --- Yes. T-A-B-L-E, table. 9. He was so excited that he couldn,,t f l asleep last night.10. Everyone had a good time at the party. It was a p_ _ _ s _ _ _ evening. ( Key 1. city 2. friend ,,3. heavy 4. money ,,5. twice ,,6. water 7. season ,,8. spell,,,,9. fall 10. pleasant ) 3,, ,,,,??,,,? ,,,,,,,е?,,,,?,,,,,,,,塢ú,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,,,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,l,,,,,,,,,?????? ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,,? ,,, Nouns (n.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,, Johnroom,,, Articles (art.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, a an the ,,, Numerals (num.) ,,,,,,,,,, ninefirst? ,,, Pronouns (pron.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??, them everything,,,,, Adjectives (adj.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, goodinteresting ,,,, Adverbs (adv.) ,,,ζ,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,, almostbravely ,,,, Verbs (v.) ,,,,,,,?,,,,,,, standbe ,,, Prepositions (prep.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,? nearfrom l,, Conjunction (conj.) l,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, andbut?? ,,,,, Interjection(interj.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hellooh ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,У,,,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???壬,,,,,,,,ж,b,,,,,??,,,,?,,,,,,,,l,,,??,,?,,,,j,,,,,,,,ã,,,,,,?,,,,,е,,,,κγ?,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,?,,??,,,,,,,,,b,?,, 2,,,,,,,,,?,,, 2,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,,,,,,У,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,j,,,,,,Щj,?,,,??,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,??,,, 1) ,,,, ,,?,,,,,,,β,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,к, ,,, 1,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,, ,,, un- ,, unknownδ,,,unhappy,,,,,,, dis- ,,,,,, dislike,,,,, discover,,,, re- ,??,,, retell,,,, mid- ,, mid-night,,? mid-term,,,, mis- ,,, misunderstand,,,bi- , bicycle,,,г, il- ,,,,,, illegal,,,,, in- ,,,,,, informal,,,,,,, im- ,,,,,, impossible,,,,,,, ir- ,,,,,, irregular,,,,,,, inter- ,,,, international,,,, tele- , telephone,, 2,,,,,ú,, ,,, ,,,, ,,, -er ,,,,,,,,, teacher,,? -or ,,,,,,,,, visitor,ι,-ian ,, musician,,,?, -ess ?,, actress?,,, -ese ,,,,,,, Chinese,й,,,,,,,,-ese (,?,,,,,),, Japanese,,,,,,,,,,-hood ,,?,,, childhood,,, -ity ,,,,,,,,, ability,,f? -th ,,?,,,, death,,,,-ness ?,,,,,,, happiness,,,,-ship ?,,,,,, friendship,,,,-tion ,,,,?, action,,?-ure ,,,,,, pleasure,,,,-an ,,,?,,,,,,,, Canadian,,,ô,,,,,?,-ed ,У,,, talented,в?,,,-en ,,,, wooden?,,, -ern (,,,,,,,) southern,,,,,-ful ,,,, meaningful,,,,,,,-less ,,,,,, uselessû,õ,-ly ,,,, carefully,,?,-en ,,,,,, weaken,,,,,,,,,,,,-fy ,,,,, satisfy,,,,,,,,,-ize,-ise ,,,,, modernize,,,,,,?,-teen ,,, thirteen,,,-ty ,,, thirty,,, -th ,,, ninth,,, ,,,,,,?,,,, ,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,?,,,?,,Σ,,,,,?,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,е,j,,? May I have a look ,,,,,?,,,, ,,,,,,??,,?,,,? Let him have a try. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,? ,, Can we book the tickets ahead ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,?,,?,,,,? The hall can seat thousands of people. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,? She had to busy herself with housework. ,,ò,æ,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?? You,,d better empty the bottle first. ,,,,ð,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,? ,, It,,s necessary to know the difference between right and wrong. ,б,?,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,? They often help the poor. ,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,? We began to drive north. ,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,?,,,,,,,?? There were lots of ups and downs in his life. ,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,?,,,,,,,? ,,,,,,? ,,},,,},,,,,?,,,,,??,,,,,??,?,,,,,,?,,,,,? 1,,,,,,,,,, He is a white-collar clerk. ,,,,?,,,,,?,,, He is an open-minded leader. ,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?? What a kind-hearted girl! ,,,,,,?,?,,,, This is a good-looking a table. ,,,,?,?ÿ,,,,,,,? Taking a taxi is time-saving. ,,,,,,,,,,,,? He has heard the heart-breaking news. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? It,,s dangerous to walk on this ice-covered road. ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,Σ,,?,? How much is the hand-made model ,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,, Chinese people are hard-working. ,й,,,,,,,,,,?,? 2,,,,,,,, This is our classroom. ,,,,,,,?,,,?? Do you often play basketball ,,,,,,:,,,, Her handwriting is much better than mine. ,,,,,,,,,,,õö,?? The waiting-room is quite crowded. ,,,,,,,,,,,,? The water in the swimming-pool is clear, like a blue mirror. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,峺?,,澵?, Please look at the blackboard. ,,?,, He plants lots of flowers in his green-house. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, They are playing games on the playground. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The get-together will begin at 8:00 pm. j,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, He is my brother-in-law. ,,,,,?,,? I,,m not a good-for-nothing. ,?,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,, The plant is called forget-me-not. ,,,,?,,к,,,,,3,,,,,,,? Please air-dry the paper. ,??,,,ɡ He is undergoing great suffering. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,? It,,s hard to white-wash the huge wall. ,,,,,,,,?,?,,?,? The man was blacklisted. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,? She lives downstairs. ,,?,,?,?, If you look eastwards, you can see the sea. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3,,,,,,,,,,,н,?,,,,г,,?,?,,,,,,,, 3,,,,,,,,,,,н,?,,,,г,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,ü,,,,,,,,б,,,,,?,,,,,,, ,,1,,,,,н,α,,,,,?,,, ,,,,,,,ø,,,,,,,,,,,,,н,?,,,1,,6,,,г,??,?,?,,,,,,,,й,,,,,,,,,,,,,б,,,,,,,,,?,,,ū,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,2,,,,,н,α,,,,,,,,,,У, ,,1. too,, to ,,2. so.. that,, ,,3. It,,s time for sb. to do sth. ,,4. both,,. and.. ,,5. either,,or,, ,,6. neither,, nor,, ,,7. not,, until,, ,,8. not only,, but also,, ,,9. as,, as,, ,,10. not as (so),, as,, ,,11. It takes sb. some time to do sth. ,,12. It,,s good (bad) for,, ,,13. as soon as ,,14. used to do ,,15. some,, others,, ,,16. be angry with,, ,,17. be different from ,,18. one,, the other,, ,,19. take sb. to a place ,,20. Thank you for doing sth. ,,21. get ready to do sth. ,,22. ,,one of,, ,,23. get on well with ,, ,,24. sb. spend,, on,, ,,25. buy,, for,, ,,26. be interested in,, ,,27. You,,d better,, ,,28. ask sb. (not) to do sth. ,,29. enjoy doing ,,30. be good at,, 4,,,,,,,,?,, ,,,,,,,,,У,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,water( ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,),,work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fas?t,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,since,,,,,,,,,l,,,,,??? ,,,w, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,, l. What colour is Ann's skirt It's r____d. 2.We often play g____mes after school. 3.Put your r____ler and your pen in the pencil-box. 4.My parents work f____ ve days a week. 5.There are a lot of cars and buses in the str____t. 6.Don't open the wind ____ . It's cold outside.7.How do you usually go to school By b__ k __.8.There are a lot of flowers in the g __ d ___.9.Winter comes after a ___ n. 10. Trees turn gr___n in spring. 11. L__sson One is easy. 12. Can you make a c__ke 13. This box is small. Give me a b__g one.14. A d__g is running after a cat. 15. We cl___n the classroom every day. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,,,,?,,,,??? 1.If you are ill , you must go to h_______ .2.We all know Beijing is the c_______ of China .3.D________ ,25th is Christmas Day . 4.We can see s________ at night when it's fine .5.You can come here b_______ 8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow .6.I hope you have a good time on you j______ .7.Could you tell me w_______ the nearest post office is ,, ,,,,,,,,(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.There are two ________in the basket. (egg)2.This is my pencil. That one is ________. (your)3.Who is _______, Tom, Mike or Jack (tall)4.We live on the ______ floor. (twenty)5. I can see three _______ on the desk. (pen)6. This room is _______. It isn't yours. (our)7. ,,Can I borrow your ruler ,, ,,Certainly. Here _______ are.,, (your) 8. Lin Lin is the ______ in our class. (young)9. We live on the _______ floor. (seven)10. Li Lei is _______ than Lin Tao. (old)11. The Changjiang River is the _______ river in China. (long) 12.Wei Hua gave me two______ yesterday.(book) 13.That pen isn't yours. It's ______ .(her) 14.The ______ lesson is very easy.(six) 15.John is ______ than Sam.(tall) 16.Can you help ______ with my English (I) ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ? 1,,,,,,,,},,С,,,,,, It _______ me two hours _______ _______ the bike.2,,?,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,? He ______ finish his homework _______ his mother came back.3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? ______ he _______ I am a teacher. 4,,,,,С,,,,,,,,,,,,? He became ________ in maths when he was ________.5,,,,,,ó,,, You'd _______ ______ a train. 6,,,,,,,,,,,,, It's time to ______ ______ the bus. 7,,,,,,齭й,?,,,,,,?,,, Zhujiang river is _______ _________ __________ __________ in China . ,,,w,,ο,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,, 1. red 2. games 3. ruler 4. five 5. street 6. window 7. bike 8. garden,,9. autumn 10. green 11. Lesson 12. cake 13. big 14. dog 15. clean ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,,,,?,,,,??? 1. hospital 2. capital 3. December 4. stars 5. between 6. journey 7. where ,, ,,,,,,,,(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1. eggs 2. yours 3. the tallest 4. twentieth 5. pens 6. ours 7. you 8. youngest,,9. seventh 10. older 11. longest 12. books 13. hers 14. sixth 15. taller 16. me ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ? 1. took, to mend/ repair/ fix 2. didn,,t, until 3. Neither, nor 4. interested, young 5. better take 6. get on 7. the third longest ,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,(2) ,,,2011-10-19 15:04:29 ,,,5214 ,,,, ,, С,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,1,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,е?,,õ,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,ж,,,ô,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??,,,,磺drive ,C driver, use ,C us...?,,,,,?,,,,ж,,,,,,,,??,, ?,,,п,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,? ,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,, ,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,? ,,3,,,,,,ж,?Щ,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,е?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,и,?,,,,,,?,,,?,,, ,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,, ,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,? ,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,弰?,?,,, ,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,, ,,5,,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,е,?,,,?,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,, ,п,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,, ,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,ù,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,2,,,,,,a,,an,?,,?,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, ??? ,,?,,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,,,, ,,1,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,е,,,,,,,},,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,õ,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ø,,,ô,,α??仯,,?,,,,,仯,,,,,,仯},,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,, ,, ,,, 仯 ?,,,, ,,β+s ,,,, ,, 帨cups, desks, gates, ,,,,,,,,,,,[z] hens, bags, days ,,s, sh, ch, x,,β ,,β+es ,,[iz] classes, watches, boxes ,,o,,β ,,β+es ,,[z] tomatoes, heroes, potatoes ,,,?,,,,,,,,,,β+s photos, radios, zoos, pianos ,,,,,+y,,β ,,y?i ,,es ,,[iz] stories, babies, cities ,,,,,+y,,β ,,β+s ,,[z] boys, keys, days ,,f,,fe,,β ,,f,,fe?v,,es ,,[vz] leaves, knives, lives ,,,,roofs, proofs, handkerchiefs ,,2,,,,,,Щ,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, 磺 , ,,, 仯 ,,,,, 仯man,,men, woman,,women, foot,,feettooth,,teeth, mouse,,mice ,,β,,,, 仯child,,children ,,,,,,,,,,, sheep,,sheep, deer,,deer, fish,,fish, Chinese,,Chinese, Japanese--Japanese ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,, looker-on,,lookers-on, new-comer,,new-comers, grand-? child,,grand-children ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,s grown-up,,grown-ups,,stand-by,,stand-bys ,,man ,,woman ,,,?,,,,,,,},,,,?,,,, woman-teacher,,women-teachers, man-? doctor,,men-doctors ,, is,,β,,,,4,,,,is?es basis-bases, crisis-crises, emphasis-emphases, ? ,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,people(,,),,clothes(,?,),,trousers(,,,,) glasses(,? ,,) ,,,Щ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,?,,,,,,ν,,,ø,,, ? ,,4,,,,,,Щ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,????,,,,,,,,磺 news(,,,),,maths (,,),,physics(,,,,)? 2,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,l,ã,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,water, coffee, time, money, bread,? work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?о,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,kindness,, ,,1),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,,how much, much, a little, little, a lot of, some, any,,4,,,β,,,,,,,,? ,,3,,,,,,Щ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?岻, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, dress ?,,,,,,,, a dress ?,,?,, fish ,,,, a fish ?,,,, glass ,,g a glass ?,,g,, tin ,, a tin ?,,,, paper ? a paper ?,?,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,и, ,,,,,,,,,,,и,,,,,,,,,,й,,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,и,?,,,,,,,,?? ,,1,,,,,,,,, 's,,,,,?磺Lily,,s, Mary,,s,,, ,,2,,,,-s,,-es ,,β,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,, ,?磺Teachers' Day , two weeks' holiday,,,,,,s,,β,?,,,,,,,,,,и,,,,,,,,,'s ,,,磺Children's Day,, ,,3,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,У,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,У,,,,,,,ÿ,,,,?,,,,,,? s,,,,,磺 ,,,,Lily and Lucy,,s computer. ,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,},,,,У,,, ,,,,lily,,s and Lucy,,s computers. ,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,У,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,и,,,,,,4,,,,?, ,,,,,磺my uncle's ,,,,,,,? ,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,и,?,,,,,of +,,,,?,4,,,,,,?磺 ,,,,,磺the end of the year ,,?,,the colour of the flower ,,,,,,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?4,,,,ô,?,,,,,,???,?,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,е,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,??档,,,,,,?,,4,,, ,,,,,,?,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,????,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???? ,l,,,,?,,, ,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, ?? ,,,,, ,,, I you he she it we they you ,,, me you him her it us them you ,,,,,, ,,,,,,, my your his her its our their your ,,,,, mine yours his hers its ours theirs yours ,,,,,, myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves themselves yourselves 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,???仯仯,,,,,,,,,,,?, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,?,,, I,, me we,,,, Us ,,,,,, you,, you you,,,, you ,,,,,,, he,, him them she,, her it,, it 2,,,,,,,,й,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,д,,,,,и,,,,,,,,?,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,п,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,? 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a,,,,,,,?,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,У,?? ,,,, ,,,, ,,?,,, myself,,,,, ourselves,,,,,,, ,,,,,, yourself,,,,, yourselves,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, himself,,,,,, herself,,,,,, itself,,,,, ,,,,,,,,few, a few, little, a little,,,?,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,λ,,,,,,,, few ,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,, a few ,м,,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,, little ,,,?,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,, a little ,,?,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,, 1,,,,some, any, no, every,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Σ,,,,,,,,,,,,,á,?? There is nothing wrong with the radio.,,,,,,,û,,ë,,,, I have something important to tell you.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, 2,,both / all / none all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,С,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;both???,,},,,,,; none ,,û,С,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,of,, 3,,every / each every,,,,,,,,, ,,ÿ?,, ?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,each ,,ÿ?,, ?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,λ,,,,,,ofl,á, 4,,both / either / neither both ,,,,},,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, either ,,},,,,,κ,?,, ,,,,,,,,,,ν,,,õ,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, neither ,,(},,),,,,,,,,,,з,,,,,壬?,,either,, 5. another / the other / the others/ others another +,,,,,,,, ,,,,?,, one ,, the other ,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,, the other +,,,,,,, = the others ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,?,,,,,Χ,,,µ,,,,,,? others ,,,,,,, ,,,?,?,,,,,?,,,?,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Щ,,,,,,,,Щ,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,??,,,?,?,,,,,,this, that, these, those, such, same,,, 1,,This, that, these those,,,?,,, This(these),,,,4?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, these,,this,?,,,,,,,,that(those),,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,those,,that,?,,,,,,,, 2,,such,,same,,,?,,, such,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, same,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,same,,,,,,,,,,the,,,,,,I have never seen such a good place.,,δ,,,,,ô,õ???,,, ,,,,I never heard such stories as he told.,,δ,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,? ,,,,We are in the same factory. ,,,,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,,I,,ll do the same as you.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?顣 ,,,,,,壩,,,?,,?,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,? 5,,wh,,,,,who,,,,,, whose,,,,?,, whom,,,,,,what,,,ô,,, which,?, 1,,who,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,whom,,,,,,,,,,,У,,,,,who,,,,whom,,,,,,,,,,,,н,,,,,,,,w? hom. ,,Who is the girl in red ,,,,,?,,,?,,,,, ,,Whom are you waiting for ,,,,,,,, ,, With whom did they play basketball ,,,?,,?,,,:,, 2,,which,,,,,,,?,,,,Χ,,,,,,what,,û,,,,,,,,,,,,?磺 Which do you prefer, orange juice or coke ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, Which of them come from Canada ,,,,,,,4,,,,ô, What do you like to do in your spare time ,,,,,,,,?,,,,ô ,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,У,,,?,,,,?,,,,,û,е?,,?,,,?,,,?,,,λ,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,ã,,,,,,,,,,l,ã,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,a, an,,,,?,,the,,}?,,, ,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Щ,,,,,,,,Щ,,,, ,,?,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,,, 1,,a,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,,,,,?,,,,,,,morning, afternoon, evening, night, day,,,,,,,,,,,δ,,,,?,,,,a,, Smith arrived in Beijing on a rainy day. ,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, He died in a cold February. ,,,,,,,,,?,,?, 3,,,,,,,,,an,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,, ,磺an apple, an hour, an honest boy, an English car. ?,, a useful dictionary ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Щ,,,,,,,,Щ,,,, ,,,,,?,,,,?,,У, 1,,,,4?,,?,,,,,,,,壺 The sun rose at six o'clock. ,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,, There is a cow under the tree. The cow is yellow.,,,,,,?,?,,?,?,,?,? 3,,,,4?,,,,,,,,,,?,ж,,,5,,?,,,,,,,,,, This is the book you wanted. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?顣 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,, The horse is an animal.,,,,,,, 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,λ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,磺the first, the best , in the south,, 6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the,,,,,,a,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,磺The Browns are going to Shanghai for a holiday this summer. ,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,???,,,,,,?, ,,,,,塢w, ,,?,,,,,,,? 1. Does Mr. Brown like Chinese . A. food B. foods C. any food D. some food2. There a dictionary and two notebooks on the desk. A. is B. are C. has D. have 3. The old man has two . A. son-in-law B. sons-in-law C. son-in-laws D. sons-in-laws 4. We should keep clean. A. toothes B. tooths C. our tooths D. our teeth5. Lucy has been to many times this year. A. his uncle B. his uncles C. uncle,,s D. her uncle,,s6. didn,,t visit the farm. A. One of the boy B. One of the boys C. One of boy D. One of boys 7. No news good news. A. is B. seems C. are D. has 8. This is table. A. his teacher,,s Mary,,s B. his teacher, Mary,,s C. his teacher,,s Mary D. his teacher, Mary9. After climbing 2 hours, we had rest. A. a few minute,,s B. few minutes C. a few minutes,, D. few minutes 10. These are my ______ . A. box B. a box C. boxes D. the boxes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,, 1. My father did not want of the two shirts and asked to be shown . 2. is Tom like Oh, he,,s short and fat. 3. Her parents are workers. Her classmates are from peasants,, families.4. Mother told the boys,,,Please help to some fruit.,, 5. All these are fine books. You can read of them.6. They are learning from . 7. Lucy dances better than girl in the school. Jim jumps higher than boys in his class.8. He lent me a few books, but of them is easy enough for me. He lent me a few books, and of them are easy enough for me. ,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,á,,a,,,,,, ,, by train. ,, Huanghe River ,, for while ,, go out for walk ,, at foot of ,, half hour ,, Mr. Smith came here just now ,, There is old man in the village. Old man is seventy. ,, earth turns round sun. ,, We often have lunch at home. ,, I wish you happy life. ,, harder you study, better you get the marks.,, man with book in his hand is our new class teacher. ,, It was raining again! What day! ,, Who is going to take place of Mr. Smith next term ,,,,w,,ο,,, ,,?,,,,,,,? 1 A 2A 3 B 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,, 1. either, another 2. what 3. both; all 4. yourselves 5. any 6. each other 7. any other; any of the other 8. none, all ,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,á,,a,,,,,, 1. ,, 2. the 3. a 4. a 5. the 6. an 7. A 8. an, The 9. The, the 10. ,, 11. a 12. The, the 13. The, a 14. a 15. the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,(3) ,,,2011-10-19 15:04:29 ,,,5215 ,,,, ,, С,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,1,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,е?,,õ,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,ж,,,ô,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??,,,,磺drive ,C driver, use ,C us...?,,,,,?,,,,,,, ,,,,,,??,,,,,, ?,,,п,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,п,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,, 1,,,,,,1-100,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,?? 2,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?, 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,漰,??,,,,,, 4,,,,,,,,,?Щ,,,,,?,,, ,п,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,, 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,? 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,仯,,, 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,, 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, 5,,,,,,,,ø,,,,,,,е,λ,ã,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,},,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,one,,?,,,,two,,,,,,,,seven,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,ε,,,,,,,,,,,,,the first,,,,?,,,,the second,,,?,,,,,,the seventh,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,и,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{,д,,,л,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,й????,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,п,,,,,,õ,,?,,,f,, ,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,-th,,,,100,,,??,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,? 1,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,, first,,,,?,, second,,,,,,, third,,,,,, fifth,,,,, 壩 eighth,,,,,, ninth,,,,?, twelfth,,,,,,,,,2,,,,-ty,,β,?,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,λ,,,,?,,,,β,,-ty,,,-ti,,,,,,?,,-eth. ,磺twenty twentieth ,,,,,,,, eighty eightieth ,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,λ,,,,,,,,,,λ,,,??, ,磺thirty-two thirty-second ,,,,,,,,,,, seventy-five seventy-fifth ,,,,,,,,壩 4,,,,,,,,,,д,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,},,,,?,,,,ɡ ,磺fifth 5th second 2nd 5,,,,,,,,,,,,ö,,?,,the,, 6,,hundred, thousand, million, billion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,õ,,,,,,,, ? ?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?治,,,,,,,,,,,, ,磺three hundred seats ,,,,,,λ hundreds of ,,,,,,?,,,,,,,, thousands of ,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,? millions of ,,,,,, billions of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,й?,,,,,,,, ,,1,,,,,,,,,,? ,,,, ,,w, ,,,,,磺1:15 one fifteen 3:30 three thirty ,,,, ,,,w,(,,past / to,,,) ,,,,, 磺1:15 a quarter past one ,,3:30 half past three ,,7:56 four to eight ,,,?,,,?,?,û,,,,,,,,,,,,,ý,,at,,?? ,,2,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, ,,, 磺2003,,3,,17,,,,,,,? ,,Monday, March the 17th, 2003.,,,, ,,,,,??,,,,ý,,on ,,3,,,<,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,90,,, (in) the nineties ,,,,,19,<, (in) the nineteenth century ,,,,,30,,, (in) 1730s,,1730,,s,>,18 ,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?Щ,,,,,,,,,,,,á,?,,l,,?,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??? , 磺a twelve-year-old boy ?,,,,,,,,,к, ,,a five-mile race ?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ζ,,,,???,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,? ,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,仯 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ? ,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,...,,,,...?Щ ,,,,,, ,,... 1,, ?,,,,,,,?? ,,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,, ,,,, ,,,, ?,,,,,, ?,,,-er, -est stronghigh strongerhigher strongesthighest ,,e,,β,?, ,,-r, -st widenice widernicer widestnicest ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,r,,,,β,?,,,,, ,д?β,?,,,,,?,,,,,-er, -est fatthin fatterthinner fattestthinnest ,,,,,,,?+y,,β,,,,,,, ,,y?i,,,,,-er,-est heavyhappy heavierhappier heaviesthappiest ,,,,,,-er, -ow,,β,,,,,,, ?,,,-er; -est clevernarrow cleverernarrower cleverestnarrowest ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,more, most stupiddifficulttired more stupidmore difficultmore tired most stupidmost difficultmost tired 2,,,,,,?,,,,,,,仯 , ,, ,,,, ,,,, good well better best bad badly ill worse worst many much more most little less least far fartherfurther farthestfurthest old olderelder oldesteldest 3,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,,,,,?,,, ,,,,,,,,, as + ,,,,,,,,,,,,, + as ,, ,,,,, ,,,???,,?,, The boy is as clever as his brother. ,,,,к,,,,,?,,?,,,,, Lucy writes as carefully as Lily. ?,,д,ú,,,,,?,,,,,档 ,,,,,,, not so/as + ,,,,,,,,,,,,, +as,, ,,,,,,,,,??,,,,, Monkeys are not as strong as elephants. ,,,,,,,,,???,, He is not so good a man as you. ,,û,,,,á, ,,,,,,,?,,, 1,,,,,,+than Peter is wiser than Sam.,,ñ,?,,,,? The car is more beautiful than that one. ,,4~,,,,,,?~?,a,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,much, even, still, any, far, four times, a little,,,,,Ρ, Peter is much wiser than Sam.,,ñ,?,,,,?,? The room is a little brighter than that one. ,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,?, 3,,,,,,+and+,,,, ,,,,,,,4,,,...,, ,,It rains harder and harder.,,,µ,,4,,, 4,,The+,,,,,,the+,,,, ,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,...,, The harder you study, the faster you make progress.,,,,,,?f,,,,,,,?? 5,,,,,,+than any other+,,,,,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,κ,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ñ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,He is more stupid than any other student in his class.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,κ,,,,,? ,!, ,,She is taller than any other girl in the team. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,κ,?,,?,,,,,,,? ,,,,,,,?,,, 1,,,з,Χ,,,ε,,,,,,,,,,,:in, of, among,,,ô,,,,,ε?,,,,С, This is the most expensive of all the watches.,,,,,,,,Щ,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,+,,,,+,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.,,,,,,й,?,,,,,,, The park is the third largest one in Beijing. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,one of the+,,,,+,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, America is one of the richest countries in the world.,9,,,,=,,,,,,е?,,,?,, One of the most beautiful places in Beijing is the Summer Palace. ,,,,,,,,,,??,,?,,,ú,,,, 4,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,the,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? The elephant is the heaviest in the zoo.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,, She came (the) earliest of all the students.,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,?硣 ,,,,,,,,,,,ø,,,,,,,е,λ,ã, 1,,,,,丱?,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,, They met in China last year. ,,,,,,,,,,й,,,,,,, It,,s raining hard outside. ,,,,,,,µú,, The students are reading English loudly. ,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,? 2,,?,,,,,,,,,,,丱,,,,,?,,,, Last year they met in China. 3,,,,,丱,??,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?? She is on her way home. ,,,,,,,,?,,,? 4,,,,,,,,,,,,е,λ,,,,},,, ,,1,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,I usually play football on Friday afternoon.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,I seldom watch TV.,?,,,,,,,,? ,,2,,be,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,??,,,, ,,,,Mr. Green is always busy.,,,,,,,,??,,æ,,,,,,I have never seen him before.,,,,,δ,,,,,? ,?,,,,,w, ?,,,,,,,,? 1. of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft and sweet. A. Two-third B. Second-third C. Two-thirds D. Second-thirds 2. Where are they going to have the meeting In . A. 204 Room B. Room 204 C. the room 204 D. the Room 204 3. What is the time It,,s (4:25). A. four twenty-five ,,,,,,,,B. four past twenty-five C. twenty-five to four D. four twenty five4. Please give us . A. two glasses of waters B. two glass of water C. two glasses water ,,,,,,,,D. two glasses of water5. Light is faster than an ordinary plane. A. two million time ,,B. millions of time C. three millions times D. millions of times6. There are seasons in a year. The season is spring. A. four, one B. fourth, first C. fourth, one D. four, first 7. She has a baby. A. ten-months-old ,,B. ten months-old C. ten-months-olds D. ten-month-old 8. It took them to finish the work last year. A. two and a half months ,,B. two month and a half C. a half and two months ,,D. two months and half9. What,,s the date today It,,s . A. July five ,,B. July the five C. July fifty D. July the fifth 10. There are in the room. A. four box of oranges B. four boxes of orange C. four box oranges D. four boxes of oranges11. I don,,t feel very today. A. good B. better C. nice D. well12. He didn,,t go there with me, she didn,,t . A. too B. either C. neither D. also13. Our hall is theirs. A. twice as large as B. twice so large as C. as twice large as D. twice more than14. John did in the exam, Tom did even . A. bad, worse B. more bad, more worse C. badly, worst D. badly, worse 15. Your mother won,,t be angry with you, will she I hope . A. so B. it C. not D. no 16. The villagers had rain this year than last year. A. less B. least C. little D. lesser17. She is than Mary. A. older two years B. old two years C. two years old D. two years older 18. He says that he will pay a price for the house. A. tall B. taller C. high D. highest19. They have held three meetings this week . A. alone B. lonely C. ever D. just20. How do you go to the South Lake A. often B. long C. soon D. fast21. This is really a news. A. surpring B. surprised C. be surprised D. surprise22. Don,,t make noise. Please keep . A. quite B. quietly C. quiet D. more quietly23. He bought from a shop. A. an old black wood round table B. a round old black wood table C. an old round black wood table D. a round black wood old table24. aren,,t so happy as . A. The rich/poor B. Rich/the poor C. Rich/poor D. The rich/the poor 25. Can you finish the work with money and people A. less,,less B. little,,few C. fewer,,fewer D. less,,fewer 26. Do you have money to buy the colour TV set A. a little B. few C. enough D. many27. I like green but Li Lei prefers blue. A. shallow, deep B. think, thick C. light, dark D. white, black 28. See you . See you. A. late B. later C. latest D. last29. He spoke fast that we could understand him. A. too, not hardly B. so, not hardly C. too, hardly D. so, hardly 30. I didn,,t go , I went . A. anywhere, upstairs B. nowhere, to upstairs C. to somewhere, upstairs D. to anywhere, upstairs,,,,,?,,,,и,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(,,,,,,,,,( ) 1. He doesn,,t feel like anything. Please give him delicious something toeat. A B , ; C D ( ) 2. I found a quite big mouse in the kitchen the day before yesterday. A B C D( ) 3. He plans to stay here for another more week. A B C D ( ) 4. Paris is the most beautiful than any other city in the world. A B C D( ) 5. Is it more difficult to learn Chinese than learning Japanese A B C D( ) 6. Her older brother is two years older than she. A B C D( ) 7. The population of Henan is larger than Hunan. A B C D( ) 8. Tom got here earlier about ten minutes them his brother. A B C D( ) 9. I,,m taller of the two boys. A B C D ( ) 10. Are your trousers so new as hers A B C D ,,,,,塢w,,, ?,,,,,,,,? 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. A 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A ,,,,,?, 1. C,,,,?something delicious 2. B,,,,?quite a,,,,a very 3. D,,,,?one more week,,,,another week 4. A,,,,?more 5. D,,,,?to learn 6. A,,,,?Her elder brother 7. D,,,,?than that of Hunan 8. B,,,,?about ten minutes earlier 9. B,,,,?the taller 10. C,,,,?as ,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,(4) ,,,2011-10-19 15:04:29 ,,,5216 ,,,, ,, С,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,1,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,е?,,õ,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,ж,,,ô,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??,,,,磺drive ,C driver, use ,C us...?,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,?? ?,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,? ,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,??,, ,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,?,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3,,,,,,,,,,be, look, feel, smell, get, become, turn, keep,,?,,?,,,? ,,4,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,, ,,,,,,?,,?,,, ,,5,,,,,,,,,be, do, have, shall, will,?,,?,,, ,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,can, must, need, may,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,? ,,7,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,4,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,9,,,,,,,,,,,ν?,µ?,,,, ,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,?,,, ,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,? ,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,? ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ?,,,, ,,β,,-s look- looks find- finds ,,s, x, ch, sh,,o,,β ,,β,,-es watch- watches, push- pushes ,,,,,,,,,?+y,,,,β ,,y?i,,,-es fly- flies, apply- applies ,,2,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,?,,,? ,,,, ,,,,,?,,仯 ,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ?,,,, ,,β,,-ed look- looked, looked ,,e,,β ,,β,,-d live- lived, lived ,,,,,,,,,?+Y,,,,β ,,y?i,,,,,-ed carry-carried, carried,,,?q,,,,,r,,,,β,,,,?β?,,?,,,,,,? ,д,ø,,,,,?,,,,,-ed stop- stopped, stopped ,,,, ,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,仯 ,,3,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,,,? ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ?,,,, ?,,,-ing look-looking watch- watching ,,e,,β ,e,,-ing come- coming move- moving ,,,?q,,,,,r,,,,β,,,,?β?,,?,,,,,,? ,,,д,ø,,,,,?,,,,,-ing swim- swimming run- running ,,ie,,β,,?,?,,,, ,,ie,,y,?,,ing die-dying lie-lying ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,?,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,1,,?,,,,,,, ,,,, ?,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,always, usually, often, sometimes, every day (week, month),,l,ã,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,е,,,,,,,,,,,f,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,, ? ,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,α,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,κ,,,,-s,,-es,,? ,,She likes biology very much. ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,They often go to school by bike.,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,2,,?,,,,, ,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,磺yesterday, last week, two hours ago,,l,ã,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,侭?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,often, usually, always,,l,ã,,,,,,,,,,,,?l,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,У,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,?,,, ,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,??ɡ ,,We met each other on the street yesterday. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,She often went swimming last year. ,,,,,,?,,,,,, ,,They moved the chairs to the table, sat down and began to have supper. ,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,?,,,,,,,? ,,Mary told me that she would stay at home if it rained.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,,, ,,3,,?,,4, ,,,, ?,,4,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,?,,,,next month, tomorrow, in a ? week, soon,,l,á, ,,,,?,,4,,?,,,? ,,,,1,, ?,, 4,,,,,,will/shall+,,,,,,Ρ,,,,,,,,,shall,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,I,,we,,,,,,,,,,С,ɡɡ?? ,,,,2,, ?,,,,,á,be going to+,,,,,,Ρ,,,,,4,,,,,,?,,,,,,,п,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,? ,,They will have a class meeting next Tuesday. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,а,,,,We shall meet at the school gate. ,,,?,,,У,,,??,, ,,It is going to rain. ,,,,,,,? ,,4,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,л,,,?,,,,,,now, at present, at this, moment,,l,ã,,,,,these days, this week/month,,l,ã,,,,,?,,,,,,,,е?,,,,,,,,,,always, continually, forever,,,l,ã,,,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,,?顣,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,磺 ,,He is always asking such silly questions.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,?,,,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,be (am/is/are)+V-ing,,,,,,ɡɡ ,,They are watching TV now. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,The dog is enjoying his meal. С,,,,,,,,,, ,,5,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,б,,,,,??,,,,,,,,,е?,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,?,,,,l,á,,磺then, at that time, at eight yesterday, this time yesterday, when he came in,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,be (am, is, are),,?,,,,,,was, were,, ,,They were watching TV at that time. ,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,? ,,The dog was enjoying his meal at this time yesterday. С,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,6,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,,,,already, just, yet,,,,,l,ã,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,for,,since,,,?,,,,,?,,l,á,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,have/has+,,,?,?,,,,,,?ɡ ,,He has already come back.,,,,,,4,,,? ,,He has lived here for three years.,,,?,,,,},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,be, look, feel, smell, get, become, turn, keep,,?,,?,,,? ,,,,,,,l,,,,,У,become, turn, get, grow, keep, feel, look, seem, smell,? fall,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,泣??,,,,,,,,,,, ,,Please keep the classroom clean. ,?,?,,?,,,?? ,,The bread looks very fresh. ,,Щ,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,,?,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,, ,,,, ,,,,,4,,,,,,,??,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,4,,,?,,4,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,will, ? shall,,?,,,,would, should,,,,,,,be,?,,,,,?,,,,was,,were,,,,,?磺 They were going to have a meeting.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??,?,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,by, before,,,,,,?,,l,á,,磺 ,,By the time he was ten, Edison had built a lab for himself.,,,,,,,,,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?? ,,She said she had worked in that hospital for 20 years.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20,,,,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,壩be, do, have, shall, will,?,,?,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,û,д,,?壬,,,,,,,,,ν,,,,,,,,4,,,,,ν,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,仯 ,,,,,,,,,,,У, ,,,,1,,be (am, is, are, was, were, being, been) ,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,I,,m looking for my pen. ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,??,,,,,,, ,,These cups are made in China. ,,Щ,,,,,,,й,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,have (has, had, having),,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,, They have known each other for twenty years. ,, ,,,?,,,,,,,ж,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, He had built a chemistry lab for himself at the age of ten. ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??? ,,,,3,,do (does, did) ,,,do,,?,,,,,,Σ,,,not,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,He does not speak English.,,,,,? ,,When did he come back ,,,ô,,,,4,, ,,,,4,,will (would), shall (should) will,,,,,,?,, 4,,,,κ,,,,,would,,will,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,},,,,,涼,,,,,,Ρ, ,, The plane will arrive in ten minutes. ,,,,,,к,,,,,,,?? I was sure we would win.,,,,,,,,,,?,,,? ,,shall,,should,,},,,,,,,,û,д,,壬shall?,,,,,,?,, 4,,?,?,,,,should,,shall,?,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,4,,?,?,,,,},,,,,涼,,,,,,Ρ, ,,We shall meet at the school gate tomorrow. ,,,,,,,,,?У,?,, I told them that I should do the work alone. ,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,,w, 1. His father any washing in the morning. A. doesn,,t do B. doesn,,t C. doesn,,t does D. doesn,,t does2. I 1000 English words by the end of last term. A. have learned B. had learned C. would learn D. was learning3. How long you the bicycle A. have,,bought B. have,,had C. did,,buy D. do,,buy 4. my brother knows London very well. He there many times. A. has been B. has gone C. was D. went 5. The children want to know if Miss Green free tomorrow. A. is B. is going to C. will D. will be 6. Listen, the music nice. A. sounds B. is sounding C. is sound D. was sounding7. He early every morning from now on. A. gets up B. does get up C. does gets up D. will get up8. Our teacher told us that light faster than sound. A. travelled B. travels C. was travelled D. had travelled9. Mr. Brown is not at home. He to the library. A. has gone B. has been C. had been D. had gone10. He said he would go to the cinema with us if he free. A. is B. were C. was D. will be 11. Tom _____ his homework after breakfast. A. don,,t B. doesn,,t C. don,,t do D. doesn,,t do12. Jenny _____a letter to her mother three days ago. A. wrote B. writes C. write D. has written 13. He ______ with us yesterday morning. A. doesn,,t go swimming B. goes swimming C. didn,,t go swimming D. went to swimming 14. There ______a basketball match on our school the day after tomorrow. A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. would have15. ______ you ______ us a talk this afternoon A. Are, giving B. Are, given C. Will, give D. Were, going to give16. Look! Li Lei _____ Jim with his Chinese. A. is helping B. has helped C. is going to help D. would help17. Don,,t make any noise. The baby ______ . A. has slept B. is slept C. will sleep D. is sleeping18. The students of Class 3 _____a football game now. Let,,s go and watch.A. are having B. will have C. is having D. will be had19. How many English songs ____ you _____ by the end of last term A. have, learned B. did, learn C. had, learned D. were, learned20. My mother _____ breakfast while I ______ my face this morning. A. cooked, was cooking B. was cooking, was washing C. was cooking D. would cook, was washing ,,,,,,,,,ж,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1. He told me that he (visit) the Summer Palace the next day.2. ,,Who has borrowed the dictionary I want to use it. ,,Miss Li. She (keep) it for a week. 3. The old men (die) last summer. He (die) for eight months. 4. Father (cook) when I got home. 5. Mr. Smith told us he (show) the guests around the factory. 6. In winter when your clothes (wash), it is not easy to get them dry. 7. ,, the twins (return) yet ,,Yes. They (have) a rest in the room now.8. It (rain) but it (stop) now. 9. All the children (keep) quiet though their teacher was not there. 10. The boy (read) a story book now. ,?,,,,,w,,ο,,, ,,?,,,,,,,,? 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D6. A 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C11. D 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C16. A 17.D 18. A 19. C 20. B ,,,,,,,,,,,,,ж,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1. would visit 2. has kept 3. died, has been dead 4. was cooking 5. would show,,,,had shown 6. are washed 7. Have,,returned; are having 8. rained,,has stopped 9. kept 10. is reading ,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,(5) ,,,2011-10-19 15:04:29 ,,,5217 ,,,, ,, С,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,1,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,е?,,õ,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,ж,,,ô,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??,,,,磺drive ,C driver, use ,C us...?,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,?,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,can, must, need, may,,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?? ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,f,,,,,,,,,,,,,,д,,,,,,,,,,壬岻,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ν,,û,,,,,,,,?,,仯,?,,,?,,,,,Ρ, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,, ,,,, ,, ,, can could ,, may might ,,,,,,,,, must must(had to) ,,,,,,?ò,,, will would ,,, shall should ,, ? need needed ,, ? dare dared ,,,, ,,,,,, can,,,?, ,,,,1,,,,,,,f,,,,f,,,,?,,,f,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,µ?,,,f,,,,,,,,,,The boy can swim very well. ,,,,,,Who can answer this question ,,,,2,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,The students can leave after the meeting.,,,,,,When can I get the news ,,,,3,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,It can be wrong. ,,,,,,Who can your new teacher next term ,,,,,,could,,,?, ,,,,1,,can,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,f,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,They could run very fast when they were young.,,,,,,Could you speak English at that time ,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,, ,,,,,,Could I borrow your bike ,,,,,,Could you listen to me carefully ,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,?ɡ,,,,,,?,,,, ,,,,,,How could that be ,,,,,,She couldn,,t know me. ,,,,,, must,,,?, ,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,,,,,You must finish it before 5 o,,clock.,,,,,,Must I hand it in now ,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, ,,,,,,She must be a pretty girl. ,,,,,,You must be wrong. ,,,,,, need,,,?, ,,(1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,С, ,,,,,,We need to pay more attention. ,,,,,,Need I call him for you ,,,,2,,need,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,must,,,,?,,,,needn,,t,,,,,,,,Need he come ,,,,,4,, ,,,,,,Yes, he must.,?,,,,,4,,? ,,,,,,No, he needn,,t.,,,,,,,4,, ,,,,,, may,,,?, ,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ɡ ,,,,,,May I ask you some questions ,,,,,,May we start now ,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,,???,,,,,,,,,,,顰,,,,,, ,,,,,,He may be 25 years old. ,,,,,,We may come back in three days. ,,,,3,,may,,,,,,,,,п,,,,,?,,,,,, ,,,,,,May you success! ,,,,,,May you have a nice trip,, ,,,,,, should,,,?, ,,,,,,should,,,,,,,á,,,,,,,,,,,?,=ought to,, ,,,,,,Who should I meet this afternoon ,,,,,,You should pack you bag quickly. ,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,4,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,4,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,б,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,á,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,be+,,,ɡ,,,?,,,?,p.p.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?ɡ仯?,?,be,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,仯,, 1,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,am/ is/ are +done,, English is spoken by lots of people in the world. ,=,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? Class meeting is held every Thursday. ÿ,,,?,,,,а,, The classroom is cleaned by the students every day. ,,,,ÿ,??,,??,,,,,2,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,(was/ were +done) The cup was broken by the boy. ,,,,,,,,к,,,,,,,,? He was saved at last. ,,,,,,,,,,, My bike was stolen. ,,,,,г,,,,,,?? 3,,?,,4,,?,,,,,,(will/ shall be +done; would/should be +done) A speech will be given this afternoon. ,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,, A new road will be built next year. ,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,? I think thousands of people will be helped. ,,,,?,,,,,,,,,õ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,?, ,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,+be+,,,,?,; ,,,,,,,,,??仯,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,be+,,,?,?,,,?,?,,,,磺 Tables can be made of stone.,,,,,,,,,,,,? Tables could be made of stone at that time.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,,, Can tables be made of stone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,ν?,µ?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,п?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,(?,,?,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,To dance with you makes me happy.,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,It is difficult to drive in the mountains. (=To drive in the mountains is difficult.) ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,',,? ,,,,2,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?磺 ,,,,,,hope, want, wish, desire, like, decide, try,,promise, refuse. ,,,,,,I want to talk with her.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,She has decided to go.,,,,,,,,?? ,,,,,,,, ,,feel, find, think, consider, made,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,磺 ,,,,I find it impossible to forget her.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?, ,,,,He thought it necessary to take an umbrella.,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,ɡ? ,,,,3,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Her wish is to be a teacher.,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,? ,,,,,,Your duty is to clean the classroom.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? ,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,He wants me to come earlier.,,,,,,4,ø,,,Щ,,? ,,,,,,The policeman ordered them to turn around.,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,5,,,,?,,?,, ,,,,,,She opened the window to let some fresh air in.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,I went there to see her yesterday.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,?,, ,,He is too tired to go any further.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,He is not old enough to join the army.,,,,,,,С,,,,,,ξ,,,,,7,,,,,,,?,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Щ,,е,,,, ,,I,,m sorry to trouble you.,汧,,,,,,4,,,鷳 ,,I,,m glad to see you.,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,w, ?,,,,,,,,? 1. He had his lunch already. A. will B. would C. has D. have 2. Mary speak English before she left for England. A. can B. was able to C. could D. had been able to3. I your help. I can do it myself. A. needn,,t B. don,,t need to C. need D. don,,t need4. some more tea now A. Do you like B. Will you like C. Would you like D. Should you like 5. ,, you the book to the library ,,,,Yes, I borrowed another one a moment ago. A. Do, return B. Are, returning C. Will, return D. Have, returned 6. Don,,t go to see him. He changed his mind A. is B. was C. will D. has 7. ,,How many times your uncle been to Beijing ,,Twice. A. has B. have C. does D. did 8. My boy, you talk to your father like that. A. won,,t B. hasn,,t to C. shouldn,,t D. has to9. give me a cup of water, Mary A. Shall you please B. Will you please C. Please you D. Please do you 10. I work out the maths problem yesterday, but I can work it out now. A. can,,t B. couldn,,t C. may not D. needn,,t11. Since you are very tired, you do it today. A. needn,,t B. don,,t need C. needn,,t to D. not need12. Li Li get up at 7:30. A. used to B. used C. was used to D. uses to13. You answer this question. A. haven,,t to B. don,,t have to C. don,,t need D. needn,,t to 14. It was a cold night. An old man under a chair in the park. A. is lying B. was lying C. has lying D. will lie15. You go with us at once. A. need B. should C. would D. could16. ,,_____I watch TV after dinner, Mum ,,No, you . A. May; mustn,,t B. May; don,,t C. May; won,,t D. Must; mustn,,t 17. Oh, sorry. I you in Shanghai. A. don,,t know,,are B. didn,,t know,,were C. don,,t know,,were D. haven,,t known,,are 18. The PRC in 1949. A. was found B. found C. was founded D. founded19. ,,Is Xiao Li in the classroom ,,No, he there. I saw him in the reading room just now. A. can,,t be B. mustn,,t be C. is D. needn,,t20. ,,Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow ,, . A. Yes, we shall B. Yes, you shall C. Yes, you will D. All right 21. Nobody _____ do it. Let me _____ . A. can, try B. can,,t, to try C. can, to try D. can,,t, trying22. ,, _____ you like ______ bananas to eat ,, ,, Yes, please.,, A. Would, some B. Will, any C. Could, any D. Can, some23. ,, Can you answer this question in English ,, ,, Sorry, I _____.,, A. needn,,t B. may not C. can,,t D. mustn,,t24. ,, _____ I borrow your dictionary ,, ,, Certainly, here you are.,, A. Must B. May C. Need D. Shall 25. I _____ see the words on the blackboard. _____ you write a bit clearly A. mustn,,t, Can B. don,,t, will C. can,,t, Can D. needn,,t, Could26. It,,s a sunny day today. You ______ take a raincoat with you. A. can,,t B. mustn,,t C. needn,,t D. can27. I,,ve looked for my pen everywhere, but I ______ find it. A. couldn,,t B. can,,t C. mustn,,t D. didn,,t28. ,, ____ I speak to Ann ,, ,, Speaking.,, A. Must B. May C. Need D. Shall 29. The science book ______ good care of. A. must be take B. must take C. must be taken D. must to be taken30. The stars _____ in the daytime. A. can,,t be see B. can,,t see C. can,,t be saw D. can,,t be seen,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ÿ,,?,,?,Σ, need, needn,,t, can, can,,t, shall, shouldn,,tmay, must, mustn,,t, have to, would 1. I show him the way, I 2. Can you answer this question in French No, I .3. May I keep the book for three weeks No, you .4. Nobody live without air or water. 5. You not worry. Everything will be all right. 6. ,, I have some chocolates now ,,No, you mustn,,t. 7. Children be left alone. 8. I finish my homework before I go to bed. 9. we go out for a walk That,,s a good idea. 10. you like some fish ,,,,,,о,,,?,,,,,,,? 1. I saw the boy run yesterday. 2. He told me that he would come back soon. 3. You can find a lot of differences between the two languages.4. Do you water your flowers every day 5. The wind blew down the big tree last night. 6. I think that he is right. 7. He had not thrown the bad food. 8. Mother was not mending the trousers. 9. They would not take him to Beijing. 10. Nobody knew me in this town at that time. ,?,,ò,,,,,,,,,,и,, 1. ,,,,,,,,ã,isn,,t easy.?? 2. This is the room .,,?,, 3. He made the children .,,,,, The baby is often heard .,,,,, 4. Can you tell me .,,,,,,,,,,У,,? 5. There are quite marry books .,,,c, 6. Don,,t stop ,,,,,,,before you finish doing your homework.7. Mother wants me .,,,,4,,??λ,,,,? 8. We have planned ,,,,,:,,tomorrow. 9. The students was made .,,,?,?,,,,?,? 10. It,,s important ,,,,,,,and helpful. ,,,w,,ο,,, ?,,,,,,,,? 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. B11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. B16. A 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. D21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. C26. C 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. D,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1. needn,,t, must 2. can,,t 3. mustn,,t 4. can 5. need 6. May 7. shouldn,,t 8. have to 9. shall 10. would ,,,,,,о,,,?,,,,,,,? 1. The boy was seen to run by me yesterday. 2. I was told that he would come back soon. 3. A lot of differences can be found by you between the two languages. 4. Are your flowers watered every day 5. The big tree was blown down last night. 6. It is thought that he is right. 7. The bad food had not been thrown. 8. The trousers were not being mended by my mother.9. He would not be taken to Beijing. 10. I was known by nobody in this town at that time.,?,,ò,,,,,,,,,,и,, 1. To learn English well 2. to live in 3. cry; to cry 4. how to get to that school 5. to read 6. to have a rest 7. to become a teacher in the future 8. to play basketball 9. to clean the classroom again 10. to be kind ,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,(6) ,,,2011-10-19 15:04:29 ,,,5218 ,,,, ,, С,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,1,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,е?,,õ,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,ж,,,ô,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??,,,,磺drive ,C driver, use ,C us...?,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,l,,? ?,,,п,,,,,,l,,,,,,,? ,п,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,, 1,,,,,,,,ý,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?壻 2,,,,,,,,ö,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??估,,,,,, ,п,,,l,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,, 1,,,,,,,,,l,,and, but, or, so,,,,,,?,,,? 2,,,,,,,,õ?,,,l,,?,,?, ( when, after, because, as soon as,,),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,,,ã,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,??磺against,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,??? ,,?,,,,,,,,?,,? 1,,at, in ,,on (1) at,,,,,,,??,,,,??,,, ,,2,,in,,,,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,,<,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in September in winter in 1999 in the 20th century in the morning/afternoon/evening (3)on,,,,,,,,,,??,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night,,,,,,?,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,on,, on Monday on April 1st On the afternoon of May 23. 2,,from, since, for (1) from,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, You can come anytime from Monday to Friday. ,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,С, The exam will start from 9:00am. ,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,(2) since,,,,,,,,,,,,4,?,?,,,,,,,,, He has been away from home since 1973. ,,,,,1973,,,,,?,,,硣 We have known each other since ten years ago.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(3) for ,,since,,,?,,,,,,,for,,,,,,l,ã,,,since,,,,,,l,á, for two hours since last week 3,,after, in, within (1) after,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,before,?,,,,? We,,ll hold a party after dinner. ,,,,,,?,?,?,,,, He got a cancer and died after a year. ,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,(2) within,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I can finish it within an hour. ,?,,,?С,,,,,,,,,,? (3) in ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I was born in 1983.,?,,,,,1983,, My father will come back in three days.,???,,,,,3,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,,? 1,,In, outside between, among (1) in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,桱磺 What,,s in the box ,,,,,,,,,ô She put her book in the desk. ,,,,,?,,,,,,!,(2) outside?,,,,,,,,,,桱 There are many people outside the room. ,,,,,,,к,,,,, What did your see outside the hall ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ô (3) between,,,,,,,,?,,,,, There is a hospital between the hotel and the post office. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? The building stands between the park and the small river. ,,,,,,λ,,,,,,С,,,,, ,,among,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,There is a thief among you.,, The policeman shouted to the crowd. ,,,,,,,,,,,,#,,,,,,,,м,,и,С,,? He found his place among the crowd. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,λ,á,? 2,,on, above, over, below, under (1) on,,,,,,,,,,,,,棬,,,,,? There is an apple on the table. ,,,,,,?,,,,, On the top of the hill, there is a flag. ,,,,?,,,,,,?? (2) above?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,λ,ø,,,,,,,,,below,,,, A plane flew above our heads. ?,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? The Turners live above us. ,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?档 (3) over,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,under,,,, There is a bridge over the river. ,,,,,,?,,,š, The picture is hanging over the blackboard. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(4) below,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,, There are many flowers below the window. ,,,,,к,,,, Her skirt reaches just below her knees. ,,,,,,,,,,,?,? (5) under,,,,,,,,?, They sat under a big tree, drinking. ,,,,,,,,?,ô,,,,º,?, What are you wearing under your coat ,,,,,,,,,,,洩,ô 3,,near, by, beside (1) near,,,,,,,,,,,far,,, A hospital was built near the railway station.,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,? My home is near he school. ,?,,,У??,,, (2) by = beside,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,near,,,,,, He just sat by/ beside me in the cinema.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, He lay down beside the statuary. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,in front of, in the front of , behind, around(1) in front of,,,,,,,, , in the front of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,档 A river flows in front of the house.,,,,,,,?,,, They put a bunch of flowers in front of the door. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, There is a red chair in the front of the room. ,,,,,,,,?а,,,,,,?? (2) behind,,,,,,,,, A high building stands behind the village.,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, The cat lies behind the door. è,,,,,?,,档 (3) around,,,,,,,Χ,,Χ,, There are many trees around the village.,,,,,,Χ,к,,,,Χ,?, There are flowers around the stage. ,,,,,Χ,,,,,,,,,5,,along, across, through (1) along,,,, He likes to drive along the river.,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, There are all kinds of beautiful flowers along the road street. , ,,,,,Ÿ,,,,,,,?,,, (2) across,, The little girl is afraid to go across the street.,,,С?,,,,,?,,,?,, It,,s dangerous to run across the busy road. ,,,?,,,,æ,,,,?,?,Σ,,?, (3) through,,,, It took us ten minutes to drive through the tunnel.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,10,,,,,,, He pushed his way through the crowd to the platform. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,at, in ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,at,,?,,С,??,,,,糵,,,,,,,,in,?,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,С,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,С,,,?,,,,,?,,, He lives at No.27 Zhongshan street in Nanjing.,,?,,,,,,,,,?27,š,? The plane will arrive in Beijing at 13:00. ,,,,13,?,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,;,?,,? 1,,,,,,,,,,,,λ,,,?,,at, for, by? (1) at,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, He drove at a speed of 80 miles an hour.,,,,ÿС,8,,,,?,,,,,,, I sold my car at a high price.,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,? 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,of, from? (1) of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? This box is made of paper.,,,,,,,,?,,?, This salad is made of apples and strwberres. ,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,?,? (2) from,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? Bread is made from wheat.,,,,,С,,,,?, The lifeboat is made from some special material. ,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,?3,,,,,,,,,,,,,?Ρ,,?,,by, with, on? (1) by,,,,,衰,,,?Σ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,磺 by bus,,,,,,,by plane,,,? He usually goes to work by bike.,,,,,,,,,,, He sent the news to me by e-mail.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,, (2) with,á,,,,,,, He broke the window with a stone.,,,,,,,,g,,,,,,,? He stopped the ball with his right foot.,,,,,?,,,,??,, (3) on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,顣 They talked on the telephone.,,,,,,,,,,,н,,,, She learns English on the radio/on TV.,,,,,,,,,,/,,,,,,?? 4,,besides, except,,,,,,,,,,,,,,besides,,,?,,,,,as well as,,? He is interested in tennis besides,,as well as,,football. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,1,,besides,,,(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,},,,?,,,,,,,, Twenty-five students went to the cinema besides him. ,,,,,,,,,,,,25,,,,,,,,,,,,,(,,,,,,,25,,,,,,)?? We like biology besides English. ,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,, ,,2,,except,,?,,,,(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,},,,??,,,, Everyone is excited except me. ,,,,,,,,,ÿ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, All the visitors are Japanese except him. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ο,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,l,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,?,,,,,,,,й,,?,,,l,,,У,? and, both,,and, neither,,nor, either,, or, not only,,but also,, as well as 1,,and (1) ,,,,,,,,,,,l,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,orl,,,,?? I like physics and chemistry.,,,,,,,,,,,,,? I don,,t like physics or chemistry.,?,,,,,,,,,,,,? 2,,both,,and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Both Jim and Mary went to the cinema yesterday.,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? Exercise is good both for body and for mind.,,,,,,,,,,,,?,3,,neither,,nor },,,, He neither smokes nor drinks.,,,,,,,,,?,,,?, I like neither swimming nor skating.,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,,,,,,, 4,,either,, or,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,.,, Either you come to the office now, or wait for me at home. ,,ô,,,?,,,,,?4,,ô,,,?,,,š,? Either he or I will leave. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,, 5,,not only,,but (also),,,,,,,,,,,,,, (not only,,but also,е,also,,,,,,,) ?? Not only she but also I am wrong.,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,, He not only made a promise, but kept it. ,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,6,,as well as?,,,, We will rescue Henry as well as you. ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?? He likes basketball as well as football. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,õ?,,,l,,? ,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,l,,,У,when, while, since, until, after, before, as soon as 1,,when,,,,,,, When we got there, the meeting had begun.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? It was raining when she arrived at the station.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,while,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,while,,?,,,У,ν,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,ý,,,,,,,,? Don,,t make any noise while others are reading.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? She sang while she was walking. ,,,,,,,,, 3,,since,,, It,,s just a month since we arrived here.,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,? My mother has been ill since I left home.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,, 4,,until?,,,,,,?? Until you told me, I knew nothing at all about it.,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,, He didn,,t appear until the meeting had begun.?,,,,,,,,,,?,档 5,,before,,,,,,, after,,,,,,,, I,,ll phone you after I arrive.,,,?,,,,,,,,,,, Say goodbye before you go.,,,,,,,,?,, 6,,as soon as?,,,,,, I,,ll visit you as soon as I come back.,,?,,4,,,,,,,, Please tell him as soon as you see him. ,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,l,,because, since, as, for, now that ? 1,,because,,? ( because,,so,,,,,,á,) I can,,t believe in him because he isn,,t honest. ,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, She didn,,t come because she didn,,t know it. ,,û,,4,,,,?,,,,!,2,,since,,, Since he says so, it must be true.,,,,,,,ô,,,,,?,,,,,,?, Since you ask, I will tell you. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,??, 3,,as,,?,,,,,, As we are hungry, let,,s have supper. ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?ɡ Mother began to worry about my brother as it was getting dark. ,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,迪,?,,,,?,,, 4,,for,,? We can't go for it is raining. ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,, I enjoyed myself at the party for I knew all the guests well. ,,,,,,,,,,,ú,,,,,,,?,,,е?,,,,,,,,,,,,? 5,,now that,,, Now that he is unhappy, let,,s leave him alone. ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,ɡ Now that she feels sorry, please forgive her. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ɡ ,,,,,,,,?,,,, so,,that, such,,that 1,,so,,that ,,,,,,,,,, She is so tired that he can,,t go any further. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, She is so big a cat that she can,,t get into the hole. ,,è,,,,,,,,,,,,? 2,,such,,that ,,,,,,,,,, It,,s such a beautiful place that I wouldn,,t come back.,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,u,,,, It,,s such a fine day that many people go to the park for fun. ,,,,,,ô,ã,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,, ,,,?,,,?,,?,,,,,l,,so that, in order that,,,? They hurried so that they can get there on time.,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I hired a boat in order that I can go fishing.?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,С,,,,,,,,,壩,,?,,,,,l,,than, as,,as? He is taller than his brother. ,,,,,,?,,, She could draw as well as her teacher. ,,,,,,ø,,,,,,?,,á,? ,,,,,,,ò,?,,,,,l,,though, although ,,though,,although,,,?,,,?,,? Although it rained hard, he still went out.,,,,,,,µú,,,,,,,,,,, Even though I have enough time, I don,,t want to go there with him. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,, ,?,,,,,w, ,,,,,,? 1. Don,,t worry. We,,ll find the cat for you . A. for some time B. in no time C. on time D. at time 2. I was very surprised seeing him there. A. to B. on C. for D. at 3. My son is a nice new coat. I bought it ten pounds. A. in, by B. in, for C. on, by D. on, for4. The old woman is sitting her daughter. A. near to B. next C. next to D. next by5. Can you translate this English A. in B. for C. with D. into 6. There will be a meeting Monday. A. at B. in C. on D. for 7. Tom often gets up six the morning. A. at, in B. on, in C. by, on D. at, at8. The young man caught hold the thief and hit him the face. A. of, on B. on, in C. of, in D. of, at9. I,,ll wait for you the bus stop. A. on B. at C. in D. over 10. I,,m sorry I cannot agree you. A. with B. to C. of D. on 11. Mr. Smith lived writing for a magazine. A. on B. with C. to D. in 12. It,,s bad manners to laugh others when they are trouble. A. at,,in B. over,,at C. with,,on D. to,,with13. It is very kind you to help me my English. A. of, in B. to, in C. for, with D. of, with14. Please write pencil, not ink. A. in, with B. in a, with C. with a, in D. with, in15. He told me the truth. A. At the end B. In the end C. At the end of D. In the end of 16. There are a lot of trees the building. A. in front of B. in the front of C. on front of D. on the front of 17. The bus was people so we had to wait for the next one. A. fill B. fill with C. full D. full of18. The bridge is made stone. A. with B. from C. of D. by 19. It,,s time the meeting. A. for B. to C. by D. on 20. May I use your dictionary for a minute I want to look a word. A. at B. for C. on D. up 21. ______ my father ______ my mother are teachers. A. Neither,, nor B. Both,, and C. Either,, or D. Not,, but 22. The baby is only three months. He can _____ read _____ write. A. neither, nor B. either, or C. both,, and D. not,, but 23. English isn,,t easy, _____ I like it. A. but B. or C. since D. and 24. I didn,,t watch TV _____ I finished my homework. A. after B. when C. while D. until25. Which season do you like best, spring, summer, autumn _____ winter A. and B. or C. but D. if 26. The train started to move away faster _____ faster. A. or B. but C. as D. and<, BR>27. _____ I got home, my parents were reading newspapers. A. As soon as B. Before C. After D. When28. Take the medicine ______ you go to bed. A. until B. before C. because D. after29. I,,ll give the letter to her _____ she comes back. A. until B. as soon as C. before D. since30. My shoes are small, _____ I need new ones. A. because B. and C. so D. if ,,,,,塢w,,ο,,, ,,,,,,? 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A11. A 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B16. A 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. D21. B 22. A 23. A 24. D 25. B26. D 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. C,,,,,,,,,,,,,???,,,(7) ,,,2011-10-19 15:04:29 ,,,5219 ,,,, ,, С,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,1,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,е?,,õ,,,? ,,2,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,ж,,,ô,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,??,,,,磺drive ,C driver, use ,C us...?,,,,,?,,,,,,?,, ,, ?,,,п,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,??棺 ,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,,,2,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,what, how,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,壬,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,е,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,,,5,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?, ?,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,ý,,,,?,þ,š,.,,,,? ,,,,Tom has a new car.,,?,,~,?,,, ,,,,The flower isn,,t beautiful.,,,,,!, ,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,,,1,, ,,,,,,,,,,,ν,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,l,,,,be,,,??,?,,,,,,Щ,,,,,,not,,,,,,,,,,?? He is playing the guitar.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, He is not playing the guitar.,,,,,,,,,,,, We can get there before dark.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We can,,t get thee before dark.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,, ,,,,,,,,ν,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,û,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, ,,,,don,,t, doesn,,t,,didn,,t,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,Ρ, He plays the violin well.,,С,,,,-,?,á,,,,,,,, He doesn,,t play the violin well.,,С,,,,-,?,,á,,,,,, She won the game.,,,,,,,,,,,,,? She didn,,t win the game.,,û,,,,,,? ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,顢,,?,,,ν,? ,,,,,,,Σ,,,?,ø,,,š,,,,,,,,š,.,,,,,,,,?,,,ý,,,1,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,you,,,you,,,,,,,,,,,,???,?,,,,,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? Be quiet.,,,,,? You be quiet! ,,,,?,,,,, ,,2,,,,Do+,,,,,,,,?,,?,?,,,,,,,,do,,?,,,,,á,? Do come back at once! ,,,b,,,,,?, Do be careful.,,,С,?, ,,3,,please,,,,,,,,,,п,,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,please,,,,,?,,,,,,,,ö,,,,,,,,,,?,??,,, Open the window, please.,,,,,,,, ,,4,,Let,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,?,õ,?,,,,,,,,?, Let Jack wait a minute.,ý,,,?,, Let,,s go to school.,,,,,,,,,,?ɡ ,,5,,,,,,,,,,У,Let,,s,, Let us,,,,,,,?,Let,,s,,(,,,,,,,,Let us,,,,(,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Let,,s go skating, shall we ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,?,,,?,,飩 Let us try again, will you ,,,,,,,,,,?,Σ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?, ?,,?,,,,,,, ,,1,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,, ?,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,be,,,,,have,,,У,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,,,no4,????,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Do you know Mr. Smith ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Can you swim ,,,,,,,, ,,2,,?,,,,,,,?,, ,, ,,?,,,,,,,?,,,У,,,,,not,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,not,?,,,,,,-n,,t,,,,,?-n,,t,,?,,,,,,,,,,,be, have,,,,,,,,,,,,,д,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,У,?,,,,,ü,,,,,, ,, ,,? ,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,4,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,?? ,,,,,?,,,,,no,,,,,, Aren,,t you a football fan ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,Yes, I am. ,?,,,,,,? ,, No, I am not. ,,,,,?,,,, Won,,t she like it ,,,,,,,, Yes, she will. ,?,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,, No, she won,,t. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,,no,?,,,,ý,,, ?,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,what, which, who, whom, whose ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what, which, whose ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,when, where, why, how ,,,õ,,,,,,,,,, ?,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ?,,,,, what What is your father He is a doctor. ? ,,,,,, who Who is that boy He is Jack.He is my? brother ,,ò,,,, what,,like What is she like What does she look like She is beautiful. ?,, what,,for What did they come here for To attend a meeting. ,,, why Why did they come here Because they have a meeting to attend. ,,,, how what,,like How is the weather today What is the weather like today It,,s fine. ,, what color,, What dolor is her skirt It,,s red. ? ,,,,?, what size What size does he wear He wars 40. ,,,,,, what time What time is it It,,s 7:30. ,,,,, what day What day is today It,,s Tuesday. ,,,?,,,,, what is the date,, What is the date today It,,s May 2. ,,,,,,, how old How old is he He is 38. ,,,,,,,,,,ã, how long How long have you been here For five months. ,,,,,,,,, how long How long is the bridge It,,s 500 metres. ,,,,,?,,, how far How far is it from here to the zoo It,,s 6 kilometres. ,,,,,,,,,, how often How often do you come back Once a week. ,,,,, 侭?how soon How soon will she arrive In an week. ,,,,,,,??, how many,,,,,,,,,how much,,,,,,,,,,, How many?? jackets do you have How much coffee do you want Three.Two cups. ,?, how much How much is it How much does it cost Five dollars. ,,,,,,,, how tall,,,,,,,how high,,,,,,,,, How tall is she How? high is the tower She,,s 1.73 metres.It,,s 450 metres.3,, ,,,,,,?, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,}?,?,},,,,,?,,,,,,ö,,,,???,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,+,,?,,,,,,,,,,orl,,or,,,?,??,?,,,,or,,,,?,,?},,, ,,,,,,?,,,,,yes,,no,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,? Is your bag yellow or black It,,s black.,, Would you like some tea or coffee Either will do.,, Which do you like better, singing or dancing I like dancing better.4,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,д,,,,1,,,,,,?,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, I am your teacher, aren,,t I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ? He didn,,t study hard, did he ,,,,,?f,,,,,, ? ,,2,,,,,,,,,,к,,з,,,,never,,,,,,,,,,,hardly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,nothing,? none no one, nobody, neither, few, little,,,,,,,,,?,,,ÿ,,,,,,磺 They hardly write to each other, do they ,,,?,,,,,,д,?,,,,, He has found nothing, has he ,,,ô?û,,,,,,,,,, ? Few people knew the secret, did they ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,??,,,,,,,,,??,, ?,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,á,Yes+,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,á,No+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,??,,,,,,,,,no,,,,,?,,,ɡ? You won,,t be away for long, will you ,,,,,?,,ã,,,,, ,,,,Yes, I will.,,,,,?,,?,,á, No, I won,,t.,?,,?,,,,??,,á, ,,,,I don,,t think she,,ll come by bike, will she ,,,,?,,,,,,,,г,,,,,,, ,,,,Yes, she will.,,,,,,,,,,,,г,4,, No, she won,,t.,?,,,,,,,,,г,4,,? 3,,,,,,,,what, how,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,ø,,,š,,,,,,,,,,,ý,,,,,,,,,,,,,what,,ho? w,,what,,,,,,,how,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??? 1,, what,,?,,,, ,,,,1,,what + a/an +,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,+ν,, ,,,,,,What a beautiful city it is!,,ô,,,,,?,,,,а,,, ,,,,,,What an interesting story she told!,,,,?,,,ô,,,,?,,?,,,,,,,2,,what+,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,,/,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,+ν,, ,,,,,,What expensive watches they are!,,,,,?,,, ,,,,,,What terrible weather it is!,,ô,,,,,,,,? 2,,How,,?,,,, ,,,,1,,How+,,,,,/,,,,+,,,,,,,,,+ν,, ,,,,,,How cold it is! ,,,,,, ,,How hard he works! ,,,,,ô?f,,,, ,,,,2,,How+,,,,,,,,,+ν,, ,,,,,,How he loves his son! ,,,ô,,,,?,,,,,? ,,,,,,How I miss you! ,,,,,?,,, ,,,,3,,How+,,,,,+a/an+,,,,,,,,,,+,,,,,,,,,+ν,, ,,,,,,How tall a tree it is! ,,ô,,,?,,,,, ,,,,How they cried! ,,,?,ö,,,,?,! 4,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,壬,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,е,,,,,,,,,,,?,,, ,,,,1,,,,,?,,,, ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,l,,,,when,,,,,,,,,,,,while,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,У,,,since,,,,,,,,,4,? ,,,before,,,,,,,,,,,,,after,,,,,,,,,,,tell/until,,?,,,,,,,,,,,as soon as,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??,,4,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,He was reading the newspaper when I came in.,,,,4,,,,,,,,?,q,?,, ,,,,Keep an eye on my cat while I am away.,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,è,,? ,,,,Don,,t talk so loud while others are studying.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? ,,,,It has been five years since she went abroad.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, He died before his son came back.,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I,,ll show him around our factory as soon as he arrives.,,?,,,,,,,,,,ι,,,,?,,,,,?? ,,,,I,,ll tell him about it as soon as I see him. ,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,(2) ,,?,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,l,,,,if,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,4,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,If you stay at home, I,,ll go.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, If we don,,t get up early, we won,,t catch the train.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,, ,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,ó,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,},,,b,?,,,l,,?,,,б,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,?,, ,,(1) ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,that,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,?,,,,,Tom isn,,t a good student. The teacher told us,,,,,,,,The teacher told us Tom wasn,,t a good student.,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,?? ,,,,He has given up smoking. She said,,,, ,,,,She said he had given up smoking.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,(2) ,,,,,,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,,,whether,,ifl,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,? ,,,,Is Jim a doctor I wonder,,,, ,,,,I wonder whether Jim is a doctor.,,,,,,<,?,,,,,,,,? ,,,,Does she dance well Can you tell me,,,, ,,,,Can you tell me if she dances well ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,(3) ,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?l,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,?? ,,,,She asked me where you were going.,,,,,,,,,,,,, She wondered what he wanted to do.,,,,,,,,,,,ô,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,? ,,(1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(?,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,κ,,,,,? ,,,,I am wondering whether he has come or not.,?,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? ,,,,Please tell me when we,,ll have the meeting.,,,,,,,,ô,,,,,,?,,4,,,,,,,I don,,t know who they are talking about.,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,I have heard the window was broken by John.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,(2) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ù,,,,??,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,He said he would kill her.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,? ,,,,She told us Lucy had returned home.,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mary was wondering who could answer the question.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,,,, ,,,,I didn,,t told them where you were having the meeting.,,,,,,û,и,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,(3) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,?,,,,,,,,,? ,,,,Granny told me that the earth moves around the sun.,,,,,,,,,,,Χ,,,,,??,, She said a friend in need is a friend indeed.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?? 5,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,?,? ,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,õ,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ε,,,,,?,,,,,,,,д,? ,,(,,),,,,,,,,,,,й,,,, that,, which,, who,, whom,, whose ,,,,,,,, when,,??? where,, why,, how,, 1,, that ,,,,,д,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,, ,,A plane is a machine that can fly. ,,,,??,?,?,,,? ,,I like the book (that) you lent me yesterday. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?顣 2,,which,,,,,д,?,,,,,, ,,The book shop is a shop which sells book. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,The book (which) I read last night was wonderful. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? 3,, who ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, whom ,, who ,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, whose ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, ,,The man who visited our school yesterday is an American friend ,,,,,,ι,,,,,У,,,,,,?λ,9,,,,,?? ,,Who's that woman (whom) you just talked to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,, ,,This is our classmate, Mary, whose home is not far from our school. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,У,,,,,??? 4,, ,,,,, whom,, which ,?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,д,,,,?,,,,,, ,,?,,,,,,?,,,,, whom ,, which ,,,,,д,,,,,,д,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,,,,棬磺 That was the room in which we had lived for ten years. ,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,?,,,? = That was the room which we had lived in for ten years. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,й,,,,,when,,where,,why,,?,,,,,,,??, 1,, when,,4?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,, ,,,,I never forget the day when I first came to the Great Wall,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,,?,ε,,?,,,,,,?? 2,, where ,,?,?,,,,,,,,,,,,?,?,, ,,,,This is the house where the old man lives. ,,,,,,,λ,,,,?,?,,,? 3,,why,,4?,,,,,,,,?,, ,,,,That,,s the reason why he didn,,t come yesterday. ,?,,,,,,,,,?,ôû,,4,,,,, ,,,w, ?,,,,,,,,? 1. Do you know daughter she is A. whose B. whom C. what D. who2. They wondered if the teacher them some English songs the next week. A. would teach B. had taught C. will teach D. taught3. He asked picture was John,,s. A. whose B. who C. whom D. which 4. He told me Paris is the capital of France. A. which B. the C. that D. what 5. I,,ll go there by bike it is fine tomorrow. A. whether B. that C. what D. if 6. I will write to you I get there. A. while B. as soon as C. as D. since7. Please answer the question in a loud enough voile all the class may hear. A. so, that B. so that C. and D. or8. I have that I don,,t know which one I should borrow. A. such many books B. so many books. C. such much books D. so much books 9. it was blowing heavily, the farmers went on working in the fields. A. Though, ,, B. Though, but C. Because, ,, D. Because, so10. He asked me during the summer holiday. A. where I had gone B. where I had been C. where had I gone D. where had I been 11. Please give the message to him when you . A. see him B. will see him C. saw him D. are going to see him 12. Can you tell us A. if your father does B. what does your father do C. your father does what D. what your father does13. He asked me if I knew . A. whose pen was it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen is it 14. She had cleaned the room her mother came home. A. after B. before C. as soon as D. if15. There are heavy clouds in the sky it is going to rain. A. if B. that C. as if D. whether16. This is the place I have ever visited. A. there B. when C. where D. which17. You may do it yourself leave it to me. A. either,,or B. neither,,nor C. whether,,or D. both,,and18. Do you know A. what are you listening B. what you are listening C. what you are listening to D. what are you listening to 19. It ten years since I taught in the school. A. will B. was C. has D. is20. ,,Do you know ,,Yes. He is a teacher. A, whom he is B. whom is he C. what is he D. what he is ,,,,,,,,??,,,,, 1. Lucy has finished the work.,,,,??,,,,,,,2. She used to wear white skirt.,,,,?,,,3 I think Jack is a good student.,,,,?,,,4. There is something wrong with my watch.,,,,?,,,5. The tree is very tall.,,,,?,,,,,How~,,6. The cock gets up very early.,,,,?,,,,,7. He wish to be a teacher.,,,,?,,,,, 8. Come back at once.,,,,?,,, 9. The boy doesn,,t like dancing.,,,,??,,,,,,,10. You mustn,,t smoke in the classroom.,,,,?,,,,,11. This is a very interesting story.,,,,?,,,,,12. It,,s very bad news.,,,,?,,,,, 13. Shall we go out for a walk ,,,,?,,,,,14. She,,s gone to Paris.,,,,?,,,,,,,,, 15. Rose seldom goes skating.,,,,?,,,,,,,,,16. We don,,t believe Jack has stolen your money.,,,,?,,,,,,,,, 17. There is nothing left.,,,,?,,,,,,,,,18. I am dishonest.,,,,?,,,,,,,,, 19. Be careful!,,,,?,,,,,,,,, 20. Let,,s sing the English song.,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,w,,ο,,, ?,,,,,,,,? 1. A 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B11. A 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. C16. C 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. D,,,,,,,,??,,,,,, 1. Has Lucy finished the work 2. She didn,,t use to wear white skirt. 3. I don,,t think Jack is a good student.4. There is nothing wrong with my watch./There isn,,t anything wrong with my watch. 5. How tall the tree is! 6. How early the cock gets up! 7. How he wish to be a teacher! 8. Don,,t come back at once. 9. The boy doesn,,t like dancing, does he 10. Don,,t smoke in the classroom. 11. What an interesting story this is! How interesting a story this is! 12. What bad news it is! 13. Let,,s go out for a walk. 14. She,,s gone to Paris, hasn,,t she 15. Rose seldom goes skating, does she 16. We don,,t believe Jack has stolen your money, has he 17. There is nothing left, is there 18. I am dishonest, aren,,t I 19. Be careful, will you 20. Let,,s sing the English song, shall we ####
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