首页 117工程变更申请报告



117工程变更申请报告117工程变更申请报告 CB23 变更申请报告 (承包,周口水建,变更 01 号) 合同名称: 合同编号: 致:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(监理机构) 由于 周营供水厂厂址地形与原设计不符等 原因,我方今提出工程变更。变更内容详见附件,请贵方审批。 附件:1. 工程变更建议书。 承 包 人: (全称及盖章) 项目经理: (签名) 日 期:2010年12月3日 监理机构 初步意见 监理机构: (全称及盖章) 总监理工程师: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 设计单位 意见 设计单位:...

117 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 变更申请报告 CB23 变更申请报告 (承包,周口水建,变更 01 号) 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 名称: 合同编号: 致:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(监理机构) 由于 周营供水厂厂址地形与原 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 不符等 原因,我方今提出工程变更。变更 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 详见附件,请贵方审批。 附件:1. 工程变更建议书。 承 包 人: (全称及盖章) 项目经理: (签名) 日 期:2010年12月3日 监理机构 初步意见 监理机构: (全称及盖章) 总监理工程师: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 设计单位 意见 设计单位:(全称及盖章) 负责人: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 发包人 发包人:(全称及盖章) 意见 负责人: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 批复意见 监理机构:(全称及盖章) 总监理工程师: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 说明:本表一式 份,由承包人填写。监理机构、设计单位、发包人3方审签后,承包人、监理 机构、发包人、设代机构各1份。 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 工程变更建议书 施工时发现周营供水厂厂址地形与原设计不符,经建设单位、设计单位、监理单位、施工单位联合测量,厂区现状地面高程(平均值)比该村正常地面高程(以黄孟营村小学门前水泥路中心高程为准,假定该点高程40.00米)低2.6米左右。 经联合商议,确定以下调整 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 : 1、清水池顶面高程确定为40.00米(以黄孟营村小学门前水泥路中心高程为40.00米计),与黄孟营小学门前水泥路高程持平,水厂内地面(即房屋室外地坪)确定为39.00米。水厂内各种建筑物、构筑物、管道等的相对高差保持与原设计图纸一致。 2、外购土方将场内地面填筑至39.00米高程。 3、从水厂大门口至小学门前水泥路(长约55米),按设计要求需修建一条4米宽的进场道路(水泥路),该道路东西两端高差1.0米,修筑时平顺连接(即进场道路西侧高程与学校门前水泥路持平40.00米,东侧与水厂内水泥地面持平39.00米)。 4、管理房、门卫室、化验室、发电机房等房屋的基础样式、尺寸、基底高程经设计单位现场勘察、钻探后进行设计调整。 二〇一〇年十二月三日 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance CB23 变更申请报告 (承包,周口水建,变更 04号) 合同名称:沈丘县2010年第二批农村饮水安全工程施工1标 合同编号:SQYS—2010—EPSG —01 致:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(监理机构) 由于 周营供水厂的围墙需要建在回填土方上等 原因,我方今提出工程变更。变更内容详见附件,请贵方审批。 附件:1. 工程变更建议书。 承 包 人:周口市水利建筑工程有限公司(全称及盖章) 项目经理: (签名) 日 期:2011年1月5日 监理机构 初步意见 监理机构:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(全称及盖章) 总监理工程师: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 设计单位 意见 设计单位:周口市水利勘测设计院(全称及盖章) 负责人: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 发包人 发包人:沈丘县水利局(全称及盖章) 意见 负责人: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 批复意见 监理机构:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(全称及盖章) 总监理工程师: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 说明:本表一式 份,由承包人填写。监理机构、设计单位、发包人3方审签后,承包人、监理 机构、发包人、设代机构各1份。 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 工程变更建议书 由于周营供水厂新建围墙基础位置下部为土方回填(填土深度最低在1.35米以上),为防止回填土不均匀沉降导致围墙断裂和应发包人要求,特提出以下变更建议: 1、原围墙基础垫层设计为150mm厚3:7灰土,建议调整为150mm厚C15混凝土,并在垫层内下部适量配置钢筋(4Φ10通长筋,Φ6,250分布筋),以增加抗裂强度。 2、根据发包人要求,为美观和安全计,围墙墙体加高0.32米。 二〇一一年一月五日 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance CB23 变更申请报告 (承包,周口水建,变更 02号) 合同名称:沈丘县2010年第二批农村饮水安全工程施工1标 合同编号:SQYS—2010—EPSG —01 致:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(监理机构) 由于 根据地形条件和发包人要求等 原因,我方今提出工程变更。变更内容详见附件,请贵方审批。 附件:1. 工程变更建议书。 承 包 人:周口市水利建筑工程有限公司(全称及盖章) 项目经理: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 监理机构 初步意见 监理机构:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(全称及盖章) 总监理工程师: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 设计单位 意见 设计单位:周口市水利勘测设计院(全称及盖章) 负责人: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 发包人 发包人:沈丘县水利局(全称及盖章) 意见 负责人: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 批复意见 监理机构:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(全称及盖章) 总监理工程师: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 说明:本表一式 份,由承包人填写。监理机构、设计单位、发包人3方审签后,承包人、监理 机构、发包人、设代机构各1份。 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 工程变更建议书 根据发包人、监理人要求,特提出以下变更建议: 1、管理房由平屋面结构改为坡屋面结构,房屋相应加高,室内增设轻钢龙骨石膏板吊顶。 2、发电机房与水质化验室合并,外观、长宽尺寸等与水质化验室协调一致。 3、井房与发电机房分开,单独设计布置。 二〇一〇年十二月五日 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance CB23 变更申请报告 (承包,周口水建,变更 03号) 合同名称:沈丘县2010年第二批农村饮水安全工程施工1标 合同编号:SQYS—2010—EPSG —01 致:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(监理机构) 由于 周营供水厂地形与设计图纸不符~房屋基础必须坐落在原状土层上等 原因,我方今提出工程变更。变更内容详见附件,请贵方审批。 附件:1. 工程变更建议书。 承 包 人:周口市水利建筑工程有限公司(全称及盖章) 项目经理: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 监理机构 初步意见 监理机构:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(全称及盖章) 总监理工程师: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 设计单位 意见 设计单位:周口市水利勘测设计院(全称及盖章) 负责人: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 发包人 发包人:沈丘县水利局(全称及盖章) 意见 负责人: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 批复意见 监理机构:周口市大地工程监理有限公司(全称及盖章) 总监理工程师: (签名) 日 期:2010年 月 日 说明:本表一式 份,由承包人填写。监理机构、设计单位、发包人3方审签后,承包人、监理 机构、发包人、设代机构各1份。 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 工程变更建议书 由于周营供水厂实际地形与原设计不符,整个水厂需要大量回填土方,为保证房屋安全,房屋基础必须坐落在原状土层上,因此特提出如下变更申请: 门卫房、水质化验室、发电机房需要设计单位根据实际地形条件和勘探资料调整基础结构尺寸、埋深等,并提供相应变更图纸。 二〇一〇年十二月五日 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance
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