首页 《郑西高铁ZDJ-9道岔控制电路》教案



《郑西高铁ZDJ-9道岔控制电路》教案《郑西高铁ZDJ-9道岔控制电路》教案 郑州铁路局职工培训 教师课堂教学备课纸 首页,共6页 授课班级 授课时间 出勤情况 郑西高铁ZDJ-9道岔控郑西高铁道岔控制电路室课程名称 章节课题 制电路原理 内控制电路 授课方式 理论教学 作业题数 1 1、通过教学,使学员回顾道岔控制电路基础知识。 教学目的 2、通过教学,使学员了解ZDJ-9道岔特点和单动六机控制电路。 3、通过教学,使学员掌握单动六机道岔动作顺序。 教具、挂图、 幻灯片 课件 重点: 1、单动六机道岔控制电路TDD组合中1DQJ...

《郑西高铁ZDJ-9道岔控制电路》教案 郑州铁路局职工培训 教师课堂教学备课纸 首页,共6页 授课班级 授课时间 出勤情况 郑西高铁ZDJ-9道岔控郑西高铁道岔控制电路室课程名称 章节课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 制电路原理 内控制电路 授课方式 理论教学 作业题数 1 1、通过教学,使学员回顾道岔控制电路基础知识。 教学目的 2、通过教学,使学员了解ZDJ-9道岔特点和单动六机控制电路。 3、通过教学,使学员掌握单动六机道岔动作顺序。 教具、挂图、 幻灯片 课件 重点: 1、单动六机道岔控制电路TDD组合中1DQJ和2DQJ励磁电路; 2、单动六机TDF组合中的1DQJ和2DQJ励磁电路 重点与难点 3、单动六机道岔动作顺序。 难点:单动六机道岔控制电路和动作顺序。 教学回顾 道岔控制电路基础知识。 说明 任课教师签名:高召明 教育科长审阅签名:徐惠荣 section engineering code for construction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliant construction to create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will Engineering profile serial number professional points items used material specifications connection/laying way installation parts 1 to drainage water dry tube steel plastic composite tube DN25~DN100 silk buckle connection tube insight loaded water dry tube steel plastic composite tube DN100 above (mechanical pressure slot) card hoop connection basement trunk tube water support tube PPR tube DN15~DN20 hot melt connection leveling layer within dark buried user meter DN20, and DN25 silk buckle connection Dang layer tube within life drainage dry tube UPVC drain 《郑西高铁ZDJ-9道岔控制电路》教案 洛阳电务段三门峡西车间:高召明 教学目的: 1、通过教学~使学员回顾道岔控制电路基础知识。 2、通过教学~使学员了解ZDJ-9道岔特点和单动六机控制电路。 3、通过教学~使学员掌握单动六机道岔动作顺序。 重点、难点: 1、单动六机道岔控制电路TDD组合中1DQJ和2DQJ励磁电路, 2、单动六机TDF组合中的1DQJ和2DQJ励磁电路 3、单动六机道岔动作顺序。 授课内容: 一、引语部分,幻灯片1, 各位领导~随着郑西高铁开通两年多来~高铁信号设备质量不断提高~ 安全生产 安全生产管理档案一煤矿调度员先进事迹安全生产副经理安全生产责任最近电力安全生产事故安全生产费用投入台账 进入了有序可控状态。截止2011年年底~高铁信号设备故障不断下降~但是在进入2012年后~随着器材上道时间的延长~设备材质故障时有发生。主要集中在继电器和断相保护器方面~造成材质不良的原因是多方面的~但是作为一线车间~必须要做到在发生故障或报警信息后能够迅速查找出不良材质并进行更换~确保信号设备安全运行。通过 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 和归纳总结~主要集中在道岔控制电路方面~特别是BHJ和DBQ~仅在2012年一季度~三门峡西车间管内发现并处理不良BHJ和DBQ共计6起。由于高铁ZDJ-9道岔学习资料有限~我便结合既有线的道岔控制电路和高铁道岔控制电路图纸进行综合分析~准备了本节课~来同各位领导和同事们进行交流~不到之处~诚恳希望在座各位进行更正。 yer tube within life drainage dry tube UPVC draintube DN15~DN20 hot melt connection leveling layer within dark buried user meter DN20, and DN25 silk buckle connection Dang lae PPR teel plastic composite tube DN100 above (mechanical pressure slot) card hoop connection basement trunk tube water support tubo drainage water dry tube steel plastic composite tube DN25~DN100 silk buckle connection tube insight loaded water dry tube sts 1 tgineering profile serial number professional points items used material specifications connection/laying way installation parnstallation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will Enical ient system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrruction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality managemconst quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management inengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the to strt construction to create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order struction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliansection engineering code for con2 ,幻灯片2, 本节课主要讲解以下内容: 1、复习道岔控制电路基础知识 2、郑西高铁ZDJ-9道岔特点 3、单动六机道岔表示电路 4、单动六机道岔控制电路,重点难点, 说明:由于控制电路比较复杂~本节课主要讲解室内控制电路部分~集中在TDD和TDF组合进行详细讲解~通过讲解~使职工掌握单动六机道岔动作顺序。 5、单动六机道岔动作顺序。 6、预习了解道岔保护、切断、动作电路。 上节课回顾,幻灯片3, 在复习道岔控制电路基础知识方面~我们上节课讲述了一些内容~本节课进行重点回顾: 道岔控制电路基础知识: 1、道岔控制电路作用:按照选岔电路或人为操作的指令自动的完成转换道岔的转换任务。 2、基本联锁条件 ,1,道岔在锁闭状态时,进路锁闭、区段锁闭、引导总锁闭,不能接通道岔控制电路, ,2,轨道区段有车占用时不能接通道岔控制电路, ,3,道岔控制电路一旦接通~应能保证道岔转换到底~不受上述条件限制。 ,4,道岔转换完毕后~自动切断道岔动作电路并给出相应位置的表示。 UPVC drain eling layer within dark buried user meter DN20, and DN25 silk buckle connection Dang layer tube within life drainage dry tubeon leve (mechanical pressure slot) card hoop connection basement trunk tube water support tube PPR tube DN15~DN20 hot melt connectic composite tube DN25~DN100 silk buckle connection tube insight loaded water dry tube steel plastic composite tube DN100 abovplastisional points items used material specifications connection/laying way installation parts 1 to drainage water dry tube steel ne of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will Engineering profile serial number profestion ogement system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construcject in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality manas proocedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, thiconstruction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and pr rojectilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of pjectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliant construction to create "safe and civsection engineering code for construction and acceptance of quality ob3 3、道岔控制电路的主要继电器名称及作用:,幻灯片4至7, 二、本节课内容,幻灯片8, 郑西高铁ZDJ-9道岔特点: 1、全线采用ZDJ-9转辙机~大体分为:单动单机、单动六机、双动双机、双动六机、双动,五机和六机,、双动,六机和十二机,等型号。 2、道岔定型组合 ,幻灯片9,3、道岔定型组合继电器类型表: ,幻灯片10,4、对于BHJ和QDJ电路中~1ZBHJ和1QDJ用于尖轨部分转辙机~2ZBHJ和2QDJ用于心轨部分转辙机。 5、现场使用最多的是六机牵引道岔~采用的是尖4心2型~即:尖轨部分由4台转辙机~心轨部分由2台转辙机。 6、控制电路部分可以理解为双机~尖轨为一机~心轨为另一机~只不过双机可以单独动作。 7、对于其他五机牵引或十二机牵引可以举一反三~同步理解。 说明:本节课主要对单动六机牵引道岔室内控制电路进行讲解。 三、单动六机表示电路,幻灯片11, 表示电路特点: 1、每台转辙机使用一个TDF组合~单独设置1个DBJ和1个FBJ~用于检查室外转辙机转换到位后~由表示变压器提供表示电源~经相关检查条件和整流匣后吸起。 2、对于一组单动六机道岔~由一个TDD和6个TDF组合组成~TDD组合中的DBJ和FBJ通过6个TDF组合中的表示继电器接点串联后~用KZ、KF电源动作吸起。 3、TDD组合中的DBJ和FBJ参与联锁。 e PPR teel plastic composite tube DN100 above (mechanical pressure slot) card hoop connection basement trunk tube water support tubo drainage water dry tube steel plastic composite tube DN25~DN100 silk buckle connection tube insight loaded water dry tube sts 1 tgineering profile serial number professional points items used material specifications connection/laying way installation parnstallation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will Enical ient system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrruction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality managemconst quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management inengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the to strt construction to create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order struction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliansection engineering code for conyer tube within life drainage dry tube UPVC draintube DN15~DN20 hot melt connection leveling layer within dark buried user meter DN20, and DN25 silk buckle connection Dang la4 4、串接接点采用双断法。 四、单动六机道岔控制电路,幻灯片12,重点难点 以道岔定位向反位扳动为例: ,1,定位初始状态:1DQJ?~1DQJF?~2DQJ?~SJ?~DGJ?。 ,2,经操纵后~SJ?~FCJ?~动作TDD组合内1DQJ和2DQJ ,3,TDD组合内继电器动作完毕后~接通尖轨部分控制电路,见红框内,~同时接通心轨部分控制电路,见黄框内,。 ,4,尖轨和心轨部分室内控制电路动作完成后~使每台转辙机内部的1DQJ?~1DQJF?~2DQJ?~接通室外转辙机动作电路。 ,5,每台转辙机动作完毕后~接通反位位置的分表示~然后再接通总反位表示。 TDD组合分析:,幻灯片13, 尖轨部分控制电路分析,幻灯片14, 1.TDD组合内继电器动作完毕后~接通尖轨部分控制电路J1组合和TDD组 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 时动作,如图所示~2DQJ动作同上 2.J2组合内部的1DQJ和2DQJ在J1组合的1DQJ?和TDD组合的2DQJ?转极后开始动作。 3.J3组合内部的1DQJ和2DQJ在J2组合的1DQJ?和TDD组合的2DQJ?转极后开始动作。 4.J4组合内部的1DQJ和2DQJ在J3组合的1DQJ?和TDD组合的2DQJ?转极后开始动作。 备注:1.TDF中的2DQJ转极都是通过自身组合的1DQJ3?接通,或第4组, 2.TDF中的1DQJF励磁电路在1DQJ?后接通。 eling layer within dark buried user meter DN20, and DN25 silk buckle connection Dang layer tube within life drainage dry tubeon leve (mechanical pressure slot) card hoop connection basement trunk tube water support tube PPR tube DN15~DN20 hot melt connectic composite tube DN25~DN100 silk buckle connection tube insight loaded water dry tube steel plastic composite tube DN100 abovplastisional points items used material specifications connection/laying way installation parts 1 to drainage water dry tube steel ne of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will Engineering profile serial number profestion ogement system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construcject in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality manas proocedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, thiconstruction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and pr rojectilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of pjectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliant construction to create "safe and civsection engineering code for construction and acceptance of quality obUPVC drain5 3、TDF中的1DQJ自闭电路在本台转辙机转动时,BHJ?,接通。 ,幻灯片15,心轨部分控制电路分析 五、作业题:试画出单动六机道岔动作顺序框图。,幻灯片16, 六、下节课预习,幻灯片17、18, 下节课~我们将重点讲解控制电路中的保护、切断电路及室外转辙机动 作电路~希望本节课后做好预习工作。主要内容如下: 保护继电器、切断继电器电路 转辙机动作电路原理图 谢谢大家: 2012年5月 o drainage water dry tube steel plastic composite tube DN25~DN100 silk buckle connection tube insight loaded water dry tube sts 1 tgineering profile serial number professional points items used material specifications connection/laying way installation parnstallation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will Enical ient system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrruction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality managemconst quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management inengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the to strt construction to create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order struction and acceptance of quality objectives to meet the national, both of the bidding documents and drawings with brilliansection engineering code for conyer tube within life drainage dry tube UPVC draintube DN15~DN20 hot melt connection leveling layer within dark buried user meter DN20, and DN25 silk buckle connection Dang lae PPR teel plastic composite tube DN100 above (mechanical pressure slot) card hoop connection basement trunk tube water support tub6
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