首页 分公司员工入职手续办理流程



分公司员工入职手续办理流程分公司员工入职手续办理流程 为更加准确高效地进行员工入职手续的办理工作,人力资源部重新规范分公司员工入 职手续办理流程,具体如下: 一、员工入职资料: (一)全部资料:1、《分公司员工录用审批表》 2、《面试评估表》 3、《个人信息登记表》 4、《担保书》 5、居民身份证复印件 6、学历证书、学位证书和技术资格证书复印件 7、《体格检查表》 8、《离职证明》或《保证书》 9、《员工背景调查表》 10、1寸彩照4张(蓝底白衬衣) (二)关键资料:前五项 (三)所有资料要求信息完整、字迹清晰...

分公司员工入职手续办理流程 为更加准确高效地进行员工入职手续的办理工作,人力资源部重新 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 分公司员工入 职手续办理流程,具体如下: 一、员工入职资料: (一)全部资料:1、《分公司员工录用审批表》 2、《面试评估表》 3、《个人信息登记表》 4、《担保 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 》 5、居民身份证复印件 6、学历证书、学位证书和技术资格证书复印件 7、《体格检查表》 8、《离职证明》或《保证书》 9、《员工背景调查表》 10、1寸彩照4张(蓝底白衬衣) (二)关键资料:前五项 (三)所有资料要求信息完整、字迹清晰,页面整洁。复印件核对原件后由相关责任人签 字确认与原件无误。 二、上报资料及审批流程: (一)V级以下人员: ——分公司人事行政负责收集、整理入职资料(10项) ——分公司总经理最终审批 ——审批后关键资料复印件(5项)邮寄至总部人力部组织发展部 说明:此类人员的入职资料原件全部由分公司存档,关键资料复印件总部备份。 大区人力资源经理负责监督抽查。 (二)V级(含)以上人员: ——分公司人事行政负责收集、整理入职资料(10项) ——分公司总经理审批 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head ——业务主管部门审批(专指财务系统人员)(资料邮寄至人力部招聘管理部) ——总部人力部审批(资料邮寄至人力部招聘管理部) ——公司领导最终审批 ——人力部组织发展部信息录入、回传《分公司员工录用审批表》后存档 说明:此类人员的入职资料原件全部由总部存档,分公司备份全部资料复印件。 (三)财务系统人员入职手续参照V级(含)以上人员办理流程 三、办理时限: 1、 分公司V级以下人员关键资料须在分公司总经理审批日起5个工作日内寄往人力部组 织发展部。 2、 分公司V级(含)以上人员的全部资料须在起薪日起5个工作日内寄往人力部招聘管 理部。招聘管理部在收到资料后2个工作日内报公司领导最终审批,审批后将资料转 至组织发展部。 3、 组织发展部在公司领导最终审批后1个工作日内将审批结果传回分公司/办事处; 4、 上报资料不符合要求的,人力部将在1个工作日内通知分公司/办事处;资料符合要 求,但未能在规定工作日内完成的审批,人力部将电话告知。 四、特别说明: 所有招聘与录用都应遵循公司《招聘与录用管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 》。如有违反,人力部将不予批准,并按公司有关规定追究相关人员责任。 五、附件: 1、《分公司入职手续办理流程图》 2、《分公司员工录用审批表》 3、《面试评估表》 4、《个人信息登记表》 5、《担保书》 6、《员工背景调查表》 7、《保证书》 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 分公司入职手续办理流程图 《分公司员工录用审 批表》《面试评估表》 分公司入职资格审定 《个人信息登记表》 《体检表》《担保书》 《离职证明》或《保证 书》学历证书及身份证分公司入职资料收集、整理 复印件、1寸彩照4张 N Y 级 分公司总经理审批 分公司资料存档 V级以下 Y V级(含)以上 大区人力资源经理监控 N 级 大区、总部财务部审批 N 级 人力部审批 《员工录用审 批表》、《面试评 估表》、《个人信 N 息登记表》、《担 级 公司领导审批 保书》、身份证 复印件 总部信息录入 回传《录用审批表》 总部资料存档 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 深圳市天音通信发展有限公司 表一 分公司员工录用审批表 员工编号: 姓名 性别 学历 专业 担任职务 部门 大区 分公司 办事处 (按 组织架构 公司组织架构图模板下载组织架构图模板下载工程部新组织架构及流程规划公司组织架构财务部组织架构图及岗位职责 中岗位填写) 入职资格审核: ?1、《面试评估表》 ?2、个人简历 ?3、《个人信息登记表》 ?4、担保书 ?5、身份证复印件 ?6、学历、学位及技术资格证书复印件 ?7、《体格检查表》 ?8、《离职证明》或《保证书》 ? 9、《员工背景调查表》 入职时间: 年 月 日 试用期 个月 说明事项: 经办人签名: 日期: 起薪薪资: 试用薪级: 基本工资: 津贴: 转正薪级: 基本工资: 津贴: 人事行政负责人签名: 日期: 业务主管部门负责人 招聘管理部负责人 签名: 签名: 日期: 日期: 人力资源总监 公司领导 签名: 签名: 日期: 日期: to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 深圳市天音通信发展有限公司 表二 ( )分 公 司 面 试 评 估 表 应聘人员姓名: 应聘职位: 评估方法:由高分到低分共分5个级别进行评价,请在选定的级别中打“?”。 一、初试 评估人:人力资源部招聘人员 评估内容 优良 较好 一般 勉强 很差 仪态与气质 语言沟通能力 工作心态与成熟度 文化适应性 工作经历的相关性 职业素质 忠诚度 性格适应性 综合评语: 意见: ?不合格 ?复试 ?建议复试其他职位 ?存档 签名/日期: 二、复试 评估人:用人部门经理或主管 评估内容 优良 较好 一般 勉强 很差 工作技能与知识结构 工作环境的适应性 领导与管理方式的适应性 个人发展需求的可满足度 薪资要求与内部薪资平衡 综合评语: 意见: ?不合格 ?同意录用 ?建议录用,申请复试 ?建议复试其他职位 职位建议: 薪资建议:试用期 转正 签名/日期: 三、终端复试 综合评语: 意见: 薪资建议: 签名/日期: 四、入职确认 确认人:大区人力资源经理/分公司人事行政经理 ?录用职位: ?薪资情况:试用 级,基本工资: 补贴: ?报到日期: 转正 级,基本工资: 补贴: ?补充说明: 签名/日期: to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 深圳市天音通信发展有限公司 表三 个人信息登记表 入职职位: 员工编号: 姓名 性别 出生年月 学历 婚否 民族 照 片 身高 血型 户籍所在地 专业 毕业学校 政治面貌 身份证号码 社保卡编号 社保卡电脑号 电子邮件 联系电话 本地邮编 详细地址 紧急联络人 单位及电话 起止时间 工作单位 职位 离职原因 证明人及电话 工 作 经 历 起止时间 毕业院校/教育机构 专业 取得证书 证明人及电话 教 育 经 历 姓名 关系 文化程度 工作单位 家庭住址 电话 家 庭 情 况 英语等级 个人 电脑操作 技能 其他技能 是否有亲属在本公司工作:? 无 ? 有 姓名 部门 您是通过何种渠道了解到应聘职位的招聘信息: ? 网站 ?猎头 ? 报纸 ?招聘会 ?其它 本人保证以上内容的真实性。若有虚报及隐瞒,本人愿随时接受公司解聘. 本人签名: 日期: to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 深圳市天音通信发展有限公司 表四 担 保 书 以下资料请担保人如实填写 致:深圳市天音通信发展有限公司 本人 ~现以个人名义为贵公司职员 作担保,该员工在公司期间一切有损公司利益的行为~由本人承担连带责任。 担保人个人资料: 担保人姓名: 性别: 年龄: 与被担保人关系: 工作单位: 单位地址: 单位电话: 身份证地址、号码: 家庭地址: 住址电话: 此处请张贴担保人身份证影印件,要求清晰,: 现签此担保书~以兹证明~并保证以上提供资料之真实性。 担保人签名: 被担保人签名: 经办人签名: 日 期: 日 期: 日 期: to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 深圳市天音通信发展有限公司 表五 员工背景调查表 员工编号: 姓名 部门 岗位 最近两个单位工作情况 工作单位 部门 职位 工作表现 同事关系 离职原因 离职手续办理情况 工作单位 部门 职位 工作表现 同事关系 离职原因 离职手续办理情况 担保人情况 姓名 联系电话 工作单位及部门 家庭情况 姓名 关系 联系电话 工作单位及部门 家庭住址 调查结论 调查人: 日 期: to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 深圳市天音通信发展有限公司 表六 保 证 书 以下资料请保证人如实填写 致:深圳市天音通信发展有限公司 分公司 本人 ,男/女,身份证号码 ,因无法出具原供职单位离职证明,现本人郑重声明,本人现原供职单位离职手续已办理完毕,且与任何单位不存在聘用等关系。 若有以下任何情况之一出现: 1、与原单位未办理离职手续, 2、与任何单位仍存在聘用关系。 本人承诺同意立即无条件终止与深圳市天音通信发展有限公司 分公司的劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。 此处请张贴保证人身份证影印件,要求清晰,: 保证人签名: 人事行政经理签名: 日 期: 日 期: to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head
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