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大学生就业意向调查计划书大学生就业意向调查计划书 大学生就业意向调查 计划书 目录: (一) 前言 (二) 调查目的 (三) 调查内容 (四) 调查方法 (五) 调查对象及抽样 (六) 调查人员及时间安排 (七) 调查经费及预算 (八) 调查问卷初步设计 (九)后记 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust poll...

大学生就业意向调查 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 书 大学生就业意向调查 计划书 目录: (一) 前言 (二) 调查目的 (三) 调查内容 (四) 调查方法 (五) 调查对象及抽样 (六) 调查人员及时间安排 (七) 调查经费及预算 (八) 调查问卷初步 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 (九)后记 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 一、前言: 对当前就业形势 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 : 一般来讲,大学生毕业后有两个选择:一是找工作,二是继续升学进修,最起码选择继续进修的同学已不算是失业。而对于希望找到工作而未能如愿的"失业"毕业生,很多时候不能把原因推卸在沉寂的经济和人才过剩上。大学生就业难正日益成为一个社会问题,但我国的人才总量是缺乏的。据统计2003年我国大学生毕业生超过212万人,2004年将达到280万人。据预测,在2005年应届大学生毕业生很可能达到340万人。专家认为:大学生就业难的程度被夸大了??有关部门的统计显示,目前每年社会新增就业机会大约700万至800万个,而每年大学毕业生人数则大约在300万左右。就这一数据而言,大学毕业生理应有比较大的就业空间。但我国在疏通渠道和就业服务上有明显不足,也有很大拓展空间。一方面是民营企业、边远地区有很大需要,另一方面是目前的就业服务有很大的局限,尚未形成全国性的就业市场,大学生异地求职,信息不畅,成本太高。此外还有就业观念须转变的问题。 面对日益激烈的就业市场,许多毕业生所能做的仅仅是尽量把自己的简历做得更加美观,在简历后面附上更多的证书复印件,然后在网上海投,或者拼命去挤人山人海的招聘four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 会。即使这样,四处的周旋仍然毫无结果,投出的简历也如泥牛入海„„ 其实,找工作的过程首先应该是一个了解自己的过程,也只有那些真正了解自己的人,才会更有希望在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。针对这一点,大部分人采取了找到工作以后,在与工作的相互磨合中,渐渐了解自身的表现,殊不知,这种做法已经让许多人输在了起跑线上。所以我们要做好对2012年大学生的就业分析。 抓住重点人群,提供更完善的公共就业服务,实施更有针对性的积极就业政策。从20世纪90年代后期开始我国政府逐步形成积极的就业政策,当时的重点是创造城镇就业岗位,帮助下岗失业职工实现再就业。随着劳动力供求关系的变化,就业政策应逐渐转变重心,面向不同就业群体提供更广泛的就业扶助。针对农民工易受宏观经济周期影响以及社会保障覆盖率低的特点,通过提高宏观经济政策对就业形势的敏感性、推进户籍 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 改革、提高基本公共服务均等化程度等,提高农民工就业的稳定性和社会保障的充分性。大学毕业生就业困难主要在于其知识和技能与劳动力市场需求不匹配。因此,解决大学生就业困难应从高等教育体制、实习制度、就业培训和中介服务等方面入手,提高人力资本与劳动力市场的匹配效率。城镇就业困难人员受年龄偏大、教育程度偏低、技能老化以及求职能力弱等制约,常常遭遇结four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 构性和摩擦性失业以及与此相关的就业困难,需要通过完善劳动力市场的配置效率和提高政府就业服务水平,降低其就业难度。 附:近几年高校毕业生总数量 2003年 212万 2004年 280万 2005年 333万 2006年 413万 2007年 495万 2008年 559万 2009年 610万 2010年 631万 2011年 660万 2012年 >700万 从小的方面来说就业问题主要存在以下几个方面 1、岗位增36%学生增130% 毕业生供需矛盾突出是近年来社会公认的大学生就业难的一个直接原因。从2001年至2005年,全国高校毕业生从114万增加到338万,是扩招前的3倍;北京地区从6.6万人增加到15.4万人,是扩招前的2.3倍。但是同期北京市所属单位上报需求毕业生数量(不含国家和中央在京机构)只是从4.2万人增加到5.7万人,仅为扩招前的1.36倍。 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 2、应届生就业不吃香 在大学毕业生“就业难”的同时,用人单位也普遍存在着“选材难”。一企业投资管理有限公司每年招收的1000名员工中,只有40名是大学应届毕业生;一印刷有限公司的代表说,“尽管我们公司的栋梁和骨干全是大学生,企业的发展离不开大学生,但是,我们每年基本上不要应届大学生”。 3、热门专业人才过剩 近年来,一些工科院校和具有专业特色的学校追求综合发展,纷纷上马热门专业,致使这些专业的毕业生就业难度加大。 北京高校毕业生就业指导中心主任任占忠认为,对于近年来盲目上马、目前就业较困难的专业,应坚决按教育部规定,区别具体情况减少或停止招生。 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 4、薪酬低: 市场只给1700元/月 。这次关于大学生薪酬期望值的问卷调查结果显示,有66.4%的本科毕业生希望自己的月薪在2000元以上,但据北京和上海有关机构的调查结果显示,大学生月薪的市场值平均为1600~1700元/月,毕业生的期望值显然高出社会现实水准,也导致部分大学生“有业不就”。 5、有效招聘信息数量减少 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 一些企业利用当前大学生供过于求的形势,推出假招聘,先给出诱人的待遇条件,然后以培训等名义收取费用,再以试用不合格等理由辞退学生。大学生就业的招聘信息表面看渠道多,但有效的、实用的信息并不多,大学生获取真实有效的信息少,导致就业难。 6、教授多“教练”少 调查显示,大学生求职中遇到的最大困难是“缺乏工作经验”,占63%。我国的教育体制多年来按照一种模式培养人才,专业设置脱离社会需求,不注重学生实际能力的培养。大学生有的是专业知识,缺的是良好心理素质、礼仪和法律观念,大学里有的是教授,缺的是“教练”。 有时候甚至缺少专业的就职信息服务,缺少就职辅导规划。 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 7、怕吃苦,不愿从基层做起 许多企业反映,大学生做事眼高手低,知识脱离实际,不愿从基层做起,缺乏吃苦耐劳精神,人际沟通能力差,比较自私,因此不愿意接收应届大学生。 8、频跳槽,企业抱怨“学费太高” 大学生就业后稳定性差,是造成企业不愿意接收大学生的另一重要原因。 企业接收大学生后一两年内流失率在30%以上的达到被调查企业总数的50%。甚至像联想集团这样的大型企业,也认为他们为大学生高流失率“交的学费太高” 二、调研目的: 随着近年各大高校扩招,全国总体就业压力严峻,毕业生就业压力前所未有。对每个大学生来说,及早规划自己的职业生涯,对决定自己的职业生涯的主客观因素进行分析,总结和测定,确定奋斗目标,才能在竞争激烈的就业环境中处于不败之地。这是我们这次活动的主要目的,明确现four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 今大学生的思想活动状况,给大学生的就业问题提出自己的看法,是我们将来的道路做出一个短浅的规划。使我们看清自己的自身条件,给自己的一个准确的定位。 三、调查内容 1.大学生的统计资料(性别、家庭构成、家庭 经济状况、所选专业) 2.大学生对就业情况的期望(毕业去向、期望收入) 3.大学生就业选择的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 (就业影响因素、就业前景、就业地区、就业态度、就业方向) 4.大学生对就业的看法(专业对口问题、招聘信息获得问题) 四、调查方法: 为了尽可能比较全面地了解影响大学生就业观念和求职意向的主客观要素,我们主要采取了:?调查问卷;?网络调查收集样本;?展开6-8次小型座谈会;?一对一专项深入调查;?采用滚雪球方法,利用我们小组成员的朋友关系网,进行朋友的朋友调查采访,然后回收问卷。 这样我们考虑到成本的问题和人员及时间的安排,所以采用的以上几种方式。这样的话缩短了调研时间和回收时间,大大简化了调研搜集的中间繁复过程。 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 人员要求: 1. 具体认真负责,能吃苦耐劳。 2. 仪表端庄、大方。 3. 举止谈吐得体,态度亲切,热情,具有把握谈话 气氛的能力。 4. 要有自信。 五、调查范围及对象: 哈尔滨地区学生为主,兼顾周围朋友关系网中的朋友(零散的分布在全国各地的大学生)。预计样本数量在800左右。 六、调研人员与时间安排: 第一阶段:初步部署人员及战略规划 第二阶段:计划阶段 制定计划 2天 审定计划 1天 确认及修改计划书 1天 第三阶段:问卷阶段 问卷设计 4天 问卷确认 1天 问卷印制 2天 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 网络问卷设计 1天 第四阶段:实施阶段 人员简单培训 3天 小组成员实施执行 5-7天 第五阶段:研究分析 数据输入 4天左右 数据整理分析 3天左右 第六阶段:报告阶段 报告书写 2天 报告打印 1天 人员分工及安排: 组长:刘洋 问卷设计:杜志高 发言人:白亮 分发问卷:包欣宇,包星 数据整理:冯阳 攥写报告:叶成龙 七、经费预算: 调查预算: 调查阶段耗费 30-50元 问卷的印制 30元 人员的消耗费用 20元 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 数据的整理及统计 15元 总计:95---115元 八、调查问卷初步设计 我们考虑到操作熟练程度及运用知识的能力水平加上我们小组人员的心血付出,初步设计了一份调查问卷,内容详尽,包括基本调查内容等。有不完善之处将在实施过程中随时多方做出修改,做到及时纠正,查漏补缺。问卷设计附录在最后一页。 九、后记: 最后通过此次活动希望做到心中有数,结合自身情况,给我们大学生们,就业提出一个合理的建议,做出具体的规划,给我们的未来一份合理的答卷。我们期待明天~~ four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials,
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