首页 八级词汇专项自测题十套(1)



八级词汇专项自测题十套(1)八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)通过上述“代前言”和前四章的学习,我们已初步弄清了如下五个问题: 1.“自然英语”是一种客观存在,是本书作者多年研习英语词汇和阅读的一种发现和归 纳,它的核心就是对英语学习的观念、材料和方法进行客观描述,而不去主观规定,一切顺其自然。 2.本书的选词为什么要借鉴当今英语国家权威的英语词典,又参考适应中国各级英语考试“国情”的相关词表呢?对此,我们在第一章中,对八级选词的理据和来源做了若干讨论和说明,权当回答上述问题,让大家都成为明白人。 3.第二章分析、列举、测试了英语...

八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)通过上述“代前言”和前四章的学习,我们已初步弄清了如下五个问题: 1.“自然英语”是一种客观存在,是本书作者多年研习英语词汇和阅读的一种发现和归 纳,它的核心就是对英语学习的观念、材料和方法进行客观描述,而不去主观规定,一切顺其自然。 2.本书的选词为什么要借鉴当今英语国家权威的英语词典,又参考适应中国各级英语考试“国情”的相关词 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 呢?对此,我们在第一章中,对八级选词的理据和来源做了若干讨论和说明,权当回答上述问题,让大家都成为明白人。 3.第二章分析、列举、测试了英语专业八级词汇与几种中美主要考试级别的词汇,不仅使读者高屋建瓴地俯瞰各级词汇的源头、流向、分枝的景况,也让读者“试上一把”,从而知道各级词汇的难度。不仅如此,本章提供的相关论据和材料,对读者的整体复习,也能助上一臂之力。 4.本书在第三章中,首先把英语专业四级词汇和八级词汇在权威样题(主要是阅读题)中的情况做些说明,接着附录英语专业四级和八级全真阅读原题,以便读者真切感受各级词汇在其中发挥的作用。读完本章,读者一定会对八级词汇在八级试卷中的体现有了比较具体的印象,并根据各级词汇在试卷各题型中所占的准确的词汇比例,检查相关词汇上的问题,并明确改进的具体内容。 5.如果说“代前言”是立论,前三章是铺垫,第四章才是本书要达到的根本目的:通过鲜活的、完美的语言上下文,即通过那些构思了整体布局、考究了结构修辞、斟酌了词语达意的各类文体,如诗歌、散文、小说、科普文和时文文选等,真真正正地体现了“自然英语”所要求的各项要素。这不仅是本书的高潮,也是编著者希望读者从根本上习惯新的,“自然英语法”学词汇的期望之所在。当然,本章中用于自学和教学的时间,也将会是最长的。 最后,为了让本书所收英语专业八级词汇的覆盖面尽可能地大,我们从前几章例文里没有覆盖到的八级词中,选出一部分词,编题专项训练。在下面的十套1000题中,每套题的前30题和后30题为本书作者自编,其余40题为往年“托福”词汇题的精选。这些题的题干句,大都富有现代生活气息,盈溢文理百科的理念,综合知识面广、句式变化大;虽不能像上述引用的各类文章,将词义包容、涵盖、演绎得淋漓尽致,但仍可作为认知某个生词的第一步。所以说,题干句本身,不仅具有最小的、但却完整的“语言上下文”(linguistic context),还起到了“工具(相当于某词义项的例句)的功能,读者亦可仔细体味。 自测题第一套 I. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best complete the sentence: 1. The _ is used by astrologers to help calculate the influence of the planets on people’s lives. A. zephyr B.zodiac C.zyme D.zest 2. It’s a _ timetable. Sometime lessons happen, sometimes they don’t. A. haphazard B.odious C.haughty D.handicapped - 1 - 3. No men was allowed to _ on the livelihood of his neighbour. A. wade B.invoke C.muffle D.infringe 4. The poor man’s clothes were so _ that they couldn’t be repaired any more. A. oozed B.ragged C.mopped D.mocked 5. The scents of the flowers was _ to us by the breeze. A. intercepted B.detested C.saturated D.wafted 6. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of _. A.vagaboned B.sabotage C.paradox D.tachyon 7. The actor amused the audience by _ some well-known people. A. embroidering B.rigging C.yelping D.mimicking 8. The speaker _ us with tales of exotic lands and buried treasure. A. detour B.offset C.tantalized D. ushered 9. I assure you there was no _ motive in my suggestion. A. ulterior B.stationary C. vulgar D. toxic 10. Government loan have been the _ of several shaky business companies. A. tornado B.salvation C.delinquency D. momentum 11. The hunter kept the lion’s skin an d head as _. A. trophies B. fillet C. tulip D. clown 12. We saw the canoe _ , throwing its passengers into the water. A. prostrate B. overturn C. simulate D. brag 13. He has been drinking alcohol so heavily that his death severely affected and got his _ alcoholically. A. quittance B. qualm C. quail D. quietus 14. The orphanage is just one of he r_ causes. A. phonetic B. philanthropic C. prevalent D. lunatic 15. After a period of probation a _ becomes a nun. A. soprano B. hippie C novice D. monsieur 16. Despite his wealth and position, he has an _ personality. A. unassuming B. unprecedented C. undermining D. uncouth 17. The island is maintained as a _ for endangered species. A. wetlands B. sanctuary C. mire D .heath 18. If you _ something, such as food or drink, you reduce its quality or make it weaker, for example by adding water to it. A. adulterate B. moor C. vaccinate D. sue 19. A _ is a grill on which meat, fish, and other foods are cooled over hot charcoal, usually out of doors. A. duet B. fag C. tonic D. barbecue 20. The _ warned the sleeping troops that the enemy was creeping near. A. pickpocket B. picket C. pike D. pickup 21. When you are suffering from _ you have red spots on your skin and you feel as if you have a cold, A. apathy B. measles C. impotence D. schizophrenia 22. Their business was war, murder, _ and rape. A. pillage B. audit C. bonanza D. nectar 23. He was brought before the _ for trial. A. tribunal B. isle C. granary D. observatory 24. The guests, having eaten until they were _ , now listened inattentively to the speakers. A. contracepted B. satiated C. griped D. trespassed 25. If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will _ you. A. scale B. scald C. shun D. shunt 26. The meeting took on a different _ after his moving speech. A. presage B. posture C. travesty D. trauma 27. While she had the fever, she _ for hours. A .raved B. sniggered C. tittered D. perforated 28. The mice _ when the cat came. A. rambled B. lingered C. sauntered D. scampered 29. Many animals display_ instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless. A. cerebral B. imperious C. rueful D. maternal 30. On August 18th the president announced a general _ for political exiles. A. ado B. yoga C. quartet D. amnesty II. Each sentence has a xsrord or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part: 31. She lived on the yonder side of the valley. A.farther B. nearer C. either D. left 32. Theolddouple lived in abject poverty. A. honest B. inancial C.complete D.noble 33. Larry was so absorbed in his novel that she forgot about his dinner cooking in the oven. A. engrossed B. enlivened C. obliged D. excelled 34. His grandfather used to be an admiral. A. a toper B. a general C. atop naval officer D. a colonel 35.She distributed gifts in a bountiful and gracious manner. A.modest B.stingy C.generous D.sparing 36. I have just had a long bout of house cleaning. A. hour B. brush C.period D. fight 37. The girls braided their hair with flowers. A. plaited B. combed C. ecorated D. dressed 38. They got in quite a brawl. A.snit B.fight C.bally D.littering 39. Her brazen contempt for authority angered the officials. A.insolent B. innocent C. insomuch D. isolated 40. After the storm the lake returned to its usual calm state. A. flaccid B.placid C. lucid D. acid 41.Charles was in no positionto make a judicious decision. A. wise B. courage C.rested D.complete 42.This wood is too wet to kindle. A. chop B. carve C. dry D. burn 43. The politician promised to be candid, but we wondered. A. sweet B. open and frank C. casual D. discreet 44. The lambs capered about in the meadow. A. stumbled B. ran C. danced D. skipped 45. Therewas a caption underneath the photograph. A. signature B. graph C. title D. design 46. She is the most faultless person in the group. A.impeccable B.impartible C.imminent D.impellent 47.The waiter fawned on the rich customers in hopes of a large tip. A. ignored B.sought favor from C. sought help from D. smiled at 48. Not wishing to attend thedance, Marie feigned illness. A. infected B. solicited C.disguised D. enacted 49. He is one of the young lady's fervent admirers. A. ardent B. first C. young D. unseen 50. Huey Long's denunciations of the federal government were often inspired by the fervor of his listeners. A. size B. curiosity C. cheerfulness D. zeal 51. Fidelity is a quality of character that is admired by most people. A. Generosity B. Chastity C.Faithfulness D. Wisdom 52.The police will make every effort to capture the fiend who murdered the children. A.foolish person B. wicked person C. hot-headed person D.suspected person 53. We found a hamlet in the deep forest with only six families. A. an empty space B.a cottage C.a small village D. a tribe 54. The rising prices are harassing the manufacturers and the consumers. A. to the benefit of B. causing contradictions C. stimulating D. worrying 55. He is always harping on lack of opportunity. A. talking tiresomely about B. talking rapidly about C. talking loudly about D. talking widely about 56. Because the details of the project were rather hazy, we decided to reject the proposal. A. dubious B. unobtainable C. lucrative D. vague 57.If Mr. Jones had known that she were a criminal, he would never have aided or helped her in any way. A. curtailed B. repelled C.abetted . D.surfeited 58. In front of the house is a small lake hemmed in by thick leafy trees. A. viewed B. blocked C. lined up with D.surrounded 59. He refused to see anyone and remained a hermit all his life. A. heretic B. fugitive C.recluse D. veteran 60. She wants to hitch her trailer to your car. A. wreck B. hatch C.connect D. thatch 61. Does he love his wealthy mother or only pretend fo mercenary reasons? A. personal B. unexplained C. instinct D.selfish 62. Pick up that mess of dirty clothes and have them washed. A. clutter B.cluster C. clatter D. cloister 63. His joke caused mirth in the audience. A. misunderstanding B. confusion C.laughter D. reaction 64.A person's miscellaneous expenses include stamps and haircuts. A. food B.varied monor C. additional D. annual 65. With alittle care you coulci have avoided the mishap. A.accident B. defeat C. misunderstanding D. riot 66. He ushered me to my seat at once. A.guided B. preserved C. adhered D. engaged 67. In winter, many homeless vagabonds prefer to live in prisonather than to live in the open. A. children B.wanders C. criminals D. unemployed workers 68.Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sage. A.philosopher B.biographer C.geologist D.geographer 69. A concert was given in the saloon of the ship. A. deck house B. conference room C.passenger cabin D. bar-room 70. Typifcally, ocean reefs teem with fish. A. swarm with B. are slimy with C. are poisonous to D. are uninhabited by III. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. A) alumnus swivel console raisin cogitate devolve efface verdant glint bikini 71. The colleges all have well-kept _ lawns. 72. One-piece swimming costumes are more fashionable than _ this year. 73. To be a good manager, you must know how to _ responsibility downwards. 74. The whole country had tried to _ the memory of the old dictatorship. 75. She _ her chair round and stared out across the back lawn. 76. He tried to _ her, but she kept saying it was all her own fault. 77. For breakfast I have porridge made with water, to which I add _. 78. The stream _ upon the moonlight. 79. I was just _ upon the meaning of life. 80. Several famous _ have agreed to help raise money for the school's restoration fund. B) siphon skid invoice pantomime elf malnutrition tarmac syrup consummate 81. In fairy stories, _ are small magical beings who play tricks on people, 82. She puts a piece of plastic tubing in her mouth and starts _ as form a huge metal drum. 83. Three planes were standing on the _. 84. The vegetable curry is served with rice and _. 85. The car pulled up toofast and _ on the dusty shoulder of the road. 86. _ is an amusing musical play, and is also used to mean mime. 87. All the parts have been taken from stock but they need to be _ before shipping. 88. Having agreed a price through the computer, the customers own machine can then automatically produce an invoice to _ the deal. 89. She always has prune in _ for breakfast. 90. Many thousands of refugees have already died from _. C) gore syllabus finale whereupon hooligan skulk tartan skimp ramp paragon 91. All the dancers come on stage during the grand _. 92. Which modern novels are on the _ this year? 93. Many families must _ on their food and other necessities just to meet the monthly rent. 94. _ is mainly associated with Scotland. 95. The bullfighter was almost _ to death. 96. I thought I saw someone in the bushes-perhaps we should call the police. 97. _ had sprayed paint all over the car. 98. To get to the cinema foyer, you have to push the wheelchair up the _. 99. The author seems to view the British system as a _ of democracy. 100.I told her she looked fat, _ she threw the entire contents of a saucepan at me and burst into tears. 参考答案: I. 1~10 BADDB BDCAB 11~20 ABDBC ABADB 21~30 BAABB BADDD II. 31~40 ACACC CABAB 41~50 ADBDC ABCAD 51~60 CBCDA DCDCC 61~70 DACBA ABADA III. 71.verdant 72.bikinis 73.devolve 74 . efface 75 . swivelled 76.console 77.raisins 78.glinted 79.cogitating 80.alumni 81.elves 82.siphoning 83.tarmac 84.lentils 85.skidded 86 . Pantomime 87 . invoiced 88.consummate 89.syrup 90 . mulnutrition 91.finale 92.syllabus 93.skimp 94.Tartan 95. gored 96. skulking 97. Hooligans 98. ramp 99. paragon 100. whereupon
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