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中山大学吴柏林教授 “广告心理学”绝密资料_schiffman05_tif


中山大学吴柏林教授 “广告心理学”绝密资料_schiffman05_tifChapter 5: Personality and Consumer Behavior Multiple Choice Questions: 1.Consumer purchases are likely to be influenced by personality factors, and marketers try to incorporate human traits in their messages. An example would be the headline “Take your own...

中山大学吴柏林教授 “广告心理学”绝密资料_schiffman05_tif
Chapter 5: Personality and Consumer Behavior Multiple Choice Questions: 1.Consumer purchases are likely to be influenced by personality factors, and marketers try to incorporate human traits in their messages. An example would be the headline “Take your own road.” What personality trait would this headline for a motorcycle most likely be appealing to? a.status b.being challenged c.individuality d.snobbery (c; Difficulty 3, p. 119) 2.Consumer purchases are likely to be influenced by personality factors, and marketers try to incorporate human traits in their messages. What personality trait would this headline for Mutual of Omaha policy holders be appealing to? “What gives you confidence?” a.status b.being challenged c.self-assurance d.snobbery (c; Difficulty 3, p. 119) 3._____ is/are defined as those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment. a.Mood b.Personality c.Self-image d.Roles (b; Difficulty 2, p. 120) 4.Personality has been approached by many theorists with different points of view. Which of the following is not one of the approaches? a.genetics and childhood experiences b.social and environmental influences c.childhood physical deficiencies affecting adulthood d.personality as a unified whole (c; Difficulty 3, p. 120) 77 5.The definition of personality is those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment. This definition focuses on _____, an important factor that affects the way that consumers respond to marketing efforts. a.social environment b.inner characteristics c.genetics d.experiences (b; Difficulty 3, p. 120) 6.In the study of personality, three distinct properties are of central importance. Which of the following is not one of them? a.personality reflects individual differences b.personality is a reflection of the superego c.personality is consistent and enduring d.personality can change (b; Difficulty 2, p. 120) 7.Which of the following statements is not true? a.No two individuals are alike. b.Many individuals are similar in terms of a single personality characteristi c. c.Many siblings have the same personalities. d.An individual’s personality is a unique combination of factors. (c; Difficulty 2, p. 120) 8.People that are described as being high in venturesomeness would probably: a.do an extensive amount of research before purchasing a product. b.be willing to try skydiving or mountain climbing. c.be brand loyal. d.none of the above (b; Difficulty 2, p. 120) 9.The mother who comments about her teenage son that her c hild “has been impulsive from the day he was born,” is supporting the contention that personality _____. a.is enduring b.can change c.reflects individual differences d.is more apparent in childhood than adulthood (a; Difficulty 2, p. 121) 10.While marketers cannot change consumers personalities to conform to their products, _____. a.they can attempt to appeal to the relevant traits inherent in their target group b.they can build a unique product for each individual customer c.they can try to send a unique message to each personality type d.all of the above (a; Difficulty 3, p. 121) 11.“He’s growing up, he is much calmer” would be a statement supporting the contention that personality _____. a.is consistent and enduring b.can change c.reflects individual differences d.is more apparent in childhood than adulthood (b; Difficulty 2, p. 121) 12.Convergence in the personalities of men and women are mainly due to: a.an increasing gap between dominant male and female traits. b.women moving into occupations that have traditionally been dominated by men. c.the increase in hormonal manipulation in our daily diets. d.the unbalanced ratio of men to women. (b; Difficulty 3, p. 121) 13.According to Freud, the psychoanalytic theory of personality is built on the premise that: a.social relationships are fundamental to the development of personality. b.personality is measured in terms of specific psychological characteristics called traits. c.unconscious needs and drives are at the heart of human motivation. d.women make product choices that remind them of themselves. (c; Difficulty 2, p. 121) 14.Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality is based on the premise that unconscious needs and drives, especially _____, are at the heart of human motivation. a.mental b.sexual c.internal d.hormonal (b; Difficulty 1, p. 121) 15.Freud constructed his theory based on all of the following except: a.patients’ recollection of early childhood experiences. b.analysis of patients’ dreams. c.patients’ mental and physical adjustment problems. d.patients’ product choices. (d; Difficulty 3, p. 122) 16.Based on Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, the human personality exists in of all the following except the: a.id. b.ego. c.super-i d. d.superego. (c; Difficulty 2, p. 122) 17.The _____ is conceptualized as a “warehouse” of primitive and impulsive drives for which the individual seeks immediate satisfaction without concern for the means of satisfaction. a.id b.ego c.super-id d.superego (a; Difficulty 2, p. 122) 18.The _____ is conceptualized as the individual’s internal expression of society’s moral and ethical codes of conduct. a.id b.ego c.super-id d.superego (d; Difficulty 2, p. 123) 19.The role of the _____ is to see that the individual satisfies needs in a socially acceptable fashion. a.id b.ego c.super-id d.superego (d; Difficulty 2, p. 123) 20.The _____ functions as an internal monitor that attempts to balance the impulsive demands of the _____ and the _____. a.id; ego; superego b.ego; id; super-id c.ego; id; superego d.super-id; ego; id (c; Difficulty 3, p. 123) 21.Freud stated that an individual’s personality is formed as he or she passes through a number of distinct stages in early development. Which of the following is not one of the stages? a.oral b.anal c.genital d.verbal (d; Difficulty 2, p. 123) 22.Consumer researchers that use Freud’s psychoanalytic theory believe that consumer purchase decisions are: a.based on what consumers lack in their personality. b.of no relevance to personality issues that the consumer has. c. a reflection and an extension of the consumer’s own personality. d.based on economic factors. (c; Difficulty 2, p. 123) 23.Freud’s psychoanalytic theory was used to examine the link between snack food perceptions and personality traits. It turns out that potato chips are associated with: a.perfectionism. b.rationality. c.gregariousness. d.ambition. (d; Difficulty 3, p. 124, table 5-1) 24.Freud’s psychoanalytic theor y was used to examine the link between snack food perceptions and personality traits. It turns out that popcorn is associated with _____. a.perfectionism b.taking charge c.rationality d.ambition (b; Difficulty 3, p. 124, table 5-1) 25.Neo-Freudian theorists believe that: a.social relationships are fundamental to the development of personality. b.personality is measured in terms of specific psychological characteristics called traits. c.unconscious needs and drives are at the heart of human motivation. d.women make product choices that remind them of themselves. (a; Difficulty 2, p. 124) 26.Alfred Adler, a neo-Freudian theorist, believes that: a.unconscious needs and drives are at the heart of human motivation. b.people continuously attempt to establish significant and rewarding relationships with others. c.human beings are seeking to attain various rational goals, which he called style of life. d.personality is measured in terms of specific psychological characteristics called traits. (c; Difficulty 3, p. 124) 27.The neo-Freudian theorist that proposes that individuals are classified into three personality groups (aggressive, compliant and detached) was _____. a.Alfred Adler b.Harry Stack Sullivan c.Karen Horney d.Earnest Dichter (c; Difficulty 3, p. 124) 28.Karen Horney, a neo-Freudian theorist, proposed that individuals are classified into three personality groups. Which is not one of them? a.submissive b.aggressive c.detached d.compliant (a; Difficulty 1, p. 124) 29.According to Karen Horney, a neo-Freudian theorist, detached individuals are those who: a.move toward others. b.desire to be loved, wanted and appreciated. c.move away from others. d.desire to excel and win admiration. (c; Difficulty 2, p. 124) 30.Recent research using Karen Horney’s CAD theory found that _____ personalities were less likely to be brand loyal and more likely to try different brands. a.submissive b.aggressive c.detached d.compliant (c; Difficulty 3, p. 125) 31.Trait theory is different from the Freudian and neo-Freudian movements mainly because: a.it is very recent. b.it is primarily quantitative. c.it is primarily qualitative. d.it is a very old theory. (b; Difficulty 3, p. 126) 32.A _____ is any distinguishing, relatively enduring way in which one individual differs from another. a.personality b.trait c.cue d.mannerism (b; Difficulty 2, p. 126) 33.Consumer innovativeness refers to: a.how receptive a person is to new experiences. b.the degree of the consumer’s attachment to worldly possessions. c.the consumer’s likelihood to accept or reject foreign-made products. d.the knowledge the consumer has about other cultures and practices. (c; Difficulty 2, p. 126) 34.Consumer ethnocentrism refers to: a.how receptive a person is to new experiences. b.the degree of the consumer’s attachment to worldly possessions. c.the consumers’ likelihood to accept or reject foreign-made products. d.the knowledge a consumer has about other cultures and practices. (c; Difficulty 2, p. 126) 35.Personality trait research has been very important to marketers. The study important for marketers to know how _____ will respond as it is critical to the success and failure of new products. a.consumer advocate groups b.consumer reports c.consumer innovators d.laggards (c; Difficulty 3, p. 126) 36.Recent consumer research has indicated _____ relationship between innovative uses of the Internet and buying online. a. a negative b. a positive c.no d.an inconsistent (b; Difficulty 1, p. 127) 37._____ is a personality trait that measures the degree of rigidity or openness individuals display toward the unfamiliar and toward information that is contrary to their own established beliefs. a.Innovativeness b.Dogmatism c.Ethnocentrism d.Novelty seeking (b; Difficulty 2, p. 127) 38.In the personality trait known as social character, _____ consumers tend to rely on their own values or standards in evaluating new products and are more likely to be consumer innovators. a.inner-directed b.other-directed c.dogmatic d.ethnocentric (a; Difficulty 2, p. 129) 39.In the personality trait knows as social character, _____ consumers prefer ads that stress product features and personal benefit. a.inner-directed b.other-directed c.dogmatic d.ethnocentric (a; Difficulty 3, p. 129) 40.Someone whose optimum stimulation level is _____ their actual lifestyle is more likely to be attracted to a vacation that offers a great deal of activity and excitement. a.higher than b.lower than c.equal to d.greater than (b; Difficulty 3, p. 130) 41.A trait characterized by the need for varied, novel, and complex sensations and experience, and the willingness to take physical and social risks for the sake of such experience, is known as _____. a.OSL b.sensation seeking c.variety-novelty seeking d.need for uniqueness (b; Difficulty 3, p. 130) 42.Switching brands to experience new and possibly better alternatives is known as _____. a.vicarious exploration b.use innovativeness c.exploratory purchase behavior d.sensation seeking (c; Difficulty 2, p. 130) 43.A person’s craving for, or enjoyment of, thinking is a personality characteristic known as _____. a.visualization b.vicarious exploration c.need for cognition d.innovativeness (c; Difficulty 2, p. 131) 44.Marketers sometimes use strong visual dimensions in order to attract _____, and sometimes use detailed descriptions and point by point explanations of products to attract _____. a.consumers with a low need for cognition; consumers with a high need for cognition b.visualizers; verbalizers c.innovators; laggards d.people with high OSL; people with low OSL (b; Difficulty 2, p. 131) 45.The extreme form of consumer materialism is known as _____. a.fixated consumption behavior b.innovativeness c.compulsive consumption d.self image (c; Difficulty 2, p. 133) 46.Which of the following characteristics does not describe materialists? a.They value acquiring or showing off possessions. b.Their many possessions give them great happiness and satisfaction. c.They are particularly self-centered and selfish. d.They seek lifestyles full of possessions. (b; Difficulty 2, p. 134) 47.Serious collectors of Barbie dolls, Beanie Babies, and Zippos are all displaying a form of _____. a.compulsive consumption b.fixated consumption behavior c.variety seeking behavior d.novelty seeking behavior (b; Difficulty 2, p. 134) 48.Which of the following characteristics does not describe fixated consumers? a. a deep and passionate interest in a particular object or category b. a willingness to go to considerable lengths to secure additional examples of the object of interest c.the dedication of a considerable amount of discretionary time and money to searching out the object or product d.they tend to keep their objects of interest a secret (d; Difficulty 2, p. 135) 49.Gamblers, alcoholics, and even chocoholics are all considered _____ consumers. a.compulsive b.fixated c.innovative d.mentally ill (a; Difficulty 1, p. 135) 50.Consumer ethnocentrism is: a.when a consumer is loyal to one band only. b.when consumers display compulsive shopping behaviors. c.the conviction that one should buy domestic products only. d. a form of fixated consumption. (c; Difficulty 2, p. 136) 51.“Buy American” and “Keep America Working” are both logos used by companies to attract the _____ consumer. a.dogmatic b.ethnocentric c.innovative d.variety-seeking (b; Difficulty 2, p. 136) 52.When Honda advertises in t he U.S. market that its Accord wagon is “Exported from America,” it is trying to appeal to the _____ consumer. a.dogmatic b.ethnocentric c.innovative d.variety-seeking (b; Difficulty 2, p. 137) 53.Levi’s Jeans are rugged and dependable, Volvo cars are safe, and Perd ue chicken is fresh. These are all examples that prove that brands: a.have personalities. b.have colors. c.have genders. d.are complicated. (a; Difficulty 2, p. 137) 54.consumer research revealed that Mr. Coffee was seen by consumers as being dependable, friendly, efficient, intelligent and smart. This _____ strategy is used by marketers to try to recast consumers’ perceptions of product attributes into a human-like character. a.product humanization b.brand personification c.brand identification d.human trait (b; Difficulty 2, p. 138) 55.“Philadelphia cream cheese” and “El Paso salsa” are not really made in Philadelphia or El Paso. Marketers use these kinds of associations in order to boost sales of their products through: a.lying to their customers. b.creating a geographic equity for the brand that reflects strong geographic association. c.delighting residents of cities such as Philadelphia and El Paso and hope for their loyalty. d.all of the above (c; Difficulty 1, p. 139) 56.People associate personality factors to colors. Coca-cola’s red connotes excitement, blue appeals to females, and black is frequently used to connote _____. a.novelty b.sophistication c.high tech d.performance (b; Difficulty 3, p. 140) 57.People’s like and dislike of colors varies from one country to another. A recent study showed that American men prefer the color _____ to any other color. a.black b.blue c.green d.white (b; Difficulty 3, p. 142, table 5-10) 58.A person is likely to display a somewhat different personality in different situations; this change in behavior according to the surroundings is known as _____. a. a virtual self b.social roles c.self-image d.extended selves (b; Difficulty 2, p. 143) 59.The actual self-image is: a.how consumers would like to see themselves. b.how consumers actually see themselves. c.how consumers feel others see them. d.how consumers would like others to see them. (b; Difficulty 2, p. 143) 60.The _____ is how consumers would like others to see them. a.the social self-image b.the ideal-social self-image c.the actual self-image d.the ideal self-image (d; Difficulty 2, p. 145) 61.The ideal social self-image is: a.how consumers would like to see themselves. b.how consumers actually see themselves. c.how consumers feel others see them. d.how consumers would like others to see them. (d; Difficulty 2, p. 145) 62.A future orientation of how consumers would like to see themselves at some specified time in the future is known as the _____. a.actual self-image b.ideal self-image c.expected self-image d.ought-to self (c; Difficulty 3, p. 145) 63.For household products, consumers are more likely to select brands guided by their _____, whereas for some socially enhancing or conspicuous products, they are likely to be guided by their _____. a.social self-image; ideal self-image b.actual self-image; social self-image c.ideal social self-image; expected self-image d.actual self-image; expected self-image (b; Difficulty 3, p. 145) 64.Human emotion can be connected to valued possessions that can extend the self in a number of ways. Which of the following is not one of those methods? a.actually b.symbolically c.by endowing with magical powers d.all of the above are ways which possessions can extend the self (d; Difficulty 3, p. 147) 65.Cosmetics, jewelry, tattoos, and colored lenses are all _____ products that offer the consumers the opportunity to modify their appearance. a.Self-extending b.ideal self c.self-altering d.virtual self (c; Difficulty 3, p. 147) 66.Closely related to both self-image and altering the self is the idea of _____. a.the virtual self b.personal vanity c.extended self d.social self-image (b; Difficulty 3, p. 147) 67.Researchers have identified two types of personal vanity; _____ is the excessive concern for and/or a positive or inflated view of one’s personal accomplishments. a.physical vanity b.achievement vanity c.egoistic vanity d.personal vanity (b; Difficulty 1, p. 147) 68.Low self-monitors are typically guided by their inner feelings, whereas high self- monitors claim they act differently in different situations and with different people. Therefore, ______ might be more prone to employ a self-altering product to enhance their ideal social self-image. a.low self-monitors b.high self-monitors c.people concerned with physical vanity d.people concerned with achievement vanity (b; Difficulty 3, p. 147) 69.The best vehicle for people to try different personalities or different characters is _____. a.telephones b.the Internet c.blind dates d.travel to foreign country (b; Difficulty 1, p. 148) 70.The fact that some people try on different personalities and different identities is consistent with the notion of _____. a.the virtual self b.personal vanity c.extended self d.social self-image (a; Difficulty 3, p. 148) True/False Questions: 71.Theorists agree that social relationships and environmental influences are what shape human personality. (False; Difficulty 1, p. 120) 72.One of the characteristics of personality is that it is consistently changing. (False; Difficulty 1, p. 120) 73.Under certain circumstances, personality can change. (True; Difficulty 1, p. 121) 74.“He’s growing up, he’s much calmer” is a statement that is consistent with the fact that personality is consistent and enduring. (False; Difficulty 2, p. 121) 75.Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality is built on the premise that conscious needs and drives are at the basis of human personality. (False; Difficulty 1, p. 121) 76.In Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personali ty, one of the three systems that make up the human personality is the ego, which is the individuals’ internal expression of moral and ethical codes of conduct. (False; Difficulty 2, p. 123) 77.Karen Horney, a neo-Freudian theorist, classified individuals into three types: compliant, aggressive, and detached individuals. (True; Difficulty 1, p. 124) 78.According to Karen Horney’s theory, children with detached personalities were less likely to be brand loyal and more likely to try different brands. (True; Difficulty 3, p. 125) 79.The orientation of Trait theory is primarily qualitative. (False; Difficulty 2, p. 126) 80.Trait theorists have found that it is generally more realistic to expect personality to be linked to how consumers make their choices of specific brands rather than broad product categories. (False; Difficulty 3, p. 126) 81.Consumer research indicated a positive relationship between innovative use of the Internet and buying online. (True; Difficulty 3, p. 127) 82.Highly dogmatic people tend to be more receptive to ads for new products that contain an appeal from an authoritative figure. (True; Difficulty 2, p. 127) 83.It is easier to sell established brands to highly dogmatic consumers than it would be to sell innovative products. (True; Difficulty 1, p. 127) 84.Inner-directed people prefer ads that stress product features and personal benefits over ads that contain social acceptance. (True; Difficulty 3, p. 129) 85.Vicarious exploration is a type of variety-novelty seeking behavior that means that consumers are constantly switching brands to experience new and better alternatives. (False; Difficulty 2, p. 130) 86.Research indicates that consumers with a high need for cognition are more likely to be responsive to ads that are rich in product information or description. (True; Difficulty 1, p. 131) 87.Need for cognition has been positively related to Internet usage for product information, current events and news, as well as learning and education. (True; Difficulty 3, p. 131) 88.Visualizers are more likely than verbalizers to join a book club. (False; Difficulty 1, p. 131) 89.People who regard possessions as essential to their identities and their lives are fixated consumers. (False; Difficulty 3, p. 134) 90.Materialistic people are ashamed and try to hide their possessions and conceal their materialistic behaviors. (False; Difficulty 3, p. 134) 91.Fixated consumption behavior is in the realm of normal and socially acceptable behavior. (True; Difficulty 2, p. 134) 92.Materialistic consumers are out of control and their actions may have damaging consequences to them and those around them. (False; Difficulty 2, p. 135) 93.Chocoholics are considered compulsive consumers. (True; Difficulty 3, p. 134) 94.Ethnocentrism can only be found in America. (False; Difficulty 1, p. 136) 95.When an American, in remembrance of World War II, refuses to purchase a German or Japanese car, it is most related to consumer brand personification. (False; Difficulty 2, p. 136) 96.Consumers think of products as having personalities that reflect on how consumers perceive those products. (True; Difficulty 2, p. 137) 97.Products and services are viewed by consumers as having gender. (True; Difficulty 1, p. 139) 98.Consumers depict themselves in their brand choices. (True; Difficulty 2, p. 142) 99.More men than women feel that the brands they select reflect their personalities. (False; Difficulty 3, p. 143) 100.Marketers are more concerned with the actual self-image than with the expected self-image when designing and promoting products. (False; Difficulty 3, p. 145) Essay Questions: 101.“Personality reflects individual differences.” Discuss this statement. Because the inner characteristics that constitute an individual’s personality are a unique combination of factors, no two individuals are exactly alike. Nevertheless, many individuals may be similar in terms of a single personality factor and not in terms of others. Personality is useful in terms of reflecting individual differences because is enables marketers to categorize consumers into different groups on the basis of one or even several traits, and build a marketing campaign around those traits. (Difficulty 1, p. 120) 102.Talk about Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality. How do the three systems he proposed interact? Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality is a cornerstone of modern psychology. It was built on the premise that unconscious needs and drives, especially sexual and biological, are at the heart of human motivation and personality. Based on this theory, Freud proposes that human personality consists of three interacting systems: the id, the superego, and the ego. The id is the warehouse of primitive and impulsive drives, such as hunger, thirst and sex, for which individuals seek immediate satisfaction. The superego is the individual’s internal expr ession of society’s moral and ethical codes of conduct. Its role is to see that individuals satisfy their needs in a socially acceptable fashion. The ego is the conscious control. It functions as an internal monitor that attempts to balance the impulsive demands of the id and the sociocultural constraints of the superego. (Difficulty 3, p. 123) 103.What did Karen Horney, a neo-Freudian theorist, propose with relation to personality? Karen Horney focused on the impact of parent-child relationships and the ind ividual’s desire to conquer feelings of anxiety. She proposed the CAD theory, in which she stated that individuals can be classified into three personality groups: compliant, aggressive, and detached. Complaint personalities are those who move towards others. Aggressive individuals are those who move against others. Detached personalities are those who move away from others. (Difficulty 1, p. 124) 104.What is consumer innovativeness, and how does it relate to personality and consumer behavior? Consumer innovators are those consumers who are likely to be first to try new products, services and practices. Those with a high level of innovativeness are of major concern and interest to marketers because they many times determine the success or failure of new products, especially new product categories. (Difficulty 2, p. 126) 105.How do inner-directed people differ from other-directed people? How does that implicate marketers? Inner directed consumers tend to rely on their own values or standards in evaluating new products and are more likely to be innovators. Other directed consumers tend to look to others for direction on what is right or wrong; they are less likely to be innovators. Marketers need to attract inner directed people with ads that stress product features and personal benefits, whereas other directed people prefer ads that feature an approving social environment and social acceptance. (Difficulty 2, p. 129) 106.What is use innovativeness in the context of variety-novelty seeking personalities? Give an example. Use innovativeness means using an already established and adopted product in a new or novel way. This trait is particularly relevant to technology products in which there are many features and options that may be creatively utilized. Here, the student may offer a variety of examples. (Difficulty 2, p. 130) 107.What are some general characteristics of materialistic people? Materialistic people value acquiring possessions and showing them off. They are particularly self-centered and selfish; they seek lifestyles full of possessions and hope for greater happiness and satisfaction by acquiring more possessions. (Difficulty 2, p. 134) 108.What is consumer ethnocentrism? Cite some examples. It is a predisposition to accept (or reject) foreign made products. Consumers who are highly ethnocentric are likely to feel that it is inappropriate or wrong to purchase foreign made products for many reasons, mainly economic, but also for political and social reasons. A student may offer a variety of examples mentioned in the text or others from personal experience. (Difficulty 1, p. 136) 109.A variety of different self-images have been recognized in consumer behavior. Talk about three kinds of self-image. First, the actual self-image is how a consumer sees themselves in reality. Second, the ideal self image is how consumers would like to see themselves. Third, the social self-image is how consumers feel others see them. The student may offer other types of self-image. (Difficulty 1, p. 145) 110.Talk about the two types of vanity, and what does vanity relate to? The idea of vanity is related to self-image and materialism. The two types of vanity include physical vanity, an excessive concern for and an inflated view of one’s physical appearance, or achievement vanity, an excessive concern for and an inflated view of one’s personal achievements. Excessive use of cosmetics, clothing or joining a country club reflects how vanity is related to materialism. (Difficulty 2, p. 147)
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