首页 食堂聘用人员岗位职责及绩效考核办法



食堂聘用人员岗位职责及绩效考核办法食堂聘用人员岗位职责及绩效考核办法 抚州市国税局机关食堂聘用人员岗位职责及绩效考核办法 一、岗位职责 (一)炉台厨师 1、协助管理员做好厨房的组织管理工作(指挥在岗勤杂工做事)。做好工作餐和接待用餐的菜品制作工作。 2、安排好厨房的生产出品工作,做好切配、炉灶、打荷等工作程序。注意合理安排准备时间和工序。 3、协助管理员制订菜肴规格和制作标准。向采购员提供采购原料的规格标准和数量,并积极研究开发新品种。厨师有权利拒收采购员采购的不合格原材料,并及时报告管理员。 4、负责冰箱、炉台、猛火灶等厨具的正确使...

食堂聘用人员岗位职责及 绩效考核 绩效考核与薪酬下载绩效考核与薪酬下载绩效考核与薪酬下载华为绩效考核体系文件下载华为绩效考核体系文件下载 办法 抚州市国税局机关食堂聘用人员岗位职责及绩效考核办法 一、岗位职责 (一)炉台厨师 1、协助管理员做好厨房的组织管理工作(指挥在岗勤杂工做事)。做好工作餐和接待用餐的菜品制作工作。 2、安排好厨房的生产出品工作,做好切配、炉灶、打荷等工作程序。注意合理安排准备时间和工序。 3、协助管理员制订菜肴规格和制作 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。向采购员提供采购原料的规格标准和数量,并积极研究开发新品种。厨师有权利拒收采购员采购的不合格原材料,并及时报告管理员。 4、负责冰箱、炉台、猛火灶等厨具的正确使用和情况反馈工作,及时检查和报修,保证设施设备运行良好。 5、节约能源,合理使用调料,降低成本,减少浪费。 6、负责厨师包干区卫生(炉台及台面四周、操作、调料台及台面四周、操作区域窗户和地面、油烟机表面),负责操作工具的卫生清洁和有序摆放。下班后关好水电气开关。 7、及时按规定烹制各类菜肴,提前做好开餐前各项准备工作,确保开餐的顺利进行。做好生、熟食品分类存放工作。 8、做好领用调味料、采购原材料、菜单等工作表格的填写工作。 9、遵守工作纪律,参与食堂其他团队工作(大扫除、加班、集体活动),完成管理员交办的其他工作任务。 工作时间 早:6:30—早餐结束(早班安排一名厨师) 中:9:00—中餐结束 晚:16:30—晚餐结束(有接待任务的15:30上班) (三)勤杂工 1、在管理员和厨师的领导下开展工作,遵守厨房纪律 、服从工作分配 、认真执行食堂的各项规章制度,努力做好本职工作。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 2、做好工作餐和接待餐的洗、择菜工作,做好工作餐用餐餐具和接待餐(包厢菜盘)的清洁消毒工作,做好厨房物品的清洁工作(桶子、盆子、篓子等)。厨师工具不在清洁范围内。所有餐具均要晾干水后再放置消毒柜进行消毒。 3、做好厨房环境卫生工作,要求炊具、餐具、工具放置有序,保证地面、墙面、窗户面干净、无油渍。 4、做好食堂环境卫生工作,餐厅地面干净,餐桌椅干净无灰尘和水渍,打饭操作台区域干净无杂物、台面无油腻,食堂窗户无明显灰尘,及时摆放摆正餐巾纸和牙签,爱护食堂公用财产,对损坏或缺少的物资及时上报。 5、配合厨师做好洗、择菜工作,做好菜盘的摆放整理和清洁工作。听从厨师指挥。 6、做好食堂外区域的纸屑垃圾清扫工作(食堂大门走廊周围5米范围内,包括水池),做好食堂外垃圾桶更换垃圾袋工作。做好食堂后门铁门范围内的卫生清洁工作。 7、做好泔水桶和垃圾桶的摆放和清洁工作。 8、做好打饭服务工作,树立为干部服务的思想,打饭过程中热情、快捷、周到。 9、做好一楼和二楼公共区域的瓷砖地面、踏步、楼梯、玻璃门(不包括客房走廊)的卫生清洁工作。 10、遵守工作纪律,参与食堂其他团队工作(大扫除、加班、集体活动),完成管理员交办的其他工作任务。 工作时间 早中班:7:00—中餐结束 晚 班:16:30—晚餐结束 (四)蒸饭工(一名勤杂工兼) 1、做好早餐稀饭、中晚餐米饭供应的准备工作,领导用餐杂粮粥的制作和供应工作。 2、做好早餐米粉供应准备工作。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 3、做好蒸饭区域和使用工具的清洁卫生工作。 4、负责蒸饭车等岗位使用设备的使用和维护,及时检查和报修,保证设备运行正常。 5、中午做好勤杂工的工作。 6、遵守工作纪律,参与食堂其他团队工作(大扫除、加班、集体活动),完成管理员交办的其他工作任务。 工作时间 早班:在保证稀饭和米粉供应的基础上自行安排时间。 中班:9:00—中餐结束 晚班:在保证晚餐米饭的供应基础上,蒸饭工不上晚班。 (五)采购员(一名勤杂工兼) 1、做好食堂原材料采购工作。 2、全部采购项目必须执行定点采购,定点情况要报由管理员批准,必须货比三家。 3、不准采购腐烂变质、发霉、生虫、虫蛀、有毒有害、掺杂掺假、质量不新鲜的食品原料。 4、及时准确掌握市场信息,按低于市场价标准进货,杜绝电话采购,人情采购等现象。负责公布各类原材料进货价,接受干部监督。 5、采购包装袋类食品要核对好品名、厂址、生产日期、保质期等,“三无”食品一律不得购买。 6、回单位后二人以上(其中一人为管理人员)复秤并详细记载、签单,无管理员和第三方签字认可,不得报财务报销。 7、及时和财务结清帐目,不得拖欠客户货款,采购员自己报账。报账程序为:原料单经由管理员和第三方签字后,报服务中心主任、分管领导、财务科长、财务出纳复核后报销。原料采购明细单签字装订后交财务存底。 8、采购过程中如有营私舞弊现象,一经查实将按实赔偿,并给予损失的三倍经济处罚。 9、尊重领导,团结同事,服从分配,遵守劳动纪律和食堂各项规章expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 制度,坚守岗位。听从厨师的采购建议,尽力满足厨师的采购要求。 10、做好勤杂工的职责。 11、遵守工作纪律,参与食堂其他团队工作(大扫除、加班、集体活动),完成管理员交办的其他工作任务。 工作时间 采购工作由采购员自行妥善安排时间,不得影响勤杂工的工作职责。 二、绩效考核 (一)炉台厨师 1、发生误餐。误餐指:工作餐晚点10分钟开不了饭,来客10分钟后上不来菜(扣20元/次)。早餐小菜没有新鲜蔬菜类(10元/次)。 2、拒绝协助管理员制订工作餐和接待用餐的菜肴规格和制作标准。(扣10元/次) 3、不能按月研发新菜两道。(扣20元/月/次) 4、采购员采购原料不合格,厨师未拒收。不合格标准为:腐烂变质、发霉、生虫、虫蛀、有毒有害、掺杂掺假、质量不新鲜、与菜单所写原料不同(扣20元/次) 5、冰箱、炉台、猛火灶因人为损坏而无法正常使用,鉴定标准由厂家提供。(扣50元/次) 6、浪费能源,浪费原料。(扣20元/次) 7、厨师包干区卫生(炉台及台面四周、操作台及台面四周、操作区域窗户和地面、油烟机表面)没有清洁干净,操作工具卫生没有清洁和摆放。(20元/次) 8、不协助仓管填写调料、油等用品领用表。(20元/次) 9、不听管理员工作安排。(20元/次) 10、不参加大扫除、加班等集体活动。(20元/次)。 11、工作餐的质量和口味受到干部的口头或 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 面批评,接待用餐受到服务中心、局领导的批评。(50元/次) 12、夹带偷盗食堂食物、原料、调味品等一切公物。(予以辞退) expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 13、工作餐和接待用餐菜品里面发现虫子、苍蝇等异物。(50元/次) (三)勤杂工 1、不服从管理员和炉台厨师的工作安排。(扣10元/次) 2、洗、择菜后在菜里发现虫子等异物。(扣10元/次) 3、碗、菜盘、餐碟、筷子等餐具清洁后,有明显洗洁精、油腻、污渍残余。(扣10元/次) 4、没有把餐盘、筷子、调羹、小汤碗放在消毒柜里消毒(扣10元/次)。没有晾干水就把餐具放进去消毒(扣10元/次)。 5、餐厅区域卫生:餐厅地面不干净,餐桌椅有灰尘和水渍,打饭操作台区域杂乱、台面油腻,食堂窗户有明显灰尘,没有及时摆放摆正餐巾纸和牙签。(扣10元/次) 6、不爱护食堂公用财产,大手大脚清洗餐具,乱用餐纸。(10元/次) 7、洗完的餐具乱堆乱放。(扣10元/次) 8、提前吃东西(10元/次)。范围:早上8:10之前,中午12:10之前,晚上17:45之前。不论在厨房吃什么,一律扣钱。 9、食堂外区域早中晚饭开餐前有明显纸屑,食堂外垃圾桶没有及时更换袋子。(10元/次) 10、垃圾桶乱堆乱放,一星期没有清洗一次垃圾桶。(10元/次) 11、洗菜区域和水池有菜叶和垃圾,食堂卫生间的卫生恶劣。(10元/次) 12、与干部交流、打饭面无表情没有微笑,态度恶劣。(10元/次) 13、不参与食堂其他团队工作(大扫除、加班、集体活动)。(20元/次) 14、一楼和二楼公共区域的瓷砖地面、踏步、楼梯、玻璃门卫生情况较差,没有按时上下午进行清洁。(10元/次) 15、没有管理员允许,带走食堂食物、原料、调味品等一切公物均属偷盗。(予以辞退) (四)采购员 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 1、发现采购价格高于市场价格(两家农贸市场平均价格),扣20元/次。情节严重的取消采购员采购资格。 2、没有执行定点采购,没有将供货商情况有关资料复印并签订供货协议,取消采购员采购资格。 3、采购腐烂变质、发霉、生虫、虫蛀、有毒有害、掺杂掺假、质量不新鲜的食品原料。扣50元/次,情节严重的取消采购员采购资格并追究法律责任。 4、没有做到按时公布各类原材料进货价,扣20元/次。 5、采购货品没有经管理员复称,不予报销。 6、采购原始凭证必须经采购员、管理员、供货商三方签字方可存底。 7、每个月原始凭证装订好交至服务中心存底。 8、报销收据要和原始凭证装订好交至财务科,按正常程序进行报销,报销过程由采购员自己经手操作。 (六)考勤考核 1、未按规定时间到岗迟到(10元/次)。一个月迟到5次,予以辞退。 2、用餐未结束早退(10元/次)。一个月早退5次,予以辞退。 3、旷工半天(20元),旷工一天(50元)。旷工两天,予以辞退。 4、事假半天向管理员口头请假,事假一天由服务中心主任批准。事假一天以上(不包括一天),请假人在请不到顶岗人员的情况下,不予以准假。强行休息,按旷工处理。请假人请到了顶岗人员,顶岗人员考勤考核记到请假人名下,需要顶岗一个月以上(不包括一个月),予以辞退。 5、婚丧、探亲假按国家法定时间休假,须书面请假并经服务中心主任批准。 6、在法定节假日进行加班的,客房服务员安排调休,其他人员发加班费。(加班费标准暂定厨师早餐20元、中餐60元、晚餐60元;其他人员早餐10元、中餐40元、晚餐40元) 三、其它要求 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project 1、厨房勤杂工分工的问题。目前暂时不分工,统一工作,统一考核。 2、各岗位人员休息区域的问题。厨房人员一律在食堂休息,厨房和电视区域的卫生请自己爱护,发现谁乱扔果壳、吃饭的时候乱吐、乱放物品一律扣钱。服务员一律在二楼休息室休息。 3、关于每星期卫生大扫除的问题。星期五上午是固定的卫生大扫除,厨房人员全部到岗进行厨房大扫除,包括清沟。(厨师、勤杂工、保洁全部到岗)具体分工,管理员现场调配。 expansion project is completed, will mainly target the elderly, children, work-related injuries or accidents in patients with orthopaedics, rehabilitation, child rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation and rehabilitation operations and health services, rehabilitation, nursing professionals training base Beijing, as the region has a certain scale and rehabilitation management of medical and health services of technology base. Next will be a modern rehabilitation centre with national influence, in medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation technology, rehabilitation training and other aspects will play a role model within the industry. Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) includes medical complex, work-related injury rehabilitation floor of main building, 1th floor, East building, floor, West building, 2nd floor. a new five-story medical building design for the ground, two-story underground. the industrial design of rehabilitation for four floors above ground, underground second floor. Medical integrated floor ground five layer main meet rehabilitation center integrated outpatient, nursing unit, operating room, ICU, function using, underground two layer main meet parking library, herbs warehouse, buildings electromechanical control equipment, using. rehabilitation floor main as rehabilitation multifunctional places, provides full rehabilitation physiotherapy, 1th, floor of three seat floor this times project in the for transformation engineering, main meet rehabilitation center future rehabilitation treatment, Teaching experiment, medical research, integrated application. in project
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