首页 CPPM(注册职业采购经理)认证考试试题



CPPM(注册职业采购经理)认证考试试题CPPM(注册职业采购经理)认证考试试题 PRACTICE C.P.M&CPPM EXAMINATION 1. Disciplinary actions: 惩戒行为: a. are not subject to administrative or judicial review. 不受行政和司法审查约束 b. need to be documented for the protection of all concerned. 为保护所有相关方需提供书面证明 c. cannot be appealed...

CPPM(注册职业采购经理)认证考试试题 PRACTICE C.P.M&CPPM EXAMINATION 1. Disciplinary actions: 惩戒行为: a. are not subject to administrative or judicial review. 不受行政和司法审查约束 b. need to be documented for the protection of all concerned. 为保护所有相关方需提供书面证明 c. cannot be appealed. 不能被使用 d. provide positive enforcement to the employee. 会对雇员产生有效的约束 2. All purchasing departments use some type of purchase order form, in many cases computer-generated. Many organizations want their purchase order form to accomplish several objectives in addition to the requirement to communicate agreed-upon price, delivery, and quality terms. Many organizations use the purchase order form as either a unilateral or a bilateral instrument, as a delivery/work/task order, as a receiving document, and as an invoice. An organization having such a purchase order form would be most concerned with which of the following elements of form/design management? 所有的采购部门都会使用一些典型的采购定货单,在多情况下它们是由电脑打印的。许 多组织都希望他们的采购定货单在用来表达价格及交货要求以及质量条款之外还可以达到其他 的目的。许多组织会用采购定货单作为单边/双边协议或作为交货/工作/任务单抑或作为可接受 单据或发票。一个组织有这样一种采购定货单将与下述那项采购定货单要素的表述最有关联: a. Concern for organization of information, to include minimization of data on the form. b. Clarity of instructions on proper use of the form正确使用单据的详细说明. c. Minimization of cost concerns成本最小化. d. Pre-award forms control concerns. 3. Reverse marketing: 反向行销: a. is the same thing as reciprocity and should be avoided if at all possible和互惠相同要尽 量避免. b. may be necessary in order to increase participation by small and minority suppliers为提 高小供应商的参与度是有必要进行的. c. has the same connotation as reverse discrimination与反向待遇有着同样的内涵. 1 d. is generally considered synonymous with supplier partnering被认为是供货商合伙人的 同义词. 2 4. Early Supplier Involvement (ESI): a. could begin as early as new product development在新产品一开发时就发生. b. generally doesn't work in the public sector通常在公共部门不适用 . c. probably couldn't be used with off-shore suppliers in light of the time and distance constraints因受时间和距离的限制,它有可能不被海外的供应商所采用. d. can favorably impact on reduced lead time for future deliveries but can have little impact on the cost of future purchases会对将来缩短货物从订货至交货的时间带来积极的影响但同 时又会对未来货物的采购成本带来一定的影响 5. The organization must make a conscious decision of whether it should directly buy something (fully assembled) from a supplier or acquire the raw materials and components and make the item in-house. In the service arena, the organization must decide whether to have the required services (such as security, janitorial services, maintenance services, etc) performed by in-house employees or performed by an outside contractor. When the firm contracts out for services previously performed in-house一个组织 必须就是否从供应商直接购买产成品(完全组装的)还是购买原材料和零配件再由自己内部组 装成成品做出明智的决定。同样在服务行业,一个组织必须决定是由公司内部雇员直接提供所 需服务(例如:安全,保卫,维修服务等)还是通过外部 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 进行满足。当公司由内部满足公 司服务需要转为通过外部合同执行时 a. it is probably doing so based on the fact its in-house employees have lost their technical edge有可能是基于本公司内部雇员失去了他们的技术优势而采用. b. the displaced employees are generally prohibited from seeking employment with the successful contractor由此而被免职的雇员通常是不允许在当选的服务提供商公司里任职 的. c. it should strictly observe the policies and procedures contained in Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76应严格遵守办公室 管理 档案管理制度成本管理项目成本管理财务成本管理档案管理制度及流程 和Budget Circular A-76的原则和程序 d. these outsourcing decisions are normally arrived at as a result of a cost-comparison study 这些外购决定通常是经过成本比较分析之后才确定下来的. 6. Hazardous materials laws and regulations are designed to assure the public and the environment are protected from hazardous substances. These laws and regulations are principally contained in危险物 品法规是用来确保这些物品不会给公众和环境造成损害,这些法规通常包含在: a. an organization's policy manual组织制度指南内 b. the Federal Register联邦记录内. 3 c. the Periodic Index of State, County, and Local Government Laws and Regulations州、 国家的周期性指数及当地政府法规. d. the Material Safety Data Sheet物品安全性记录表. 7. Industry standards, handbooks, and guides are often used to establish quality standards and criteria for specifications and work statements. Increasingly, organizations are using Total Quality Management (TQM) guides and standards in drafting their specifications and work statements. Two of the more commonly used standards for this purpose are the Malcolm Baldridge Criteria and the ISO 9000 Standards. The Standards embodied in ISO 9000行业 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,手册及指南通常会用来为产品的规格和 工作陈述确定质量标准。现在越来越多的组织正在使用全面质量管理指南和标准来起草它们的 规格说 明书 职位说明书职务说明书委托证明书岗位工作说明书招标说明书 和工作陈述。其中最常用的两个标准是Malcolm Baldridge 标准和 ISO 9000 标准。 ISO 9000 标准 a. are increasingly becoming the only appropriate standard for international business.日益 成为国际商务唯一适合的标准 b. are generally inappropriate for use with domestic suppliers对国内供货商通常不适用. c. are probably less appropriate than the Malcolm Baldridge Criteria for use in specifications and work statements在用于规格及工作陈述中,Malcolm Baldridge 标准比它 更适用 d. are easily obtained by most industrial organizations in the United States and abroad被大 部分美国以及国外的行业组织所采用. 8. An effective supplier Total Quality Management (TQM) program can provide the buyer with an increased probability of assurance of getting quality products on time. Supplier TQM programs should be:一个有效的供应商全面质量管理项目能提高确保采购商及时得到合格产品的可能性。有效供 应商全面质量管理项目: a. reviewed by a buyer team to determine the degree to which the supplier has met the Malcolm Baldridge criteria.采购团体应利用它来衡量供应商满足Malcolm Baldridge标准的 程度 b. considered in the selection of qualified suppliers在选择合格供应商时应给予考虑. c. required to conform to ISO 9000 Standards before the buyer places suppliers on a prequalified bidders list.在采购商确定具有投标资格的供应商名单之前,要求其符合ISO 9000标准 d. described in the buyer's specification or work statement应在采购商的产品规格和工作 陈述中得一描述 4 9. Tracing inbound freight is almost always a tedious, sometimes boring process. Responsibility for tracing freight is often given to low-ranking personnel, untrained personnel in either the expediting or traffic department. The activity is generally: 对到达货物的跟踪通常很单调,并且有时会令人很厌 烦。不管是在供货部还是在运输部通常是由地位低且没受过培训的人负责货物跟踪。这项工作 通常是 a. of little importance to either the purchasing or production department, insomuch as lost shipments are considered in developing the inventory "safety stock".由于遗失的货物在编制详 细目录时已经进行了考虑,所以它不管是对采购还是对生产部门都是不重要的 b. more efficient when the carrier stays out of the investigation. 当运送者不在调查范围之 内时更有效 c. of little importance for F.O.B. Origin shipments because the supplier bears the risk of the loss. 对FOB条件下的最初承运人不是很重要,因为由供货人承担了丢失风险 d. more successful when shipper, shipping, and shipment information is accurate and complete. 当运货人\货物数量\出货信息准确而完整时,更易成功 10. A continuing standardization program, regardless of size, can identify conditions, practices, and situations which create inefficiencies that can be eliminated or reduced by utilization of the standardization concept. Generally speaking, standardization is the process by which all users, consumers, and manufacturers of a given product develop and agree to use a precise standard specification for it, and have it produced exactly as specified by all sources. Which of the following would not be considered a "standard" under this definition? 一个连续的标准化项目,不管规模大小, 能确定条件,惯例以及能通过对标准化概念的利用来消除或减少低效率情形的出现。一般而 然,标准化是一个过程通过这一过程,产品的所有使用者,消费者以及特定产品的制造者赞同 就这一产品使用一个精确的规格标准并且按此标准严格进行生产。根据此定义,下述那一项不 能认为是一个标准 a. SOP. b. ISO. c. ANSI. d. IEC. 11. Sam Smedlap is concerned. His first day on the job, his manager told him: "Sam, the company got fined recently for a violation of RCRA. Please make sure that you aren't involved with a violation during your employment here at the company. The buyer responsible for the last infraction got fired". Sam doesn't have any idea what "RCRA" is or how he can avoid violating it. As Sam's purchasing manager, what would you tell him to do in order to avoid a RCRA violation? 下面是一个有关Sam Smedlap 的故 事,在他上班的第一天,他的经理就对他说:Sam, 近来公司因违反了RCRA规定而受到了处 罚,故你在受雇本公司的期间你千万不要违反 此规定。最近违反此规定的采购员已经被解雇 5 了。对于"RCRA",Sam根本就一窍不通更不要说他怎样才能不违反它了。作为SAM的采购经 理,你将怎样指导他而不使他违反RCRA规定, a. Avoid payment of "exorbitant finder's fees and other contingent fees" to foreign agents, particularly those employed by foreign governments.要避免支付给国外代理商尤其是在国外 b. Avoid reciprocity in both domestic and international purchasing.应避免对国内及国际 的采购进行互惠 c. Determine proper procedures to follow in purchasing and disposing of hazardous materials.确定正确的采购程序同时处理好危险物品 d. Be sure to avoid "Estoppel and Parole-evidence" issues in all purchasing operations, both domestic and international在所有国内国际的采购业务中, 确保避免"Estoppel and Parole- evidence"的出现 12. Issuance of production materials生产原材料的配给: a. follows a process identical to that used by a retail store with its consumer customers.其 步骤就像零售店配给其消费者产品一样 b. generally is based upon either a closed stores system or an open stores system.通常它不 是基于封闭式库存系统建立,就是基于开放式库存系统建立 c. will generally rely on a decentralized periodic inventory system. 一般依赖于分散性的定 期盘存系统 d. is not really a concern of purchasing.不是采购真正关心的问题 6 13. Providing the requisitioner a questionnaire (asking for feedback on the quality of services provided by purchasing) attached to a copy of the purchase order after receipt of requested goods or services: 提供给用料申请人一份问卷表(询问对采购服务质量的反馈)同时附加上已收到所要求货物或服务的订购单 a. might embarrass the purchasing manager and should not be considered.可能使会阻碍采 购经理工作而不应该考虑使用 b. can provide valuable quality control information to the purchasing manager.可为采购经 理提供有价值的质量控制信息 c. would be bad public relations for the purchasing department if the response is ever made public.如果问卷一旦公开将会有损采购部与公众之间的联系 d. should be used by the purchasing manager to get rid of purchasing "dead-wood".采购经 理利用它来处理采购来的废物 14. Manufacturing Resource Planning:生产资源 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 编制 a. builds upon open loop Material Requirements Planning systems. 建立于开环原材料需 求计划编制体系之上 b. concentrates on alternative production planning, with plans expressed in dollar terms.集中 于可选择性生产编制,同时附有用金额表示的计划 c. is often easier to implement than Material Requirements Planning.比原材料需求计划编 制更容易执行 d. is generally appropriate both to service and manufacturing environments.通常对服务和 制造业都适用 15. MRP and MRP II: MRP 和 MRP II: a) are designed to have a negative impact on purchasing operations.对采购业务会带来负 面影响 b. will virtually eliminate contract buying.将从实质上消除契约购买 c. can facilitate buyer-supplier partnering.能推动采购方与供应方的合作 d. can eliminate the need for a vendor-scheduler or buyer-planner.可以消除对供应和采购 规划者的需求 7 15. The harm than can be done to products and the degree of protection which must be provided depends upon the product characteristics and the anticipated hazards in the distribution process. These anticipated hazards are normally categorized as产品所带来的危险以及根据产品的特性和 产品在分销过程所产生的预期危险而确定的保护度。这些预期危险通常可归纳为: a) economic hazards and technological hazards经济危险和技术危险. b. design hazards, performance hazards, and functional hazards设计危险,性能危险和功 能危险. c. road, rail, and air-related hazards公路,铁路和航空危险. d. environmental hazards, physical hazards, and miscellaneous hazards环境危险,物质危 险和. 15. Files of contracts, bids, agreements, and leases:合同/报价/协议/租约档案: a. should generally be kept for an indefinite period.通常保存时间不确定 b. may be retained in hard copy, microfiche, microfilm, optical disk, magnetic tapes, and/or computer disk format. 可以用以下方式保存:复印件、微缩胶片,缩微胶卷, 光盘, 磁带 和/或 电脑硬盘格式保存 c. should be kept from internal audit staff since they might reveal less than optimal purchasing decisions that could embarrass the purchasing staff.应该让内部审计人员远离这些 档案,因为他们有可能泄密从而影响采购人员的最佳采购决策 d. should be strictly controlled, with buyers permitted access only after careful attention to the buyer's "need to know".须严加控制,只允许采购商了解其有必要知道的信息 15. Purchasing department employees:采购部的员工 a. must be supervised closely in order to assure compliance with organizational policies and procedures.必须严密监督以确保组织的政策方针得以实施 b. are generally better educated and motivated than employees in other functional departments. 通常要比其他职能部门的员工接受的教育要高且受的激励要高。 c. generally cannot benefit from organization-wide Management by Objectives programs because of the service nature of their work.因为他们工作的服务特性所以他们将无法从组织 范围的管理中获益 d. contribute to organizational economy and efficiency when they are motivated and self- disciplined.当他们被激励且自律时,会对公司的经济制度和效率做出贡献 8 19. The purchasing manager for the XYZ Corporation wants to develop a standardization program for all the production materials used by the corporation. He/she will probably want to: XYZ公司的采购 经理想为本公司使用的全部生产原材料制定一个标准化项目,他/她有可能想: a. have the company develop all of its own material standards and discontinue using national and international standards.公司为它自己所有的原材料确定出一个自我标准而放弃 使用国家和国际标准 b. expand his supply base in order to increase the probability of getting enough suppliers who can meet the standards set by the company.扩大供应点以提高能得到足够的且能达到公 司自我标准的供货商的可能性 c. manage such a program in the purchasing department insomuch as the engineering department would be inclined to sabotage the program.由于技术部有可能破坏此项目,故在 采购部执行这一项目 d. consider the effects of metrication on the program.会考虑公制化对项目的影响 20. Purchasing departments: 采购部门: a. should be evaluated on their ability to provide quality products and services, on time, at fair and reasonable prices.可以就它能否及时以公平、合理的价格提供合格的产品而对它的 能力做出评估 b. can generally be evaluated only by purchasing department personnel, since internal review staff seldom understand the purchasing function.通常只能由采购部门的全体员工做出 评价因为其他内部员工不太了解采购职能 15. should be formally evaluated before they have developed departmental objectives in order that the results can be used in objective-setting.应该在确定部门目标之前对其做出正式的评 价以使其取得的成效在树立目标当中得以利用 d. deserve a greater depth of functional review than other departments because of their greater potential for fraud, waste, and abuse.因为比其他职能部门更能发现假货和次货故它 们更值得深层次的职能评估 9
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