首页 第三次工业革命-第二章第三次工业革命新构想



第三次工业革命-第二章第三次工业革命新构想第三次工业革命-第二章第三次工业革命新构想 第二章 第三次工业革命新构想 经济是一种有关信任的游戏。虽然人们通常认为商业交往和贸易活动是靠黄金或者白银来维持的,但是,在现实中,它却总是以一种更为重要的资源—公众的信任为依托来运作的。这就意味着,当公众的信任足够时,经济就会繁荣,未来就有保障;反之,经济就会衰退,前景就会暗淡。 美国没有转机了吗,似乎每次在遇到危机的时候,总会爆发激烈的争吵,人们相互抱怨,相互推诿责任,重复着冷漠与伤害,想当然地沉浸于过去的美好时光,神化伟大的一代,美化充满爱心、爱好和平的“60...

第三次工业革命-第二章第三次工业革命新构想 第二章 第三次工业革命新构想 经济是一种有关信任的游戏。虽然人们通常认为商业交往和贸易活动是靠黄金或者白银来维持的,但是,在现实中,它却总是以一种更为重要的资源—公众的信任为依托来运作的。这就意味着,当公众的信任足够时,经济就会繁荣,未来就有保障;反之,经济就会衰退,前景就会暗淡。 美国没有转机了吗,似乎每次在遇到危机的时候,总会爆发激烈的争吵,人们相互抱怨,相互推诿责任,重复着冷漠与伤害,想当然地沉浸于过去的美好时光,神化伟大的一代,美化充满爱心、爱好和平的“60后”,毁谤自那以后时代的人。这些人不仅包括自私、拥有过多权利的“70后”及其之后的几代人,也包括肤浅、亢进、发狂的千禧世代。正如孩子们所说的,一个过分沉湎于过去、不停抱怨当下、对未来没有信心的民族,现在到了振作起来的时候了。 奥巴马之所以能够顺利入主白宫,部分原因是在那一非常时刻,他提振了美国的民族精神,使他们摆脱了绝望的情绪,重拾了“我们能做得更好”的美国理想。奥巴马总统使美国人,尤其是年青一代感受到了希望,这种希望总结起来就是 “我们能”。 遗憾的是,在这位刚上任的年轻总统熟悉白宫事务之前,他已经丢掉了以往总统所拥有的最珍贵的优点—使美国民众相信前途会更加光candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 明的能力。公平地说,在我与政府领导人打交道时,这种现象已屡见不鲜。几乎每一任总统上任之初都对未来雄心勃勃,但这种雄心往往会逐渐消失在对日常琐事的处理过程中。 上任第一天,奥巴马总统就立即着手解决美国经济复苏的相关问题。奥巴马政府将经济复苏问题与国内所面临的其他两大问题—能源安全与气候变化联系在一起。奥巴马总统开始谈论绿色经济的前景以及该产业如何能够为美国带来成千上万的新企业和就业机会。 虽然这一想法得到许多国会议员的赞同与支持,但这一具有重要意义的新经济 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 从来没有真正实施过。究其原因,用小布什总统的话来说就是政府已经丧失了“洞察事物的能力”,而不仅仅是因为美国需要削减公共开支以及减少政府赤字。 每当奥巴马总统提到绿色经济复苏计划时,他总能列出一长串其政府将要实施或建议的项目 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 和具体措施的名单。这些方案的确有资金支持。如联邦政府已经投入116亿美元用于提高能源效率、65亿美元用于可再生能源建设、44亿美元用于电网的现代化完善工作、20亿美元用于提高插电式动力车和燃料电池动力车的电池技术。此外,奥巴马总统总是利用一切机会参观国内的太阳能和风力发电公园、制造太阳能电池板的工厂,以及专注于测试电动汽车的公司等,这些都证明了他为推动绿色经济的发展所作出的不懈努力。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 然而,奥巴马总统缺少宏伟的构想,摆在美国民众面前的只是一堆试验性计划和被搁置的项目,没有一项能够作为说明美国经济前景光明的有力证据。美国目前正被众多陷入僵局的项目所困,这些项目白白浪费了美国纳税人的钱,除此以外没有任何效果和作用。 在总统选举期间,奥巴马的激情曾感染了美国民众,使民众对美国的明天充满了希望。但如今,他突然变身为华盛顿政策专家,不遗余力地到处为美国最新的科技突破进行宣传。尽管如此,奥巴马政府缺乏将各项技术整合到一起从而使美国摆脱困境的根本性方案。假如奥巴马对下一次工业革命的潜在动力有比较明确的了解和认识的话,也许他当初向美国民众兜售的会是针对美国未来所提出的全面的经济振兴方案。 2002年,欧盟也曾出现了同样的问题。当布鲁塞尔试图为欧盟寻找新的可持续发展的经济方案时,它面临着同样的问题,即虽然具体措施、计划众多,却缺乏将各种方案整合到一起的行之有效的全面规划。 制定全面规划的前提是要明白:历史上新型通信技术与新型能源系统的结合,预示着重大的经济转型时代的来临。这是因为新能源技术的出现推动人类文明向着更为复杂的方向发展,而更为复杂的文明需要以先进的新型通信技术为媒介来对其进行处理和整合。因此,相应的基础设施建设也随之有了新的发展,从而大大减轻了时间和空间对人candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 们更加多样化的经济交流的限制。当这些系统的发展落实到位以后,经济活动呈现正态分布曲线,即先上升达到顶点,经历一段时间停滞之后进入衰退期,该阶段的衰退规律由通信与能源矩阵所建立的乘数效应决定。 根据一般的经济学知识,人们总是想当然地认为基础设施是充当经济活动基础的静态模块。然而从更深层面上来看,这种看法是错误的。基础设施实际上是通信技术和能源的有机结合,用以开创一种具有活力的经济体系。在这一体系中,通信技术充当中枢神经系统,对经济有机体进行监管、协调和处理;与此同时,能源起到血液的作用,为将自然的馈赠转化为商品和服务这一过程提供养料,从而维持经济的持续运行和繁荣。因此,基础设施就像是一种生命系统,把越来越多的人纳入更为复杂的经济社会中。 印刷业中蒸汽动力技术的引入使新闻媒体在第一次工业革命中一跃成为主要信息传播工具。带有油墨辊的蒸汽印刷机,以及之后的轮转印刷机和莱诺铸排机,不仅大大提高了印刷速度,同时也大幅度降低了印刷成本。以报纸、杂志以及书籍等形式出现的印刷材料,如雨后春笋般出现在美国和欧洲的大街小巷,促进了历史上第一次公众文化普及运动的产生。1830~1890年期间,在两大洲出现的公立学校培养了一大批劳动力人才,他们具有文字读写能力,能够对以煤炭为动力的蒸汽铁路以及工厂经济进行系统的管理和操作。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 20世纪的第一个10年里,电信技术与燃油内燃机的结合引发了第二次工业革命。工厂的电气化迎来了批量工业制成品时代,其中最重要的就是汽车的出现。亨利?福特对T型汽油动力汽车的大量生产,从根本上改变了以往受时间和空间限制的社会。几乎在一夜之间,成千上万的人们卖掉马车换上汽车。为了满足人们对燃料持续增长的需求,新型石油工业加紧开采原料,从而促使美国成为世界头号产油大国。 不到20年,美国各地遍布水泥公路,美国人也因此开始迁移,在几年前还是偏远乡村的土地上重新安家。电话,以及随后出现的收音机和电视机,重塑了人们的生活,催生了一种全新的信息网络,使人们从此踏进了石油经济和汽车时代。 如今,我们正处在信息技术与能源体系相融合的时代。互联网信息技术与可再生能源的出现让我们迎来了第三次工业革命。在21世纪到来之际,数以百万计的人们将实现在家庭、办公区域以及工厂中自助生产绿色能源的梦想。此外,正如人们在互联网上可以任意创建属于个人的信息并分享一样,任何一个能源生产者都能够将所生产的能源通过一种外部网格式的智能型分布式电力系统与他人分享。 分布式技术的应用,使得数以百万计的年轻人能够在互联网上分享音candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 乐,导致唱片公司销售收入跌至冰点,甚至低于10年前的水平,这时唱片公司才真正体会到这种技术的威力所在。分散式合作技术使得维基百科取代《大英百科全书》,成为当今世界最具权威性的开放式网络百科全书。同样的,报业也忽视了分散式技术所带来的“博客世界”的影响力,现在许多刊物要么停刊,要么将其所保留的大部分业务职能转移到互联网上。尽管如此,分散式技术所带来的影响还远远不只这些。 第三次工业革命的五大支柱 第一次工业革命使19世纪的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化,第二次工业革命为20世纪的人们开创了新世界,第三次工业革命同样也将对21世纪产生极为重要的影响,它将从根本上改变人们生活和工作的方方面面。以化石燃料为基础的第二次工业革命给社会经济和政治体制塑造了自上而下的结构,如今第三次工业革命所带来的绿色科技正逐渐打破这一传统,使社会向合作和分散关系发展。如今我们所处的社会正经历深刻的转型,原有的纵向权力等级结构正向扁平化方向发展。 正如历史上任何其他的通信、能源基础设施一样,支撑第三次工业革命的各种支柱必须同时存在,否则其基础便不会牢固。因为五种支柱是靠相互间的联系而发挥作用的。第三次工业革命的支柱包括以下五个:向可再生能源转型;将每一大洲的建筑转化为微型发电厂,以便candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 就地收集可再生能源;在每一栋建筑物以及基础设施中使用氢和其他存储技术,以存储间歇式能源;利用互联网技术将每一大洲的电力网转化为能源共享网络,这一共享网络的工作原理类似于互联网(成千上万的建筑物能够就地生产出少量的能源,这些能源多余的部分既可以被电网回收,也可以被各大洲之间通过联网而共享);将运输工具转向插电式以及燃料电池动力车,这种电动车所需要的电可以通过洲与洲之间共享的电网平台进行买卖。 2010年秋天,欧盟的发展使得其对整合以上这五大支柱的需要变得愈加迫切。一份欧盟委员会的解密文件显示,在2010年至2020年间,欧盟需要花费1万亿欧元用于更新电网系统,以使其与可再生能源流相适应。这份内部文件还显示“欧洲依然缺乏使可再生能源与传统能源在同等水平竞争的基础设施”。 欧盟希望到2020年,绿色能源可以生产出三分之一的电力。这就意味着电网必须经过数字化以及智能化处理,从而能够储存足够的间歇式可再生能源,以满足成千上万的地方能源生产商的用电需求。 诚然,当间歇式可再生能源的总量超过电力总量的15%时,在欧盟基础设施建设中加快使用氢和其他存储技术是非常有必要的,否则大部分电能将会因此而丢失。同样的道理,用激励性措施来鼓励欧盟内部的建筑和房地产行业将数百万建筑大楼改变成微型发电厂,这一做法candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 也十分重要,这样能够就地利用可再生能源,并且将多余的电力送回智能电网。只有以上这些条件都得到满足,欧盟才能够提供足够的绿色电力,用以驱动已经准备投入市场的插电式电动车和氢燃料电池汽车。如果支撑第三次工业革命的这五大支柱中的任何一个的发展出现滞后,那么其他的支柱也会因此而发展受阻,在这种情况下,基础设施自身会进行相应的调整。 欧盟在21世纪之初就为自身发展设定了两个目标:一是向可持续发展的低碳型社会转型,二是将欧洲建设成世界经济最具活力的典范。 低碳经济发展模式的建立意味着从以化石能源为基础的第二次工业革命向以可再生能源为基础的第三次工业革命的转型。时代的转型并非易事,人们应该记得,欧洲和美国经济模式由木质燃料到煤炭蒸汽技术的成功转型用了半个多世纪的时间;将煤炭和蒸汽火车技术转向石油、电能和汽车经济也同样如此。历史经验告诉我们,在一定时期内,向可再生能源时代转型是可能的。 找到第三次工业革命的宏伟构想并不容易。找到构想只是开始,我相信每个创新者都明白这一点。接下来,最重要的事情就是将这一构想论述清楚。好的构想是一个有机的过程,在这一过程中构想的内容不但会得到自我加强,而且会呈现出自身的特色,常常会给创新者带来意想不到的灵感。我的构想是:网络通信技术与可再生能源技术相融candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 合。它引出我的构想内容,那就是支撑第三次工业革命的五大支柱。对这一问题的探索就像一次特别的旅行,前方总有意外的惊喜在等着你。 寻找绿色能源 在2020年前,由可再生能源提供20%的电力,这一问题曾在2000~2001年引发欧洲内部的激烈讨论。这意味着2030年前,30%的电力将会来源于绿色能源。支柱一,也就是可再生能源提供20%的电力,已成为一项基准。 几年以前,任何人都不会想到,如今由传统发电技术向可再生能源发电系统的过渡会这样迅速。由于传统的化石燃料以及铀燃料的储量逐渐降低,导致其价格在国际市场上持续攀升。使用传统能源所付出的代价还包括其燃烧过程中释放的大量二氧化碳,这对地球环境以及生态系统的稳定性造成了显著的负面影响。 与此同时,受新技术突破、及早采用新技术以及规模经济等因素的影响,新型绿色能源的价格持续下降。光伏发电的成本有望以每年8%的速度下降,使得发电成本每8年可降低一半。如果全球用电量以每年5%的速度增长,到2012年,光伏发电将会在整个欧洲市场达到电网平价(电网平价是指使用替代性能源发电所消耗的成本与使用传统化石燃料或核能发电的成本相当,或者更低)。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 传统化石能源成本不断上扬,可再生能源成本不断下降,两者之间的巨大反差引起了全球经济的巨变,从而催生了21世纪的新型经济范式。 太阳能和风能技术的商业价值不断升高,不禁使人联想到个人电脑以及互联网用户的急剧增长。20世纪70年代末期,个人电脑第一次引入大众市场。截至2008年,个人电脑的数量已超过10亿台。与此类似的是,到2010年,互联网用户数量在此前的10年内增加了一倍,达到20亿。如今,太阳能和风能发电设备装置正沿着个人电脑以及互联网用户增长的轨迹继续向前发展。 尽管如此,传统能源产业仍然是一股强大的力量,这主要是因为其雄厚的财力能帮助这些企业对政府能源政策的制定和实施产生影响。因此,政府每年会对传统能源产业实施补贴以及其他优惠政策,对新绿色能源产业来说,这无疑是不公平的。虽然石油、煤炭、天然气以及核能等产业勉强承认人们对绿色能源的需求正在上升,但它们依然认为新型绿色产业太脆弱,不具备支撑全球经济运行的能力。但是,它们的观点经不起考验。 科学家指出,太阳光线一个小时的照射所产生的能量足以支撑全球经济运行一整年。以欧盟为例,约40%的屋顶以及所有建筑物15%的candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 表面都适合安装光伏发电设备。欧洲光伏工业协会预测,在所有适合的建筑物表面安装光伏发电装置能够产生1.5万亿瓦特的电能,能满足欧盟所需电量总数的40%。 2007年,《科学美国人》的一项研究称,研究人员估算,如果能将美国西南地区太阳照射中的2.5%转化成电能,这些能量将与美国2006年全国用电量相当。该研究得出的结论是,依此 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,这一地区能提供美国全国用电量的69%,到2050年时,能提供全国用电量的35%。 在太阳能利用方面,欧洲独占鳌头。2009年,欧洲提供的光伏太阳能占世界总量的78%,遥遥领先于日本、美国和中国。 2009年,欧盟的风力发电量超过其他能源的发电量,占新能源总发电量的38%。这项产业目前在欧盟各国内共有20万工人,发电量占总电量的4.8%。预计在2020年之前,风力发电将为欧洲市场提供17%的电量,并在2030年之前提升到35%,那时,产业内劳动力总数则会增至50万人。 美国有相当充足的风力资源,足以满足全国数倍之需。2010年10月,谷歌和好能源金融公司宣布了一项计划,决定投入50亿美元建造一条水下电力传输线路,主要用于沿岸从弗吉尼亚州诺福克至北部的新泽西州长达350英里的风力发电厂。新的风力传输干线将增加东部各州的沿岸风力发电设施,提高绿色能源在混合能源中的比重。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 斯坦福大学的一项关于全球风能的研究预计,利用地球上现有风能的20%,所提供的电力将是当今世界所用电量的7倍。在城市及其郊区,由于数以万计的家庭住宅、办公场所以及工业企业将需要更多的电力,大楼附近风力涡轮机的发电量将极可能于10年内成为绿色的风力发电市场中成长最快的一部分。像美国西南风电这样的公司可以提供小型风力涡轮机,从而为每个家庭生产占其总需求25%~30%的电量。每台风力涡轮机价格仅在1.5万~1.8万美元之间,只需要7年就可以收回成本。工业专家认为,潜在发电量主要集中于小型水力发电厂。这些经济上可行的发电厂分散在欧洲各地,可以产生每年147太瓦小时的电量。在英国,根据政府能源部的数据,未来小型水力发电可以为85万户家庭提供电力。 在美国,水力发电量占当前可再生能源发电量的75%。美国电力研究协会的一份 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 指出,预计到2025年,由大型堤坝、微型水力发电机以及潮汐所产生的发电量将达到2.3万兆瓦。 地热是地球蕴藏丰富但未被开发的绿色能源的典型代表。地球内部的温度高达4 000摄氏度以上,地热通过流动的方式被送到地球表面。欧洲地热主要集中在意大利和法国,其他国家如德国、奥地利、匈牙利、波兰和斯洛伐克地热储量也相当丰富。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 在美国,地表下两英里以内的地热能源足以为全美国提供其所需要的能源长达3万年之久。在2005~2010年间,全球所安装的地热能装置增加了20%。然而,在39个可以用地热能为整个国家提供全部能源的国家中,只有9个国家提升了设备容量。 虽然美国在开发地热能设备总量上领先(其发电厂的发电量达到了3 086兆瓦),但仍有很大的潜力。麻省理工学院的一项研究表明,只要持续15年,每年有3亿~4亿美元的投资,地热能就能在美国的电力市场上获得一席之地。麻省理工学院专题研究小组预测,如果有同样长时间的8亿~10亿美元的公共或私人投资,地热能可以于2050年之前生产出超过10万兆瓦的商业用电。 生物能源是新兴绿色能源结构中的最后一个领域,它包括油料作物、林业废弃物以及城市垃圾。在绿色能源家族中,生物能源是最有争议的一类。世界生物能源协会曾发表声明指出:“到2050年,世界生物能源将能够完全满足全球对能源的需求。”美国电力研究院的布赖恩?汉尼根认同生物能源将在绿色能源的生产中发挥重要作用的观点,但同时他认为,以现在的经济数据分析,到2050年,生物能源仅仅能满足全球20%的能源需求量。尽管如此,这一数字仍十分可观。美国自然资源保护委员会的一份报告指出,仅美国一个国家,每年有大约3 900万吨的作物残茬没有得到利用,这些被浪费掉的资源倘若用于绿色能源发电,将能满足新英格兰所有家庭的用电量。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 我们必须考虑生物能源生产的制约性因素。比如,用未成熟的玉米生产生物乙醇实际上是得不偿失的。这是因为种植玉米以及生产运输乙醇所付出的成本,要超过最终产品—生物乙醇的价值。 利用农作物和森林残留物发电所产生的问题主要集中于以下三个方面:这一过程中所占用的土地和水资源,如果用于生产食物和纤维,产量会更大;生物燃料的焚烧导致全球温室效应加剧;加工以及输送电力过程中产生的问题。 在应用生物燃料的领域中,最有发展前景的是将城市废弃物转化成电力和热力这一技术。仅在2010年一年,全球就产生了近17亿吨的城市固态废弃物。其中有5亿吨废弃物被填埋,只有2亿吨被用来发电。从这些数据可以看出,绿色能源这一领域拥有巨大的发展潜力。由该领域产生的大约98%的电力来自对垃圾以及废渣提取燃料的焚烧,这一过程会对环境造成破坏,如产生有毒气体等。剩下的2%的电力则来源于相对安全的热能以及生物处理技术。 派克咨询公司在一份报告中指出,随着地方政府以及商业机构对新型、清洁转化技术的采用,到2016年,全球热能以及生物废物处理技术的市场收入将会由2010年的37亿美元上升到136亿美元。 将所有绿色能源联网的能力取决于商业的扩展性。为加快这一进程,candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 各国政府正加紧实施各种鼓励企业向绿色能源产业转型的政策。现在,有超过50个国家、州以及省开始实施“上网电价补贴”政策。由于可再生能源的生产者将绿色电力卖给电网,政府的这项政策将对其进行奖励,其价格高于市场价格。“上网电价补贴”政策通过给早期进入该市场的商家提供丰厚的奖励,从而为太阳能发电以及风力发电打开商业之门。 在过去的几年里,“上网电价补贴”政策为人们提供了数以万计的就业机会。例如,2003年,德国的传统能源产业(如煤炭、石油、天然气以及铀燃料)为民众提供了26万个就业机会。到2007年,可再生能源产业为德国提供了249 300个就业机会。尽管如此,在主要能源消费量中可再生能源仅占不到10%。换句话说,消耗不到10%的可再生能源产生的能量所创造的就业机会几乎相当于消耗其他所有能源所提供的就业机会。 另一个快速向可再生能源体系转移的例子是西班牙。在西班牙,可再生能源公司有1 027家,提供超过18.8万个与可再生能源相关的就业机会,这相当于传统能源产业所能够提供就业机会的5倍。 即便美国不出台“上网电价补贴”政策,可再生能源产业所提供的就业机会也在不断增加,与此同时,传统能源领域的就业机会则呈逐渐下降的趋势。在过去10年,仅在风力发电领域,就创造了超过8万candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 个就业机会,这一数字是美国有史以来煤矿开采行业所提供的就业机会的总和。风力发电在美国能源生产中仅占1.9%,而煤炭行业则占44.5%以上。 1.9亿发电厂 欧洲的未来系于绿色能源。问题的关键在于如何收集太阳能、风能、水能、地热能,以及生物能源。最初的尝试是去那些阳光充裕的地方,比如欧洲南部和地中海区域,并且建设大型的太阳能发电园区来收集能源。同样,去风力最充足的地方,比如爱尔兰海岸以及其他风力地带去获取风能,去挪威和瑞典获取水能等。 对于习惯于在有限地点集中获取化石能源的能源公司以及煤气电力公司来说—更不用说银行和政府部门,如能积极采用新能源,同样具有重要的意义。现在,以太阳能为主的大型发电园区以及风力发电厂开始在欧洲能源丰富的地方涌现。 在2006年左右,一些能源企业家、政策分析家、非政府组织以及政治家对新能源的简单评论将围绕可持续发展经济模式的讨论推向了深入。虽然太阳照射强度不一,但是太阳光确实照射在地球上的每一个角落。虽然风力频率不一,但是风也确实吹过世界上每一个角落。无论我们走在哪里,地下都有一个滚热的地热核。我们每一个人都会产生垃圾。在农业地区,有大片的庄稼和森林。而在那些人口聚集的candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 海岸,波浪和潮汐每天都会出现。住在山谷里的人们靠从冰山上流下来的溪水发电。换句话说,与那些只能在世界某些地区发现的化石能源和核能等稀缺能源不同,可再生能源到处都是。这种现实让我同事的思想发生了根本性的转变。如果可再生能源分布广泛并以不同的比例和频率分布于世界各地,那么,为什么我们要集中在某一点收集呢, 我们意识到:我们的思维方式过时了,这种思维方式是基于20世纪关于化石能源的经验的。尽管我们当中并没有人反对大型风力发电厂和太阳能发电园区—我甚至认为它们对过渡到一个后碳的第三次工业革命经济至关重要,但我们开始相信仅仅这些是不够的。 如果可再生能源随处都有,那么,应该怎么收集呢,2007年年初,欧洲议会能源和气候变化委员会正在为下一步能源安全以及全球变暖问题准备报告,我接到了欧洲议会可再生能源问题专家克劳德?图尔梅斯的电话。他敦促我努力将建筑工业纳入进来,因为他知道我与欧洲以及美国的一些主要以可持续发展计划为宗旨的建筑公司有接触,并且曾针对将大楼转换为小型电厂作过一些报告。他提醒我,在整体经济中,建筑业不容忽视,并且是欧盟国家中的最大雇主之一,其产值占国内生产总值的10%。克劳德认为,建筑业可能是大型能源公司的重要伙伴和平衡者,这个行业之前一直在阻挠欧洲委员会及各成员国制定绿色法律以及可持续发展政策。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 如果说“关键是经济,笨蛋”,那么就是建筑业引发了商业活动并且创造了新的就业机会。欧盟各成员国现在约有1.9亿栋楼,而每一栋楼都是一个潜在的小型发电厂,它能吸收可再生能源—照射到楼顶的太阳能、墙外的风能、从房子里排出的污水、楼房下面的热能等。 如果说第一次工业革命造就了密集的城市核心区、经济公寓、街区、摩天大楼、拔地而起的工厂,第二次工业革命催生了城郊大片地产以及工业区繁荣的话,那么,第三次工业革命则会将每一个现存的大楼转变成一个两用的住所—住房和微型发电厂。我们已经找到了第二个支柱。 现在,建筑业和房地产行业正与可再生能源公司联合,将大楼转变成小型发电厂,就地收集绿色能源,为整栋楼房供电。 菲多利公司位于亚利桑那州卡萨格兰德的工厂就是这些新一代小型发电厂中的一家,它的理念是“零排放”。工厂利用太阳能聚光器产生的电来炸制薯条。在西班牙的阿拉贡,通用公司的生产装备顶端装有一个10兆瓦的太阳能发电机,产生出可以供4 600个家庭使用的电量。最初7 800万美元的投资将会在10年内收回成本,在这之后发电的成本将几乎为零。在法国,建筑业巨头布依格公司则更进一步,它在巴黎郊区创建了一个先进的综合商业办公区,这个地区收集的电能不仅能供自己使用,甚至还有节余。家庭居民也可以将他们自己的candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 房子改成小型发电厂,只要提前交付6万美元定金,就可以在自己的房顶上安装太阳能电池板,这些电池板能生产出足够的电力,满足房子所需的电能。如果有剩余,则可以卖给电厂,投资回收期为4~10年。 从现在起25年内,数百万的建筑—家庭住房、办公场所、大型商场、工业技术园区—将会一物两用:既可作为发电厂,也可以作为住所。接下来的30年,商业和居住用房大规模转变成发电厂将引发建筑业的繁荣—创造出数以万计的新商业机会和就业机会—同时,也会对其他行业产生乘数效应。 那么,在地区层面上情况怎样呢,仅以英国为例,卡梅伦政府预计,单是将全国2 600万家庭装上能有效利用能源的隔热装置,并且使他们用上更加清洁高效的能源一项,就可以创造多达2.5万个就业机会。 将楼房转变为微型发电厂,会创造大量商业机会和数百万的就业机会。以建筑和房地产行业为例。2008年,我的全球政策研究团队开始与西西里大区主席拉法埃莱?隆巴尔多商讨如何将这一地区改造成第三次工业革命经济模式。按照西欧的标准,西西里地区的500万居民是相对贫穷的,但是那里的日照却很充裕。一项有关这个地区的研究表明,今后20年,只需把6%的屋顶装上太阳能板,这个地区就可以产生1 000兆瓦的电量—完全能满足西西里地区三分之一居民的用candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 电需求。同一研究显示,当地有超过3.6万家中小型建筑公司、建筑事务所以及工程公司都有能力完成这项工程。改用第三次工业革命经济模式后,在未来20年内,这一模式将为中小企业和家庭创造出40亿~50亿欧元的市场价值,并将产生350亿欧元的额外回报。 意大利的税收返还政策为这一进程提供了重要动力,它是通过为市民承担5%电费的方式实现。至今为止,申请安装太阳能供电系统的大多数是大型光伏发电厂,申请分散式发电项目的很少。但是,如果政府能为中小企业和业主提供资金来帮助安装这种太阳能装置的话,这种情况是完全可以改变的。 绿色抵押贷款同样也可以起到促进作用。银行和其他贷款公司可以以较低利率为安装太阳能电池板的企业和业主提供贷款。假设平均8~9年可以收回成本,企业和业主抵押贷款20年,那么,在还完贷款后的11~12年里,所发电量完全由自己支配。每个月节约的电费可以用来偿还贷款,这是降低利率的基础。房屋兼做电厂,这反过来也促进了房屋增值。一些银行已经开始提供绿色特别抵押贷款,在未来的几年中,绿色抵押贷款很有可能带来抵押贷款业务的重组,促进世界各国建筑业的发展。 现在,让我们从更宏观的角度看看提升能源利用率、使用可再生能源对劳动力就业的影响。能源资源组织和加州大学伯克利分校汉斯商学院的研究人员发明了一种就业创造分析模型,来分析2009~2030年的candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 电力部门,数据来源于15个单独的案例。这个模型将多个变量纳入其中,比如,电力系统中其他部门在向高效能、可再生能源行业转移时减少的岗位,因消费增加而创造的间接就业机会,以及其他商业活动中经济行为带来的乘数效应等。这项研究预测:如果将年发电量增长率减半,可再生能源组合标准达到30%,那么,2030年就能增加约400万个就业机会。如果将整体标准提高至40%—世界上一些地区可再生能源组合标准已经达到60%,2030年时,将有更多的国家对此有更高的标准—那么在美国净增加的就业机会将超过550万个。 正如我们将在后面的章节讨论的,这些新增就业机会只将第一支柱和第二支柱—可再生能源和将建筑转化成微型发电站—作为一个独立变量来对待,它与能量储存、分布式智能网的建立、交通工具改用插电式电动车和燃料电池无关。通过比较发现,上述模型的预测与利用信息技术革命实现20年就业增长非常相似,当时处于20世纪80年代末,互联网还没有发明出来。当第三次工业革命的五个支柱都相互关联时,便创造出了一种新的经济枢纽系统,它能显著提高能源利用率,并创造数以万计的商业和就业机会。 在大型能源公司统治经济领域长达一个世纪以后—且不说它们对政府的政策和国际地缘政治的影响,一个新的倡导民主分配能源的计划出台。这个计划将通过创建数以百万计的微型能源企业来实现。正如一位观察员评论的,这是“权力属于人民”的体现。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 阳光不会一直明媚,风力不会一直充裕 尽管可再生能源总量多、清洁、让我们得以生存在一个可持续发展的世界,但它们也存在一定问题。太阳不会一直照耀,风不会一直吹拂,或者即使有风,也可能不是我们需要的那一种。可再生能源多半是间歇式供应的,而传统能源虽然有限且造成污染,却能提供稳定的供给。 2002年5月,我与当时的欧洲委员会主席罗马诺?普罗迪在华盛顿的欧盟使馆里进行了短暂的交流。我向他坦承了自己的想法:我对到2020年可再生能源达到20%这一目标的实现十分担忧,这意味着欧洲三分之一的电力将依靠太阳能、风能以及其他不稳定的能源来供应。我说:“我来描述这样一幅画面:现在是2020年,欧洲已经实现了这一能源目标。在6月中旬—一个非常炎热的夏天,欧洲大部分地区上空的云层遮住了阳光,时间长达数周。不幸的是,同时还没有风。如果这还不够,再加上气候变化带来发电区地下水位下降导致干旱,全欧洲都没有电了。我们该怎么办,” 普罗迪虽然是德高望重的经济学教授,两次担任意大利总理,又是欧洲最受尊敬的政治家之一,但却十分谦虚平和。他用手托着下巴,似乎在思考我说的话,然后把问题又抛给了我:“有什么建议吗,”“是的,”我说,“我们需要尽快投资,对储存可再生能源的技术进行研究。否则,我们将无法实现可再生能源的大规模应用。没有一定规模的储candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 存,我们可能会遇到困难。”(8年以后,比尔?盖茨再次提到类似想法,认为划算可靠的储存技术对于可持续发展的未来是一个关键因素。) 电力和公共事业公司抱怨说,当电网中有15%~20%甚至更大的比例来自可再生能源时,电网供电就会受到天气影响,我们将面临着周期性断电、限电的状况。有一些前景较好的技术,包括流电池、飞轮、电容器、水泵等。我一直在研究这几种不同的技术,最近得出结论:虽然我提出了不同的储存方法,但氢气由于具有较大的灵活性,很有可能成为解决长期储存介质问题的关键。 长久以来,作为后碳时代的制胜法宝,氢气备受科学家和工程师的推崇。这是宇宙中最轻、最多的气体,并且是恒星的组成成分,包含不止一种碳原子。地球上到处都能找到氢,但在自然界中,它不是以独立的形态存在的,而是以不同形式存在于其他能源之中,比如,煤炭、石油、天然气中。事实上,大部分用于商业和工业的氢气是从天然气中提取的。氢气也可以从水中分解出来。大家都知道高中化学课的电解实验,将阴阳两个电极放置在具有更好传导性的电解液中,当直流电通过时,氢气便会在负极释放出来,氧气在正极释放出来。关键的问题是,从无碳的光、风、氢、地热等能源中产生电、再用这些电去分解水中的氢气、氧气,是否是个划算的选择。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 我提醒普罗迪说,宇航员在太空中以氢为燃料绕地球飞行已近50年,是将其拿回地球用做可再生能源储存介质的时候了。 它的工作原理是这样的:当阳光照射到太阳能电池板上时,会产生电能,其中大部分用于给建筑物供电。如果电能出现了盈余,便可以用做储备能源。如果太阳光不好,氢气便可以再提取出来用于发电。普罗迪对此表现出极大的兴趣。他对氢知之甚多,他的哥哥维托里奥是一位世界级的核物理学家,也是欧洲议会成员之一。我和维托里奥成了好朋友。在对议员和企业界有关将氢用做可再生能源储存介质的工作原理和好处这方面知识的普及上,他开始发挥重要作用。 在接下来几周的会议里,我向意大利总理罗马诺?普罗迪提交了一份关于利用氢作为可再生能源储存介质可行性的战略备忘录,普罗迪随即在2003年6月布鲁塞尔会议上宣布了一项价值20亿欧元的氢能源研究方案,这项由欧盟委员会授权通过的方案旨在为欧洲今后实行氢能源经济奠定基础。在开幕会致辞中,普罗迪总理阐述了在第三次工业革命基础设施建设中,采用氢能源作为储存介质的重大意义。他说:“我们必须明确是什么在推动欧洲氢能项目的发展。我们一直倡导,到本世纪中叶,以可再生能源为基础,稳步迈向全面整合的氢能经济,正是这一目标在推动着欧洲氢能项目的发展。”至此,第三次工业革命的第三个支柱已经落实到位。 2006年,我就同一问题为德国总理默克尔准备了第二份备忘录,建candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 议德国政府批准实施氢能研究发展方案。结果,默克尔总理同意了我的建议,并为优化新型存储技术投入了大量资金。第二年,欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐宣布了价值74亿欧元的公私合营计划,这就是囊括整个欧洲氢能的研究发展以及相应部署的联合技术行动草案。 包括可再生能源体系的建立、建筑物载能以及以氢的方式部分储能在内的三大支柱,引出了第四个支柱,那就是将由数以百万计的建筑物生产、存储的能源传输到整个欧洲的途径。 能源互联网 截至2005年,尽管智能电网的创建已经开始为人们带来物质上的回报,但人们始终没有找到把这一方法融入欧盟或其成员国的途径。IBM公司、思科系统、西门子以及通用公司都跃跃欲试,期望把智能电网变成能够运输电力的新型高速公路。由此,电力输送网络将会转变成信息能源网络,使得数以百万计自助生产能源的人们能够通过对等网络的方式分享彼此的剩余能源。 这种智能型能源网络将与人们的日常生活息息相关。家庭、办公室、工厂、交通工具以及物流等无时无刻不相互影响,分享信息资源。智能公用网络系统还与天气的变化相关联,使得电流以及室内温度会随着天气状况的改变和用户的需要而改变。此外,这种智能网络还能够根据家用电器用电量的多少来进行自我调节,如果整个电路达到峰candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 值,软件就会进行相应的调节以避免出现电网超负荷的情况,举个例子,为节能省电,洗衣机每到一定的负荷量便会跳过一次清洗周期。 由于电网电流在一天24小时内是不断变化的,因此每栋大厦中分布在数字仪表上的实时信息会采用动态定价的形式,以便消费者能够根据价格变动自动调整用电量。此外,能够接受用电调整的消费者将会享受相应的优惠。与此同时,动态定价也将促使能源生产商们把握回收电流的最佳时机。 最近,美国政府划拨资金发展全国智能电网。这些资金将被用来安装数字电表、高压输电传感器以及发展实现高科技电力分配的能源储存技术。这将使现有的电网转变为互联网式电网。得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的城市公共服务能源公司、科罗拉多州博得市的艾克赛尔公共事业公司、加利福尼亚的南太平洋电气公司、森普拉能源公司、南爱迪生电力公司将在今后的几年间架设部分智能电网。 智能电网是新兴经济的支柱。正如互联网创造了数以百计的商业机会和数百万的就业机会,智能电网会带来同样的辉煌。只不过“它将比互联网大100或者1 000倍”,思科公司副总裁玛丽?哈塔尔指出,虽然有一些家庭已经接入互联网,但是还有一些没有接入网络。由于每个家庭都连接了电网,因此所有家庭都有可能通过电网连接起来。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 20年来,许多政府和全球企业的领导人问我:“你对运用‘软性’可再生能源应对复杂多变的全球经济对能源的需求有什么期待,”政府以及能源与公共事业行业的老一代的领导者,如同当年唱片业巨头们面对文件共享的挑战时一样,没有意识到分散式能源能够改变能源本质的潜力。 第二代信息技术改变了以往影响经济的因素,从分布集中的传统化石燃料以及铀能源向分散式的新型可再生能源转移。如今,人类已掌握了一种先进的软件技术,能够帮助相应的企业与成千上万甚至上百万的小型台式电脑相连接。一旦成功连接,这种扁平化技术的威力将大大超越世界上最大的集成式超级电脑。 与之相似,互联网式电网已经应用到一些地区,改变了传统输电网的模式。当数以百万计的建筑实时收集可再生能源,以氢的形式储存剩余能源,并通过智能互联电网将电力与其他几百万人共享,由此产生的电力使集中式核电与火电站都相形见绌。 荷兰电工材料协会曾为电网智能化联盟—一个由美国信息技术、能源、公共事业企业、学界、风险投资者组成的智能电网联合体—进行了一项研究。该研究表明美国政府只需投入160亿美元以鼓励全国电网智能化,就可以带动640亿美元的项目投资并创造28万个就业机会。智能电网对其他四个经济支柱产业的增长十分重要,它的实施将为可再生能源行业、建筑业和房地产市场、氢能源储存工业、电气运candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 输部门创造几千万个新就业机会,因为它们都依赖于智能电网为其提供平台。但是,与欧洲委员会所期望的通过智能电网计划创造的就业数相比,这一估计数字还是较小。欧洲委员会预计通过公共与私人部门1万亿欧元的投资,未来10年间在这个世界上最大的经济体建设分布式智能电网网络。 今天的分布式智能电网的概念已经不是大多数主要信息通信技术公司刚开始讨论智能公共事业网络时所设想的模样了。它们早先的观点是建立集中式的智能电网。这些公司预见到通过智能仪表和传感器的应用将现有的电网数字化,使公共事业公司能够实现包括实时电流量监控在内的远程收集信息。它的目的是提高电流在电网中的输送效率,降低维护费用,并且更精确地了解用户用电量。它们的计划是改良性的,而非根本性的创造。正如我所知道的,关于使用互联网技术革新电网使其成为相互连通的信息能源网的讨论寥寥无几,而这样做将能够使数百万人自主创造可再生能源并与他人分享电能。 2005年,IBM公司在德国的主管们开始就未来智能电网应用的可能与我进行沟通。我已经在沃顿商学院行政管理人员教育课程以及与苏格兰能源、辛那杰公司和国家电网公司等公共事业企业的座谈会上,深入讨论了将传统电网转变为可分享能源的互动网络的可能性。智能电网就是我2002年出版的《氢能源经济》一书的中心主题。我并不是唯一一个讨论这件事情的人。艾默里?洛文斯许多年来一直提倡这candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 一观念,并且拥有很多能源与公共事业领域的追随者。 早在2001年,美国电力研究所在它的报告“未来展望”中评述道:“分散式能源生产的发展可能会采取与计算机产业发展极为相似的路线。大型主机电能已经让位于小型化、在地理上分散分布的台式和笔记本电脑,它们相互连接、充分整合,成为一个极富弹性的网络。在电力行业中,集中式电厂仍将发挥很重要的作用。但是我们更加需要更小、更清洁、分散化的发电厂,能源储存技术将支持它们的发展。对这样一个系统,最基本的要求是先进的电子控制技术,对于控制、处理由如此复杂的互联系统所带来的海量的信息与能源流通,它绝对是必不可少的。” 德国IBM的伙计们让我接触到了吉多?巴特尔斯,他是一个一直致力于在全球推广IBM智能公共事业网络概念的荷兰人。吉多也是电网智能化联盟的主席,这个联盟是由信息技术、能源及公共事业公司所组成的财团,它与美国能源部合作以推动智能电网发展。对于IBM的未来,我和吉多进行了一系列的讨论。然而,有一点是十分明确的,IBM的首要动力是以传统的、中央集中管理的方式来改革现有电网。通过微电网将能源连通并回售给输电网的观念,虽然被公认为是IBM智能公共事业网络的一项潜在功能,但现在还不是它成为新型经济观核心的最佳时机—虽然IBM明确表达了下一步将会进军第三次工业革命。巴特尔斯和艾伦?舒尔理解真正的分布式智能电网的潜力,并candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 与全球客户合作推动第三次工业革命的基础设施建设。 另一个叫皮尔?纳布厄斯的荷兰人—他是荷兰电工材料协会的首席执行官—也开始谈论双向信息化能源网的优点。纳布厄斯在欧盟的地位与巴特尔斯相同—领导着欧洲智能电网技术平台。如同美国的电网智能化联盟,欧洲智能电网技术平台是由信息技术、能源与公共事业公司所组成的,它与欧盟合作,致力于推动欧洲大陆的智能电网建设。纳布厄斯强烈呼吁建立能够将数千个小型电厂产生的电流汇集并输送的能源互联网。 纳布厄斯意识到了欧洲能源与公共事业公司中正在发生的变化,而他们的美国同行还没有意识到这一变化。在企业内部管理人员中已经进行了许多讨论。这些公司在长达一个世纪里无法与那些依靠化石能源发电的能源巨头们相提并论。但是,新一代的企业管理者意识到了地方市政当局、各个地区、中型企业、合作社以及业主们对利用微电网自己生产可再生能源的浓厚兴趣,认为这将是一个重塑他们企业地位的好机会。他们设想为能源和公共事业公司注入新的功能,并且在他们传统的能源供应者与输送管理者的角色之外,推行这一新的商业形式。为什么不利用智能公共事业网络来更好地管理从利用化石燃料或核能的集中式电站所输出的电流,并且利用全新的智能电网的输送功能来汇集、传输来自数千微型电站的电力呢,换句话说,从电流单向管理转变为双向管理。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 在新的环境下,公司将放弃一些传统的自上而下的电力输送和供给控制方式,转而成为一个拥有数以千计的小型能源生产者的不可或缺的一部分。在新的方案中,能源类的公共事业公司将变得更加重要。一个公共事业公司将会成为一名信息能源网络的管理者。它将迅速从能源销售者转变为服务提供商,利用专业技术来管理其他人所生产的能源。因此,未来的公共事业公司将与客户一道共同管理整个价值链的能源利用,就像IBM这样的信息技术公司帮助客户管理他们的信息一样。潜在的新兴商机将最终超越它们的传统业务—单纯的销售电力。 这些后起之秀们从一个不可能之处为他们的观念找到了动力源泉。2006年,欧盟负责竞争政策的专员内莉?克勒斯向能源和公共事业行业传达了令人震惊的消息。对电力市场撤销管制的决定,促使许多国有能源与公共事业巨头将它们的电网跨越国界并开始收购规模较小的公司。欧洲委员会担忧,少数能源与公共事业巨头通过垄断能源的供给与输送来控制其他公司进入该行业的途径。克勒斯向那些能源与公共事业公司宣战了。从那一刻起,企业被要求将输电网络业务从能源供应业务中分离出来,或者,简单地说,就是不允许它们同时拥有能源供给与输送能源的传输线路。克勒斯非常清楚地表达了欧洲委员会的意图,她说:“所有问题中真正令人关切的,是输电基础设施与供给业务混业经营的市场结构。对所有网络行业来说,这都是令人担忧的。在这些行业中,重复建设基础设施的耗费是很大的。重要网candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 络设施的所有者和运营者经常与那些需要进入相同网络设施的公司竞争。我们能希望那样的混业公司完全公平地对待它们的竞争者吗,它们的自身利益将不会让它们那样做。该行业的调查已经表明,新的竞争者往往缺乏进入网络的有效途径,这些网络的运营商被指控为它们的附属公司提供便利。”克勒斯用一种非常个人的口吻说:“我非常欢迎推行完全的结构性分业经营(也就是说将供给与销售业务从垄断性基础设施业务中分离出来)。” 竞争政策专员的行为并非毫无目的,它是更大规模的共同行动的一部分,它希望能够为第三次工业革命中的新兴绿色分散能源提供机会。整个欧洲都流传着许多传闻,说那些能源与公共事业公司使得当地可再生能源的生产者向电网出售电力变得很困难。当面对欧盟支持发展地方可再生能源生产的法规时,能源与公共事业公司蓄意阻挠的政策失去了效果。 就欧洲而言,克勒斯说:“显而易见,自由化进程的目标是保障新的公司可以进军市场并获得发展,其目的是促使企业进行竞争,从而给消费者提供更好的选择,例如,绿色能源。” 德国和法国政府很快便向克勒斯表达了它们的不满。这两个国家都是欧洲能源和公共事业巨头的大本营,比如,在德国有意昂集团和莱茵集团,在法国有法国电力公司。媒体和公众所不知道的是,在如此光鲜外表的背后是地狱之门徐徐开启,而政府的一些部门就是推手。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 2006年3月,即克勒斯在议员竞选活动中公开提出分类计价时,德国第四大能源与公共事业公司巴登能源公司首席执行官克拉森邀请我去他的公司发表演讲,听众是公司员工以及与气候变化、能源安全、能源与公共事业转型有关的客户。尽管巴登能源公司是法国电力公司持股45%的公司(法国电力公司的核能产量占法国核能产量的78%),克拉森仍然选择了可再生能源的年代分布这一主题。三个月后,他邀请我去德国的海尔布隆市参观公司总部。演讲大厅里约有500名员工,当我讲完第三次工业革命的前景后,克拉森走上了台。令大多数员工感到惊讶的是,克拉森说能源市场正在改变,巴登公司也一样,因为员工们从小就被灌输了这样的观念,即化石燃料和核能源应该通过自上而下的集中模式管理。他声称,巴登公司会进入可再生能源领域的前沿,在新的分散式能源时代承担领导责任。他迅速得出结论说,虽然旧能源和商业模式还没有退出市场,但巴登公司需要给新能源和新的经营模式留出空间。 到2008年年初,欧洲的能源与公共事业公司正步履蹒跚地迈向新能源时代,包括爱尔兰的国家公路收费公司和苏格兰能源集团。甚至像大型能源集团德国意昂这样的旧模式拥护者,也在重新思考它们的未来。 2008年3月,我受意昂集团的邀请,在鹿特丹与集团主席兼首席执candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 行官约翰内斯?泰森进行了讨论,这个马拉松式的讨论持续了两个小时。当我见到他时,他如同传统德国商业领袖的代表,一副严肃的表情,穿着传统的黑色套装。事实上,他非常热情。泰森认为,在未来几十年,欧洲需要所有的能源来满足其需求,包括化石能源、核能源,甚至可再生能源。但他并没有提及分散式能源。 在讨论的过程中,我注意到一个大约40岁的英国男士,在我说话时他一直在泰森的耳边低语。讨论结束后,他站起来自我介绍说,他叫肯顿?布拉德伯里,是意昂集团负责基础设施建设和未来战略规划的副总裁。他说,公司正在关注包括智能电网、微产能、分散式能源等在内的议题。他渴望知道更多,特别是关于能源与公共事业公司与建筑公司合作开发的智能建筑,这种建筑可以用做小型发电厂并将产生的电回输到输电网。 接下来的几个月里,我们通过邮件、电话进行沟通与交流。我也让我们对策小组的其他人与他保持联系,包括IBM公司的吉多?巴特尔斯、荷兰电工材料协会的皮尔?纳布厄斯、飞利浦的首席执行官鲁迪?普罗沃斯特。几个月后,肯顿?布拉德伯里在意昂集团董事会上介绍了一些在第三次工业革命基础设施建设中可能出现的新商业机会。 记得我曾提到过,新的一代公司高管迫切希望在不抛弃原有商业计划的前提下将公司转型为新的商业模式,这样他们就可以充当顾问,与candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 客户一起管理能源,正如IBM公司和其他信息技术公司管理信息一样。令人关注的是,我听说意昂集团在2008年秋季陷入了严重衰退,他们曾以IBM公司的断裂性变革模式为案例,考察了向第三次工业革命模式转型时可能面临的各种问题。 IBM公司已经成为工商管理硕士课堂教学中的经典案例,它在20世纪90年代中期由一个专注销售电脑的企业成功转向以服务为主的模式。当时,IBM公司意识到,仅靠销售电脑所得利润已非常少。那时,亚洲的一些公司已经可以生产质量过硬,而价格却很低廉的同类型产品。这使IBM公司看到,仅仅依靠销售电脑产品本身必将导致收益降低。 IBM公司首席执行官路易斯?郭士纳预见到了公司内部潜在的危机,并开始着手创立一种新型的商业运作模式。为此,他做的第一步是明确IBM公司的核心竞争力为“管理流动的信息”。在弄清楚这一点后,这个20世纪技术行业的巨人开始转而向新领域发展。它通过向其他公司出售专业咨询服务来更好地对本公司的技术信息进行整合和管理。受IBM公司的影响,相关领域的许多公司都开始在领导层设置信息主管一职。 对专注于能源效用的企业来说,“能源管理”就是这类企业的核心竞争力。然而,对于它们的客户而言,最希望从企业获得的是关于如何candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 高效、节能地使用能源系统的建议。在当今这个竞争激烈的社会,这些企业用于能源的支出甚至要高于劳动力方面的支出,因此该行业的主题就是节约能源。 德国意昂集团和其他能源与公共事业公司怎样从以出售产品为主的模式向以提供服务为主的新商业模式转型呢(这种新商业模式的核心在于为客户提供咨询服务和创建使用更少电子的程序),从管理学的角度来说,最困难的地方在于这样的一个过程,即旧的商业模式随着时间的流逝逐渐被淘汰,而同时企业也可以使用新的商业运作模式。因此,这对能源和公共事业公司部门新领导人的管理技能提出了更高、更严格的要求。 IBM公司在智能电网的建设方面提出了两种设想,分别是针对美国的改良型模式和针对欧洲的创新型模式。正如前面所提到的那样,IBM的初衷是要建设一种超级电网,这一想法很明显出自改良型思维,它的具体实施方案是将电网数字化从而提高其工作效率,为能源企业和公共事业公司提供及时的信息,以帮助这些企业优化其自身的运作和管理。 2007年上半年,第三次工业革命所带来的商业运作新模式深深吸引了欧盟国家以及众多的商业团体,IBM公司也开始着手对其运营模式进行调整和改革。IBM公司决定为欧盟提供分布式智能效用网络的技candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 术支持。曾经有一位商业分析人士向我透露,由于欧盟本身是一个区域一体化组织,分散式模式更适合欧盟的进一步发展。除欧盟以外,IBM公司为美国和北美地区提供怎样的技术方案呢,答案不言而喻,是集中式超级电网系统。 迄今为止,大部分美国能源与公共事业公司对于引进第三次工业革命商业模式持保留态度。美国能源与公共事业公司游说集团的重要人物、爱迪生电力研究院的埃德?莱格对这个问题直言不讳:“我们反对缩小我们商业规模的行为。所有投资人拥有的公司都是在集中管理模式下建成的。爱迪生曾说过:你有个大型发电厂„„分散式发电会使此情此景一去不复返。” 不论选择建设哪种模式的电网—美国的集中、自上而下模式,或者欧洲的分散、合作模式—都有很多重要的问题需要考虑。行业观察家预计,从2010年到2030年,美国需要花费大约1.5万亿美元才能将目前的电网改造成智能电网。如果美国的这些电网是单向而非双向的,那么美国将失去参与第三次工业革命的机会,随之而来的是,美国将失去其在全球经济中的领导地位。 与运输系统相结合 最后一个支柱是运输,它是整个体系向第三次工业革命迈进所不可缺少的。建筑物转变成小型发电厂和创建能源互联网,使这些基础设施candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 可以为插电式电动车、氢燃料电池车提供动力。插电式电动车已在2011年投入生产。美国政府已经投资24亿美元,旨在将新一代电动车推向市场,还将为电动车购买者提供7 500美元的税收优惠,以鼓励人们购买新型电动车。 插电式电动车正在能源与运输界掀起一场巨大的变革。几百年以来,汽车产业与石油公司保持着密切的关系,如同过去的能源与公共事业公司一样。现在这种关系正慢慢变得松弛。在过去的一年里,主要的汽车生产商和电力能源公司、公共事业公司已签署 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ,将为21世纪的插电式运输工具创造新的基础设施。 电力公司正忙于在高速公路、停车场、车库和商场安装充电设备,以便为新型电动车提供电力。通用汽车公司正与公共事业公司合作,包括爱迪生电力研究院、纽约能源局,以及东北公共事业公司。在柏林,戴姆勒和德国第二大能源公司莱茵集团合作开发了一个项目—用于给斯玛特和梅赛德斯车在德国首都充电。丰田与法国最大的电力公司法国电力集团合作,在法国和其他国家建立充电站,服务于插电式汽车。 小型公司如航空环境公司、库伦科技公司、依考泰乐公司等已经进军电力驱动车的充电市场,通用电气公司、西门子公司、伊顿电气集团则带着自己的电力汽车充电站准备加入这场竞争。虽然这些公司建议candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 政府对大部分需要3 000~5 000美元才能运营的充电站进行投资,但是,它们现在也开始紧盯潜在的有利可图的当地市场,这些公司希望未来数百万的电动车购买者也将为购买它们的充电站而支付1 000美元。当电动车大规模投放市场时,电力充电市场的利润预计在2013年将由现在的6 900万美元迅速上升至13亿美元。 据柏亚天管理咨询公司2010年的研究报告,到2020年,全球范围内与电动车相关的行业的产值将达到3 000亿美元,将创造100万个以上的就业机会;经过努力,美国汽车制造商将创造27.5万个就业机会。 到2030年,插电式电动车的充电站和氢能源燃料电动车会普及全球,将为主电网的输电、送电提供分散式的基础设施。据预测,到2040年,75%的轻型汽车将由电力驱动。 当我们把插电式汽车和氢燃料汽车看做潜在的发电厂时,第三次工业革命基础设施提供的分散式电能数量将是巨大的。一般的电动车处于非行驶状态的时间大约是96%,这时,它可以接入交互式电网,为电网回输电能。这种绿色能源为完全由电或燃料驱动的汽车提供的电能是美国全国电网电能存量的4倍。只需把25%的电能回输到电网—当电力价格居高不下时—它就可以代替全国所有的常规发电厂。 在插电式电动车和氢燃料电池车市场上,汽车公司陷入了激烈的竞candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 争;在汽车行业内部,也有一个激烈的争论:一方支持插电式电动车,另一方认为,插电式电动车只是一种向氢燃料驱动车的过渡产品。大多数汽车公司作了两手准备,戴姆勒汽车公司就是其中之一。投资方特别看好燃料电池车的前景。让我们看看我初次听到的戴姆勒汽车公司的计划。 我曾问过默克尔总理的经济顾问基恩斯?魏德曼,总理是否愿意举办宴会,邀请德国十几家重要企业的领导者共进晚餐,讨论德国绿色能源的前景,特别是德国在世界进入第三次工业革命的过程中所扮演的角色。几个星期前,全球金融系统刚刚崩溃,因而,晚宴的气氛很压抑。傍晚时分,一位工作人员急急忙忙走进房间,在总理耳边低语了几声。她停下谈话,告诉大家美国众议院刚刚否决了布什总统的一揽子经济紧急援助计划。大家都在怀疑她刚才所说事情的真实性,我能看得出,他们在考虑美国国会的否决票对自己公司的影响。 为了缓解阴郁的气氛、激发大家的乐观情绪,默克尔总理转向戴姆勒汽车公司总裁迪特尔?泽金博士,询问他们公司未来的计划。迪特尔?泽金博士说,公司正在对汽车工业实施改革,打算在2015年大规模生产氢燃料电池车。根据他的说法,从内燃机车到燃料电池车的转变,将成为德国经济变革的一个极为重要的分水岭。 正如其他人的反应一样,默克尔也流露出了惊讶的表情。虽然我们知candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 道戴姆勒汽车公司正和其他公司合作关于电力和燃料电池车的项目,但从公司总裁口中说出他们公司正向这个目标努力,这还是第一次。这正如美国人所说的:把未来带到现在。 默克尔快速地扫视了一下大家的反应,当经过我时,她短暂地停留了一下。记得我早在2006年就让她向德国政府提交关于氢能源研究项目的建议,她当时采纳了我的建议。迪特尔?泽金博士将世界上历史最悠久的汽车公司的未来寄希望于氢能源的决定似乎预示着,在这个曾因内燃机而发起第二次工业革命的国家,新经济时代即将开始。 在2009年9月,戴姆勒公司与其他七个行业伙伴—巴登能源集团、林德公司、奥地利石油公司、壳牌石油公司、道达尔公司、瓦腾福能源公司、国家氢能与燃料电池组织建立了一个横跨德国的燃料电池站点网络,为2015年大规模引入燃料电池交通工具作好市场准备。 戴姆勒的计划能否成功仍需拭目以待。不论我们选择以电驱动的方式,还是以燃料电池驱动的方式,甚或二者结合的方式,有一点是清楚的,那就是第二次工业革命的核心技术—石油驱动内燃机车已经落伍了。我们的孩子们驾驶的汽车将是清洁、无噪音、智能化的,这些汽车与扁平化、分散式、合作化的交互网络连接在一起。仅这一个事实就说明,我们正处在一个向新经济纪元过渡的时期。 可再生能源体系的创立开启了第三次工业革命的大门。这种体系由建candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 筑装载、部分地以氢的形式储存、通过智能网络分配、由插件连接,并且是零排放。整个系统是交互式的、整体的、无缝的。这种互联性正在为跨行业关系创造新的机遇,并且在这个过程中,也服务于其他传统的第二次工业革命的商业伙伴。 要理解第三次工业革命对于我们现有经济生活方式的影响,需要考虑过去20年中由互联网革命导致的深刻变革。就像早期的印刷技术一样,信息和沟通的民主化也深刻地改变了全球经济的本质和社交关系。现在,我们能想象得到由于网络技术的主导,能源的民主化对于整个社会可能造成的冲击。 第三次工业革命与较贫穷的发展中国家密切相关。我们知道,世界上有40%的人生活在贫困线以下,以每天不足两美元的生活标准度日,并且,大多数家庭仍然用不上电。因为没有电,他们很多事情都不能做。一个重要的可以使他们摆脱贫困的方法就是拥有稳定且能用得起的环保电能。没有电,任何经济发展都无从谈起。作为改善世界上最贫困人们的生活的起点,能源的民主化和电力的普遍接入是必不可少的。小额贷款的扩展产生的微小力量正改变着发展中国家人们的生活,为众多穷人改善经济状况带来了希望。 我们会有一些大的飞跃吗,对于由五大支柱构成的第三次工业革命,虽然人们已经有了整体的理解,但仍有一个强大的力量在阻碍着它的candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 正常发展。 谁来做行业先锋 这次会议从另一个侧面反映出,在这个领域没有先驱。讨论时,大家的目光集中在戴姆勒公司负责集团调研和高级工程的副总裁赫伯特?科勒身上。坐在赫伯特?科勒旁边的荷兰电工材料协会首席执行官皮尔?纳布厄斯脱口而出:“我们是被引导者。”大家的目光投向主持会议的欧洲委员会主席若泽?曼努埃尔?巴罗佐,观看他的反应。他停了一下,嘴角浮起了一丝微笑,随后,会议室的气氛变得轻松起来。 科勒表达的是大家共有的挫折感。与会的都是世界主要企业的代表,他们的共同之处是他们的公司正从第二次工业革命中走出,踏上新的商业纪元的旅程;他们每个人也都是刚刚明白怎样将个人的追求融入更大的经济发展图景中去。他们都想壮大自己,深刻地意识到了确保快速进入市场的重要性。 2006年12月6日,我就请巴罗佐召集这个会议。我建议说,就如何使欧盟成为世界上最可持续发展的经济体,同时也是最成功的发展模式而言,召集欧美这些主要企业的领导者开会,听听他们的想法是非常有益的。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 巴罗佐的议程非常复杂。在他的领导下,欧盟正为在2020年之前实现20–20–20模式而作准备。在应对气候变化方面,这个方案将使世界上的主要经济体欧盟远远领先于其他国家。该方案要求:在2020年之前,温室气体在1990年的基础上减排20%;在同一年实现能源效率提高20%;同样也是在2020年,要实现可再生能源的利用增加20%。实现这一目标需要欧盟27个成员国的共同努力。德国总理默克尔随后将召集其他欧盟成员为这一远大的目标而努力。 欧盟也负有履行里斯本议程的责任—里斯本议程是2002年3月由欧盟各国首脑在里斯本达成的协议,其目标是把欧盟建设成为世界上最有竞争力的经济体。欧盟曾一度领导世界经济。正如先前所提到的,欧盟27个成员国的国内生产总值高于美国,而且现在欧盟的国内生产总值也高于美国。可是,仍然有一种担心,认为欧盟可能会在不远的将来落后于美国,甚至落后于正在觉醒的亚洲巨人中国和印度。 欧盟把自己定位为世界上最可持续发展的经济体。但它能在完成气候变化指标的同时实现经济增长吗,不仅在成员国内,而且在欧盟委员会内,这个似乎自相矛盾的方案正面临着持续的压力。 与会者将要告诉巴罗佐“是的,我们能”,而这又与“没有行业先驱”相矛盾。这种状况改变了会议的走向。 由戈特利布?戴姆勒和卡尔?本茨创建的戴姆勒公司,曾首先成功地candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 把内燃机技术运用到汽车上,现在则要通过首先进行大规模生产的氢能源汽车来再次引领汽车制造行业。戴姆勒公司在几年间已经有效地测试了燃料电池车,在研发方面保持着领先地位。事实上,戴姆勒公司的氢气动力客车(其他公司也有)已经作为欧洲清洁交通项目的一部分在汉堡、阿姆斯特丹、伦敦、柏林、马德里及其他一些城市投入运营。这个项目由欧盟首先发起,旨在用只消耗纯净水和热能的零排放的交通工具来代替燃油驱动的交通工具。 像与会的其他公司一样,戴姆勒公司的难题也是推广。整个欧洲清洁交通项目的客车目前的订单只有47辆,订单数量少导致每辆车的生产成本高达100万欧元。如同在欧洲和其他国家—包括美国、日本、中国推广的项目一样,欧洲清洁交通项目是一个先行者。政府推崇这样有吸引力的项目,是因为政府不需要花很多钱就能够确保市场规模。事实上,赫伯特?科勒要表达的意思是:到了决定是全力以赴还是索性放弃的时候了。他意识到,唯一可以有效推动这场交通业革命进入消费者市场的方法就是首先让政府大量采购,把一笔相当可观的公共资金用于为公众大量购买这种交通工具。早期的由政府领导的大规模采购不仅能降低生产成本,也可以为进入一个更大的市场创造足够的优势。40辆客车是不能够改变什么的。 与会的其他人都有类似的故事可以分享。他们对是不是先驱不感兴趣,他们都急于发起一场经济革命,但在现实中却都遇到了难题,甚candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 至是绝望—他们突破性的技术和产品可能在几十年中乃至永远无人问津。 筒仓效应 另一个与此相关的问题是,欧盟是否打算解决气候变化问题和确保能源安全,同时,把欧盟建成21世纪世界一流的可持续发展经济体。欧洲委员会建立了一些部门和机构来鼓励发挥筒仓的积极效应,即项目与工程自主、独立,与其他部门和机构的工作完全隔离。这个现象并非布鲁塞尔独有。事实上,这在世界各国的政府都很常见。由于筒仓思维没能在各部门和机构间发挥其积极性,政府降低了寻找协同优势和制订整体计划提高社会总体福利的预期。筒仓思维不可避免地导致先行项目的孤立。 巴罗佐和欧盟委员会的委员们意识到了这一问题,现在正努力促进各机构间的联合。这在贪恋权力、明哲保身的官僚体制中是一项很困难的工作。这也会导致我所说的“总干事困境”—在一些部长级或国家元首批准的重要计划往下级部门传达的时候,其重要性、分量会变得越来越小,视野、范围都变得越来越狭窄,最终,它们陷入无数的诸如报告、研究和评估等琐事中。 我们和巴罗佐共同赴会,准备讨论怎样保持领先和如何解决筒仓效应的问题。其中,有几位成员积极地参与了欧盟科技建设平台的工作。candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 这个平台是欧盟正式的关于公共/私人部门的研究倡议,它由主要企业和关键部门的代表组成,它的任务是推荐新项目,促进欧洲经济的发展。 克劳德?朗格莱是法国建筑业巨头布依格公司的工程师,也是欧洲建设纲领的主要参与成员之一。如先前提到的,皮尔?纳布厄斯是荷兰电工材料协会的首席执行官,也是欧洲智能电网和由信息技术和能源与公共事业公司组成的欧盟科技平台的现任主席。他们两位都向巴罗佐指出,虽然欧洲36个技术平台间可能会有很多潜在的合作,但现在它们之间鲜有交流。我们只保留了36个平台中的13个。因为每个科技平台的使命对于彼此的成功都非常重要,所以,如果我们想设置综合性方案以引导第三次工业革命,这些平台就需要进行整合。其中包括建设技术平台、智能电网平台、各种可再生能源平台、氢能和燃料电池平台、欧洲公路与铁路交通平台和可持续化学平台。综合起来看,这些平台代表了科技、工业和新兴的第三次工业革命基础设施建设的某些部门。巴罗佐回应说:“进行整合吧,促进它们间的相互交流,然后,我们看看情况会怎样。”于是,我们立刻行动起来。2007年春天,我们召开了几次会议,就这13个平台间可能存在的合作进行讨论。 巴罗佐正尝试着将它们联合起来。但是,欧盟及各国政府并不重视绿色试行项目,深陷筒仓困境,并且毫无突破,其中有一个更深层的原candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 因:他们并不清楚“突破”意味着什么。绿色试行项目之所以无法推行是因为缺少一个令人信服的构想,这个构想将向人们讲述新经济革命的情况,并解释这些看似毫无关联的科技和商业模式是怎样融入更大规模的战略中去的。与会的商业领袖展望了更广阔的发展前景,他们希望能够说服巴罗佐,抓住机遇,带领世界最大的经济体欧盟向第三次工业革命进发。 在同年的早些时候,向第三次工业革命进发的基础就已经打好了。要使欧盟进行如此规模的变革—改变欧洲大陆经济的产业结构,开创新经济时代,就必须依靠德国这一欧洲经济引擎的支持。在默克尔担任德国总理之后的几个月内,她就邀请我去柏林与一位德国顶尖的经济学家针对如何增加就业、如何促进21世纪德国经济的繁荣等问题进行讨论。我以询问默克尔总理问题切入阐述自己的看法,我问的问题是:“在一个严重依赖能源的时代,面对以能源为基础的工业革命,你会怎样发展德国经济、欧盟经济,或者进一步讲,发展全球经济,”(在世界石油市场上,油价已经不断上涨,2008年7月,油价突破每桶147美元。)接下来,我描绘了第三次工业革命的前景,并表达了我对德国将在新经济时代引领潮流的坚定信念。 在正式的讨论之后,我们休息了一下,然后进行了非正式的讨论。我知道,默克尔总理之前曾任科尔总理时期政府的环境部长,而且她是一位专业的物理学家。她完全明白分散式、合作性的第三次工业革命的科技内涵,同时她也意识到了背后巨大的商业机遇。默克尔总理对candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 德国在其中扮演的角色尤其感兴趣,我问她个中缘由,本以为她是出于经济考量,希望当时出口额位居第一的德国引领变革,继续在全球经济中占据领导地位。但她却将话题从经济转移到政治上来。她说道:“杰里米,你还是需要多了解一些德国的历史和政治。我们是一个联邦国家,所有的政治事务都是由地区推动的,联邦政府只是一个媒介。我们的职责就是寻求一致并促进区域间合作以推动国家向前发展。第三次工业革命的分散式和合作性的性质,恰好符合德国政治的特点。” 总理的热情是变革的重要因素,尤其因为我之前提到过的,默克尔将会在2007年1月担任为期6个月的欧洲理事会轮值主席。在她作为主席期间,欧盟成员国的首脑必须就解决能源安全问题和全球气候变暖问题达成具有约束力的协定。 我不得不说明,当时默克尔政府的执政联盟伙伴是社会民主党,他们同样对第三次工业革命怀有很高的热情,并且将在欧盟委员会提出的20–20–20标准能否在欧洲理事会上通过一事上起到很大作用。设定改善气候变暖目标时,德国社会民主党的环境部长西格马尔?加布里尔在促成其他26国的环境部长达成一致上尤其活跃。德国外交部长施泰因迈尔将确保欧盟成员国的外交部长也认同既定的改善气候变暖的标准。尽管绿党不是政府合作的一部分,但该党在德国政治中扮演先知性的角色已逾20年。它警告环境变暖带来的危害,提出向后碳时代转变发展可再生能源的必要性。以目前德国政治的发展来candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 看,在默克尔作为欧洲理事会主席期间,各方都支持促成20–20–20协定并推动欧盟成为全球实现新型可持续发展的经济和环境日程的主导力量。 欧洲议会认可第三次工业革命 默克尔任期内的欧洲理事会关注的重点是气候变化和能源自立问题,另外,为了实现20–20–20协定,应该采取何种经济措施也是他们思考的问题之一。21世纪绿色经济在欧洲的前景在布鲁塞尔政治走廊和成员国内广泛传播。 我们中的一些人在布鲁塞尔举办了一系列战略研讨会。这些会议旨在将欧洲议会的目光吸引到第三次工业革命上去并为欧盟制定应对策略。乔?雷诺是欧洲社会党的领袖,也是议会中最受尊敬的资深成员,当时还是宪法事务委员会的主席,由他起草宣言。议会中热衷于气候变化问题的核心人物、绿党领袖克劳德?图尔梅斯,以及代表布鲁塞尔的经验丰富的政治家安吉洛?孔索利也参与了宣言起草。一旦正式的宣言在议会通过,就将由欧盟立法机构制订欧洲长期的第三次工业革命经济稳定计划。 起草的宣言很难在欧洲议会获得通过,只有少数几个通过了。根据欧洲议会的规定和程序,我们只有三个月的时间争取必要的多数支持(起草的宣言必须在90天内获得通过)。我们小组决定重点寻求党派candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 领袖和主要议会委员会主席的支持,这在充满错综复杂的利益纷争和难以应对的政治联盟的立法部门是非常不容易的。为了确保获得足够的票数,雷诺召集了五位声誉很高的议员,其中有欧洲人民党的安德斯?维克曼、自由党的维托里奥?普罗迪、社会党的齐塔?古尔毛伊、绿党的克劳德?图尔梅斯、左翼党派的翁贝托?圭多尼。他们分别代表了议会中的五个集团。由于大家不辞劳苦的工作—特别要提到孔索利先生所付出的努力,我们才能获得欧洲议会主席汉斯格特?珀特林的认可。同时,我们还获得了一些重要委员会主席的支持,其中包括来自具有影响力的工业研究及能源委员会的安格利卡?妮布勒尔、环境委员会的主席卡尔海因茨?弗洛伦兹、气候变化委员会的吉多?萨科尼等人的支持。2007年5月,欧洲议会通过了一项正式宣言,该宣言将进行第三次工业革命的任务交付给了欧盟27国的立法部门。议会对新经济愿景的强烈支持向世界其他地区传递了一个清晰的信号—欧洲已经走上了新经济之路。 在德国即将卸任欧洲理事会主席的最后几周内,德国政府让我在埃森市向27国的环境部长作重要演讲,向他们展示配合20–20–20标准一起执行的第三次工业革命经济战略。我告诉部长们,欧盟需要的不是遏制气候变化计划或能源计划,只有可持续的经济发展计划才能带领欧洲,期望更高一些的话,带领世界在2050年达到零碳排放,进入后碳时代。只有这样,我们才能成功应对全球气候变化和能源安全问题的严峻挑战。许多环境部长已经意识到这一点,只有少数几个仍candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 然拘泥于纯粹的环保政策,几乎没有认识到由此可以扩大经济主动权。 新经济系统的五大支柱 上面所列五个支柱组成了新经济系统的基础,这一系统将把我们带向绿色环保的未来。 以下五点应列入清单之中:变燃烧碳基化石燃料的结构为使用可再生新能源的结构;重新认识构成世界的一砖一瓦,将每一处建筑转变成能就地收集可再生能源的迷你能量采集器;将氢和其他可储存能源储存在建筑里,利用社会全部的基础设施来储藏间歇性可再生能源,并保证有持久可依赖的环保能源供应;利用网络通信科技把电网转变为智能通用网络,从而让上百万的人可以把周围建筑产生的电能输送到电网中去,在开放的环境中实现与他人的资源共享,其工作原理就像信息在网络上产生和传播一样;改变由汽车、公交车、卡车、火车等构成的全球运输模式,使之成为由插电式和燃料电池型以可再生能源为动力的运输工具构成的交通运输网。在全国和州际建立充电站,人们可以在充电站买卖电能。 把这五部分结合在一起就组成了一个不可分割的科技平台。这个平台是一个应急系统,它的价值和功能和其中的组成部分截然不同,换句话说,这五部分之间的协同作用树立了一个新经济的范例,它可以改candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 变整个世界。 在第三次工业革命的变革中,欧洲比美国、日本、中国及其他国家走得更远,但我仍然不希望让大家认为德国正全速前进。事实正与之相反,它还处在起步阶段,商业圈、公民社会和政治走廊逐渐对欧洲的新道路产生兴趣,但并不是每个人都准备好或已经踏上了征途。不过至少人们已经有了意向,变革正在酝酿,尽管谁都不能保证欧盟将会坚定方向,很可能变革最终不能推行或是退回原点。如果那样的话,我就不能确定哪个国家将会站在机遇之门前,带领世界进入新纪元。 人类的发展停滞是可以避免的,历史上有很多强大的国家顷刻崩塌、前途光明的社会实验遭遇失败、美好的愿景最终破灭的事例,但这次有所不同。我们面临着更大的风险,人类面临着前所未有的外部灭绝的危险,这种事情是半个世纪前人类从未想过的。 大规模摧毁性武器的扩散同迫近的气候危机一起推动事态向更严重的方向发展,这并非由于我们所知的人类文明的衰亡,而是因为人类物种的灭亡。 第三次工业革命不是可以铲除社会病毒的灵丹妙药,也不是能带我们进入极乐世界的鸦片,它不是一个虚无的概念,它是一个可能带领我们进入可持续发展的后碳时代的实用经济计划。除此之外,我至今还candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong 未找到其他可供我们选择的方案。 candidate Yao Huafeng advanced learning activities, guiding all the officers and men to advanced models as a mirror, set up the dedication, self-discipline, and protect the spirit of peace, clarify ambiguous ideas, distinguish the merits. Third, play culture. Enactment of the honest and clean government cultural construction guidelines, tips, the independent Commission against corruption culture through cultural programmes chuangyan, start your own honest book corner, dispensing office supplies of the ICAC, dissatisfied with the micro-language activities such as the independent Commission against corruption, created a rich atmosphere of the independent Commission against corruption in the army. In particular the Group relies on strong regional characteristics and cultural organizations, create a floor area group "concern culture and music culture and", pingjiang Brigade of "red culture", linxiang Brigade "independent Commission against corruption warning education Pavilion" culture as a feature of the representative system, make the consciousness of the independent Commission against corruption into the thinking of officers and men and blood. In particular, this year in April, July, joint border detachment, guard, pingjiang was carried out in "carry forward the spirit of the heroes, become a loyal guard" qingming tomb sweeping and revolutionary martyrs "heritage red gene, vying for four soldiers" event, the re-Liverpool Road, feeling that torn eventful years, to cast police soul, enhance effectiveness of ischemic, forces has aroused strong
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