首页 35、45号钢铸造工艺



35、45号钢铸造工艺35、45号钢铸造工艺 35号钢的铸造工艺 ZG35是铸钢的老标准,是GB5676-80。如按GB5676-85是ZG270-500。 1 、化学成分 ZG 270-500的化学成份: 元素最高含量(质量分数)(%) C 0.40 Si 0.50 Mn 0.90 S 0.04 P 0.04 残余元素-残余元素总量不超过1.00%,如需方无要求,残余元素可不进行分析。 Ni 0.30 Cr 0.35 Cu 0.30 Mo 0.20 V 0.05 2、造型 型砂通常是由石英砂,粘土(或其它粘性材料)和水按...

35、45号钢铸造工艺 35号钢的铸造工艺 ZG35是铸钢的老 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,是GB5676-80。如按GB5676-85是ZG270-500。 1 、化学成分 ZG 270-500的化学成份: 元素最高含量(质量分数)(%) C 0.40 Si 0.50 Mn 0.90 S 0.04 P 0.04 残余元素-残余元素总量不超过1.00%,如需方无要求,残余元素可不进行分析。 Ni 0.30 Cr 0.35 Cu 0.30 Mo 0.20 V 0.05 2、造型 型砂通常是由石英砂,粘土(或其它粘性材料)和水按一定的比例混制而成的。应具有“一强三性”,一定强度,透气性,耐热性和退让性。 zg270-500产品一般采用水玻璃砂铸造工艺~ 1、 石英砂与水玻璃混合发生化学反应(冬天用93%石英砂与7%水玻璃;夏天用92%石 英砂与8%的水玻璃); 2、 合箱前下型中涂涂料以增加强度(无水乙醇及吹气用以干燥,刷涂料以增加强度)。 3、 鉴于我厂铸造缺陷较多,尤其是气孔及缩松,可引进保温冒口,这样既节省材料又 可大大减少缺陷。 3、 炉料 入炉材料是由化学成分决定的。主要炉料是优质碳素钢(或钢锭)回炉料。这里特别提醒的是有人认为只要化学成分合适,就可以多用回炉料。这个认识是有害的。某些厂之所以产品质量不佳,皆出于此。凡是金属铸件,绝不可以过多的使用回炉料,回炉料不应超过25,。那么,回炉料过剩该如何,只要把废品降到最低,回炉料就不会过剩。 4、ZG270-500材质的产品一般用什么铸造工艺来做,可以用熔模铸造来做吗,相当于国标的什么材质牌号, zg270-500产品一般采用水玻璃砂铸造工艺~ 单件重量较小, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面要求比较高,可以用熔模铸造来做,成本较高。相当于45号钢。但如果45钢不做淬火或者高频调质,最好选用35号钢~35号钢的可塑性远远优于45号。 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 5、熔炼:选用感应电炉炼钢 炼钢采用无芯感应电炉,其工作原理和构造铸铁的电炉相同。炉体结构主要包括感应器和坩埚两部分。但由于炼钢需要消耗更多的热量,故在输入功率方面比同样容量的熔炼铸铁用炉大。容量在500kg以上的感应电炉采用工业用电频率(50Hz)。 感应电炉炉体结构:1-水泥石棉盖板 2-坩埚 3-感应线圈 4-水泥石棉防护板 5-耐火砖底座 6-铝制边框 6、铸造铸件金属液的浇注 生产中,浇注时应遵循高温出炉,低温浇注的原则。因为提高金属液的出炉温度有利于夹杂物的彻底熔化、熔渣上浮,便于清渣和除气,减少铸件的夹渣和气孔缺陷;采用较低的浇注温度,则有利于降低金属液中的气体溶解度、液态收缩量和高温金属液对型腔表面的烘烤,避免产生气孔、粘砂和缩孔等缺陷。因此,在保证充满铸型型腔的前提下,尽量采用较低的浇注温度。 把金属液从浇包注入铸型的操作过程称为浇注。浇注操作不当会引起浇不足、冷隔、气孔、缩孔和夹渣等铸造缺陷,和造成人身伤害。 为确保铸件质量、提高生产率以及做到安全生产,浇注时应严格遵守下列操作要领: (1)浇包、浇注工具、炉前处理用的孕育剂、球化剂等使用前必须充分烘干,烘干后才能使用。 (2)浇注人员必须按要求穿好工作服,并配戴防护眼镜,工作场地应通畅无阻。浇包内的金属液不宜过满,以免在输送和浇注时溢出伤人。 (3)正确选择浇注速度,即开始时应缓慢浇注,便于对准浇口,减少熔融金属对砂型的冲击和利于气体排出;随后快速浇注,以防止冷隔;快要浇满前又应缓慢浇注,即遵循慢、快、慢的原则。 (4)对于液态收缩和凝固收缩比较大的铸件,如中、大型铸钢件,浇注后要及时从浇口或冒口补浇。 (5)浇注时应及时将铸型中冒出的气体点燃顺气,以免由于铸型憋气而产生气孔,以及由于气体的不完全燃烧而损害人体健康和污染空气。 7、热处理: 完全退火 又称重结晶退火,一般简称为退火,一般常作为一些不重要工件的最终热处理,或作为某些工件的预先热处理。是将铁碳合金完全奥氏体化,随之缓慢冷却,获得接近平衡状态组织的退火工艺。完全退火主要用于亚共析钢,一般是中碳钢及低、中碳合金结构钢锻件、铸件及热轧型材,有时也用于它们的焊接构件。完全退火不适用于过共析钢,因为过共析钢完全退火需加热到Acm以上,在缓慢冷却时,渗碳体会沿奥氏体晶界析出,呈网状分布,导致材料脆性增大,给最终热处理留下隐患。 完全退火的加热温度碳钢一般为Ac3+(30,50?),即830~850度。保温时间则要依据钢材的种类、工件的尺寸、装炉量、所选用的设备型号等多种因素确定。为了保证过冷奥氏体完全进行珠光体转变,完全退火的冷却必须是缓慢的,随炉冷却到500?左右to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 出炉空冷。 ZG270-500钢的Ac为724?,Ac为802?,在760?退火加热时,组织没有完全奥13 氏体化,此时的显微组织为奥氏体和铁素体,即铸态一般部分粗晶的块状铁素体和晶内的针状铁素体没有完全溶化而保留下来,已奥氏体化的组织在退火冷却时分解成十分细小的、等轴的铁素体和网状分布的小块状珠光体。所以在Ac,Ac之间退火的温度越13 低,残留的铸态组织越多,性能也越差,但在Ac,Ac之间退火可以消除大部分铸造13 应力。 调质处理 淬火 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 :将铸件加热到Ac3以上30~50度(832~852度),经过保温,然后快速冷却。获得不稳定组织,一般为马氏体 回火方法:淬火或正火后的铸件加热到Ac1以下适当的温度(500~680度),经过保温,然后以适当的速度冷却 淬火+高温回火=调质 具体操作最好请有经验的师傅来完成 8、力学性能 抗拉强度 σb (MPa):?530(54) 屈服强度 σs (MPa):?315(32) 伸长率 δ5 (,):?20 断面收缩率 ψ (,):?45 冲击功 Akv (J):?55 冲击韧性值 αkv (J/cm2):?69(7) [3] 硬度 :未热处理?197HB [4][5][6]试样尺寸:试样尺寸为25mm 45钢 45#(号)钢和40Cr钢调质的热处理工艺 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 调质是淬火加高温回火的双重热处理,其目的是使工件具有良好的综合机械性能。 调质钢有碳素调质钢和合金调质钢二大类,不管是碳钢还是合金钢,其含碳量控制比较严格。如果含碳量过高,调质后工件的强度虽高,但韧性不够,如含碳量过低,韧性提高而强度不足。为使调质件得到好的综合性能,一般含碳量控制在0.30~0.50%。 调质淬火时,要求工件整个截面淬透,使工件得到以细针状淬火马氏体为主的显微组织。通过高温回火,得到以均匀回火索氏体为主的显微组织。小型工厂不可能每炉搞金相分析,一般只作硬度测试,这就是说,淬火后的硬度必须达到该材料的淬火硬度,回火后硬度按图要求来检查。 工件调质处理的操作,必须严格按工艺文件执行,我们只是对操作过程中如何实施工艺提些看法。 1、 45号钢的调质 45号钢是中碳结构钢,冷热加工性能都不错,机械性能较好,且价格低、来源广,所以应用广泛。它的最大弱点是淬透性低,截面尺寸大和要求比较高的工件不宜采用。 45号钢淬火温度在A3(自奥氏体开始析出铁素体,即r-Fe?a-Fe的开始线910?C-700?)C+(30~50) ?,在实际操作中,一般是取上限的。偏高的淬火温度可以使工件加热速度加快,表面氧化减少,且能提高工效。为使工件的奥氏体均匀化,就需要足够的保温时间。如果实际装炉量大,就需适当延长保温时间。不然,可能会出现因加热不均匀造成硬度不足的to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 现象。但保温时间过长,也会也出现晶粒粗大,氧化脱碳严重的弊病,影响淬火质量。我们认为,如装炉量大于工艺文件的规定,加热保温时间需延长1/5。 因为45号钢淬透性低,故应采用冷却速度大的10%盐水溶液。工件入水后,应该淬透,但不是冷透,如果工件在盐水中冷透,就有可能使工件开裂,这是因为当工件冷却到180?左右时,奥氏体迅速转变为马氏体造成过大的组织应力所致。因此,当淬火工件快冷到该温度区域,就应采取缓冷的方法。由于出水温度难以掌握,须凭经验操作,当水中的工件抖动停止,即可出水空冷(如能油冷更好)。另外,工件入水宜动不宜静,应按照工件的几何形状,作 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 运动。静止的冷却介质加上静止的工件,导致硬度不均匀,应力不均匀而使工件变形大,甚至开裂。 45号钢调质件淬火后的硬度应该达到HRC56~59,截面大的可能性低些,但不能低于HRC48,不然,就 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 工件未得到完全淬火,组织中可能出现索氏体甚至铁素体组织,这种组织通过回火,仍然保留在基体中,达不到调质的目的。 45号钢淬火后的高温回火,加热温度通常为560~600?,硬度要求为HRC22~34。因为调质的目的是得到综合机械性能,所以硬度范围比较宽。但图纸有硬度要求的,就要按图纸要求调整回火温度,以保证硬度。如有些轴类零件要求强度高,硬度要求就高;而有些齿轮、带键槽的轴类零件,因调质后还要进行铣、插加工,硬度要求就低些。关于回火保温时间,视硬度要求和工件大小而定,我们认为,回火后的硬度取决于回火温to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 度,与回火时间关系不大,但必须回透,一般工件回火保温时间总在一小时以上。 2、40Cr钢的调质处理 Cr能增加钢的淬透性,提高钢的强度和回火稳定性,具有优良的机械性能。截面尺寸大或重要的调质工件,应采用Cr钢。但Cr钢有第二类回火脆性。 40Cr工件调质的淬回火,各种参数工艺卡片都有规定,我们在实际操作中体会是: (一)40Cr工件淬火后应采用油冷,40Cr钢的淬透性较好,在油中冷却能淬硬,而且工件的变形、开裂倾向小。但是小型企业在供油紧张的情况下,对形状不复杂的工件,可以在水中淬火,并未发现开裂,只是操作者要凭经验严格掌握入水、出水的温度。 (二)40Cr工件调质后硬度仍然偏高,第二次回火温度就要增加20~50?,不然,硬度降低困难。 (三)40Cr工件高温回火后,形状复杂的在油中冷却,简单的在水中冷却,目的是避免第二类回火脆性的影响。回火快冷后的工件,必要时再施以消除应力处理。 影响调质工件的质量,操作工的水平是个重要因素,同时,还有设备、材料和调质前加工等多方面的原因,我们认为: to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the (一)工件从加热炉转移到冷却槽速度缓慢,工件入水的温度已降到低于Ar3临界点,产生部分分解,工件得到不完全淬火组织,达不到硬度要求。所以小零件冷却液要讲究速度,大工件予冷要掌握时间。 (二)工件装炉量要合理,以1~2层为宜,工件相互重叠造成加热不均匀,导致硬度不匀。 (三)工件入水排列应保持一定距离,过密使工件近处蒸气膜破裂受阻,造成工件接近面硬度偏低。 (四)开炉淬火,不能一口气淬完,应视炉温下降程度,中途闭炉重新升温,以便前后工件淬后硬度一致。 (五)要注意冷却液的温度,10%盐水的温度如高于60?,不能使用。冷却液不能有油污、泥浆等杂质,不然,会出现硬度不足或不均匀现象。 (六)未经加工毛坯调质,硬度不会均匀,如要得到好的调质质量,毛坯应粗车,棒料要锻打。 (七)严把质量关,淬火后硬度偏低1~3个单位,可以调整回火温度来达到硬度要求。但淬火后工件硬度过低,有的甚至只有HRC25~35,必须重新淬火,绝不能只施以中温或低温回火以达到图纸要求完事,不然,失去了调质的意义,并有可能产生严重的后果。 2 | 评论 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 向TA求助 回答者: iiiooo125 来自团队 模具及产品 | 九级采纳率:28% 擅长领域: 暂未定制 参加的活动: 暂时没有参加的活动 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the
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