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国内电视台台标大全国内电视台台标大全 国内电视台台标大全 时间:2009-01-15 19:47来源:未知 作者:LOGO 点击: 次 鱼米之乡 湖南卫视台标 造型设计别具一格,给人联想较多。台标其简单流畅的椭圆形轮廓,左下方自然形成一个缺口,形成鱼的大写意,中心呈现一粒稻米的写真的放大形状,象征着有鱼米之乡美誉的湖南。从屏幕上看,金灿灿的台标恰似一条纽带,代表着电视媒体的 吉林电视台: 吉林电视台的标志是将汉语拼音“JL"两个英文字母变形组合成了吉林的“省鸟”丹顶鹤,图形流畅,构思精巧,丹顶鹤也有吉祥,幸福之意。另外,...

国内电视台台标大全 国内电视台台标大全 时间:2009-01-15 19:47来源:未知 作者:LOGO 点击: 次 鱼米之乡 湖南卫视台标 造型 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 别具一格,给人联想较多。台标其简单流畅的椭圆形轮廓,左下方自然形成一个缺口,形成鱼的大写意,中心呈现一粒稻米的写真的放大形状,象征着有鱼米之乡美誉的湖南。从屏幕上看,金灿灿的台标恰似一条纽带,代表着电视媒体的 吉林电视台: 吉林电视台的标志是将汉语 拼音 带拼音的儿童故事下载带拼音千字文的原文下载拼音格子下载小学拼音大全下载看拼音写汉字 下载 “JL"两个英文字母变形组合成了吉林的“省鸟”丹顶鹤,图形流畅,构思精巧,丹顶鹤也有吉祥,幸福之意。另外,该标志与水平面呈45度上扬,象征吉林经济文化蒸蒸日上,生活充满希望。 辽宁电视台: 辽宁的名字来源于“安宁的辽河”。七颗星星的组合是北斗七星的变形体,同时也是辽宁的首字母“L”的形似体。寓意辽宁电视台如同北斗七星一样闪闪发光指引方向。背景的圆形代表着地球,是团圆,圆满,合作与包容的象征。蓝色代表宇宙和大海,寓意深邃博大和广阔无垠。二者相互衬托,体现了人民艰苦奋斗,生生不息的崇高精神。 河北电视台: 最近河北电视台刚刚换了新的符号,该符号以长城和渤海为基本元素。长城和渤海孕育了自强不息的燕赵儿女,渤海代表着河北人民博大的胸怀和远大的志向,长城的起点在河北,同时他也是是中华民族的象征,传承着中华文明历史。该标志简洁,大方如神来之笔给人留下了深刻印象。 山东电视台: 山东是黄河的入海口,因此他的标志蜿蜒起伏就象九曲黄河一样,体现了浓郁的地域特色。同时也是山东首字母“S”的变形体,另外草 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 中人们也习惯将“山”字 写成“S”形。该标志如同彩带一样传递着山东人民热情好客的精神。 山西电视台: 山西是我国煤产业的重要基地,因此他的标志就象一团火焰,火焰代表了山西人民艰苦奋斗,生生不息的精神。同时标志的外形又和山西省的地形图十分相似,中间的曲线代表了途经晋中与晋南的山西最长的河流汾河。汾河不但传承着山西人民的希望,也承载着山西五千年的文明。 天津电视台: and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 天津电视台的符号是天津的首写字母“T”的变形。其他的含义我还不太清楚, 希望大家指教。(好象就这点了) 江苏电视台: and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 江苏电视台的标志采用红色为主调,构图简明,蕴意深刻。该标志创意来源于“以人为本”的理念。因此摄取了汉字中“人”的象形特征。并巧妙的将汉语拼音“JS”融入到“人”字中去。在看似简洁中描绘出一幅长江与运河交汇的盛大画卷,赋有浓厚的地域特色。 安徽电视台: 安庆与徽州各取一字构成了今天安徽的名字。安徽电视台的标志是以安徽著名景区黄山的“迎客松”为基本元素的,体现了安徽人民热情好客的精神。同时迎客松的造型又如同安徽的首写字母“A”,让人一目了然。 江西电视台: 由于身处江南的西边,故取名江西。江西电视台的符号具有明快的立体感,是江西的汉语拼音首字母“JX”的组合体,形似一朵美丽的杜鹃花。 浙江电视台: 浙江省的名称由浙江也称钱塘江而来,因此,中间白色的曲线代表了浙江的母亲河钱塘江,同时他也形似英文字母“Z”。江南水多,雨多,因此标志用蓝色作为背景色代表了缠绵的江南,具有明快的地域特色。 东方卫视: 东方卫视用红色圆球与白色星星对称组成,是一种具有现代理念的大胆尝试。人们一提到东方首先想到的就是太阳,他代表了上海是一座充满活力的大都市,红色又是中国的传统色彩,是吉祥与喜庆的象征。五角星代表了胜利与美好,其中的白色又是西方的标志性色彩。红色与白色的相称也代表了中西方文化的融合与交流。 上海又称为申城,因此上海电视台的标志如同一朵申花,而申花的三朵花瓣又形似船帆,预示上海这座年轻的城市就象帆船一样乘风破浪,即将远航。 东方电视台的标志还是以红日为基本图形,白色的图形形似一只越飞越高的海鸥,寓意上海的发展越来越快。(插.文广的基本特色) 河南电视台: 很多人都在议论说,河南古有大象,因此河南电视台的标志形似一头大象。河南电视台的标志是继央视原子核符号以后的产物,所以具有明显的效仿性,大象其实只是河南的首字母“HN”的变形体,而环绕“HN”的是模拟卫星运行的轨道。不过随着科学技术的迅猛发展,经过电脑技术处理,这个不起眼的符号却更具备了时代气息。至少我是很欣赏他拼图一般的感觉。 湖北电视台: 火凤凰蕴涵着丰厚的楚文化和地域特色。楚人崇火,拜日,凤凰图腾虽不起源于楚,但却与楚民族始祖火神紧密相连,成为楚人崇拜的图腾之一。湖北电视台将and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 凤凰作为标志,他明快而又流畅的线条以及红黄渐变的色彩组合展示出凤凰冲天而起的情景。表达了湖北人民奋力拼搏,自强不息,积极进取的精神。同时“火凤凰”的轻描淡写的二笔代表了字母“TV”,也代表了流经湖北的长江与汉水。 湖南电视台: 湖南自古就被称为“鱼米之乡”,因此他的标志是以果实成熟的黄色为主色调的,代表了富庶与安康。在标志的左下方有一个三角形缺口正好与标志中间的空隙组合成一条鱼的图形,而鱼身的形状又形似一粒米。这恰恰是对湖南“鱼米之乡”的最好诠释。(呵呵,喜欢的频道.) 福建东南卫视: 福建由福州与建州各取一字而来,东南卫视于2006年5月1日零时启用了新的台标。该台标以蓝色和白色为基本色调。蓝色代表了台湾海峡,而中间白色是福建的首字母“F”的变形。这个“F”又形似一只白色的海鸥自由飞翔在台湾海峡上,寓意海峡两岸同属一个国家,两岸人民的交流与交往应不受任何政治限制。海鸥的一对翅膀正象一座桥梁联系着大陆与台湾,同时也预示福建省是祖国大陆与宝岛台湾交往的窗口。 广东电视台: 广东电视台的符号是汉字“广”的变形,而“广”的笔画形为英文字母“TV”,最上方的圆点寓意红日,也象征广东省在中国共产党的领导下改革开放,积极进取的大好局面。整个符号呈三角形,具有珠江三角洲的地域特征。简单明了的符号如同毛笔书写而成,刚劲的笔画代表了生活在南粤大地的人民坚强,勇敢,不畏艰险的精神。 广西电视台: 广西电视台的符号是以广西的英文首字“G”为变形体的。 海南电视台: 揶树,白云,绿水交织成一幅美丽的海南风情画。 旅游卫视: 和东方卫视一样,旅游卫视是新冒出来的,台标很不错, 它的口号"身未动,心已远"更是高明。它的宣传短片的意境也很到位,我很喜欢做瑜珈的那个。 云南电视台: 云南独特的气候与地理条件孕育了丰富的动植物资源。而孔雀又是云南动植物的代表,因此云南素有“孔雀王国”的美誉。云南电视台的符号就象一只即待开屏的孔雀,具有浓郁的民族与地域特色,也象征吉祥与富贵。该标志简练,生动,流畅的笔触具有中国传统书法与绘画的韵味,抽象的造型还有少数民族装饰纹样与纳西族东巴象形文字的神秘感。 and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 贵州电视台: 贵州电视台的标志形似贵州著名景区黄果树的瀑布,同时他的外形是贵州的首字母“G”的相似体。 重庆电视台: 重庆电视台的英文缩写为CCQTV,所以该台的标志是以一个地球为中心,两个英文字母“C”环绕其外。而地球与第一个“C”的空隙正好与标志右下方两个“C”的断档共同组成了英文字母“Q”,可谓构思巧妙。 四川电视台: “川”即为水,顾名思义四川的名称由来一定与水有关。沱江,岷江,乌江,与发源于陕西秦岭南坡的嘉陵江共同构成了“四川”。而四川电视台的标志是四川二字完美的结合体。古时的计账先生习惯将“四”字以一个“圈”的形式一气呵成,而台标“四”字的右边两划与“四”字共同构成了“川”字,整个标志合起来就是汉字“四川”。 西藏电视台: 形如一牦牛头,具有明显的地域特色,同时红绿蓝三色彩带也象征了西藏与祖国内地紧密相连。(插下.不过偶们的数字电视都收不到这个~) 青海电视台: 青海省因青海湖而得名。同时青海也是孕育中华民族两大母亲河的发源地。青海电视台标志呈流线型,绿蓝两条彩带分别代表长江与黄河。也暗示开放的青海犹如滔滔的长江黄河水一样奔腾向前。台标中的红色代表了清晨升起的红日,也代表了落霞时青海湖的美丽风景。 新疆电视台: 古称西域,新疆的名字意为“新开发的疆域”。新疆电视台的标志形似一位翩翩起舞的维族少女,具有浓郁的民族风情。同时整个图案又是新疆的汉语拼音“XJ”的组合体。红绿蓝三色彩带代表着丝绸之路,也代表了新疆人民渴望与内地沟通与交流的愿望。(这个就比较......) 甘肃电视台: 甘州与肃州各取了一字就是今天甘肃省的由来。甘肃是丝绸之路的重要通道,是古代中原通往西亚各国的必经之地。台标图案由甘肃的汉语拼音首字“GS”组合而成。“G”为绿色象征着充满生机与希望的甘肃大地,“S”曲折蜿蜒,代表了穿越甘肃的黄河与丝绸之路,也预示甘肃电视继往开来,奋力向前。(家乡频道啊,咱赞一个~) 宁夏电视台: “塞上明珠”宁夏被意为“安宁的西夏”。我国自古就有“九曲黄河富宁夏”的美喻。宁夏电视台的标志也是对这一典故的绝佳阐释。黄色的图案代表了九曲黄and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 河,而上方的蓝色寓意着富庶的绿洲宁夏。这个标志也代表了宁夏人民渴望安宁与幸福的美好愿望。 陕西电视台: 陕西电视台的标志是以黄色“S”变形,蓝色矩形配衬组成的图案。“S”是陕西的首字母,象征三秦大地(接着插,以前是三个QQQ,就表示这个意思),象征九曲黄河和陕西巨龙腾飞的身影。蓝色矩形象征天空,象征科技,象征陕西人民博大的胸怀。黄色“S”的上下两端向外辐射,象征陕西人民走向全国,和黄土文化走向世界,预示着陕西的明天会更好。 内蒙古电视台: 内蒙古电视台的标志很赋有时代气息,是内蒙的首字母“NM”的相似体,该标志简单,明快,便于识别。同时“NM”二字的相似体又如同潺潺的流水,象征内蒙古丰富的自然资源和淳朴的风土人情。 and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for
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