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雅思词汇精选题(雅思必看)Town & country A. Match the sentence in the left-hand column with the most appropriate sentence in the right -hand column. Use the words in bold to help you. 1. London is a truly cosmopolitan city. 2. A modern metropolis needs a good integrated transport sy...

Town & country A. Match the sentence in the left-hand column with the most appropriate sentence in the right -hand column. Use the words in bold to help you. 1. London is a truly cosmopolitan city. 2. A modern metropolis needs a good integrated transport system. 3. London suffers a lot from traffic congestion. 4. Poverty in the inner-city areas can breed crime. 5. Cities around the world have seen a huge population explosion. 6. Birmingham has plenty of amenities. 7. A lot of people visit Paris for its cultural events. 8. Cities in poorer countries often lack basic infrastructure. 9. The pressures of modern city life can be difficult to deal with. 10. The cost of living in some places can be very high. 11. A lot of people appreciate the anonymity of living a large city. 12. I love the urban lifestyle I lead. 13. In Singapore, private cars banned from the Central Business District at peak periods. 14. Urban sprawl is prevalent in most cities. A. Drug abuse is also a big problem. B. Shops, libraries, hospitals and entertainment complexes are just a few of them. C. Chief among these are concerts and exhibitions. D. In particular, I enjoy the atmosphere that is unique to the city. E. Prices in London are particularly exorbitant. F. Without them, they are unable to function properly as cities. G. It is especially bad during the rush hour, when thousands of commuters try to enter or leave the city. H. Stress-related illness are very common in cities like New York. I. Nowadays there are more city dwellers than ever before. J. Everywhere you go there are building sites. Pedestrian precincts, blocks of flats and housing estates spreading into the countryside. K. They like to feel that they can do something without everybody knowing about it. L. Most people use buses and the underground to get to banks and offices where they worked. M. Unfortunately, this is something that most large capital cities lack. N. It’s melting pot for people from all parts of the world.     Science & Technology A. Replace the words and expressions in bold in sentences 1-18 with word or expression from the box. *analysed *genetic engineering *breakthrough *molecular biology *a technophobe *safeguards *development *cybernetics *invented *nuclear engineering *combined *life expectancy *discovered *a technophile *innovations *react *an experiment *research   1. The company is carrying out scientific study to find a cure for aids. 2. The planning and production of the new computer system will take some time. 3. Modern home entertainment systems and other modern inventions are changing everyone’s lives. 4. Some elements change their chemical composition when mixed with water. 5. The scientists have created a new machine to automate the process. 6. Who was the person who found penicillin? 7. When the food was examined closely and scientifically, it was found to contain bacteria. 8. Rain joined together with CO, gases produces acid rain. 9. Ron is terrified of modern technology. 10. Geoff is very interested in modern technology. 11. Protections against accidents in this laboratory are minimal. 12. Scientist conducted a scientific test to see how people react to different smells. 13. Brian is studying the techniques used to change the genetic composition of a cell so as to change certain characteristics which can be inherited. 14. Sarah is studying the things which form the structure of living matter. 15. Christine is studying how information is communicated in machines and electronic devices in comparison with how it is communicated in the brain and nervous system. 16. Nell is studying the different ways of extracting the controlling energy from atomic particles. 17. There has been a sudden success in the search for a cure for cancer. 18. The number of years a person is likely to live has increased a great deal thanks to modern medicine and technology. Object & actions A. The words in the box describe the actions of the things in 1-37. Match each action with the thing it dexcribe. Evaporate  *explode  *change  *melt  *fade  *bounce  *crumble  *trickle  *rise  *sink  *ring  *contract  *crack  *escape  *stretch  *wobble  *congeal  *burn  *spill  *smoulder  *erupt  *spin  *revolve  *set  *flow  *slide  *rotate  *spread  *erode  *meander  *turn  *subside  *freeze  *grow  *expand  *vibrate  *float 1. The planet Earth moving round on its axis.    _________ 2. A washing machine in its final stage of a wash. _________ 3. The moon moving around the Earth.      _________ 4. The CD-ROM tray on a computer base unit. _________ 5. A house slowly sinking into soft ground.  _________ 6. Water slowly being converted into vapour. _________ 7. Cooking fat becoming solid on an unwashed plate. _______ 8. Traffic moving smoothly along a motorway. _________ 9. Water changing form a liquid to a solid because of the cold. 10. Glass changing from a solid to a liquid in very high heat. 11. A loose wheel on a car.                _________ 12. Gas coming out of a faulty valve.        _________ 13. A rubber ball hitting the ground and going back into air. 14. Loose windows in a window frame when a large vehicle passes nearby.                        _________ 15. The population of a town becoming bigger.  _________ 16. A T-shirt which has been washed so often has lost its colour.                                  _________ 17. The sun coming up in the morning. 18. The sun going down in the evening. 19. A wheel on a slow-moving train. 20. Traffic lights going from red to amber to green. 21. Cliffs being slowly destroyed by the sea. 22. Documents being laid out on a table. 23. A wide rive winding through the countryside. 24. The sun turning people on a beach bright red. 25. An incense stick in the entrance to a temple. 26. A lump of dry earth being rubbed between somebody’s finger. 27. Cold metal as it gets hotter. 28. Hot metal as it gets cooler. 29. A piece of elastic being pulled so it becomes longer. 30. A window being hit by a stone so that a long, thin break is formed. 31. Coffee falling out of a cup by mistake. 32. A bomb suddenly blowing up. 33. A alarm clock suddenly going off. 34. A boat going to the bottom of a river. 35. Dead fish lying on the surface of polluted lake. 36. A volcano throwing out lava and ash. 37. Orders for a new product arriving at a company very slowly. Ownership, giving, lending&borrowing A. Complete setences 1-13 with an appropriate word from the box. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible. Nouns donation *possessions *lease *owners *tenants *rent *property *mortgage *estate *proprietors *belongings *landlords *loan   1. The law ensures that_____respect the privacy of the people who live in their houses. 2. ______of restaurants across the country protested at the new government tax that was put on food. 3. Private car_____were hit the hardest when tax on petrol was increased. 4. The price of commercial_______has almost doubled in the last four years. 5. When the recession hit, he was forced to sell his 250-acre______. 6. Many families lost their______when the river flooded. 7. Put your______in the locker and give the key to the receptionist. 8. We will need to relinquish the offices when the _____runs out at the end of the year. 9. They applied to the world bank for a______to help pay off their banlance of payments deficit. 10. A lot of people lost their homes when the interest rate rose so much they were unable to pay off their______. 11. The______complained the council that the house they were living in was overrun with vermin. 12. The law does little to protect families who are thrown of their homes because they are unable to pay the________. 13. Everybody is being asked to make a ______to help the victims of the disaster. B. The words in bold have been put into the wrong sentences. Decide which sentences they should belong in. In some cases, more than one answer is possible. Verbs 1. Banks will refuse to rent money to anyone without sufficient collateral. 2. If you want to contribute a room in the centre of the city, you should be prepared to pay a lot of money. 3. The best way to see the country is to provide a car from an agency for a couple of weeks. 4. Companies allocate from banks to finance their business. 5. It’s not only the wealthy who provide for money to charities. 6. It’s our responsibility to leave our parents when they get old. 7. The government will tax you heavily for any money that your relatives may lend for you in their will. 8. Local councils borrow free accommodation to the most needy on a first-come, first-served basis. 9. Charities such as the Red Crescent hire free medical aid to areas hit by disasters. Joining/becoming part of something bigger A. Move the verbs into the right sentences. 1. His salary is merged to the cost of living, and increases on an annual basis. 2. The International Book Association blended with Universal Press in 1999 to form the International Press. 3. To get a better finish, he swallowed up the two paints together. 4. The firm integrated with its main competitor in the battle to win more customers. 5. The suggestions from all the committees were took over into the main proposal. 6. The immigrants faced hostility when they were first incorporated into the community. 7. A lot of students had problems before they amalgamated into college life. 8. When the large international college got together the smaller school, a lot of people lost their jobs. 9. The students linked one evening and decided to protest about their situation. 10. A large international company assimilated our firm last month and started making immediate changes. B. Move the nouns into the right sentences. 1. The alloy between England and France came close to breaking down many times during the nineteenth century. 2. The synthesis between England and Scotland is over 300 yeas old. 3. In 2003, the three regional organizations responsible for helping homeless people formed a national blend to help and support one another. 4. Brass is well-known alliance of copper and zinc. 5. Water is coalition of hydrogen and oxygen. 6. The plan is a unification of several earlier proposals. 7. The merger of italy didn’t occur until the second half of the19th century. 8. The company made its fortune by selling a popular union of coffee. 9. The proposed federation of the Liberal and Labour Parties in the election was cause for much ridicule. 10. As a result of the compound with the other company, Flax international became the largest in its field. Works A. Match sentences 1-6 in box A with one of the sentences A-F in box B. Use the words in bold to help you. Box A 1. Samantha is the assistant manager of a bank and she works from 8.30-5.30 everyday. 2. Tray works on the production line of a factory which make cars. She uses a machine to spray paint onto the finished car parts. 3. Jane woks for herself. She is photographer. She works every day for about eight or nine hours. 4. Jeanette is cleaner for a company in Birmingham, but she only works there for about three or four hours a day. 5. Chaire has powful job in the personnel office of a large multinational company. She is responsible for employing new people and getting rid of those that the company doesn’t want to employ any more. 6. Marie works in the finance department of an international college in Oxford.   Box B A. she is a semi-skilled blue-collar worker in a manufacturing industry. B. She is self-employed and works full-time. She likes to describle herself as freelance. C. She is responsible for hiring and firing. D. She calculates the wages, salaries, pension contributions and medical insurance contributions of all the staff. E. She is a full-time white-collars worker in a service industry. F. She is an unskilled part-time employee.   Environment Task1 Replace the expressions in bold with a word or expression from the box which has the same meaning. Unleaded petrol *fossil fuels *recycle(things) *organic *genetically modified *greenhouse *rain forest *global warming *erosion *contaminated *environmentalists *emissions *biodegradable packaging *acid rain *green belt *ecosystem   1.In Britain, building is restricted or completely banned in the area of farming land or woods and parks which surrounds a town. 2.Many companies are developing boxes,cartons and cans which can easily be decomposed by organisms such as bacteria,or by sunlight, sea, water, etc. 3.The burning of some fuels creates carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, methane and other gases which rise into the atmosphere. 4.Farmers have cleared hectares of thick wooded land in tropical regions where the precipitation is very high. 5.Planting trees provides some protection from the gradual wearing away of soil. 6.We should all try to process waste material so that it can be used again. 7.These potatoes are cultivated naturally, without using any chemical fertilisers and pesticides. 8.This bread is made from wheat which has been altered at a molecular levelso as to change certain characteristics which can be inherited. 9.More and more cars are built to use fuel which has been made without lead additives. 10.Polluted precipitation which kills trees falls a long distance away from the source of the pollution. 11.Human beings have had a devastating effect on the living things, bothlarge and small, in many parts of the world. 12.The gases and other substances which come from factories using oil, coal and other fuels which are the remains of plants and animals can cause serious damage to the environment. 13.Don't drink that water! It's been made dirty by something being added to it. 14.Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and other people concerned with protecting the environment are holding a forum in London next month. 15.The heating up of the earth's atmosphere by pollution is threatening life as we know it. Task 2: Now look at this essay and complete the gaps with one of the words or expressions from Tasks 2. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible. You may need to change the form of some of the words. 'Environmental degradation is a major world problem. What causes this problem, and what can wedo to prevent it?' There is no doubt that the environment is in trouble. Factories burn _______1 which produce_______2 , and this kills trees. At the same time, _______3 gases rise into the air and contribute to _______4 , which threatens to melt the polar ice cap.Meanwhile farmers clear huge areas of _______5 in places such as the Amazon to produce feeding land for cattle or produce wood for building. Rivers and oceans are so heavily _______6 by industrial waste that it is no longer safe to go swimming. Cars pump out poisonous _______7 which we all have to breathe in_______8and overfishing are killing off millions of animals, including whales,elephants and other _______9 . In fact, all around us, all Iiving things large and small which comprise our finely balanced _______10 are being systematically destroyed by human greed and thoughtlessness. There is a lot we can all do, however, to help prevent this. The easiest thing, of course,is to _______11 waste material such as paper and glass so that we can use it again.We should also check that the things we buy from supermarkets are packaged in _______12packaging which decomposes easily. At the same time, we should make a conscious effort to avoid foods which are _______13 (at least until someone proves thatthey are safe both for us and for the environment). If you are truly committed to protecting the environment, of course, you should only buy _______14 - jit and vegetables, safe in the knowledge that they have been naturally cultivated.Finally, of course, he should buy a small car that uses _______15 which is less harmful to the environment or, even better, make more use of public transport. The serious _______16, however, do much more. They are aware of the global issues involved and will actively involve themselves in _______17 by making sure our forests are kept safe for future generations. They will oppose activities which are harmful to animals, such as _______18 . And they will campaign to keep the _______19 around our towns and cities free from new building. We cannot all be as committed as them, but we can at least do our own little bit at grass roots level. We, as humans, have inherited the earth, but that doesn't mean we can do whatever we like with it.  On the road Task 1.choose the most suitbale explanation or interpretation, A or B, for the following sentences. Use the words in bold to help you. 1. People enjoy the mobility that owning a car gives them. A. People enjoy being able to travel easily from one place to another. B. People enjoy being able to drive very fast. 2. What's your destination? A. Where have you come from? B. Where are you going to? 3. Congestion in the city centre has increased dramatically. A. It is now easier to drive around the city centre than it was before. B. It is now more difficult to drive around the city centre than it was before. 4. The local council wants to reduce the risks to pedestrians. A. The local council wants to make it safer for people to walk along the street. B. The local council wants to make it safer for drivers and their passengers. 5. Lead-free petrol reduces the risk of pollution. A. Lead-free petrol does not make the environment as dirty as conventional petrol. B. Cars fuelled by lead-free pollution are safer to drive. 6. Traffic-calming measures are becoming increasingly common throughout the country. A. People have to drive more slowly because of the increased number of police in villages and towns. B. People have to drive more carefully through towns and villages because of specially-built obstacles in the road. 7. The centre of Camford has been designated a traffic-free zone. A. You cannot take your car into the centre of Camford. B. You can park your car for free in the centre of Camford. 8. Container lorries and other large vehicles dominate our roads. A. There are a lot of large vehicles on the roads. B. There aren't many large vehicles on the roads. 9. Young drivers have a higher accident risk than older drivers. A. Young drivers are more likely than older drivers to be involved in a crash. B. Young drivers are less likely than older drivers to be involved in a crash. 10. Public transport is heavily subsidised in most areas. A. The government has made public transport cheaper to use by giving money to bus and train companies. B. The government has made public transport more expensive to use by increasing the price of road tax. 11. The junction of London Road and Holly Street is an accident black spot A. A lot of traffic accidents happen here. B. Not many accidents happen here. 12. The city council needs to adopt an effective transport strategy within the next five years. A. The city council needs to find a better way for people to get into, around and out of the city. B. The city council needs to encourage more drivers to bring their cars into the city. Task 2: Look at sentences 1-10 and decide what has, or hasn't, happened (sentences A-J). Use the words in bold to help you. 1. Ambulance driver to policeman: 'The pedestrian's injuries are very severe and he has to go to hospital.' 2. Judge to driver: 'Drink-driving is a serious offence and I therefore ban you from driving for a year'. 3. Driving instructor to student driver: 'Stop! That's a pedestrian crossing!' 4. Driving test examiner to student driver: 'I'm afraid you've failed your test because you don't know the Highway Code'. 5. Policeman to driver: 'Do you realise you were speeding back there, sir?' 6. Driver to a friend: 'I can't believe it! He gave me a heavy fine and six points on my licence.' 7. Police officer to radio interviewer: 'Joyriding has increased by almost 50% and I am urging everyone to think twice before they get involved in this stupid activity.' 8. Television news presenter: 'So far this year there have been 27 fatalities on Oxfordshire's roads.' 9. City council officer to journalist: 'As part of our new transport strategy, we are going to construct cycle lanes in and around the city.' 10. City council officer to journalist:'The "Park and Ride" scheme has been very successful over the last year'. A. Somebody is unfamiliar with the government publication containing the rules for people travelling on roads. B. More people have been leaving their cars in designated areas outside a city and catching a bus into the city centre. C. A lot of cars have been stolen, mainly by young people who want some excitement. D. A person walking in the street has been hit and badly hurt by a vehicle. E. Somebody has decided to make it safer to use bicycles. F. Somebody has almost driven through a red light and hit a person walking across the road. G. Somebody has had to pay money because of a driving offence. H. Somebody has consumed an illegal amount of alcohol before driving their car. I. A lot of people have been killed in traffic-related accidents. J. Somebody has been driving too fast. Opposites Replace the words in bold in these sentences with a word from the box which has an opposite meaning. ADJECTIVES scarce ? easy ? approximate ? dim ? compulsory delicate ? innocent ? detrimental ? reluctant ? crude even ? clear ? graceful ? clear ? flexible   1. The meaning of his words was very ambiguous. 2. According to his colleagues, he's a very awkward person to deal with. 3. When she first started dancing, she was very awkward. 4. His policies were beneficial to the economy as a whole. 5. We need exact figures before we embark on a new venture. 6. The jury decided he was guilty of the crime. 7. Add up all the odd numbers between 1 and 20 to get a result. 8. Despite the weather, supplies of food after the harvest were plentiful. 9. The laws protecting the green belt around the city are very rigid. 10. There is a slight difference in the way the company is run these days compared with a few years ago. 11. The device is very sophisticated and should only be operated by someone who is familiar with it 12. The spices used in the production of some international dishes have a very strong flavour. 13. The strong light from the torch picked out details on the walls of the cave. 14. Attendance at afternoon classes should be voluntary. 15. A lot of students are willing to attend classes on Saturday morning Food and diet Task 2: Match sentences 1-10 with a second sentence A-J. Use the key words in bold to help you. 1. A lot of people are allergic to nuts. 2. Many people do not trust genetically modified foods. 3. Organic vegetables are more expensive but are better for you. 4. We refuse to eat battery chickens. 5. We prefer to eat free range meats. 6. The harvest has been very bad this year. 7. Following the floods in Mozambique, there was a terrible scarcity of food. 8. There has been an outbreak of salmonella, listeria and other food poisoning in Perth. 9. Too many people don't eat a balanced diet. 10. Fast food is very popular. A. This is because they are cultivated naturally, without using any chemical fertilizers and pesticides. B. There wasn't enough to feed everyone affected by the disaster. C. They are not sure that altering the composition of cells to change certain characteristics is safe. D. It's good to know that the animals were given enough space to express their natural behaviour. E. Terrible weather conditions have prevented the crops from ripening and reduced the yield. F. A lot of people are in hospital as a result. G. Unfortunately, a diet of burgers, pizzas and fried chicken is not very healthy H. They physically react very badly. I. This is because they spend their life confined in a small cage. J. They don't consume sufficient quantities of the different food groups. Work for its yob security. Task 1: How would you generally feel, happy or unhappy , if you were in the following situations. Use the words in bold to help you decide. 23. You found your job very demanding. 22. Your company gave you sickness benefit. 21. You received a cut in your salary. 20. You were forced to resign. 19. You were under stress. 18. You receive support from a union. 17. You receive a commission for the work you have done. 16. Your company has a generous incentive scheme. 15. Your work didn't offer much job satisfaction. 14. Your boss announces that there is going to be some downsizing of the workforce. 13. Your company doesn't give you many incentives. 12. Somebody called you a workaholic. 11. You receive regular perks as part of your job. 10. The office where you work has sick building syndrome. 9. You took time off work because of repetitive strain injury. 8. You suddenly found yourself unemployed. 7. You had adverse working conditions. 6. You had a steady job. 5. You worked unsociable hours. 4. You were given an increment 3. You received a promotion. 2. You were suddenly made redundant. 1. The company you work for is well-known for its yob security. Likes & dislikes A. Look at the words and expressions in the box and decide if they have a positive connotation (for example, they tell us that somebody likes something) or a negative connotation (for example, they tell us that somebody dislikes something). loathe ? yearn for ? passionate about ? fond of ? captivated by fancy ? keen on ? look forward to ? dread ? long for appeal to ? detest ? cannot stand ? repel ? attracted to fascinated by ? tempted by ? disgust ? revolt ? cannot bear   B. Now look at these pairs of sentences. Sometimes, both sentences are correct, sometimes one of them is wrong (for example, the construction is wrong) or it does not sound natural. Decide which ones. 1. A. It was well-known that he was loathed by the other teachers.
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