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小学生卫生及日常生活小常识小学生卫生及日常生活小常识 conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrou...

小学生卫生及日常生活小常识 conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary 小学生卫生及日常生活小常识 金 晔 conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary 小学生卫生及日常生活小常识 1、小学生应养成哪些个人卫生习惯? (1)早晚洗脸 (2)早晚刷牙 (3)饭前便后要洗手 (4)睡前洗脚 (5)勤洗头 (6)勤洗澡 (7)勤剪指甲 (8)生吃瓜果要洗净 (9)不喝生水 ( 10)不躺着看书 2、什么情况下应洗手? (1)饭前便后应洗手 (2)吃东西前应洗手 (3)劳动(干活)后应洗手 (4)玩游戏后应洗手 (5)触摸脏东西后应洗手 (6)触摸传染病人的东西后应洗手 (7)到公共场所回来后应洗手 (8)拿碗筷前应洗手 3、书写,阅读时,眼和书本的距离应是多少? 30—35厘米,或一尺左右。 4、为什么要及时理发和经常洗头? 理发和洗头能够清除头发和头皮上的污垢, 头屑,病菌、预防头癣,皮肤病,防止生头虱。 5、为什么不能喝生水? 生水中含有病菌,虫卵,可引起肠道传染病(肠炎、痢疾,伤寒等)和肠道寄生虫(蛔虫病等)。 conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary 6、为什么不能吃腐败变质食物? 腐败变质的食物中含有大量病菌和毒素,吃后会发生食物中毒,肠炎,痢疾, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现为:恶心,呕吐,腹痛,腹泻,严重时甚至危及生命。 7、挑食和偏食有什么害处? 挑食和偏食会造成营养素的缺乏,导致营养不良,影响生长发育和健康。 8、为什么饭后不宜马上进行剧烈活动? 刚吃过饭,胃里充满了食物。剧烈运动后影响胃肠正常 消化,可引起腹痛(恶心,呕吐等,时间久了还可引起 消化不良和胃病。 9、 看书写字时要注意什么? 姿势正确,光线适宜,眼与书本保持一尺左右距离,时间不可过久,走路乘车时不看书。 10、做眼球保健操有什么好处? 消除眼睛疲劳,保护视力,预防近视眼。 11、每天应该刷几次牙?什么时间刷? 每天应该刷两次牙,早晚各一次。 12(怎样保护牙? (1)吃东西后漱口 (2)早晚刷牙 (3)不咬过硬东西 (4)不吃过冷过热的东西 (5)睡前不吃东西 (6)患牙病及时治疗 conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary 13、为什么不能咬笔头和手指? (1) 笔头,手指不干净(有细菌,虫卵,尘土等),可引起疾病 (2)影响牙齿和手指发育 14、怎样预防农药中毒? (1)不玩盛过农药的瓶,口袋和农药喷雾器 (2)避免口腔,鼻腔吸入农药 (3)防止农药沾染皮肤,如果皮肤沾染农药要及时冲洗净 (4)瓜果蔬菜要洗净 15、为什么不能随意挖耳朵? 挖耳朵是一种不卫生的习惯,易损伤外耳道,引起发炎 或长疖子,还可能损伤耳膜(引起中耳炎, 使听力下 降。甚至造成耳聋。 16、怎样预防蛔虫病? (1)饭前便后洗手 (2)不喝生水 (3)生吃瓜果,蔬菜要洗净 (4)不咬手指及笔头 17、怎样预防沙眼? (1)每人一条洗脸毛巾 (2)不用脏手揉眼睛 (3)保持手帕、毛巾、脸盆清洁 (4)有条件的最好每人一个专用脸盆 18、随地吐痰有什么害处? 随地吐痰是一种不文明行为:痰液中含有病菌,随地吐痰会污染环境,传播疾病。 conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary 19、“四害”指的是什么? 苍蝇 老鼠 蚊子 蟑螂 20、被狗咬伤后怎么办? 立即去医院或卫生院治疗,及时注射狂犬疫苗。 21、小学生每天应至少保持多长时间的睡眠? 10小时 22、苍蝇,蚊子能传播什么病? 苍蝇传播:肠炎、痢疾、伤寒、甲型肝炎等。 蚊子传播:乙脑,疟疾。 23、肝炎的主要传播途径是什么? 甲型肝炎:主要通过病人粪便污染水源,食物传播 乙型肝炎:主要通过血液及血液制品传播。 24、为什么不能随地大小便? (1)污染环境 (2)传播疾病 (3)不文明 25、为什么刷牙时要每人一把牙刷? 防止互相传染疾病 26、怎样预防感冒? (1)锻炼身体,增强体质 (2)经常开窗通风换气 (3)随气候变化增减衣服 (4)不去病家串门 (5)感冒流行时不去公共场所 conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary 27、家里有了肝炎病人怎么办? (1)及时治疗 (2)隔离消毒(用开水煮病人用过的碗筷,毛巾,衣物。用消毒剂擦拭病人用过的家具等) (3)接触病人后要洗手 (4)不吃病人吃剩的东西 28、怎样保持教室的清洁卫生? (1)每天扫地,扫地前先洒水 (2)常擦桌椅和门窗 (3)不乱扔纸屑果皮 (4)不随地吐痰 (5)桌椅摆放整齐 (6)注意通风换气 29、维护公共卫生应做到哪些? (1)清扫室内外环境 (2)不随吐痰 (3)不乱丢纸屑果皮 (4)不随地大小便 (5)不在墙壁桌椅上乱画 30、吸烟有什么害处? 烟草中的有害物质能损害呼吸系统,可引起支气管炎,肺癌等 31、预防营养过剩有哪些 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ? ?控制饮食,少吃肥肉、糖果、巧克力和油炸食物,多吃粗粮、豆制品、水果和蔬菜;?增加体力活动;?改变不良饮食习惯,进食栗定量定时,早饭吃好,午饭吃饱,晚饭吃少。 32、怎样预防沙眼? ?不用手和不干净的手帕擦揉眼睛;?不与别人合用毛巾、脸盆和洗脸水; ?自己的毛巾要经常晒。 conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary 33、怎样预防红眼病? ?勤洗手,不用手揉眼睛;?不接触红眼病人用过的东西;?红眼病人要及时隔离治疗。 34、常吃水果有什么好处? 各类水果营养丰富,含有大量的果糖、维生素C、纤维素及钙、磷、钾、镁等矿物质,这些营养素都是人体健康所不可缺少的。 35、在阳台、走廊上活动时要注意什么? 上下楼梯时要靠右按顺序走,不要蹦蹦跳跳,追逐打闹,互相推挤。在阳台、走廊上玩耍活动时,千万不要爬上栏杆。擦窗户时,不要把身体探出窗外。 36、如何防止异物误人气管? 吃东西时不要说说笑笑,更不能突然开玩笑。平时也不要把小玩具、钮扣、钱币、图钉等含在嘴里,防止,如果突然受到惊吓、紧张、跌倒或高声说话,一不小心就可能把东西吸进气管。 37、玩电子游戏机有哪壁害处? 玩电子游戏机,一使人着迷,整天想、着玩它,以致影响工作和学习,有的染上了坏习惯,甚至走上犯罪的道路。 38、使用电扇时要注意些什么? ?不要在剧烈运动、满身大汗时狂欢, ?不要把电扇对准身体的某一部位长时间地吹,特别是头部。 ?睡前要控制电扇的使用时间。 ?不要在电扇转动时玩弄叶片和移动电扇。 conditions. Eleven... Erected scaffold full shop Zhu BA fixed protection. (5) garbage and flue, with the laying of floors or install piping hole may refer to the reserve entrance requirements to protection. (6) when pipeline construction, surrounded by fortified fence, and obvious signs (ibid.). 2, elevator door: a fixed gate or fence and has the obvious warning signs. 3, stairs: (1) layered construction of stairs with temporary
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