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酒店营销部管理制度酒店营销部管理制度 resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percenta...

酒店营销部 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 酒店营销部管理制度 关营销部是酒店进行产品设计、宣传促销、拓展公共关系,为酒店的经营管理活动创造天时、地利、人和的内外部环境的职能部门。担负着酒店招徕客源,建立销售网络,推销产品:对外联络,提高知名度,树立在公众中良好性峡谷,获得良好经济效益和社会效益的重要责任。 第一节公关营销部简介 一、公关营销部工作概述 1、积极开展市场调研,分析市场需求,确定营销目标; 2、根据目标市场的需求,设计酒店最佳产品组合,选择合适的销售渠道,指定合理的价格策略; 3、制定酒店销售计划,组织营销人员进行销售访问,招徕、开拓客源; 4、负责酒店广告策划和宣传资料的制作,做好对外宣传工作,组织多种经营的推广和各种促销活动; 5、经常与公众沟通信息、联络感情,取得公众的理解与支持,建立良好的协作关系,扩大酒店知名度,树立酒店形象; 6、及时收集旅游市场和促销过程中的信息反馈,对环境、形势和问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 作出分析,定期向总经理和各部门通报信息; 7、广泛听取客户意见,负责处理重点投诉; 8、代表酒店接待重要客人、客户,出席有关社交活动和同行组织的有关活动; 9、负责客户管理; 10、负责信息管理。 二、公关营销部机构设置 营销总监---部门经理—助理---文员、美工、销售代表 第二节各岗位人员任职要求 一、公关营销总监 resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 1、性别:男/女 2、年龄:30,55岁 3、文化程度:大学本科以上 4、外语要求:A级 5、业务要求 ?具有较强的事业心、责任感及良好的职业道德,待人宽容、真诚、友善。有韧不拔的毅力和勇于开拓的精神; ?随时掌握市场动态,了解各酒店的竞争手段、价格水平、客户状况,善于根据市场情况提出符合本酒店特点的应变措施; ?具有较广的知识面,通晓市场学、管理学和心理学、旅游经济学、公共关系学等方面的知识,了解文学艺术及社会学等方面的相关学科; ?熟练掌握有关政策法规,熟悉国际、国内和地方政府有关旅游的法规。掌握对外销售业务的方针、政策、经济合同及外国人出入境管理条例等相关法规; ?具有较广的社会交往,信息来源广泛,熟悉各国驻本地领事馆以及海外驻本地商社、公司等主要客户的基本状况,同客户保持良好的人际关系; ?能合理地安排本部门人员的业务工作,能协调与各有关部门之间的关系; ?具有较强的判断能力、决策能力和人际交往能力。能根据所掌握的信息和数据,果断的加以分析、作出策略。能适时推出酒店的促销措施并及时制定和调整产品价格。 二、公关营销部经理 1、性别:男/女 2、年龄:28,50岁 3、文化程度:大专以上 4、外语水平:A级 5、业务要求: County financial is responsible for the allocation of the town street, that decided to solve the street, the town's worries. This requires each town street to focus more on attracting more, according to the characteristics of their respective jurisdictions to examine how good business to ensure that large projects, projects. The meeting, to the relevant Department, the unit issued investment tasks and develop the assessment methods, to look after, ensure to complete the task. (B) the precise grasping the "three" directions. The 18 session of the plenary session of the party established the innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared five concepts, This is our grasp "three" the General principles of the work. We on both projects, technology and talent, to be compared with great ideas, never to be not up to the safety standards, environmental protection and energy saving and emission reduction projects. One is to accurately attract location. My County is located in the yimeng mountain, dredging the river originated, the most valuable asset is the side of the mountains, the biggest advantages is the side of the mountains. Maintaining a good ecological environment is a prerequisite for development, especially the environmental protection requirements under extremely strict conditions, pollution items on we must not. As chemicals, tires, metal smelting and resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of ?掌握市场动态,熟悉酒店经营策略和顾客需求方面的知识。了解酒店竞争手段、价格水平、客户状况,善于提出应变措施; ?具有一定的管理知识,通晓市场学、管理学和心理学方面的知识,了解旅游经济学、公共关系、文学艺术及社会方面的基本知识; ?掌握有关政策法规方面的知识,熟悉国际、国家和地方政府有关旅游的法规。掌握对外销售业务的方针、政策、经济各同及外国人出入境管理条例等相关法规;?信心来源广泛,熟悉海外驻本地商社、公司等主要客户的基本状况,同客户保持良好的人际关系; ?具有较强的判断能力、人际交往能力,能合理地安排本部门人员的业务工作,能协调与各有关部门之间的关系; ?决策能力强,能根据掌握的信息和数据,果断地作出分析,制定策略。及时制定和调整产品价格; 三、公关营销部经理助理 1、性别:男/女 2、年龄:25,45岁 3、文化程度:大专以上 4、外语要求:A级— 5、业务要求: ?掌握市场动态,熟悉酒店经营策略和顾客需求方面的知识。了解酒店竞争手段、价格水平和客户状况,善于提出应变措施; ?通宵市场学、管理学和心理学方面的基本知识; ?熟知国际、国家和地方政府有关旅游的法规,掌握对外销售业务的方针、政策、经济合同及外国人出入境管理条例等有关法律知识; ?具有较强的判断能力,人际交往能力、应变能力、谈判能力、英语会话和协作能力; ?具有较强的组织协调能力,能合理地安排本部门人员的业务工作,能协调与各有关部门之间的关系; ?有较强的决策能力,能根据所掌握的信息和数据,果断地作出分析、制定策略,resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 及时制定和调整产品价格; 四、文员 1、性别:女 2、年龄:20,30岁 3、文化程度:大专以上 4、外语要求:B级+ 5、业务要求 ?熟悉酒店各类契约、合同的格式和内容; ?具有较高的语言文字能力,并能熟练进行打字和电脑操作,掌握电讯知识,能帮助经理处理本部门的文字工作; ?掌握一定的统计、预测、会计、文秘等方面的知识; ?具有一定的外语水平,能够阅读预定函电并进行接待服务; ?熟悉公关营销部的业务,能协调各岗位的工作; ?具有一般的公关和社交能力。 五、公关营销员 1、性别:男/女 2、年龄:22,45岁 3、文化程度:高中以上 4、外语要求:B级 5、业务要求 ?具有较强的社会活动能力、应变与判断能力。熟悉本职工作,掌握一定的餐饮知识,能独立进行业务活动; ?具有一定语言文字能力,并能熟练地运用一门外语进行业务活动; County financial is responsible for the allocation of the town street, that decided to solve the street, the town's worries. This requires each town street to focus more on attracting more, according to the characteristics of their respective jurisdictions to examine how good business to ensure that large projects, projects. The meeting, to the relevant Department, the unit issued investment tasks and develop the assessment methods, to look after, ensure to complete the task. (B) the precise grasping the "three" directions. The 18 session of the plenary session of the party established the innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared five concepts, This is our grasp "three" the General principles of the work. We on both projects, technology and talent, to be compared with great ideas, never to be not up to the safety standards, environmental protection and energy saving and emission reduction projects. One is to accurately attract location. My County is located in the yimeng mountain, dredging the river originated, the most valuable asset is the side of the mountains, the biggest advantages is the side of the mountains. Maintaining a good ecological environment is a prerequisite for development, especially the environmental protection requirements under extremely strict conditions, pollution items on we must not. As chemicals, tires, metal smelting and resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of ?掌握一定市场营销的技能、技巧及市场迎削方面的基础知识。具有一定时间经验,有旺盛的精力和积极的工作态度; ?了解本地及周围地区各企业的有关情况,并与之保持经常性的联系,随时把握销售机会; ?熟悉国内外的旅游社,并与旅行社的某些重要组团人物保持良好的关系;?熟悉酒店客房、餐厅等各种服务设施,以及酒店的各项服务内容; ?具有较强的公关能力、谈判能力,善于同各类客人进行沟通。 六、美工 1、性别:男/女 2、年龄:25,45岁 3、文化程度:大专 4、外语要求:C级+ 5、业务要求 ?具有五年以上美工设计工作的经验,包含一年以上酒店美工室基层工作的经验; ?了解装潢、工艺美术等方面的专门知识,掌握广告宣传及美术知识,具有较强的主体审美能力,其作品能达到一定的艺术水平并具有相应的效果; ?了解旅游业及国内外各民族的风俗习惯、名胜古迹、文学艺术等,懂得酒店经营常识; ?熟悉旅游法、版权法等有关法律知识; ?了解旅游市场的特点,以及本酒店相关产品的特点; ?具有设计制作大型美工制品的能力; ?有较强的想象能力和创造能力。 第三节岗位职责和工作说明 一、公关营销总监 直属上级:总经理 resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 督导下级:公关营销部经理 联系部门:各旅游部门、各协会、各大企业(商社)、酒店各部门 「岗位职责」 全面负责酒店的公关营销工作,在公关营销部经理配合下,制订公关营销计划,组织和招徕客源,掌握市场信息,做好内外协调沟通,确保酒店取得良好的经济效益和社会效益. 1、全面负责酒店近期和远期经营目标,结合市场情况,负责提出参与制定酒店对外销售以及招徕客源的计划; 2、研究和掌握国内外旅游市场的动态和顾客的潜在需求,汇集整理对外销售策略,定期向总经理提交书面报告; 3、保持同上级旅游管理部门、中外旅行社、航空公司、铁路客运站及驻本地外国商社、办事处、政府外事部门的密切联系,并同各客户间建立长期稳定的良好合作关系; 4、负责酒店的宣传推广工作,积极参与酒店产品的更新改造和组合开发,提高酒店的声誉和影响力; 5、指导酒店对内、对外的各种广告活动,制定酒店短期和长期的宣传推广计划,并经总经理审批后执行; 6、与各部门建立良好的协作关系,广泛听取客户意见,处理重大投诉,以确保销售计划的实施和落实; 7、选择并培训不同年龄和不同层次的酒店销售队伍,指导销售人员不断学习,更新专业知识,提高销售技巧,以适应市场的变化; 8、定期对下属人员进行绩效评估,按照公司的奖惩制度进行奖惩,不断提高人员的思想素质,专业技能,组织活动能力和开拓进取精神,培养销售人员的高度责任感; 9、审阅每天业务报表、了解当天出租率和VIP接待情况,检查各部门接待VIP情况,按规定要求接待好VIP; 10、向中经理提交参加重要销售活动和公关活动的计划、经总经理审批后,组织有关人员,准备宣传资料,制定行动方案进一步加以推广.二、公关营销部经理 直属上级:总经理、营销总监 督导下级:公关营销部助理、文员 联系部门:各旅游部门、大企业、酒店各部门 County financial is responsible for the allocation of the town street, that decided to solve the street, the town's worries. This requires each town street to focus more on attracting more, according to the characteristics of their respective jurisdictions to examine how good business to ensure that large projects, projects. The meeting, to the relevant Department, the unit issued investment tasks and develop the assessment methods, to look after, ensure to complete the task. (B) the precise grasping the "three" directions. The 18 session of the plenary session of the party established the innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared five concepts, This is our grasp "three" the General principles of the work. We on both projects, technology and talent, to be compared with great ideas, never to be not up to the safety standards, environmental protection and energy saving and emission reduction projects. One is to accurately attract location. My County is located in the yimeng mountain, dredging the river originated, the most valuable asset is the side of the mountains, the biggest advantages is the side of the mountains. Maintaining a good ecological environment is a prerequisite for development, especially the environmental protection requirements under extremely strict conditions, pollution items on we must not. As chemicals, tires, metal smelting and resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 「岗位职责」 负责酒店的公关营销工作,指定公关营销计划,组织和招徕客源,掌握市场信息,做好内外协调沟通,确保酒店取得良好的经济效益和社会效益. 「工作说明」 1、在总经理领导下,全面负责酒店市场开发、客源组织和产品销售等方面的工作.定期组织市场调研,收集市场信息,分析市场动向、特点和发展趋势.制定市场销售策略,确定主要目标市场、市场结构和销售方针,并在报总经理审批后组织实施; 2、根据酒店的近期和远期目标、财务预算要求,协调与前厅部、客房部的关系,提出销售计划编制的原则、依据,组织销售部人员分析市场环境,指定和审核酒店客房出租率、平均房租及季节销售预算,提出酒店价格政策实施方案,向销售部人员下达销售任务,并组织贯彻实施; 3、掌握国内外旅游市场的动态,每周在总经理主持下,分析销售动态、各部门销售成本、存在问题、市场竞争发展状况等,提出改进方案和措施,监督销售计划的顺利完成; 4、协调销售部和各经济组织的关系,经常保持同上级旅游管理部门、各大旅行社、航空公司、铁路客运站和本地的商社、办事机构、政府外事部门的密切联系,并通各客户建立长期稳定的良好协作关系; 5、提出酒店重要销售活动和参加国际、国内旅游展销活动实施方案,组织人员、准备材料,参加销售活动,广泛宣传酒店产品和服务,对销售效果提出分析,并向总经理报告; 6、联系国外驻本地区商社、公司等客户和国内外旅游商,掌握客户意向和需求,提出签订销售合同、包房合同意向和建议,并提出销售计划和价格 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ; 7、定期检查销售计划实施结果,定期提出销售计划调整方案,包总经理审批后组织实施; 8、掌握酒店价格政策的实施情况,控制公司团体、散客及其不同季节的价格水平,定期检查平均房租计划实施结果,及时提出改进措施,保证酒店较高的平均房租水平; 9、定期走访客户,征求客户意见,掌握其他酒店的出租率、平均房价水平,分析竞争态势,调整酒店销售策略,适应市场竞争需要; 10、参加酒店收款分析会议,掌握客户拖欠款情况,分析原因,负责客户拖欠的催收组织工作,减少长期拖欠的现象; 11、培训和造就一支不同年龄和不同层次的酒店销售专业队伍; 12、指定销售部管理制度、工作程序,并监督贯彻实施.严格控制酒店销售费用开支、签发开支范围和标准,监督销售费用的使用. resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 三、公关营销部经理助理 直属上级:公关营销部经理 督导下级:公关营销员、美工 联系部门:同经理 「岗位职责」 配合公关营销部经理做好公关接待工作,制定公关计划,策划公关活动.协助经理制定营销计划,负责市场调查和市场推广策划,做好部门的日常管理工作; 「工作说明」 1、参与策划并制定市场营销计划,拟订销售方针和策略,提供市场竞争信息; 2、执行酒店确定的房价策略,组织公关营销元有效地开展销售活动,并根据淡、旺季控制团队、散客客源构成比例; 3、与客户商谈租约、合同,经总经理审核、批准后签约; 4、经常开展对内对外的公关活动,督导公关营销员完成具体的销售指标,明确酒店在不同时期的销售重点; 5、制定本部门的培训计划,按时完成培训任务; 6、定期进行市场分析,报告市场动向和酒店市场占有率,提出客房出租率、平均房价、团队与散客客源的合理比例,建议适当调整房价; 7、协助经理加强内部管理,定期评估和考察公关营销员的销售业绩和美工作业的实际效果。四、文员 直属上级:营销部经理 联系部门:同经理 「岗位职责」 负责文件的打印、分发等工作,接待好来访人员。 「工作说明」 County financial is responsible for the allocation of the town street, that decided to solve the street, the town's worries. This requires each town street to focus more on attracting more, according to the characteristics of their respective jurisdictions to examine how good business to ensure that large projects, projects. The meeting, to the relevant Department, the unit issued investment tasks and develop the assessment methods, to look after, ensure to complete the task. (B) the precise grasping the "three" directions. The 18 session of the plenary session of the party established the innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared five concepts, This is our grasp "three" the General principles of the work. We on both projects, technology and talent, to be compared with great ideas, never to be not up to the safety standards, environmental protection and energy saving and emission reduction projects. One is to accurately attract location. My County is located in the yimeng mountain, dredging the river originated, the most valuable asset is the side of the mountains, the biggest advantages is the side of the mountains. Maintaining a good ecological environment is a prerequisite for development, especially the environmental protection requirements under extremely strict conditions, pollution items on we must not. As chemicals, tires, metal smelting and resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 1、准备好各种销售文件、备忘录、租房协议、合同和销售契约等。负责各种文件的打印、下发和上报工作; 2、协助经理处理来访、来电、来函及接待等行政事务; 3、做好部门考勤、员工餐券发放等日常工作; 4、做好有关会议记录、整理、打印等文秘工作; 5、回答客户的一般询问,并在自己的职责范围内帮助客户解决问题; 6、完成经理交办的其他工作。 五、营销员 直属上级:营销部经理 联系部门:同经理 「岗位职责」 在公关营销部经理的领导下,做好酒店的公关销售工作,积极争取客源,负责将客户意见及时反馈到有关部门,为客户提供良好的服务。 「工作说明」 1、根据酒店市场销售计划,按照客源构成的比例要求,完成商社客户、旅游团队和散客的销售任务,完成销售指标; 2、与客户保持密切的业务联系,按照不同的季节、不同市场情况提出不同的销售价格; 3、分析客户心理,了解客户对酒店设施的要求和各方面的需求,有针对性地进行销售,向公关营销部经理提供客户信息; 4、积极地参加酒店举办的各种促销活动,开发新客户; 5、利用关工技巧和销售技巧,广交各界人士,扩大酒店影响。开展有计划的销售活动,每次外出销售,都必须写销售报告,为每个客户建立档案,并有计划地发展新客户。 六、美工 直属上级:公关营销部经理 联系部门:前厅部、客房部、餐饮部 resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 「岗位职责」 在公关营销部经理的领导下,负责酒店广告宣传资料的设计制作工作。 「工作说明」 1、美工是酒店不可缺少的一个组成部分,主要负责广告设计、绘制、宣传资料的制作、积累及编辑、印刷等工作; 2、负责入住酒店的VIP客人接待过程中的摄影与欢迎牌的设计制作及文字资料的收集工作; 3、负责为大型宴会、酒会、会议制作标语、横幅和广告;4、负责酒店一切纪念活动、重要活动、庆祝活动的摄影工作; 5、负责节日、纪念活动、庆祝活动等酒店或会议场所的布置与美化工作; 6、负责酒店的服务指南、酒店简介、广告画面、菜谱、请柬、明信片、酒店画册、酒店金(银)卡、纪念品、圣诞卡、信封信纸的制作及印刷; 7、了解和熟悉各个部门的业务情况,钻研酒店宣传美术广告业务,不断提高自己的绘画水平、摄影水平、设计水平和艺术素养,以适应酒店工作的要求; 8、检查酒店所有指示牌、广告牌、标语牌、册、卡、证等是否美观、完好。对已过时及破损的要及时进行修理或更换; 9、掌握国内外有关信息,做好资料收集、整理、分析、存储工作,保证美工作品的质量; 10、妥善保管、节约使用各种美工工具?颜料、材料,保持工作场地的整齐清洁。 第四节操作程序和 实施细则 工程地质勘察监理实施细则公司办公室6S管理实施细则国家GSP实施细则房屋建筑工程监理实施细则大体积混凝土实施细则 一、市场调研分析的操作程序和实施 细则 测试细则下载防尘监理实施细则免费下载免费下载地暖施工监理细则公路隧道通风设计细则下载静压桩监理实施细则下载 操作者:公关营销部经理 调研选题,确定方法,收集资料,综合分析,撰写报告 1、调研选题: ?收集、了解同行业酒店的动态和旅游系统的有关销售策略与安排; ?根据市场及酒店经营状况,确定调研的科目和内容,提出要调研的问题性质和范围; County financial is responsible for the allocation of the town street, that decided to solve the street, the town's worries. This requires each town street to focus more on attracting more, according to the characteristics of their respective jurisdictions to examine how good business to ensure that large projects, projects. The meeting, to the relevant Department, the unit issued investment tasks and develop the assessment methods, to look after, ensure to complete the task. (B) the precise grasping the "three" directions. The 18 session of the plenary session of the party established the innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared five concepts, This is our grasp "three" the General principles of the work. We on both projects, technology and talent, to be compared with great ideas, never to be not up to the safety standards, environmental protection and energy saving and emission reduction projects. One is to accurately attract location. My County is located in the yimeng mountain, dredging the river originated, the most valuable asset is the side of the mountains, the biggest advantages is the side of the mountains. Maintaining a good ecological environment is a prerequisite for development, especially the environmental protection requirements under extremely strict conditions, pollution items on we must not. As chemicals, tires, metal smelting and resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 2、确定方法: ?结合本酒店的技术力量及财务状况,确定本次市场调研所要采取的方法; 3、收集资料: ?采取各种形式,广泛听取各有关方面的意见; ?对所收集的材料进行系统的整理与分类; 4、综合分析: 组织酒店各相关部门根据所得的资料进行讨论分析,提出各自的看法和建议; 5、撰写报告: 综合讨论分析的各种观点,综合当前客源市场的特点及本酒店经营管理的现状,写出本次调研报告,并报总经理审阅; 二、大中型公关促销活动的操作程序和实施细则 操作者:经理 形式,程序,准备,组织,实施,总结 1、形式 ?酒店应利用每年的国庆节、春节、元旦、圣诞节等节假日举办各种促销活动; ?具体形式如下:春节年夜饭、圣诞晚会、中秋赏月晚会等; ?举办目的是广泛招揽客源,扩大酒店影响,增加产品销售,提高设施利用率并获得一定的社会效益与经济效益; 2、程序: ?酒店每次大中型公关促销活动应有营销部、餐饮部或康乐部等部门提出活动创意和初步活动方案,并报总经理批准; ?总经理召集各有关部门经理召开专门会议,研究这一促销活动的可行性。具体内容有:活动目的、预定规模、活动方式、工作步骤、所需资金、预期效益等; ?如活动内容可性,由总经理作出举办决定。如可行性较低,特别当预测的经济效益和社会效益均不够理想时,由总经理和部门经理协商作出取消或暂缓举办的决定;?酒店大中型公resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 关促销活动决定举办后,由总经理召集营销部、餐饮部、康乐部、前厅部等有关部门经理召开专题会议,共同分析这一活动可能达到的规模、客源组织方法、客源多寡、工作步骤等,并在此基础上形成大中型公关促销活动的具体方案; ?根据上述方案,抽调人员组织临时工作小组,落实各有关责任人。 3、准备: ?根据举办时间、举办地点,由所在部门经理负责场地准备,如:餐厅、宴会厅、夜总会等; ?场地准备要明确场地使用时间、场地布置要求等,以保证届时活动的需要,同时又尽可能不影响举办前的正常营业; ?根据活动内容、活动方式和场地布置要求,由所在部门经理与工程部、公馆营销部美工等共同研究,拟订环境布置方案; ?具体环境布置应根据活动内容、活动方式和布置方案而确定,务求做到环境布置与促销活动内容、形式、性质相符,保证环境美观、典雅、舒适,对前来参加的客人有形象吸引力; ?酒店大中型公关促销活动多以食品销售、娱乐活动、酒水销售为住。正式举办活动前,应由餐饮部、康乐部经理根据预测参加的人数,与财务部协商,提前准备好食品原材料、酒水饮料和客用消耗品。若以餐饮为主,则应提前拟订好菜单,保证原料、用品适合活动的需要; ?促销活动举办前一天或当天上午,由总经理、营销部、餐饮部和其他相关部门的经理共同检查活动场地卫生、设备布置、环境布置、桌椅摆放等是否符合要求。若存在问题,应及时提出改进措施,迅速督导落实,保证大中型公关促销活动的如期举行。 4、组织 ?根据大中型公馆促销活动的需要,由酒店营销部经理负责,提出在报纸、电视电台上做宣传广告的方案,并与有关媒体取得联系,确定宣传方式、宣传稿件,了解宣传公关所需费用、分析预期效果。在可行性分析的基础上,由营销部经理将广告宣传方案与费用预算向总经理汇报,经审批同意后,落实具体方案; ?每次活动的广告宣传一般提前15,30天进行。正式活动前7,10天,完成广告促销工作,取得必要的广告宣传品的效果; ?酒店大中型公关促销活动以内部宣传画、招贴画、活动告示牌、门前彩旗、横幅、会标等广告宣传为主。具体工作由营销员、员工与有关部门经理协商,提出设计方案、制作出各种宣传品,并在活动举办前3,5天完成; ?宣传画等应在酒店门前、电梯、举办场地门前等适当场地张贴、悬挂,以烘托活动气氛,扩大宣传效果; County financial is responsible for the allocation of the town street, that decided to solve the street, the town's worries. This requires each town street to focus more on attracting more, according to the characteristics of their respective jurisdictions to examine how good business to ensure that large projects, projects. The meeting, to the relevant Department, the unit issued investment tasks and develop the assessment methods, to look after, ensure to complete the task. (B) the precise grasping the "three" directions. The 18 session of the plenary session of the party established the innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared five concepts, This is our grasp "three" the General principles of the work. We on both projects, technology and talent, to be compared with great ideas, never to be not up to the safety standards, environmental protection and energy saving and emission reduction projects. One is to accurately attract location. My County is located in the yimeng mountain, dredging the river originated, the most valuable asset is the side of the mountains, the biggest advantages is the side of the mountains. Maintaining a good ecological environment is a prerequisite for development, especially the environmental protection requirements under extremely strict conditions, pollution items on we must not. As chemicals, tires, metal smelting and resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of ?根据酒店大中型促销活动需要,除由营销部拟订邀请来宾名单和设计出邀请函件外,还应直接打电话询问,邀请客人参加。 5、实施 ?促销活动举办当天,有接待部门落实具体人员,迎接客人的到来。接待人员应主动引导客人进入活动场所; ?在准备好食品、饮料和各种用具、用品并在摆放整齐的基础上,由主办部门经理宣布活动开始,总经理向客人致欢迎辞,宣布活动内容、活动方式、活动目的,欢迎客人参加,并由次拉开酒店本次促销活动的序幕; ?每次大中型公关促销活动正式开张后,每天由活动举办部门根据活动方案做好客源组织、客人接待服务等工作,以满足客人的消费需求; ?公关营销员和服务人员应随时征求客人意见,改进服务质量,力争获得良好的经济效益和社会效益;6、总结: ?每次大中型公关促销活动结束后,由财务部收款审计人员统计每天客人数、食品、饮料、娱乐项目收入和分析经营效果,支撑报表分送总经理和部门经理; ?每次活动结束后,由总经理召集专题会议,总结活动经验、收入效果,分析存在问题,提出改进建议,表扬先进部门和先进员工; ?举办活动的部门和营销部经理召集本部门主管和有关人员开会,总结部门活动经验,肯定成绩,表扬好人好事,分析存在问题,提出改进措施,推动酒店公关促销活动的发展。 三、公关广告促销的操作程序和实施细则 操作者:销售部经理 预算,制作,跟踪 1、预算: ?每年11月由公关营销部经理和公关营销员协商,根据本酒店市场开发策略制定公关广告计划,提出制作广告的次数、时间、主要媒体、广告价格,然后做出下一年度的广告预算,并纳入酒店公关营销部的年度预算之中,并经总经理审批,形成酒店广告预算; ?根据需要,在年度预算的额度范围内,做出本次公关广告促销活动的经费预算; 2、制作: ?每次刊登广告,应由公关营销员事先联系好广告媒体,谈妥价格并设计广告样式,报经理resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 和总经理审批后,与广告公司或广告媒体签订协议; ?请媒体制作广告清样,经公关营销部经理审批后,再正式定稿并予以刊登; 3、跟踪: ?酒店广告刊登后,由营销员取得广告宣传样本,留一份存档,其余样本送总经理和有关部门经理,同时调查广告效果、客户反映; ?对一些重要的广告应设法请客户观看,以扩大酒店的影响。 四、酒店宣传册制作的操作程序和实施细则 操作者:营销部经理 设计,制作,审批,发放 1、设计: ?制作宣传册应有营销部负责,与有关部门经理协商,提出设计要求然后由酒店摄影人员或外请专家摄制酒店设施或服务项目等精美照片,交美工设计制作样本,拟订配合照片的宣传文字; ?将样本报公关营销部经理和总经理审查,提出修改意见后,再修改定稿; 2、制作: ?由酒店营销员联系制作厂家或出版社,询问价格,草签协议,报总经理审批后再签订正式协议进行制作; ?由于这类宣传品一次制作量较大,使用时间长,因而制作单位一般应选择三家以上进行比较,然后再选定制作厂家或出版社,确保对制作质量和成本的控制; 3、审批:?制作厂家或出版社确定后,要按合同或协议事先审核做好样本,若质量存在问题,必须请制作单位进行修改,确保宣传品色彩、样式、纸张、文字排版等方面均达到最佳效果,然后才能正式投入引制; 4、发放: ?酒店宣传册和有关宣传品制作完成后,应分送客房、前厅、餐厅等部门,由服务员向客人发放,或由客人自取或张贴在电梯、前厅等适当部位; ?余下的宣传册和宣传品由公馆营销部送仓库统一进行保管,需要时再由各部门到仓库领取。 County financial is responsible for the allocation of the town street, that decided to solve the street, the town's worries. This requires each town street to focus more on attracting more, according to the characteristics of their respective jurisdictions to examine how good business to ensure that large projects, projects. The meeting, to the relevant Department, the unit issued investment tasks and develop the assessment methods, to look after, ensure to complete the task. (B) the precise grasping the "three" directions. The 18 session of the plenary session of the party established the innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared five concepts, This is our grasp "three" the General principles of the work. We on both projects, technology and talent, to be compared with great ideas, never to be not up to the safety standards, environmental protection and energy saving and emission reduction projects. One is to accurately attract location. My County is located in the yimeng mountain, dredging the river originated, the most valuable asset is the side of the mountains, the biggest advantages is the side of the mountains. Maintaining a good ecological environment is a prerequisite for development, especially the environmental protection requirements under extremely strict conditions, pollution items on we must not. As chemicals, tires, metal smelting and resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of 五、参加展览会、博览会的操作程序和实施细则 操作者:营销部经理 精心选择,认真准备,积极参展,总结评估 1、精心选择: ?酒店是否参加展览会、博览会,应由营销部经理按以下标准选择: A)会议或活动目的是什么;确切内容是什么;估计有多少人参加,参加人员是否对酒店的产品销售和客源组织有较大实质性的作用; B)会议或活动的参加费用需要多少;酒店是否可以承担这些费用;这些费用支出和参展后能否给酒店带来较大宣传或销售效果; C)参加这种会议或活动,酒店需要那些参展用品或宣传品,其费用支出如何,参展后能否联系或扩大酒店客户; D)酒店能否抽出人员参展;参展人员能否在规定时间内准备好参展资料、图片; ?如公关营销部经理决定参加,则应以书面形式报总经理并获批准后,方可参加; 2、认真准备: ?经总经理审批同意参展后,由营销部经理和有关参展人员提出参展指导思想、参展原则、参展用品,并报与总经理审批,获同意后做好相应的准备工作; ?根据展览会、博览会通知要求,结合本酒店实际,组织人员,参展用品和资料,包括酒店产品介绍、宣传照片、分发客人的宣传资料和预定单、协议书等,保证参展需要; ?根据主办单位要求,事先联系好展位,设计好展台。展台设计要做到美观、大方、醒目,展台前的酒店名称、酒店标志要十分突出,能够引起客户的注意; 3、积极参展: ?参展人员应提前在参展场地布置展台,将图片、照片、宣传资料、解说词等按照展方设计要求,布置在展台上。保证美观、大方,形象突出; ?参展活动正式开始后,展台应指派专人值班,并配妥解说人员。当有客人或客户前来参观时,要主动介绍,热情接待,大力宣传酒店产品和服务。尽可能达成签订用房协议意向,扩大酒店影响; resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of ?对国内外旅游公司、商社、为酒店提供过客源的参展老客户,应主动上门拜访,向他们介绍酒店的新变化和新的服务项目,积极脱销,必要时达成意向或签订协议; ?对参加展览会、博览会的有关新闻单位记者要重点接待,请他们参观酒店展台、拍照,并向其散发宣传小册子和有关资料。必要十可单独接触,请他们为酒店参展做好宣传。力争能将酒店参展资料见报,以扩大酒店影响。4、总结评估: ?对前来参观酒店展台的客人或客户,应主动征求意见,并请他们留下名片或留言薄上留言; ?对重点客户、重点客人、新增加的客人和客户,必要时可请他们参加座谈会、小型聚餐会,一方面征求意见,一方面落实和联络客户关系。对各种客户均应做好记录并存档; ?对参观本酒店展台的客户数量、散发宣传资料的数量、接待重要客户的单位主粮、有意向的客户数量、记者发稿或意向等参展效果均要作出必要的统计; ?参展人员在参展工作结束一周内写出参展工作总结,并向总经理汇报,总结经验,表扬先进,改进不足之处/ 六、公关赞助活动的操作程序和实施细则 操作者:营销部经理 选择,审批,实施,跟踪 1、选择: ?举办公关赞助活动既是提高酒店声誉,树立公众形象的良好形式,又是酒店必要的社会责任; ?酒店可以赞助的公益活动很多,包括赞助文化活动、教育事业、残疾人事业等。酒店具体选择那些公益活动赞助,要根据实际需要和社会影响确定; ?在选择公益赞助活动项目后,公关人员要分析赞助活动内容、赞助形式、赞助所需要的费用、赞助工作步骤、赞助活动的影响等,并写出赞助活动计划; 2、审批: 赞助活动计划制定后,营销部经理要以书面形式详细向总经理汇报计划内容、必要性、可行性以及赞助工作的具体细节。以获得总经理同意后加以实施; 3、实施: ?联系被赞助单位,并落实具体时间、地点、赞助方式、会场或场地布置、参加人员等; County financial is responsible for the allocation of the town street, that decided to solve the street, the town's worries. This requires each town street to focus more on attracting more, according to the characteristics of their respective jurisdictions to examine how good business to ensure that large projects, projects. The meeting, to the relevant Department, the unit issued investment tasks and develop the assessment methods, to look after, ensure to complete the task. (B) the precise grasping the "three" directions. The 18 session of the plenary session of the party established the innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared five concepts, This is our grasp "three" the General principles of the work. We on both projects, technology and talent, to be compared with great ideas, never to be not up to the safety standards, environmental protection and energy saving and emission reduction projects. One is to accurately attract location. My County is located in the yimeng mountain, dredging the river originated, the most valuable asset is the side of the mountains, the biggest advantages is the side of the mountains. Maintaining a good ecological environment is a prerequisite for development, especially the environmental protection requirements under extremely strict conditions, pollution items on we must not. As chemicals, tires, metal smelting and resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of ?提前联系新闻媒体和记者,向他们散发赞助资料、宣传材料,尽可能邀请他们准时前来参 加,并具体核实参加人员; ?赞助活动开始后,先由主持人说明情况,请总经理讲话,说明赞助目的、赞助方式、赞助 资金数额或实物及数量,必要时还应回答记者的提问,以扩大赞助形象和酒店声誉; ?由被赞助单位的负责人讲话,必要时还可以安排回答记者的提问; ?总经理讲话和被赞助单位负责人讲话后,举行正式赞助资金或实物的交接仪式,完成赞助 活动; 4、跟踪: 注意赞助活动后新闻传媒是否发稿,收集发稿情况并加以整理归档,以扩大酒店声誉,不断 树立酒店良好形象。 resource-processing enterprises the proportion of production value of industrial output reached ... ...%. High-tech industrial output value accounts for only ... ...%, below the city-wide average ... ... A percentage point, and ... ... Of a percentage point. Level of industrial development, backbone enterprises grow, total investment in strategic industries and the growth rate of these indicators in all ... ... Rankings are relatively backward. At present, the increasingly serious situation of energy saving and emission reduction, new normal required should focus more on the quality and efficiency of economic development. Improvement of quality and efficiency must rely on advanced technology and talents into the lead. Three is to implement "three" is the main driving force for accelerating urbanization. Urbanization is an important characteristic of urban population growth, urban expansion, improve the quality of people's lives. Realization of these factors, need to attract good as the carrier of the project, provide jobs for more people, make towns more attractive, promote economic development throughout the region. Only by vigorously promoting "three", we can attract more projects, more enterprises, for the town to build a solid foundation, to provide an inexhaustible power. Four is the implementation of "three" is the top priority of every town, street, Department. "Three" as the County's "first project", core work, each town must seize, grasp the reality of the street. At present, the County also fully take into account the practical difficulties exist in villages and towns, determined by the wages of
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