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(5) - 东风东路小学信息平台 - 东风东路小学(5) - 东风东路小学信息平台 - 东风东路小学 班级_____________ 姓名_____________ 学号_____________ 1 热的;辣的 Unit 5 可能 可乐 专项练习一 找到 确信;肯定的 ——单词默写 寻找 瓶子 冰淇淋一瓶…… Unit 1 爱好;嗜好 果汁 Unit 6 周末模型 玻璃杯 收集 忙的 罐 邮票 醒来 Unit 8 (两者)都更,更多 早地;早的 比 太太 应该 多于…… 市场米,饭 国家 儿子 饺子 保持;饲养 宫殿 面条 动物 少年宫欣...

(5) - 东风东路小学信息平台 - 东风东路小学
(5) - 东风东路小学信息平台 - 东风东路小学 班级_____________ 姓名_____________ 学号_____________ 1 热的;辣的 Unit 5 可能 可乐 专项练习一 找到 确信;肯定的 ——单词默写 寻找 瓶子 冰淇淋一瓶…… Unit 1 爱好;嗜好 果汁 Unit 6 周末模型 玻璃杯 收集 忙的 罐 邮票 醒来 Unit 8 (两者)都更,更多 早地;早的 比 太太 应该 多于…… 市场米,饭 国家 儿子 饺子 保持;饲养 宫殿 面条 动物 少年宫欣赏,喜欢每 外面 面包 在……期间 娱乐 三文治 电影院 汉堡包 Unit 2 彩色的 极少地 炸薯条 天空 停留;呆在…..(地方) 担心 地方 第一道菜 画 西红柿 Unit 7 咖啡 蛋;鸡蛋 Unit 3 对的。 茶 汤 一起 喝;饮料 主要的 遥远地 唔 主菜 杯 肉 Unit 4 讲话;谈话 一杯…… 蔬菜 说 牛奶 马铃薯 东西 某事,某物 甜品 数;数数 冷的 希望 2 每一个人;所有人 大量的;很多的 度 巧克力 点心 穿上 开始;出发薄饼……之前 可怕的 (go的过去式) Unit 9 闻起来 在外面 Unit 11 好吃的;美味的 天气 迅速地;飞快地 来吧 云 首先;第一 多云的 改变 甜的,糖果 雨;下雨 离开 咸的 下雨的_________ 转;转变 相当的,非常 再;再一次 (阳光)照耀 你认为……怎样, 湿的,潮湿的 午餐时刻 英格兰;英国 猛烈地;努力的 健康的 太阳 have, has的过去式) 饿的阳光明媚的( 等待 温暖的; 新鲜的 干燥的 雨伞 尝起来;口味 户外;室外 (think的过去式) 刮风的 Unit 10 不同的 凉爽的 完成 西方的 穿 走路 筷子 某一天 真实的 碗 雪;下雪 你的,你们的 盘子,碟 下雪的;多雪的 刀 雪人 叉 Unit 12 例子 季节 例如 亲爱的 酸的 报告 最;大多数 (say的过去式) 也 温度 3 专项练习二 ——重点短语默写 Module 1 Hobbies 1. ______________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 做轮船模型 集邮 养宠物 玩音乐 5._____________ 6. _____________ 7._____________ 8.________________ 读书 照相 每天/每天晚上 喜欢制作飞机模型 9._____________ 10._____________ 11._____________ 12._____________ 超过20艘轮船 大约50个游戏 在我的假期里 一个伟大的画家 13._____________ 14._____________ 15._____________ 16._____________ 画漫画 彩色的铅笔 他的宠物狗 在天空中 17._____________ 18._____________ 19._____________ 20.___________________生日卡片 给他的朋友们 在他们的生日 有趣的人和美丽的风景 21._____________ 恭喜你答对______________个 在每一个房间 错词重听: Module 2 Ability 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________ 擅长画画 画得很好 读得快 跳得高/远 5. ______________ 6. ______________ 7. ______________ 8. ______________ 跑得快 唱得好 跳得好 帮助孩子学习 9. ______________ 10. ______________11. ______________ 12. ______________ 为人们种植食物 为人们获取新闻 为人们制作机器 和...谈话 13.______________ 14. ______________ 15. ______________ 16. ______________ 会说话的机器人 说英语 擅长很多事情 打扫得很干净 17. ______________写汉字和英语 18. ______________不会,不想 恭喜你答对______________个 错词重听: 4 Module 3 Daily life 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 与…交谈 想和他谈话 在工作日 4. ______________ 5. ______________ 6. ______________ 放学后/下课后 在图书馆/游泳池 在那里找到他 7. ______________ 8. ______________ 9.______________ 踢足球 寻找他 锻炼身体 10.______________ 11.______________ 12.______________ 读点书 吃冰激凌 做家庭作业 13.______________ 14.______________ 15.______________ 陈一家 周末 醒来 16.______________ 17. ______________ 18. ______________ 吃一顿丰盛的早餐 上游泳课 去市场 19. ______________ 20. ______________ 21. ______________ 出去吃午餐 去看电影 去少年宫 22. ______________ 23. ______________ 24. ______________ 拜访朋友 娱乐一下;开心一下 待在家里 25.______________ 26. ______________ 27.______________ 一起吃晚饭 谈论他们的一天 很早 恭喜你答对______________个 错词重听: Module 4 Foods and drinks 1.______________ 2.______________ 2.______________ 一瓶果汁 一盒牛奶 一罐可乐 3.______________ 5. ______________ 6. ______________ 一杯水 一杯茶 一碗饭/汤 7. ______________ 8. ______________ 9. ______________ 一袋米 茶加奶 10. 西红柿鸡蛋汤 10.______________ 11.______________ 12.______________ 一些冷的东西 一大杯可乐 想喝/吃 13.______________ 14.______________ 15.______________ 午餐喝…… 晚餐吃…… 中国/英国朋友 16.______________ 17.______________ 18.______________ 喜欢吃米饭 喜欢像...的食物 鱼和薯片 19.______________ 20.______________ 21.______________ 太担心 喝汤 作为头盘/主食/甜品 22.______________ 23.______________ 24.______________ 开始做饭 多谢 中西结合 恭喜你答对______________个 错词重听: 5 Module 5 Foods We Need 1.______________ 2. ______________ 3.______________ 吃午餐时间 先尝尝鸡肉 觉得;认为 4.______________ 5.______________ 6.______________ 辣的/甜的/咸的/酸的食物 非常咸 相当甜 7.______________ 8.______________ 9.______________ 非常饿 看起来新鲜 看起来很好 10.______________ 11.______________ 12.______________ 闻起来很香 味道很好 太多东西可以尝 13.______________ 14.______________ 15.______________ 不同口味 很不同 中国人/西方人 16.______________ 17.______________ 18.______________ 在西方 吃饭 在盘子上 19.______________ 20.______________ 21.______________ 用刀和叉 中国人 在广州的人 22.______________ 23.______________ 24.______________ 许多、大量的点心 最喜欢.... 尝起来很可怕 恭喜你答对______________个 错词重听: 6 Module 6 Weather 1.______________ 2.______________ 3.______________ 这里的天气 太多云 马上就要下雨 4.______________ 5.______________ 6.______________ 在四月 在英国 阳光明媚又暖和 7.______________ 8.______________ 9.______________ 在户外玩耍 很大风,很凉爽 穿大衣戴帽子 10.______________ 11.______________ 12.______________ 参观英国 有朝一日 放风筝 13.______________ 14.______________ 15.______________ 吃很多水果 堆雪人 我的第一天 16.______________ 17.______________ 18.______________ 一些关于...有趣的事 天气预报 穿上许多衣服 19.______________ 20.______________ 21.______________ 很快变了 离开、散了 变蓝 22.______________ 23.______________ 24.______________ 开始照耀 在午餐时间 下大雨 25.______________ 26.______________ 27.______________ 没有雨伞 放学 一天内有四季 恭喜你答对______________个 错词重听: 7 专项练习三——词汇练习 A词汇分类表:*附加词汇 place, market, palace, shop, the Children’s Palace, cinema, outdoor, outside, country, 地方 England, 人物 Mrs, son, everyone, 事物 hobby, model, stamp, animal, drawing, thing, something, example, report, umbrella, ice cream, chocolate, sweet, rice, dumpling, noodle, bread, sandwich, 食物 hamburger, chips, vegetable, tomato, potato, egg, soup, meat, fish, chicken, duck, pancake, *dimsum, *starter, *main course, *dessert[food] 饮食 饮品 coffee, tea, milk, *coke, juice, [drink] 味道 delicious, terrible, fresh, sweet, salty, *sour, [taste] 餐具chopstick, knife, fork, bowl, plate, cup, bottle, glass, can, 器皿 时间 weekend, some day, every day(night), lunchtime, 自然 season, sky, cloud, rain, wind, sun, snow(snowman), 自然 weather(weather report), dry, wet, cold, hot, cool, warm, cloudy, windy, snowy, 现象 天气 sunny, rainy, temperature, degree, 15?(fifteen degrees centigrade) collect, keep, talk, speak, count, find, wake, stay, drink, enjoy, worry, start, hope, 动词 should, smell, wait, taste, wear, put, finish, walk, change, said(say的过去式), went(go 的过去式), had(have,has的过去式),thought(think的过去式) coloured, busy, early, cold, hot, sure, main, healthy, hungry, fresh, different, western, 形容词 terrible, dear, hard, most, true, left, right, every, both, first more, far, early, quite, quickly, first, most, turn, shine, hard, together, maybe, also, 副词 again, out, away, never – seldom — sometimes – often — usually -- always 介词 during, before, about 连词 than, 感叹词 *uh, come on B.常用短语: 8 a great painter, coloured pencils, birthday cards, beautiful places, interesting people, his pet dog, talking robot, many things, tomato and egg soup, hot food, salty food, different tastes, my first day, something interesting, collect stamps, keep animals(pets), make model ships, play music, speak English, write Chinese, count the things(numbers), be good at drawing, like to eat rice, eat soup, worry to much, start cooking, want to talk with her, take exercise, look for my raincoat, find the book, wake up, stay at home, go out for lunch, think of, have some fun, drink coke, ask questions, enjoy the music, worry about his son, so many thing to try, look (quite) fresh, smell good, taste delicious, put on a coat, wait for the school bus, finish 短语 the homework, wear a dress, play outdoors, visit the UK, fly kites, make a snowman, start to shine turn right(left), get up early, sing well, read fast, swim slowly, jump high(far), clean very well, rain hard more than 30 robots, so cloudy, a bowl of rice(soup), two plates of fish, a cup of tea(coffee), three glasses of juice, five bottles of milk, plenty of water, lots of fruits, tea with milk, during my holiday, on Wednesday, on weekdays, at the weekend, at lunchtime, in one day, for lunch, at the library, in Beijing, in the West, with a knife and fork, on the plate, for our friends(starters), for example, about 50 games, C.代词: 人称 主格 I you he she it we they 代词 宾格 me you him her it us them 形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our their 指示代词 this, that, these, those 不定代词 some, something, someone, any, anything, every, everything, everyone 9 一、请根据例子改写下列单词。 例子:get gets 1.like likes 2. go goes 3. read reads 4.have has 5. teach teaches 6. wash washes 7.stay stays 8. fly flies 9. make makes 10.see sees 11.don’t doesn’t 12.be is 二、哪一个词与其它三个不同属一类,把它的英文大写编号写在括号内。 ( C )1. A. glass B. plate C. knife D. bottle ( B )2. A. seldom B. also C. often D. always ( D )3 .A. apple B. tomato C. potato D. photo ( D )4. A. coke B. orange juice C. milk D. drink ( D)5. A. rainy B. cold C. cloudy D. slowly ( A )6. A. taste B. delicious C. sour D. sweet ( A ) 7. A. wear B. hot C. warm D. cold ( C ) 8. A. rainy B. snowy C. weather D. cloudy ( D ) 9. A. shirt B. jacket C. sweater D. shoes ( B ) 10. A. coat B. cold C. sweater D. shirt ( C ) 11. A. play B. wear C. umbrella D. take ( B ) 12. A. windy B. window C. sunny D. cloudy ( C ) 13. A. yellow B. blue C. warm D. white ( B ) 14. A. three B. cool C. six D. eight 三、看图和提示写出单词或词组。 (1) (2) (3) (4) 3 glasses_of juice collect stamps a large hamburger some sweets (5) (6) (7) (8) a bowl of noodles Western food a snowy day interesting people 四、请根据中文写出英文短语。 1.一杯咖啡 a cup of coffee 2.四瓶果汁 four bottles of juice 10 3.一盘饺子 a plate of dumplings 4.用筷子吃 eat with chopsticks 5.寻找玩具 look for toys 6.又酸又辣 sour and hot 7.大量糖果 plenty of sweets 8.例如 for example 9.喜欢集邮like collecting stamps 10.寒冷的一天 a cold day 五、看图,根据句子的意思和首字母提示填写适当的单词,把句子补充完整。 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) Look! The bird can f_ly________ so high__. (can+动原) (2) My parent usually goes_ to the market at weekends. (usually一般现在时,parent三单,动词三单-goes) (3) The girl likes reading . So she reads at home every day.(like+动ing, she三单,动词reads) (4) There are more than 10 books on my desk. (固定搭配) (5) I think the hot food is terrible. (6) During Ben’s holiday , he plays volleyball with his friends in the afternoon. (固定搭配) (7) In the west , people eat with a knife and fork. (8) The pretty girl has chicken and tomatoes (别漏了复数)for dinner. 六、根据句意及首字母补全单词,或者根据所给单词的适当形式填空。(划关键词) 1. I have a model plane. It can fly high. (固定搭配) 2. I like playing music every day. (固定搭配) 3. Does he like collecting stamps?(like +动ing) 4. I like swimming during my holiday. (固定搭配) 5. Xiaoling’s hobby is making model ships. (hobby is+动ing)She has more than 50 ships. (固定搭配) 6. I like taking (take) photos.(like +动ing) 11 7. This birthday card is from my (I) mother. 8. Amy wants to go (go) fishing on Saturday. (want to do动原) 9. Mike doesn’t like (not like) taking photos. (Mike三单,doesn’t+动原) 10. When Dave grows (grow) up, he wants (want) to be a cook. (主语三单,动词三单) 11. Drawing (draw) isn’t my hobby. My hobby is collecting (collect) stamps. (句型搭配)I have more than 200 stamps (stamp) from 30 countries (country). (名词复数) 12. Mike takes his coloured (colour) pencils (固定搭配)and draws (draw) a picture.(三单) 13. Sam likes playing (play) football,(like +动ing) but his brother doesn’t (do not) like it. (his brother 三单用doesn’t) 14. What can you do (do)? (can+动原) 15. My mother can cook (cook) the meal. (同上) 16. Tony doesn’t sing (not sing )well. (Tony三单,用doesn’t+动原) 17. My brother always plays (play) football on Sundays. (一般现在时主语三单,动词三单) 18 .My sister and I often go _(go) to the zoo on Sundays. (一般现在时主语非三单,动词原形) 19. Can you speak (speak) English and Chinese? (can+动原) 20. Every day she gets (get)up at 7:00 a.m. (三单) 21.What __do___ you usually __do___(do) on Sunday,(一般现在时主语非三单,动词原形) 22. He __doesn’t___usually___do___(not do)his homework in the morning. (doesn’t+动原) 23. __Does Kate sometimes watch (watch) TV after school?(Does+动原) 24. I want a hot dog and he wants (want) a hot dog, too. (三单) 25.—What does she want (want)? — She wants (want) some rice. (Does+动原) 26. We want to eat (eat) some fish and chips. (want to do) 27. We want three cans (can) of coke. 28. Your school menu (三单) sounds (sound) very good. 29. Usually different people have different tastes (taste). 30. The hamburger (三单)tastes (taste) good. It’s favorite. 31. Oh! The noodles are too __salty_______ (salt). 32. Chinese people eat with chopsticks (chopstick) and bowls (bowl). 33. Thanks (thank) very much. (Thanks= Thank you ) 34. It’s so cloudy (cloud). It will rain soon. (形容词) 35. It’s usually very sunny (sun)and warm on England.(形容词) 12 36. It’s cold and snowy(snow) in December. So you can make a snowman (snow). 37. It’s windy (wind) and cool. We can wear hats (hat) and coats (coat). 38. Was (be) it cold in your city yesterday? (过去时态) 39. There was (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I had (have) no time to watch it.(过去时态) 40. Today was (be) my first day in London and I learned (learn) something interesting about the weather here. (过去时态) 七(根据提示,完成句子.。(划关键词) 1.What’s your hobby? I love collecting stamps . (收集邮票) 1. What’s your mother’s hobby? Her hobby is taking photos .(拍照) 2. What’s your sister doing? She is reading story books. (看故事书) 3. Is keeping pets (养宠物)your hobby? Yes, it is. 5. What does she often draw? She often _draws interesting people.(画有趣的人 4. 6. What can you do? I can jump very high. (跳得很高) 7. What do you think of the food? It looks very good/delicious. (看起来很好吃) 8. What does your father often draw? He often draws beautiful places . (画美丽的地方) 9. He likes staying at home (呆在家里) and watching TV (看电视) at the weekend. 10. Does she often go to the cinema (去看电影)on Saturday? 11. Sally always wakes up (醒来) very early. 12. Mr Li is looking for (寻找) his watch. (be+动ing) 13. The children have some fun (玩得开心)in the Children’s Palace. 14.That day was my first day (是我的第一天)in Beijing. (过去时) 15.It is usually very cold and wet (非常冷和潮湿)in spring. 16.The sky started to turn blue (开始变蓝)when I went to school.(过去时) 17.When I was outside, the weather quickly changed (迅速改变). (过去时) 18.I usually drink a bottle of juice (一瓶果汁)after dinner. 19.Don’t put the fresh milk (新鲜的牛奶)under the chair. 20.The boy will come back at lunchtime (在午餐时间). 13 专项练习四——句型与语法练习 一、选择正确的填空,补全句子。 (一) 1. It was dry ___in____ ( in, on) England. (in+大地点) 2. The weather report said it __was_____ ( is, was) cold. (过去时) 3. School finishes ___at____ ( at, in ) 3:00 pm. (at+时间点) 4. When it’s cold, I put ___on___( on, down ) my coats and hats. (固定搭配) 5. __What’s_____ ( How’s , What’s ) the weather like today? 6. My cousin’s hobby is ___making____ ( make, making) kites. 7. Sometimes he ____goes_____ (go, goes) swimming with his friends. 8. I can dance very ___well_______. (good, well) 9. Can I have some ____chips_________? (chip, chips可数名词) 10. It’s always very ____hot_________( cold, hot ) in Beijing in summer. (二) about from during than新-课- 标-第- 一-网 1. These letters are __from_____ Japan. 2. Lots of students enjoy playing computer games __during_____the winter holiday. 3. It is __about_____one hundred meters long. 4. There are more __than____ 35 students in my class. not do collecting from have 5. A: Hello, do you collect stamps? B: Yes, __collecting____stamps is my hobby. These are stamps _from_____Canada. A: Do you ___have____any stamps from China? B: No, I _do____ __not__. 二、给下列句子选择相应的答语,把其字母编号写在括号内。 (一) A.It’s cool and windy. ( B ) 1. What was the weather like in Beijing in the morning? B. It was sunny. C. You can go by bike. ( D ) 2. When did it rain? D. At 7:00 in the morning. ( E ) 3. What do you think of winter? ( A ) 4. What’s the weather like today? E. I think it’s too cold. ( C ) 5. How can I go to school? (二) ( C )1.What can you do? A. Yes, he is. ( E )2.Do you like swimming? B. No, I can’t. ( A )3.Is he good at singing? C.I can wash the window. ( B )4.Can you water the flowers? D. Running is my hobby. ( D )5.What’s your hobby? E. No, I don’t. ( F ) 6. Does he help him? F. Yes, he does. 三、选择填空。 (划关键词) ( C ) 1. I want to visit these _____________ during my holiday. 14 A. countrys B. country C. countries ( B ) 2. They often go swimming ________ the weekend. (固定搭配) A. on B. at C. in ( A ) 3. The old woman usually _______ dinner at 5:30 in the evening. (一般现在时,三单) A. has B. have C. eat ( A ) 4. Look! There ______ some fish on the plate. (fish,鱼肉,不可数等于单数) A. is B. be C. are ( C ) 5. The lady _______ us English every Sunday.(一般现在时,三单) A. teaching B. teacher C. teaches ( C ) 6. The children enjoy __________ toy planes after school.(enjoy+动词ing) A. make B. makes C. making ( B ) 7. Horses can run fast, but turtles _______ run fast. A. can B. can’t C. is ( C ) 8. I can eat eight _______ of ________ each day. A. bowls, rices B. bowl, rice C. bowls, rice ( B ) 9. I want to have some potatoes _______ lunch. (for lunch/dinner...,固定搭配) A. at B. for C. have ( A ) 10. My cousin has more _______ 50 games.(固定搭配) A. than B. then C. their ( B ) 11. What do you think _______ the duck? It’s delicious..(固定搭配) A. eat B. of C. to ( B ) 12. The robot is clever. It can _______ English and Japanese.(speak+语言) A. writes B. speak C. talk ( B ) 13. I’m _______ ________ my coloured pencils. I can’t find them(be+动ing) A. looking at B. looking for C. look for ( A ) 14. Today is my birthday. My friends give me many birthday _______. A. cards B. cars C. can’t ( A ) 15. They want ___________ to drink. (something+形容词) A. something cold B. cold something C. something with cold ( B )16. I have more than 50 ________ _________. (复数) 15 A. model plane B. model planes C. models planes ( C )17. When she ________ up she _________ to be a painter. (三单) A. grows, want B. grow, wants C. grows, wants ( C )18. The boy is _动ing______. His hobby is _动ing______. He ___三单____ every day. A. writes, writing, writing B. writing, writes, writing C. writing, writing, writes ( A )19. Some birds are flying ______ the sky. (固定搭配) A. in B. on C. at ( C )20. Jerry’s hobby is drawing ____________ __________. ((固定搭配,复数) A. cute animal B. beautiful place C. interesting people ( A )21. My sister _____________ dancing. (三单, doesn’t+动原) A. doesn’t like B. doesn’t likes C. don’t like ( C )22. Look! It’s a ______ robot. It can _+动原___ in English. (talking形容词) A. talks, talk B. talking, talks C. talking, talk ( B )23. The little girl can dance very ________. A. good B. well C. high ( B )24. He never _________ computer games on weekdays.(一般现在时,三单) A. playing B. plays C. play ( C )25. I want to ________ with him.(固定搭配, talk with) A. say B. speak C. talk ( A )26. After the lesson, he and his friends(不是三单) often ____ out for lunch. A. go B. goes C. going ( B )27. Jiamin seldom ______ to the cinema with his parents.(一般现在时,三单) A. go B. goes C. going ( B )28. I often go to the _________ __________ with my friends. A. Children Palace B. Children’s Palace C. Childrens’ Palace ( B )29. The Chen Family (三单)always _______ a big dinner together at the weekend. A. have B. has C. eat ( C )30. The milk and the milk tea _______ $3 each.(主语复数) A. am B. is C. are 16 ( A )31. It’s very ________ outside. Look! It’s snowing. A. cold B. hot C. warm ( C )32. It’s very cold today. I _______ go swimming. A. am B. can C. can’t ( C )33. In China, sometimes, we cook ________ for people on their birthday. A. dumplings B. cake C. noodles ( A )34. The food is too salty and tastes ___________. A. terrible B. delicious C. great ( B )35. A: Is it raining? B: Yes, it is ________. A. sunny B. rainy C. snowy 四、看图读句子判断句子是否符合图意(T或F)。 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 ( F )1. My hobby is collecting postcards. I have three postcards. (stamps) ( F )2. I usually have chicken and potatoes for dinner. (tomatoes) ( T )3. Ben likes playing football. He often plays football after school. ( F )4.– What do you usually have for breakfast? — I usually have sandwiches for breakfast. ( T )5. My favourite season is winter. I like to make a snowman. ( F )6.– What do you want to drink of lunch? - I think I will have a glass of juice. ( F )7. It’s raining outside. Take your umbrella. ( T )8. In the west, people usually eat on a plate with a knife and fork. 五、请根据句子的意思,把描述图的句子的编号写在括号内。 ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 7 ) 17 ( 2 ) ( 1 ) ( 6 ) ( 8 ) (1) My father is a policeman. He is very strong and he can stop the bad people. (2) Sarah is a short and heavy mouse. She often has plenty of food for dinner. (3) The boy with a hat likes drawing. He can draw well. We think he’s good at it. (4) My hobby is doing the high jump. I often do the high jump after school. (5) Chinese people always eat dumplings and noodles on their birthday. (6) The food smells so delicious. But the eggs are so salty. It’s not healthy for you. (7) The weather in Guangzhou is always wet in spring. So the plants can grow well. (8) It’s windy outdoors. We can fly kites in the park. Let’s have some fun. 六、按实际情况回答问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (请完整回答)。 1. What is your mother’s hobby? Her hobby is reading/... 2. Does your grandfather often collect stamp? Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t. 3. What do you usually drink for lunch? I usually drink juice/ tea/... 4. What is the weather like today? It’s sunny/ cloudy/...(根据当天情况) 5. Can a chicken fly very high? No, it can’t. 6. Who cooks meals for your family? My mother/... cooks meals. 7. Does your family have a birthday party for you every year? Yes, it does. /No, it doesn’t. 8. Does it snow in Beijing in winter? Yes, it does. 9. What is the weather like in summer in Guangzhou? It’s very hot. 10. What do you usually eat for breakfast? I usually eat bread/... 11. Does your father like drinking tea? Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t. 12. Is your hobby making model ships? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. 13. What time do you usually have breakfast? I have breakfast at 7:00. 14. What do you think of chips? They are delicious/ unhealthy/salty. 15. Where do you usually have your lunch? I have lunch at school/ home. 七、请根据图或实际情况回答问题。(请完整回答)。 1. Does the child like keeping pets? Yes, he does. 2. What does she have for breakfast? She has bread and tea. 3. Is it hot or cold here in October? It’s hot. 4. Do you like noodles or dumplings? I like noodles. 18 5. What’s the weather like today? It’s rainy. 专项练习五——读写练习 一、选择单词把短文补充完整,并把其写在短文相应的横线上。 (一) are, shop, favourite, a bottle of, hot, cold, will be, drink Hello. I am Sam. I am at the 1)___shop_____ now. I want to buy some 2)___drinks______. I feel hot, so I need something 3)___cold______. I want a large coke. It’s 3 yuan. My sister feels cold. She wants somthing hot. She wants some 4)____hot____ tea. It’s 3 yuan. My mother likes milk. She wants 5)______a bottle of______ milk.It’s 4 yuan. My father always wants orange juice. That is his 6)__favourite____ drink. It’s 5 yuan. The coke and the tea 7)____are___ 3 yuan each. The milk is 4 yuan. The juice is 5 yuan. It 8)__will be_____ 15 yuan. (二) delicious, sandwich, vegetables, sweet, fruit salad, hamburger, healthy, dessert Peter: Hi! What would you like to have for dinner? I want to have a 1)___sandwich___. Janet: Sorry. We don’t have sandwiches. What do you think of 2)____hamburger__ and chips? Peter: Well, it’s smells 3)__delicious____, but I don’t want to eat them today. Janet: Let’s me see. For meat course we can have some dumplings with 4)_vegetables___. Peter: Great. Vegetables are 5) _healthy___. Do you want any chocolate cakes for 6)__dessert____? Janet: No, thanks. They are too 7)____sweet____. I like 8)____fruit salad__ for dessert. (三) My Favourite Season fruits during cool climbing season weekends sports best My favourite______season___ is autumn. It is a harvest season. Farmers are all busy. There are lots of different _____fruits_____in the season, such as(例如)apples, oranges, bananas and so on. It is____cool______ in autumn. So autumn is a good season to travel. Lots of people go out for a trip____during______ the holiday. I want to visit Beijing with my parents this autumn. People also 19 do many different kinds of____sports____ in autumn. For example, children often fly kites in the park. The young like_climbing___ the hills and having a camping trip at___weekends_. The old can go out for a walk and do some exercise. There are many beautiful flowers in autumn. I like autumn ___best___. What about you, my dear friend? 二、选择适当的句子补全对话,并把句子的编号写在相应的横线上. (一) A: Do you often come here, Mike? B: Yes, _____E_______________ I like animals, you know. A: _______B_________________ B: Birds. A: Look! _____A_________ Is it a goose? B: No, it’s a white swan.____G____________. They are black swans. _____F_________ A: So it’s a white swan. ______C__________ B: Those swans at the zoo can’t fly. _______D_____________ A: I think they can. (二) A: What do you ____want___ to ___have____ for dinner? B: I _think____ I __will____ have a hamburger. A: Do you want ___milk____ or coke? B: I want milk. ___Can__ I have a __cup___ of coffee? A: Here you are. The hamburger is ?5.5, the milk and the coffee __are__ ?3__each___. That will ___be___?___11.5____,please. B: ____Thank____ you very much. 三、完形填空。 (一) It is Sunday today. 21 is a fine day. The sky is 22 . Mr. Green is 23 his family. The family are having an outing. Tom is Mr. and Mrs. Green's son. Mary is 24 . They are 25 along a small river. There are some boats 26 the river. Mr. and Mrs. Green are looking at 27 . Mary is not looking at the boats. She is looking at some ducks. The ducks are swimming 28 the river. What is Tom 29 ? He is in the river now. He is 30 . Mr. Green and his family are very happy today. 1.C A This B that C it 20 2 B A green B blue C black 3 A A with B for C and 4 A A their daughter B her daughter C your daughter 5 C A working B washing C walking 6 A A on B in C at 7 B A it B them C these 8 C A on B under C in 9 B A cleaning B doing C watching 10C A playing B washing his clothes C swimming (二) Mr Smith 1 from London. Now he is in China. He is 2 .He teaches 3 a middle school. He works very hard. His students like 4 very much. He can 5 a little Chinese . His students often teaches him Chinese 6 Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football 7 his students. Mr Smith 8 a son. His name is Jack. He is student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school 9 bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes 10 TV in the evening. ( B )1.A. come B. comes C. are D. coming ( A )2.A. a teacher B. a worker C. a driver D. a farmer ( B )3.A. on B. in C. at D. from ( D )4.A. he B. her C. she D. him ( B )5.A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell ( B )6.A. at B. on C. of D. in ( C )7.A. for B. to C. with D. at ( A )8.A. has B. have C. there is D. there are ( B )9.A. on B. by C. in D. of ( C )10.A. seeing B. looking C. watching D. looking at (三) What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go 2 a walk or play football. My friends Jack works hard in a factory during the 3 . At the weekend, he always 4 the same thing. On Saturday he 5 his car and on 6 he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a 7 one, but there’s always 8 to do on a farm. The children help with the animals and give them their 9 . Jack and his wife help in the fields . At the end of the day, they are all 10 and Jack’s aunt gives them a big meal. ( B )1.A. play B. stay C. live D. enjoy ( D )2.A. to B. in C. at D. for ( D )3.A. holiday B. time C. autumn D. weekdays ( A )4.A. does B. make C. borrows D. has ( B )5.A. watches B. washes C. drives D. sells ( C )6.A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Tuesday ( A )7.A. big B. small C. hard D. short ( B )8.A. little B. much C. fast D. far ( C )9.A. clothes B. places C. food D. balls ( C )10.A. clean B. late C. hungry D. friendly 21 四、阅读理解。 (一)根据下面短文内容判断句子正误(正确写T;错误写F)。 My name’s John. I have5 a happy family. We can do housework.3 My father can cook the meals .My mother can wash the clothes. My brother can 2,4wash the dishes. My sister can set the table. I c an put away the clothes. I love my family. ( F ) 1.There are four people in John’s family. (5) ( F) 2.John has a brother. He can set the table. ( T ) 3.John’s father can cook the meals. ( F ) 4.John’s clothes are dirty, his brother can help. ( T ) 5.John has a happy family. (二)读对话,判断句子是否与对话意思一致(正确写T;错误写F)。 Today is Xiaoling’s birthday. Jiamin, Janet, Ben and Aki are at the birthday party. Xiaoling’s Mum: Come on, children! It’s time for lunch. Here are your foods. Jiamin: Wow, there are so many kinds of foods, meat, chicken, fish, vegetables and eggs on the table. They look very nice. Janet: Today is Xiaoling’s birthday. Let Xiaoling try the food first. Children: Happy birthday, Xiaoling! Xiaoling: Thank you. I want some noodles first. Noodles mean long life. And help yourself then! Ben: Let me try the fish. Fish is my favourite. Oh, it’s fresh! Yummy, yummy! It tastes very delicious. Janet: Let me try the meat first. Um, it’s nice. I like it. Jiamin: Let me try the chicken. But where is the chicken? Look at Aki! The whole(整个)chicken is in his big mouth now. ( T ) 1. Today is Xiaoling’s birthday. ( F ) 2. There are six children at the party. ( F ) 3. Aki’s favourite food is fish. ( T ) 4. Ben likes the fish best. ( F ) 5. Xiaoling tries the chicken first. ( F ) 6. Aki eats the noodles first. (三)读对话,判断句子是否与对话意思一致,如一致请写―T‖,否则写―F‖。 Jiamin: Are you hungry, Lucy? Lucy: Yes. It’s 12:00. It’s time for lunch. Jiamin: Where shall we eat today, Lucy? Lucy: I don’t want to eat in the canteen today. Let’s try the new shop near the school. Jiamin: Ok, let’s go. Lucy: The shop looks clean. And there are many foods to try. I can’t wait. Jiamin: The rice with chicken smells delicious. What do you think? Lucy: It looks hot. You know I can’t eat hot food. I think I’ll have the dumplings. They look quite good. Jiamin: What do you want to drink? Lucy: I’ll have orange juice. What about you? Jiamin: I’ll get a bottle of water. Lucy: Let’s also get some vegetables. They are healthy. Jiamin: OK. Lucy: Shall we have some soup, too? The tomato soup looks good and it’s not expensive. 22 Jiamin: No, that will be too much for lunch. We have drinks already(已经). Lucy: You are right. Let’s find a table to sit down and enjoy our food. ( T )1. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s time for lunch. ( F )2. Lucy and her friend will eat in the canteen today. ( T )3. The shop looks clean. And there are a lot of foods to try. ( F )4. Lucy will try the rice with chicken. ( T )5. Jiamin will have a bottle of water and Lucy will have orange juice. ( F )6. They will have vegetables and tomato soup too. (四)读短文,根据短文的意思选择问题的答案。 My hobby and interest(兴趣) I’m Linda. My hobby and interest are collecting stamps. I collect more than nine hundred stamps. I collect them for around(大约) six years. I like stamps because they are very beautiful and very interesting. Every stamp is a wonderful(极好的) picture and from it you can learn a lot. Look, these are stamps for the horse year. They show us the traditional art of China(中国传统艺术). In these stamps there are beautiful fishes, vivid(栩栩如生的) birds and imposing(令人难忘的) tigers. And look, these stamps are about the great people. Oh, don’t you think the stamps are very interesting? Collecting stamps is my hobby and interest. ( B )1. Linda’s hobby is ____. A. keeping pets B. collecting stamps C. drawing ( C )2. Linda collects more than ____ stamps. A. 700 B. 800 C. 900 ( A )3. –How long does Linda collect stamps? --Around ____ years. A. six B. seven C. eight ( C )4. Linda has stamps about ____. A. animals B. great people C. A&B ( B )5. The stamps for the horse year show us the traditional ____ of China. A. music B. art C. painting ( A )6. Linda thinks the stamps are ____. A.beautiful and interesting B. beautiful and cool C. vivid and imposing (五)读短文,根据短文的意思选择问题的答案。 Dear Tom, How are you? I’m now studying in Guangzhou, China. The teachers and classmates are very nice. They are kind are friendly. I have many new friends now. You say that you want to visit my family in Guangzhou. That’s great! Let me tell you something about the weather here. My favourite season in Guangzhou is spring. I think it is the best time of the year. It lasts from March to May. But it’s often wet and rainy in the early spring. In this season everything begins to grow. The trees begin to turn green. People like to plant trees in spring. I usually plant some sunflowers in my garden. I like sunflowers best. Do you like spring too? It’s March already. April is coming soon. Do you want to come to Guangzhou in April or May? Hope to see you soon. Yours Jack ( A ) 1. Jack is a ___________. A. school boy B. teacher C. weatherman ( C ) 2. Jack has ___________. A. new friends in London B. new friends in the UK C. new friends in Guangzhou ( C ) 3. The weather in early spring in Guangzhou is usually ____________. 23 A. wet B. rainy C. both A and B ( B ) 4. People like to grow some _________in her garden. A. tulips B. sunflowers C. roses ( C ) 5. What month is coming soon? A. February B. March C. April ( A ) 6. Jack hopes that Tom can visit Guangzhou __________. A. in April or May B. in autumn C. in summer 五、写作 (一)根据表格,描写Jane的一天。 time Jane In the morning wake up at 7:30 after breakfast go shopping with mum in the afternoon visit friends, have some fun in the evening have dinner and talk about her day My sister, Jane __is_ always busy at the weekend. In the morning, she usually _wakes up at 7:30.__ .After breakfast, she goes shopping with her mum . In the afternoon, she likes to visit friends . She often has some fun . In the evening, she has dinner and talks about her day. (二)介绍自己的个人信息。 Hello, my name is ____姓名____. My hobby is __动ing_____. I often ____动原____. I like ___动ing_____. My favourite food is the __食物名词____. I think __it’s/ they are+形容____. I usually have milk and bread/ noodles/.... for breakfast. I often have rice, chicken and vegetables for lunch. I often have rice, meat, fish and vegetables for dinner. My favourite weather is the sunny weather . I like to play outdoors/... . My favourite season is autumn I like to fly kites/ can eat lots of fruits/..... 24 专项练习六——听力练习 一( 听句子给下列图片写出大写字母编号。 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8. ( ) 9.( ) 10. ( ) 二( 听句子判断下列图片是否符合图意,如符合写“T”否则写“F”。 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6. ( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( ) 三(听句子写出句子中所缺的单词。 1. What do you of the cake? 2. My mother doesn’t like the . 3. Which do you like best, , chicken, fish or ? 4. His is animals. 25 5. My father always a cup of after he gets up. 6. Let’s go to the Children’s . 7. He often takes photos his . 8. Amy well and well. 9. He sometimes with his cousins. 10. It will . 四(听问句选出正确的答句,并把相应的字母编号写在括号内。 ( )1. A. It’s my hobby. B. My hobby is keeping pets. C. I’m making a model plane.. ( )2. A.I want a cup of tea. B. I don’t like sweet food. C. I feel hot. . ( )3. A. It’s 12?. B. In October it’s very windy and cool. C. It’s so cloudy. ( )4. A. They are very salty.. B. It’s good. C. They are quite delicious. ( )5. A. Of course I can, but I won’t. B. Yes, I am good at cleaning. C. No, I can’t jump very high. 五、听短文,在表格相应的栏内打“?” Lily Tony Xiaoling Janet Ben Name Abilities read fast jump high run fast sing well dance well 六(根据所听对话,选出意义相符的一项。 ( )1.A.Jiamin is making a model plane. B.Jiamin is making a model ship. ( )2.A.Bob can read fast. B Bob’s hobby is swimming. ()3.A.Tom sometimes goes swimming at the weekend. B. Tom goes swimming 26 every day. ( )4.A.Janet will have3 a cup of tea. B. Janet doesn’t want coffee or tea. ( )5.A.It’s cloudy. B.It will rain hard. 七、听对话,根据对话选择适当的单词填空。 ( )1. It’s . (A. morning B. evening) ( )2.It’s . (A. Saturday B. Sunday) ( )3.It’s . (A. sunny B. windy) ( )4.Bob and Ann are . (A. busy B. free) ( )5.Bob and Ann want to play.(A. go out B. stay at home) ( )6.Bob and Ann can in the park.(A. fly kites B. go fishing) ( )7.Bob and Ann can in the park too.(A .go swimming B.go boating) ( )8.They will start at . ( A. about nine B. about eight) ( )9.They will meet at . ( A. the school B. the park) ( )10.They will in the park.(A. have dinners B. have lunch) 八、听小对话及问题,根据对话内容选出最佳答语。 ( )1.Susan likes summer because she can . A. go swimming B. eat ice cream C. wear her skirts ( )2. Her hobby is . A. playing volleyball B. playing football C. playing basketball ( )3.He likes best. A. hamburgers B. dimsum C. both A and B ( )4. They can together. A. do housework B. do homework C. play music ( )5. Lucy likes best. A. spring B. summer C. rainy and wet 九、听短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合写“T”,否则写“F”。 ( ) 1. The Zhao family is always free on Saturday. ( ) 2. They wake up early on Saturday morning. ( ) 3.They like to take exercise in the playground. 27 ( ) 4.Mr Zhao buys breakfast after taking exercise. ( ) 5.David likes watching TV at home on Saturday afternoon. 28
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