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仲裁员仲裁与诉讼的区别仲裁员仲裁与诉讼的区别 仲裁员谈仲裁与诉讼的区别 一、引言 今天讲课的题目叫诉讼与仲裁的区别。我讲课的时候就不按教材里的去讲了,我想作为一个律师行业的老律师,也作为在很多家的仲裁机构里面担任仲裁员的老律师,我主要讲律师在代理仲裁案件当中的律师事务,这样对我们的同仁以及实习律师来讲,会有很大的帮助。 今天讲课分几个部分:第一部分讲仲裁与诉讼的区别,首先要讲一下诉讼与仲裁各自的特点。第二部分着重要讲一下律师在代理仲裁案件当中一些法律实务和一些应当注意的问题等等。 二、诉讼与仲裁的区别 诉讼是体现着一个国家强...

仲裁员仲裁与诉讼的区别 仲裁员谈仲裁与诉讼的区别 一、引言 今天讲课的 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目叫诉讼与仲裁的区别。我讲课的时候就不按教材里的去讲了,我想作为一个律师行业的老律师,也作为在很多家的仲裁机构里面担任仲裁员的老律师,我主要讲律师在代理仲裁案件当中的律师事务,这样对我们的同仁以及实习律师来讲,会有很大的帮助。 今天讲课分几个部分:第一部分讲仲裁与诉讼的区别,首先要讲一下诉讼与仲裁各自的特点。第二部分着重要讲一下律师在代理仲裁案件当中一些法律实务和一些应当注意的问题等等。 二、诉讼与仲裁的区别 诉讼是体现着一个国家强制力,仲裁是以仲裁协议为基石,充分体现当事人的意思自治,没有仲裁协议,双方当事人是不可能将争议提交给仲裁委员会。但是诉讼来讲,不管有没有仲裁协议,只要是有这个诉权,就可以把案件提交法院进行审理。 诉讼从审理级别来讲是两审终审制,同时两审终审制之后,如果觉得案件审理有不公正的地方,可以再提其再审和申诉。可是仲裁案件,大家所说的就是一次性裁决,具有法律效力,也就是说“一锤子买卖”。 所以诉讼和仲裁是有严格的区别,而且大家现在在现代社会当中,选择仲裁的机会越来越多,因为仲裁案件有它的特点:高效率。一般的仲裁机构规定的接受这个案件之后,做出裁决,有的仲裁委员会比较高效率,规定的是四个月。像北京市仲裁委员会就是这样。像中国国际贸易仲裁委员会规定的是九个月,但是诉讼,一审是六个月,二审三个月,经过在途的时间,一个案子打下来至少要一年多的时间,所以从时间、简便、高效率来讲,也有严格的区别。 另外仲裁更体现了当事人、双方的意思自治。在仲裁的案件代理过程当中,仲裁庭能够充分的听取当事人双方的意见,也能够充分的让当事人表达意见。国家的强制力在仲裁案件方面,体现的跟诉讼方面也有一个严格的区别。在裁决下来之后,一次性裁决就具有法律效力,可以到当地的仲裁机构所在的基层人民法院申请强制执行。 像一般的诉讼案件一审完了之后有权利提起二审,终审完了之后可以提起深,可以做申诉。所以这就完全不同。仲裁案件在裁决之后,还可以申请撤销,可以到仲裁机构所在地的中级人民法院申请撤销,也可以申请不予执行等等。所以由于这些方面决定了仲裁和诉讼是有非常大的不同。 三、律师在代理诉讼案件当中应注意的问题 作为律师,在接到仲裁案件以后,首先要审查双方的争议发生的时候,当事人之间有没有仲裁协议,仲裁协议本身应当是当事人提起争议的一个最基本的条件。如果双方当事人在事先合同当中,没有约定仲裁协议,但是双方也可以在提起仲裁机构之前,在事后进行约定。但是不管事先约定还是事后约定,合同的变更、解除和终止都不会影响仲裁协议的效率问题。 所以作为律师来讲,如果要代理仲裁案件,你首先要审查的就是是否有仲裁协议,如果没有仲裁协议,是不是能够和对方当事人之间补签一个仲裁协议。仲裁协议是代理这个案件对基本的要件。还要看仲裁协议是否具备了仲裁法所规定的三种要素:仲裁协议的名称是否准确、有没有规定仲裁机构,在仲裁机构的准确名称情况下,有没有写明按照该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。 (一)仲裁协议的有效与无效 一般在写仲裁协议的时候,很多当事人之间约定的条款可能都是模糊不清的,在这种情况下,仲裁法都是有明确规定的,包括最高人民法院《关于适用仲裁法的若干规定》这个司法解释里有规定,如果双方在仲裁协议当中,会有一个格式性的条款,约定仲裁协议什么strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 情况下是有效的,什么情况之下是无效的。仲裁协议本身一定要约定一个具体的仲裁机构的名称,比如说当双方发生争议的时候,双方自愿将争议提交北京仲裁委员会,一定要写上仲裁机构的名称,而不要协议北京市仲裁委员会,否则这个仲裁协议肯定会发生异议。 然后会讲到按照其仲裁规则进行仲裁,只有这样的协议才会是有效的。如果这个协议的条款里面有瑕疵,就会给对方留下抗辩的前提和基础条件。有可能就会导致提起仲裁的时候,对方会提起仲裁协议的管辖权问题,所以一定要注意这方面的问题。 如果出现模糊的情况,按照最高人民法院《关于适用中华人民共和国仲裁法的若干问题》的司法解释里的规定,只要明确写上了一个仲裁机构的名称,即便仲裁机构的名称写的不是很准确,或者在仲裁协议当中没有明确的写到,按照其仲裁规则进行仲裁,但实际上这个仲裁协议还是有效的。但是作为被申请人的一方律师,可能作为一个办案的技巧进行抗辩,只要对方仲裁协议存在一定的瑕疵,在对方提起仲裁申请的时候,你作为一个被申请人的代理律师,肯定要进行抗辩。 抗辩的时候可以提出来,比如说这个仲裁协议如果有瑕疵,为了这个案子要拖时间,或者让这个案子对你来讲,更多的时间去搜集证据,你肯定在在仲裁协议要找出对方在文字上的一些问题,表述上的不是很清楚,尤其是现在在格式上的一些合同。 比如说像商品房购房合同,还有买卖合同里面,都有一些格式化的条款需要划勾的。很多当事人不太清楚的时候,在买房子的时候,可能采取第一种方式解决资金的争议还是第二种仲裁。第一种诉讼、第二种仲裁,都给划上。都划上之后仲裁协议的效力会发生问题的。 因为按照我们国家仲裁法的规定,要么诉讼、要么仲裁,两者必具其一,如果你选择了诉讼,就意味了放弃了仲裁,选择了仲裁就意味着放弃了诉讼。但是作为被申请人的律师,肯定在各方面证据没有齐全的情况之下,要想方设法的找到仲裁协议的毛病和瑕疵,就看仲裁协议是否写的非常清楚和完整,如果写的不清楚、不完整,你就完全可以在程序上,在仲裁协议这一轮上,就可以由被动变为主动。 向仲裁机构首先提出来仲裁协议无效,如果提出仲裁协议无效,在程序上打的时候,显然就是手中多了一张牌。当向仲裁机构提出仲裁协议无效的仲裁机构,会临时做一个决定,仲裁协议是有效还是无效。仲裁机构的决定下来之后,还是完全有权利重新到法院申请,确定仲裁协议的有效或无效。所以仲裁协议的效力的问题,实际上是我们提起仲裁的案件方面最重大的基本的条件,没有仲裁协议,等于说双方就不可能把争议提交仲裁委员会,仲裁委员会也不会受理,这方面是大家要非常注意的问题。 (二)仲裁申请书 在仲裁协议审查完了之后,如果作为申请人的代理律师,应当准备的材料就是仲裁申请书,这个写起来和诉状也有一定的不同。诉状可能写起来的时候,需要一个简明扼要,就说诉讼请求可能写一二三点。但是大家在写仲裁请求的时候,根据我作为仲裁员的经验,和我做代理律师的经验,在写仲裁申请的时候,尽量的把仲裁的请求写的比较详尽。 仲裁员在审理案件的时候,都是靠书面的进行审理,当然也经过开庭、质证。但实际上本身书面的审理的成分很大,秘书会把双方的书面的一些证据材料,在开庭之前移交到仲裁员的手中,大概在开庭的时候,会有一两个星期的时间,就是要看书面的材料,准备的充分。 仲裁请求因为更多的体现的是双方当事人的自愿,有可能这个案件多半在过程当中,还存在很大的调解的问题,从这个角度来讲,仲裁请求尽量写的比较详尽。这样可能对仲裁员充分的、全面的了解这个案件,是有非常大的帮助的。 仲裁请求可以根据双方发生争议的缘由,时间、地点、证据材料,写好仲裁请求,同时要搜集这方面的证据材料,搜集证据材料这方面,我特别有体会的就是我在做仲裁员的过程当中,能够充分看到每个案件的代理律师的综合素质问题。有的这个案件的代理律师,在strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 准备证据材料方面是非常详尽的,使仲裁员一看证据材料,几乎对这个案子就会有全面的了解。但是有的律师在准备证据材料的时候,会存在马虎或者做工作不详尽。有一句话就是:细节决定成败。之所以人家成为大律师、好律师,被客户称道的,一定是在各个方面做的兢兢业业的,做的比较好的。 (三)证据材料的搜集 所以我们在搜集证据材料这方面,首先看哪些证据材料是我们自己要自行搜集的,哪些证据材料是必须要仲裁委员会、仲裁机构,请求他们进行搜集的,一定要划分清楚。 在搜集证据材料的时候,我们一定要针对自己提出来的仲裁请求和仲裁主张,分别准备证据材料。证据材料里面要列上详尽的证据清单,这个证据清单里面相当于一个诉讼,但是要求的比诉讼的证据材料,准备的还要详尽才为妥当。 证据材料里面可以写上证据一、证据的名称、来源以及证据的证明的目的性,以及认为证据的效力问题,以及和本案件关联性的问题。如果这些证据材料是你自行搜集的,你就可以标明以上证据材料是自行搜集的。 如果在整理证据材料、调查取证的过程当中,发现自己之前搜集的证据材料不行,有的是必须要请求仲裁委员会调取证据的,同时要准备向仲裁委员会写一个申请调查证据的请求的报告。有的是在仲裁申请书立案之后提交,有的是在立案同时进行提交。在仲裁的申请书准备好了以后,以及在仲裁证据搜集好了,以及证据清单等等方面都准备好了之后,可以向仲裁委员会提起仲裁。 (四)仲裁员的选定 然后第二步需要做的工作,是要根据仲裁委员会的仲裁规则,首先要了解的是把这个仲裁机构的仲裁名册,和仲裁机构里的仲裁规则取回来,要详细的去看这个仲裁规则里面是如何规定的,在提起仲裁之后,如何组庭,以及仲裁员如何选定,以及仲裁员的情况如何披露,以及这个仲裁机构开庭审理的时间,以及裁决的做出,以及最后裁决书的补正,以及仲裁裁决的申请执行,以及撤销等等。 所以在提起仲裁之后,首先到这个仲裁机构要的就是仲裁员的名册和仲裁的规则。针对不同提起的案由,选定仲裁员的时候,肯定要选定不同的专业,每个仲裁机构里面,都会有详细的划分,仲裁员的专业水平。在选择仲裁员的时候需要注意的是,并不是一定要选择仲裁员名册里面的人,有的案件可以选择不是仲裁机构里的仲裁员,可以选择他在这个行业里面德高望重,只要你选择的这个仲裁员,能够得到仲裁机构的批准就可以。 一般来讲,包括多年的律师,可能都认为,在选定仲裁员的时候,选择的肯定是仲裁员名册里面提供的这些人员,但是不见得。像北京市仲裁委员会的仲裁规则里面明确规定,可以选择仲裁员名册以外的仲裁员,但是这要得到该仲裁机构的批准。所以这方面等于说为你选择仲裁员,又提出了一个更广泛的途径。 选择仲裁员方面一定要选择跟这个专业密切相联系的,他在这个行业里面是相对比较权威的。因为这会涉及到合议庭合议的时候,他发表的合议庭的意见,对于仲裁案件的裁决的影响力的问题。 提醒大家注意的是,仲裁员的选择,不是你的代理律师,绝对不会替你讲什么话,或者说在仲裁庭上为你争辩、答辩什么,或者你在仲裁庭上,很多证据材料准备不充分的时候,为你准备哪些证据材料,绝对不是。 仲裁员最基本的条件和原则,就是独立和公正。如果仲裁员失去了独立和公正,本身仲裁机构就没有了权威性。因为仲裁本身来讲具有很大的特点,就是它的民间性,它的国家强制力跟诉讼相比较起来是差的很多的。从审级上来讲,它也没有级别管辖的问题等等。 所以挑选仲裁员实际上也就决定了这个案件最后的走势问题,会起到很大这方面的作用。所以提醒在座的各位同仁要注意,选择仲裁员一定要选定在业内比较德高望重,同时在strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 业内有权威的影响,而且在仲裁的领域里面,名声比较好的。 因为仲裁确实是体现了仲裁机构完全独立、公正,宽容、包容等等很多的精神和思想在里面。所以在选定仲裁员方面的时候,这方面要极其注意。 选定了仲裁员之后,一般来讲,如果经济案件标的额超过100万以上,对方也会再选定一个仲裁员,首席仲裁员是由仲裁委员会的主任指定一名首席的仲裁员,这样就有三名仲裁员组成了普通的仲裁庭的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的队伍。 从仲裁庭之后,仲裁委员会也给你发一个通知,会把对方的仲裁员的情况告诉你,也会把你自己的仲裁员情况告诉对方,同时也会把首席仲裁员制定的情况告诉给我们,这个时候我们要做的工作就是,要审查对方指定的仲裁员,包括我们自己指定的仲裁员,以及仲裁委员会指定的首席的仲裁员,与本案有没有利害关系,这一点是极其重要的。在很多的仲裁委员会的仲裁规则里面,或者是在仲裁员的办案的指导意见里面,以及在仲裁员的手册里面,很严格的界定,仲裁员和本案的利害关系问题。 比如说校友关系,这种情况有可能会被对方提为我和你有一定利害关系,也可能作为一个回避的条件。有的是把这个事定为一个回避法定的理由,但是有的是会把这个作为回避的要点之一,所以大家在审查仲裁员的时候,要看一下对方指定的仲裁员和对方的代理律师之间的关系,要看一下对方指定的仲裁员和对方当事人之间的关系,以及和我这方面的一些关系,以及首席仲裁员和本案的利害关系。 作为仲裁员来讲,他会有一个信息披露的问题。就是这个案件,我被当事人指定为仲裁员之后,我会在法定时间里面进行宣誓,同时我要做出承诺,就是我与本案没有任何的利害关系,我会保证独立的、公正的处理这个案件。保证在庭上和庭下,不和我的当事人以任何方式的进行接触。 (五)仲裁员的回避 审查完了之后,如果你发现仲裁员,无论是首席还是对方的仲裁员,有可能或者是确实是和案件存在一定的利害关系,可能会影响案件的公正的审理,这个时候应当向仲裁委员会提出申请仲裁员回避的问题。对于仲裁员回避的决定有仲裁委员会的主任进行做出仲裁员是否申请回避。 这一关过了之后,紧接着是如果仲裁员没有申请回避的情况,在仲裁委员会受理案子之后,可能15天左右就会发出一个开庭的通知,在开庭之前的时候,有的仲裁委员会是要组织一个质证的,有的仲裁委员会是开庭的时候再组织质证,这根据仲裁委员会仲裁的规则不同,所以做法有很大的不同。但是无论如何,在准备证据方面,不要像诉讼。 包括诉讼都不提倡证据上留一手。在做仲裁的时候,在证据上能够搜集多少,就搜集多少。作为对方被申请人的律师来讲,在准备证据材料的时候,肯定要紧紧围绕着它的仲裁请求,做出来你的答辩。然后答辩的请求建议是在这之前进行提供,在开庭之前应当让你的仲裁员以及仲裁庭、秘书处充分的了解这个案件要表达的抗辩的意见,最好不要等到开庭的时候,要事先进行书面答辩的时候,就要考虑这个案子要不要存在一个反仲裁请求。 如果对方提出来的一个仲裁请求,在你看来,你还有一个反仲裁请求,同时在15天之内,可以提出一个反仲裁请求。这个跟诉讼是完全一样的。主体的地位和资格发生变化,由仲裁请求人、仲裁申请人变成仲裁的被申请人,这是完全一样的。 所以作为被申请人的代理律师,在接到对方的仲裁请求书之后,要做答辩,在法定的时间,各个仲裁机构包括仲裁法规定的都是15天,15天之后进行答辩,然后把所有的证据材料提交到仲裁委员会,同时应当注意到,有的是你能够自行搜集的证据材料,有的是搜集不到的。这样的一定要请求仲裁委员会、仲裁机构来代为来搜集。要提起一个请求仲裁委员会进行搜集证据的申请书。在双方的证据材料搜集完了之后,秘书处的人员在发出开庭通知,大概要组织双方进行开庭。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 四、如何更好的代理仲裁案件 在开庭的时候,就有一个仲裁程序的推进和演变的过程。作为申请人的代理律师和被申请人的代理律师,在仲裁庭上应当如何表现自己,如何能够更好的充分的代理这个案件。作为仲裁员,我们坐在仲裁庭上,一般开庭的时候,从程序上来讲,首席仲裁员都会征求双方当事人对仲裁协议的效力的问题。不管双方当事人有没有对仲裁协议的问题提出抗辩或者提出异议,但是作为仲裁庭的主持人也是作为首席的仲裁员,一定要问双方当事人对这个仲裁协议的效力有没有异议,是否同意将本案的争议提交仲裁委员会开始审理,是否同意按照我会的仲裁规则进行审理。作为首席仲裁员一定是问双方代理律师和双方当事人。 如果在这之前没有对仲裁协议提出一定的异议,但是在这次,是完全有一次机会。一般来讲作为被申请人的代理律师,如果经验比较丰富的律师,总要在这方面说出点什么,不可能完全按照仲裁申请人的思路来走,但是你说出来的什么,一定让人感觉到你是有理有据,而不是在胡搅蛮缠。 如果仲裁协议的效力问题解决了,相当于在程序上这个问题已经解决了,然后作为首席仲裁员要问双方对选定的仲裁员,以及对仲裁委员会制定的首席仲裁员是否有申请回避的情形,如果有要简单的阐述,而且要提出书面的申请回避的请求。这个时候你还有一次权利,到底是申请回避不回避。方才谈到了仲裁员申请回避是有法定的几条情形,所以这个权利应当是慎重的使用。 在这个时候都走过了程序性的问题,首席仲裁员就可以宣布今天的仲裁案件,开始进行实体上的审理,作为仲裁申请人的代理律师,就要按照你写的仲裁请求,发表你的仲裁方面的请求案件。 但是建议大家在做这方面代理律师的同时,不要照本宣科的念,凡是念的东西效果都不好。我做仲裁员的时候就发现,很多代理律师对他仲裁案件了解的不透,或者他事先没有做好功课,拿起来一字不差的往下念,念的同时,除了庭审效果不好,实际上你给你的当事人的印象非常不好,因为不管这个案子当事人参加不参加,对仲裁员的影响力和对仲裁庭的影响力,都很重要。 所以作为一个好的律师,我觉得应当在这之前把功课做足,在阐述仲裁请求方面的时候,一定不要照本宣科的的往下念,而是按照你的理解。当然作为仲裁申请人可以把它的主体资格念清楚,仲裁请求讲出来一二三点。每讲一点的时候,都要附着你的证据材料,我讲这点的时候我的证据一来证明我这个观点。作为律师来讲,在仲裁庭的表现一定是从容不迫的,一定是有理有据的。每说一个仲裁请求的观点,一定有详实的证据跟着你。在谈仲裁请求的时候,附带着把证据材料基本上已经向仲裁庭阐述的很清楚。 阐述清楚之后,仲裁庭会给对方被申请的代理人或者代理律师一个答辩的时间,对方的答辩要特别的注意,有的时候在庭上的一个答辩,和提前书面交给你的答辩并不完全一样,有的是完全一样的,有的是在庭上临时改变的。这就要求注意力要高度集中,听到被申请人的答辩意见,跟他书面的已经提交的证据材料、书面的答辩有何不同,争议的焦点是什么,他的证据材料是如何搜集的,尤其在他讲到他的答辩观点,证据材料的时候要格外注意。 因为紧接着仲裁庭进行的下一步就是开始质证,在质证的时候,在对方做书面答辩的时候,如果你的功课没做好,你在做质证的时候,很多方面就会注意力不集中。在双方谈到仲裁请求以及被申请人进行答辩之后,作为仲裁庭的首席仲裁员,肯定会归纳本案的争议焦点,作为仲裁申请人的代理律师,应当迅速的把本案的争议焦点归纳出来,而且这个归纳最好不要超过三点。紧接着下一步开始。 五、质证要注意的问题 在质证的时候,首先要出示这方面的证据,然后对方要对你的证据材料进行认可和不认可的问题,不管是认可与不认可,作为被申请人的代理律师,你所要做的工作,就是对方所strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 提供的证据材料,你应当根据证据规则,以及相应的累计的这方面的经验,来判断证据的真实力的问题,证据的效力问题,即便这个证据是真实的,也是具有法律效力的,但是这个证据和本案无关,在这也不可以进行质证。很有经验的律师在质证有的时候会把对方的律师陷于一个很被动的状态,所以有没有经验,在看质证的时候,有的时候就要看律师在这方面准备的是否充分。 所以在质证方面,大家要非常注意。在双方之前搜集的证据进行质证完之后,可能还会对仲裁委员会的调取的证据进行质证,但是无论如何在证据这方面要非常慎重,在质证完了之后,围绕着方才总结的本案的焦点问题,仲裁员就开始问本案的一些关键性的案件,客观事实的问题,你作为代理人,如何能够把案件的客观事实上升与法律事实,最后有仲裁庭写到仲裁书里面进行审定,就看证据方面,在适用法律分析,你的功课做的怎么样。 在这些方面的时候,仲裁庭要问你一二三的问题,凡是问这些问题的时候,在回答的时候,应当是紧紧围绕着本案的争议的焦点的问题进行谈,如果不是围绕着本案争议的焦点进行谈,你肯定会引起仲裁员的疲惫感,或者会引起仲裁员对你的感觉很不良好。这种先入为主的安全,实际上对仲裁案件最后的审理,对仲裁员发表合议的意见是非常不利的。他会认为你这个代理人也是没有道理的。 我们作为法律人,作为诉讼案件或作为仲裁案件的代理人的律师,首先具备的一点就是逻辑性要非常强,你的逻辑新思维也很强,如果要是口才不好,我觉得你在做个工作之前,一定要把这些基础性的工作都要做好,尤其是我再做仲裁员的时候就发现,外地的律师越来越多,带口音的律师,实际上在表达意见的时候是很吃亏的,因为这方面尤其是南方的口音很重。 但是作为地域性的问题,口音的问题,与生俱来的,我们可能没法改变,但是我们在表达意见的时候,一定要非常清晰、明确的把仲裁员给我们规定的罗列出来的这几点争议的焦点,充分的表达出来。表达完了之后,会让对方的代理人发表他的第一轮的答辩意见,大概一般的仲裁案件来讲,进行第一轮、第二轮,进行到三轮就差不多了。 但是要看在案件的审理过程当中,如果普通的民商案件,或者一般的国际贸易案件,不涉及到鉴定的问题,可能三轮下来之后,仲裁庭基本上就清楚了。但是有的可能仲裁案件比较复杂,在仲裁庭进行三轮的陈述,案件的事实之后可能还需要给一定的时间,需要双方再补交一个证据材料,一般来讲会给一个期限,同时如果建设工程的仲裁案件,几乎都是需要进行鉴定和照价的。 不管怎么样,脑子里面应当有这样的概念,就是关于建筑工程方面的案件,这方面即便有决算的协议,实际上在仲裁案件的过程当中,都是要搞工程照价的鉴定。仲裁庭会提醒你,你作为申请人也会向仲裁庭提起这样的请求,如果有这方面的鉴定,仲裁庭相应的会讲本案需要一个鉴定,鉴定机构如何进行指定,原则是有双方共同指定一家,然后几乎就是双方指定的都不是同一个。但是最后是由仲裁机构在他具有资质的部门进行指定。 指定完了之后给半个月到20天的时间,针对今天的仲裁庭开庭的要点的问题,哪些证据材料准备的还不充分,对方的哪些证据材料准备的不充分,围绕着这个再准备哪些补充的证据材料,还要在底下好好的做功课。同时也要跟你的当事人进行沟通。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 其中有一个重点的问题是,你作为仲裁的一个代理人,最后的仲裁的结果,不管是胜也好,败也好,有的时候不在仲裁员的手中,就像诉讼案件,审的人没有判的权利,但是和你本身当事人进行沟通,这个技巧非常重要。 如果每一步都能做到和当事人进行有效的沟通,你的工作得到当事人有效的认可,即便这个案件是败诉了,或者说最后的裁决结果对你不是很有利,但是由于你工作的过程当中,已经勤勉尽责,当事人对你提不出任何问题。这方面要马上及时的和当事人进行沟通,看看你提出的仲裁请求有没有补充的情况,也看看对方的答辩状有什么补充的意见,这样再结合仲裁庭给的时间,如果有鉴定结论,大概20天之后,仲裁庭会重新组织进行第二次开庭。 双方如果有新的证据,针对新的证据就开始进行质证,如果有鉴定结论开始出来,针对鉴定结论,仲裁庭会征求双方对鉴定报告的意见。对这个鉴定报告,双方当事人肯定意见不一致,有的鉴定报告很中肯,很公正,有的鉴定报告可能不是在很公正的情况下做出来的,或者说有的鉴定报告采用的评估方法不同,到最后的结论不同。 但无论如何,你作为一方的代理人,你都应当非常严格的去审查这份鉴定报告,审查的一个基础性的条件,就是首先要审查这个鉴定机构有没有这样的资质,如果有做出来的报告才会有权威性。 第二点,依据的证据材料得出的鉴定结论,你认为这个鉴定结论是否客观公正,如果你作为一方的代理人,你认为这个案件,有必要再给你一定的时间,让你再有一定的转机,因为从我的经验上来讲,如果在案件走势对你特别不利的情况下,实际上时间是一副最好的良药,通过时间的拖延,有可能情况会发生一定的变化,有可能会由被动变为主动。所以一个有经验的律师,是在每一个环节上,都会采取一定迂回的策略和战略,不会马上配合仲裁庭,或者是配合对方能够顺利的往下做下去。 如果你认为鉴定报告不是客观、公正的,你就要对这个鉴定报告提出异议,然后仲裁机构会进行受理,受理之后要提出书面的,讲出一些理由来。然后仲裁机构会重新对鉴定报告进行审查,也让仲裁机构重新做出鉴定结论。 这样,仲裁庭会组织双方当事人对新的证据材料、鉴定结论再组织一次质证,这个就不是正式的开庭,就是通知双方代理人到仲裁委员会做个笔录就可以了。这些情况都完了之后,如果这个案件很简单,仲裁员可能不见得会组织书面的开庭,会征求一个意见。 六、仲裁案件的调解 仲裁的调解实际上是至关重要,它会体现出一个仲裁员的水平问题,也更能够体现仲裁案件的双方代理人的水平的问题。仲裁的时候,仲裁庭问,是不是同意调解,一般作为代理人,如果授权委托书上给你写明是特别的代理,肯定就会有充分的表达的权利,在仲裁庭上可以说调解也好,不调解也好,但是现在非常有经验的律师,现在我们都不要特别代理。因为我们身上担负的责任太大了,我们没有任何退路。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 所以一般来讲,我在做仲裁员的经验上,我再做代理律师的经验上来讲,如果是重大的案件,标的额涉及到上亿的,非常复杂的案件,我都不建议当事人给我特别代理,因为最后我承担的责任实在是太大了,我没有任何退路。为了自己有所退路,我们在做授权的时候,实际上都是有技巧的。 在授权的时候,实际上就埋藏着很多技巧的问题。如果你不小心人家给了你一个特别代理你身为你权利很大,实际上里面权利大的同时,你担负的责任也非常大。承担责任很大的时候,你在仲裁庭上,你是没有任何退路的。所以建议,如果一般的案件,在做代理的时候,标的额很小的时候,你要特别代理或者说你和当事人的关系非常融洽,你可以完全掌握当事人的思路,可以完全决定当事人的想法的时候,你可以要特别代理,否则我建议你就要普通的代理。一般代理的时候,在仲裁庭进行调解的时候,你会有很大的回旋的余地。 在代理诉讼案件和仲裁案件的过程当中,你赢得了一次又一次主动的机会,就相当于在战场上你赢得了一次又一次的主动权。在这个时候,跟双方的当事人、代理人要沟通,如果对方的当事人也是一个律师,尽管大家说同行是冤家,但是在调解这方面,各为其主,我们收了人家的费用,我们忠于当事人的利益。 但是在调解过程当中,双方毕竟是同仁,毕竟是律师,懂得一些法律,知道一些客观知识,应当充分的发挥律师调解的这方面的作用,如果能够真正做到这个案件是调解解决的,我相信双方当事人对于律师的认可,远远要通过诉讼、仲裁得到的一个裁决。毕竟在我们中五千年的文化当中,以和为贵,以调解、和解,包括现在所提倡的和谐社会等等,实际上包含很多儒家文化的思想在里面,调解是非常重要的。 所以在调解的过程当中,怎么样能够说服你的当事人做一定的让步,对方的律师如何跟你很好的沟通,你会体现了一个律师的综合的素质和水平。这个时候也能够充分的让当事人感觉到他找的律师实际上是经验非常丰富的,非常好的老律师。 同时要发现对方当事人在案件的律师过程当中,他有什么毛病,他有问题的时候你抓住了他的把柄,你同时跟对方的律师进行沟通的时候,指出他的缺点、问题,他的主观过错,这个时候很可能你在调解的时候,你就非常的主动。所以调解的问题,我觉得特别能够体现我们律师的价值,我们律师不完全是诉讼和仲裁的代理律师,更多的还是担当了一个法律工作者,社会主义法治普法,弘扬社会主义法治理念的伟大的工程。 有的案件可能是调解成功的,有的案件调解失败的。调解失败以后,案件又重新恢复到了审理的过程当中。这个时候就要特别注意双方当事人,虽然在调解的时候,可能也会出现了一些双方在法庭上没有被发现的一些问题,在这个时候,可能会出现又一轮的要调取证据的情况,或者说要申请其他的证据,需要重新调取或者重新鉴定。 所以调解实际上是个双刃剑。这个工作做的很好的时候,带来的结果很好,但是如果调解不成功的时候,就跟离婚一样,最后你会掌握对方很多真实的情况,对方也掌握了你很多的真实情况,可能又重新恢复到审理的时候,双方可能又重新恢复到了剑拔弩张的状态。 在调解的过程当中,也会发现很多问题,然后结合案件客观情况,要及时的和仲裁庭进行沟通。调解完了以后,仲裁庭重新进行恢复审理之后,会有最后表达案件陈述的机会,strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 在陈述意见的时候,作为一个代理律师,肯定会紧紧围绕着仲裁员总结出的争议的焦点,以及仲裁申请,来谈陈述的意见。 谈完了之后,首席仲裁员可能就会告诉你,我们这个案件就是闭庭之后到此为止,在这个时候你再不能向仲裁庭申请调取证据,或者说再要求质证、开庭。然后你就会等到仲裁机构的裁决,在仲裁机构裁决书下来之后,作为代理人你要充分的看仲裁书,把双方争议的焦点问题、仲裁请求、以及对方抗辩的理由、证据材料、有效无效等等,全部的像写成学术 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 一样,很规范的写在里面。因为像北京市仲裁委员会,还有深圳仲裁委员会,都有一个仲裁员示范性的格式性法律文书。但是有的仲裁机构裁决书写的不是很详尽。 在做出裁决的时候,三个仲裁员的意见不完全一致的,有的仲裁裁决书上,有首席的意见,有另外一位仲裁员的意见,可能就不会有第三位仲裁员的意见,因为作为仲裁员对于本案的合议庭裁决意见,如果表示不同意见,可以不在裁决书上签字,可以不予认可,或者说你的意见可以保留。这在仲裁庭合议的时候,仲裁员的笔录上都有一个明确的存档。 七、裁决书的审查 裁决书拿下之后,就要审查这份裁决书是不是要具有法律效力,要结合民事诉讼法的216条的有关规定,这个裁决案件在裁决的过程当中,是否存在六种情形,是不是有仲裁员徇私舞弊的行为,是不是仲裁裁决超出了裁决的范围,或者仲裁协议没有约定的,给裁定了,或者有没有仲裁协议当中没有约定的裁决的事项,裁决书裁决的是不是违背了公共道德、违背了国家法律等等。 八、司法救济手段 一个是裁决书下来之后六个月之内,有权利到仲裁机构所在的中级人民法院,提起对仲裁裁决的撤销,其中也包含着在两个月之内仲裁机构所在地的中级人民法院提起不予执行。 这两个申请实际上是对仲裁裁决事后的司法救济手段。如果裁决对你不利,你一定要用。民事诉讼法是有规定的,这是法律赋予我们的非常强有力的司法救济手段。这是不同于仲裁裁决完全不同于判决书的,非常强有力的东西。 可是裁决书下来之后,还有一个不予执行和撤销的问题。但是仲裁毕竟就是仲裁,因为法律是一裁终局,所以给了一个司法救济手段,允许你采取这种情况。 关于不予执行和予以撤销的裁决,就拿北京的司法实践当中的总结。前一段时间我参加了北仲对仲裁员的培训,当时秘书长谈了予以撤销的和不予执行数量的情况,大概是占到千分之三。现在这个比例有一个上升的趋势,大家越来越注意到这两个司法救济手段,不管有效还是无效,对于拖延这个案子的自动履行,时间上争取来了,有可能就由被动变为主动。 从这方面来讲,大家有理没理,在案件的裁决下来之后,作为负有法定义务的一方,都要到中级人民法院申请不予执行或撤销。当然在不予执行和撤销的时候,一定要讲出法定strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 的理由,在民事诉讼法里面就有非常明确的规定。 在这方面,北京市仲裁委员会对于仲裁员在审理案件,在合议过程当中,包括对卷宗的整理以及包括证据、质证方面非常的严格。由于个人水准的问题,或者由于本人在开庭过程当中,仲裁员的专业素质不到位的问题,这个案件最后导致撤消、不予执行的情况现在越来越多。 一般法院在接到申请不予执行和撤销的申请之后,会在两个月之内组庭,做出一个决定,案件的仲裁在裁决是否有效,是下达一个终止执行、不予执行还是下达一个撤销裁决的裁定。无论是怎么样的,作为我们这方面,我们要想到这一点,如果案件真的要被撤销了,在两个月过程当中,人民法院是要到仲裁庭,要把证据的卷宗材料和证据,全部调到法院进行书面的审理,有必要的还要进行开庭。 但是从我的经验上来讲,贸仲的案件撤销的或者进行不予执行的比例还是比较小的,因为涉及到国际上的影响问题。基本上中国国际贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会、上海分会和北京的本会做出的裁决,在法院被撤销、终止的情况还不多。 但是现在地方的仲裁委员会做出来的,进行撤销的情况还是很多的。在裁决书发生法律效力之后,我们作为一方当事人、代理人就应当到法院去申请执行,这个案件就恢复到了诉讼案件执行的程序,代理是完全一样的。因为作为诉讼案件,最后还有一个执行阶段的代理,这个代理也不同于诉讼案件本身的代理。 所以到了执行阶段,大家相应的遵守执行案件相应的规定,想让这个案子不要超过执行的申请期限,比如说个人和公民的有关规定。我曾经遇到的律师糊涂到把期限忘了,应当六个月申请强制执行,但是忘记了强制执行的时间。这是作为律师最大的失败。这种情况在实践当中是有发生的。到了执行阶段,因为这方面和诉讼案件的执行是一致的。 关于仲裁,在代理的过程当中,比诉讼案件要求的律师的专业素质和各个学科的专业知识要多,所以仲裁案件如果你做的很好,诉讼案件律师的代理实际上就认可迎刃而解。随着现在经济的比较发达,也随着我们国家的仲裁机构在国际上威信的提高,现在人们采取的仲裁的方式,采取仲裁也是越来越多。 九、互相交流 (一)关于仲裁案件的财产保全 实际上是跟诉讼案件的财产保全所做的程序是一样的,但一般来讲,在仲裁的过程当中,我们不太主张进行诉讼保全,但是为了案件的审理结果能够正常的执行,不得不采取诉讼保全的时候,相应的向仲裁机构提起诉讼保全的申请。 仲裁机构认为诉讼保全的申请提的非常合理、合法。他会同所在地的中级人民法院,请求他的执行庭或立案庭给你做诉讼保全,仲裁庭是做不了的,必须是有法院来做。你作为诉讼保全的这一方提起来的时候,按照现在的法律规定,过去必须是有抵押物和担保物。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 现在最高人民法院包括北京市高院,刚刚发布了关于诉讼保全的法律规定。司法解释明确讲到了在诉讼保全过程当中,可以进行担保、抵押,实际上扩大了诉讼保全的担保、抵押的范围。让诉讼保全变得更加容易。这些程序审查好了之后,是由仲裁机构所在地的中级人民法院进行财产的保全。 (二)诉前的财产保全 对于仲裁这一块做的情况也有,但是非常少。因为诉前的仲裁情况比较急,一般来讲提起仲裁的话,双方要是选择了仲裁,危急的情况跟诉讼相比较,紧急的情况不像诉讼。诉讼一般都指证据毁损、灭失、转移。诉讼的标的产生了一定的问题。一般仲裁的时候,危急的情况没有这么大。但是也有,法院在审查诉前保全的时候,是非常严格的。 因为诉前如果保全不当,造成的损失要负赔偿的责任。实际上在沟通、协调仲裁机构和法院立案庭、执行庭的时候,付出的努力是非常巨大的。而面临的法律上的风险,就是诉讼保全万一做的查封不当,可能要负赔偿的损失。所以这方面可以用,但是慎用,而且司法实践当中,给予诉前保全的不太多。 (三)法院做诉前保全的情形 法院做诉前保全是非常危急的情况可以做。不是非常危急的时候法院不做。 (四)仲裁员的选择是否有利害关系 实际上是靠平时的累计和经验。不可能做了新的律师之后,平时积累很多方面的知识,大量的阅读新闻,或者是审判的消息和经验,让你知道某几类仲裁员,在我们仲裁的领域里面是德高望重的,这方面是国际上知名的,有的仲裁员在这方面是没有一定的阅历。这个大概的判断可以是从他的年龄学历、学识、专业、他所从事的职业。 一般年龄和阅历上,都代表着他的一定学识。如果非常年轻,可能经验不足。只要是作为仲裁员就具有八年的审判、律师和仲裁的经验。但是业内是不是享有一个崇高的声誉,这方面可以做一个基本的判断,如果基本的判断不好,可以征求仲裁机构秘书处的意见来进行综合的判断。 (五)关于特别授权 问:刚才你讲到在调解环节的时候,律师要特别注意慎用特别授权,因为如果是特别授权的话,可能是当庭要求你做出调解的方式。但是我们在庭审的时候,即使律师是特别授权的,如果法官问我是不是调解的时候,我也可以说我要下去商量一下,我要问一下当事人的strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 意思。这时候法官会允许你到庭外去和当事人沟通。 答:实际上诉讼和仲裁是一样的。像你谈到的情况,在诉讼当中是法官可能是比较通融,实际上法官是不可以这样做的,因为如果法官这样做的话,我作为一方代理律师,我肯定会提出抗辩。你授权的时候,当时在开庭的时候会把双方代理人的授权,都会明确的讲明的。 作为特别代理的时候,是要当庭必须要回答的。怎么可能是特别授权,你说再给你的当事人打个电话,法官还会允许你呢,这种情况在司法实践当中可能会有,但是我觉得那是法官不成熟的表现。 在仲裁当中,如果这样,一般仲裁员实际上是不给你这个时间的,我一定要看你的授权。如果你的授权是全权,我不会给你任何时间,要你立即回答,到底是调解不调解,调解 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 是怎么样,如果说调解,给你调解的时候,如果不调解,现在就关闭调解这个程序。因为你是特别代理,不可能给你这个情况。诉讼当中可能会遇到,但是我觉得不多见,可能还是不规范。 (六)两个司法救济手段的区别 问:刚才你讲的司法救济手段有两个,一个是申请予以撤销和不予执行,这两个有什么区别, 答:这两个实际上在本质上是有严格的区别的。我们看一下民事诉讼法的有关规定,不予执行的条件和予以撤销的法定的条件是不一样的。在司法实践当中,申请不予执行和撤销,撤销是非常严格的,一般来讲哪怕是不予执行,都不会给申请撤销。因为申请撤销就意味着仲裁机构的仲裁裁决没有权威性,如果一年仲裁机构的案子被撤销两到三件,社会影响就会非常大。 所以在这方面,法院在审理不予执行和撤销的时候,也是非常慎重的。各个仲裁机构在这方面会跟法院做大量的弥补这方面的工作,包括仲裁员在审理案件过程当中,从第一天组庭开始,就意味着这个案子有可能被撤销,就要做好被撤销的准备。就像我们做律师,当你接一个案子,跟当事人签订了 代理协议 格力电器专卖店代理协议书独家代理协议中英文代理协议模板区域代理协议销售代理协议书 ,第一天就意味着最大的敌人就是你的当事人,有可能你的当事人就会投诉你。 所以在谈到这个问题的时候,法院是非常慎用这个手段,但不是不用。我们作为仲裁员,我们是承担着一定的风险,这两个救济手段对我们来说是有一定的敬畏和威慑力的。 (七)司法救济手段之后的解决方法 问:如果出现撤销和不予执行的情况以后,委托律师还可以启动仲裁程序还是可以通过诉讼解决, strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 答:这个就是按照不同情况,如果被撤销的仲裁裁决是因为什么原因被撤销的。如果因为仲裁员贪污、舞弊等其他一些法定的理由出现了,完全可以重新启动仲裁的程序,但是由于仲裁的协议当中,没有约定仲裁裁决的范围,仲裁机构超裁了,这种情况没法再重新启动了,除非双方当事人中心再达成一个仲裁协议。 但是根据我的经验,双方在打的过程当中,已经打得不可开交,双方已经完全成了一个矛盾的对立面,不可能再重新回到谈判桌上达成仲裁协议,这个时候就不可能启动仲裁的程序。可能只能采取诉讼的方式了。这是要根据案件不同的情况采取不同的做法进行判断。 (八)仲裁案件的数量及类型 问:仲裁委员会一年大概仲裁案件的数量,标的额范围和哪些类型的案件比较多, 答:北仲现在受理的案件一年大概接受裁决的案件,从开始成立到现在,已经裁决了六万多件,在整个全国的仲裁机构当中,大概是排第三位。而且现在呈上升的趋势,就是因为北仲具有国际化的,跟国际的仲裁机构是完全接轨的。仲裁员的专业素质和水准,管理水平都比较好。而且仲裁员这方面裁决案子被撤销的和不予执行的,另外仲裁员在对待双方代理人、当事人过程当中,比较人本。北京仲裁委员会在这方面是蓬勃发展的。 受理的标的额有几个亿的也是逐渐增多。尤其是建设工程这方面,因为建设工程搞了很多的建设工程鉴定方面的一些规则,以及这方面照价的有关规定。北仲方面这些案子的专家也是越来越多了。 (九)两个救济手段能否同时用 问:申请不予执行之前,如果没有申请不予撤销的话,是否可以申请不予执行。两个手段是不是可以同时用, 答:不可以。因为申请不予执行和申请撤销的法定的理由,是不一样的。民事诉讼法213条,它规定了对仲裁机构的裁决如果一方当事人不履行,另外一方当事人可以向法院申请不予执行,有六条: 1、双方当事人在合同当中没定有仲裁条款,或者在事后没有达成书面的仲裁协议。 2、裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范围,或者仲裁机构无权仲裁的。 比如:婚姻、继承还有有关部门的行政案件,这是仲裁机构不能裁的。 3、仲裁庭的组成过程仲裁的程序违反了法定的程序。 4、认定事实的主要证据不足。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality 5、适用的法律确有错误。 6、仲裁员在仲裁该案件时有贪污、受贿、徇私舞弊、枉法裁决的行为。 同时258条对于提出来的涉外仲裁不予执行有四点的规定: 1、当事人在合同当中没有定有仲裁条款或者事后没有达成仲裁协议的。 2、被申请人没有得到指定仲裁员或者进行中程序的通知,或者由于其他不属于被申请人负责的原因,没有能够充分表达陈述的意见。 3、仲裁庭的组成,或者仲裁的程序与仲裁规则是完全不相符合的。 4、裁决的事项是不属于仲裁协议的范围或者仲裁机构是无权裁决的。 综合这四种情况可以看出来,涉外机构的不予执行实际上审理的都是程序性的问题,而不是实体性的问题。 strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, and other issues. To establish and perfect the muddle along Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2. To strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 5)," Hunan province safety supervision and management responsibilities of the provisions on the production (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4) And resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is to establish risk self correction self reporting system for safety in production enterprises, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety is introduced. Four strengthen the county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the" who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must be safe, Guan Sheng production and operation must be safe, pipe business must control security "principle, the implementation of safety The production of "cure." stagnation supervision and leadership responsible system. The safety production of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strictly implement the safety production of the "one vote veto" and the reward system, strengthen the safety incentive and restraint mechanism. (six) the implementation of the work force is not strong. The documents, meeting, long work arrangement, check and supervise the implementation of small, poor implementation of the system, the work is not effective. Some leading cadres sense of purpose, consciousness of the masses is not strong, the ruling " For the people "," the interests of the masses no matter "concept understanding is not in place. The specific work treats with the deployment, a few leading cadres complain that work is too complicated, too much responsibility, the pressure is too large, too much emphasis on the difficulty of the work, such as underground mines to avoid the disaster of" six systems "construction and construction of mechanical ventilation to file the form, forwarding arrangements work, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in" across the board ", and the quality
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