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美剧绯闻女孩第三季第2集中英剧本 词汇解析


美剧绯闻女孩第三季第2集中英剧本 词汇解析 第三季 2集:Freshman -Gossip girl: Gossip girl here... 绯闻少女驾到。 Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite. source: 来源 scandalous: 不体面的,可耻的 elite: 精英,社会名流 为您带来曼哈顿上流社会第一手的八卦内幕。 -Lily: You got into Brown. Brown: 布朗大学 你进了布朗大学。 The ...

美剧绯闻女孩第三季第2集中英剧本 词汇解析
第三季 2集:Freshman -Gossip girl: Gossip girl here... 绯闻少女驾到。 Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite. source: 来源 scandalous: 不体面的,可耻的 elite: 精英,社会名流 为您带来曼哈顿上流社会第一手的八卦内幕。 -Lily: You got into Brown. Brown: 布朗大学 你进了布朗大学。 The letter came while you were away. Congratulations. Congratulations: 祝贺 信是你离开的时候寄来的,祝贺你。 -Blair: You said you could call in a favor at N.Y.U. Did you mean it? favor: 帮助 N.Y.U.= New York University 纽约大学 你说在纽约大学你有朋友能帮个忙,你刚才说的是真的吗? -Cyrus: I can only get you an interview. It's gonna be up to you to wow him. Interview: 面试 wow: 哇!【给面试者惊喜】 我只能给你个面试的机会。想赢他全看你自己。 -Georgina: You got your money. That's all that matters. Now you can go to... matter: 有关系 带着你的钱,这是最重要的,现在你能... -Dan: I'm going to N.Y.U. Now. 我将去了纽约大学,现在。 -Georgina: Great. Then I'll see you next year. 很好,那明年见。 -Bree: Oh, my god. You're Nate Archibald. 哦,天啊,你是Nate Archibald -Nate: And you're Bree Buckley. It's good to see you again. 你是Bree Buckley 很高兴再次见到你 -Vanessa: I made some new friends, one in particular. particular : 特别的,独有的 我交了一个很特别的朋友。 -Dan: Oh. So you are dating someone? date: 约会 哦,所以你现在在和某人约会? -Vanessa: His name's Scott, and I think you guys would really like each other. each other: 彼此 他叫Scott,我想你们彼此会喜欢对方的。 -Scott: Yeah, mom, everything is great. I have been waiting all summer for reed to start, reed: 簧片【这里以奏响的音乐代指开学】 对,老妈,一切都很好 我一个夏天都在等着见到这份入学 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 。 And tomorrow is the day I get to do what I came here for. 明天我就能如愿以偿了 -Bree: I know secrecy is a lot to ask for, secrecy: 秘密(保密,隐秘) 我知道保守秘密是一个很大的要求, but I really can't risk making my family more upset right now. risk:冒…的风险 upset: 使心烦意乱 right now: 现在,这个时候 但是我实在不能冒险让我家里更失望了。 -Nate: Don't worry. I'm good at secret relationships. secret: 秘密 relationship: 关系,关联 别担心,我很擅长秘密恋情。 -Carter: What if your dad didn't want to see you? Who cares? care: 关心,照顾, 就算你爸爸不想见你又怎样? 谁在乎啊, I would've stayed all summer with you. Who the hell is he not to want you? hell: 地狱【在语句中穿插the hell是一种表达强烈感情的方式,也是粗话的一种,慎用】 他是谁啊,凭什么不想要你?我整个夏天都会和你在一起。 -Dan: Vanessa, I'm... I'm not changing. change: 改变 Vanessa 我...我没有变。 -Vanessa: I don't care if you're rich, which you aren't, by the way. by the way: 顺便说 我不在乎你是否有钱,更何况你根本没钱。 If you're gonna be in this world, be yourself in this world gonna=going to〈美〉将要 如果你打算生活在这个世界中,那就做真实的自己。 -Woman: Is there anything else? 还有别的事吗? -Georgina: I'd like to request a roommate... Blair Waldorf. request: 要求 roommate: 室友 我想和Blair Waldorf一个寝室。 She's my best friend, and I just can't wait to live with her. 她是我最好的朋友,我等不及要和她一起住了。 -Gossip girl: And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell. X.o.x.o. Gossip Girl 想知道我是谁? 这是个永恒的秘密。亲亲抱抱,绯闻女孩。 -Narrator: Every fall, confident high school seniors transform into nervous college freshmen. fall: 秋天 confident: 自信的 senior: 毕业班学生 transform: 转换 nervous: 紧张的 college: 学院 freshman: 大学一年级学生 每年秋天,自信的高中毕业生都会变成忐忑不安的大一新生。 They leave their parents' homes for the hallowed halls of higher education. hallowed: 神圣的 education: 教育,培养 他们离开爸爸妈妈,为了进入高等教育的最高殿堂。 And like any new venture, starting college holds the promise of limitless opportunity. venture: 冒险,风险 promise: 做出保证 limitless: 无限的 opportunity: 机会,时机 和任何全新的冒险一样,进入大学就等于拥有了无限的机会。 The opportunity to conquer a new territory, or to try and be a little less lonely... conquer: 克服,征服 territory: 领土,版图 lonely: 孤独的,寂寞的 一个征服新的领土的机会或者试着变得不那么孤单... But just because the opportunity presents itself doesn't mean everybody is ready to take it. opportunity: 机会,时机 present: 呈现,提出 mean: 意味 ready: 准备好的,乐意的,情愿的 但就算机会随处可见,也不意味着每个人都能轻易抓住。 -Blair: You're so sweet to see me off. I can't believe N.Y.U. orientation week. is finally here. see sb. off: 为…送行 sweet: 甜的,可爱的 believe: 相信 orientation: 适应 finally: 最 终 你能来送我真是太好了,我不敢相信纽约大学的迎新周终于来了。 -Chuck: I have to object to you living in the dorms. object: 反对 dorm:(集体)宿舍 我不得不反对你住那种集体宿舍。 Fluorescent lighting, communal showers, public school girls? fluorescent: 荧光的 communal: 公有的 public: 公共的,公众的 荧光灯、公共浴室、公立学校的女孩子? There's a place for that, and it belongs in the back of a video store. video: 录像的 store: 商店,储藏,仓库 那就是这样的地方,它属于一家音像店的后面。 -Blair: It's not for long. I can't rule the N.Y.U. Masses from the upper east side. rule: 统治 N.Y.U.: 纽约大学 mass: 大多数【劳动阶层】 upper: 上部的 这不会持续多久的。我总不能从上东区远程控制这些纽约大学的劳动阶层吧。 I need to spend time in the dorm to establish myself as queen. dorm: (集体)宿舍 establish: 建立,确立 queen: 女王 我要花点时间在宿舍为将来的女王地位打基础。 -Chuck: It's not Constance, Blair. Constance: 康斯坦斯【指贵族私立高中】 这不是在Constance高中,Blair。 The only queens at N.Y.U. are the ones with tickets to see Liza at Carnegie hall. ticket: 票,券 Liza【全方位艺人,尤以歌舞剧著名】Carnegie Hall【被世界演奏艺术家及乐迷公认是全世界最伟大的音乐厅】 纽约大学唯一的女王是拿着卡耐基音乐厅门票能见到Liza的人。 -Blair: Chuck, I trust that when you say, never drink absinthe with Daniel Baldwin, trust: 委托,相信 absinthe: 苦艾酒【苦艾酒是一种有茴芹茴香味的高酒精度蒸馏酒,酒液 呈绿色】 Chuck,我记得你说的千万别和Daniel Baldwin喝苦艾酒, You know what you're talking about. But when I say the first week of college 你知道你在说什么。但是我说进入大学的第一周 means scared, vulnerable freshmen needing someone to guide them, scared: 害怕的 vulnerable: 易受伤害的 guide: 指导 意味着恐惧、脆弱的新生需要有人指引他们, That I know what I'm talking about. 我也知道我在说什么。 -Chuck: And I'm very excited for you. excited: 兴奋的 那我为你感到高兴。 -Serena: So you haven't called Vanessa yet? 你还没给Vanessa打过电话? -Dan: No, she's the one who's out of line. She's gotta call me. gotta=have got to〈美俚〉必须 没有,她总是联系不上 她会打给我的。 -Serena: Or you could just get over it. get over: 从……中恢复过来 或者你可以直接去找她。 After all these years, You guys are finally gonna be at the same school. guy: 人 gonna=going to〈美〉将要 这么多年了,你们终于可以在同一所学校就读了。 -Dan: I guess you're right. It's probably not the best idea to be avoiding my only friend at N.Y.U. guess: 推测 probably: 大概,也许 avoid: 避免,逃避 我想你是对的,疏远我在纽约大学唯一的好友可不是明智之举。 -Serena: For the record, Dan, I don't think You're gonna have any trouble making friends there. for the record: 从以往来看 trouble: 麻烦,困难 从以往来看,Dan,我没发现你在交友方面有任何问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 -Dan: Right, because the...the world of 对,因为...那个世界 Greenwich Village intelligentsia is Dan Humphrey's natural habitat. Greenwich: 格林威治【格林尼治村:美国纽约曼哈顿的区 艺术家 作家等的聚居地】 intelligentsia: 知识阶层 natural: 自然的 habitat: 栖息地 格林尼治村的知识阶层是我Dan Humphrey的自然栖息地。 -Serena: You're so lucky. N.Y.U. is exactly the right place for you. lucky: 幸运的 exactly: 恰好地,正好地 你真幸运,纽约大学对你来说真是个好地方。 -Dan: Like Brown is for you. Brown: 布朗大学 就像布朗大学对你来说一样。 -Dan: Serena? Serena? -Serena: Um...Sorry. Uh, yeah. You know what? I should finish packing. finish: 完成,结束 pack: 包装,捆扎 嗯……对不起。嗯,是的。你知道么,我应该结束打包了。 But good luck, Dan. 祝你好运,Dan。 -Katie: Hey, I'm sorry. Are you Dan Humphrey? 嘿 抱歉。你是Dan Humphrey? -Dan: Uh, yeah. 嗯,是的。 -Katie: Like the Dan Humphrey who was published in the "20 under 20" issue of the " New Yorker"? publish: 出版,发行 issue: 发行物 New Yorker: 纽约客【著名杂志,在这本杂志发表短 文是很了不起的】 是那个在纽约客杂志上发表20 under 20的那个Dan Humphrey? -Dan: Uh, yeah. 嗯,是的. -Katie: Large coffee, please. I'm Katie, and I'm not usually an eavesdropping stalker. coffee: 咖啡 eavesdropping: 偷听 stalker: 追踪者 大杯咖啡,谢谢。我叫Katie 通常我都不会这么八卦。 It's just that I read your piece, and it was amazing. amazing: 令人惊异的 只是我拜读过你的文章,写得真棒。 -Dan: What? Really? Wow. That's... that... thank you. wow: 哇 什么?真的吗?哇 那... 那... 非常感谢。 -Katie: Yeah, well, at first I hated you because I also submitted, but then I read it and I was like, submit: 提交(稿子) 是的,嗯,一开始我很讨厌你因为我也交了份稿,但后来我读了之后,就像这样的 Okay, fine. I accept defeat at your hands, Dan Humphrey. accept: 接受,同意 defeat: 败北,失败 嗯 好吧 我承认我败给你了 Dan Humphrey Anyway, I have a writer's group. We meet every week. writer: 作家 还有,我参加了一个作家社团。我们每周都碰面。 We're meeting here at noon tomorrow. You should come. 我们明天中午会在这碰面。你真该来看看。 -Rufus: Car's downstairs. You ready? downstairs: 在楼下 车子停在下面了。你好了吗? -Serena: As I'll ever be. 就像以前一样。 -Rufus: Today's a big day, You and Dan both off college. 今天很特别, 你和Dan都要上大学了。 -Serena: Yeah, I know. I know. Uh, I should get going. 是的,我知道,我知道。嗯,我该走了。 -Rufus: Your mom's so proud of you. So am I. proud: 自豪的 be proud of: 以…为自豪 你妈妈为你自豪。我也是。 -Dan: Hey. 嘿. -Vanessa: Uh, Scott, you remember Dan. Dan, this is Scott. 嗯,Scott,还记得Dan吗? Dan 这是Scott。 -Scott: Yeah. No, it's, uh, it's good to finally officially meet you. finally: 最后,最终 officially: 正式地 是的。不,嗯 很荣幸第一次和你正式见面. -Dan: Uh, so are you two dating now? Last I heard you were just friends date: 约会 哦,你们正在约会吗? 上回我听说你们只是普通朋友. -Vanessa: Yeah, you actually have to call me to find out what's going on in my life. actually: 实际上 find out: 找出,发现 是的,实际上你需要给我打电话才能知道我生活中的事。 -Dan: Oh, well, okay. I didn't realize we were speaking. realize: 察觉,领悟 哦 好吧 我不认为我们好好谈过 -Dan: Oh, god. 哦 天啊。 -Vanessa: Of course she's in a limo. limo: 豪华轿车 当然啦她会坐着豪华轿车来。 -Blair: Ew, Let's make it clear from the start. We don't know each other here. each other: 彼此 哦,还是一开始就说清楚吧。我们谁都不认识谁。 -Dan: Works for me 我同意。 -Vanessa: Me, too. 我也是。 -Chuck: Well, hello, sis. I assume you need a few ounces of study aid for Brown. sis=sister assume: 假定,设想 ounce: 盎司 aid: 帮助【a few ounces这个说法非常有趣, 大家可以学着使用,表示一点,一些】 哇,你好,妹妹我猜你在布朗大学需要一点学业上的帮助。 -Serena: No. I need a place to stay. I'm not going to Brown. 不 我需要个地方落脚。我不去布朗大学 -Blair: Yes, we may all be freshmen and new to N.Y.U.and the dorms, 是的,也许我们都是纽约大学的新生都要住在集体宿舍里, but that doesn't mean we have to embarrass ourselves. embarrass: 使……困窘,使……局促不安 但那并不意味着我们就要让自己遭罪。 I can tell from looking around this room that none of you are from New York City. 我可以看出这间房里没有一个人来自纽约。 -A girl: Actually, I'm from... 但事实上,我是... -Blair: Riverdale doesn't count. Anyway, I won't be holding the sad truths of your hometowns against you. Riverdale: 河谷区 count: 计算,视为 truth: 事实 hometown: 家乡 河谷区不算。总之,我不会用你们老家的悲惨现实来嘲笑你们 In fact, I want to help you. 事实上,我想帮助你们 For example, who can tell me which is the only club to be seen at on a Saturday night? 比如,谁能告诉我周六晚上该去哪家俱乐部? -A girl: I read marquee. 我读了Marquee。 -Blair: Wrong. You should never be seen at a club on a Saturday night. 错。周六晚上你不该出现在俱乐部里。 It's strictly bridge and tunnel on the weekends. You're welcome. tunnel: 隧道,地下道 bridge and tunnel: 土包子 周末只有土包子才去那儿。别客气。 Now Dorota and I have put together some gift bags filled with essentials for everyone. essential: 必需品 Dorota和我给你们准备了小礼物每人一份必需品。 -Dorota: I think you don't need week to run school. You do it in one day. 我想你不需要一周就能玩转校园。你一天就搞定了。 -Blair: I know. This is going even better than I'd hoped. And the best part is I seem to have a single. single: 单一间 我知道。比我想象的要顺利的多。最开心的就是我一个人睡一间房。 -Georgina: Sorry I'm late. Blair? Blair Waldorf? Oh, my gosh! gosh: 天啊 对不起我来晚了Blair? Blair Waldorf? 哦,天啊! Oh, my gosh. I can't believe it! We're roommates! believe: 相信 roommate: 室友 哦,天啊。真不敢相信! 我们是室友! -Gossip girl: Rah rah, sis boom bah.. Georgina's pulled a coup dita. Welcome to college, B. This is gonna be a blast. coup: 砰然的一击 boom: 急速发展【啦啦队欢呼语】 blast: 爆破,冲击波 啦啦啦 姑娘们要发飙了。Georgina要一鸣惊人啦。欢迎来到大学B。这肯定将变为一场恶 斗。 -Blair: Following me to N.Y.U.? Becoming my roommate? 跟着我来到纽约大学? 成为我的室友? I'm gonna have Dorota file a restraining order. file: 申请 restraining: 控制的 我会让Dorota向法院申请制止令。 -Georgina: I mean, you're overreacting. The roommate thing is just a coincidence. overreact: 反应过度 coincidence: 巧合 我想 你反应过激了。成为室友只是个巧合。 Besides, my parents said it was either bible camp or college, So go, bobcats! bible: 圣经 bobcat: 山猫之类【bobcat应该是篮球队的名字,用来代表纽约大学】 还有,我父母说这里圣经会或者高等学府。所以 加油吧 姑娘们! -Blair: So you're not in love with Jesus anymore? Jesus: 耶稣 这么说你不再爱耶稣了? -Georgina: Oh, I still hold him in my heart, But Jesus and I have redefined our relationship. redefine: 重新定义 relationship: 关系 哦,我一直把他放在心上,但是Jesus和我必须重新审视我们之间的关系 。 -Blair: You mean he dumped you because he found out you were Satan! dump: 抛弃 Satan: 撒旦(魔鬼) 你的意思是他把你甩了是因为他发现你是撒旦! -Georgina: This could actually be a good thing, Blair, 这事实上是件好事,Blair Look. Manolos. Size 7, just like you. Let me know if you want to borrow. Manolos: 马诺洛斯【鞋子的品牌】 看,Manolos7码,和你一个号码,想借的话跟我说声。 -Blair: I'll win, you know. I ruled at Constance and I will rule here, rule: 统治 我才是最后的赢家。你知道的。我是Constance高中的女王而且我也会是这里的女王 And you can't stand in my way. 你最好别挡我的路。 -Georgina: Are you still playing this tired old game? 你还在玩这种老掉牙的游戏? -Blair: Oh, please. Like you're not? 哦,拜托。好像你没在玩似的? -Georgina: No, I'm not. I'm actually here for a fresh start. fresh: 新鲜的 不。我没有。事实上我在这儿是为了寻求新的开始。 -Vanessa: Oh, no. 哦,不。 -Georgina: Vanessa, you're in our dorm, too? Yay! Vanessa,你也在这个宿舍? 太好了! -Vanessa: Your dorm? Yeah, um, my room's just down the hall.So, uh... That's awesome. hall: 大厅,礼堂 awesome: 很棒的 你们的宿舍? 对了,嗯,我的宿舍在下面大厅那边。所以 嗯...太好了。 -Georgina: Oh! Isn't this so pretty? I'm gonna hang it up. pretty: 漂亮 hang: 悬挂 哦! 这个漂亮吗? 我要把它挂起来。 -Dorota: Oh, Miss Blair. What are we going to do? Call police? 哦,Blair小姐。你要我做什么? 报警? -Blair: No. We're going to throw a party. 不,我们要办一个派对。 -Dorota: I go to Masa, see if they will cater. cater: 备办食物 我去MASA 看看他们能不能准备食物。 -Blair: Pardon me. 不好意思。 -Serena: I was packing and talking to Blair about her classes, and then it hit me. pack: 包装,捆扎 我一边整理行李一边和Blair聊她在学校的情况, I wasn't excited about any of it. excited: 兴奋的 然后我就,我对什么都提不起兴趣。 I don't know what I want to do yet, and... and going off to a new place to figure that out? figure out: 想出,理解 我不知道我想干什么,然后... 离开去一个新地方找答案? I don't know. I'm just... I'm not ready for that. 我不知道。我只是... 还没准备好。 -Chuck: Look, sis, for people like us, a college degree is just an accessory, like a Malawi baby or a poodle. degree: 学位 accessory: 附件 Malawi: 马拉维【非洲东南部国家】 poodle: 贵宾犬 听着,妹妹,像我们这样的人,大学文凭只是个附属品就像个Malawi孩子或贵宾犬。 -Serena: Well, it's an accessory my mother really wants me to have. 那是我妈非常想我得到的一个附属品。 -Chuck: So you want to hide out at the Bass cave until you figure it out. hide: 藏 cave: 山洞 所以你想躲在我家里,直到你弄清楚为止 。 -Serena: Yeah, if it's okay with you. Nobody knows about this, not even Blair. 是的,如果你不介意的话。没人知道这件事甚至Blair也不知道。 Blair would be even more upset than my mother. upset: 不高兴 Blair会比我妈更紧张。 -Chuck: I couldn't help but notice you and Carter Baizen at the Van Der Bilt Polo party polo: 马球 我不能不注意Van Der Bilt的马球聚会上看到你和Carter Baizen在一起。 This doesn't have anything to do with him, does it? 这和他没关系,是吗? -Serena: No, absolutely not. I haven't even seen him since then. absolutely: 绝对地,完全地 当然不是,从那时起我就没见过他了。 -Chuck: Good. Just one favor. I'm having a meeting here tonight, 很好。只是有件事。我今晚要在这见个人, So if you can clear out for a few hours. 你能不能出去几个小时。 -Serena: Chuck, I don't mind if your dealer comes by. dealer: 商人【这里指的应该是毒品贩子……】 Chuck,我不介意你的商家来拜访的。 -Chuck: Jesse is in St. Barths this week. This is something more legitimate. legitimate: 合法的,正当的 Jesse这周在圣Barths街这是桩比较合法的买卖。 You know the old art deco bank on 72nd between Madison and park? deco=decorate 装饰,装修 你知道那个在麦迪逊市和公园之间的第72号古老的装饰艺术风格的银行吗? The one that went under last month? 上个月倒闭的那个? I want to make it into a speakeasy. In the front an elegant restaurant, but down in the vault, speakeasy: 地下酒吧 elegant: 优雅的 vault: 窖,地下室 我想把它改造成一个地下酒吧。前面是个优雅的餐厅,但进了地下室, an after hours locale, devoted to indecency, disreputable behavior and all manner of debauchery. locale: 场所 devoted to: 贡献于 indecency: 无礼,不体面 disreputable: 品格不端的 behavior: 行为 manner: 方式 debauchery: 放荡 一个下班后可以为所欲为放荡不羁饮酒作乐的地方。 -Serena: A kind of homage to the last time the market crashed. homage: 敬意 有种向最后的市场萧条致敬的味道。 -Chuck: The harder the times, the harder people want to party and forget about it. 时局越是艰难,人们越想狂欢来忘掉它。 -Serena: Chuck. This is really a great idea. I... I can't believe Blair hasn't told me about this yet. Chuck,这真是个好想法。我... 不敢相信Blair竟然没告诉我。 -Chuck: She doesn't know. Nobody does. I just wanted to wait till I was sure it was going through. 她还不知道。没人知道。我只想等到确保行得通再告诉你们。 You know, my father turned his first profit by the time he was 22.I hope to do it by the time I'm 21. profit: 利润 你知道,我父亲在22岁时就赚到了他的第一桶金。我想在21岁就能做到。 -Dan: Let me guess. Uh, women in literature, professor Schweik? literature: 文学 professor: 教授 让我猜猜。呃,文学界的女人们 Schweik教授的? -Vanessa: You know I'm a sucker for stories about scorned women. sucker: 乳儿,吸管【失败者】 scorned: 轻蔑的 你知道我不擅长写轻蔑女人的 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt 。 -Dan: I got the same. I think the universe is trying to tell us something. universe: 大学 我也是。我想大学想告诉我们些什么。 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should have called you. 对不起。我很抱歉。我该打电话给你的。 -Vanessa: No, it's... it's okay. I wouldn't have wanted to call me either 不。那... 没事的。如果是我也不会打电话 after the way I came down on you at the party. 在我那样突袭你的聚会之后。 -Dan: Um... So... Scott? 嗯... 所以... Scott? -Vanessa: Yeah, he's... he's so great, and he really wants to get to know you. 是的,他... 他很好。他真的很想认识你。 Oh, my god. I have so much to tell you. 噢,天哪。我有好多事要告诉你。 You are never gonna guess who lives in my dorm. gonna=going to〈美〉将要 打死你也想不到谁住进了我的宿舍。 -Georgina: Hey, guys. 嘿,你们好。 -Dan: Oh. Oh! 噢。噢! -Georgina: Sorry to interrupt. I just saw you, and I thought, interrupt: 打断,妨碍 抱歉打扰了。我只是看到你,所以我想 um...So I really just want to apologize for everything that happened in the past. apologize: 道歉 嗯...我只是真的很想为过去发生过一切道歉。 I've got my meds straightened out, and I'm really in a much better place now. med: medicine的缩写,药 straighten out:: 好转,改正 我已经不嗑药了,我现在真的变好多了。 So I come to N.Y.U. hoping for a fresh start, fresh start: 重新开始 所以我来纽约大学希望有个新的开始。 And who do I get as my roommate? Blair Waldorf. roommate: 室友 猜我的室友是谁? Blair Waldorf. -Dan: What? 什么? -Vanessa: I told you we have so much to catch up on. catch up on: 补上某事 我告诉过你我们有很多要说的。 -Georgina: I mean, I wish I had some other friends here, you know? 我是说,我希望在这有些其它朋友,知道吗? You guys are... are really lucky to have each other. lucky: 幸运的 each other: 彼此 你们... 彼此有对方这样的朋友真的很幸运。 Anyway, I should go. Okay, this is probably too much, anyway: 不管怎样 probably: 大概,也许 不管怎样,我得走了。对了,这可能有些太过分了, But would you guys want to have a cup of coffee with me? coffee: 咖啡 但你们能和我喝杯咖啡吗? -Dan: Uh...Look, Georgina, I appreciate that you want a clean slate, appreciate: 欣赏,领会 slate:场记板 clean sltae【暗示新的开始】 呃...听着 Georgina 我很欣赏你要重新开始。 but I think it would kind of be too much. I'm sorry. 但我觉得这是有点过分了 我很抱歉。 -Georgina: No, of course. I... I mean, I... I totally understand. understand: 理解 没事,当然了。我... 我是说,我... 我完全能理解。 I'd feel the same way. I'll see you around. 我也这么觉得的,回头见。 -Vanessa: Maybe we were a little bit too harsh. harsh: 严厉的,无情的 也许我们有点太无情了 -Dan: What? It's... it's Georgina. 什么? 这是... 是Georgina。 -Vanessa: And you're Dan. 而你是Dan。 -Dan: And you're Vanessa. This is a fun game. fun: 有趣的 你是Vanessa 这真是个有趣的游戏。 -Vanessa: I'm sorry. I just thought you were a little bit more forgiving than that. bit: 一点儿 forgiving: 宽容的,宽恕的 对不起。我只是觉得你会比那个更宽容。 -Dan: Are you... are you really trying to make me the bad guy here? 你是... 是想让我觉得我是个坏人? -Vanessa: No, it's just we want a fresh start and... and so does she. fresh start: 重新开始 不,只是我们想有个新的开始... 她也是。 -Dan: Okay. I know you're new to the whole school thing, but you don't want Georgina as your friend. 好吧。我知道你对这个学校还不熟,但你也不要跟Georgina做朋友吧。 I mean, she's gonna scare everyone away. scare away : 吓跑 我是说,她会把所有人吓跑 -Vanessa: Georgina. Hey. Georgina,嘿。 -Nate: What's gonna happen next week when we start classes? 下周我们开始上课后会怎样? -Bree: That's why we have my family's apartment. apartment:公寓 这就是为什么要住在我家公寓的原因。 And plus, you know, all this sneaking around, plus: 并且 sneak: 潜行 另外,你知道,所有这些偷偷摸摸, making sure the doorman doesn't see you, not answering the phone when my mother calls... doorman: 看门的人 确保看门的人看不到我们 我妈打来时不能接电话... I mean, you know it adds a layer of hotness. layer: 层 hotness: 热烈 我是说,这些增加了一层情趣。 -Nate: What are you saying? That our hotness is only purely circumstantial. hotness: 热烈 purely: 纯粹地 circumstantial: 依照情况的 你觉得呢? 我们的情趣只纯粹依情况而定的 And that if we were out in the real world, we'd like each other less? 如果我们回归到现实世界 我们就不那么喜欢对方了? -Bree: Mm. You know that if we really started dating, after a few months, date: 约会 month: 月 嗯。你明白如果我们真的开始约会,几个月后, you'd realize that you hate the way that I laugh, I couldn't stand the way that you chew, realize: 了解,察觉 laugh: 笑 chew: 咀嚼 你会发觉你讨厌我大笑的样子,我无法忍受你咀嚼的样子, And then we'd break up. break up: 分手 然后我们就分手了。 -Nate: That's a very romantic story, you know, but... It doesn't have to be like that. romantic: 浪漫的 story: 故事 那是个很浪漫的故事,但... 它不一定是那样的。 -Bree: Care to make a bet? I got an idea. I will hole up with you for the next 24 hours, bet: 打赌,赌注 hole: 躲藏 愿意打赌吗? 我有个主意。接下来的24小时内我们一直待在家。 and we can fast-forward through the entire relationship. fast-forward: 速进的 entire: 全部的,整个的 relationship: 关系 我们可以加快整个恋爱的步伐。 Leave the seat up, sing Timberlake in the shower. shower:淋浴 不盖上马桶盖,洗澡时唱Timberlake的歌。 -Nate: Ah, watch TV shows you really like as opposed to ones you're supposed to like? opposed: 反对的 supposed: 假定的,推测的,想象的 啊,看你很喜欢的电视节目与原来的你形成鲜明对比? -Bree: What do you say... you, me, this apartment? Let's get sick of each other. apartment: 公寓 get sick of: 厌烦 你觉得呢... 你,我,这间公寓? 让我们互相厌倦对方吧。 -Nate: OKey. 好。 -Chuck: As you can see, the restaurant would be elegant. Seasonal menu, extensive wine list. restaurant: 餐馆 elegant: 优雅的 seasonal: 依照季节的 menu: 菜单 extensive: 广泛的 你可以看见,这个餐厅可以很优雅。四季菜单,丰富的酒单。 You know, the space is big, but I want it to have a more intimate feel. space: 空间 intimate: 亲密的,私人的,秘密的 你知道,这个空间很大,但我想它有些隐秘的感觉。 -Jesse: And how would you be using the vault space? vault: 窖 地下室 那你打算怎么用这个地下室? -Chuck: It's perfect for storage. perfect: 完美的,理想的 storage: 储藏,仓库 它很适合用来做仓库。 -Jesse: I have to be honest. Give your reputation, when you made your bid, the board was very concerned. reputation: 名誉,声誉 bid: 出价 投标 the board: 董事会 concerned: 关心的 我得实话告诉,以你的名声,当你投标时,董事会会特别谨慎。 -Chuck: I completely understand. completely: 完全地 我完全理解。 The neighbors don't want some raucous club coming in and disrupting the quiet. neighbor: 邻居 raucous: 刺耳的 club: 俱乐部 disrupt: 使…分裂 周围的人不想让一些吵杂的俱乐部进来打扰了那里的宁静。 And believe me, I wouldn't want to bring that element to the area. believe: 相信 element: 元素 相信我,我不会带那种元素到那个地区的。 -Serena: I'll be right down. Ok, I got it. I got it. 我马上就下来 好 我找到钥匙了 找到了 Sorry. I'm not here. My heel broke. heel: 脚后跟 鞋跟 对不起。当我不在这。我的鞋跟坏了。 -Chuck: Stepsister. I apologize. My lawyer. Excuse me. stepsister: 异亲妹妹 apologize: 道歉 lawyer: 律师 继妹,我很抱歉.是我的律师,不好意思。 -Serena: Sorry for interrupting your meeting. interrupt: 打断,妨碍 抱歉打扰你们开会。 -Jesse: Not at all. We were just finishing up anyway. finish: 结束 anyway: 不管怎样 没有.我们刚正好结束了。 -Serena: Oh, are you... are you leasing Chuck the bank space? lease: 出租 bank: 银行 space: 空间 噢,你是... 是来出租银行那块空间给Chuck的? -Jesse: Mm-hmm. He has a real vision. vision: 先见之明,眼力 嗯.他真有先见之明。 -Serena: I know. Turning the vault into a club, it's genius. vault: 窖,地下室 club: 俱乐部 genius: 天才 我知道.把地下室改造成个俱乐部,真是天才。 -Chuck: Serena. Serena. -Jesse: Excuse me? 对不起。 -Amalia: Cool party. I'm Amalia. 很棒的派对.我是Amalia. -Blair: I'm glad people understand the concept of being fashionably late, but this is ridiculous. concept: 概念 fashionably: 时髦地 ridiculous: 荒谬的,可笑的 我很高兴人们懂得时兴迟到的概念,但这太可笑了吧。 -Amalia: I think everybody's down the hall, watching a movie or something. hall: 大厅 movie: 电影 我想大家都在大厅里看电影或什么的。 -Blair: What? Please. Ease up on the toro. ease: 使悠闲 toro: 公牛肉 好好享受公牛肉吧。 -Chuck: He has to answer to a board, Serena. 他得向董事会汇报 Serena. And board members tend not to approve of clubs with coat check girls who give happy endings. approve: 赞同,核准 而且董事们不会批准这种声色犬马的俱乐部。 -Serena: It was an honest mistake. When he was talking about your plans... 那是个无心之失 当他谈起你的计划... -Chuck: Look, why do you think I asked you to go out tonight? Because I knew something like this would happen. 听着,你觉得为什么我让你今晚待在外面? 因为我知道会有这样的事发生。 -Serena: Fine. Then I'll go. 那好.我走好了。 -Chuck: Train wreck. wreck: 破坏 train wreck: 残废 废人。 -Roommates: Great job, Vanessa. that was awesome. 太棒了,Vanessa 那真了不起。 -Georgina: Oh. Hey, Blair. Oh, my god. 噢.嘿,Blair. 噢,天哪. We just finished watching Vanessa's documentary about this community garden in her neighborhood. documentary: 记录片 community: 社区 neighborhood: 小区 我们刚看完Vanessa 关于她邻居小区花园的纪录片。 It was amazing. 太棒了。 -Vanessa: No, it wasn't. 不,才没呢。 -Georgina: Yes, it was. I... I mean, Vanessa, tears. Actual tears. 是的,它是.我是说,Vanessa,泪水.真的流泪了. When that gang member picked up his first carrot... gang: 队,群,帮 pick up: 拾起来 carrot: 胡萝卜 当那个黑帮成员拾起他第一个胡萝卜时... -Blair: okay, screening is over. The cocktail party has officially begun in the common room Sake-tinis. cocktail: 鸡尾酒 officially: 正式地 sake tinis: 清酒 好了,纪录片放完了.鸡尾酒会已经在公共休息室正式开始了。 And is that my invitation being used as a coaster? invitation: 邀请函 coaster: 杯垫,小托盘 我的邀请函被用来当杯垫? -Georgina: Um, thanks so much, Blair, But we actually just scarfed, like, four pizzas, scarf: 围巾【指吃得太饱了】 嗯,太谢谢你了,Blair 但我们其实刚吃了差不多4个比萨. And Vanessa is about to show us her bootleg Michel Gondry videos. bootleg: 非法制造,走私 Michel Gondry【一著名导演】 video: 录像 Vanessa正准备给我们看她自己拍的Michel Gondry录像。 -Blair: Georgina, please. 拜托,Georgina. Nobody wants greasy pizza and Vanessa's home movies greasy: 油腻的 没人想要油腻腻的比萨和Vanessa的自制电影 when there's a sushi and sake party right in the other room. sushi: 寿司 sake: 日本清酒 当有个日本菜派对在另一个房间时。 Did I mention wasabi facials? wasabi:芥末 facial: 面部护理 我提到过芥末面膜吗? -Georgina: Okay, then. 好吧,那么。 -A girl: And shut the door? 关上门好吗? -Gossip girl: Spotted Blair Waldorf going from V.I.P. to V.D. V.I.P.=very important person 大人物 V.D.=venereal disease性病 看看Blair Waldorf从V.I.P.变成V.D. Poor Blair. How are you going to cure this one? cure: 治疗 可怜的Blair 你怎么解决这一个呢? -Dan: Morning. 早上好。 -Serena: Hey. Thanks for letting me crash here last night. crash: 撞碎,迫降【留宿】 嘿.谢谢你昨晚让我留宿。 -Dan: Harboring an Ivy League fugitive? I'm your man. I made you breakfast. harbor: 庇护,隐藏 fugitive: 逃亡者 帮常青藤大学逃亡者避难? 荣幸之至。我做了早餐。 I have to go, but remember, we don't have any servants here, servant: 佣人 我得走了,但是记住,这里没有佣人。 So if you see anybody else in the loft besides me, Call the police. It's not the chef. loft: 阁楼,顶楼 chef: 厨师 所以你在这里看到除了我以外的人就报警,那不是厨师。 -Serena: Good to know. So did classes start already? 很高兴知道。已经开课了吗? -Dan: Uh, no, just orientation stuff. But, uh, i did join a literary group. orientation: 适应 stuff: 东西 literary: 文学的 呃,不,只是情况介绍之类的。但是,我加入了一个文学小组。 More people have talked to me at N.Y.U. In one day than my entire four years at St. Jude's. entire: 整个 一天内在纽约大学跟我讲话的人比整个四年在St. Jude's的都多 。 -Serena: Well, i'm not surprised. I can totally see why people would love you there. 我一点都不觉得惊奇我完全知道那里的人们为什么会喜欢你。 -Dan: Oh, about Brown... Uh, you really should think about talking to my dad. 噢 关于布朗... 呃 你真的该考虑告诉我爸。 He might ramble a lot; he might nervously strum his guitar, ramble: 闲谈 nervously: 神经质地 strum:(漫不经心地)弹奏 guitar: 吉他 他可能很散漫,弹吉他的时候很紧张。 But, uh, when it comes to fatherly advice, I don't know, he's pretty much the best there is. fatherly: 父亲的 advice: 忠告,劝告 但是,到了父亲提建议的时候,我不知道,他可能就是最好的。 -Girl A: do you want one? 你想要吗? -Blair: Thanks 谢谢。 -Girl B: Come to the party. Come to the party. Thanks. 来派对。来派对。谢谢。 -Georgina: It's gonna be really fun. 会很有趣的 -Girl C: We'll be there. 我们会去的。 -Georgina: Oh, fantastic. oh. fantastic: 极好的,难以相信的 噢,太棒了。噢。 -Blair: So if you're not trying to sabotage me, then what is this? sabotage: 从事破坏活动 如果你不想破坏我的计划,那这又是什么? First you deliberately ruin my sushi party, and now you're making your move. deliberately: 故意地 ruin: 毁坏,毁灭 首先你直接毁了我的寿司派对,现在你又开始行动了。 -Georgina: This paranoia has got to stop, Blair. paranoia: 偏执狂,妄想狂 你得停止狂想症了,Blair。 -Blair: I am not paranoid. I'm right. 我没有狂想症。我是对的。 Why else would you have formed an alliance with Vanessa, alliance: 结盟,联盟,联姻 你为什么会跟Vanessa联合, The one person I may hate more than you? 那个比你更讨厌的人? -Georgina: It's not an alliance. It's a friendship. unlike you, Vanessa's cool and people like her, alliance: 结盟,联盟,联姻 friendship: 友谊 这不是联合。这是友谊。不像你 Vanessa很酷大家都喜欢她。 More than the weird girl who threw the fish party. weird: 怪异的 比那个举办鱼晚会的奇怪女孩更多。 -Blair: Sushi. There was toro. sushi: 寿司 toro: 公牛【公牛肉】 是寿司 还有公牛肉 -Georgina: Face it, Blair. once upon a time, in a far-off land, You were a queen. once upon a time: 从前 far-off: 远方的,遥远的 queen: 女王,王后 面对现实吧 Blair 很久以前 在一个很遥远的国度你是女王。 Here you're just a loser who will never fit in. So you won't be needing that. loser: 失败者 fit in: 适合,适宜 在这里你只是个永远不合群的败者。你不需要这个的。 Hey, guys. Do you want to come to my party? 嘿,大家。想来我的派对吗? You can have one, too. You're really pretty. 你也拿一张吧。你真漂亮。 -girl D: Thank you. 谢谢。 -Serena: Rufus? Hello? What are you doing here? Rufus? 有人吗? 你来干嘛? -Chuck: Rufus and I were just catching up. but I have to prepare for a meeting tonight. catch up: 叙旧 Rufus和我刚刚在叙旧,但我今晚要准备个会议。 Thank you for the waffles. waffle: 华夫饼干 谢谢你的饼干。 -Serena: Look, I...I don't know what kind of twisted spin Chuck put on things, twisted: 扭曲的 spin: 旋转 我...我不知道Chuck扭曲了多少事实 but I actually wanted to talk to you about this. actually: 实际上 实际上我想跟你讲这件事。 Rufus, I'm having doubts about going to Brown. doubt: 怀疑,疑惑 Rufus我在去布朗大学的事上还有些犹豫。 -Rufus: Well, I'm sorry about that, but to lie about leaving for college? lie: 说谎 我对此感到遗憾,但是撒谎说去上学? I mean, between the show you put on for the paparazzI all summer paparazzi: 专门追逐名人偷拍照片的记者【狗仔队】 我是说你在夏天跟狗仔队上演的那场闹剧 and the craziness at the polo party last week and this, craziness: 疯狂 polo: 马球 还有上个星期马球派对上的疯狂,现在又来这个。 I don't know what's going on with you. 我不知道你到底怎么了。 -Serena: I know. I'm sorry I lied. I just didn't want to upset my mom. upset: 使心烦意乱 我知道。很抱歉我撒谎了。我只是不想让妈妈失望。 -Rufus: Well, at least we agree about that, at least: 至少 agree: 同意,赞成 至少这一点我们是一致的。 Which is why you can repack your things and go to Brown today. repack: 重新打包 这就是为什么你应该重新打包你的东西并且今天就去Brown大学。 I'll have a car here within an hour. within: 在…之内 一小时内会有车来。 As long as you're in it, there's no reason Lily ever has to know about this. as long as: 只要 reason: 原因 只要你去了,Lily就没有理由知道这件事了。 -Serena: Or what, you'll tell on me? tell on: 告发 不去又怎样,你准备打小 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 吗? Wow. I feel really emotionally supported in making this life-changing decision. emotionally: 感情上 life-changing: 改变命运的 decision: 决定 哇。做这种可能改变一生的重大决定时我真的很感到情感上的支持。 -Rufus: It's not a decision. It's a mistake, which is why I'm--I'm trying to get you not to make it. mistake: 错误 这不是决定。这是错误,所以我才帮你避免错误。 -Serena: By threatening me. Do you know you're more afraid of my mother than I am? threaten: 威胁 be afraid of: 害怕 用威胁的方式。你知道你比我还要怕我母亲吗? You know what, Rufus? Go ahead. Call her. You can let her know I'm not going to Brown. go ahead: 干吧 知道吗 Rufus? 随便你。告诉她。告诉她我不去布朗上学了。 Thanks for the talk. 谢谢你的忠告。 -Carter: What do you want? 你想怎样? -Serena: Hey. I was wondering if you want to go out tonight. 嘿。我在想你你今晚想出去吗。 -Carter: I thought you were at Brown. 我以为你在布朗。 -Serena: No, I'm not. In fact, after I hang up with you, I will be withdrawing my admission. in fact: 实际上 hang up: 挂电话 withdraw: 撤回,取回,撤退 admission: 许可,承认 实际上,挂电话之后我就准备放弃入学。 There's nobody I'd rather celebrate with. So are you in or out? celebrate: 庆祝 我想一起庆祝的只有你了。你来吗? -Carter: See you tonight. 今晚见。 -Dan: No, I'm telling you, 不,我告诉你。 I learned everything I need to know about women from Judy Blume's "Forever." 我学到了需要知道的所有关于女人的事从Judy Blume的"Forever"。 -Blair: Can I talk to you? 我们能聊聊吗? -Dan: Uh, yeah. Yeah. What's up? 呃,可以,怎么了? -Blair: I was wondering...Do you have a date to Georgina's party? wonder: 想知道 date:舞会上的伴 我在想...你有女伴去Georgina的派对吗? -Gossip girl: Forget the four horsemen. The real evidence our world is coming to an end... four horsemen: (基督教圣经中的)四骑士【指战争,饥饿,瘟疫,死亡四大害】 evidence: 证 据 不说四骑士了,世界末日到来的真正证据是... Blair Waldorf needing Dan Humphrey to rescue her from social extinction. rescue: 拯救 social: 社交的 extinction: 消失 Blair Waldorf 需要 Dan Humphrey拯救她出社交险境。 -Dan: You OK? 你还好吗? -Blair: I just feel like I got off on the wrong foot here, and I want to start again. 我只是觉得我开始时做错了,我想一切重来。 So... Thanks for bringing me,Humphrey. 所以... 谢谢你带我来 Humphrey。 -Dan: Oh. Uh, yeah. Well, you know, 噢。呃,你知道的。 I... I would just like to think that if I needed it, somebody would do the same for me. 我只是在想如果我需要帮助的话,有人也能这样对我。 Although, let's be honest, we both know it wouldn't be you. honest: 诚实的 尽管,老实说,我们都知道那个人不会是你。 Oh. No headbands in college, okay? headband: 头巾,头饰带 噢。大学不带发带,好吗? -Dan: Katie. Katie. -Katie: Hey, guys. 嘿,你们好。 -Dan: Blair, you, uh, you remember Katie? remember: 记得 Blair你记得Katie吗? -Katie: Yeah. Cute necklace. necklace: 项链 项链真漂亮。 -Blair: Thank you. I love your... 谢谢。我喜欢你的... -Dan: How... how about I get us all drinks and you two talk? Just not about high school, please. 要不我去拿饮料你们好好聊? 只要不聊高中生活,拜托。 -Classmates: What's up, Dan? 好吗 Dan? -Katie: So was everyone at your high school totally jealous of Dan for being such a great writer? jealous: 妒忌的 你们高中每个人是不是都很羡慕Dan是个这么好的作家? -Blair: Dan's a writer? Dan是作家? -Georgina: Oh. Hey, Dan. 噢。嘿,Dan。 -Dan: Hey. Um, listen. I'm sorry about yesterday. I... I was out of line. out of line: 出格 嘿,呃。昨天跟抱歉。我做的太过分了。 -Georgina: Please don't... don't even worry about it. I mean, you have every right to be upset. upset: 使心烦意乱 拜托不要再担心这个了。我是说,你有权力心烦。 I'm just really glad you're here. glad: 高兴的 我只是很高兴你来这了。 -Dan: Thanks. 谢谢。 -Georgina: Okay, so am I really drunk, or did I just see you walk in with Blair? drunk: 喝醉了的 好了,是我喝太多了吗,你刚刚是不是跟Blair一起来的? -Dan: Look, you wanted me to give you a second chance. chance: 机会 你想让我给你第二次机会。 Don't you think you should give one to Blair? 你不认为也应该给Blair一个吗? -Georgina: She's not looking for a second chance. She's looking for a way in. 她没有想要第二次机会。她想要的进来的机会。 People like you here, Dan, and Blair sees that. Dan大家都很高兴你能来,而且Blair也很明白这点。 -Dan: I'm sorry. I've been the person not welcome at parties, and if I'm now on the other side of things, 不好意思。我曾经也是派对上不受欢迎的人,如果现在我是另一个极端, I'm... I'm not gonna treat people the way I was treated, even if it's Blair. treat: 视为,对待,处理 我... 我不会像别人曾经对待我那样的去对待大家,即使是Blair也一样 。 -Georgina: I'm just trying to look out for you. Trust me. You're being used. Have fun. trust: 相信 look out: 注意 have fun: 玩得开心 我只是想让你当心点。相信我。你被利用了。玩得开心。 -Bree: Gross! With your mother's L.L. Bean catalog? gross: 恶心 catalog: 目录 真恶心! 加上你妈妈的L.L. Bean(美国著名的户外用品品牌)的目录? Ugh. A cargo short fetish definitely goes in the "minus" column. cargo: 船货 fetish: 恋物癖 definitely: 肯定地 column: 专栏 啊 一船短裤。绝对可以入"反面" 专栏。 -Nate: What are you talking about? I was, like, 12 years old. 你在说什么呢? 我那时候差不多才12岁。 -Bree: Speaking of pants, pass yours over here. pants: 裤子 说到裤子,把你裤子拿来。 -Nate: What do you need my pants for? 你要我裤子干嘛? -Bree: Because I want to see what's in them. Come on. Show me all your secrets. secret: 秘密 因为我想看看里面有什么。来吧。把你所有的秘密都告诉我吧。 -Nate: Have a look. It's just normal stuff. stuff: 东西 看吧。都是些普通的东西。 -Bree: Normal stuff, huh? All right. 普通的东西,真的? 好吧。 -Nate: See? 看吧? -Bree: Hmm? Keys, cell phone, a boarding pass... from London. cell phone: 移动电话 boarding pass: 登机证 钥匙、手机、一个登机牌...从伦敦出发的。 Don't tell me that you've been wearing these pants since we met, pants: 裤子 别告诉我从我们见面开始你就一直穿着这条裤子, because that really would be gross. gross: 恶心的 因为那样的话倒真有点恶心。 -Nate: No, I... If you must know, I kept it. 不是的,我... 如果你一定要知道,我一直留着这东西。 -Bree: Ah. And he has a sentimental streak. sentimental: 多愁善感的 streak : 倾向 嗯。他也有感情细腻的一面啊。 -Nate: Hey, I thought your theory was that if we really got to know each other, we'd break up. theory: 理论 break up: 分手 嘿,我觉得你的理论就是如果我们真的彼此了解了,我们就该分手了。 -Bree: Mm. Maybe I'm revising my theory. revise: 校订,修正 嗯。或许我正在修改这个理论。 -Carter: To you. Brown's loss is my gain. loss: 丧失,损耗 gain: 得到,增进,获利 敬你。布朗大学的损失我的获益。 -Serena: Thank you. 谢谢。 -Carter: You know, when you called, I tried not to answer. Great. Chuck Bass. 当你来电话时我本想不接的。很好,是Chuck Bass。 Let's get out of here. 我们走吧。 -Serena: No. Come on. Since when do you run away from Chuck Bass ? 不。别这样。你什么时候开始怕Chuck Bass了? It looks like he's having a business meeting. business: 商业,生意,事务 看起来他有个商务会谈。 This could be fun. fun: 有趣的人或事物 这肯定很好玩。 -Serena: No way. 不会吧。 -Chuck: Serena, Carter, this isn't a good time. Serena Carter 现在不是合适的时候。 -Serena: Well, then let's make it one. 那我们就把它变合适嘛。 -Carter: What's wrong, Chuck? Aren't you happy to see us? 怎么,Chuck? 见到我们不高兴吗? -Serena: You know, Carter and I were just sharing our favorite Chuck Bass stories. share: 分享 favorite: 最爱的 你知道么,我们正在分享着我们最爱的Chuck Bass的故事呢, There were so many we had to break them into categories. category: 种类,类别 太多故事了都不得不把它们分好放入目录了。 what were we up to, international affairs? international: 国际的 affair: 事务 我们说到哪了,国际事务? -Carter: Oh, there was a time when, uh, Chuck and the Italian Ambassador's son Italian: 意大利的 ambassador: 大使 哦,有一次 Chuck和意大利大使的儿子 were asked to leave an Amsterdam brothel. Amsterdam: 阿姆斯特丹【荷兰首都】 brothel: 妓院 被要求离开一家阿姆斯特丹的妓院。 Now that's an accomplishment. accomplishment: 成就 现在这事成了一项功绩了。 -Chuck: Simple misunderstanding. None of us spoke any Dutch. misunderstanding: 误解 是场小误会。我们没人会说荷兰语。 -Serena: Oh! My gosh. Is this... is this a business meeting? I'm... I'm sorry if you sense any tension. sense: 感觉,了解 tension: 紧张,张力 哦! 天啊。这是... 是一个商务会谈? 如果你们觉得气氛紧张的话我... 我很抱歉。 Those two don't like each other that much 'Cause they share the same taste in women. taste: 品味 actual: 实际的,真实的 这两个人关系并不好因为他们都喜欢同样一种女人。 Sometimes they share the actual women. 实际上有时他们会共享女人的。 -Chuck: That's enough. 够了。 -Carter: So what's this business meeting about, Bass? Still trying to fill your daddy's shoes? 这是关于什么的会谈 Bass? 还是想重操你爸爸的旧业? -Serena: Yeah, Chuck, come on. Tell him your idea. 没错,Chuck,来。谈谈你的想法。 -Chuck: I'm opening a restaurant. restaurant: 餐馆 我打算开家饭店。 -Serena: Yeah, that's what he's telling people, but downstairs, in the vault, he's creating a club. downstairs: 在楼下 vault: 窖,地下室 create: 创造 没错 他虽然对大家这样说 但是在楼下 地下室 他开了家夜总会 What did you say? You wanted to redefine decadence? redefine: 重新定义 decadence:衰落,颓废 你刚才都说些了什么? 你想重新定义堕落不成。 -Chuck: You wanted to ruin my deal, so you came here and brought Carter Baizen as your wingman. ruin: 毁坏,破坏 wingman: 僚机飞行员【幕僚】 你想毁了我的买卖,你来这里并带着Carter Baizen充当你的幕僚。 I told Rufus about Brown because I was actually concerned for you. actually: 实际上 concern: 关心 waste: 浪费 我告诉Rufus关于Brown大学的事是因为我真的很关心你 I'm sorry to have wasted your time. 我很抱歉耽误你们时间了。 -Boy A: Are you insane? "Battlestar" kicks "T.N.G." ' ass. insane: 疯狂的,精神错乱的 kick ass: 打败 你疯了吧? "战场之星"狠狠揍了"T.N.G."一顿? What other show on the history of the planet has been asked to speak at the U.N.? history: 历史 planet: 星球 这星球的历史上还有其它表演被要求在联合国上发言吗? -Boy B: Oh, perfect. 哦,真不错啊。 An organization that condemns terrorism organization: 组织 condemn: 责备 terrorism: 恐怖主义 一个一边批判恐怖主义的的组织 while secretly funding it hosts a panel for a show that glorifies terrorists. fund: 资助 host :主持 glorify: 赞美,美化 terrorist: 恐怖分子 一边又暗地资助主持了一场颂扬恐怖分子的座谈会。 Dude, I can't even look at you right now. dude: 兄弟 老兄,我现在看都不想看你了。 -Boy A: Fine. Don't look. 好吧。那就别看。 -Boy B: What do you think? 你怎么看? -Blair: Trust me. You don't want to know. trust: 相信 相信我,你不会想知道的。 -Boy B: I do. I do want to know. 我想。我想知道。 -Blair: Oh, thank God. 哦,感谢上帝。 -Scott: Man, I'm really glad you decided to come to the party. decide: 决定 我很高兴你能来这个派对。 -Dan: Oh, thanks, man. That's... 哦,谢谢,这是... -Scott: Vanessa cares about you a lot, and I know that she was hoping you'd come.you know... care: 介意,关心 Vanessa很在乎你,而且我知道她很希望你能来。你知道的... -Dan : Yeah, Yeah, I know. 是的,是的,我知道。 -Vanessa: There he is. 他在这儿。 -Dan: Oh, speak of the devil. Hey. To, uh, to fresh starts. devil: 魔鬼,恶魔 哦,说曹操曹操到啊。嘿,敬,额,为了全新的开始。 -Vanessa: I'm happy you're here, Humphrey. 我很高兴你来这里 Humphrey。 -Dan: Me, too. 我也是。 -Katie: So, Scott, you are in big trouble. trouble: 麻烦 Scott 你有大麻烦了 I cannot believe you told Vanessa to take professor Rifkin for art in the world. believe: 相信 professor: 教授 我不敢相信你竟然告诉Vanessa选Rifkin教授作为世界文学的导师。 -Scott: Why? I mean, I liked him. 怎么了? 我是说,我过去很喜欢他。 -Katie: Dude, he's totally old school, not to mention just plain old. totally: 完全地 mention: 提起,说起 plain: 简单的 老兄,他完全是个守旧派,不仅仅是年纪大啊。 I mean, his lecture notes are literally turning yellow with age. lecture: 讲课 note: 笔记 literally: 不夸张地 我是说,他的讲课笔记都发黄了。 Please do tell what other professors are you recommending? recommend: 推荐 请一定告诉我你还推荐了哪些其他教授? -Vanessa: Yeah, let's hear it, because Katie's gonna have to weigh in from now on. weigh in: 参加 是的,让我们听听看,因为Katie从现在起也加入了。 -Scott: I... I'm at a party. I really don't feel like taking a test right now. test: 测验 我... 我现在派对上。我现在真不想象考试一样。 -Blair: Excuse me, everyone. Can you please stop with that noise? Hi, everyone. noise: 噪声 大家好,打扰一下。能不能先把这噪音闭掉? 嗨,大家好。 -Georgina: what the hell? 搞什么? -Blair: Well, most of you don't know me. My name is Blair Waldorf. 大多数可能不认识我。我是Blair Waldorf。 But a lot of you know my roommate, who threw this amazing party... Georgina. Georgina! amazing: 令人惊异的 但是你们肯定知道我的室友举办这次令人赞叹的派对... Georgina Georgina! Yeah, I know. Georgina rocks, right? rock: 摇摆,摇动【很棒很酷】 是的,我知道。Georgina很酷,是吧? I mean, it's funny, bcause I never knew that a Jesus freak could throw such a good party, funny: 滑稽的,有趣的 freak: 怪人 我的意思是,这真有趣,因为我从不知道一个基督狂可以举办这么好的派对。 But I guess I was wrong. So, everyone, raise a glass raise: 举起 但是我猜我错了。大家举起玻璃杯子 or a... Plastic cup of foam to the coolest Christian I know... Georgina Sparks. plastic: 塑料 foam: 泡沫 Christian: 基督教徒 或者一个... 泡沫塑料杯,为了我知道的最酷的基督徒,Georgina Sparks。 -Christians: What do you know, what do you know. What do you know about Jesus? Jesus: 耶稣 你知道吗,你知道吗,你知道耶稣吗? What do you know, what do you know. What do you know about the lord? lord: 上帝,主 你知道吗,你知道吗,你知道上帝吗? What do you know, what do you know about Jesus and his love? 你知道吗,你知道耶稣吗和他的爱吗? -Blair: Oh... My God. This is a conversion party. I can't believe it. conversion: 改变信仰 哦... 我的天啊。这是个改变信仰的派对。 Georgina threw this party and invited all her friends here to convert the vulnerable freshmen. invite: 邀请 convert :使改变信仰 vulnerable: 脆弱的 freshman: 大学一年级学生 我不敢相信Georgina举办了这样的派对邀请了她所有的朋友要来改变这些脆弱的大学新生 们的信仰。 -Gossip girl: It seems that Blair Waldorf has finally found Jesus 好像Blair Waldorf最终寻找到了耶稣 and invited him to crash Georgina's party. crash: 撞碎,摧毁 并邀请他来搞垮了Georgina的派对 -Serena: Carter, wait. Carter 等等。 -Carter: So that's the whole reason you wanted me to go out with you tonight... 这就是你让我今晚出来陪你的原因... You knew I would help you screw over Chuck. screw over: 欺负 你清楚我会帮你教训Chuck。 -Serena: Chuck had screwed me over or... or at least I thought he had. I wanted to get him back. Chuck先欺负的我,或许... 或许至少我认为他是这么做的。我想报复他。 -Carter: Serena, listen to you. What's your deal? deal: 交易,目的 Serena 听听你说的。你什么目的? You're acting out because daddy doesn't love you? 你想表现的很出格因为你爸不爱你了? Is that why you skipped out on Brown, too? skip out: 偷偷溜走 这就是为什么你不去布朗大学? -Serena: Please. 拜托别说了。 -Carter: No. I told you how I felt, and you blew me off until you needed someone to do your dirty work. blow off: 吹掉【拒绝】 不。我已经告诉你我的感受了。可是你拒绝我直到需要要人来帮你完成你的肮脏行为时 It's time to find a new bad habit, 'Cause it's not gonna be me anymore. habit: 习惯 是时候换个新的坏习惯了,因为我不再是你的坏习惯了。 -Blair: V.I.P. V.I.P. Room at the Monkey Bar. Monkey Bar. Can't wait. The limo's waiting downstairs. bar: 酒吧 limo: 豪华轿车 V.I.P. 猴子酒吧的V.I.P.房间。猴子酒吧 ,我都等不及了,有豪华轿车在下面等着呢。 -Christian: We were worried about you. We missed you so much. 我们很担心你,我们很想念你, I can't tell you how my heart filled with joy 我真不知道怎么表达我的心满是快乐。 when we got your call inviting us to share his glory with all of your new friends. glory: 光荣 当我们接到你的电话要邀请我们和你的新朋友们,来分享上帝的荣耀时。 -Georgina: I didn't invite you here. invite: 邀请 我没邀请过你们。 -Christian: we thought our little lamb had been lost for good. lamb: 小羊 我还以为我们的小羊羔永远迷失了呢。 -Georgina: I am lost for good. 我是彻底迷失了。 -Blair: v.i.p room at monkey bar, hope to see you there. 去小猴酒吧的会员房间吧,希望在那里见到你们。 monkey bar, limo’s downstairs 去小猴酒吧吧,豪华轿车在楼下等着你们哦。 -Dan: wait, Blair,what the hell are you doing? 等等,Blair, 你在搞什么? -Blair: Georgina is turning everyone against me. Georgina想要拉拢所有人孤立我, You were just casualty in the battle for social domination. casualty:伤亡者 battle: 战斗 domination: 支配,控制 你只是为了争取社交优势而牺牲的人而已。 But don’t worry, your loyalty’s been rewarded. loyalty: 忠诚 reward: 奖赏,酬谢 不过没关系,你的忠诚是有回报的。 your name is on the list of monkey bar, yours isn’t 小猴酒吧的名单里有你的名字,没有你的。 -Vanessa: Georgina wasn’t turning people against you, Blair Georgina没有想要孤立你,Blair. you tried to bribe people into being your friend with Sushi party and gift bags and nobody liked that. bribe: 贿赂 你想用寿司派对和礼物贿赂这些人来成为你的朋友,但是没人买账。 -Blair: I don’t need these losers to like me in order to follow me loser: 失败者 我才不稀罕这些失败者因为想跟着我而喜欢我。 Fear works better anyway 吓吓他们还挺管用的。 Dan, you’ve experienced social Siberia, if you want to try something new experienced: 有经验的 social: 社交的 Siberia:西伯利亚 你已经体验过社交的寒冬,如果你想尝试些新鲜的东西, I’ ll see you in the monkey bar 我会再小猴酒吧等你。 -Vanessa: I didn’t know there was a cool crowd at college crowd: 一伙,大众 没想到大学里还有这么尴尬的气氛。 -Dan: I think you and I were the only ones dumb enough to believe it dumb: 愚蠢的 我想只有我们两怎么笨才会相信的。 -Katie: so some of us were wondering if you’re gonna monkey bar? wonder: 想知道 我们当中的有些人想知道你会不会去小猴酒吧? -Vanessa: you know, just because someone has to be on top doesn’t mean it has to be Blair. 你知道吗,要是有人要稳居上风不败的话,也不意味着这个人就必须是Blair。 -Blair: now when you get downstairs, you’ll find limo waiting to take you to the club 你们下楼后就会看到豪华轿车,它会接你们去俱乐部的。 and no sticking your head out of the sunfoof stick out: 伸出 sunfoof: 汽车顶蓬上可开合以透空气与光的窗 不要把头伸出敞篷。 -Blair: This isn't East Ridge High School prom. Bye. 这可不是East Ridge高中的舞会。拜。 -Dan: Hello. Hey, uh, excuse me. Could I get everyone's attention, please? attention: 注意 喂。嘿,呃,打扰一下。大家都听我说好吗? Hey. Hi. Hello. I'm Dan. I just want to let everybody know here. 嘿。嗨,你们好。我是Dan。 That, uh, Blair Waldorf over there invited some people from Georgina's past, 我只想让大家知道那边的Blair Waldorf 请来了许多Georgina过去的朋友 just so she could embarrass her. But you know, we're...we're all starting college here, embarrass: 使困窘 就是为让她难堪。但你们知道 我们...我们都是来过大学生活的, and college is supposed to be a place where you're not judged be supposed to: 假定 judge: 判定,判断 而且大学应该是一个不不会被评价的地方 by what you believe or...or the friends you make 凭借你的信仰和所交的朋友。 You're here to make new friends and start over, right? 而是为了交新朋友重新开始的地方,对吗? So last time I checked, I mean, I think...- I think this...this party's pretty fun. Yeah? 所以刚才我想了想,我想说,我觉得...我觉得...这场晚会还是很有意思的,对吗? -Classmates: Yeah. 对。 -Dan: Yeah, okay. So... Who wants to leave with Blair? 好的,那... 谁想跟Blair走? All right, and who wants to stay here and drink cheap beer with me? It's a no-brainer. beer: 啤酒 no-brainer: 不用脑子的【简单的决定】 那好吧,谁想留在这和我一起喝廉价的啤酒?显而易见。 -Georgina: Thank you. You didn't have to do that. 谢谢。你不必这么做的。 -Dan: Yeah, I did. Let's get a beer. 是啊,我已经做了咱们去喝一杯吧。 -Gossip girl: Uh...oh, B. Looks like your new flock was just led astray, flock: 群 astray: 迷途地 哦,B 看起来你的新信众刚刚弃你而去了 and by Dan Humphrey no less. I guess they know a force profit when they see it. force: 力量 profit: 利润 竟然还是因为Dan Humphrey。我想只有当她们亲眼所见的时候才会知道什么是大势所趋。 -Serena: Hi. 嗨。 -Rufus: You mind if I join you? 介意我进来吗? -Serena: It's your home. Dan told you I was here? 这是你的家 是Dan告诉你我在这吗? -Rufus: I was...glad you felt like you could come here, that you felt like this was a safe place. safe: 安全的 我...我很高兴你能来并且能觉得这里很安全。 -Serena: I'm really sorry, Rufus. I never meant for it to get this messed up. mean: 想要 mess up: 搞糟 fault: 过失 Rufus,很抱歉,我从未想把它搞砸, None of it was your fault. 不是你的错。 -Rufus: Well, I didn't help matters. I shouldn't have blown up at you the way that I did. blew up: 发大脾气,严责 我什么忙也没帮上。我不应该那样冲你发火。 -Rufus: So... Talk to me. 那... 跟我说说吧。 -Serena: Well, um...I called Brown and deferred for a year. defer: 延期 嗯...我给布朗大学打了电话告诉他们要延迟一年。 -Rufus: Okay. 好的。 -Serena: It may have been for the wrong reasons at the time, I...I think. decision: 决定 也许那时候的理由不对,我觉得, Well, no, I...I know that it was the right decision. 不,我...我知道那是正确的决定。 I would have just been going because my mom wanted me to go, 我想去那是因为我妈妈想让我去, and while that's a good reason, that's not good enough. 虽然这是个好理由,但还是不够好。 -Rufus: You know, I did the same thing. Well, it was Rutgers, not Brown, Rutgers: 罗格斯大学【新泽西州立大学】 知道吗,我做过同样的事,不过是罗格斯大学,不是布朗。 but I got in and I realized that if I didn't pursue music, I'd never do it. realize: 意识到 pursue: 追求,继续从事 只是我进去后发现要是不坚持做音乐就永远也做不了了。 -Serena: I wish I had that same sense of purpose. sense: 感觉,了解 purpose: 目的,意图 我希望自己也有那样明确的目标 But I hope that if I...if I take this time, that I'll find it. Gosh. How am I gonna tell my mom? 不过我希望...如果我度过这段时间就能找到我的目标。天啊 我该怎么向妈妈交代? -Rufus: Maybe I could help you figure that out. figure out: 解决 或许我能帮你解决。 I know I'm not the first guy that your mom's brought into your life, 我知道我不是你妈妈带到你面前的第一个男人, But if you and Eric will let me, I'd really like to be more to you 但如果你和Eric同意 我想为你们做的更多 than...than just Lily's most recent husband. Let me help you with this. recent: 近来的,新近的 husband: 丈夫 而不仅仅是当Lily最新的丈夫。让我帮你吧。 -Serena: Wow. I, uh...I would really appreciate that, Rufus. appreciate: 感激 哇,我,呃...Rufus 真的太谢谢你了。 -Bree: I'm sorry, mom. It wasn't my intention to embarrass you or daddy. intention:目的,意图 embarrass: 使困窘 妈妈,很抱歉,我不是有意让你和爸爸难堪的。 Look, I wouldn't be doing any of this, if I didn't feel the way that I do. I really, really like him, and... 你看 要不是想顺着自己感觉走我不会这样做的 我真的真的很喜欢他 并且... Mom, please. Don't be like that. Mom? 妈妈,拜托了,别这样。妈妈? -Bree: I guess we didn't fool the doorman. doorman: 看门人 看来我们没糊弄过看门人。 -Nate: So you told your mom the truth? truth:真相 你告诉你妈妈真相了? -Bree: I didn't want to risk everything with my family for some fling that wasn't gonna last. risk: 冒…的危险 fling: 投掷【艳遇】 我不想为了一些不能长久的感情而用家人的一切做赌注。 -Nate: But? 但是? -Bree: Well, if your family can accept us together, maybe one day mine will, too. accept: 接受 如果你家可以接受我们在一起,或许有一天我家也可以。 -Nate: And if not? 要是不行呢? -Bree: It's a risk that I'm willing to take. 这是我愿意冒的风险。 -Blair: There's a reason we never went downtown...It's awful. downtown:市中心 awful: 可怕的 我们从不去市中心是有原因的...太差劲了。 The minute you cross 14th street, people forget there's a class system. system: 系统, 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 在你穿越十四大街那一刻人们就忘了还有等级制度的存在。 -Serena: B, you will find your place. Just give it time. B 你会找到自己的位置。慢慢来就好了。 -Blair: No, I found my place, and it's at the bottom. bottom: 底部 不,我找到了自己的位置,在最底端。 It's a point of pride now that I see who's on top. pride: 骄傲 现在能看见谁在最顶端才让我我有一点点骄傲。 Anyway, it's all turned out for the best. If I hadn't been so distracted, distracted: 分心的 不管怎样,事情都会慢慢变好。要不是我因为别的事而分心。 I would've been able to force you to go to Brown. 我本可以让你逼你去布朗念书了。 -Serena: That's sweet, but no, you wouldn't have. I am sorry I pulled a disappearing act on you. disappear: 消失 很贴心,不过别, 你别逼我了,很抱歉我还跟你玩失踪。 -Blair: I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to me...In the handbag department at Bendel's. handbag: 手袋 department: 部门 我知道你会用别的方式弥补我的...在Bendel’s的手提包商城。 Now normally I'd be more worried about Brown, 正常来讲我更担心你去布朗的事情, but you actually seem a lot better than you have in a while. 但这会儿你看起来好多了。 -Serena: I really am. 确实是。 -Blair: It was so much easier when it was just about where we sat on the met steps. 要是只有我们坐的这台阶这么大地盘的话事情可简单多了。 -Serena: Yeah, but we've...We've been here, done this 是的,但是我们已经...我们已经在这了,解决它了。 -Blair: But I was so good at it. 我过去很擅长做这种事情的。 -Serena: Well...Then it's time for a new challenge...For both of us. Challenge: 挑战 那...接下来就到迎接新挑战的时刻了...我们俩都是。 -Blair: I'm glad you're not going to Brown. I need you here. 你不去布朗我真高兴。我需要你在这儿。 -Serena: Same. 我也是。 -Blair: Mm. Bye. 嗯,拜。 -Serena: Bye, you. 拜拜。 -Scott: I'm sorry I'm late, but I have a good excuse. excuse: 借口 很抱歉我迟到了,但我有个很好的借口。 -Vanessa: What is this? 这是什么? -Scott: A review of all the professors I had this summer. And look, I even gave them grades. review: 回顾,评审 grade: 分数 这个假期我所有课程的教授的评价。看,我甚至给他们打分了。 -Vanessa: Wow. This is amazing. 哇 太了不起了 -Scott: I'm sorry...For that weird moment with Katie last night. weird: 怪异的 对不起...昨晚我和Katie那会儿的小尴尬。 I think I got a little, um, overwhelmed from meeting all your friends. overwhelmed: 不知所措 我觉得自己有点不知所措,在见你朋友的时候。 -Vanessa: That's okay. That was kind of the least weird part of the whole night. 没关系 那是昨晚最不尴尬的事情 -Scott: Yeah, when Dan... He got on the mike and he convinced everyone to stay at the party, convince: 说服 是啊,当Dan... 他拿过麦克风说服在场的人都留下来时, that was insane. Is he usually like that? insane: 疯狂的 真是很疯狂啊 他平时这样吗? -Vanessa: No. Dan is more of a corner-of-the-party guy. Should I call him, see if he'll join us? 不。更多时候Dan是个舞会时在角落里的人我应该打电话叫他来吗? -Scott: Call him later. I just want to be with you right now. 待会再打吧 现在我就想和你在一起。 -Carter: What do you want, Serena? Serena 你想干吗? -Serena: There's a reason I always come back to you, Carter. Carter 我总会来找你是有原因的, And it's not because you're my bad habit. 而且不是因为我的坏习惯。 -Carter: What then? 那又是什么? -Serena: You're the only one who understood why I needed to find my father. understand: 理解 你是唯一一个了解为什么我要找到我爸爸的人, You were there for me during all of that, and I trust you. 找他的时候你一直都在我身边。我信任你。 -Carter: Anyone would have done the same thing. 任谁都会这样做 -Serena: No, they wouldn't have. And I don't want anyone else. I want you. 不,他们不会。我也不想让别人做。只想让你做。 -Blair: You were right about the dorms. The lighting is awful. dorm: (集体的)宿舍 lighting: 灯光 awful: 可怕的 关于宿舍的事你说对了。灯光很差。 Are you okay? 你还好吗? -Chuck: Mm. I am now. 恩。我现在好了。 -Dan: Hello? 你好? -Vanessa: Hey. Do you want to meet me and Scott, so we can download about the epicness last night? download: 下载 epicness: 诗集 嘿。你想见见我和Scott吗?我们可以下载昨天晚上的诗集? -Dan: Mm. No, you know, I'm still a little wrecked. So, uh, I'll... I'll call you later. wrecked: 失事的【酒醉的】 嗯。不了,我还有点没缓过来,那,恩,我... 我一会儿打给你吧。 -Vanessa: Okay. Bye. 好的。拜。 -Gossip girl: Apparently, higher education doesn't make for smarter decisions. apparently: 明显地 education: 教育 decision: 决定 很明显 高等教育不能使人们做什么更明智的决定。 So take out your notebooks and sharpen your pencils, kids. notebook: 笔记本 sharpen: 使尖锐 所以孩子们 拿出你们的记事本 削好你们的铅笔。 Gossip girl's going to college and this class has a lot to learn. 绯闻少女要开始大学生活了 这节课还有很多要学习的地方。 • Notes straighten out: 好转 catch up on: 补上 out of line: 出格 boarding pass: 登机牌 weigh in: 参加 screw over: 欺负 blow off: 吹掉 skip out: 偷偷溜走 stick out: 伸出 mess up: 搞糟
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