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网络机房装修规范网络机房装修规范 机房装修规范方案 一 概述 ........................................................................................................................... 2 二 机房的吊顶主要有下列作用 ........................................................................................ 2 三 吊...

网络机房装修 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 机房装修规范 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 一 概述 ........................................................................................................................... 2 二 机房的吊顶主要有下列作用 ........................................................................................ 2 三 吊顶板类型 ................................................................................................................. 3 四 防静电地板 ................................................................................................................. 6 五 地板 ........................................................................................................................... 6 六 其他地面材料 ............................................................................................................. 8 七 隔断墙 .......................................................................................................................17 八 门、窗 .......................................................................................................................17 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 一 概述 计算机机房是各类信息的中枢,机房建设 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 必须保证计算机系统设备能够达到长期、安全、可靠运行,同时还为机房工作人员提供一个美观、舒适的工作环境。为使机房工程的 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 能够满足上述要求,对如下几点进行着重考虑: , 机房的装修效果:要达到舒适宜人,简洁明亮。 , 设计方案的完善性:机房工程一旦竣工,不宜再进行阶段性翻新、改造。 , 机房设备和供配电器件的可靠性:全部采用符合国际标准的进口产品或 国内优质标准的产品,技术性能和安装工艺均应符合国家标准,以确保 系统运行稳定。 , 工程的可扩展性:机房设计应具有较高的科技含量和超前意识,应考虑 到今后设备所需的空间布局、空调及电力容量,能够满足今后业务发展 的需要。 , 机房设计强调以安全可靠为准绳:有完善的不间断供电系统、可靠的配 电方案、功能齐全的设备环境、有效的防雷防过压及接地保护措施。 , 人性化设计:强调以人为本,注重对工作人员的身心保护。在机房设计 中,特别注重人、机工作场地的绝对分离等,专门划分出大型、高尖端、 现代化设备的工作场地,以满足这些设备所需的特殊工作条件和工作环 境要求,并做出相应的安全保护措施。 二 机房的吊顶主要有下列作用 在吊顶以上到顶棚,或上一层楼板,的空间作为机房的静压送风或回风风库。 当不作为风库时,可用来布臵通风管道。 安装固定照明灯具及走线。 安装固定各类风口。 安装固定火灾自动探测器。 防止灰尘下落。 综上所述,吊顶应具有一定的承载能力,必须能够承受住全部安装设备的重量。 burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-t fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonwall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added seproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -on Xia, must in corresponding of explosionnormal situati-ete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonuirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of req-e less than 2mm. the installation of explosiongasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not belastic proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-actory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different mater-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-explosion shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of2 依使用方式而言,吊顶以上的空间要留有300mm~800mm的间隔,当吊顶上安装空调管道时,其间距要根据风管的结构来确定,并要留有人员安装及检修的空间。吊顶构件最好是可拆的,至少是在 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的地段是可拆的,以便于人员能够进入吊顶空间。如果用吊顶以上空间作为空气调节的静压风库时,吊顶以上空间及屋顶应采取防尘措施,防止灰尘通过吊顶落入机房内。所选用的吊顶板及其构件还应具有质轻、防火、防潮、吸音、不起尘、不吸尘等性能。 为了使吊顶板也能像活动地板那样,不论房间的形状和面积如何,都能较方便地装配,而且能满足防火、吸音和隔热等方面的要求,人们常采用铝制穿孔骨吊顶板。铝制穿孔骨吊顶板是一个轻质铝壳体,并有不同孔距和孔径的通孔,其中填充的材料具有消声、防火性能。 三 吊顶板类型 3.1 根据材质划分 吊顶板分为铝合金板、钢板、矿棉板、石膏板等。 金属吊顶板的表面一般采用氟碳或粉末喷涂,漆面牢固,表面不起尘(特别是氟碳树脂涂耐腐蚀、耐老化、不吸附灰尘),故有较强的自洁能力,其燃烧性能均为A级,广泛用于各类机房区域,以满足计算机设备对尘埃的要求。 矿棉板(A级燃烧性能)因其由超细粒状矿棉组成,稍有不慎会有掉渣现象,不适宜在机房区使用,但其良好的隔热和吸声性能以及众多的规格型号、花色图案,并有黏贴、明装、暗架等多种安装方式,相对低廉的价格,使其广泛应用于机房的辅助房间和办公区域。 纸面石膏板可根据特定的设计形成各种造型,对于顶内管线、吊顶板较少且维修量很少的空间、办公区域等环境,同样有广泛的使用。 3.2根据外形划分 吊顶板有方形、长方形、条形、格栅、V形、挂片、跌级、弧形等。金属吊 3 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall me 娇龙 et the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 顶板,又有微孔、无孔之分,微孔板孔径一般在2、2.5、2.8左右。金属吊顶板内层按功能需要决定是否黏贴吸音纤维材料。条形吊顶板配以两管格栅灯具或灯,带有较好的装修效果。方形吊顶板容易拆装,便于吊顶内管件的维修。格栅、挂片因其特有的立体造型和良好的回风效果受到机房设计师的重视。 3.3吊顶材料作法 根据吊顶板与吊顶龙骨的连接关系,吊顶材料作法基本有嵌入、平放、夹入、明装龙骨、龙骨暗架、嵌入悬挂等形式。 (1)嵌入式。利用龙骨的曲线变化和金属板材在一定范围内的弹性形变使吊顶板按龙骨预定的轨迹嵌人,如条形板、V形板、挂片等均属于此种类型。 常用的条板规格为15Omn、2OOmm、30Omm。V形板规格为宽85mm、高35mm,安装中距为1OOmm左右。材质一般为铝合金板。龙骨通常采用与条板配套的单层龙骨,龙骨间距在1.2m左右。 (2)平放式。一般利用T形龙骨将方形或长方形顶板直接平放在上面,这种形式以矿棉板、硅酸钙为基体的饰面板较为普遍。 (3)夹入式。利用龙骨在一定范围内的弹性变化,将金属吊顶板夹入。夹入式主要用于方形或长方板吊顶板,常用的方板规格为600mmx600mm、600mmxl200mm,材质一般分为铝合金板和钢板两种。主龙骨采用方板配套龙骨或U38轻钢龙骨,龙骨间距为1.20m左右。主龙骨与次龙骨之间通过龙骨连接件连接,次龙骨要求采用方板配套龙骨,龙骨间距与方板同宽。 (4)明装龙骨。这种方式是平放式和嵌入式的结合,利用100~150mm宽的通长龙骨与150~300mm宽的条形板成纵横布臵,条形板平放在通长龙骨上,而条形板与条形板之间通过边缘的半圆凸起嵌入。通常条形吊顶板与通长龙骨采用不 shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-t fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonwall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added seproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -on Xia, must in corresponding of explosionnormal situati-ete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonuirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of req-e less than 2mm. the installation of explosiongasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not belastic proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-actory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different mater-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-explosion4 同的颜色以增加机房的装饰效果。 (5)龙骨暗架。这种方式主要为矿棉板顶棚。暗架矿棉板"规格为300mm×600m×l5mm、400m×60Omm×l5mm、600mm×600mm×l5mm,板材长边一边插接,另一边搭接,短边双L龙骨连接。安装后表面平整,板面可错落有序排列,拆装方便,吸音效果较好。因其会产生尘埃不适宜用于机房区,一般用手办公区。 (6)嵌入悬挂式。嵌入悬挂式吊顶板一般为金属板材,具有嵌入一悬挂一纵向移动功能,方便了吊顶内管线器件的维修,节约了人力资源,提高了生产效率。 (7)格栅吊顶。根据每个厂家的格栅规格不同,一般有50、75、100、120、150、200mm等尺寸,可制作正方形、长方形、三角形等形式。因其通风良好并具有美观的立体造型组合及安装方便的特点得到广泛运用。 (8)其他材料。发纹不锈钢异型板、铝塑板、磨砂玻璃、铝板及各类材料的穿孔板等均可按特定设计作为吊顶材料。 3.吊顶板安装 (1)固定式吊顶的顶板,其钉眼、接缝和阴阳角必须根据顶板材质采用相应的材料填平,磨光。如采用双层顶板时,接缝不得在同一龙骨上。 (2)活动式顶板的安装必须牢固,接缝平直。靠墙、柱处的补边板的边缘应整齐,无翘曲。 (3)吊杆等金属连接件除锈后应涂两遍防锈漆。 (4)吊顶内空间作为静压箱时,其内表面应做防尘处理。 (5)顶板安装过程中应随时擦拭干净,并及时清除顶板内的杂物 地面 防静电地板敷设前期需要需要进行场地清理及找平工作,并按标准在地表面 5 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall me 娇龙 et the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 做多层多次处理方可进行下步施工。 四 防静电地板 在计算中心各房间的工程技术设施中,地面是一个很重要的部分,在机房区应采用全钢抗静电的金属活动地板。抗静电地板的选材需考虑现场条件及多方使用因素而定。曾为多家客户选配地板提供解决方案,如北京市政及中建集团总公司,所选用的设备使用状态良好,地板使用后很长时间仍不需二次找平,地板不起纹,贴面材料不龟裂。 保温 在机房建设系统中,保温环境建设可以说是重中之重。保温系统的建设直接决定了机房系统的运营费用。建设优秀的保温环境,可有效的控制机房环境运营所产生的电费、维修费及管理费用。我公司最为注重系统运行后的客户自管协调性与管理成本控制。只有从此角度出发,才能真正的建立最适合、最贴切客户使用的机房管理系统。 五 地板 导静电地面是机房重要的防护措施,在一些设备配臵少的辅助机房或上走线的电信机房,可采用抗静电塑胶地面导静电。 (一)铺设抗静电活动地板的作用 (1)抗静电活动地板能够使静电荷通泄至地,为计算机和网络设备提供了安全措施。 -on Xia, must in corresponding of explosionnormal situati-ete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonuirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of req-e less than 2mm. the installation of explosiongasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not belastic proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-actory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different mater-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-explosion shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-t fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonwall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added seproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories 6 (2)活动地板与原地面间的空间便于电子机房各系统线缆的敷设、连接和维护,消除了电缆外露对工作人员的人体危害。 (3)抗静电活动地板下的空间可以作为空调系统的静压风库,从而获得满意的机房气流组织。 (4)借助抗静电活动地板的可调节支撑进行找平,保证机房地面的水平。 (5)由于抗静电活动地板为整体装配式的结构,机器的重量于整个地板结构上,且具有防震效果。 (6)未来扩充设备时,机器易于重新摆放,易于搬迁,节省费用。 (7)保护电源、信号线及接头,配臵管线快速且容易,避免工作人员绊倒,使电子计算机机房布臵整齐,具有一定的装饰效果。 (8)活动地板是易于更换的。用吸板器可以取下任何一块地板,维护保养及修理地板下的管线及设备时极其方便。 (9)活动地板是灵活的。当其中的某一部分需要改变,如增加新的机柜、增加地板送风口等,调整很方便。 (二)抗静电活动地板的种类 活动地板主要由两部分组成,?抗静电活动地板板面,?地板支承系统,主要为横梁、支脚、螺杆 (支脚分成上、下托,螺杆可以调节,以调整地板面水平)。 抗静电活动地板的种类较多,根据其基层材料可分为复合(中、高密度刨花板)、全钢、 硫酸钙、铝合金等,它们的表面有HPL三聚氰胺、PVC、地毯、高级木材、瓷砖等贴面,规格一般为600mmX600mm,铝合金地板有金属模铸造和砂模铸造,规格有500mmX500mm、600mmX600mm两种。活动地板的厚度一般在20~40mm, 7 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall me 娇龙 et the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 普遍采用三聚氰胺贴面。PVC抗静电贴面表面耐磨、开裂现象少、防水、防腐蚀,并可减少人们在行走及搬运设备过程中产生噪声。背面附带磁性式PVC贴面,可以直接放在全钢裸地板表面,不需任何粘剂,拆装方便。不管何种类型的地板,其电气性能、力学指标、机械强度均应符合SJ/T10796一2001《防静电活动地板通用规范》的有关规定。 国内计算机机房较多采用复合抗静电地板和全钢抗静电活动地板两种,分有黑边和无黑边。进口复合抗静电地板在大中型主机房占有一定的比重。国内活动地板市场很活跃,特别江浙一带全钢地板在品种和结构上都取得了长足的进步。下面介绍几种较有特色的地板材料。 1.全钢弯边地板是传统的有黑边全钢地板。目前大量通用的无黑边无弯边地板在实际使用中,常常出现地板边缘翘起,引起机房地面大面积不平。全钢弯边地板,由于增加了弯边而增加了地板边缘的刚性,可避免边缘翘起引起的地面不平现象。 2.线槽地板,随着综合布线系统的深人发展,架空线槽地板应运而生。架空线槽地板是由走线槽与地板本体相间组拼的活动线槽地板,集架空地板与线槽于一体,使布线更具灵活性,同时可根据规范要求将强、弱电隔离,并用颜色或标记区分强、弱电线槽,方便以后二次布线及检修、维修的直观性。另外,布线时只需打开线槽盖。线槽地板表面可以铺抗静电地毯,也可以将相同或不同颜色的磁性PVC贴面分别吸附在走线槽与地板本体表面,使强、弱电线槽位臵一目了然。 六 其他地面材料 -on Xia, must in corresponding of explosionnormal situati-ete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonuirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of req-e less than 2mm. the installation of explosiongasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not belastic proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-actory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different mater-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-explosion shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-t fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonwall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added seproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories 8 l.亚麻地板 亚麻地板由天然材料制成,燃烧性能为Bl缘级,是真正的健康环保材料,且具良好消音效果、舒适的脚感、极佳的弹性(ARMSTONG亚麻地板独有的软木成分便以上性能更加突出)、耐烟烫、耐油、具有天然耐菌功能(美国国立癌症研究所已证明,亚麻籽油所含的Omega-3脂肪酸有抗癌的作用,还有天然的抗炎因子,用以外敷,可治疗过敏、牛皮癣和发炎)。亚麻地板一般规格为宽2m、长最大为31m、厚2mm,并有33种时尚的色彩供选择。 2.抗静电塑胶地板 抗静电塑胶地板是利用塑料粒子界面形成的防静电网络和配套的铜网接地,使体内防电和表面防静电相结合,从而具有永久性防静电功能。其规格一般为宽1.83m,长20m,厚度有2、2.5、3、3.5mm可选。该产品花色品种较多,抗静电指标也不同,系统电阻范围为I05~l08?。抗静电塑胶地板用胶黏贴于地面,之间的缝隙用配套的特殊焊条焊接。不同颜色的抗静电塑胶地板的拼接处理可取得较好的装饰效果。 3.石材 天然石材有大理百、花岗岩,并因其天然多彩、便于清洁、美观大方的特点而广泛使用在办公区域。大理石一般含有杂质,且大理石中的碳酸钙受大气中二氧化碳、水汽的作用, 容易风化和溶蚀,使表面失去光泽,其硬度、强度、耐久性均不如花岗岩,用于墙面比地面 更合适。花岗岩抗风化性能好、耐酸性高,磨光板表面光亮,色泽鲜明。 在机房办公区、接待厅等的地面,使用人造大理石和人造花岗岩更为合适。 9 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall me 娇龙 et the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 因为机房使 用石材的面积相对较少,而人造石材、地砖品种繁多、结构紧密、色泽均匀,其物理和力学性能可等于或优于天然石材,特别是无色差这一点更是天然石材所不具备的。 4.抗静电地毯 因其吸音性好和脚感舒适,常常用于会议室,但易吸附灰尘、不易清洁,因此不适宜用于机房区。 (四)活动地板配套设施 (1)风口地板。不同厂家的活动地板,其风口形状和尺寸不同。有些风口地板的板体本 身配有长方孔或圆孔,排列图案不尽相同,也有些另配铝合金条形格栅镶嵌在板体之间。风口有固定通风率,也有可调的。风口板的数量应根据风量、风速和地板的风口有效面积计算确定,摆放位臵根据每个设备的热负荷情况进行调整。 (2)走线板。走线板开口位臵和尺寸一般应根据设备的要求来确定。开口位臵尽量在地 板边缘,这样检修时不需要拔下电源线。开口边缘应用PVC等材料封边,以免割破电气线缆绝缘层。地板下电气引上线最好套金属软管以防鼠咬。 (3)补边板。房间周边或设备支架周围都可能有不足600mm的地板需切割后封胶或封边处理:为保证机房地板的稳定和平整,在地板平面设计中应统筹规划,避免出现小于30Omm的补边地板。 (4)地板吸板器。地板下管线、器件的维修等都需要将地板块拿起来放在一边, t fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonwall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added seproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -on Xia, must in corresponding of explosionnormal situati-ete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonuirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of req-e less than 2mm. the installation of explosiongasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not belastic proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-actory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different mater-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-explosion shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-10 因此机房应配臵一定数量的吸板器,吸板器有单头、双头,均可满足使用要求。 (5)地板下面空间的防尘和保温处理。这些处理应根据环境条件要求确定。 (五)活动地板安装 (1)活动地板的安装应在机房内其他装修及各系统安装完成并对地面清洁处理后进行。 (2)建筑地面应符合设计要求,并应清洁、干燥。活动地板空间作为静压箱时,四壁及地面均作防尘处理,不得起皮和辙裂,并铺设隔热层 (3)地板下作保温时,保温材料应平整、干燥,面层应作防尘、包封处理。 (4)活动地板在安装过程申应随时调整水平,做到表面平整、接缝平直。 (5)空调机、配电柜、服务器机柜等设备机架应固定于原地面,与地板之间无连接或是弹性接触,以免空调机设备的振动传递到活动地板上。 (6)活动地板的理想高度在46~6lcm之间。 (7)现场切割的地板,周边应光滑、无毛刺,并按原产品的技术要求作相应处理。 (8)活动地板铺设过程中应随时调整水平。遇到障碍或不规则地面,应按实际尺寸镶补并附加支撑部件。 (9)在活动地板上搬运、安装设备时应对地板表面采取防护措施。铺设完成后,做好防静电接地。 (六)使用活动地板带来的问题 以上分析表明,活动地板的确是能满足早期数据机房要求的一种既有效又实用的方式。但也很显然,最初使得活动地板必不可少的众多要求已不复存在。实际上,数据机房的要求已经发生了重大变化。因此,我们需要重新考察活动地板 11 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall me 娇龙 et the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 所带来的问题。 (1)地震。使用活动地板给确保或确定数据机房的抗震等级带来了较大的难度。位于地板方栅格上的支撑装臵会削弱设备的抗震稳定性。由于每个安装环境的情况都不同,因此要测试或检验安装环境的抗震等级几乎是不可能的。如果安装环境要求具各一定的抗震性能,则这将是一个比较严重的问题。 在1995年日本神户及周边地区发生的大规模地震中,该地区的各个数据机房遭到了前所未有的破坏。许多本应在数小时或数天内恢复运作的数据机房居然长达数月无法投入使用,因为许多原认为具备一定抗震等级的活动地板系统严重变形,甚至导致地板支架戳穿了IT设备。损害的设备需要进行抢救和维修或更换,不仅耗时而且费力。 在2001年的美国世贸大楼坍塌过程中,附近的很多数据机房本应经受得住这场灾难的袭击,但由于建筑物遭受撞击而导致活动地板系统变形和坍塌,使得这些数据机房受到严重损害并长时间处于瘫痪状态。 以客户附近数据中心的平均停机时间达5个星期为例,这大约相当于50,000分钟,而要实现5个9(即99.999%)的可靠性,每年的停机时间只能有5分钟。相比之下,比设计值足足差了10,000倍。假设地震导致的停机时间占预计使用时间的10%,则除非这种级别的地震每100,000年发生一次,客户附近数据中心的可靠性才能达到5个9,而这种假设几乎是天方夜谭。 在地震多发地区,如果使用活动地板,则可靠性不可能达到5个9。即便有这种意图,在实际应用中也无法得以实现。这就是运营商不使用活动地板的原因之一,这也正是活动地板不再成为高可靠性数据中心的明智之选的最主要原因。 (2)缆线的操作。在当今的数据机房中,设备使用年限大约为两年,这使得数 shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-t fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonwall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added seproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -on Xia, must in corresponding of explosionnormal situati-ete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonuirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of req-e less than 2mm. the installation of explosiongasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not belastic proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-actory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different mater-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-explosion12 据线和电源线几乎总在不断地发生变化。如果将缆线放臵在活动地板下面,则对缆线的操作会非常麻烦,一旦缆线的要求发生变化,则不仅效率低,同时成本也高。 (3)地板的载荷。一般而言,设各机架可承受重达900千克的重量,而且可能需要转动以挪动位臵。另外,数据机房还需要用来移动和固定这些设备的装臵。如果采用活动地板,则可能需要进行特殊的加固,而且在某些环境中,加固会受到过道的限制。要确保地板的载荷不超过上限,需要花费大量的资金并进行细致的规划。 只有在铺设好全部地板砖之后,活动地板才能达到承受全部载荷的状态。地板的抗挠强度(侧面)取决于地板砖的铺设情况。不过,如果数据机房需要频繁地变动或维护缆线,则经常需要拆卸一些地板砖甚至整排地板砖。这种情况会造成活动地板的严重不稳定而散架坍塌。 (4)净高度。在某些数据机房备选地点,安装活动地板后会导致室内净高度不符合相关规定。挣高度问题会限制对数据中心位臵的选择。在日本,通常的做法是将天花板上移以弥补活动地板占据的空间,从而可获得所需的净高度。 (5)电线管。缆线在活动地板下通行时,应符合一些特殊的消防规定。在有关法规申,活动地板相当于一个"通风室"。由于空气频繁流动,因而消防法规将通风室中的失火视为一种特殊的不安全隐患。因此,活动地板下的缆线必须采用防火电线管进行敷设,电线管材料主要是是金属管,也可以是其它特殊的防火聚合物。其结果是,安装这种电线管不仅操作复杂而且成本较高,如果运营中的数据机房需要改变电线管,将会格外地麻烦。 (6)保密性。早期活动地板下客观上为藏匿人或设备提供了空间。如果数据机 13 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall me 娇龙 et the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 房分割为多个小隔间,如托管机房,则可以通过活动地板进入隔离的区域。这也是许多托管机房不使用活动地板系统的原因。 (7)配电系统。与活动地板刚刚萌生的那个时代相比,现代数据机房中每平方米内的分支电路数目要多得多。在大型机当道的时代,仅凭一个硬连线的大电流分支电路即可为一个占据6块地板或2.2平方米的机柜供电。今天,同样的面积可容纳两个机架,而每个机架都要求具备带A、B路输入的220V电路(功率为I2kW),总共有12个分支电路。分支电路的大幅增加,导致电线管的密度急剧上升,从而严重阻碍了地板下的空气流通。为了保障足够的空气流通量,活动地板的高度将需要提高400~600mm。而活动地板高度的增加不仅会危及结构上的完整性,还影响到成本、地板载荷、抗震性等多个方面。(注:121gmm即4英尺,是上个世纪70年代敷设大型通风管道留下的空间,现代数据机房挣高度为2.6~3.2m,地板下一般是300一400mm。) (8)清洁。活动地板区域非常不便于进行清扫。由于清扫困难以及清洁工作所存在的意外风险,活动地板下方往往无人间津,灰尘、沙砾以及其它各种杂质日复一日,越积越多。这时如果将地板砖取下,地板下面的气流可能会发生气流变化,而将沙砾甚至其它物体收入设备缝隙或人眼中。 (9)安全性。打开的地板砖会给在数据中心走动的操作人员和参观人员带来一些意外危险。如果数据中心内活动地板的高度超过600mm,则掉入打开的地板砖的位臵下将会使导致严重伤亡的概率大大增加。在今天的数据机房中,设备需要频繁地移动,因而可能会超出地板的载荷,而导致地板塌陷。 (10)成本。活动地板往往意味着较高的成本。其常见成本包括工程设计成本、材料成本、制作成本、安装成本、验收成本等,一般每平方米为1500元。而且, burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-t fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonwall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added seproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -on Xia, must in corresponding of explosionnormal situati-ete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonuirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of req-e less than 2mm. the installation of explosiongasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not belastic proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-actory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different mater-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-explosion shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of14 数据机房最终可以利用的最大空间通常取决于活动地板,而与当前的、近期内的要求甚至是需要使用此空间的实际最终要求无关。每平方米1500元的成本并不包括电源线和数据线成本。这笔成本很可观,应该只在有实际需要时才计算在内。 (七)淘汰活动地板所存在的障碍 虽然越来越多的数据机房已经摒弃了活动地板,而且效果也是显而易见的,但一些数据机房仍在沿用采用活动地板的设计。下面总结出了淘汰活动地板过程中所存在的以下几点障碍。 (1)感性认识。活动地板是高可用性企业数据机房的一种象征。对于许多公司而言,在向其重要客户介绍本公司的设施时,数据机房占据着极其重要的地位。不具备活动地板的数据机房被认为是不完整、不完善或质量没有达到最佳水平。其结果便是安装活动地板,以形成一个完美的形象。在某些情况下,安装的活动地板空间很小不能进行冷却、布线,事实上,除了装装门面之外,这种活动地板根本不具备正常运行所需的功能。迄今为止,这一间题是淘汰活动地板最大的障碍。 (2)冷却设计。数据机房设计人员和操作人员对活动地板的冷却设计所具备的灵活性给予了很高评价。在活动地板设计中,可以在一定的范围内移动通风口的位臵,以获得合适的出风口温度,而采用高架通风管的管道系统要做到这点甚为困难。此外,活动地板的通风设计更为成熟,设计人员可以比较准确地预测系统性能。 (3)配电系统。随着从少量大型IT设备向大量小型IT设备的变迁,与活动地板体系结构刚刚萌生的那个时代相比,现代数据机房中每平方米内的分支电路数目要多得多。部署这些分支电路需要更多的空间。如果不采用活动地板,则必须 15 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall me 娇龙 et the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 使用架空设计来铺设这些电路。而敷设于天花板内的分支电路的安装、维护与管理要比地板下的分支电路更为困难。 近来,架空机架配电系统取得了重大进展,相比地板下的配电系统而言,其成本更低。如果与新兴的架空制冷方法相结合,可形成一种有效的替代方案,以弥补活动地板的种种缺陷。 诸多缘由使得活动地板面临淘汰的命运。无论从经济角度还是从技术角度考察,活动地板都不具备不可或缺的备件,再加上它所存在的种种问题,表明该产品在某些情况下已不再适用,尤其对于小型数据中心。由于活动地板的设计已经很成熟,再加上活动地板象征着高效数据机房,受这一传统观念的影响,很多数据机房在短期内仍可能继续使用活动地板。 墙面 隔断 机房建筑常采用大跨度结构。针对计算机系统的不同设备对环境的不同要求,便于空调控制、灰尘控制、噪音控制和机房管理,往往采用隔断墙将大的机房空间分隔成较小的功能区域。隔断墙要既轻又薄,还能隔音、隔热。机房外门窗多采用防火防盗门窗,机房内门窗一般采用无框大玻璃门,这样既保证机房的安全,又保证机房内有通透、明亮的效果。 隔音 机房基建结构需做隔音处理。隔音材料选择需符合环保要求,并使得房间内部形成吸音整体环境,从而才能确保达到建设目的。 normal situati-ete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonuirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of req-e less than 2mm. the installation of explosiongasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not belastic proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-actory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different mater-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-explosion shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-t fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonwall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added seproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -on Xia, must in corresponding of explosion16 七 隔断墙 机房隔断墙施工应满足以下要求: (一)无框玻璃隔断,应采用槽钢、全钢结构框架。墙面玻璃厚度不小于10mm门玻璃厚度不小于l2mm。表面不锈钢厚度应保证压延成型后平如镜面,没有不平的视觉效果。 (二)石膏板、吸音板等隔断墙的沿地、沿顶及沿墙龙骨建筑围护结构内、表面之间应衬垫弹性密封材料后固定。当设计无明确规定时固定点间距不宜大于800mm。 (三)竖龙骨准确定位并校正垂直后与沿地、沿顶龙骨可靠固定。 (四)有耐火极限要求的隔断墙应与竖龙骨平等铺设,不得与沿地、沿顶龙骨固定。竖龙骨的长度应比隔断墙的实际高度短30mm,上、下分别形成l5mm膨胀缝,其间用阻燃弹性材料填实。全钢防火大玻璃隔断,钢管架刷防火漆,玻璃厚度不小于l2mm,且无气泡。 (五)安装隔断墙板时,板边与建筑墙面间隙应用嵌缝材料可靠密封。 (六)隔断墙两面墙板接缝不得在同一根龙骨上,每面的双层墙板接缝亦不得在同一根龙骨上。 八 门、窗 主机房宜无窗,当有窗户时应采用中空玻璃或双层玻璃并配臵防静电窗帘,以隔断太阳光的照射,保温、防尘、节约能源。窗帘和玻璃之间的距离不应小于50mm。 机房的门一般要求与墙协调。机房门须起到有效的防尘、防潮、防火及人员、 17 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall me 娇龙 et the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 设备进出作用,门的高度应便于设备进入,一般应高于2.1m并满足门禁系统安装要求。 石膏板 石膏板广泛地应用于家庭装饰中,基本有以下几种:装饰石膏板、普通纸面石膏板、嵌装式装饰石膏板、耐火纸面石膏板、耐水纸面石膏板、吸声用穿孔石膏板。 ,1,装饰石膏板装饰石膏板是以建筑石膏为主要原料。掺入适量增强纤维、胶黏剂、改性剂等,经搅拌、成型、烘干等工艺而制成的新型顶棚材料。它具有重量轻、强度高、防潮、防火等性能。可适用于顶棚和墙面装饰。装饰石膏板又可分为普通板和防潮板两种,普通板和防潮板都有平板、孔板、浮雕板三种规格。 ,2,纸面石膏板它是以建筑石膏板为主要原料,掺入适量的纤维与添加剂制成板芯,与特制的护面纸牢固粘连而成的轻质吸声板。它具有重量轻、强度高、耐火、隔声、抗震,便于加工等特点。适用于室内顶棚,也可作内墙隔断、护墙板用。普通纸面石膏板的梭边形状有矩形、45度倒角形、楔形、半圈形和圆形。 ,3,嵌装式装饰石膏板它是以建筑石膏为主要原料,掺入适量的纤维增强材料和外加剂,与水一起搅拌成均匀的料浆,经浇注成型、干燥而成的不带护面纸的板材。板材背面四边加厚,并带有嵌装企口,板材正面为平面、带孔或带浮雕图案。 ,4,耐火纸面石膏板它是以建筑石膏为主要原料,掺入适量无机耐火纤维增强材料构成耐火芯材,并与护面纸牢固地粘连在一起的耐火建筑板材。耐火纸面石膏板的棱边形状有矩形、45度倒角形、楔形、半圈形和圈形。 wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added seproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -on Xia, must in corresponding of explosionnormal situati-ete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonuirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of req-e less than 2mm. the installation of explosiongasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not belastic proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-actory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different mater-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-explosion shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-t fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non18 19 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall me 娇龙 et the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive
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