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Day 1 短对话、长对话


Day 1 短对话、长对话 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com 第一章 短对话 8大高频考点 六级短对话题为 11~18题袁共8道袁主要考查考生能否抓住谈话主题尧概括谈话要 点尧理解习惯表达和推出深层含义遥 短对话信息很浓缩袁承载的信息量比长对话和短文 少得多袁但让人费的脑筋却一点都不少遥 可是袁只要熟悉短对话常考出题处袁听音时便可 做到有的放矢尧听出弦外之音了遥 一尧建议语句 表达建议的句型是短对话考试设题重点之一遥 常用建议句型如院Why don蒺t you... / Why n...

Day 1 短对话、长对话
www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com 第一章 短对话 8大高频考点 六级短对话 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 为 11~18题袁共8道袁主要考查考生能否抓住谈话主题尧概括谈话要 点尧理解习惯表达和推出深层含义遥 短对话信息很浓缩袁承载的信息量比长对话和短文 少得多袁但让人费的脑筋却一点都不少遥 可是袁只要熟悉短对话常考出题处袁听音时便可 做到有的放矢尧听出弦外之音了遥 一尧建议语句 表达建议的句型是短对话考试设题重点之一遥 常用建议句型如院Why don蒺t you... / Why not... / How about... / Have you checked with... / You蒺d better.... / Maybe you should...遥 揖例 1铱A) Proceed in his own way. B) Stick to the original plan. C) Compromise with his colleague. D) Try to change his colleague蒺s mind. [2007.12/T11] 揖录音铱M: The biological project is now in trouble; you know, my colleague and I have completely different ideas about how to proceed. W: Why don蒺t you compromise? Try to make it a win鄄win situation for you both. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 揖解析铱对话中袁女士用反问句野Why don蒺t you...冶袁建议男士折中处理袁以达到双赢的局 面袁故 C正确遥 [ 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 院C] 二尧but转折语句 一般来说袁听力测试多针对对话中的语义重心出题遥 but, however, yet等转折词之 后就是语义重心所在遥 揖例 2铱A) She met with Thomas just a few days ago. B) She can help with the orientation program. C) She is not sure she can pass on the message. D) She will certainly try to contact Thomas. [2006.6/T1] 揖录音铱M: Mary, could you please tell Thomas to contact me? I was hoping he would be able to help me out with the freshmen orientation program next week. W: I would certainly tell him if I saw him, but I haven蒺t seen him around for quite a few days. Q: What does the woman mean? 揖解析铱男士让女士帮他捎口信给 Thomas遥 女士回答中的 but词提示袁她已经好几天没有 看到他了袁由此可知她不能保证能传到口信遥 [答案院C] 三尧虚拟语句 虚拟句式是短对话常考命题点袁 当句子中出现 if, wish, if only, should/could/ needn蒺t + have done等虚拟句式时袁应重点关注遥 这类虚拟句式表达的往往是不可能 实现的愿望遥 揖例 3铱A) Consult her dancing teacher. B) Take a more interesting class. C) Continue her dancing class. D) Improve her dancing skills. [2008.12/T12] 揖录音铱W: I蒺m considering dropping my dancing class. I蒺m not making any progress. M: If I were you, I蒺d stick with it. It蒺s definitely worth the time and effort. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 揖解析铱女士由于没有取得进步而打算放弃舞蹈课袁男士说袁野如果我是你袁我会坚持下去 噎噎冶袁 C是 stick with it的同义替换遥注意虚拟语气处袁常常是考点所在遥[答案院C] 揖例 4铱A) He shows great enthusiasm for his studies. B) He is a very versatile person. C) He has no talent for tennis. D) He does not study hard enough. [2006.1/T7] 揖录音铱M: Your son certainly shows a lot of enthusiasm on the tennis court. W: I only wish he蒺d show as much for his studies. Q: What does the woman imply about her son? 揖解析铱女士用虚拟句式 I only wish...表达了袁她希望儿子对学习表现出对网球同样的兴 趣袁这说明事实上她儿子学习没有特别用功遥 [答案院D] 四尧其他特殊句型 否定语句尧比较语句等特殊句型袁也是听力理解的常考命题点遥 以下关键词往往是听音 重点遥 否定词院nothing but, no more, few, without, too... to..., dislike, deny...曰比较句式院 as... as..., not so... as, compared with..., the more... the..., more... than以及形容词尧副 词的比较级和最高级遥 揖例 5铱A) The dean should have consulted her on the appointment. B) Dr. Holden should have taken over the position earlier. C) She doesn蒺t think Dr. Holden has made a wise choice. D) Dr. Holden is the best person for the chairmanship. [2006.1/T1] 揖录音铱M: The Dean just announced that Dr. Holden蒺s going to take over as chairman of the history department. W: I knew it all along! He蒺s the obvious choice. All the other candidates are no match for him! Q: What does the woman mean? 揖解析铱男士说 Dr. Holden将接任历史系遥女士发表她对这件事的看法袁否定词 no match 野比不上袁不是噎噎的对手冶实际上表达肯定的意思袁她认为 Dr. Holden最能胜任 系主任遥 [答案院D] 揖例 6铱A) He will help the woman with her reading. B) The lounge is not a place for him to study in. C) He feels sleepy whenever he tries to study. D) A cozy place is rather hard to find on campus. [2007.12/T17] 揖录音铱W: I find the lounge such a cozy place to study in. I really like the feeling of sitting on the sofa and doing the reading. M: Well, for me the hardest part about studying here is staying awake. Q: What does the man mean? 揖解析铱男士说袁对于他来说在休闲室学习时最难的渊the hardest冤就是保持清醒袁即休闲 室不是学习的好地方袁B正确遥 [答案院B] 五尧习语与搭配 短对话中袁说话人往往不会直接说明所要表达的意思袁有时甚至会使用一些考生 不太熟悉的习语尧固定搭配袁要求考生结合说话的语境袁揣摩其含义遥 1 2 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com 揖例 7铱A) John has lost something at the railway station. B) There are several railway stations in the city. C) It will be very difficult for them to find John. D) The train that John is taking will arrive soon. [2006.1/T8] 揖录音铱W: We蒺re supposed to meet John here at the railway station. M: That蒺s like looking for a needle in a hay stack. Q: What does the man imply? 揖解析铱首先要识别出男士用了一句比喻 looking for a needle in a hay stack野在草堆里 找一根针冶袁由此可以联想野找到的机会非常渺茫冶遥 选项中只有 C与之匹配袁所以 是正确答案遥 [答案院C] 揖例 8铱A) The errors will be corrected soon. B) The woman was mistaken herself. C) The computing system is too complex. D) He has called the woman several times. [2008.6/T14] 揖录音铱W: Hello, Professor White. I got my grade in the mail this morning, but I think there might be a mistake in my mark. M: Yeah, I蒺ve got several calls, just like yours. There must be a problem with the computing system. It should be straightened out in a couple of hours. Q: What does the man mean? 揖解析铱女士告诉男士说她的分数有误遥 男士回答说野计算系统肯定出了问题袁会在几小 时内纠正错误遥 冶本题的解题关键是听懂 straighten out野矫正袁纠正冶这一搭配袁答 案应为 A遥 [答案院A] 六尧观点态度 这类题型的特点是推理对话某一方的态度立场尧喜怒哀乐袁或得意或失望袁或赞成 或反对遥 通常对话中不会直接提及答案袁考生需要通过抓关键词尧习惯表达尧固定句型 等多种手段理解句子袁判断说话人的弦外之音遥 揖例 9铱A) It was applaudable. B) It was just terrible. C) The actors were enthusiastic. D) The plot was funny enough. [2006.6/T10] 揖录音铱W: You didn蒺t seem to be terribly enthusiastic about the performance. M: You must be kidding. I couldn蒺t have clapped any harder. My hands are still hurting. Q: What does the man think of the performance? 揖解析铱本题 couldn蒺t have clapped any harder意为野拍手拍得最起劲了冶袁也就是说他非 常热情地鼓掌袁其中包含的习惯表达为野否定词+比较级=最高级冶袁因此答案为 A遥 此外袁还有一个小技巧院像 C这样只是对原文片言只语的重复袁往往不会是答 案遥 [答案院A] 七尧谈话主题 谈话主题在对话题型中占有相当的比例袁考查谈话的主题袁解题关键在于抓住某 一主题最典型尧最具代表性的关键词或句子袁从谈话的整体去把握主题袁绝不能抓住只 言片语尧断章取义遥 揖例10铱A) Newly鄄launched products. B) Consumer preferences. C) Survey results. D) Survey methods. [2009.12/T16] 揖录音铱W: Let蒺s look at the survey on consumer confidence we conducted last week. How reliable are these figures? M: They have a 5% margin of error. Q: What are the speakers talking about? 揖解析铱女士想了解上周对消费者信心的调查数据的可信度袁男士回答说有 5%的误差遥 双方讨论的是调查结果/结论袁故选 C遥 [答案院C] 八尧场景/人物身份推断 对话中一般不会直接出现对话发生的地点尧对话双方的身份袁通常主要是通过几 个关键词暗示对话发生的地点或人物的职业遥 揖例11铱A) Tony蒺s secretary. B) Paul蒺s girlfriend. C) Paul蒺s colleague. D) Tony蒺s wife. [2006.6/T5] 揖录音铱M: Hello, Mary. This is Paul at the bank. Is Tony home? W: Not yet, Paul. I don蒺t think you can reach him at the office now, either. He phoned me five minutes ago to say he was stopping for a hair鄄cut on his way home. Q: Who do you think the woman probably is? 揖解析铱只要抓到听音关键 Is Tony home?和 on his way home便可知袁男士打电话打Tony 家里去袁Tony的家人接了电话袁因此答案为 D遥 [答案院D] 短对话猜答案技巧院 淤语气绝对化的选项一般不是答案曰 于形态相似的选项预示答案曰 盂语义矛盾的选项预示答案曰 榆听到什么一般不选什么遥 训练:短对话强化 Test 1 11. A) A public place. B) An assignment. C) A public figure. D) A detective. 12. A) Making a phone call. B) Fixing a broken telephone. C) Having a physical examination. D) Whispering to each other. 13. A) It is cheerful. B) It is unjust. C) It is terrible. D) It is amatter of course. 14. A) Fix the computer. B) Clean the drawer. C) Take out the drawer. D) Look for the screwdriver. 15. A) He should try a better and convenient way. B) He should give up looking for the book. C) He should ask the librarian for help. D) He should try the shelves downstairs. 16. A) The man bought the TV at a very low price. B) The man works in a store selling TVs. 3 4 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com C) The man蒺s words played a big role in the woman蒺s purchase. D) The woman bargained with the TV sellers. 17. A) The man won蒺t come back for dinner today. B) The man will confirm with his lawyer. C) The woman requires the man to come over. D) The man will phone home from his company. 18. A) She doesn蒺t work hard enough. B) She was caught cheating in the exam. C) Her answers were the same as others蒺. D) She failed to hand in all her papers. 名师点评 11. W: The teacher asked us to observe someone who interests us in a public place, guess the person蒺s background, character, and hobby according to his appearance. M: She wants everybody to be Holmes. But that蒺s easier said than done. Q: What are they talking about? [B] 揖解析铱关键词野the teacher asked冶袁由此可知他们谈论的是老师布置的一项作业袁 故答案为 B遥 12. M: I cannot hear you clearly. It seems that you are whispering. You see, I have to press the receiver so hard against my ear to catch your voice. W: This phone has served us for 5 years. I am really reluctant to throw it away. Q: What are the two speakers doing? [A] 揖解析铱从对话中的关键表达 cannot hear you clearly, receiver渊听筒冤和 phone袁可知 他们在打电话袁故答案为 A遥 B和 C干扰性都不小袁但 B中的 fix无从推断曰虽然仅 根据 cannot hear you clearly有可能是耳朵有问题在体检袁 即 C袁 但根据 receiver 和 phone可将其排除遥 13. W: Have you heard the sensational news that an American fighter was shot down? About 15 people were killed and another 20 were seriously hurt. M: I expected that they were in territory other than their own. Q: What does the man think of the woman蒺s news? [D] 揖解析铱男士对女士说的新闻野美国一架战斗机被击落冶的评论是院野我料到他们是 进入了别人的领土遥冶可见他觉得事情在情理之中袁故答案为 D遥选项 A没有依据曰 B与原意相反曰C是原词 territory干扰遥 14. M: Where蒺s the screwdriver? I need it to fix the computer. John plays games on the computer day and night and now it makes a lot of noise when it works. W: I蒺ll look for it later. Right now you help me take out this heavy drawer before I clean it. Q: What will they do first? [C] 揖解析铱对话中提到了好几个动作袁关键是抓听到女士说的野现在你帮我把这个重 抽屉拿出来袁我要清理冶袁可知他们先要做的事情是 C遥 听音时要留意几个动作的 先后次序遥 15. M: Gee, I cannot find the reference book the teacher asked us to read. That book is really important to me since I am required to do the presentation on the American Civil War next Friday. W: Why don蒺t you use the searching system in the computers downstairs rather than look for it on the shelves? Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? [A] 揖解析铱男士说找不到老师要求阅读的参考书袁女士建议说为什么不到楼下的计算 机搜索系统上查找呢袁 即建议他换一种更好更方便的方式遥 故答案为 A遥 why don蒺t you是典型的建议句型袁一旦出现往往成为考点遥 而 rather than后面的内容 为不主张的做法袁故 D很容易排除遥 16. W: You really gave me a great piece of information yesterday. The new TV set is not only of high quality, but also of very reasonable price. It is a real bargain. M: You know if I didn蒺t have 2 TVs, I would buy one too. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [C] 揖解析铱本题难度较大袁对话一开始就给出核心信息袁稍不留神便会漏听遥 女士谈男 士给了她一条重要的信息袁 可推出男士的话对女士的购买行为起了很大作用袁故 答案为 C遥 男士话语中的 if... I would... 虚拟句否定了 A曰B没有依据曰D属于原词 干扰遥 17. W: John, are you coming back for dinner tonight? I have to decide how much to cook now. Your father phoned me and said he has to work overtime today and will eat in the company canteen. M: I have an appointment with my solicitor after work. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [A] 揖解析铱关键是听到 appointment袁男子说下班后要和律师见面袁可知他不回家吃饭袁 故答案为 A遥 女士只是询问他是否回来袁以便决定做多少饭袁而不是 C渊要求他过 来冤遥 B有一定的干扰性袁lawyer是原文 solicitor的同义词袁但是错在 confirm遥 18. M: As I see it, cheating is the most shameful thing in the world. So do not expect me to let you pass the exam. W: But many other students did the same thing, only they were not caught. Q: Why won蒺t the man let the woman pass the exam? [B] 揖解析铱男士说他认为舞弊行为是世界上最可耻的事情袁这正是他不让女士及格的 原因袁故答案为 B遥 C具有较强的干扰性袁但女士所说的野相同的冶是别人也作弊了 渊只不过没被抓到冤袁而非他们的答案遥 Test 2 11. A) She feels as painful as the man does. B) She totally understands the man蒺s feeling. C) The car accident could have been avoided. D) Old people will die anyway. 12. A) Wine is too strong for the guests. B) All guests prefer beer. C) Beer is relatively cheap. D) The store hasn蒺t enough wine. 13. A) Go to the supermarket with the woman. B) Find a porter for the woman. C) Work in the woman蒺s company. D) Cook dinner for the woman. 5 6 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com 14. A) The man is wise to have bargained. B) Other places offer a lower price. C) The shop didn蒺t charge the man much. D) The man might have been overcharged. 15. A) The artist蒺s works are beyond understanding. B) The artist蒺s unexpected tragedy is a great pity. C) The artist蒺s paintings are actually worthless. D) People should蒺ve recognized the artist蒺s value earlier. 16. A) The woman蒺s interest. B) The woman蒺s attitude. C) The TV news. D) Current affairs. 17. A) He would like to have fish. B) He would like to have steak. C) He doesn蒺t like iced food. D) He doesn蒺t like dried food. 18. A) Quit singing. B) Improve manual work. C) Practice harder. D) Change a song. 名师点评 11. M: My grandma was killed in a car accident last week. May I ask for absence for several days? I have to go back home. W: So sorry to hear that. That must inflict lots of pain on you as I myself once ex鄄 perienced it. Q: What does the woman mean? [B] 揖解析铱本题难度较大遥首先袁要听懂男士所提供的背景信息袁然后要抓听到女士的 话袁特别是理解其中的 inflict lots of pain on you渊给你带来很大痛苦冤以及 as后 的内容遥 女士说野as I myself once experienced it冶袁可见她也体验过丧失亲人的痛 苦袁因此很理解男子现在的感受袁故答案为 B遥 12. W: One more thing needs to be settled. What should we buy for tomorrow蒺s party, beer or wine? M: Beer will do. We can蒺t afford wine for so many people. You know, our budget is limited to $500 only and we also have to prepare gifts for each guest. Q: Why does the man choose beer? [C] 揖解析铱关键是听到男士说的不买葡萄酒是因为太贵袁人太多买不起袁而选择买啤 酒是因为它便宜些袁故答案为 C遥 13. W: Would you accompany me to the supermarket tonight? I have lots of things to buy, including some cookers for the new kitchen. And they will be very heavy. M: I would like to be a porter charging you nothing. Q: What is the man going to do tonight? [A] 揖解析铱本题的信息很多很杂袁其实只需听到男士说的野愿意做义务搬运工冶袁可见 他给女士的提问给出了肯定的答复袁即院今晚他会和女士一道去超市袁故答案为A遥 14. M: Something is wrong with my computer. I took it to the repair shop at the corner of the street just outside our school. That guy charged me 20 yuan for checking of CPU. W: You should have bargained with him, otherwise they charge you a much higher price more often than not. Q: What does the woman mean? [D] 揖解析铱女士说若不讲价他们就会多收费袁可见她觉得男士可能是被野宰冶了袁所以 答案为 D遥 A尧C的意思正好与女士的话相反袁文中没有提及其他地方袁可排除 B遥 15. W: I really like Van 郧ogh蒺s work. I can feel a kind of uncontrollable passion in his paintings. And his masterpieces are really invaluable now. M: Yes, I know. The national museum also has a collection of his paintings, but I wonder why people accepted him only after his death. Q: What does the man mean? [D] 揖解析铱关键是听到 BUT后的内容袁即男士说的野我真不明白人们为什么在他死后袁 才发现他的价值冶袁D项正是这个意思的表述遥 A中的 beyond understanding和 B中 的 unexpected, pity属于无中生有的信息袁C中的 worthless渊无价值的袁无益的冤是对 原文 invaluable渊无价的袁价值连城的冤的曲解遥 16. W: It is time for the news. The newspaper says that the former president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein was hanged this morning. That蒺s really sensational news. Turn on the TV for me, will you? M: Few women are so concerned about current affairs as you. Q: What does the man comment on? [A] 揖解析铱男士说野没有几个女人像你这么关心时事遥冶这是对女子的兴趣做出评价袁 故选 A遥 女士并没有表露出对任何事件的态度袁因而男士也谈不上对她的态度做 出评论袁所以 B错曰男士也没有对新闻或是时事做出评价袁所以 C和 D皆错遥 17. W: There isn蒺t much food left in the refrigerator. What would you rather have tonight, steamed fish or deep鄄fried steak? M: It is better to have some light food in such dry weather. It蒺s good for our health. Q: What can be inferred from the man蒺s answer? [A] 揖解析铱男子说干燥的天气最好吃清淡的渊light冤食物袁炸渊deep鄄fried冤牛排和清蒸 渊steamed冤鱼中袁当然鱼要清淡些袁故答案为 A遥 18. W: English songs with a quicker rhythm are difficult for me to learn. I have been learning this song for hours. M: Do not waste your energy on things for which you don蒺t have the talent. I always feel you are better at manual work. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? [A] 揖解析铱女士一直学不会一首英文歌袁男士用了一个否定性的祈使句提出建议袁劝 女士别在没有天分的事情上浪费精力袁意思是她应该放弃唱歌袁故答案为 A遥 B是 利用原词制造的干扰项袁C与原意相反袁D于原文无据遥 Test 3 11. A) Sense of self鄄respect. B) Teachers蒺 responsibilities. C) A student蒺s article. D) Treatment of students蒺 mistakes. 12. A) The company does not have the man蒺s resume. B) The man蒺s interview might be successful. 7 8 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com C) The company has decided to hire the man. D) The man was astonished to hear the news. 13. A) She should follow the human nature. B) Strangers are nothing to be afraid of. C) Feeling nervous is nothing improper. D) She should accept strangers蒺 presents naturally. 14. A) He won蒺t come to dinner. B) He may come after finishing his work. C) He doesn蒺t enjoy the seafood. D) He might join them if Mary comes. 15. A) Milk. B) Sleep. C) Exercise. D) Genes. 16. A) Reading the instructions. B) Observing two pictures. C) Discussing a girl蒺s looking. D) Doing some math problems. 17. A) On a university campus. B) In a theater. C) In a community. D) In a kindergarten. 18. A) Some available services. B) Competition for an opportunity. C) Different choices of careers. D) Roles in the coming sports meeting. 名师点评 11. W: I made a big mistake today. I read a student蒺s article to the class and pointed his errors out. I meant the whole class to learn from his article. Then I saw he was lowering his head and I realized he was hurt. M: It is the teacher蒺s responsibility to point out students蒺 errors but not in public. For some of the students have a strong sense of self鄄respect. Q: What are they mainly talking about? [D] 揖解析铱关键句是男士所说的野指出学生的错误是老师的责任袁但不要当众这样 做遥 冶可推出他们在谈论如何对待学生的错误遥 12. M: The company asked me to mail them a more detailed resume before the day after tomorrow. Now that you蒺ve experienced so many interviews, do you think that蒺s good news? W: You mean after the interview? Then there might be a little hope. Wish you good luck. Q: What can we infer from the conversation? [B] 揖解析铱女子说在面试后又要更详细的简历说明有希望得到这份工作袁可推测出面试 可能还不错袁故答案为B遥 男士说公司要他邮寄一份更详细的简历袁说明公司本来 就已经有一份简历了袁只不过是比较粗略罢了袁故 A错遥 而 C尧D则于原文无据遥 13. W: I need your help, John, I feel very nervous whenever speaking in the presence of many strangers. Do you know how to overcome this? M: Me too. Take it easy. I consider it a natural human response. You just need time and practice. Practice makes perfect. Q: What does the man mean? [C] 揖解析铱关键是听到男子说的野紧张是人的自然表现冶袁可见他不觉得紧张有什么不 妥袁故答案为 C遥 B具有强干扰性袁但不是男士的语义遥其余选项都属于原词干扰遥 即便没有听懂后面的内容袁野take it easy冶还是能听懂的袁即可解题遥 14. W: Come over and have dinner with us this Friday. Let蒺s enjoy the seafood we brought back from the beautiful seaside town we traveled to last week. M: Oh, I might be occupied this Friday night. But is Mary invited, too? Q: What does the man mean? [D] 揖解析铱男子开始说有事情袁可能不去吃饭袁但又问 Mary是否也去袁暗指 Mary去的 话袁他也有可能去袁故答案为 D遥 BUT后的内容往往成为考点遥 A具有强干扰性袁如 果没有后面的转折信息袁答案恐怕就是 A了遥 15. W: I know why that child is growing so tall at the age of four. His mother requires him to drink a cup of milk every night before going to bed. M: It may not be the reason. As far as I know, the child蒺s father is 2 meters tall. Q: What is the key to the child蒺s extraordinary height according to the man? [D] 揖解析铱男士说孩子的父亲身高两米袁可以推测他的意思是说遗传起了很大作用袁 故答案为 D遥 16. W: The instruction says there are altogether 20 differences between these two pictures. I can only figure out 19. Come over and help me find the last one. It is really hard for me. M: You look at the angle of the girl蒺s head. In the left picture, the tip of her nose can be seen. Q: What are the two speakers doing? [B] 揖解析铱女士说两幅画有 20处不同袁她已找出了 19个袁可见两人在观察两幅图袁故 答案为 B遥 17. W: I heard this week is 野Boys蒺 week冶. People are talking all about this these days. I wonder which department initiated this novel idea. M: Well, the idea is quite original, but what I wonder is whether some feminists feel they should launch a 野Girls蒺 week冶, too. Q: Where is the activity mentioned probably held? [A] 揖解析铱根据关键词 girls, department野院系冶和 feminists野女权主义者冶袁可知活动是 在大学校园开展的袁故答案为 A遥 18. M: They all take part in different events that they are good at. John runs the 100鄄meter race, Henry the long鄄distance jump. What about you? W: I won the first place in the boating competition last year, but this year they don蒺t have this event. So I serve them. Q: What are they talking about? [D] 揖解析铱对话中提到三个人以及 100鄄meter race, long鄄distance jump, boating competi鄄 tion而且还有后勤服务袁可推出谈论的是运动会中的角色分工遥干扰性较强的是 A袁 女士最后虽然提到了自己将做后勤服务袁但各种 services并非谈话的主题曰B中的 competition只是去年女士参加的项目渊boating competition冤中的一个词曰而对话 中根本就没有提到 career袁所以 C也容易排除遥 Test 4 11. A) The man studied for the whole night last night. B) The man loves horror films. 9 10 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com C) The man will see the film anyway. D) The man doesn蒺t have a strong enough will. 12. A) Because she suffers from computer
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