首页 大学英语六级核心词汇高分必背短语词组荟萃



大学英语六级核心词汇高分必背短语词组荟萃大学英语六级核心词汇高分必背短语词组荟萃 六级核心词汇 Lesson 1 1、 scope8 词源:由“scept-看”演变而来,而scept 则是由“pec”字母对调而来 意:?(活动、能力、影响的)范围 ? 机会、余地 助记:telescope/microscope, tele( )+ scope( ):使人看见远处活动范围(scope)的器具 搭配:beyond the scope of one’s ability(考): 同源:skeptical6: skept(=scept=scope: )+...

大学 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 六级核心词汇高分必背短语词组荟萃 六级核心词汇 Lesson 1 1、 scope8 词源:由“scept-看”演变而来,而scept 则是由“pec”字母对调而来 意:?(活动、能力、影响的)范围 ? 机会、余地 助记:telescope/microscope, tele( )+ scope( ):使人看见远处活动范围(scope)的器具 搭配:beyond the scope of one’s ability(考): 同源:skeptical6: skept(=scept=scope: )+ical( ) ?(反复)看的、打量的? obscure12: ob(= ab )+scure(=scope ) ?看不清的? 2、 grope 意:摸索,搜寻 助记:g(grab )+rope( ) ?抓住绳子? 搭配:grope for/around: grope one’s way: 3、 slope 意: 助记:slo(看做slow, )+pe(谐音: ) 慢慢爬? 搭配:a steep/gentle slope 讲解:slip6 滑、滑倒、失足(v.)名词:slope:斜坡、滑坡、elapse:流逝、溜走 搭配:slip up(考):失误 give sth. the slip(考):避开、甩开 collapse5:col+laps( )— slippery:( ery形容词后缀) : 4、 cope 意:?(成功地)应对,(妥善地)处理 ? 竞争、对抗 助记:copy( )与原本相仿、匹敌(cope) 搭配:cope with( ) deal with 应对(不考虑是否成功)+ problems/difficulties 例句:? But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain. 但是今天,大多数女性都承担者繁多的责任,而休息时间又很少,她们疲惫不堪。 Group1 记忆口诀: 老邪西游记 老邪整天瞎grope( )(v.) grope for„ 爬上最后的slope( ) (n.) 居然来到了Europe( )(n.) 哪里是西游的scope( )(n.) 辞职信装进envelope( )(n.) 老邪要新的hope ( ) (n.) 还你箍头的rope( ) (n.) 有麻烦自己cope( )(v.)copy with \deal with\tackle5 Group 2 spect =to see, to look 看见 5、 spectacle 意:?景象、奇观、壮观 ?大规模演出 助记:spect( )+acle(模仿miracle )—看到的奇迹? 派生:spectacular: 助记:若知people—popular,则知spectacle—spectacular (le?ul) spectator:spect+ator( ) ? =looker-on 区别:spectator:看比赛、展览的人 audience8: audi听的人(出席音乐会、演讲的人) 6、 speculate5 意:?推测、推断 ?投机 助记:specul(=spect ), late晚、稍后?先观 察,后“思索” ? 搭配:speculate about/on: speculate in stocks5: in stock(考):备有、存有 引:speculation (n.) 7、 aspect20 意:?(问题等的)方面 ?外表、表面 助记:a(爱) spect( )—人们爱看美女的外表,却很少 关注她的其他方面? 搭配:all aspects of the matter 例句?:I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems. 我把这类科学 家排除在外是因为尽管他们的成就有助于解决道德问题,但 却仅仅限于这些问题的事实方面,他们并未承担解决道德问 题的任务。 引申: 1)expect: ex( )+pect—向外张望,望穿秋水? expectation:(n.)beyond one’s expectation 2)inspect: in(=into)+spect—往里看? inspector inspection 3)prospect: pro(= )向前+spect? prospective 例句:The pursuit of leisure6 on the part of the employees will certainly not further their prospect of promotion. 职员对安逸 生活的最求肯定无助于他们未来的晋升。 搭配:a cheerful/promising prospect : prospective benefits 4)perspective8:per(= )+spect?__________?(得 到)?观点、视角?远景、景观 搭配:?a historical perspective: ? global perspective(考): 区别prospect与perspective :pro— per— 5)respect: re( )+spect( )? 一再瞻仰? respective5:相应的、各自的: 例句:Among states, Nevada and Arizona grew fastest of all: 63.5 and 53.1 percent respectively. 从各州的统计来看,内 华达州和亚利桑那州增长最快,相应数据分别是63.5%和 53.1%。 Respectable:(人) Respectful:(对人) 例句:The teacher is respectable to his students. The students are respectful to the teacher. 6)suspect:su(= )+spect?在下面偷偷地看? 例句:Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the mind’s emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is “off—line” 现在,研究人员开始怀疑,梦是大脑 的情绪“恒温器”的一个部分。大脑离线时,这个恒温器就 开始调节情绪。 例句2)The consummate(技艺高超 的) performer, Jackson may well have suspected that his final exit would be a spectacle.作为一个完美的表演者,杰克逊可能 已经猜想到他的离去将会是一个多么令人难忘的事情。(题 源,TIME 2009) 随着单词的不断演变,spect 被压缩出了另外一个变体 “spic” suspicious11 例句:Yet a suspiciously large number of top people have surnames beginning with letters between A and K. 但是据 估算,成功人士的名字开头字母大多数位于A—K之间。 suspicion:?怀疑 ?一小点 例句:The suspect, with a suspicion of suspicion, suspected the suspicious judge of suspecting him. Group2: 记忆口诀 老鱼视察 老鱼从北京来inspect( )(v.) 老师列队表示 respect ( )(v.) 老鱼说:凭你们的intellect( )(n.) 只要心存expect( ) (v.) 就能拥有美好的prospect( )(n.) 一切听来如此的perfect( )(a.) 我只回应了一句: 对于这一个aspect( )(n.) 我表示suspect( )(v.) Group 3 8、 conspicuous5 意:显眼的,明显的 助记:con ( )+spic(= )+uous?大家都能看见的? 搭配:make oneself conspicuous 9、 spy 意:?间谍 n. ?当间谍、暗中监视 v. 搭配:spy on/upon : spy into : 例句:Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the “great game” of espionage—spying as a “profession”多诺万认为,在间谍活动—以刺探情报为职业—的“伟大游戏”中, 可以不择手段。 10、 despise 意: V. 助记:?de-(= ) + spise(= ) ?look down upon ?despite14(=in spite of )尽管、不管?despise 例句:No one will despise you so long as you respect yourself. spite9: 恶意、怨恨 助记:spi(=spy)+te?间谍(对其他人)普遍都怀有? 搭配:out of /from spite : 11、 ignite 意: V. 助记:ig+nite——晚上来临要做的事情? 辨析: ignite 指一点星火或者火苗就使易燃物迅速燃烧起来。 Light 指为了得到光、热而点火 light a match-we can’ t see in the dark. Kindle 指花费一定的时间和力气把某可燃物点燃,使之逐渐烧起来 例句:A lighted cigarette can easily ignite a big forest fire. Group 3 记忆口诀 猴急的麟 你的回信使我excite( )(v.) 还将我的激情 ignite( )(n.) 再一次把情书write( )(v.) 忍不住把情诗 cite5( )(v.) 是上天让我们 unite ( )((v.) 快点定约会的 site( )(n.) 最好是在夜黑风高的night( )(n.) 宝贝、我对你没有 spite( )(n.) Group 4 12、 span 意:? ? 助记: span 与 space同源近意,space-空间、间隔?span 搭配:life span 辨析:span 两点间跨度(中间有物) gap 缝隙、间隙(中 间无物) 例句:?In these activities, it is important to remember that young teens have different attention spans. ?Evolutionary biologists have strong reasons to suppose that human life span can not be altered in any quick and easy way.(进化生物学家有充足的理由假设人类的寿命不可 能用任何快捷而简单的方式改变) (THE New York Times 2009) 13、 species14 意:种、类 n. (可数名词,单复数同形) 助记:speci( )+al( ) ?species 搭配:The Origin6 of Species 《 》 human species( ) 例句: Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time. 他们所采用的研究方法并非试图估算某 一海域内的实际鱼群总量,而是考察此处鱼类总量在一段时 期内所发生的变化 Specimen : speci( )+men? Special:特别的(专属于某种、群的) Specialize、specialization 助记:special( )+ize( )? 例句:Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize in helping the weary traveler. Specialist :special+ist( ) ? 例句:The non-specialist will be able to obtain at least a notion of the sorts of data and argument that support evolutionary theory. 辨析:a specialist in history 和 specialize in history Specialty:special+ty?specialty :专门干的事情——专长 例句:Mr. McWhorter’s academic specialty is language history and change. Specify:speci( )+fy( ) ?使明确到具体种类? 例句:The tests themselves are merely tools, with characteristics that can be measured with reasonable precision under specified conditions.(测试本身只是工具,只能在特定的条件下以一定 的精准性测试某些特征) Specific: 例句:All those left undone may sound great in theory, but even the truest believer has great difficulty when it comes to specifics (在理论上,所有未竟之事听起来都很重要,但是,谈到具体 问题,就连最忠实的信徒也会觉得难度很大) 14、 risk 词源:愿意指“靠近礁石航行” ? 搭配:run the risk of ( )at risk ( ) 例句:Downshifting in the mid-90s is not so much a search for the mythical good life—growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one—as a personal recognition of your limitations. (90年代中期降低节奏的生活预期说是追求神话 般美好的生活—自己种植有机蔬菜,同时也冒着把自己变成 一个像蔬菜一样单调乏味的人的风险—不如说是对自己局 限性的自我认同。 Group 4 记忆口诀: 老邪也兼职 贩卖盗版disk( )(n.)compact disk 工作不用 desk( ) (n.) 自己戴上 mask( ) (n.) 怕被学生 ask( )(n.)ask for 兜售总在 dusk( ) (n.) nightfall/twlight 生意不太 brisk( ) (a.) prosperous/flourishing/thriving/booming 勉强完成 task( )(n.) assignment\mission\duty 生存充满 risk( )(n.) run the risk of „ Group 5 sist = to stand 站立 15、 assist 意: 助记:as( )+sist( ) ?站在旁边? 辨析:assist: help: aid8: (一 般用金钱) 搭配:~ sb. in doing sth./ ~ sb. with sth. / ~ sb. to do sth. 例句: Just three weeks before the court’s ruling on physician-assisted suicide, the National Academy of Science released a two-volume report. (就在法院对医生协助病人自杀 一案作出裁决的三周前,国家科学院发表了一份两卷本的报 告) assistance: (n.) 搭配:give/render ~ (to) come to sb.’s ~ consist15: 助记:con ( )+sist ? 站在一起? 搭配:~ of( ) ~ in( ) ~ with( ) 辨析:~ of(主动构成) 和 be composed of (被动构成) 例句:Computer systems consist of hardwares and softwares. Tolerence consists in respecting the opinion of others. consistent8: consist( )+ent( )? 搭配:be ~ with = consist with 例句:The findings of a research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can be trained on the job to achieve radically6 higher productivity and, as a result, radically higher standards of living. radical6 eradicate uproot existence11: 意: 助记:ex(= ),ist=(sist )+ence ?站出来 ?(表明你) 搭配:come/bring into ~ = come/bring into being/ 例句:With as many as 120 varieties in existence, discovering how cancer works is not easy. exist:(v.) persist17 意: (v.) 助记: per(= ) +sist ?一直站着? 搭配:~ in=go on doing sth. 例句:And yet, the myth of controlling the waters persist. 派生:persistence (n.) persistent11 (adj.) : 例句:The little girl was never persistent in anything she said. 小女孩从未坚持过自己所做的任何事情(2004.6) resist: 意:? ? 助记:re(= against )+ sist?站在反方向上? 搭配:~ temptation ~ heat/frost/ disease 例句: It takes the most cool-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge5 when subjected to uncivilized behavior. revenge5 助记:re( )+veng(= )+e ? 派生:resistance 反抗、抵制力(n.)armed ~( ) resistant: 例句:Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today’s immigration is neither at unprecedented level nor resistant to assimilation.( Gregory Rodriguez 在为国家移民论坛撰写的文章中指出,如今移民 人数既没有创高新,也不拒绝被同化) Group 5: 记忆口诀 麟思鹅 抬头透过mist ( )(n.)fog 看到嫦鹅exist( )(v.) existence 魅力无法resist( )(v.) withstand \oppose\stand up to 忽遭禽兽molest( )(v.) 麟子扬起 fist( )(n.) 力量发自 wrist( )(n.) 还未打到 beast( )(n.) 首先闪了 waist( )(n.) Group 6: stitut(e)= to stand 站立 16、 constitute5 助记:con( )+statute( ) ?站在一起? constituent: con( )+statute( )+ent( ) ?选择和谁站 在一起? 例句:The mechanisms at work are manifest in the tendency for such physical activity to utilize the potentially harmful constituents of the stress responses.(起作用的机制表现在这些 生理活动倾向于利用压力反应的潜在有害成分) 辨析:整体+consist of +部分 部分+constitute+整体 comprise兼有上述两种用法 Constitution:?宪法?体制、素质?组成、成立 American ~ /written ~(成文法) institute5: 助记:in(=on/up)+stitute( ) ?立起来? 搭配:MIT=Massachusetts Institute of Technology 派生:institution10 机构;建立、设立;制度、习俗 搭配:finacial institution: 例句:The southern states would not have signed the Constitution without protections for the “peculiar institution,” including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation. 若是不保护这一 “特别制度”,南方各州是不会在联邦宪法上签字的。而该 制度就包含有这么一个条款:在分配国会代表名额时,每个 奴隶按五分之三的人头算。 Substitute: 意: 助记:sub(= )+stitute?站在下面?候补、替代 搭配:a ~ for „ 例句:Honey can substitute for sugar in this recipe. Honey can be a substitute for sugar in this recipe. group 7:sta, stant= to stand 站立 17、 stable6 意: 助记:sta( )+able( .)?能站得住的? (联想)S(似)+table( )?像桌子一样稳的? stability10:sta( )+ability( )?有能力站稳? 搭配:economic/social ~ 18、 static(al) 意: 助记:sta( )+tic?站立不动的? 派生:stationary ~ troops 驻防部队 (音同) stationery: stationer:文具商(原指有固定station的书商)与peddler(流 动商贩) 相对 例句:One continent is stationary and the other is drifting away from it. 19、 statue:the Statue of Liberty status7:(联想)stat( )+ us? 表明我们的? 搭配:enhance/elevate/raise/improve one’s social status: 20、 estate 意: 助记:e+sta(站立)+te?站立在外不动的? 搭配:real ~ 21、 establish15 意: 助记:e+stabl( )+ish( ) ?使能够稳定的站立住? 搭配:establish a relationship with(考): 派生:establishment(n.): the ~ of sth. 例句:It is therefore generally valuable to treat the scientific establishment as a resource or machine to be kept in functional order. 因此将科研机构作为资源或机器,保持其良好的运行状态,通常是值得的 辨析:found: (强调为创造某物打下的基础foundation) Establish: 逐步建立,并使处于稳定的状态 22、 install8 意: 助记:in+ sta( ) ?站立在其中? 派生:installation(n.) installment (搭配) in installments/ pay a ~ of 一次付„ 23、 constant18 意:? ? 助记:con( )+stant( ) ?永远站一起? 搭配:~ maintenance a ~ friend 例句:We humans, like all warm-blooded animals, can keep our core body temperatures pretty much constant regardless of what’s going on in the world around us. 像所有的恒温动物一 样,不管周围世界发生什么,我们人类都能够保持核心体温 的基本恒定。(2008.12) 24、 instance10 意: 助记:in( )+stan( )+ce?使进一步站得住脚的东 西? 搭配:for ~(考): 派生:instant 意:?立即的 ?紧急的、急迫的 ?(食品)速溶的、方便 的 搭配:? ~ noodles 方便面 ? at that/the ~ 在那时候 25、 substance7 意: 助记:sub(= )+stan( )+ce ?立于表面之下的东西? 搭配:mineral ~ in ~ 派生:substantial 意义:?可观的、大量的 ?实质的、真实的 搭配:a ~ meal/salary ( )/( ) ~ modification ( ) 例句:Generally speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height.(一般来讲,避免长得过高是有好处的) 26、 obstacle6 意:障碍物、妨碍(n.) 助记:ob(= )+sta( )+cle?与„对立的、阻碍的? Group 7 记忆口诀 研究一种种substance( ) 考察一个个instance( ) 阐述工作的significance( ) 争取各方的 assistance( ) Group 8 27、 destiny 词源:希腊神话里,传说人都有命运三女神(the Destinies) 站立其左右,掌握其命运。在古法语中,意义为:that which is firmly established or determined. 意:命运、定数 派生:destination9: destine: (v.) be ~d for : 28、 steady 意: 助记:st + (r)eady?事先有准备? 搭配:a ~ job ( ) a long period of ~ economic growth( ) 29、 system 意: 助记:sy( )+ste( ) ?各部分站到一起? 例句:A further stimulus to invention came from the “premium” system, which preceded our patent system and for years ran parallel with it. (推动发明的另一刺激因素来自奖励发明制度,它比专利制度要早,而且在很长时间内与后者一起实施) 派生:systematic 30、 humble 意: 助记:hum( )+ble(=fold ) ?折向地面的、面朝地的? 例句: In appearance, human beings are noble, and dogs are humble. However, wise men all agree that devoted dogs are better than contemptible men.(从外貌上看,人最高贵,狗最低贱。但圣人一致认为:重义的狗胜于不义的人) (萨迪) 31、 gamble 意: (n.v.) 助记:game ?gamble(赌博始于麻将等游戏) 搭配:?~ away ? ~ on ? unrestrained ~ 例句: He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling.(在这个赌场赠送他一张价值20美元的赌场优惠券之前,他从未赌过. 32、 Forum 意: 助记:for+ u (you )+ m(me) ?你我发表意见的地方? 例句:Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today’s immigration is neither at unprecedented level nor resistant to assimilation.( Gregory Rodriguez 在为国家移民论坛撰写的文章中指出,如今移民 人数既没有创高新,也不拒绝被同化) Group 8 记忆口诀 无业游民 因为出身 humble( )(a.) 性命拿来 gamble( ) (v.) gambling (n.) 身上系条 cable( )(n.) 摔下砸坏 table( ) (n.) 钱少只买 vegetable( ) (n.) 工作何时 stable( ) (a.) steady (a.) 能让生活 comfortable( )(a.) cosy (a.) Group 9 33、 gym(nasium) 词源:源于希腊语gymnazo“赤身运动”。古希腊运动员训练时要求裸体,据说裸体运动有益健康。那时的奥林匹克田径运动会的各项比赛都是裸体进行的 意义: 34、 museum 词源:希腊神话中有九位司文艺和科学的女神,通称为缪斯(the Muses)在希腊各地收藏或者陈列此类文艺和科学艺术品的地方,叫做缪斯神庙,即museum 意义: 35、 celebrity 意义: 助记:celebrate( )?celebrated ( ) ?celebrity 搭配:~ effect 例句: Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes.(我们的杂志突出刊登满面春风的名人和美满幸福的家庭) 36、 slaughter 意义: 助记:s(音:死)+laughter(笑声) ?死了都要笑,不怕被屠杀? 37、 denounce 意义: (v.) 助记:pronounce(pronunciation) 发音、宣告?nounce(= ) ?denounce(de=against +nounce) ?对着说? 派生:denunciation (n.) Group 10 vid = to see 看见 词源:vid=vis (t/d/s/g 通假) 38、 video 意义: 助记:vid( )+eo?看的东西? 例句:Playing video games encourages immediate content. And hours of watching TV shows with canned laughter only teaches kids to process information in a passive way. (完视频游戏只会让孩子得到一时的快乐,让其数小时观看预录有笑声的电视节目只能使他们学会用消极的方式处理信息) 39、 evident8 意义: 助记:e(= )+vid( )+ent?看得出来的? 例句:We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.(Thomas Jefferson) (我们认为这些真理不证自明 —人人生而平等) 派生: evidence =proof 搭配:on (good) ~ 依据(充分的)________ show/give (no) ~ of (没)有_____________ 例句:Part of recent acceleration is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend.近期的部分快速增长并不能作 为经济复苏已经暗潮涌动的证明 40、 provided21: 意义: 助记:pro(= )+vid+ed?提前看见?提前预见未 发生情况? 派生:provide: 提前看见(不足)?提供 Provision ?供应 ?准备、预备 助记:decide?decision provide?provision 搭配:the ~ of sth. „的_________ make ~ for 为„做 __________ 例句:None of these legal provisions determine at what point adulthood has been reached but they do point to the prolonged7 period of adolescence.(这些法律条文没有规定什么时候算成 人,但他们确实表明青春期延长了) 41、 prudent: 意: 助记:provide( )?providence( ) ? provident( ) ?prudent( ) 例句:With the risks obvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.(风险越来越明显,而 且与日俱增,一个深谋远虑的民族现在应该签署保险契约了) visible 意义:可见的、有形的 助记:vis( )+ible( ) ? 派生:invisible 看不见的 (in 表________) 搭配:~ man 隐形人 例句:An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students’ career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of reasons of radical educational reform.(有些人从学生 的就业前途着想,赞成电脑进入课堂;有的人从彻底的教育 改革这一更大的原因出发,赞成这一举动。这两派之间有一 条看不见的界限) 42、 vision16 想象力;视觉;洞察力 助记:vis( )+ion? visual: visualize: 例句:This week some top scientists, including Nobel Prize winners, gave their vision of how the will look in 2056. 本周,一些顶尖科学家,包括诺贝尔奖得主,介绍了他们对2056年世界的想象。(2008.6) 43、 envy 意义:羡慕、嫉妒(v.n) 助记:en ( )+vy( ) ?在看见后? 搭配:~ ab. for sth. out of ~ 派生:envious : (不一定不满) 辨析:jealous: (令人不愉快的感情,吃错,不满)jealousy: 44、 advisable 意义: 助记: advise?建议advisable( ) 45、 revise 意义: 助记:re( )+vis( ) ?反复地看? 派生:revision (n.) 例句:These printouts are also easier to read than the screen when you work on revisions.(此外,修改时看打印稿比看屏幕 更为方便) 46、 supervise 意义: 助记:super(= )+vis( ) ?在上面看? =oversee(技师监督职工) 搭配:~ sb.’s every move 派生:supervision: under the ~ of supervisor: 47、 naked: 搭配:the ~ truth/facts an act of ~ aggression the ~ eye Group 10 记忆口诀 大话老邪 熊样形体 evident ( )(a.) 所发颤音 excellent( ) (a.) 脾气很是 violent ( ) (a.) 喝醉酒后 silent ( ) (a.) 每月都领 pension( ) 天天守着 television( ) 社交没有 occasion( ) 生活缺乏 passion( ) 于是下定 decision( ) 进行旧书 revision( ) Group 11 view = to see 看见 48、 view 意义: 搭配:come into ~ give one’s ~ on sth. in one’s ~ 例句:The astonishing distrust of the news media isn’t rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.(对新闻媒体的 及其不信任并不是源于新闻报道的不准确或采访技术的糟 糕,而是来自新闻记者和读者之间在世界观上的日常冲突) 派生:interview:inter( )+view?彼此会面? ____________ have an ~ with___________ interviewer interviewee Review:re( )+view?再看一次? Preview:pre(= )+view? 49、 survey 意义: 助记:sur(surface )+vey( ) ?从表面往里看? 搭配:make/carry out/do a ~ 辨析:survey: inspect:(in=into)+ spect (look) investigate16:in+vestige(痕迹)+ate?寻找蛛丝马迹? 50、 chew:咀嚼,咬 ~ over 深思、玩味 chewing gum 口香糖 51、 rear 意义:?后部、尾部(n)? 后面的、后方的 ?抚养、种植(v.) 搭配:~ its ugly head(不好的事物)_______ 例句:Even the Volkswagen rear engine car was anticipated by a 1904 patent for a cart with the horse at the rear.(甚至连大众公司的后置发动机轿车在1904年的专利中就预见到了,当时的专利是马在后面推得马车) refine: 助记:re( )+fine( )?反复使之更好? Group 12 tend, tens, tent = to stretch 伸展,张开 52、 stretch 意义: 助记:stret(联想: ) ?街道在? 搭配:at full ~ ~ out one’s arms/hands 53、 tend 意义:? ? (vt.) 搭配:~ (not) to do sth, ~ to sb. 例句:Wealthy people tend to have fewer children than poor people. 派生:tendency5: have a ~ to/toward „ intend :In( )+tend( )?打算、 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ~ sb. to do sth.__________ 例句:Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers? intention: with the ~ of ( ) well- ~ed help ( ) 例句:Any test performed involves at least three factors: the intention to do one’s best, the knowledge required for understanding what you have to do, and the intellectual ability to do it. intent9 搭配:intent on/upon doing sth.(考): 例句:I could see that my wife was intent on having that fur coat, whether I approveed of it or not. (1997.6) 看得出来 不管我同不同意,妻子都一心想要那件皮衣 intentional: 写作造句:I did not have the intention to offend you. My offensive remarks were by no means intentional. I didn't make the remarks intentionally. attend:at(加强)+tend?? ? ~ a meeting ________会议 attendant: attend+ant( ) ? attendance:attend+ance? 辨析:attendant, audience, spectator People who attend a play or concert are audience; people who attend a game, such as football are spectators. But an attendant is someone who is employed to look after a public place or people who use it. 54、 Tender 意义:? ? 助记:(音:疼的)?娇嫩的皮肤蹭破了? 搭配:~ loving care 体贴入微的关怀 ~ sth. to sb. 正式向某 人提出某事 submit a ~ 投标 55、 Tense 意义: 助记:tens(伸展) ?拉紧? 搭配:a ~ situation/atmosphere7 派生:tension) 例句:On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way toward relieving the tensions of motoring.(另一方面,一个小小的礼貌之举对减轻驾驶的紧张情绪大有裨益) 56、 Contend 意义: 助记:con( )+tend( ) ?共同延伸到某领域里? 搭配:a hundred schools of thought ~ ~ for hegemony 派生:contention(n.) 57、 extend 意义: 助记:ex(= )+tend? 搭配:~ sth. to ~ one’s business ( ) ~ an invitation ( ) 例句:Only in the most exceptional circumstances is the lifespan of a patent extended to alter this normal process of event. 派生:extensive8 ( ) ~ reading: ( ) ~ knowledge: ( ) extension:_____________(n.) 例句:The longest extension ever granted was to Georges Valensi; his 1939 patent for color TV receiver circuitry was extended until 1971. (乔治.瓦伦西获得了最长的专利延期,他 1939年申请到的彩色电视接收器电路专利有限年限被延长 到1971年) extent7:ex(=out)+tent?向外延伸到一定? 搭配:to a large/certain ~ to some ~ 例句:Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering,” to the extent that it constitutes “systematic patient abuse”(许多 医生对病人遭受的毫无必要的、可以预见的痛苦似乎漠不关 心,甚至到了对病人构成“系统的虐待”的程度) 58、 intense15 意义: 助记:in+tense( )?注意力向内伸展? 例句:Most substances taken in excess will produce negative effects such as poisoning or intense perceptual distortions6. 大 多数物品过度吸入时都会产生副作用,如中毒或剧烈的感觉 错乱 派生:intensive: ~ reading/training (extensive reading ________)knowledge-intensive ________________ labor-intensive _______________ intensity:_____________ labor ~ ___________________ intensify9 : _______________ (v)intensified (adj.)_________________ 71、pretend: 假装、佯装 (pre=向前+ tend) ? ~ to do sth. Pretentious 假装的 Group 12 记忆口诀 麟子寻友记 泡妞我已 intend( ) 露营积极 attend( ) 希望时间 extend( ) 正把忧郁 pretend( ) 不料情敌 contend( ) 是我最好 friend( ) 为把爱情defend( ) 在马路的bend( ) 开车直接offend( ) 医生将伤者tend( ) 再往医院send( ) 车被拖去 mend( ) 事情还没 end( ) 车是别人lend( ) Group 13 59、 hatch ? ? ~ out ~ a program 60、 patch?补丁?斑点?修补(v.) ~ up 解决(争吵、 麻烦)、修补 61、 scratch8 意义: 搭配:?start from ~ ? ~ a match 例句:Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined7 with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want. 说来令人伤心,这个项目结果只是一些大多是底层的发现, 比如事实性错误、拼写和语法错误;此外还有许多让人头疼 的困惑:那些读者究竟想要什么东西, combine7、combination5 搭配:combine with(考): 62、 snatch 搭配:~ at :设法抓住 = crab 63、 canoe 搭配:by ~ Group 14 fact, fect, fic,fit= to make 做、使,to do 做 64、 factor18 词源:源于拉丁文factor,原指代理人,后引申为引起某种结果的事物,即因素 助记:fact+or?做事情的人? 搭配:a positive factor(考): 65、 fact: 助记: fac( )+t?做了的事情? 66、 factory: 助记:fact+ory名词后缀?制造的地方? 67、 benefactor、benefit22、beneficial7 助记:bene(= ) + factor?做好事情的人? 搭配:be of benefit to(考): retirement benefit (考): 68、 manufacture6: 助记:manu(= )+fac+ture?用手做?生产) 同义词:build: (building ) create: v.(creation18 n.) construct15:v.(construction n.) invent: v.(invention n.) produce: v. (production. n.) assemble组成、装配(v.) 69、 facile:容易的,灵巧的 助记:fac+ile( )?能做到的 ? 70、 facilitate5: 助记:有了facility( ),生产制造变得? facility:?设备、设施 ?便利、容易 助记:fac 做+ility,做事情的东西? 71、 faculty:?才能?院系?全体教职工 助记: fac+ulty?做事的能力、人? 72、 affect:影响 助记: af=ad=to fect( )?去做、去推动? 例句:Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response.(对动物和人类的研究显示,性别荷尔蒙在一定程度上影响了对压力的反应) 73、 affection6:?喜爱、喜欢、爱慕之情?影响 have an ~ for 对„有感情的 助记: 受到affect ( )而产生了 affection( ) affectionate:affection+ate? 74、 defect: 助记: de(=down )+fect ?做的不够、做的不好? 搭配:a ~ of character 性格缺陷 ~ from 脱离、 背弃„ 75、 effective16:有效果的 助记 effect( )+ive( ) ? 搭配:take ~ measures : be effective on: 例句:In education there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgment. 教育部门应该平衡各门知识以利 于有效思维和明智判断 76、 infect: 助记: in+fect( )?进入内部制造麻烦? 例句:Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that activities disease resistance in neighboring plants.(研究人员发现感染病毒的植物会散发出 一种 气体,刺激邻近的植物产生抗病性) 派生:infectious 77、 perfect 助记: per( )+fect?做的彻底? 派生:perfection ___________(n) 搭配:bring sth. to ~使„臻于完美 78、 lung: 肺(助记:谐音: )送你四个字:“狼心狗肺” 79、 throat: 咽喉、嗓子 助记:th(= )+roat(= )?食物通过的通道? 80、 deficiency 意义: ?不足、缺乏?缺点、缺陷 助记: de(= ), fit(= ), +iency?没做好? 搭配:a nutritional ~: 例句: 派生:deficient 不足的 deficit5:赤字、亏空 (助记: ?赤字) financial ~ : 反义:surplus: 81、 efficient14 意义: 助记:ef(= ),fit=do?(快速)做得出的? sufficient14、deficient、efficient三次一起记忆,“-ficient”强 调数量的多少 派生:efficiency12 例句:But for mobile phones, our communication would not have been so efficient and convenient. 要不是手机,我们的通讯不可能如此高效、便利。(2007.12) 82、 proficiency 意义:精通、熟练 助记: pro( )+fic+iency?做的超前? 搭配:get/achieve ~ at/in sth.: 派生:proficient: 83、 profit: 意义:?利润、利益(n.) ?有利于„(v.)~ from 助记:pro+fit?提前做? 派生:profitable: 例句:Investigation9 revealed that selling genuine goods at a fair price can be more profitable in the long run. reveal11 unveil5 搭配:unveil a plan(考): 84、 sufficient14 意义: 助记:suf(=音变自super: )+fic+ient?超多的做? (做)__________ 派生:suffice:充足(v.) ~ it to say: insufficient: 搭配:be sufficient to do sth.(考):足够去做„ 85、 Slice 意义:?薄片、切片 ?切、削(v.) 搭配:a ~ of bread a loaf of bread 例句:Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock slices of cucumber.(通常情况下,猴子们非常乐 意用几块石头去交换几片黄瓜) 86、 Vice: 例句:To flee vice is the beginning of virtue8; and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom.(逃离罪恶是美德的开 始,去除愚蠢是智慧的开始)(霍雷修斯) virtue8 搭配:by virtue of(考):借助,由于 87、 Loan: a long-term interest-free loan on ~ 暂借的 88、 Feat: a marvelous ~ 助记: feat(= ) ?做出来的? 89、 feature11 意义:?特征、特色?面貌、相貌? 突出、以„为特定( v) 搭配:geographical ~s: nice features: 90、 feasible 意义:可行的、行得通的 助记:feas(= )+ible?能做到的? 搭配:a ~ plan : 派生:feasibility group 14记忆口诀 都是风流惹的祸 风流是他 defect( )(n.) 惨被艾滋 infect( ) (v.) 吃药没有 effect( ) (n.) 健康深受 affect( ) (v.) Lesson 2 Group 15 cede, ceed, cess=to go, 去;to proceed进行,to yield让步 91、 concede 意义:?承认. ?承认失败 ?允许、让步(v.) 助记:con( )+cede( ) ? 讲解: 你往回走一步,我往回走一步,让步,妥协? 承认错误 派生:concession: 让步、退位 (n.) make a ~ to: Concessive: 92、 precede 意义:在„之前,先于 助记:pre(= ) cede( )?走在前面? Pre-:premature6 pre-determine pregnant: 派生:preceding Govern—governing Guide—guiding 例句:They saw in the preceding hundreds years from 1650 to 1750 a period of great abundance and prosperity.(他们此前的从1650 到1750年的100年看成是一个极其富裕和繁荣的时期) precedent5: without ~ -ent结尾做名词:student, pendent 做形容词:independent、dependent、evident Ant结尾做名词:elephant\assistant 做形容词: constant\ instant precedented:(+un)—— precedence: =priority13 例句:I believe that self-interest should not be the top priority in business dealings.我认为在商业交易中利己主义不 应该是优先考虑的事情(2006.12) 93、 procedure11 意义: 助记:pro(=forward ),+ced+ure?一步步向前走的过程 ? 搭配:legal procedure: 94、 recede 意义: 助记:re=back, cede( )?向后走? 派生:receding a ~ hairline recession5: 搭配:economic recession(考): recessive: 95、 abide :忍受、经受住(v.) ~ by the law. (遵守即意 味着要忍受) a( )+bide(= ): 96、 parliament: House of Parliament: 97、 exceed11 意义: 助记:ex=( )+ceed?走出界限(线外)? 搭配:~ sb./sth in„ ~ one’s expectation/hope 例句:If current trends continue, experts predict annual vehicle thefts could exceed two million by the end of the decade. 如果 按照当前的趋势继续下去,专家预测十年后每年的汽车盗窃 案会超过200万起。(1997.1) 派生:exceeding: exceedingly: 及其、非常=extremely14 例句:Today, Landon is one of the safest major cities in the world and violent crimes are excedingly rare. 98、 excess13 意义: 助记:ex(= )+ceed( )?走出界限(线)? 搭配:an ~ of(考):„ in ~ of:超过 派生:excessive11 ~ working(考): excessive bleeding(开): 99、 proceed 意义:进行、继续、前进 助记:pro(= ), ceed( ) ?向前走? 例句:Subscribers can customize the information they want to receive and proceed directly to a company’ s web site. (用户可 以定制自己想要接收的信息,并直接进入某个公司的网站) 派生:proceeding(s):进行、程序、诉讼 派生:procession: 100、 bleed:出血、流血(v.) (联想记忆:food?feed blood?bleed) 101、 greedy:贪婪的、嘴馋的、贪心的 be ~ for : 102、 access11 意义:? 接近;取得、获取 ? 入口、 通道 助记:ac(= ) +cess( ) ?走过去? 搭配:have/gain ~ to access data: 例句:”knowledge is power” may well be the truest saying and access to information may be the most critical requirement of all people. 知识就是力量 是再正确不过的名言,对所有人而言,获取信息也许是至关重要的需求 派生:accessible: accession: accessory: 附件、配件、附属的(走在一起的、一起 走的:比如车钥匙和车) 搭配:car accessories an ~ to murder 103、 predecessor 意义: 助记:pre(= ) +de(= )+ cess( )+or( ) ? 例句:The new chairman is much younger than his predecessor. 104、 process30 意义: 助记:pro(= )+cess( ) ?(一步一步)向前走? =procedure 搭配:selection process(考): proceed: 向前走? 105、 succeed 意义: 助记:suc(=sub= )+ceed?一直走下去? Suc(= )+ceed?走在后面? 派生:succeed( 继续 ) ?successor: (suc=sub=under+ceed?跟着走的人? ) ?succession( 继位、继承 )?successive27( ) succeed( v.)?success( n.) ?successful( ) Group 15 记忆口诀 老邪谋生 地里播下 seed( )(n.) 种出却是 weed( ) (n.) 只能当做 feed( ) (n.) 生存无法 proceed( ) (v.) 冒险去采 reed( ) (n.) 脚被刺伤 bleed( ) (v.) 拼命加快 speed( ) (n.) 回来销售 succeed( ) (v.) 见财心生 greed( ) (n.) Group 16 plex/ply/pli/pie/ple= ? to fold 折叠 ? 倍;重 126、apply24 意义: 助记:ap(=ad= ), ply( ):申请的本质即是看自身条件与对方的要求有什么重叠之处 搭配:~ for ~ A to B 例句:When they apply for their first job, they are tested for the intelligence as well as for the right mixture of submissiveness and independence.(他们第一次求职时要接受智力测试,还要 接受服从性与独立工作能力是否配合得恰到好处方面的测 试) Mushrooms might be banned if they were judged by the same standard that apply to food additives. 如果使用和食品添加剂 相同的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 来衡量,蘑菇也可能被禁止。(1999.1) 派生:application13 助记:apply ? application imply ? implication6 搭配:by implication(考):暗示的、 含蓄的 applicant applicable 助记:Appli(=apply )+ able ( ) ? 搭配:be applicable to sb. / sth. 例句:The author associates the issue of global warming with that of smoking because a lesson from the latter is applicable to the former.(作者把全球气候变暖与吸烟相联系, 是因为后者的教训适用于前者) Appliance 助记:Appli(=apply )+ ance( ) ? 可用的 东西? 127、imply22 意义: 助记:im(= )+ply( ) ?重叠(折入)其中? 例句:Each step implies certain behavioral changes and social recognition(每一步都意味着某种行为变化和社会认可) 派生:implication implicit:暗示的、含蓄的(一般不直接表达的) 助记:im(=in )+pli( ) ?重叠(折入)其中? explicit (ex 向外) explicate: 128、complicate: 意义: 助记:com( )+plic( )+ ate? 共同重叠在一起? 例句: In such a changing, complex society formerly simple solutions to informational needs become complicated. (在这样 一个不断变化的、复杂的社会里,以前对信息需求的简单解 决方法也变得复杂了) 派生:complicated11 complication complex12 助记:com( )+plex(=ple ) ?重叠在一起? 例句:The complex system enables a child to connect the sight and feel of, say, a toy-bear with the sound pattern “toy-bear” 这个复杂的系统可以让儿童把看到的、摸到的玩具熊与“玩具熊”的读音联系起来 129、exploit8 意义: 助记:employ(em=in, ploy=使用:把外面的人折进去) exploit (ex= , ploit=ploy ) In+ ploy招进去使用;招聘; 搭配:exploit one’s office(考): 关联:employ employer employee employment unemployment8 例句:On Sunday they pray for you; on Monday they prey on you. 130、simplify 意义: 助记:simpl(= )+ify( ) ? 例句:It has no earth’s oceans, so the heat transport and other mechanisms are greatly simplified(它没有地球上的海洋,所以热传递和其他机制都大大简化了) 派生:simplicity 助记:simpli(= )+city(名词, ) ? 搭配:speak with ~ 例句:Downshifting—also known in America as “ voluntary simplicity” —has, ironically, even bred a new area of what might be termed anti-consumerism.(更具讽刺意味 的是,“放慢生活节奏”—在美国也称为“自愿返璞归真” —甚至已经孕育了一种崭新的、可以称之为反消费主义的生 活方式) 131、triple 意义: 助记:tri( )+ple( ) ?折三折、变成三倍 关联:tricycle(tri=三 +cycle9 )三轮车 bicycle(bi= +cycle )自行车 例句:The boss has tripled his salary. Breaking the cycle of doing what you have always done is one of the most difficult tasks for job seekers. 对于求职者而 言,打破一直做的工作的循环是最困难的任务之一(2007.6) 132、perplex 意义:使困惑、使费解 助记:per(彻底、贯穿、完全)+plex(=ple )?全部重 叠? 例句:Discerned from the perplexing picture of population growth the 1980 census provided, America in 1970s witnessed a southwestern shift of population.(从1980年人口普查所提供的 令人费解的人口增长状况可以看出,70年代的美国经历了人 口向西南迁移的过程) 133、display13 意义: 助记:dis(=apart )+play(= ) ?把重叠的东西分 开(给人看)? 讲解:dis两层含义:1、表否定: 2、 表分开、分离: 搭配:on display(考): a ~ of courage/strength 例句:To impress a future employer, one should dress neatly, be punctual, and display in the job. 为了给今后的老板一个好印象,你应该穿着整洁,严格守时, 同时对工作表现出兴趣。 135、screen 意义: 搭配:wide ~ film ~ sb.’s faults 例句:Online culture thinks highly of the notion that the information flowing onto the screen comes there by specific request.(网络文化高度重视这样的理念:相关资料必须是应相应的要求才出现在显示屏上的) 136、item7 意义: 搭配:a news ~ fashion items(考): 137、reply 意义: 助记:re(=back ) ?ply(= ) ?折回去? 回复 138、multiply7、multiple5 意义: 助记:multi(= )+ple ( ) ?多(折)倍的? Group 16 记忆口诀 版主宣言: 递上当版主的application( ) 不在乎有没有vacation( ) 这绝不是出于dedication( ) 通过与他人的communication( ) 会得到另一种education( ) Group 17 mit, miss = 送,投掷、扔 139、 missile: 助记:miss( )+ile(表物体)?投出去的物体? 140、mission 助记:miss( )+ion ? 派(送)出去完成? 141、admit 助记:ad(= ) + mit( might ) ?允许 (送入)?承认 派生:admission permit 助记:per( )+mit( ) ? 派生:permission 142、commit12 助记:com(加强语气 )+mit ( ) ?把事情扔给你? 搭配: ~ a crime ~ suicide : 派生:committed commitment6 搭配:fulfill one’s commitment(考): committee 被委托的人(团体) the Olympic ~ commission7 ? (commit 委托) ? 例句:We in America desperately need more people who believe that the person who commits a crime is the one responsible for it. 我们迫切的需要更多的美国人相信,犯罪的人应该为其罪行 负责 Many women have committed their lives to teaching careers, yet relatively few have become principals or headmasters. 很多女 性把她们的医生都贡献给了教育事业,然而相对来说只有很 少数人成为校长(1996.1) 143、dismiss9 助记:dis(= ) +miss( ) ?分开送走? 搭配:be ~ed from the company/school dismiss an opportunity 派生:dismissal (n.) 例句:?He dismissed a lot of the work of re-engineering consultants9 as mere rubbish.他把许多重组顾问的工作视为垃 圾而不予考虑 ?Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit, we can instead direct our own change by consciously9 developing new habits. 我们摒弃把自己看作是一成不变的拥 有习惯的生物,相反我们可以通过发展新的习惯来有意识的 进行改变。 conscious9 搭配:become conscious(考): 144、emit 助记:e(= )+mit ( ) ?送出、扔出? 145、omit 助记:o(=out )+ mit?扔到外面、扔掉? 146、promising6 助记:pro( ) +mis ( )?能向前走的? 搭配:a ~ carrier 派生:promise:I promise you 147、compromise9 (n.v) 助记:com( )+promise( )?相互保证,担 保? 妥协、折中 搭配:~ with sb. make a ~ 例句:Works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nation’s early leaders and the fragile nature of the country’s infancy. 好些历史学家的论著都在表明,这批早起 国家领导人在道德上都实行折中主义,而且国家在刚建成时 也非常脆弱 148、submit6 助记:sub( )+mit( )?从下面(基层)送上去? 搭配:submit to sb/sth.(考): ~ a proposal 149、transmit5 助记:trans(=across 由此到彼 穿过 ) +mit ?送..过去? 搭配:~ signals/heat/sound ___________信号/热量/声音 派生:transmission7 150、connect: (v.) Connection (n.): in ~ with: 151、fiction7 小说( 创作出来的东西) 152、friction 摩擦(flict:击打、招致、造成) 153、function18 功能 助记: 搭配:function as(考): perform a function: 例句:The auther intends to render the idea that man is an unimportant part in comparison with the rest of the society, though functioning smoothly. 作者想要表达的观点是:尽管 人人都在恪守职责,但相对于社会的其他组成部分而言,人 是微不足道的。 Athens functioned as the center of trade in the thirteen century. 派生:functional: 154、plug 插座、插头 Group 17 记忆口诀 老邪,律师, 子女私下有discussion( ) 如何分配这possession( ) 老邪接受了mission( ) 露出兴奋的expression( ) 哇塞、又能抽commission( ) 文成公主 赞普求亲被permit( )(v.) 公主把文化transmit ( )(v.) 突破地域的limit( )(v.) 汉藏交流达summit5( ) (v.) 作用不容许omit ( ) (v.) 历史地位被admit( ) (v.) 顽固的老邪 天使前来advise( )(v.) 老邪充满surprise( ) (v.n) 回答清晰concise( ) (a.) 反正不上paradise( )(n.) 无需向你compromise( ) (n.v) Group 18 pon/pos(e) = 放置 155、pose5 ? ? 助记:pos( )+e?放出、放好? 搭配:~ a question ~ a threat to sth./sb. : pose a challenge(考): (写作)例句:Pollution poesd threat to the development of industry. postpone5 助记: 搭配:postpone a contest(考): postpone (doing) sth: 156、posture 助记:post( )+ure (表状态) ?放的样子? 157、positive ? ? 助记:posit(= )+ive( ) ?摆的姿势多的? 搭配:~ attitude: 关联:negative 例句:What was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital divide.(有一件事我 们看得还不是那么清楚,这就是一种积极地力量正在对数字 信息的分化做出反击) 158、compose27 助记:com( )+pose( )?(把音符、文字)放在 一起? 搭配:be ~d of(考): ~ an article 特:compose oneself to do sth(考):静下心来做某事„ 派生:composer composition 例句:The ideal listeners stays both inside and outside the music at the moment it is played and enjoyed almost as much as the composer at the moment he composes.(理想的听众在音乐演 奏时既能沉浸进去,有能出来细细品味,他们几乎能像作曲 家在创作时那样欣赏音乐) compound5 助记: 159、deposit 助记:de(=down ) +posit ( ) ?放下去(给出去) 的东西? 钱放在银行? 关联:withdraw: with(= )+draw ?draw back ? 例句:More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open.(越来越多这样的信用卡可以被自动读取,使人们可以 在不同的地方取钱,存钱,而不管当地的银行支行是否营业) credit credible10 incredible8 160、dispose9 助记:dis(=apart )+pose ?分开放? 把垃圾分开? 搭配:~ of sth. 派生:disposal __________(n.) 搭配:at one’s disposal 例句:The problem of whom to select as his successor was quickly disposed of. 选择谁来接任他的问题很快就解决了。 (1995.6) 161、expose10 助记:ex(= )+pose(=place ) ? 把..放于大庭广众 之下? 搭配:expose oneself(考): expose a fraud(考): 揭露一个骗局 例句:He exposed himself to great danger. 派生:exposure __________(n.) 162、impose11 助记:im(= )+pose?强行放..上? 搭配:impose pressure on/upon sth. 163、oppose15 助记:op(=ob=against ) +pose( )?摆出相反 姿态? 搭配:~ doing sth. be opposed to(考): 派生:opposition ____________(n.) opponent6 例句:Kids need a range of authentic role models—as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes. 孩子需要一大批榜样,这与他们所崇拜的公众明星或自吹自擂的运动员是截然不同的 164、propose 助记:pro(=forth )+pose( )?提前放出、提出? 例句:Man proposes, God disposes. 派生:proposal ?提议、建议 ? (make a ~) 165、dose 剂、量、药剂 例句:Adding to a woman’s increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased “opportunities” for stress. (女性不仅会分泌更多的应对压力的化学物质,他们所承受的压力的“机会”也在增加) 166、prose 散文 167、column ? ? (文章)________ 助记: 源于拉丁文columna “顶部”, 古希腊神像都雕刻在圆柱的顶部,因此表示“圆柱”,引申为“专栏” 搭配:a ~ in New York Times Group 18 记忆口诀 象牙塔里的人 高高围墙将他enclose( ) (v.) 静心阅读又 compose ( ) (v.) 遇事总说I suppose ( ) (v.) 可惜建议从未propose( ) (v.) Group 19 verse / vert = to turn 转移、转变、转向 verge =转动 168、verse 助记:写几个字就要转行 169、version 助记:版本、译本 (转译过来的版本) 170、versatile 助记:vers( )+atile( ) ?能变的、多变的? 例句:Andy Lau is a versatile actor who has played a wide variaty of parts/roles. 171、vertical 助记: 172、adverse5/adversary 助记:ad( )+vers( )+e? 搭配:(be) adverse to: adverse circumstance: adverse fortune: 例句:The judge gave us an adverse decision. 173、advertise/advertisement 助记:转动起来、向四周展示? 174、anniversary 助记: 175、controversy10/controversial 助记:contro( )+versy( )—— 例句:Several near disaster15 give rise to much controversy on the safety of nuclear energy. 最近几次大灾难引起了许多关于 原子能安全问题的争议。 176、conversation 177、convert6/convertible/conversion 助记:1)共同转变—— 2)共同转换:你转给我、我转给你——交换、兑换 搭配:convert A into/to B: make a convert of sb(考):使某人改变信仰 178、diverse9/diversify/diversity/divert/diversion 助记:di( )+verse( )?往两个方向去转? 例句:Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion and brought news of the outside world. 陌生人和游 客成了受欢迎的消遣来源,他们带来外界的消息。 179、divorce5 助记: 180、reverse8 /reversion 助记: 例句:Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to reverse, or at least weaken, the trends that emerged in the 1980. 发生在20世纪90年代早期的几件国际大事似乎可以 扭转,或者至少是减弱80年代出现的一些潮流。 181、subvert/subversion 助记: 182、universe/universal/university 助记: 搭配:universal rule/truth: 例句:But the greatest universal of male mortality is being changed. 但是男性死亡率普遍性偏高的现象正在改变。 181、brutal 助记: 182、eternal 助记: 183、neutral6 助记: 搭配:remain/keep neutral in war/political affairs: 例句:This is why the more neutral term substance is now used by many physician and psychologists. 这就是为什么现在很多 医生和心理学家都经常使用一个更中性的术语—物质。 184、statistical 助记: 例句:Superhigh scores like vos Savant’s are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100. 像 萨范特这样的高分已经不再可能, 因为现在是根据同龄人 中统计的总体分布情况进行评分的,而不是简单地将智力年 龄除以生理年龄再乘以100. 185、slogan Group 19 记忆口诀 世界末日的预言 预言被写成verse( ) (n.) 说末日来临universe( ) (n.) 行星的次序inverse( ) (n.v) 动物能和人converse( ) (v.) 行善能把预言reverse( ) (v.n) Group 20 tract/trace/treat/tray = to draw 拉拽 186、abstract 助记:ab( )+s+tract(=drag 音似: ) S表加强语气的例子 Scar: 助记:s+car(= ) Sneeze: 助记: s+neeze(= ) Slim: 助记: s+lim(= ) Slender: 助记: s+lend(= )+er 例句:He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics. 他认为,他不善于长时间的进行纯抽象的思考。因此,他根本不相信自己竟然会在数学方面取得成就。 188、tractor 助记:tract( )+or 189、trail 190、train 191、treat/maltreat/treatment、retreat 助记:treat做单词表: treat做词根(= ) re( )+treat(= ) ? 例句:just as inevitably, the retreat from predominance proved painful.同样不可避免的是失去优势地位的痛苦。 192、treaty 助记:treat( )+y ? 处理问题的文件? 193、trace5、retrace 助记:音似: ? 搭配:trace back to trace sb. 例句:Some people’s fear of marriage can be traced back to their parents’ divorce. 一些人对婚姻的恐惧可以追溯到他们 父母的离异。 194、attract、attractive11、attraction 助记:at( )+tract attract+ive( ) 195、contract8 助记:con(= )+tract 搭配:labor contract(考): 196、distract6、distraction 助记:dis(= )+tract 搭配:distract sb from „(考):把某人注意力从„转移开 例句:It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope. 而审计人员也完全有理由相信,那些确切知 道自己的目标以及如何实现这一目标的科学家不必费心的 用一只眼睛盯着显微镜的同时再用另外一只眼睛盯着收银 机。 197、extract、extraction 助记:ex(= )+tract 198、portray5、portrait、trait 助记:por(音变自 )+tray(= )? trait取自单词( ) 例句:Their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated.他们的研究结论令人 吃惊:我们对平时认为造就天才的那些特征估计过高。 199、menace 助记:men( )+ace( )? 200、grace、disgrace 助记: 例句:In the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming “I wanted to spend more time with my family”我以一个失宠的政府大臣的姿态宣称“我想多陪陪家人”,以此来掩盖我辞职的真正原因。 201、bachelor 助记: 搭配:bechelor’s degree: Group 20 记忆口诀 爱要怎么说出口 好好将她treat( ) 想把情敌defeat( ) 表白在心里repeat( ) 开口时却又retreat( ) 机智的律师 原告证据是contract( ) 数量金额都exact( ) 辩方律师有tact( ) 被某条款所attract( ) 把申辩时间protract( ) 娓娓道出了fact( ) Lesson 3 Group 21 mov/mob/mot = to move 移动 202、move、movement、remove、removal、removable 助记: 搭配:removal man: 203、mobile5、mobilize、mobilization 助记:mob(= )+ile(= ) ? 搭配:mobile phones: 204、motion 助记: 搭配:put sth. in motion: 205、motivate9、motivation 助记:mot( )+ivate? 例句:The profit motive5, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are produced. 在竞争的压力下,追求利润的动机大体上决定着产品的生产 方式和服务的提供方式。 206、motor、motorize 助记: 207、emotion15、emotional 助记:e+mot+ion向外(出)动?人受到触动而生出感情? 动感情? 例句:Emotions are significant for man’s survival and adaptation. 情感对人类的生存和适应都很重要(1999.1) 208、promote24、promotion 助记:pro+mot 使之向前动? 搭配:promote growth/prosperity/understanding/product: get promoted : 例句:No regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisement. 没有哪家正规的广 告商敢宣传与广告承诺不符的产品。 209、remote10、remoteness 助记:re(又、再)+mote(移动)? 一走再走? 搭配:the remote ages: remote control/working(考): 210、moment、momentary、momentum 助记: 搭配:at the moment: gain momentum: 211、vote 搭配:vote for/against: put sth to the vote: 例句:he now can vote, he can buy liquor, he can enter into financial contract, and he is entitled8 to run for public office.(他 现在可以参加竞选,可以买酒喝,可以签订金融 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ,并且 有权利竞选公职) entitle8 搭配: be entitled to do sth.(考): 212、anecdote 助记:an+ec+dot+e 未经出版的东西? 例句:There is a “disjunction” between the mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in productivity and the picture reflected by the statistics.生产力剧增的大量商业奇闻和资料 统计所反应的情况之间存在分歧 Group 22 lig/ly = to bind 绑 213、oblige 助记:ob(to)+lig( )?被绑去做事? 搭配:oblige sb. to do sth.: be obliged to do sth: 例句:They feel obliged to view customers’ safety as their first concern. 他们觉得有责任把消费者的安全当做头等大事。 214、obligation7 助记:ab+lig( )+ation?像绑在你身上的东西? 搭配:accept the obligations: 215、religion、religious 助记:(lig表示说)反复的说,宗教的特点(诵经、布道), 想想唐僧就理解了。 例句:When their basic motivation is religious, one might have expected more Christian behavior.当他们的基本动机是为了宗 教时,人们原本期望他们的行为更具基督精神 216、rally 助记:re+ally—— all+ly全部绑在一起? 再一次结盟? 不写作really是为了不和really混淆 搭配:rally one’s friend: stage antiwar rally: 217、rely6、reliable、reliance 助记:re+ly(音似lie)?又撒谎,不值得?; 搭配:rely on/upon: a reliable car/assistant/source of information: have/place\put reliance on./upon: 218、liability、responsibility、responsible16 助记: 搭配:the liability to pay taxes: heavy liability: be responsible for(考): 例句:While warning are often appropriate and necessary—the dangers of drug interactions10, for example—and many are required by state or federal regulations, it isn’t clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured. 警告常常是合理而必要的—比如说药物 交叉作用的危险性—并且许多警告是州政府或联邦政府明 文规定要求给出的,但是当顾客受伤时,这些警告能否真的 保护厂商免除责任,这就不清楚了。 interact11 搭配:interact with sb(考): 219、ambiguous9 助记:am+bi+gu(=go)+ous? 搭配:an ambiguous reply/attitude: an ambiguous smile/ gesture: 例句:Methodology is an term that remains inherently ambiguous in the historical professions.在史学界,方法论依然是一个内部含义不明确的术语。 220、jealous、jealousy 助记:jeal(谐音:嫉、忌的)+ous? 搭配: 221、space、spacious 助记: 222、vicious:vic(=vice邪恶的)+ious nice和vice 相互对比记忆 223、league:NFL(NBA) 224、colleague:colle(= )+ag(= )+ue? Group 22 记忆口诀 潇洒活一把 生活不把人rely( ) (v.) 自己的信念comply10( ) (v.) comply with(考): 喜欢的职位apply( ) (v.) 自由自在如butterfly( ) (n.) Group 23 inter = between 在„之间 225、intercourse 助记:inter+course(过程) ?互动的过程? 搭配:social/commercial intercourse: friendly intercourse: 226、interfere5、interference、intervene5 助记: 搭配:interfere in./with internal affairs of other countries: intervene in sth: 例句:Governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production. 政府被迫越来越多 地干预这些部门,以促进生产 227、interior、exterior 助记:inter+ior(形容词后缀)? 搭配:interior city/trade: interior design: 228、internal6、external 助记:inter+nal? 搭配:internal fears and doubts: internal relation/affairs/peace: 例句:If we don’t confront and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we cease to grow. 如果我们不面对并且克服这些内在的焦虑和疑虑,如 果我们过于保护自己,那么我们就会停止成长。 229、interpret10、interpretation 助记: 搭配:interpret for sb: interpret life/a dream/ a poem: interpret A as B: 例句:The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial6 nor as artificial7, but as the result of a historically developed cultural tradition. 许多美国 人随意表现出的友好既不应该理解为表象,也不应理解为做 作,而应被视为具有历史渊源的文化传统。 1) In international affairs, it is not always so easy to interpret the remarks or behaviors of another country. 2)In interpersonal relation, it is important to interpret properly the remarks or behaviors of others. 3)If you interpret for national leaders, itshows/indicates/suggests/implies/demonstrates/illustrates7 that you are a great interpreter. 4)If an interpreter is working, it is improper to interrupt. demonstrate9 搭配:demonstrate one’s ability(考): 例句:to be successful in a job interview, you should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities. 要想在 求职面试中取得成功,你应该证明自己具备某些个人和专业品质。(1995.1) 230、interval 助记:inter+val(wall)?中间有墙的? 搭配:at (regular) intervals: a short/long intervals: 231、rocket: 232、planet: 233、budget15:burse(= ):钱包 词源:英国大成宣读预算时,人们说了一句:open you budget:打开你的钱包(皮包),拿出预算案做预算;因此就用budget来表示预算 搭配:a government budget: budget for (the project): Group 23 记忆口诀 麟子的白日梦 幻想乘坐rocket( ) (n.) 飞向遥远planet( ) (n.) 费用无从budget( ) (n.v) 苦闷难以interpret ( ) (v.) 恍惚走进cabinet ( ) (n.) 拿出一个racket( ) (n.) 上面印着alphabet ( ) (n.) 挥拍把行星打成comet( ) (n.) Group 24 cap/cep/cip/ceive = to take 拿、取、捉 234、capable7、able、capacity11(cap是capt简写的形式) 搭配:be capable of: be able to: have the capability to do sth: in one’s capacity as(考):以„的身份 235、captive、capture、captivity 助记:, 搭配:capture sb’s attention capture sb’s heart 236、accept、acceptable、acceptance6、accepted 补充: Reception:re+cept+ion?往回拿?把客人捉(拿)回家? Excerpt:(把文字)拿出来? Cept是由ceive演变而来:去i变v为p之后加t(b\p\m\f\v通假) 237、conceive8、conceivable 助记:con+ceive?将(„)全部纳入?怀孕、孕育(也叫构 思、构想):比如孕育一个想法、一篇文章; 搭配:conceive (of) sth.: 例句:Soccer mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime, at the annual9 peak of soccer mania. 对足球狂热 的父母更有可能在春天这个一年之中足球狂热的高峰时期 孕育子女。 238、concept16、conception 助记:概念都是构想、孕育出来的;或者:NEW concept English 搭配:have a clear concept of sth. : 239、deceive6、deception、deceptive 助记:de(away,负面的、不好的;比如depart:)+ceive— —用不正当方式拿走——欺骗 搭配:deceive sb into doing sth.: deceive oneself(考):自欺欺人 240、except、exception6、exceptional 助记: 搭配:with the exception of: with no exception: Exceptional achievement/talent: 例句:For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptional, the proper formulation is, “Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious” 对于这些人和更多可能并不如此 杰出的的人来说,恰当的表达就是:“不惜一切代价去取得 成功,但是别显得野心勃勃” 241、perceive、perceptible、perception5、perceptive 助记:per+ceive( ) 例句:Do we perceive ourselves as quick and curious? 我们是 否认为自己思维敏捷并且充满好奇心。 242、receive、receiver、receivable、reception、receptive、recipient 助记:re+ceive——拿回去——收到 例句:A champagne reception will be hold in honour of the ambassador’s visit. 为欢迎大使来访将举办香槟酒招待会。 243、anticipate8、anticipation 助记:anti+cip+ate 事先拿来考虑—预料、预测 搭配:anticipate sb’s arrival: anticipate one’s income: 预支„收入 244、participate、participation 助记:part+i+cip+ate——拿出一部分? Parti(= )——抓去参加party? 搭配:participate in sth. 例句:Without the ability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas of others, they can not fully participate in our democracy. 如果他们不能批判性的思考,不能为自己 的观点辩护,不能理解他人的想法,他们就不能充分的参与 我们的民主制度。 补充: Principal:prim+cip+al——首先要拿的? Principle:首先要取得的——首先要掌握的? occupy9:oc+cup+y?取得(某地、某人的放心)? 搭配:occupy oneself with sth.(考):从事于„ ;忙于„ occupation6: Group 24 记忆口诀 可怜的少妇 妙龄少妇conceive( )(v.) 离婚协议receive ( )(v.) 丈夫出轨perceive ( ) (v.) 哀叹被他deceive ( ) (v.) Mixture、creature、capture、venture、future 麟子爱之箴言 上帝最美的creature( )(n.) 美貌智慧的mixture( ) (n.) 早把我的心capture( ) (v.) 手心传递着temperature( ) (n.) 梦想与你去venture( ) (v.) 你说最想去pasture( ) (n.) 开创美好的future( ) (n.) Group 25 part= 部分;分开 245、partial、impartial 助记: 搭配:a partial success: an impartial judgement: 246、participate、participant12、participation 助记:parti(=party)+cip(捉、抓)——抓去参加party? part+i+cip+ate——拿出自己的一部分? 搭配:participate in: participation fee: 247、particle(apart:a+part——分离) 助记:part+icle——分开成微小的? 248、particular、particularity 助记: 搭配:in particular: 249、partner、partnership 助记:part+ner——帮你做部分事情的人? 相关:colleague: peer: co-worker associate: follower: 250、apart、apartment9 助记:apartment:分着住的、并非独门独栋的 搭配:apart from: 251、depart、department、departure 助记: 搭配:depart for : take one’s departure: departure dates: 随着单词的演变、part音变产生了port 252、portion、proportion、proportional 助记:pro+portion?前一部分(后一部分);? 部分、(每一 个部分都是一定的)比例 搭配:a large portion of : in proportion to: 253、tunnel 隧道、山洞 助记:channel tunnel tun:酒桶 turn:搬运方式、在地上滚 搭配:pass through a tunnel: 254、molecule、 atom 助记:mol(细小的)=mill磨细(general mill)+ec+ule=ure 而为什么要改成mol,原因是要和 atom在构词上相互模仿 搭配:atom bomb: a表否定:tom表切:不能再切割的——原子 Group 25 记忆口诀 老邪取经 为听佛祖lecture( ) 心甘情愿adventure( ) 变卖家中furniture( ) 只剩一些fixture( ) 拿着一份brochure( ) 作别麟子before departure ( ) 沿途风景像picture( ) 很多好看sculpture ( ) 一路交流culture ( ) 有的关于literature( ) 有的关于 agriculture ( ) Group 26 port = 运送 255、port 256、import、export 助记: 搭配:export tax: an import duty: 257、opportunity、opportunist 助记:op+port+unity?吹响海港的风?引申:在有利的时候 到来的东西? 搭配:once in a life opportunity: 相关:chance: by chance/by accident/accidentally/ incidentally/occasionally: 258、passport 助记: 259、transport10、transportation 助记:trans( )+port——在港口之间穿梭、来回? 搭配:transport from „ to„. A transport of : 260、portable 助记: 搭配:a portable computer: 262、support、supporter、supportable 助记: fer= 搬运、运载/ 生产、带来 263、fertile、fertilize、fertilizer 助记:fer( )+ile——能生产的? 搭配:be fertile of sth: a fertile land : 264、confer、conference9 助记:confer:con+fer(带来)——共同带来(意见)?、 另外,授权、授予、其实也就是带给某人某物 搭配:confer with sb about/on sth: press conference(考): 例句:Corporations and labor unions have conferred great benefits upon their employees and members as well as upon the general public. 公司和工会已经给了他们的雇员、工会会员和 公众大量好处。 265、defer 助记:de+fer——de( )+fer( )?现在还不能 带来、不能产生? 266、differ、different、difference、indifferent11、indifference 助记:由different反记differ; indifferent: in(=not)different——不(在意)不同? 搭配:A differ from B in sth.: be indifferent to/toward sth: 例句:Nature is indifferent to human notions of fairness. 大自 然对于人类的公平概念漠不关心(2009.6) 267、infer、inference、inferable 助记:infer:往里带:把上一命题带入下一个? 搭配:draw the/a inference: 例句: The sperker or writer implies things, the listener or reader infers things. 268、offer 助记:Of(=out )+ fer? 搭配:It offers sb sth: 269、prefer、preferable、preference7 助记:pre+fer——(把东西)搬到最前,放在最前? 搭配:A is preferable to B: prefer A to B: have a preference for(考): 270、refer、reference、referable 助记:re+fer——运回来、拿回来:拿来主义:参考、参照别 人的东西拿过来 搭配:make a reference to: reference book: refer to sth : 271、suffer、sufferable、suffering 助记:suf( )+fer——在地底下搬运(矿工)? 搭配:suffer from: 例句:He suffered from poverty all his life. Small businesses have suffered financially during the recession. 272、transfer12、transference 助记:转移:trans(穿越、由A到B)+fer( )? 搭配:transfer sb/sth from A to B: the transfer of sb/sth 例句:Our calls would often get mixed up and someone asking for Kristen would be transferred to Christie. 我们的电话经常 被搞混,找克里斯滕的电话会经常被转接到克里斯蒂那儿。 (2007.12) 273、spoil6 s“死”;将oil联想成油:于是有了“油腻、溺 爱的感觉”:腻死了,宠坏 搭配:spoil one’s reputation/beauty/fame: the spoils of war(考):战利品 Group 26 记忆口诀 岳飞坟前的秦桧 状元头衔向他confer( ) 丞相官位给他offer( ) 抗金复国从未refer ( ) 融化于富贵他prefer( ) 战与降和岳飞differ( ) 罚他坟前跪着suffer( ) Group 27 stinct\sting\stim\stimul=to pick 刺 274、sting 助记:死叮:“叮”和“刺”就是一个意思:被马蜂叮了一 口:被刺了一下 275、distinguish9、distinguished 助记:dis( )+ting( )+u+ish? 搭配:distinguish right from wrong(考): a distinguished guest: 例句:The arrival of synthetic lifelike robots will mean people may not be able to distinguish between their human friends and the droids. 逼真的人造机器人的出现将意味着人们可能无法 区分自己的人类朋友和机器人朋友。 276、distinct10、distinction、distinctive 助记:dis+ting—与众不同的刺出来,扎出来? distinguish:使变清晰、明显? 搭配:distinct favor/possibility/feature(考): have great distinction of : 有不同的„ without distinction: 277、extinct12、extinguish、extinguisher、extinction 助记:ex+tinct? 一剑刺出去(倚天剑)? (灭绝师太) 搭配:an extinct species: an extinct custom: extinguish a fire: extinguish one’s faith: 例句:With all that attention paid to turtles, you’d think these creatures would at least have the gratitude not to go extinct. 基 于对海龟的所有关注,你会认为这些动物至少会对没有灭绝 心存感激(2009.6) 278、instinct5、instinctive 助记:in( )+stinct( ) ? 不需要刺激的? 搭配:an instinct for survival: have an instinct to do sth: 279、stimulate、stimulation、stimulus 助记:stim(=stin 刺激)+ul+ate? 搭配:stimulate sb to do sth: 例句:An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to stimulate further research and further thinking about a particular topic. 科学理论的一个重要特点就是它能够刺激对某一具体 问题的进一步研究和思考。 280、swing 摇摆、千秋 :sway:摇摆 搭配:in full swing:在全力进行中 281、cling粘住 演变出:clay:粘土; spray:浪花; spring喷泉;arrange和array 282、bubble 搭配:soap bubble: bubble gum: 谐音:模拟水开了泡破裂的声音。 例句:Employers wouldn’t mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market.雇主们对人才市场上少了些泡沫也并不在意。 String/strict/strain/stress/strin = to draw tight 拉紧 283、string拉紧的东西? 琴弦,系列 搭配:a string of questions: 284、straight、Strait 助记: 搭配:straight forward: Taiwan Strait: 285、strain、overstrain 助记: 搭配:strain a rope: under a lot of strain: strap curb5 助记:curb(=strap: ) 286、stress、distress6、distressful 助记: 搭配:under the stress of : in distress: be distressed over/about: a company in financial distress(考): 例句:Japanese education tends to stress test taking and mechanical8 learning over creativity and self-expression. 日本 的教育制度往往强调考试和机械的学习,而不是创造性和自 我表现。 287、stretch 搭配:stretch out: at full stretch: 288、strict、strictness、district 助记: 搭配:strict rules: a special district: 289、constrain8、constrained、constraint 助记: 搭配:be constrained to do sth: constrain sb to do sth: 例句:Poverty constrains people’s choice. 290、constrict、constriction、constrictive 助记: 291、restrain6、restraint 助记: 搭配:without restraint: restrain sb from doing sth: 例句:I can hardly restrain my tears. 292、restrict9、restrictive、restriction 助记: 例句:By 1990, some cities had begun to restrict the use of automobiles in order to ensure pedestrian safety. The Internet——and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it——is making access to scientific results a reality. 出版商 通过限制人们对研究成果的查看权从政府资助的研究中获 益,科学研究的出资机构对此表示质疑,互联网与这股压力 一起使得人们能够接触到科学研究成果。 Group 28 pend/pens=to hang ?悬挂 ?称量 3、和钱相关 (由penny压缩而来) 294、pendant 295、depend、dependant、dependence、independence7、 independent 助记: 搭配:depend on/upon be dependent on sb/sth: Declaration of Independence 例句:In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependant on scientific advice. 总之,所有的这些干预都极大地依赖科 学建议。 We have been used to depending upon our parents and teacher. Don't rely on others; you are to live on your own. Don't be dependent on others; be independent! 296、spend、expend、expenditure5、expense28、expensive 助记: 搭配:spend sb. st. in doing sth.: government expenditure: at the expense of(考): cut down/reduce expense(考): 297、impending、impend(悬挂的、悬空的—;即将发生的) 助记:im( )+pend( )—— impend和vent的关系: 298、suspend、suspense、suspension 助记:sus( )+pend( )——将挂的取下来? Sus( )+pense( )——悬在下面的? 搭配:suspend sb from do sth: be full of suspenses: 299、pension、compensate6、compensation 助记:pens-钱, compensate:使共同有钱? 搭配:live on pension: compensate sb for sth: ask for compensation: 300、dispense、dispensable、indispensable5 助记:dis+pens+e 把钱分开? 搭配:an indispensable obligation: 例句:It is well-known that knowledge is the indispensable condition for expansion of mind. 众所周知,知识是拓宽视野 的必要条件。 301、ponder、ponderous 助记: 例句:Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re-order, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes, and imagines.智力要求掌握、支配、重组、和调整, 而才智则审视、冥思、探究、推理、批判和想象。 intelligence intellect12 搭配:a man of intellect(考): intellectual12 intelligent:聪明的 302、hence 303、license 搭配:a driving/marriage licence: 304、tax 搭配:free of tax: escape tax: over=above, across, beyong超越、胜过、过度 305、overall6 助记: 搭配:overall income/spending 例句:According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, prescription drug costs have risen since 1997 at twice the rate of overall heal-care spending. 加拿大医疗信息 协会的资料表明,自1997年以来,处方药费用的增长是整 个医疗费用增长速度的两倍。 306、overcome6 助记: 搭配:overcome difficulties: 307、overhear 助记:over(越过)+hear?越过墙听? 搭配:overhear sb saying sth.: 308、overlap 助记:over+lap(大腿、膝盖)? 搭配overlap duties 309、overlook 助记: 搭配:overlook one’s mistakes: 例句:According to the new school of scientist, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge. 新学派科学家认为,人们忽略了技术在扩大科学知识范围方面所起的作用。 expand12 搭配:expand one’s knowledge(考): 派生:expansion8、expanding 310、overseas 助记: 搭配:overseas trade/students: 311、overtake 助记: 312、overthrow 助记: 313、overtime 助记: 搭配:work overtime 314、overturn 助记: 315、overwhelm6、overwhelming7 助记: 搭配:be overwhelmed by(考)„ 例句:The individual now has more information available than any generation, and the task of finding that one piece of information relevant9 to his or her specific problems is complicated, time-consuming and sometimes even overwhelming. 今天,个人可得到的信息比起以往任何一代 都多,而要找到与自己的具体问题相关的信息却是负责,耗 时,有时甚至难以招架。 relevant9 搭配:be relevant to(考): relevant policies(考): 316、copyright 助记: 317、slight 助记:s+light(轻的)? Group 28 记忆口诀 狂妄少年 有个懒惰的student( ) 思考从来不independent( ) 生活上也是dependent( ) 虽然常惹incident( ) 对前途任然confident( ) 将来,我是美国的president( ) 俄国紧急会议 有人要搞independence ( ) 要摆脱政府interference( ) 俄要召开conference( ) 马上就要commence( ) 谢绝普通audience ( ) Hence( ) 出入要问license( ) 意大利男人 出生地是Rome( ) (n.) 喜欢教堂dome( ) (n.) 唱得相当handsome( ) (a.) 毫不关心income( ) (n.) 不住自己home( ) (n.) 花心无法overcome( ) (v.) 多角关系troublesome( ) (a.) 恋爱没有outcome( ) (n.) Lesson 4 Group 29 phan/phen/fan =appear 出现、表示 319、emphasis9、emphasize 助记:em(=en)+phas(= )+is:使其出现、表现出来? 搭配:put/lay emphasis on/upon sth.(考): =emphasize9 320、fantasy、fantastic 助记:脑海里出现的景象? (谐音:范特西) 321、phenomenon9 助记:phen(出现)+omenon——出现的东西? 搭配:natural/social/historical phenomenon: 322、uneasy:(easy:舒服的、简单的)、不安的 搭配:feel uneasy about/on sth.: 例句:Science has long had an uneasy relationship with other aspects of culture. 科学与文化其它方面的关系一直不大协调。 补充:fancy:幻想(压缩自fantasy) fascinate6:有fantastic:奇异的、幻想的 压缩出词 根 fasc吸引、迷住(奇异的现象总是能够把人迷住) 搭配:be fascinated by sth.(考): Cogni(s)、gnos = to know 知道 Know 首先演化成词根:not(t不发音): denote: 在下面知道,不明着说—— notable:可以知道的、值得知道的—— notice: 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 notify:通知、通告 notion11:想法、观念(知道的东西) 例句:Do you have any notion about what living beings on other planet like? 你想过生活在其他星球上的生物会是什么样子吗,(1998.6) notorious:大家都知道的、臭名昭著的;模仿famous著名的来造词,一正一反;反义同源; Know之后又演化出了gnor(k\g通假): 之后又出现了cogn(co共同+gn知道:当大家知道;也就是认知) 323、cognitive、cognition 助记: 搭配:cognitive power: 324、diagnose5、diagnosis 助记:dia(两)+gons( )+e? 325、ignore、ignorant、ignorance 助记:i(=im表否定)+gore( )?不知道? ignorant: 搭配:be in ignorance of: 326、recognize16、recognition8 认出、认识;承认 助记: 搭配:recognize A as B(考): 把A认为是B receive much recognition: 例句:The ability to solve any problem or even to recognize that a problem exists depends on memory. 解决问题,甚至是发现问题存在的能力都有赖于记忆力。 327、explore10 助记: employ 和explore 搭配:explore the Antarctic regions: 329、furthermore6: 331、cancer 谐音:看色:看癌色变 Group 29 记忆口诀 败家女的生活 天生就很lazy( ) (a.) 生活就爱cozy( ) (a.) 上街血拼crazy( ) (a.) 体胖心感uneasy( ) (a.) 减肥虚脱dizzy( ) (a.) 成天沉溺fantasy( ) (n.) 做起事来clumsy( ) (a.) 望夫石 夫去南洋explore( ) (n.) 要是寻找ore( ) (n.) 路途凶险ignore( ) (v.) 妻子对他adore( ) (v.) 日夜勤做chore( ) (n.) 汗水弄粗pore( ) (n.) Furthermore ( ) (adv) 眼睛哭到sore( ) (a.n) 望穿秋水ashore( ) (adv) Slipper/copper/supper/upper/whisper/pepper/hamper6/temper18 串记 弯弯的月亮 阿娇穿着slipper( ) (n.) 肤色带点copper( ) (n.a) 划船去吃supper( ) (n.) 坐在小楼upper( ) (a.) 在我身边whisper( )(v.n) 菜里加点pepper( )(n.) 回家暴雨hamper( ) (v.) 却没一丝temper( ) (n.) control one’s temper(考): Group 30 duce/duct=to lead 引导、领导 333、conduct18、conductor、semiconductor 助记:conduct:引导——引申“行为、实施”:因为人的行为都是受思想意思的“引导” Conductor导体:引导热、电等通过的物体 搭配:conduct an experiment: conduct oneself well: 例句:Let’s look at the survey on consumer confidence we conducted last week. 让我们来看看上周做的消费者信心调查吧。(2009.12) 334、deduce、deducible、deductive 助记:一步一步向下引导? 例句:From the tears in Nedra’s eyes we can deduce that something sad must have occurred. 从内德拉严重的泪水,我们可以推断发生了悲惨的事情。 335、deduct、deduction 助记: ?引向下? 336、educate、education 助记: 337、induce8 助记: ?向里引? 搭配:induce sb to do sth: 搭配:She expressed her strong determination that nothing could induce her to give up her career as a teacher. 她表达了自己坚定的内心:没有什么能够促使她放弃当教师的梦想。(2005.1) 338、introduce、introduction 助记:intro+duce——向内部引入? 搭配:a letter of introduction: 339、produce、producer、reproduce 助记: ?在前面引路人? 340、product、production、productive6 助记: 搭配:by-product: a productive writer: 341、reduce、reduced、reduction 助记: 342、seduce、seducer、seduction 助记:sex+duce?性引诱? Fin=end 结束、界限、钱 343、fine 搭配:get a fine: be fined for: 344、final、finally 助记: final fantasy: 345、finance7、financial18 助记: 搭配:financial crisis: 例句:A bill by Democratic Senator Robert of West Virginia, which would offer financial incentives for private industry, is a promising start. 西弗吉尼亚的民主党议员罗伯特提出一项议案,要从经济上刺激私人企业, 这是一个良好的开端。 incentive5 助记: 346、finish ending 助记: 347、infinite、finite 助记:finit:fin界限+ite有界限的、会结束的? 搭配:infinite wisdom: 348、confine7、confinement 助记:con(完全)+fin+e?完全控制在某个界限里? 搭配:be confined to(考): 349、define22、definition、definite7、indefinite 助记:de下 fin范围、界限?给„限定、定界限? definite:一“定“的;确定的 搭配:definite answer: a definite date: 350、refine5、refined、refinement 助记:re+find? 搭配:refine one’s manners/taste refine oil(考): 351、elite 助记:e( )+lite( )?挑选出来的人? 例句:Reporters tend to be part of a broadly defined social and cultural elites, so their work tends to reflect the conventional values of this elite.记者们往往是广义上所说的社会和文化精英的一部分,因此他们的工作趋向于反应这类精英的传统价值观。 Group 30 记忆口诀 蒙娜丽莎 艺术大师produce ( ) (v.) 美丽从不reduce( ) (v.) 微笑无法reproduce ( ) (v.) 人们被其induce( ) (v.) 争先恐后introduce( ) (v.) 纣王被伐 纣王生性merciless( ) 迷恋妖狐reckless( ) 引发后患endless( ) 百姓感到hopeless( ) 揭竿起义doubtless( ) 纣王被困helpless( ) 悔恨愧疚useless( ) 民心才是priceless( ) Group 31 sequ/secut/su = to follow 跟随 352、sequence、consequence13、consequent7 助记:sequ跟着+ence?跟着出现(的事情)? con(加强语气)+sequ+ence——跟随而来的东西? consequent随着发生的、随着出现的 consequently: 搭配:in consequence of(考):因此 take the consequence of: 353、subsequent、subsequence 助记:sub:下、后面:紧跟在后面的? 搭配:subsequent actions: 例句:For a century, past conditions of life have been conditionally speeding up, till now we live in a world of noise and violence and speed. Consequently, our feelings, thoughts and emotions have undergone a corresponding change. 一个世 纪以来,过去的生活环境一直在有条件的剧烈变化,到现在 我们生活在一个充斥着噪音,暴力和快节奏的世界里。因此, 我们的感觉,思想和情感也经历了相应的变化。 354、execute、execution、executive16 助记:ex+secu+te——紧接着(审判)而来的? (sect=cise切割;砍头) 搭配:execute a command/plan: 355、sue、ensue11、pursue13、pursuit8 助记:prosecute:向前跟着(不放过)? sue控告 ensue:接着发生、因而产生 平、ursue向前跟进? 搭配:pursue one’s studies: pursue happiness: in hot pursuit: 例句:Many people are too scared to pursue their dreams because they are unwilling to risk. 许多人过于恐惧而无法追求他们的梦想,因为他们不愿冒险(2007.6) 356、suit、suitable 助记:适合、套装 补充: consecutive: 一个接一个的? Persecute:一直穷追不舍(不放过)、伺机迫害? Form=形成、形式 357、form、formation、formal8、informal、former、latter、format5 助记:former前者:form可以表示前,正式因为form来源于fore; forecast5 助记:fore(提前)+cast(预测、测算)? 例句:The old man cast my fortune. 这位老人给我算命。 搭配:a formal occasion/dinner/dance: former husband/wife: 358、formula、formulate、formulation 助记:a名词后缀:公式、 用公式表示、明确表示、系统阐述; 公式化、称述 例句:Whoever formulated the theory of the origin of the universe, it is just hypothetical and need proving. 不论是谁构 想了宇宙起源论,都仅仅是假设,有待进一步证明。 359、conform10、conformity 助记:con( )+form?共同的形式? 搭配:comform to/with(考): 360、deform、deformity 助记:de( )+form ? 361、inform、information、informative、informed 助记:由information反记inform:告知消息:通告 搭配:inform sb of sth: IT: be well informed: 362、perform、performance23 助记: 搭配:a successful performance: poor performance(考): 363、reform6、reformer、reformation 助记:re+form? 搭配:reform and opening up (policy): reform oneself: 364、transform13、transformer、transformation 助记: 搭配:transform A into B: Transformer: 例句:I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism into a humanist industrialism. 我建议把我们的社会制度由官僚管理的工业 制度改造成人道主义的工业制度。 humanist humanity5 humane humanism 365、uniform ?统一的形式? 366、damn:及其、非常 例句:The reason, in fact, may be just the opposite: there is too much damn happiness in the world today.事实上,原因可能恰 恰相反:今天的世界充斥了太多的快乐 367、lobby游说、原指大厅、休息室(在国会期间议员的必 经之处进行游说) Group 31 记忆口诀 后现代艺术 美院有群bookworm( ) (n.) 眼看就有snowstorm( ) (n.) 偏要装修dorm( ) (n.) 风格就像platform( ) (n.) 和习俗不conform( ) (v.) 校长正式inform( ) (v.) 要求将它transform( ) (v.) Group 32 spond/spons =跳、发 Bound:蹦跶——“蹦蹦跳跳”:bound演变成了spond:表 示跳 368、sponsor、sponsorship 助记:sponse( )+or? 搭配:be sponsored by: commercial sponsors: 369、response12、respond、responsive、responsible、 responsibility、liability 助记:re+spond? 往回跳?反弹、返回? 搭配:in response to(考) be responsible for: take one’s responsibility: 例句:Humans are the only animals that produce tears in response to emotion. 人类是唯一会因感情而流泪的动物 (2001.6) 370、correspond、correspondence、corresponding 助记:cor+respond?共同回应、彼此回应? 搭配:correspond with sb.: corresponding period: be in correspondence with sb: 例句:The motion of the plates corresponds to that of the earth’ s interior. 板块的运动与地球内部运动是一致的。 371、spontaneous7 助记: Pati/path=to suffer ]忍受\情感 372、patient、patience、impatient、impatience 助记:patient?去忍受的人? patience:忍受力——也叫“耐心”通过单词反向记忆词根 373、compatible8、compatibility、incompatible 助记:com( )+part+ible?共同在一起能忍受的? 搭配:be compatible with : 例句:I am not compatible with my roommates but I have to share the room with her, because I have nowhere else to live. 374、sympathy、sympathetic、sympathize 助记:sym( )+pathy( )? 搭配:feel/have sympathy for: sympathize with sb/sth.: 例句:To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage sympathy.对大多数人而言,看到动物受苦就足以引起他们的 同情了. engage10 参与、从事; 引起;订婚 搭配:engage in sth.(考): 例句:As the nation moves further into the Obama presidency, will politically engaged young people continue to support the president and his agenda, or will they gradually drift away? 当 这个国家进一步进入奥巴马任期时,参与政治的年轻人会继 续支持这位总体和他的议程吗,还是他们会渐渐远离, (2010.6) 375、amateur Am喜欢、爱好:ateur——(非专业)爱好的人? profession8: professional19 搭配:professional knowledge(考): Pass =?通过 ?感情 376、pass、passage、passenger、bypass、passerby、overpass、surpass、underpass 助记:bypass(辅路、支路:非主路)因为by(表示副的):比如byproduct副产品 377、passport 助记: 378、pastime 助记:消磨时光(的东西)? 379、passion、passionate、compassion 助记:pass和path同源、表示“情”: passion:激情 passionate:激情四射的 Compassion同情 搭配:have a passion for sb/sth: a passionate speech: Mod=manner 方式、模式、中间 380、mode、model 助记:音似:模子。模式、 model:模特 mold:模具、模子 381、moderate、moderation 助记:mod(= )+erate——中等的—— medium12:媒介、介质、中等的、medi=middle:中间:之 后,mid有演变成了mod表中等的; 搭配:a moderate speed: a moderate price: medium and small-size enterprises: 382、modern、modernize、modernization 助记: 383、modest5、modesty 助记: 搭配:be modest about: 384、modify10、modification(identify、identification) 助记:mod+ify——按照模式来矫正、修改? 搭配:modify one’s position/view: modify the original plan: 例句:Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify environment in which they live in, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. 而且,人类还有 能力改变自己的生存环境,从而让所有的其他生命形态服从 人类自己独特的想法和想象。 Is the experience of having a charismatic black president modifying lingering5 racist attitude. 有一位( )黑 人总统是否会改变( )种族主义态度(2010.6) linger5 助记:linger(=lengthen: )? 385、commodity 助记:com+mod(模子)+ity——共同的模子制造出来的东西? 386、accommodate10、accommodation7 助记:ac+commodity+ate——使像日用品一样给人? 搭配:accommodate sb. with sth(考): accommodate A to B: 表示“使„适应„” 的方法: 造句: 387、intricate5、intricacy 助记:in+tric( )+ate——内部充满了诡计? 搭配:an intricate story/political situation: 388、fascinate、fascination 助记:fasc(吸引)+inate? 搭配:be fascinated by/with: 389、estimate13、estimation 助记:a conservative estimate : make a rough estimate: 例句: Taking all this into account, what might we reasonably estimate supermarkets to be like in the year 2001?考虑到所有 的这些因素,我们理性的估计一下,2001年的超市会是什么 样子。 In fact, by some estimates, the value of parental investments11 in children, investments of time and money (including lost wages), is equal to 20—30% of gross domestic6 product. 事实 上,据估算,父母在孩子身上的投资,包括时间和金钱(包 括损失的工资)投资的价值,等于国内生产总值的20—30%. (2010.6) Group 32 记忆口诀 木头亲戚 我有一个relative ( ) (v.n) 对工作是attentive( ) (a.) 对爱情是passive ( ) (a.) 行动并不active( ) (a.) 这样怎能attractive( ) (a.) 假货害死人 突然发生earthquake( ) (n.) 为了安全sake( ) (n.) 司机赶紧brake( ) (v.) 刹车皮是fake6( ) (n.) 失控人车at stake/risk ( )(a.) Group 33 ven/vent = 走、to come 来到 390、advent 助记:ad(to)+vent——走过来? 搭配:with the advent of sth: 391、venture、adventure、adventurous 助记:vent走(引申为“冒险”)+ure?) 搭配:venture capital: joint venture: 392、convene、convention5、conventional10 助记:con+ven(t)——大家走到一起? convention:大家聚集到一起? 搭配:Geneva Convention: conventional notion/opinions: break established convention(考): 例句:It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual interest. 通过公交汽车上的一次偶遇,就想区别这种友好是 发自彬彬有礼的习俗还是个人的兴趣,是不可能的。 393、convenient、convenience5 助记:来源不详 搭配:for the sake6 of convenience: at one’s convenience: 394、event、eventually 395、invent、invention、inventor 助记:发明、创造in+vent(来、引申为出现)——让某物出 现? 搭配:invent a new machine: inventory17 详细目录,存货清单 搭配:an inventory of merchandise(考):商品库存清单 396、prevent、prevention、preventive 助记:pre( ) +vent( ) ?先走一步,先行? 搭配:prevent sth from happening: 397、intervene、intervention 助记:inter(= )+ven(= )+e?走到两者之间 ? 搭配:intervene in sth: 例句:There was no sign that Mr. Jospin, who keeps a firm control on the party despite having resigned from leadership of it, would intervene personally. 没有迹象表明约斯宾先生会亲自干预,他尽管已从领导职位退下,但仍牢牢控制着政党。 398、avenue 助记:a( )+ven( )+ue?一个用来走的东西—— 搭配:the Fifth Avenue: 399、revenue10 助记:re( )+ven( )+ue?往回走的、回收的东西——收入 搭配:annual revenue: revenue duties: 例句:The revenue of Google company is largely generated from advertising. 谷歌公司的收入大部分来自业务。(2007.6) 400、vehicle7 助记:veh(= )+icle(= 模仿bicycle:与车相关) ?与出行相关的车? 401、prominent5 助记:pro+min( )+ent——冒出来的? 搭配:a prominent figure/citizen: 402、patent、talent 助记: 搭配:grant a patent: a patent law: hold a patent on sth: 例句:When an invention is made, the inventor has three possible courses of action open to him: he can give the invention to the world by publishing it, keep the idea secret, or patent it. 一项发明产生后,发明者可以采取三者可能得措施:通过出 版将发明公之于众,或将发明保密,或申请专利。 403、client10:(音似:客来恩 )? 例句:Energy service contractors profit by taking part of clients’ annual utility-bill savings. 能源服务承包商从客户每年节省 的水电费中获得一部分利益(2007.12) 404、issue14、tissue、rescue 助记:tissue:织物、组织 text单词:课文 词根:编织 textile:纺织品、纺织物 Rescue:营救、拯救: re+s+cue(cure)——再次去 治疗——拯救、营救 搭配:issue a statement29: legal/moral issue: financial statement(考): raise an issue (考):提出问题 补充:vent还可以表示“风”因为:wind和vent通假 ventilate:使通风 advance:ad+vance(vent)——向前走? advanced:前进的、先进的 advantage14:advant(前进)+age——进步的东西? 搭配:take full advantage of(考): to one’s advantage(考):对„有利 ancient:古老的 反推anci:表示“以前”的概念 ancestor:anci(前)+st最+or人——最前面的人? (st:most;first;least) antique:以前的动词? Quire, quisit, quest, quir,quis,quer = to seek 追求、寻求 405、quest:寻求、探寻 搭配:quest for/after the truth: 例句:As a nation, we may be overfunding the quest for unlikely cures while overfunding research on humbler therapies that would improve people’s lives. 作为一个国家,我们可能对 探索那些不大可能成功的治疗方案投入的资金太多,而对研 究那些能够改善人民生活的更普通的医疗方法则投入得太 少。 406、question、questionable、questionnaire 助记: 407、acquire12、acquirement、acquisition 助记:ac+quire( )?去寻得、取得? 搭配:acquire a foreign language: 例句:Habits acquired in youth—notably smoking and drinking —may increase the risk of chronic disease in a person’s later life.一个人在年轻时候养成的习惯,特别是抽烟、喝酒,可 能会增加他以后患慢性疾病的风险。(2006.12) 408、conquer、conqueror、conquest 助记:取得、得到? 例句:There is still a long way to go before cancer can be conquered.要征服癌症还有很长的路要走 409、inquire、inquiry、inquisition 助记:in+quire( ) ?向内寻找、寻求? 搭配:inquire after: 410、require、requirement 助记:反复寻求、反复追求? 反复要求? 搭配:meet/satisfy/fulfill one’s requirements. Group 33 记忆口诀 离婚事件 分手地点在avenue( ) (n.) 婆媳问题成issue( ) (n.) 丈夫木然像statue( ) (n.) 妻子哭泣ensue( ) (v.) 路人递上tissue( ) (n.) 别再相互devalue( ) (v.) 快将婚姻rescue( ) (v.) 可怜的总统 总统任期expire( ) (v.) 马上就要retire( ) (v.) 不再被人require( ) (v.) 没有愿意hire( ) (v.) Group 34 gard、ward = to guard 保护、守卫;to watch 留意 411、safeguard 助记: 412、guarantee11 助记: 搭配:guarantee sth to sb.: under guarantee: 例句:Only two countries in the advanced world provide no guranntee for paid leave from work to care for a newborn child. 在发达国家,只有两个国家不保证为需要照顾新生儿的员工 提供带薪休假。(2010.6) 413、regard、disregard、regardless、regarding 助记: regard: 搭配:regardless of: 例句:I will take the job regardless of the pay. 415、award7、reward14 助记: 搭配:award sth to sb.: reward sb for doing sth: a reward for: 例句:Both Sarah and Tom have been awarded doctoral degree. 萨拉和汤姆都被授予了博士学位。(2006.12) 416、awkward 词源讲解:awk表示“反”,来源于单词:away( )+back ( )?awk 助记: awk(= )+ward( ) ?反方向的,不顺手的? 例句:If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural.如果你在幽默时觉得很尴尬, 你就必须进行练习使塔变得个更自然. 拓展:inward、backward、forward 助记: 417、coward、cowardly 助记:co共同+ward方向——干什么都要一起去的? 418、galaxy Gala=Gaia(大地女神盖亚) Par=equal 419、compare、comparable、comparative、comparison7 助记: 搭配:compare A with B: compare A to B: by comparison: Band、bond= to bind 捆绑 420、band、bandage:绷带—— band布带 助记:band谐音:“ 绑 ”——绑在一起的:乐队 ban 随着单词发展,由band演变出新词根“bound”绑、缚 421、bound、boundary 助记:bound:谐音:被绑住的——被束缚的、以及界限(由band布带,引申出“绑”和“界限”) Boundary: 分界线(用带子来作为界限) 补充:Abound:a否定+bound界线:无界限的、无边无际的? abundant: 大量的、丰富的 abundance6 随着单词发展,单词“bound”又演变出了词根“bond、bund”,也表示“捆绑” bond:债券、契约、黏合剂——将两人绑在一起的东西 搭配:the bonds of marriage/family: bonus:bon=bond(债券)+us?与债券有关的收入? bundle:捆、包(被绑在一起)bund+le(表很多)—把很多个绑一起? 搭配:bundle up: bunch:束、捆、串(也是绑在一起——成捆、束、串) 搭配: a bunch of flowers/keys/grapes: Grat、grati =pleasing 高兴的 422、grateful 423、gratitude、ingratitude 助记: 搭配:out of/with gratitude: express one’s gratitude to sb.: 424、grace、graceful、disgrace、gracious 助记: 搭配:with good grace:欣然地 424、agree、agreement、agreeable 助记: 搭配:reach an agreement: be agreeable to doing: 例句:She was quite agreeable to my proposal. 425、congratulate、congratulation 助记: 搭配:offer one’s congratulations: 426、altitude、latitude、attitude21 助记: 搭配:one’s attitude to/toward sth(考): a positive attitude: Group 34 记忆口诀 麟子参军 行军方向forward( ) 他的方向backward( ) 逃跑方式awkward( ) 装病住进ward( ) 说是不杀生的reward( ) 其实是个coward( ) 活出精彩 人不可只看surface( ) 想提高得有space( ) 将昔日糟粕replace( ) 书写人生新preface( ) 从内到外显grace( ) Altitude、latitude、attitude 憧憬未来国足 集训拉到了altitude( ) 地处南方的latitude( ) 球迷支持的attitude( ) 让球队满怀gratitude( ) 信心自然是multitude( ) Group 35 Cre、cresc= to make, to grow制造、增加 427、create、creation、creative、creator、creature 助记: (用单词 create反记词根cre) 例句:Intellect is the critical, creative, and contemplative side of the mind. 才智是人的头脑中有判断力和创造性的、善于思 考的一面。 搭配:create tension along the border: creature from outer space: 428、concrete、concretion 助记: 搭配:concrete facts: reinforced concrete: 428、increase、decrease8、increasingly 助记: 例句:My unique way of dealing with vocabulary will be increasingly influential. 429、recreate、recreation6 助记: 搭配:recreation facilities(考): 430、ease、cease、tease 助记:由easy来记忆:cease=cess走:走了、不在了、停止 了“人走茶凉” 搭配:at ease: life of ease: cease fire: tease sb about sth. Prim、prin、prem = first 第一、初级、主要 431、prime5 基本的、最好的、主要的 助记: 搭配:Prime Minister: in the prime of life (考): 例句:The prime difference between innovation and others is one of approach.创新者与其他人的主要区别是方法不同。 432、primitive6、primitivism 助记: 搭配:primitive society: in primitive times: 433、primary9、primacy、primarily 助记: 搭配:primary school: primary mission/task: 434、prince、princess 助记: 435、principle9、principal5 助记: 搭配:principal workplace: moral principle(考): 436、premier、president、predecessor 助记: 437、monetary、arbitrary、voluntary 助记: 搭配:IMF: international monetary fund11: arbitrary choice: 例句:I was unaware of the critical points involved, so my choice was quite arbitrary.我不知道其中所涉及的关键问题, 因此我的选择是相当随意的。 438、first、burst、thirst、worst 助记: Group 35 记忆口诀 贵妃增肥 后宫生活非ease( ) 体重近日已decrease( ) 为把玄宗来please( ) 连着几天吃grease( ) 希望能如愿increase( ) 冷宫日子快cease( ) 不再被人来tease( ) Lesson 5 Group 36 Sess、sid、sed= to sit 坐 439、site、situate 助记:sit+e? sit+u+ate? 搭配:be situated in: 440、assess6、assessor、access 助记:as+sess? 坐着 ? 原指坐在法官旁边,陪同其评定被征税收者的资产;现在也指坐着评判的评委 ac+cess ( )?走过去? 搭配:assess the value of sth: access to some place: 441、possess14、possession、dispossession、repossess 助记:pos( ),sess( ) ?先放下、再坐下? 搭配:be possessed of:拥有、占有 private possession: 442、session、convention5、meeting 助记:sess+ion?坐下来商讨? 随着词汇的发展,assess衍生出词根“cens 评估”的形式;因为cess 和cens读音相近; Census 人口普查 助记: cens( )+us( ) ? 443、preside、president、presidency 助记:pre+sid( )? pre+sid( )+ent? 搭配:preside over a meeting/seminar: 444、reside、resident8、residence、residential 助记:residence:一个可以反复做的地方? 搭配:local resident: permanent7 resident: take up residence in/at: 445、subsidy、subsidize、subsidiary、pension、compensation7、 compensate 助记: 搭配:interest subsidy: personal subsidy: 例句:The townsfolk don’t see it this way and the local council does not contribute directly to the subsidy of the Royal Shakespeare Company.本镇居民却不这么看,地方市政局也没 有直接为皇家莎士比亚公司提供补助金。 446、settle、settlement 助记: 搭配:reach a settlement: the settlement of controversy/strike 447、cheat、deceive 助记:de+ceive(拿、领取)——用不正当的方式拿? 搭配:cheat sb of his money: cheat on/in an exam: 448、flaw、flawed、defect6、defective、imperfection 助记:flaw摘自单词:fracture裂缝、裂痕:而frag表示破 碎、破裂:源于单词:break破 搭配:a flaw in a person’s character: 补充:fragile: Fragment: 449、coach 搭配:air-conditioning coach: private coach: Just、juris=law 法律,right 正义 450、just、unjust、justice、injustice、justify8 助记: 搭配:treat sb with justice: sense of justice: Justify sth: justify oneself for one’s conduct: 451、adjust11、adjustment 助记:ad(=to)+jus( ) ? 例句:From 1995 to 2004, inflation-adjusted average family income rose 14.3 percent, to $ 43,200. 从1995 到2004年,调 整通货膨胀后的平均家庭收入增加了14.3%,达到43200美 元(2007.6) 452、jury、juridical 助记: 453、injure、injury 助记:in+jure?不遵守法律(干伤天害理的事情)? 搭配:the dead and the injured: 454、luxury11、luxurious 助记:lux=lus=light光: 光彩照人的? (Lux: ) 搭配:a life of luxury: live in luxury: Sign=to mark 标记 451、sign、signify、significant18、significance、signature 助记: 搭配: traffic/television signal: significant event: a matter of great significance: be of no significance: a significant portion of the public(考): 写作造句范例: The May 4th Movement is a sign for a new period in Chinese history. The May 4th Movement signifies a new period in Chinese history. The May 4th Movement is a significant event in Chinese history. 452、assign8、assignment9 助记:as+sign(标记)——用符号标明、标记? 搭配:assign homework: be assigned to a new position: 例句:I don’t think it advisable that he be assigned to the job since he has no experience whatsoever.我认为派他去干这份工 作是不合适的,因为他没有任何经验 453、resign5、resignation 助记: 搭配:resign from a job: resign one’s post/position(考): 454、design Group 36 记忆口诀 豪门新娘的控诉 婚礼就在新century( ) 婚后生活in luxury( ) 可他常爆发fury( ) 还说要把我bury( ) 恳请在座的jury( ) 快帮我摆脱injury( ) 狼狈为奸 英国与美国align( ) 秘密将间谍assign( ) 把机密文件design( ) 小国总统被malign( ) 无奈也只能resign( ) Group 37 Vac、Van、void=empty 空的 455、vacant、vacancy 助记:vac+ant? 搭配:a vacant house/position/expression: 456、vacation 助记: 457、vacuum 助记: 458、evacuate、evacuation 助记:e+vac+ate?使空出来? 搭配:evacuate from: 459、vanish 助记: 搭配:vanish from the earth: 例句:Some huge American industries, such as consumer electronics, had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition.面对外国的竞争,美国的一些大型企业已经萎缩或倒闭,比如消费电子业。 460、avoid22、avoidance 助记: 搭配:avoid (doing) sth/ drowning(考): 461、inevitable10 助记:in+evit(=evade)+able?不能逃避的? 搭配:the inevitable course of history: it is almost inevitable that: 462、grant11、reluctant8、fragrant 助记: 搭配:take for granted(考): reluctant to do sth: fragrant memory: grant opportunity to(考): “向...提供„的”表达方式 Ford=force 力量 463、afford 助记: 搭配:afford sth: 例句:For one thing, the South couldn’t afford to part with its slaves.一方面,南方诸州无法承担废除奴隶制带来的损失 464、force、enforce7 助记: 搭配:enforce a law/ban: enforce sth on sb: 465、reinforce8 助记: 搭配:reinforce a wall: reinforce an army: 例句:The result has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing.广泛采纳审核制度进一步巩固了这 以后果。 466、effort 助记: 搭配:make effort to do sth: ag=act 行动 467、agent7、agency 助记: 搭配:a private agent: Xinhua news agency: 468、exaggerate10 助记: 例句:A stereotype is a simplistic or exaggerated iamge that human carries in their minds about groups of people.成见是人 类在脑海中对某类人的过于简单或夸大的印象。(2009.12) 469、colleague9 助记:colle(= )+ag( )+ue 例如:The biological project is now in trouble, you know, my colleague and I have completely different ideas about how to proceed. 这个生物工程现在陷入了麻烦,你知道,我和我的 同事在如何进行上观点完全不同。(2007.12) 470、agony 助记:谐音“ ”,过去爱过,现在不能再爱? 搭配:be in agony: 471、navigate、navigation 助记:nav(= )+ig(= )+ate 472、ignite 助记:ig(= )+nigt(= ) ?夜晚来临要做的事? 例句:Ignite the passion, share the dream. al=外 词根讲解:al 简写自alter, 而alter 则是other的音变体 473、alien 助记: 474、alter、other 助记: 搭配: alter one’s will alter course: 例句:Drugs that affect the central nervous system and alter perception, mood, and behavior are known as psycgoactive substance. 那些影响中枢神经系统,改变人们的知觉、情绪 和行为的药品被称为心里活性药物。 475、alternate15 助记:al(= )+tern(= ) ? 例句:The innovator will search for alternate courses, which may prove easier. 476、alternative 助记:alternate( )+ive? 例句:I had no alternative but to stay at home this vacation. Leg=说、讲 477、legend 助记: 478、dialect 助记:dia(两者之间的)+lect(= )? 搭配:local dislect: 479、neglect10 助记:neg( )+lect 搭配:neglect one’s duties: 480、negligible 助记:neglig(= )+ible(= )? 481、lecture 助记: 搭配:give/deliver a lecture: 在单词演变中,leg被逐渐压缩成了lig, 但同样还是讲的意 思 482、religion、religious 助记:re( )+lig( )+ion? 搭配:religious belief: 483、rely 助记:缩写自单词religion 信仰 搭配:rely on/upon: 484、reliable9 助记:reli(= )+able? 搭配:a reliable witness/assistant/source of information(考): 485、reliance 助记:reli( )+ance? 搭配:have/place/put reliance upon/on: Alli=ally 同盟,结盟 词根讲解:all 表全部,+y ?全部在一起? 486、ally 搭配:ally sb with/to„ 487、rally 助记:r(= )+ally?再次结盟,结合?召集、集合、集会 搭配:rally one’s friends: stage antiwar rallies: 488、allowance 助记:allow( )+ance?允许给予的额外的钱? 489、loyal、loyalty6 助记:loy(=line 音似,表示用线 捆绑 )+al?用线绑在一起的? Alt=高 三个地理术语:altitude、longitude、latitude分别表示:海拔高度、经度、维度,可以推出,“itude”对应中文中的“度”,比如attitude___________ 490、latitude 助记:lat(拉)+itude (纬线可以拉长,赤道最长,往两边变短,因而用lat来造维度一词) 491、longitude 助记: 词源变化:alt演变成为hance?注意n\l t\c 通假 492、enhance12 助记:en( )+hance(= ) ? 搭配:enhance one’s reputation/confidence/the chance of: 例句:The republication of the poet’s most recent works will certainly enhance his national reputation. 这位诗人最新作品 的再版肯定会提高他在国内的名誉。(1997.6) Lumen=光、明 493、illuminate 助记:il(= )+lumen(= ) ?使光进入? 搭配:illuminate a street/building: be greatly illuminated: 494、luminous 助记:lumin(= )+ous? 495、lunar 助记:lun(=月亮,与sun反义同源)+ar ? 搭配:lunar eclipse: lunar calendar: enlighten5 助记: Am= 爱 496、amateur 助记:am( )+ate+ur?爱好某事的人? 497、amiable 助记:am( )+iable( )?可以给人爱的感觉的? 498、ambiguous 助记:am( )+bi( )+gu( )+ous?向两边走 的? 搭配:an ambiguous reply/attitude: 499、analyze 助记:ana(分开 形象记忆 )+lyze(= loose 解开,oo? y )? 500、analysis7、analytic 助记:analys(= )+is( )? 例句:Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and veral skills but fails to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success. 斯滕伯格指出,要测试一个人的分析能力和语言能 力,传统的测试方法再好也不过,但它不能测量一个人的创 造力和实践能力,而后两者对解决问题和取得成功也是至关 重要的因素。 Nounce=出声、声音 501、announce 助记:an( )+nounce?出声、使知道? 502、denounce 助记:de(= )+nounce? 503、pronounce、pronunciation 助记: Nym=name 名字 504、anonymous 助记:an( )+o+nym( )+ous? 搭配:anomimous letter/author: 随着单词的演变、nym演变出了nim、nom等形式 505、unanimous 助记:una(= )+nim( )+ous? 506、nominal 助记: 507、nominate 助记: 搭配:nominate sb as: 随着单词演变,由nom 演变出了后缀onomy, 表示“学说”,起初都要给物体起名字,故用onomy(名字)做其学科名称的后缀 508、astronomy 助记:astro(= star四个字母重新排序)+my? 509、economic28 助记:ec(= exchange8 )+nom+ic? 搭配:economic policies: 例句:There is no question that going to college is a smart economic choice.毫无疑问,在大学在经济上是一个明智的选 择(2009.6) 表示“好的、明智的”说法: smart/advisable/sensible/preferable/wise/favorable/intelligent choice 510、economical 助记:cal(音似:抠) ? 511、economics、economy15 搭配:demostic economics: economy class: 例句:Basic economics suggests the greater the potential consumers, the higher the likelihood of a better price. 基本的经 济学原理表明,潜在的客户越多,获得更高的价格的可能性 就越大。 Changes in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. 经济领域的变化 使得年轻人的工作机会更少,并使失业率普遍上升,从而使能挣钱的工作越发难寻了。 512、apparent 助记:appar(=appear ) +ent?显现出的? 513、appeal 助记:ap( )+peal(= ) ? 搭配:appeal to sb. for sth.: lose one’s appeal to sb.: 例句:NBAC members also indicates that they will appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer. NBAC成员还透露他们将呼吁那些受私人资金资助的研究人员和诊所不要通过转移人体细胞核的方法来克隆人类。 514、repeal 助记: 515、apply、application、applicable 助记:ap+ply(= ) ? Ap+ply(=ploy ) ? 516、appliance6 助记: 搭配:household appliance(考): 517、implement 助记:imply(= )+ment ?用的东西? 用=执行、贯彻(v.) 518、appreciate、appreciation6 助记:ap+preci(= price i、e字母颠倒,方便接后缀,类似:veto、vote)+ate? 519、precious 助记:preci( )+ous? 520、approach19 助记:ap( )+p( )+roach(= ) ? P字母无意义的例子: Praise: Pharmacy: 搭配: approach sb. about sth.(考):接洽„;交涉„ an approach to vocabulary: at the approach of sth.(考)(=with the advent of sth.): 例句:As one might expect, the two approached are very different from each other. 随着单词演变、“approach-接近” 演化成 “approx-接近” 521、approximate 助记:approx( )+imate(复合后缀) ? 随着单词演变,“road-路”又演变成了“roat-路”和“roach- 路”等形式 522、throat 助记:th( )+roat(= ) ?食物等经过的路? 523、route 助记:route是road的同音变体,注意体会发音 524、routine8 助记:rout(= )+ine ?“寻常路” ? 搭配:daily routine: routine maintainance: 例句:Each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living. 在普通的日常生活中,我们 每一个人都在不断地描绘着这样的蓝图。 Propri=proper 合适的 private私人的 525、appropriate19 助记:ap+propri(=proper )+ate? ap+propri(= prop特有的= )+ate? 搭配:appropriate manners: appropriate public funds: 例句:Countries with appropriate primary care resources score highly when it comes to health outcomes and costs. 当涉及医 疗成效和成本时,那些拥有适当的初级护理资源的国家获得 了很高的评分。(2009.12) 526、property10 助记:proper(= )+ty?特有的东西? 搭配:public/private property: real property: intellectual property(考): metal property: 例句:A thorough study of biology requires familiarity with the properties of trees and plants, and the habit of birds and beasts. 对生物学的彻底研究要求熟悉植物的属性和鸟兽的习性。 随着英语发展、appropriate简化为 “apt”取前缀首字母, 词根首字母和末尾强辅音 527、apt、adapt 助记:ad( )+apt( ) ? 搭配:adapt„to It is somewhat difficult to adapt to a new way of thinking. I find it no easy job to adapt most people to my patterns of thinking. 例句:do we think we are slow to adapt to change or that we are not smart enough to cope with a new challenge.难道我们认为 我们适应变化太慢,还是我们不够机敏,无法应对新的挑战。 同源词根:priv-私人的 528、deprive10 助记:de( )+prive 搭配:deprive of(考): 例句:They are deprived of their independence and individuality. derive7 助记: 529、private、privacy12 助记: 530、privilege5 助记:priv( )+leg( ) ?在法律上有私人的权利? 搭配:grant privilege to(考): enjoy/have privilege: 531、rise、raise、arise、arouse6 辨析:rise: raise:与rise相比、多了a,表示借助外力? arise from( ) arouse:人或东西被叫“起来” ? 532、rest、arrest5、restless 助记: 533、certain、ascertain5、uncertain 助记:as(= )+certain? 搭配:to ascertain the cause of explosion(考): 534、certainty、uncertainty5 助记:certain+ty? 535、certify5、certificate 助记:cert(= )+ify( )?使确定? cert+ificate(复合名词后缀 )?确认的东西? 537、shift、drift、swift 助记:shift与shaft同源:有轴才能转 Drift源于:drive:被(水)驱赶的东西——漂流物、 漂流 搭配:shift from A to B: shift the blame/responsibility onto sb.: drift from A to B: drift with the current/tide: a swift reply be swift to hear/anger: 538、essence8、essential17 助记: 搭配:in essence: be of the essence(考): 及其重要的,必不可少的 be essential to/for: essential difference: essential ingredient 539、absence、absent 助记:ab(表否定)+sence(=snese)——感觉不在,没有 感觉——心不在焉的、缺席的 搭配:absent from school/class 540、innocent、innocence 助记:in+noc(毒、害)+ent——无害的——清白的、单纯 的、无辜的 搭配:be innocent of: 541、repay、renew6、reconcile7 助记:re(反复)+concil(=counsel)——反复劝告、反复建 议——使和解 counsel与consult9 同源:表咨询、建议 搭配:reconcile difference: renew strength(考): 例句:The returns in the short term may be small, buy over a number of years the investment will be well repaid. 短期回报 可能很少,但几年之后,这项投资会获得丰厚的回报。 542、thrill、thriller 助记:表示毛骨悚然时倒吸一口气发出的声音。模仿:思... 搭配:give sb a thrill: a thrill of joy/horror 例句:The most thrilling explanation is, unfortunately, a little defective.可惜,最令人激动地解释都尚有瑕疵。 543、fulfill 助记:full+fill——填充满——完成、实现 搭配:fulfill one’s duties/obligations/expectations : 例句:This,though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry7, can hardly be classed as Literature. 这样的东 西,尽管符合未来派诗歌的准则和要求,却几乎不可能被称 作是文学作品。 544、thumb 助记:thumb:谐音:大母指——拇指 搭配:thumb up/dpwn: 545、identity、identify13、identification、identical7 助记:ID card身份证: identical:ident+ical(ident:it the same,后来压缩成了idem,现代英语中将m变成n,加上t):所以表 示相同的、一摸一样的 搭配:identity card: identify handwriting: identical opinion/words. identification of the dead body: identification of the fingerprints: 例句:Cats identify with the house and so are content if their place is secure. 如果居住地是安全的,那么猫就会认同并且 感到安全。(1999.1) 546、absurd6 助记:ab+surd(无理数)? 搭配:it is absurd to do sth: absurd reasoning: 例句: The idea of punishing a tiger that kills someone is absurd.惩罚伤了人命的老虎这种想法是荒唐的。 547、witness6 助记:wit=vis 看+ness——看见的人? ( vis 可由visit来反向记忆) 搭配:witness for: a witness of the accident: 例句:The world is going through the biggest wave of merges and acquisitions ever witnessed.世界正经历着有史以来最大的 一次合并收购浪潮。 548、explode、explosive、explosion 助记:ex+plode(=plaud:鼓掌:applaud)——像鼓掌一样发出 剧烈的声响? 搭配:population explosion: explosive temper: 549、myth7、mystery、mysterious 助记:mys(=mouth)+stery(=story)—用嘴讲的故事? 搭配:uncover the mysteries of outer space: an ancient Chinese myth: 550、rare、rarely11、scarce、scarcely 助记:词源不明,scarce:scar刀疤(身上的刀疤——少的、 稀少的) 搭配:rare metals/gases: scarecely„ when„一„就„ 例句:Scarcely had I entered the room when the phone rang.我 一进屋电话就响了。 551、associate11、association7 助记:as+soci+ate—社交? 搭配:associate with(考): in association with sb. 例句:Sociologists have found much evidence that the size of a commnunity is associated with bad behavior including gambling, drugs, etc. 社会学家发现大量的证据表明一个团体的大小是 和赌博、吸毒等恶习联系在一起的。(2002.1) 552、relate、relationship、relativity、correlate 助记:由relationship反记relation 搭配:be related to: the theory of general relativity: 553、voluntary、volunteer 助记: 搭配:a voluntary army/work: 554、concern28、concerning、discern 助记:con+cern(切割=carve)?一起来分割(利益)? Dis+cern——分开、切开? 搭配:be concerned about/for sb/sth: a matter of the utmost concern: 例句:“I am a good economic indicator,” she says, “I provide a service that people can do without when they are concerned about saving some dollars”她说:我是一个很好的经济显示器, 我提供的服务是人们想省钱的时候可以不要的。 555、govern、governor、government 助记: 556、resource、source 助记: 搭配:resource of labor force: human resource management 例句:The American society is established on an exceedingly shaky foundation of natural resources.美国社会建立在一种极 不稳固的自然资源的基础上。 557、somewhat10、somehow、anyhow 例句:We have to handle the issue somehow or other, although it seems somewhat difficult, anyhow, this is the only chance for us to prove ourselves. 558、housing、housewife、household5、greenhouse 搭配:household appliances: greenhouse effect: 例句:To help homeless people toward independence, the federal8 government must support job training programs, raise the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing.为了帮助 无家可归者自立,联邦政府必须支持就业培训项目,提高最 低工资水平并出资建设更多低价房。 559、hostile10、hostility、hospitality 助记:host(主人)+ile——称为主人? (主人 和奴隶的关系) hospital+ity医院——一个欢迎你去的地方? 搭配:be hostile to(考): Dutch hospitality: AA制聚餐 例句:Many Europeans may view the U.S. as an arrogant superpower that has become hostile to foreigners. 许多欧洲人 可能把美国视为傲慢的超级大国,对外国人已经不再友好(2008.6) 560、accumulate5 助记:ac+cun( )+ul+ate? Cum 和 com是同源词根 补充:cumulous: 积云状的 Cumulus: 积云 561、acid 助记:ac( )+id( )? 补充:acute: ac( )+ute? angle: triangle: tri( )+angle? 562、attribute13 助记:at + tribute( ) ?把„给予„ ? 搭配:attribute A to B(考): 例句:We attribute Edison’s success to his intelligence and hard work. 我们把爱迪生的成功归因于他的聪明和勤奋(1991.6) 补充:tribe: tribute: contribute26: con+tribute? 例句:I am really glad our club decided to raise money for the children’s hospital. And most of the people we phoned seemed happy to contribute. 我真的很高兴我们的俱乐部决定为儿童医院筹款,而且我们电话告知的那些人似乎很乐意捐助。(2009.6) distribute: dis( )+tribute( ) ? 563、audience 助记:aud( )+ience?听的人? 补充:audio: auditorium: aud( )+it( )+or+ium( ) ? authentic: aut(= )+entic( ) ?作者说的? 564、available26 助记:a( )+vail( ),able?有价值的? 例句:Yet the growth of cities and industry is reducing the amount of water available for agriculture in many regions. 然而,在许多地区,城市和工业的发展正在减少农业的可用水量。(2008.12) vail为什么能表示价值:音变自单词 value 中的“val”部分,而val则来源于: 补充:avail:效用;利用(n.) no/without avail(考): wallet: wal( )+let( ) ?装钱的小东西? equivalent:equi( )+val( ) ,ent? value: values: evaluate14: valid13: val( )+id? invalid 搭配:an valid objection: invaluable: valueless: 565、aviation 助记:av( )+iation?飞行? av为什么表鸟, 补充:hawk: hook: aw(= ) hover: 566、bald: 助记:bal(= )+d?像赤裸裸的球? 补充:bare: barren: bar+r+en?赤裸裸的,什么都不长的? 567、bean:(与pea的关系) 助记:Mr. Bean: 568、beneath: 助记:be+neath(= ) ? 补充:th 和t发音相近的例子: breast 和 breath mystery 和 myth underneath: 569、bewilder5 助记:be(表被动)+wild( )+er? 搭配: be bewildered by(考):被„难住,迷惑住 补充:wild: wind mild5: 570、biography 助记:bi( )+o+graphy( ) ? bi表生命,源于: 补充:biology: bio( )+logy( )?有关 各种生命的学科? 571、blaze、blast 现代英语中,字母“t”之前不出现以下字母:b、d、g、v、 z 比如:give 和gift foster 和food frost 和 frozen script 和scribe 572、bloom 助记:bloom 和 flower的关系 补充:blossom boom7:压缩自bloom:开花即“繁荣、兴旺” 573、bold 助记:bol(= )+d? 补充:bone: pole:杆、柱、棒、磁极、极 574、brilliant5、umbrella、brilliance 助记:um( )+brella( ) ?没有光的? Lesson 6 576、equal、equivalent 助记: 搭配:be equal to: be equivalent to: 577、prevail、prevalent7、prevailing 助记:pre+vail(= ) ?价值上优先、取胜? 搭配:a prevalent opinion/belief: a prevailing fashion: 例句:It’s certain that evil will prevail if good men do nothing about it.毫无疑问,如果好人不采取措施的话,邪恶就将占上 风。 578、kid6、bid、forbid、forbidden |bid:比的:比什么,比报价,出价,投标 forbidden city: 助记: 搭配:no kidding: bid up:哄抬物价 a bid for: forbid sb doing/to do sth: 579、compete12、competition、competitive13、competitor 助记:一起追求? 搭配:compete with/against sb. for sth: meet/face the competition from: competitive price: competitive sports/games: 例句:It is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and another is competitive.很难说清为什么有些人聪明,有些人笨;有些人 愿意合作,而另一些人却热衷于竞争。 580、competent、competence、incompetent 助记:compete(竞争)+ent——能竞争的、可竞争的? 搭配:be competent to do sth: 582、impetus、impetuous 助记:im=in加强语气:us名词后缀:(使之)走起来? 搭配:give impetus to trade: 583、repeat、repetition、repetitive 助记: Group 37 记忆口诀 昭君出塞 匈奴后位vacant( ) 和亲提议significant( ) 汗帝无奈grant( ) 昭君没有reluctant ( ) 从此变成immigrant( ) 只留花香fragrant( ) 看谁敢拦我 长得像kid( ) 开车去bid( ) 速度太rapid( ) 被门卫forbid( ) 掏证件valid( ) 语气很acid( ) 一点不timid( ) 好莱坞的把戏 拍戏情节像expedition( ) 忠奸分好了position( ) 遇到恶劣的condition( ) 不断冒出新question ( ) 忠角又赢得competition( ) 剪成最后的version( ) 配合宣传的exhibition( ) 哦,好莱坞的新composition( ) Group 38 press= to press 压 584、pressure14 搭配:exert/put pressure on(考): economic/psychological pressure(考): 例句:Bay Area officials were going to exert pressure on manufacturers of electronic10 devices to take regarding e-waste disposal. 海湾地区的官员将对电子设备制造商施加压力,以 处理电子垃圾。(2005.1) 585、compress、compressed、compression、compressive 助记: 搭配:compress A into B : 例句:Over billion of years, the gas was compressed by gravity into galaxy, stars, plants and eventually, even humans.数十亿年 来,气体在引力作用下压缩成为星系、恒星、植物,最后甚 至产生了人类。 586、depress9、depressed、depression 助记:向下压? 搭配:depressed classes: the Great Depression: 587、express、expression、expressive 助记:把(情感、语言等)挤压出来? 搭配:express oneself: way of expression: 588、impress、impression、impressive 助记:im(=in)——往里面压? 搭配:give sb a good/bad/deep impression: 589、oppress5、oppression、oppressive、oppressor 助记:op(=ob=against)+press——往对立面压? 搭配:the oppressed class: oppressed by anxiety: 590、suppress7、suppression、suppressor 助记:sup+press?压下去? 搭配:suppress a demonstration: suppress a newspaper: 591、rank7、bank、blank、range、arrange6 助记:blank与black反义同源 搭配:rank first/second: people of all ranks: a blank sheet of paper: a blank check range from„.to: over the long range: arrange one’s business affairs: an arranged marriage: 例句:when confronted with such questions, my mind goes blank, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.遇到这 些问题的时候,我的脑子一片空白,几乎忘了自己的生日。 They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when and whom.他们记录的范围非常广泛,包括谁在什么时 候把什么东西卖给了谁。 confront13 搭配:be confronted with(考): Manu、man =hand 手 592、handful 搭配:a handful of nuts/small changes: 593、handy、handle 助记:handy 搭配:handy shops handy reference book: 594、manage、management26、manager 助记: 搭配:Human Resource Management: 595、manifest7 助记: mani+fest(evident:fest=vid)? 搭配:manifest a statement: manifest evidence/lie 596、manipulate6、manipulation 助记:mani+pul( )+ate?用手来拉扯(操控畜生的动 作)? 搭配:manipulate public opinion(考): 例句:The designer and the inventor are able to assemble and manipulate in their minds devices that yet do not exist.设计者和 发明者可以在头脑中组装和操控那些尚不存在的装置 597、manual 搭配:manual work/skill: 598、manuscript 助记: 599、maintain23、maintenance5 助记:main( )+tain( )?用手拿住? 搭配:maintain world peace: sb maintains the view that(考): 例句:Fortunately there are still communities—small towns, usually—where schools maintain discipline9 and where parents hold up standards. 幸运的是,仍然有一些社区,通常是小镇 的学校,在坚守纪律,家长也支持准则。 维持的表达方式: maintain/hold up/keep/preserve Under=beneath 在„下面 sustain10 助记:sus( )+tain( )? 例句:The branches could hardly sustain the weight of the friut. 树枝支撑不住果实的重量了(1991.6) retain9 助记: obtain8 助记: 600、underestimate、estimate 助记: 搭配:It is estimated„ 601、undergraduate、graduate12、postgraduate 助记: 搭配:an undergraduate course: 例句:However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities.不过,只是在 最近几年它才成为加拿大大学教育的一门学科。 602、undergo5 搭配:undergo some difficulties/great suffering: 603、underground、ground、groundless 助记: 搭配:underground water/publication: 例句:Consequences follow from this, of course, some of which are that ambition is driven underground, or made sly.这当然产 生了一些后果,其中之一便是人们把抱负藏在心底,或者暗 中行事。 604、underline、line、slim 助记: 605、underlie、underlying 助记: 搭配:an underlying problem: an underlying threat: 607、undertake:拿下:承担、保证、从事 搭配:undertake a task/a mission/a post: undertake the responsibilities: 鲁滨逊出书 漂流经历unusual( ) 历历在目actual( ) 赶快编成manual( ) 引起震撼spiritual( ) 不料读者casual( ) 说价格内容不equal( ) Group 39 cyc、circuit=circle 环、圆 608、cycle 搭配:the circle of seasons: go up and down in cycles: 609、recycle 610、circle、circular、circulate、circulation 助记: 搭配:circulate around/among: wind/air circulation: 例句:The 215-page manuscript, circulated to publishers last October, sparked an outburst of interest.去年十月转到出版商 手里的长达215页的手稿,激起了出版商的极大兴趣。 611、circuit、circus 助记:circ+u+it——绕着圈走? 搭配:run a circus: 612、cyclist、bicycle、tricycle 助记: 613、scholar、peculiar 助记: 搭配:a peculiar taste/person/behavior: 614、soar 助记: 例句:They are all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing components of which are pharmaceutical costs.他们所有的人都在抱怨剧增的医疗预算,其中增长最快的部 分是药品费用。 Liber=free 自由的、to free 释放 615、liberal、liberate、liberty、liberation 助记:liber+al? 搭配:a liberal mind/attitude: 例句:Liberal reforms introduced by the American occupation authorities after World War ?had weakened the “Japanese morality6 of respect for parents”二战后,美国占领当局所引 入的自由主义革新,削弱了日本尊敬父母的道德观。 616、deliver、delivery 助记:de(down)+liv(=life)+er?生下、接生? 搭配:deliver a speech: 617、deliberate12 搭配:a deliberate murder/action: deliberate practice: deliberate on/over/about sth.:考虑„ Stru、struct= to build 建筑 618、structure、structural 助记: 搭配:the structure of the brain: social/political structure: 619、construct、construction、reconstruct、constructive 助记:先记destruct(=destroy),反向推出construct应该是建设 的意思,反推出struct应该是建设的意思。 搭配:a constructive idea: 620、destroy、destruct、destruction14、destructive8 助记: 搭配: a destructive fire/strike: 例句:Too much pushiness can be destructive. 过度的一意孤行 可能具有毁灭性(2008.6) 621、instruct12、instruction、instructive、instructor 助记:in+struct?在人的内部构造?指导,教授、命令(人 类灵魂的工程师) 搭配:instruct sb to do sth: 622、instrument6、instrumental 助记:in+stru( )+ment——建造里要用的东西? 搭配:musical/optical/medical instrument: Cord=core 心 623、core 搭配:to the core透顶的、十足的 The bastard is rotten to the core. 624、accord、discord、accordance、according、accordingly、concord 助记:ac+cord( )?心意相通的? 搭配:in accord/accordance with: out of accord: 不协调、不一致=discord according to … 625、courage、discourage、encourage、courageous 助记:C+our+age— 韦小宝封侯 奇妙点子afford( ) 化解宫中discord( ) 康熙封他为lord( ) 赐予珍贵的sword( ) 免死特权也accord( ) bewilder、hinder、border、surrender、render 美女间谍的魅力 溜溜的身材slender( ) 死死把敌将bewilder( ) 心细如发未blunder( ) 秘密按下了recorder( ) 获机密不受hinder( ) 最终擒敌于border( ) 敌将怪怪地surrender( ) 认错把悔意render( ) Group 40 clud、clus、clos= to shut 关闭 626、close、closure 助记: 627、conclude14、conclusion、conclusive 助记: 搭配:conclude with(考): conclude a speech: in conclusion: reach/draw/come to/ arrive at a conclusion: 628、disclose、disclosure 助记: 搭配:disclose one’s intention/ambition: 例句:The secret of cancer will be disclosed in a decade.癌症之 谜将在十年内揭晓。 629、exclude6、exclusion、exclusive9 助记: 搭配:exclusive of : have the exclusive right: exclusive use(考): 例句:In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders7 are the exclusive concern of state government. 总之,完全发生 在州界内的事物由州政府独自处理。(1997.1) 630、include、inclusion、inclusive 助记: 搭配:inclusive of : 631、preclude、preclusion、prelude 助记: 搭配:preclude sb from doing sth: sume、sumpt = to take 拿、取 632、assume14、assumption6、assumptive 助记:as+sume?抓好(工作)? 搭配:assume sb/sth to be On the assumption that: 例句:Some researchers have suggested that assuming the role of a sick person is one way in which certain people try to cope11 with stress. 一些研究者认为,设想自己是病人是某些人试图 应对压力的一种方法。(2008.12) 633、consume9、consumer17、consumption8、consumptive 助记:con+sume( )?共同拿? 搭配:consume one’s fortune: consume energy(考): 634、presume7、presumption、presumptive、presumably 助记:pre+sume?在(成熟之前)就摘下来?过早得出结论 ? 645、resume5、resumption 助记:re+sume?重新抓起来? 搭配:resume lost territory5: resume one’s spirit: 例句:He emailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company.他把自己的简历用 邮件发到了用人单位,得到了一家公司内部法律顾问的职 位。 Out-=out 向外 646、outer 搭配:outer space: 647、outbreak 搭配:the outbreak of sth: world war 2 648、outlet:让之出来? 649、outline25 搭配:make a outline of sth: 650、outrage:暴行、愤怒:rage:愤怒、狂暴 651、outcome出来(的东西)? 搭配:decide/announce/predict the outcome: 652、outlook向外望? 搭配:a poor outlook: a long-term outlook: a pleasant outlook 653、output5 :拿出来的东西? 654、outset:开端 搭配:at/from the outset : 655、outstanding:向外站出来的? 搭配:outstanding achievement10: Prob、prov= prove 证明、检验 656、prove、proof7、evidence14 助记:一般情况下,以f结尾是名词,以v结尾是动词,比如:life\live, gift\give 搭配:in proof of:(为)证明 657、probable、probability6 助记:prob+able——可证明的? 搭配:probable effects/outcome/candidate 658、probe、probing 助记:探针、调查 659、approve12、disapprove、approval、approvable、disapproval 助记: 搭配: approve of sth/sth: get the approval of sb.: 660、improve、improvement 助记: 661、reprove、reproof 助记: 662、proof、waterproof、airproof、bulletproof、roof 助记: Us、ut(i)=to use 使用 663、usage、useful、useless、misuse 助记: 664、usual、unusual 助记: 665、utilize、utilization、utility 助记:ut(=use)+ilize? 例句:It also means that government are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to set up production and ensue that it is utilized to the best advantages.这也就意味着,各 国真服日益被迫对这些领域进行干涉,以便提高产量,并确 保所有优势被充分利用。 666、abuse7、abusive 助记:ab(否定)+use? 搭配:abuse one’s authority/privilege/power: 例句: Abuse of medicines is widespread in many urban hospitals. 在许多城市的医院里药物滥用很普遍。(2007.12) 香水有毒 闻到别人的 perfume( ) 炉火中烧fume( ) 还开始瞎presume( ) 仍把欢颜assume( ) 青春已被consume( ) 唯有不咎过往resume( ) 学英语的至尊宝典 这是一项finding( ) 其实英语fascinating( ) 记住the following ( ) 首先重视listening( ) 边听边学speaking( ) 还有广泛reading( ) 能够促进writing( ) 要多练习handwriting( ) 助你掌握spelling( ) 以上方法leading( ) 做到你就outstanding( ) 秋菊打官司 村长把职权abuse( ) 秋菊开始muse( ) 想到法律的use( ) 决定把他accuse( ) 法律程序confuse( ) 索赔遭到refuse( ) 结局把人amuse( ) Group 41 tribut = to pay 支付、to bestow 赠与 667、tribute 助记:源于“tribe部落间相互给予的东西” 搭配:pay a high tribute to: pay the last tribute to: 668、attribute、attributive 助记:at+tribute:把„给予„——归因于,“属”性 搭配:attribute to„. 例句:Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle. 几乎没有一个美国人会把这完全归功于那些明显的原因,如 美元贬值或者商业周期转向。 669、contribute、contribution、contributor 助记: 搭配:make a contribution to: contribute A to B: 例句:New ways of organizing the workplace—all that reengineering and downsizing—are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy.组建工作场所的新方法,包 括所有机构重组和缩减规模之类,都只不过是促进某个组织 整体生产力的一个因素。 670、distribute、distribution 助记:dis+trib( )+ute? 搭配:distribute sth to„. Be evenly distributed: 671、cute、acute 助记: 搭配:an acute disease/patient: acute pain: acute analysis: Min=small 672、minimal、minimize、minimum6 助记: 搭配:minimize the risks: minimize one’s weakness: minimum wage: a minimum of: 673、minor、minority7 助记:minor(=small)? 搭配:a minority of: 674、minister、ministry、administer10、administration 助记: 搭配:MBA: Master of Business Administration: during the Clinton administration 675、diminish7 助记:di(=de向下)+min+ish——向下、减少? 搭配:diminish the fiscal budget: diminish in population/quantity: 例句:Again, differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished.人与人 之间的差别以及利用这些差别进行自然选择的机会再一次 减少了。 Lesson 7 Leg=law 法律 676、legal21、illegal8 助记: 搭配:leagl or moral obligation(考): 例句:Many people mistakenly believe the term drug refers only to some sort of medicine or an illegal chemical taken by drug addicts.很多人都错误的认为“drug”一词只指某些药物或吸 毒者所用的非法化合品。 677、legislate、legislation6、legitimate、legislator 助记: 搭配:a legitimate purpose: 678、privilege、privileged 助记: 搭配:exercise/enjoy privileges: 679、loyal、loyalty 助记:loy(=line)+al——用线捆在一起的? 搭配:be loyal to: 例句:For workers it can mean an end to the security, benefits and sense of importance that came from being a loyal employee.对于工人,这意味着作为一个忠诚雇员所获得的安全感,利 益和所体验到的重要性不复存在。 680、cruel、cruelty 助记: 例句:Hearing allegations of cruelty to animals in research settings, many are perplexed that anyone would deliberately harm an animal.听到在研究中残忍地对待动物的有关指控, 很多人对竟然会有人故意伤害动物感到不解。 681、poverty11 搭配:live in poverty(考): 例句:Obama’s success helps people to forget that a disproportionate number of black Americans still live in poverty and face huge obstacles when trying to overcome these circumstances.奥巴马的成功使人们忘记了,相当大比例的美 国黑人仍旧生活在贫困之中,当他们试图改善窘境时,仍面 临巨大障碍。(2010.6) Popul、publ=people 682、popular、popularity 助记:(去的)人多的? 683、populate、population、overpopulated 助记: 684、public、republic 助记: 搭配:public speech: PRC: People’s Republic of China 685、publicize、publicity 助记: 搭配:publicize the Party’s policy: 686、publish、publication 助记:public+finish——(写)完成并公之于众? 搭配:publish a magazine: the publication of sth: 例句:When you finish some writing and want it to go public, you publish it. Group 41 记忆口诀 某君 此君确实cute( ) 总有妙计contribute( ) 本应保持mute( ) 错将酥饼distribute( ) 惹来嫉恨acute( ) 最后被曹操execute( ) Group 42 sens、sent= to feel 感觉 687、sense、sensible6、sensibility、sensitive14、sensitivity、 nonsense 助记: 可感觉的 感觉、情感 敏感性 胡 扯、没道理 搭配:common sense: a sensible choice/suggestion: be sensitive to sth(考): sensitive skin: 688、sensation5、sensational 助记:sens(= )+ation? 搭配:make/cause a sensation(考): 689、sentiment、sentimental 助记:senti(感觉)+ment(mind)?精神上的感觉? 690、consent 助记:con+sent( )?感觉共同(相同)? 搭配:without sb’s consent: consent to a contract: 例句:In addition, it is unclear what force a contract can have for people who never consented to it.另外,人们不清楚未经认可的协议对人有什么效力。 addition11 搭配:in addition to(考): 691、consensus 助记:consens+us?我们一致同意? 692、resent、resentment、resentful 助记: Habit、hibit =to have 拥有、持有 693、habit、habitual 助记: 694、inhabit6、inhabitation(habitation)、inhabitant6(habitant)、cohabit 助记:in(加强语气)+hab+it? 搭配:the local inhabitants: 695、exhibit7、exhibition 助记:把拥有的东西放到外面? 696、prohibit、prohibition 助记: 搭配:prohibit sb from doing sth: prohibited articles/goods: Mand、mend =order 命令 ;思想 697、command、commander 助记:com+mand( )? 搭配:at your command: 698、demand、supply 助记:de(加强语气)+mand? 699、commend、recommend、recommendation 助记:com+ment(=mind)——把(自己的)思想强加于它物? Commend:(与comment同源)由d可以联想为竖大拇指。 Recommend:反复表扬? 搭配:recommend sth to sb. recommend doing sth: recommend sb to do sth: Crit=to judge 判断与rate同源:表示评价、评论 700、criterion 助记:评价的东西? 例句:Narrowing our criteria, for example, may work against you: “Every time you answer a question you eliminate a possibility,” says one expert.比如说,缩小(求职)标准可能 反而对自己不利。有专家说,“你每回答一个问题,就减少 了一个求职的可能性”。 701、critic、critical16、criticize7、criticism8 助记:critic评论的人? 搭配:an outspoken critic: at a critical moment: a critical decision: criticize sb for sth: meet with/encounter criticism from: 例句:Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated9 the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risks has risen as well.学者、政 策制定者和形形色色的批评家就这些变化的社会含义争论 不休,但很少有人看到其副作用,即家庭风险也上升了。 702、crisis8 助记: 搭配:political/economic/social crisis: crisis of confidence: head into /come to a crisis: financial crisis: Group 42 记忆口诀 耍大牌 拍戏走红是current( ) 出席首映她consent( ) 影迷准备了present( ) 谁知她竟然absent( ) 影迷对此很resent( ) 演皇帝的二流演员 戏里给众人command( ) 戏外神情仍grand( ) 穿着一身名brand7( ) 跋扈让人不understand( ) 可怜的评论家 有个艺术critic( ) 写稿时很energetic( ) 人却一点不romantic( ) 给女友送花的是plastic( ) 女友生气他就frantic( ) 真叫人感到sympathetic( ) 705、rot、spot、dot、slot、plot 助记: 搭配:on the spot: scenic/historic spot: plot a noval: 例句:The news item about the fire is followed by a detailed report made on the spot关于火灾的新闻报道之后是详细的现 场报道。 In 1997 he lost $21,000 to one slot machine in two days.1997年,他曾经在两天之内,在一台老虎机上输掉了 2.1万美元。 I was captured by the complicated plot in Avatar.我被 《阿凡达》的复杂情节吸引住了。 706、tough、laugh、rough、enough 助记: 搭配:have a tough time: a tough guy: laugh at ab: a rough estimate: Flu=to flow 流动 707、flu、fluent、fluency 助记: 搭配:speak fluent English: a fluent writer: 708、fluid 助记:flu(= )+id( ) ? 搭配:fluid assets: fluid substance: 709、fluctuate8 助记: 搭配:fluctuate prices: fluctuate between A and B: 例句: With prices fluctuating so much, it’s hard for the company to plan a budget.价格波动得如此厉害,公司很难做 预算方案。 710、affluent、affluence 助记:af( )+flu( )+ent——富得流油的? 711、influence、influential 助记:in( )+flu( ) 搭配:have/exert/impose influence on/upon sth: deeply/strongly influenced by: be increasingly/highly influential: an influential politician/magazine: 例句: 1、My unique way of dealing with vocabulary will influence a growing number of people. 2、My unique way of dealing with vocabulary will have/exert/impose influence on a growing number of people. 3、My unique way of dealing with vocabulary will be increasingly influential. Overflow 助记:over( )+flow? Tact、tang、teg=to touch 接触、触碰 712、tact、tactful 助记:机智、老练 713、tangible、intangible 助记:tangible可触碰的\有形的 714、intact 助记:in(表否定)+tact( )?未被触碰的\完好无损 的、完整的 例句:Somehow Clinton’s reputation survived the scandal intact.克林顿的名声在经历了那场丑闻之后竟毫无受损。 715、contact9 助记:con(共同)+tact——共同接触? 搭配:be in contact with ab.(考): maintain/keep a close contact with sb.: out of contact with sb.(考): 716、integral、integrate、integrity5、integration 助记:integ(=intact完整)+al? 搭配:an integral whole: integrate theory with practice: integrity and credibility(考): territorial integrity: 例句:Nevertheless, the word “amateur” does not carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrated into the scientific community and, in particular, may not fully share its values.但是,业余人士一词确实有这样的含义:这个人没 有完全融入科学界,尤其是可能不完全分享其价值观。 717、attain6、attainment 助记:at+tain(=gain获得)? no pains, no gains 搭配:attain one’s goal: 例句:When a new movement in arts attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at.当一种 心得艺术潮流开始流行时,明智的做法是弄清楚其倡导者的 目标是什么。 723、consider、considerate、consideration5、considerable7 助记:con(加强语气)+sider(think)? considerable: 搭配:in consideration of : take sth into consideration: be considerate to elderly people: a considerate person: a considerable income/expense/quantity/achievement/influence 724、staff、stiff、sniff、stuff(不用记)、cliff(不用记) 助记:sniff=snoopy(小狗史努比,狗以嗅而出名) Staff:谐音:士大夫(古代的士大夫是皇帝的全体员 工) Stiff僵尸、僵直的(源自单词stop:停止不动) 搭配:the staff of a school/company: be on the staff: be stiff in opinion/attitude: be stiff with cold: stuff A with B: stuff oneself: 海盗迎新 加入我们的staff( ) 过去望美食sniff( ) 现在往肚里stuff( ) 买卖不用交tariff( ) 违纪的惩罚stiff( ) 活生生扔下cliff( ) Group 43 记忆口诀 女魔术师 签下表演的contract( ) 取出精致的compact( ) 施以巨大的impact( ) 可粉盒依然intact( ) Group 44 solv、solut= to loosen 松开 725、solve、solution13 助记:solve(deal with:解决) 搭配:solve a problem: the solution to a problem(考): 726、absolute 助记:ab+sol(绝对、单独、唯一)+ate? 搭配:absolute freedom/power: 例句:My experiment in what the Americans term “down-shifting” has turned my tired excuse into a absolute reality.我的这种被美国人称之为“降低节奏”的实验把我那 老掉牙的借口变成了活生生的现实。 727、dissolve、dissolution 助记:dis(分)+solve? 搭配:dissolve in/into: dissolve away: 728、resolve6、resolution、resolute 助记:re+solve——再解决? 搭配:resolve a dispute/conflict/issue: 例句:Proper, scientific study of the impact of dams and of the cost and benefits of controlling water can help to resolve these conflicts.准确而科学的研究大坝带来的影响,研究控制洪水 的成本和收益,有助于解决这些矛盾。 conflict16 搭配:conflict with(考): Point= 点、指向、分数 729、appoint、appointment 助记:ap+point? 搭配:appoint sb. to do sth: make/cancel an appointment with sb.: 730、standpoint、viewpoint 助记:standpoint立足点、观点 Cur、curr、curs = to happen 发生、to run 流、跑 731、occur16、recur 助记: 732、current、currency 助记: 搭配:water/air/electric current: current affairs/events: 例句:The current passion for making children compete against their classmates or against clock produces a two-layer system.时 下的这种让孩子们争分夺秒、同学间相互竞争的风气导致了 一种双层体系。 733、incur、incursion 助记:in+cur? 734、course、intercourse 助记:进程、课程,一道菜(dish) intercourse:相互 流——交流、交往 cid、cas=to fall 落下 735、accident、accidental 助记:ac+cid( )+ent——突发地事情? 搭配:by accident accidental meeting: 736、incident8、incidental、incidentally9 助记:in+cid( )+ent——突发地事情? 搭配:trivial10 incident: 737、coincide8、coincidence 助记:co+in+cide?两个事情和在一起? 搭配: coincide with: by coincidence: a mere13 coincidence: 738、casual、casualty6 助记:cas+ual?(突发)事件的,偶然的、随意的(在模仿 usual:平常的) 739、occasion、occasional8 助记:oc+cas+ion? 740、worldwide、stride、tide、collide9 /collision5 助记:stride:谐音:死拽的:阅兵时的大跨步走 collide:co+lid(盖子、盾牌)+e——两个盖子碰一起? 搭配:The morning news says a school bus collided with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately. 早间新闻说,一辆校车在一处交叉口和火 车发生碰撞,警察被迅速派往出事地点。(1997.1) Grad、gress=to walk 行走(=cess) 741、graduate、graduation、postgraduate、undergraduate 助记: Post(后)+graduate? 742、grade、degrade6、degradation、upgrade 助记:de+grade——向下走? 搭配:upgrade military6 defense: 743、ingredient 助记:ingre+dient(=diet)走到(食物里面的)? 搭配:food ingredient: the ingredient of an ice cream 744、aggress、aggressive7、aggression 助记: ?强走进去? 搭配:aggressive manner/weapon/businessman: 745、progress、progression、progressive 助记: 搭配:make progress: progressive change: 746、congress5 助记: 搭配:the National People’s Congress -sh 结尾,往往表示“碰撞、压” 747、clash、 crush、 crash10、 dash、 splash、 smash 助记:冲突 压碎 碰撞、冲突 猛冲 溅、泼 打碎 搭配:clash with sb.over/on sth.: crash into sth(考): a air/car/train crash(考): 100-meter dash: Group 44 记忆口诀 中学老师培训 良好品德要evolve( ) 一切绕学习revolve( ) 不要把爱情involve( ) 趁早将早恋dissolve( ) 要有成才的resolve( ) 把成绩问题solve( ) Lunch、branch、launch、punch、inch 天下有贼 员工外出吃lunch( ) 小贼掏钥匙bunch( ) 恰逢老总来branch( ) 一场攻击即launch( ) 愤怒地朝贼punch( ) 脸上伤口一inch( ) 我的新娘梦 如果我要做bride( ) 结婚要和吉日coincide( ) 婚礼上不能stride( ) 度蜜月要反tide ( ) 找刺激玩乐worldwide( ) 开滑翔机去glide( ) 千万别和山collide( ) 实力派 名牌大学graduate( ) 为人总是passionate( ) 从不被困难frustrate7( ) 不仅工作adequate( ) 还把实力demonstrate( ) 成了清华postgraduate( ) Vict、vinc=to conquer 征服(vict=vin=win) 757、Victor、victory 助记: 758、victim9 助记: (有胜利就会有牺牲、死 人的事情经常发生。) 759、convince8、convincing、convincible、conviction 助记:convince(与confidence同源;)信服、说服(即让别人 对你有信心) 搭配:convince sb of sth: convince sb by sound argument: 760、convict5、conviction 助记:convict(=convince)+ion信服、服罪? convict:证明„有罪 搭配:convict sb of(考)„ Grav=heavy 762、grave8、gravity、gravitate 助记:严重的、坟墓 搭配:grave consequence/danger/risk: look grave: from the cradle to the grave: Newton’s law of gravity 例句:Lots of Americans bought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves.许多美 国人相信了那一套鬼话,结果在30多年中,大约有1000万 烟民早早地进了坟墓。 763、aggravate、aggravation 助记:ag+grav+ate——加重、恶化 搭配:be aggravated by „ 764、grieve、grief 助记:grief演变自grave:咱在坟墓前,一般会:悲伤,难 过; grave:庄重的、严肃的 搭配:be in grief„. be filled with grief: 例句:Friendship multiply joys and divide griefs. 友谊增进快 乐,分担忧愁。 Jec、jac = to throw 投、扔、射、喷 765、inject、injection(ject=cast投) 助记:向里面射? 搭配:inject sb with sth: inject vaccine into sb: 例句:Africa and South America, for example, are moving away from each other as new material is injected into the sea floor between them. 例如,非洲和南美洲,随着新的物质注入他们 之间的大海海底,他们彼此向相反的方向漂浮而去。 Under the new Northern Territory law, an adult patient can request death—probably by a deadly5 injection or pill—to put an end to suffering.按照北领地的新法律,一个成年患者可 以要求死亡—可能是通过致命的针剂或者药丸来结束痛苦。 deadly5 766、object、objection10、objective13、subject、subjective5 助记:ob+ject——朝反面扔? 搭配:object to sth: have objection to sth./doing sth.: objective/subjective reasons: be subject to: 767、project18、projector 助记:pro+ject? 搭配:draw up/carry out/initiate a project: 例句:To achieve success in your career, an important factor is to project a favorable image to the people around you. 在事业上取得成功的一个重要因素是给周围的人留下好印象。(1997.1) 768、reject8、rejection 助记: Group 45 记忆口诀 和珅为官corrupt( ) 国家被他disrupt( ) 民众愤怒erupt( ) 嘉庆让他bankrupt( ) Slave、cave、shave、grave、behave5、pave、brave、save 串记 半夜惊魂 从前有个slave( ) 半夜躲在cave( ) 想把胡须shave( ) 见前面有grave( ) 有人鬼祟behave( ) 是鬼灵在pave( ) 从来不是brave( ) 祈祷有人将他save( ) 不羁少年 人生无须project( ) 快乐才是subject( ) 求爱不怕reject( ) 体验才是object( ) Group 46 plen、plete、ple = 充满、满的 769、plenty、plentiful 助记:plen+ty?丰富,大量(即满的) 770、ample 助记:演变自complete中的ompl部分:表示满的:即充分的、大量的 771、complete、completion 助记: 搭配:complete the task: 772、compliment、complimentary 助记:compli(=complete)使人完美、圆满? 搭配:pay sb a compliment: compliment sb on sth: 773、deplete 助记:de+plete——满的相反? 774、implement 助记:imple(=employ)+ment使用的东西? 775、supplement6、supplemental、supplementary 助记:complement:使完满的东西? Supplement则是模仿complement造词,在下面支撑使事物完满的东西——补充物 搭配:supplement A with B: food supplement: pre-=before 在„之前 776、premium 保险金、额外费用、 高级的/优质的、奖品/奖励 助记:pre+mium(=moeny)—先付的钱? 搭配:place a premium on: 777、prepare、preparation 助记: 搭配:prepare for sth: make a preparation for: 778、preliminary 助记:pre+limin(=limit=line)+ary——在界线(起跑线)之 前的? 搭配:preliminary exam/contest: 补充: eliminate13:使之到界线之外? 搭配:eliminate mistakes(考): eliminate corruption(考): 例句:Preliminary estimation puts the figure at around $110 billion.初步估计得出的数字大约是1100亿美元。 778、pregnant、pregnancy、preside、president、premier、 predecessor、prejudice6、pre-determine 助记: 779、edit、editor、edition、tradition、traditionally 助记: 搭配:the first/second edition: pocket/revised edition: break/keep up/follow the tradition: 例句:The harsh realities of the frontier also shaped this tradition of hospitality.边疆恶劣的现实条件也是造成这种热情传统的 原因。 Cur= care for 关注、关怀 780、cure 781、curious、curiosity 助记:cur+ious? 搭配:be curious about sth: arouse/ignite one’s curiosity: 例句:Humans are thoughtful and creative, possessed of insatiable curiosity.人类善于思考,富于创造力,具有永不满 足的好奇心。 782、secure、security9 助记:se(=secret)+cure(=care)——秘密的关心? 搭配:for the sake of security(考): sense of security(考): security check: 783、accurate10、accuracy 助记:ac+cur(=care)+ate——不断地去注意,结果就会更精准 (比如射击、算数) 搭配:an accurate description/facts: with accuracy: Group 46 记忆口诀 Port=to carry 拿、运送 port、import、passport、escort、report、retort、resort 串记 助记: 大国政要出访 游艇免费停port( ) 入境不需要passport( ) 住酒店享受comfort( ) 所有用品是imports( ) 进出有警车escort( ) 给钱请他做report( ) 不料观点遭retort( ) 威胁将武力resort( ) Lesson 8 neg= to deny5 否定(=not) 784、neglect、negligible 助记:neg+lect——不稀罕说?搭配:neglect one’s duty: neglect doing/to do sth: 785、negative11、positive13 助记:pos+itive——摆的造型多的? negative:消极的 搭配:negative response/effects: positive/negative attitude: 786、negotiate5、negotiation 助记:neg(否定)+gocia(socia社交)——社交上的相互 否定? 例句:Either way, one benefit of a “national ”organization would be to negotiate better prices, if possible, with drug manufacture.不管何种含义,如果可能的话,成立一个“国家” 机构的好处之一就是能通过谈判从医药生产商那里获得更 优惠的价格。 Back=回、背后 787、feedback、setback、background12 助记:feed:吃东西、喂养、流入 feedback: 回流? 搭配:feedback from: background music: 例句:Even if a job’s starting salary seems too small to satisfy an emerging adult’s need for rapid content, the transition from school to work can be less of a setback if the start-up adult is ready for the move.即使工作提供的起薪很低,并不能满足刚 步入成年人的年轻人追求迅速获得愉悦的需要,可是如果这 些刚刚起步的年轻人做好了准备,那么他们在从学校到工作 这一转变中,挫折感可能会少些。 Tim=to fear 担心、害怕(不利于理解) 788、timid、timidity、intimidate 助记:tim(=tame温顺的,服从的)? In+timidate?使„变得胆小? 搭配:intimidate sb into doing sth: intimidate a witness: In-、il-、im-= in 在„之内 789、inner、indoor、input 助记: 790、illusion 助记: 搭配:give the illusion that : have no illusion about: 791、import、important、vital13、significant18、crucial 助记: Vi- 表示: vigorous7 vigor vivid5 搭配:a vivid description: revive5 dur= to last 持续(一段时间):由during在„期间,反推“dur:持续一段时间” 792、durable、duration 助记: 搭配: durable goods/friendship: 793、endure、endurance 助记:en(使)+dure?使„持续? 搭配:endure torture/maltreat/misery6: beyond endurance: 例句:It’s never a question of whether you enjoy your job and your life, but only how much you can endure.问题绝不是你是否喜欢自己的工作和生活,而是你能承受多少。 懒惰的蚂蚁 蚁窝非常giant( ) 有只懒惰ant( ) 干活总是reluctant( ) 瞎说自己pregnant( ) 为了育好infant6( ) 嘴馋想吃eggplant( ) 大家非常indignant( ) 罚它把草plant( ) 爱迪生 天才总是curious( ) 语言十分humorous( ) 发明东西various17( ) 虽然困难obvious( ) 失败从不furious( ) 实验态度serious( ) 设想虽然ridiculous( ) 成果影响tremendous( ) 爱你在心口难开 美眉心思真是obscure( ) 相思煎熬真难endure( ) 想着如何把她lure( ) 最终还是不敢venture( ) 诶、这病始终没能cure( ) Group 47 lev = to lift 升、举; =light 轻的 794、lever、leverage 助记:lev( )+er?杠杆 搭配:adjustment lever: 795、elevate5、elevator、elevation 助记:e(= )+lev( )+ate?向外举? elevate( )+or? 随着词汇的发展,lev 音变成了 live 例句:Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous6. 移民很快就融入了这种共同的文化,总体而言这种文化称不上高尚,但也算不上毒。 poisonous6 搭配:poisonous gas/plant(考) 796、relieve6、relief7 助记: re( )+live( =lief=leaf轻 )+e? 搭配:relieve one’s feelings(考): be relieved of one’s duties(考):被免职 例句:The Supreme Court’s decision on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.最高法院对于医生 协助自杀的裁决对于医学如何寻去解脱濒危病人的疼痛、折 磨具有重要的含义。 put=to think; to consider 想、考虑 797、compute26、computer、computerize 助记: 搭配:beyond compute: 798、dispute 助记:dis+put+e?放不下,咽不下这口气? 搭配:in dispute: dispute over/about sth: dispute with sb. 799、reputation7 助记: 搭配:have a good/bad reputation: build up/acquire/ gain reputation for: pel、puls= to drive 驱使 800、compel5、compulsion、compulsory 助记:com+pel( ) ? 搭配:compulsory course/education: be compelled to do sth: 例句:The writer was compelled by circumstances to leave her job.作者受环境所迫辞了工作 801、impulse7、impulsive、impulsion 助记:im(=in内心)+puls(push:推)+e——内心在推动 ? 搭配:on impulse: have an impulse to do sth: an impulse shopper 802、propel、propulsion 助记:pro+pel(=push)——向前推? 搭配:propelled by sth: 803、repel5、repulsion、repulsive 助记:re+pel——推回去? 搭配:be repelled by sth: repel the enemy: 804、appeal10、appealing、attractive、touching、moving 助记:ap+peal(= )? 搭配:appeal to sb for sth: lose one’ s appeal to/for sb: 例句:NBAC members also indicated that they will appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer. NBCA 成员还透露他们将呼吁那些受私人基金资助的研究人员和诊断不要通过转 移人体细胞核的方法来克隆人类。 Living at the foot of one of the world’s most active volcanoes might not appeal to you at all. 居住在世界上最活跃的火山脚下可能对你毫无吸引力。(2002.6) Uni、un=one 一个 805、union、unify、unity 助记: 搭配:trade/student union: 806、unanimous 助记:una+nim+ous——名字统一的? unique14 助记: 搭配:unique feature: be unique in: Ser、sert= to join 结合、加入 807、series10、serial 助记: 搭配:a series of(考): 808、assert7、assertion 助记:as+sert?强行插入打断别人发言sert=sound)? 搭配:assert one’s authority/indeopendence/rights: 例句:Levin asserts that “music is not the cause of society’s ills” 列文坚持“音乐不是社会弊病的根源” 809、exert7、exertion 助记:ex+sert?向外(其他人)插一脚? 搭配:exert pressure/influence on sb.: exert authority12: an academic authority(考): 810、insert、insertion 助记:in+sert? 搭配:inset A into B.: insert an illustration into a text: 补充:desert:沙漠(n)、遗弃(v) 助记:de( )+sert( ) ?(脚)插向下,陷 向下? Group 47 记忆口诀 Shift、drift、swift、lift、gift 串记 天上掉下馅饼 太阳已往西边shift( ) 看到河上钞票drift( ) 潜入水中动作swift( ) 抓在手里高高lift( ) 上天赐予的gift( ) 唐僧和孙悟空的对话 T:我念咒全因你compel( ) S:俺除妖是天性impel( ) T:我把你往正途propel( ) S:俺是为你将妖repel( ) T:再行凶我把你expel( ) S:俺尽量将歪念dispel( ) 印度故事 人口超过了billion( ) 盘腿而坐要cushion( ) 咖喱里要放onion( ) 无数曲棍球union( ) 球迷早已过million( ) 比赛却没拿champion( ) 贱民不能有opinion( ) 过气明星 听说有盛大concert( ) 硬要把节目insert( ) 自认是歌坛expert( ) 结果被听众desert( ) Group 48 lax、lyze、lease=to loosen 松开、解开 811、relax、relaxation 助记:re+lax——再次放松? 搭配:get relaxed: relax yourself: 812、analyze13、analysis、analytic 助记:ana(分)+lyze(解)? 搭配:make a analysis: analytic approach: 例句:Sterberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success. 斯滕伯格指出,要测试一个人的分析能力和语言能 力,传统的测试方法再好不过,但它不能衡量一个人的创造 力和实践能力,而后两者对解决问题和取得成功也是至关重 要的因素。 A recent study analyzed the providers who treat Medicare beneficiaries. 最近一份研究分析了负责治疗老年医 保受益者的医生。(2009.12) 813、release8 助记:re+lease(loose)?再次放松、解放? 搭配:release sb\sth from: release a prisoner/record: 例句:Good news was sometimes released prematurely, with the British recapture of the port announced half a day before the defenders actually surrendered.有时候好消息发布过早,英国 人重新夺得港口的消息在守军真正投降前半天就宣布了。 814、paralyze、paralyzed、paralysis 助记:para(旁、侧)+lyze(=loose)?使身体一侧松掉? Like=喜欢、像 815、alike、unlike、dislike、likely、unlikely、likelihood、likewise、 otherwise 助记: 搭配:look alike: treat„ all alike : be likely to do sth: the likelihood of an event: or otherwise:或其反面 例句:Everybody gets ideas, but innovators work consciously on theirs, and they follow them through until they prove practicable or otherwise.人人都有想法,但创新者有意识的致力于自己的 想法,坚持不懈,直达证明了自己的想法可行或者行不通。 Spir=to breathe 呼吸 816、spirit、spiritual 助记:spir( )+it( )?有“气”的?有精神 例句:I am not afraid of dying from a spiritual point of view.从 精神的角度上讲,我并不怕死。 817、aspire、aspiration 助记:a( )+spire( ) ?加强呼吸? 例句:Americans no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command the English language with skill and gift. Nor do they aspire to such command themselves. 818、inspire16、inspiration6 助记:in( )+spire?使气体进入(别人)?打气? 搭配:inspire sb. with sth.(考): draw one’s inspiration from: 819、expire5、expiration 助记:ex( )+spire?气体都出去了? 搭配:agreement/guarantee/passport expire: 820、respire、respiration、respiratory 助记:re( )+spire? 呼吸 respirat+ory( ) ? 821、perspire、perspiration 助记:per( )+spire?一直气喘嘘嘘? 补充:conspire: 串通一气、合谋 助记: con+spire:同一个鼻孔出气 随着词汇学的发展,spire衍生出词根“spair 呼吸”,二者音似。 despair: 绝望、垂头丧气 助记:de+spair向下呼气? desperate: A man respires, aspires, inspires, perspires, and finally expires. Scan、scend、scal=to climb登、爬 822、ascend、ascent 助记:scend(=scale攀登)scale13(刻度)与scar同源,二者均是刀刻出来,后来引申为带有刻度的比例尺,等级等意思。最后将等级引申称为了“逐步升高,攀登” 搭配:ascend the hill/throne: scale13 搭配:on a large /world/ global scale: on one’s own scale(考):以某人自己的标准 例句:Everyone ranks high on his own scale in qualities he values. 每个人都以自己重视的品质为标准对自己作出高评价(1995.1) 823、descend11、descent、descendant7、transcend、transcendent 助记:descendant:下降的、后代的,子孙 transcend:攀登过去? 搭配:descend the steps: descend from:起源于„;是„的后裔 824、initiate、initiative5、initial6 助记:in(内)+it(走)ate?向里走,入门? Initiative起始的、开始尝试 搭配:initiate a conversation/program: take the initiative: subjective initiative: initial reaction/symptom: Sper=hope 希望(压缩自单词prospect:前景、希望) 825、desperate、desperation、despair 助记: 搭配:be desperate for sth/to do sth: in/out of despair: 836、prosper、prosperous、prosperity(bloom) 助记:prosp(=bloom=flower )+er? 搭配:live in prosperity: promote economic prosperity: 例句:After the end of the Second World War, America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.二战结束后,对于经济遭受战争摧毁的欧洲人和亚洲人来 说,美国和美国人的繁荣富裕让他们望尘莫及。 Sure 确定的 837、assure8、assurance、ensure、insure、insurance6、reassure 助记: 搭配:assure sb. of sth.: life assurance: give sb. one’s assurance: ensure sb. sth.: ensure success/safety/supplies: insure sb/sth against sth: insurance company: accident insurance: 例句:Mothers and fathers can do a lot to ensure a safe landing in early adulthood for their kids.为确保孩子在进入成年时能安 全过渡,父母能做的事情其实很多。 I apologize if I had offended you, but I assure you it was unintentional. 如果我冒犯了你,我向你道歉,但我向你保证 我不是故意的。 Im=likeness 像 838、image 形象 搭配:public images: improve one’s images: 839、imaginary、 imaginative、 imagine、 imagination 助记:想象的、虚构的 想象丰富的 搭配:imaginative powers/faculties/stories: a vivid/fertile imagination: beyond/pure imagination: 例句:In talking to some scientists, particular younger one’s, you might gather the impression that they find the “scientific method” a substitute for imaginative thought.在和一些科学 家,尤其是年轻的科学家交谈的时候,你会得到这样的印象: 他们认为“科学方法”可以替代富有想象力的思维。 840、imitate7、imitation7 助记:im+itate使„像? 搭配:a blind imitation of : learn sth. by imitation: 例句:Instead of describing sounds we must make up words that imitate them.我们必须造出词汇来模仿声音,而不是描绘声 音。 En-、em-=in 在„内,to make 使„做 841、encounter6、enhance、enrich、enlarge、environment 助记:en+counter(对立的)?使两人相对? 搭配:enhance one’s reputation/confidence/political consciousness: enhance friendship/understanding: enrich sb/sth with sth: 例句:British shareholders5 were thus enriched by the world’s movement towards industrialization.英国股东由于世界的工业 化潮流而大发其财。 shareholder5 助记:share( )+holder( )? Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in the everyday performance of his routine duties—he is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports.像其他人一样, 他在日常工作时也会遇到 道德问题—不能伪造实验,捏造证据,炮制报告。 -en:使.. deepen、worsen、loosen Group 48 记忆口诀 Urgent、intelligent13、absent、innocent、punishment串记 赤壁之战 赤壁军情很urgent( ) 孔明用兵是intelligent( ) 帐下没人敢absent( ) 唯有关二哥innocent( ) 捉放曹甘受punishment( ) Chill、ill、pill、milk、mill、skill、fulfill、thrill、spill、will串记 空气中透着chill( ) 感觉就要fall ill( ) 吞下了两颗pill( ) 手拿着一瓶milk( ) 出门走去woolen mill( ) 决心要学门skill( ) 一定把梦想fulfill( ) 想到这顿时thrill( ) 牛奶不慎被spill( ) 诶,天不从人will( ) 猜猜这是哪 有一个nation( ) 最崇拜examination( ) 不考查creation( ) 只检查information( ) 不管你有多少imagination( ) 也只能听老师的explanation( ) 拉登在行动 下指令通过dictation( ) 无须布什的invitation( ) 凭借通行证imagination( ) 敢死队走出station( ) 勇敢再加上intuition6( ) 圆满完成了assassination( ) 842、identity、identify、identification、identical 串记 实用主义者 力学是physical( ) 周期表是chemical( ) 圆周率是mathematical( ) 在我看来都identical( ) 全部都是theoretical( ) 不如面包practical( ) Group 49 fid=to trust 信任 源于拉丁文fides=“faith信 任、信仰、忠实” 843、faith、faithful 助记: 搭配:be faithful to: 844、confident5、confidential6、confidence9 助记:con+fid+ent? 搭配:self-confidence: in confidence(考): 私下地,秘密地 856、compare、comparable、comparative、comparison 助记: 搭配:compare A with B compare A to B : Live in comparative comfort/wealth/luxury/poverty: By comparison: in comparison with: make a comparison between Compete、competitor、competitive 同意:complete、completion、accomplish9、finish、fulfill7 857、idea、ideal11、ideology、ideological 助记:ideology:意识形态、观念学 搭配:ideal lover: bourgeois ideology: 资产 阶级意识形态 例句:The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass media, and with it, a commercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.反快乐艺术 的兴起几乎完全与大众传媒同步出现,而随大众传媒而兴起 的还有商业文化。在这种文化中,快乐不仅是一个理想,而 且是一种意识形态。 Reg,rig =to rule 统治、king国王 Reg表示统治,由单词reign简化而来,而单词reign又与单 词rule同源; 858、region9、regional 助记:reg+ion?统治的地方? 搭配:a tropical region: in mountainous regions(考): 859、regular、regulate、regulation16 助记:reg+ul+ate? regular:规范的 搭配:regular rhythm regulate a clock/watch: keep to the regulations: 例句:Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system.因此,价格是美国经济体制的调节机制。 There were no job descriptions, rigid reporting systems, or detailed rules and regulations. 没有职位描述,严格的报告制 度和详细的规章制度。(2008.12) 860、rigid、rigidity、rigor、rigorous5 助记:rig(=right正直的)? 搭配:rigid social ladder: rigorous clinical trials(考): 例句:Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children.爱默生和其他一些先验主义哲 学家认为,学校教育和僵化的书本学习会遏制孩子们的天 性。 862、royal、royalty 助记: 搭配:a royal palace: royal power: gain royalties: 863、favor、favorite、favorable 助记:favor(prefer) 搭配:in favor of : do sb. a favor: 例句:Economists have been particularly surprised by favorable inflation figures in Britain and the United States.英国和美国出 现有利的通胀数字事经济学家感到特别吃惊。 864、violate5、violent6、violence 助记:violate(演变自violent:暴力的)——以暴力手段相对? 865、delicate6、dedicate、dedication 助记: 866、advance、advanced、advantage、disadvantage 助记:ad+van(走)+ance(向前)? Group 49 记忆口诀 Age、language、manage、wage、rage、cage串记 马戏团的鹦鹉 它一岁的age( ) 会说人的language( ) 头脑很懂manage( ) 要求增加wage( ) 惹得老板rage( ) 把它关进cage( ) Harbor、honor、humor、favor、vapor、rumor、tumor 串记 瓦特发明蒸汽机 瓦特散步来到harbor( ) 记者恭维他的honor( ) 瓦特回答充满humor( ) 他说do me a favor( ) 只因烧水观察vapor( ) 记者瞎传成了rumor( ) 可别传出我有tumor( ) 为女友庆生 买好机票in advance( ) 火速飞到France( ) 来到窗台glance( ) 她竟然和他在dance( ) 烛光晚餐romance( ) 心中失去balance( ) 他真是个nuisance( ) 心痛得要叫ambulance( ) Group 50 voc、voke=to call 喊叫;=voice 声音 867、call、recall 868、vocal、vocation、profession、carrier 助记:voc(= )+al? Voc+ation?天职、天命(神的召唤) 例句:These days the net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan’s vocation as well.如今,互联网已经改变了买书和寄信这样的日常活动,也正在改变多诺万曾经从事的职业。 869、advocate9 助记:ad(加强语气)+voc( )+ate? 搭配:a strong advocate of reform: 870、provoke6 助记:pro( )+vok( )+e? 搭配:provoke a dispute(考): provoke criticism(考): 例句:Those who support the “nature” theory, that is, they advocate education, are often called behaviorists.那些赞成后天培养理论的人,即倡导教育的人,通常被称为行为主义者。 补充单词: evoke5 助记:e( )+vok( 还和wake同源 )+e?喊(说)出来? vote、veto 助记:民众曾经用叫喊的方式来表达对某人的支持? veto将vote中的两个元音字母进行对调,即:投票表决的反义词? 搭配:evoke a strong response: evoke memories of: devote、devotion 助记:de( 加强语气)+vot( ) ?宣誓?后引申为宣誓内容? 搭配:devote sth. to: Dedicate:de+dic+ate?加强语气?宣誓? vi、vey、voy=way 道路 871、obvious、previous15、convey10、voyage 助记:ob(对面)+vi( )+ous?马路对面的? con+vey?全部在路上? deviate5 pre+vi(=ven )ous?走在前的? 搭配:previous to„: deviate from(考): 搭配:it is obvious that : previous expriennce convey sth to sb. convey one’s best wishes to sb.(考): Volve、volut = roll 转、滚、卷 872、involve19 助记:in+vol(ver转)+ve?往里转? 搭配:involve doing sth(考): become/get/be involved in sth(考): 873、revolve、revolution、revolutionary 助记:re+volve? 革命即政权轮转交替的过程 搭配:revolve around/about: revolutionary theory: 例句:A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears.一个世纪前,弗洛伊德提出了颇具革命性的 理论,说梦是我们欲望和恐惧在潜意识层面上的反应。 874、evolve、evolution8、evolutionary 助记:e+volve?轮转出现? 搭配:evolve into: evolve from: 例句:We did not evolve, because machines and society did it for us.我们没有进化,因为机器和社会替我们在进步。 875、volume6 助记:容积、容量、卷、测(体积、容积用v来表示) 876、revolt 助记:re+volt(war)?反过来开战? 搭配:revolt against: enroll5 助记:en(= )+roll(名单)?进入名单? Super=above、over 超过、在„之上 877、superior8、superiority、superb、supreme 助记: 搭配:superior court: be superior to: sense of superiority: 878、superstition 助记:super(超级的,超过万物的;引申为:神)+stit+ition?站在神一边的? 879、surplus 助记: 搭配:a surplus supply: 补充:sovereign: sover(=super)+reign(=rule)? sovereignty: 搭配:the sovereignty of a country: Simil、sembl=类似、相同(same) 词根讲解:same 发生原音降级后衍生出“sem、sim、sym 相 同”三个词根; 880、similar、similarity 助记:simil( )+ ar? 881、simulate、simulation 助记:sim( )+ul+ate?使„像?模仿 搭配:simulate death: simulate rain: 882、simultaneous5 助记:simul( )+tane( )+ous? 883、assimilate 助记:as+sim+ilate( )?使„相同? 例句:The U.S. has assimilated people from many European countries.美国同化了许多来自欧洲国家的移民。 884、assemble5、assembly 助记:as+sem( )+ble?共同到一起来? Assembly: 搭配:assemble a car/machine: assemble evidence: The United Nations General Assembly: 885、seem、seemingly 例句:This accounts for our reaction to seemingly simple innovations like plastic garbage bags and suitcases on wheels that make life more convenient.这句话解释了我们对塑料垃圾 袋,拖轮行李箱这些看似简单却使生活更方便的发明的态 度。 补充:sympathy7: 同情 助记:sym( )+ pathy( passion ) ? 例外:symptom:症状、征兆 助记:sym( )+ptom ? 谐音:心扑腾——爱情的症状 Symp(=symbol象征、表征)+tom? Test=test测试;=witness 证据、证人 886、testify6、testimony 助记:test测试、实验:——testify:证实、证明 testimony: 证据 搭配:testify for sb: testify against sb: 887、contest、compete、contend 助记:con+test?共同在一起测试? 搭配:contest/contend/compete with sb: 888、protest7 助记:make a protest to sb about sth: a protest march/movement: 889、ceremony、harmony6 助记:har+mony?哈哈的笑声很多? 搭配:perform the opening/closing ceremory: in harmony with: -ward 朝„ 方向 890、afterward、backward、downward、inward、outward、 straightforward 助记: 搭配:the downward trend12 of share prices: inward nature/thoughts outward appearance13 of sth.(考): outward beauty/changes: straightforward reply/job: Group 50 记忆口诀 海关员传统走私暴露 表面上一直在advocate( ) 工作要把一生dedicate( ) 私底下对同伙indicate( ) 走私的手表很delicate( ) 藏脏点被警察locate( ) Well、shell、hell、dwell5、smell、swell、yell串记 午夜凶铃 阴森森的well( ) 井边铺满shell( ) 井底是个hell( ) 贞子在里dwell( ) 邪气被人smell( ) 身体开始swell( ) 爬出电视yell( ) 令狐冲 因把师命violate( ) 被罚与世isolate( ) 五岳剑法simulate( ) 武功因此stimulate( ) Lesson 9 Group 51、pris、prehend=to seize 捉、握取 891、comprise、enterprise、entrepreneur 词根:prise源自bring拿:全部拿着、全部都有? 助记:comprise与compose联合记忆(音似) enterprise: enter( )+prise(拿、取)?进取 心? entrepreneur: 搭配:spirit of enterprise: manage an enterprise: 例句:The United Kingdom actually comprises (=is actually comprised of ) England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.英国实际上由英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰构成。 892、comprehend、comprehension32、comprehensive 助记:com+prehend?完全拿住、得到? 搭配:beyond/above comprehension: comprehensive knowledge/planning 893、apprehend、apprehension、apprehensive、apprentice 助记: Divid、divis= to divide 分割 894、divide、dividend、division 助记: 搭配:annual dividend: division of wealth social division: 895、individual26、individuality、individualism 助记: 搭配:individual style/economy: a person of unique individuality: 例句: Basically, the individual at this age loses childhood privileges without gaining significant adult rights.这种年龄的 人基本上失去了儿童的特权,但又没有得到成年人的一些重 要权利。 896、device10、devise 助记: 搭配:detection device(考): devise a new plan/scheme6: finance a scheme(考): 例句:Astronauts must have the most rigorous training that is especially devised for them.宇航员必须接受专为他们设计的 最严格的训练。 Count=计算 897、count、counter、account11、accountant、discount、recount 助记: 搭配:take „into account: account for: 例句:Multinational corporations accounted for less than 20% of international trade in 1982. 1982年,跨国公司在国际贸易额 中所占比例不足20%。 The decline of public transportation accounts for increased car use in western Europe.在西欧,公共交通设施的 衰落是因为汽车使用量的增加。(2000.6) account for:是„的原因/解释为 Norm=rule 原则、norm标准 898、norm14、normal、normalize、normalization、abnormal6 助记: 搭配:social norms: fundamental norms: abnormal behavior 899、enormous、tremendous8、huge、gigantic、immense 助记: 搭配:an enormous house/appetite: Nutri、nour=to nourish 滋养、孕育 900、nourish、nourishing、nurture 助记: 搭配:nourish a hope: 例句:The controversy is often conveniently referred to as “nature vs. nurture” 为方便起见,这种争论通常被称为“天 性论与教养论”之争。 901、nutrient、nutrition、nutritious 助记: Doct、dict= to say 说 Doctor: (愿意指说话滔滔不绝、口才好的人) 助记:doct( )+or 随着单词演变,doct变成了dict、dit等版本 902、diction、dictation、dictate5、dictator、dictionary 助记:dict+ion?说话的方式? dictate: 搭配:dictate orders: 903、contradict10、contradiction5、contradictory 助记:countra(= )+dict( ) 搭配:deep-rooted contradiction(考): 例句:Sagan is more concerned with those who believe in ghosts, creationism and other phenomenon that contradict the scientific worldview. 撒跟更关注那些相信鬼神、相信创世录、相信其 他违背科学世界观现象的人。 904、indicate、indication 助记:in( )+dic( )+ate? 在里面说,不明说? 905、dedicate、dedication、devote、devotion、donate、donation 助记:de(=加强语气)+dic+ate?郑重其事的说?发誓要奉献? 搭配:dedicate sth to sb. dedicate one’s life/youth to: devote A to B: donate sth to sb. 906、predict21、prediction 助记:pre( )+dict( )? 搭配:predict the outcome(考): boldly predict: 907、addict 助记:ad+dict( )?不停地说?(引申) Edit、editor、edition 助记:e(= )+dit?将作者说的话以文字的形式表达出来? Group 51 记忆口诀 富婆购物 大把钱进account( ) 现金无法count( ) 购物不屑discount( ) 从不关心amount( ) Social、racial、dial、official、special、burial、aerial、trial6、material 串记 希特勒 开展活动是social( ) 政策倾向是racial( ) 传命令通过dial( ) 召集所有的official( ) 指令是非常special( ) 造成犹太人burial( ) 阴谋败露因aerial( ) 战败怕法庭trial( ) 自杀留新闻material( ) Warship、scholarship、relationship、friendship串记 军校毕业之后 同学聚会在warship( ) 捐钱母校设scholarship( ) 师生有好的relationship( ) 全因深厚的friendship( ) 明星走红地毯 星光大道colorful( ) 嘉宾记者careful( ) 大牌云集powerful( ) 女星个个beautiful( ) 快摆姿势graceful( ) 问答环节wonderful( ) 粉丝欢呼cheerful( ) 野蛮女友 美眉是个nurse( ) 想必脾气mild( ) 一张口就curse( ) 原来非常wild( ) 上街忘带purse( ) 哭闹就像child( ) Group 52 merge、mers= to sink、to dip 沉 谐音:merge:没之? 908、merge、merger 助记:让„淹没在自己体内? 909、emerge8、emergency6 助记:e+merge?从淹没中出来? Emergen+cy?突然冒出来的东西? 搭配:state of emergency: emerge from (考): an emerging market(考): emergency room(考): 910、immerge、immerse6、immersion 助记:im(=in)+merge?沉没在里面? 搭配:immerse sth in: be immersed in: 911、submerge、submersion 助记:sub+merge? 搭配:submerge in sth: Found、fund= base 基础 912、found、foundation、founder 助记: 搭配:found an organization: foundation course: Founder: 913、fund11、fundamental13 助记: 搭配:short of fund: a fundamental change/difference: raise fund(考): 例句:They are faced with the fundamental realities of human existence.他们面对的是人类生存的基本现实。 914、profound9、profundity 助记: 搭配:profound knowledge/theory/effect. 例句:The social and political implications of these two theories are profound.这两个理论有着深远的社会和政治影响。 Fend= to strike 打、击 Fend表示打击,源于单词fight: 915、defend、defense、defensive 助记:de(表相反)+fend( )?打(进攻)的反 面? 916、offend、offense、offensive6 助记:of+fend( )?去打? 搭配:offend sb\be offended by sb: offensive manner(考): 例句:I don’t think it’s wise of you to show off your greater knowledge in front of the director, for it may offend him. 我觉 得你在主管面前显示自己知识更丰富是不明智的,因为这可 能会得罪他。 917、defendant 助记:防守的人? 例句:As personal injury claims continue as before, some courts are beginning to side with defendants.由于个人伤害索赔还是 一如既往地发生,一些法庭开始站到了被告的一边。 Claim、clam=叫喊、声称 918、claim20 搭配:claim a reward/compensation(考): 例句:Pushed by science, or what claims to be science, society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.在科学或者是声称科学的推动下,社会正在把从 前被视为性格缺陷或者是道德沦丧的现象重新定义,把它说 成是由于生理缺陷导致的性格分裂。 919、exclaim、proclaim、reclaim 助记:ex+claim?向外喊出来,说出来? 向前喊?宣告、声明 Reclaim:re+claim?把„喊回来? 搭配:exclaim with/in delight: exclaim one’s surprise: proclaim one’s independence: be proclaimed king: reclaim sth from: reclaim tax/rent/lost property: 例句:It is announced that a wallet has been found and can be reclaimed at the manager’s office.通告说有人拾到了一个钱 包,请失主到经理办公室认领。 921、policy、political、politics Riv=river 河流 922、rival、rivalry 助记: 搭配:a rival in love/trade: 例句:As an industry, biotechnology stands to rival electronics in dollar volume and perhaps surpass it in social impact by 2020. 作为一种产业,生物技术在美元产值上与电子产业不相上 下,并可能到2020年在社会影响上超过他。 925、strive 助记: 搭配:strive for/after: Opt=choose 选择 词源讲解:源于单词option压缩而来 926、option6、optional 助记:opt(= )+ion? 搭配:have the option of: optional courses: 927、adopt9、adapt10、adoption、adoptive 助记:ad(= )+opt( ) ?选择了? Ad(= )apt(= ) ? 搭配:adopt a child/kid: adopt a new technique/method: adapt oneself to(考): 例句:Among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing, which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and families can use to tract down kids put up for adoption.最受 欢迎的DNA测试是父子血缘关系检测,被收养的孩子可以 利用它找到自己的亲人,而家人也可以利用它来找寻被收养 的孩子。 另外、opt作为词根还有另外一个含义:表向前看“压缩自 单词:prospect: ” 928、optimism9、optimist、optimization、pessimism、pessimist 助记:opt( )+imism? pess( )+imism? 搭配:be optimistic5/pessimistic5 about/on sth: Clin= to lean 倾向\依靠,to bend 弯曲 Clin变倾向源于单词lean:倚、靠、倾斜(c加强语气用) 929、decline12、declination、refuse、reject、turn down 助记:de+cline?往下靠、慢慢向下? 搭配:fall into a decline: on the decline(考): decline t odo sth(考):拒绝做„ 例句:But increasingly the Japanese are seeing a decline of the traditional work-moral values.但日本人日益认识到,传统的职 业道德价值观已经衰落。 930、incline、inclination 助记:in+cline?向里靠、向里斜? 搭配:incline sb to do sth: 931、dense、density、condense 助记:源于tense(拉伸):二者反义同源 搭配:dense population/traffic: condense sth into: 例句:The universe burst into being as a submicroscopic, unimaginable dense knot of pure energy that flew outward in all conditions, emitting radiation as it went, condensing into particles and then into atoms of gas.宇宙的突然形成是由一团 亚微观的、极其稠密的纯能量向四周飞散,并在此过程中辐 射出放射线,凝结成粒子,然后再凝结成气体原子。 932、reflect17、reflection、flexible8、flexibility 助记: 搭配:flexible schedule10: a reflection of light/public opinion 例句:American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing to flexible enterprises.美国公司正从大批量生 产制造型进展到灵活的企业型。 The 94 I received this term does not reflect the hard work I put into the course. 这学期我得的94分并不能反映出我在这门课上付出的努力。(2010.6) Group 52 记忆口诀 诺亚方舟 海天茫茫相merge( ) 万物水下被submerge( ) 方舟飘到世界verge( ) 陆地隐隐地emerge( ) 鸟兽纷纷来urge6( ) 快派鸽子探message( ) Modern、pattern、concern、Stern、learn、govern、earn串记 金粉女郎 衣着光鲜很modern( ) 一天换一个pattern( ) 得到无数的concern( ) 脸上神色却stern( ) 举止仪态用心learn( ) 计划把大款govern( ) 想把钞票兜里earn( ) 杨白劳斗地主 那厮讨债把罪行proclaim( ) 可怜的喜儿高声exclaim( ) 我老汉要将公道claim( ) 誓把失去的全部reclaim( ) Group 53、 -ship 名词词尾(表状态) 933、fellowship: good fellowship: leadership: membership: scholarship: spaceship: worship: be worshipped by sb: warship: 934、very、vary29 variable、variation、invariable5 助记: 搭配:a man of variable character: variations in color: 例句:One possibility is the variable behavior of the sun.一种可能性是变化无常的太阳活动。 Migr=to move 移动 935、migrate、migration、migrant 助记:migr( )+ate? 936、immigrate、immigration、immigrant5 助记:im(=in)+migr+ate——向国内迁移的人? 937、emigrate、emigration、emigrant 助记:e=ex+migrate? 搭配:emigrate from A to B„ 941、draw、drawback、drawer、withdraw 助记: 搭配:the drawback of sb/sth: withdraw from the election/race: 942、time、timely、daytime、overtime 助记: Communic=common 共同(common:com+on=one使成为一样:共同) 942、commonplace 助记: 搭配:be full of commonplaces: a commonplace occurrence: 943、community14、communicate7、communication10 助记: 搭配:community center: the scientific community: communicate with sb 例句:Advertising does more for the material benefit of the community than any other force I can think of.广告为社会带来 的物质利益远胜过我所知道的任何其他力量。 Communication with others not only affects our sense of identity but also directly influence our physical and emotional well-being. 与他人交流不仅影响到我们身份的认同感,也会 直接影响我们的身心健康。(2010.6) Bar=木棒、栅栏(review) 944、bar 945、barrel、barrier6 助记: 搭配:trade barrier(考): 946、embarrass7、embarrassing、embarrassment 助记: 947、class、classify、classic5、classical、classification 助记: 搭配:a literary classic(考): 例句:The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Outlaws of the Marsh, and A Dream of Red Mansions are classified as the four great classics(=classical works) in Chinese literature.《三国演义》、《西游记》、《水浒传》和《红 楼梦》是中国文学的四大经典名著。 Merc=to trade 贸易 948、merchant 助记: the Merchant of Venice 949、commerce、commercial9 助记: 搭配:commercial depression: commercial loan: 950、market、marketing(mark=merc) Group 53 记忆口诀 伟大的林肯 林肯总统的discovery( ) 南北形式在vary( ) 他决定废除slavery( ) 打响战争靠bravery( ) Grief、thief、chief、relief、brief7、belief 串记 逼上梁山 生活充满grief( ) 被迫当上thief( ) 起初兼任chef( ) 终成山上chief( ) 身心得到relief( ) In brief ( ) 逍遥beyond belief( ) 模范商人 成功的merchant( ) 商界的giant( ) 财富是abundant( ) 从来不arrogant( ) 对人最tolerant 5( ) 对逃税resistant( ) 人品最important( ) Group 54 fuse=to pour 流、倾倒 951、fuse 助记:a safety fuse: blow a fuse:烧断保险丝 952、confuse、confused、confusion 助记:confuse A with B: be/get/become confused with sth: in confusion: 953、refuse、refusal13、refute5 助记:re+fuse?回流? 搭配:receive a refusal: refute one’s argument/claim: 954、diffuse、diffusion、diffusive 助记:dis( )+fuse? 搭配:diffuse knowledge/smell: 955、transfuse、transfusion 助记:trans( )+fuse( )? Scribe、script=to write 写 956、scribe、script 助记: 957、describe、description、descriptive 助记:de( )+scribe( )? 958、prescribe、prescription 助记:pre+scribe?写在(开药)之前的? 搭配:prescribe medicine(for a disease): give sb a prescription : 例句:Or they could read Mr. Kirby’s report:“The substantial buying power of such an agency would strengthen the public prescription-drug insurance plans to negotiate the lowest possible purchase11 prices from drug companies. 或者他们应 当读读科尔比先生的报告:这样的一个机构的巨大购买力, 可以进一步加强公众处方药保险计划的实施,通过谈判从制 药公司获得可能的最低购买价。 purchase11 power: 959、subscribe5、subscriber 助记:sub+scribe(=write: )?写下(名字)? 搭配:subscribe one’s name to the contract: subscribe for a new book: 960、crime11、criminal9 助记: 搭配:commit a crime: a capital crime: a bloody criminal: 例句:I am interested in the criminal justice system of our country. 我对我国的刑事司法系统很感兴趣(2008.6) 961、character12 characterize characteristic12 助记: 搭配:be characterized by: build socialism with Chinese characteristics: out of character(考):(与自身特征)不相符 补充:由scribe音变产生了词根“-graph:写” telegraph: tele( )+graph( ) ? geography: ge( )+o+graph?把土地写(画)出来? 随着词汇发展,由“graph”演变出了“gram:写” telegram: grammar: program:pro( )+gram( )? Pen=to punish 处罚 962、penalty、penalize 助记: 搭配:financial/death/extreme penalty: impose penalty on: Equ=equal 相等的 963、equality13、equalize、equation 助记:equ( )+ality? 搭配:equality of opportunity: racial equality: 例句:They believed that this was not the climax of their campaign for equality but merely the beginning. 他们相信这决 不是他们要求平等运动的高潮,而只是开端。(2002.6) 964、equivalent 助记: 搭配:be equivalent to: 助记:This view which holds that torturing a monkey is morally equivalent to chopping wood, may seem bravely “logical5.”以 这种观点看来,折磨一只猴子从道德上来讲等于是劈木材, 这似乎非常合逻辑。 965、adequate5、sufficient、enough 助记:ad+equ( )+ate?等于所需要的? 搭配:adequate supply/proof/opportunity: be adequate to the job: 例句:In dealing with English, everybody pay enough attention to vocabulary. But it is worth mentioning that not sufficient value is placed upon understanding and practicality. In response, I attach adequate importance to both factors. Hopefully this will exert more or less influence upon more or less learners. 966、organ、organic、organize、organization 助记: 搭配:the organs of speech: organic disease: a student organization 补充:equation: equator(Ecuador:一个被赤道穿过的国 家 : ) equip13:equal( )+ship?(词源:装备时很讲 究匹配、对等)? 搭配:be equipped with sth.(考): equipment: 随着单词的演变,“equal-相等的”演变成“eco-:生态(平 衡)” ecology: ecosystem: Group 54 记忆口诀 新官上任 肩负重任管理tribe( ) 洁身自好拒绝bribe( ) 治理蓝图脑中describe( ) 唯才是用提拔scribe( ) 成就向老百姓ascribe9 ( ) 不图清名往史册inscribe( ) Frame、game、fame、tame、lame、flame串记 逞能的牛仔 有强健的frame( ) 冒险只当game( ) 为了博取fame( ) 野马也敢tame( ) 坠马成了lame( ) 心中爆发flame( ) Group 55 order、ordin=order顺序 967、orderly、disorder 助记: 搭配:an orderly room/answer: suffer from mental disorder: 968、coordinate、coordinator 助记: 搭配:coordinate A with B: coordinate with each other: 例句:He or she must coordinate the shapes, lighting and decoration of everything from ceiling to floor.他或她必须将外 观、照明及从天花板到地板的所有装饰协调起来。 969、extraordinary 助记: 970、subordinate7、subordination 助记: 搭配:a subordinate position: subordinate clause: Dom=to rule 统治、圆顶 源于单词:home dominant7、dominate、predominant7 助记:dom( )+inant( )?拱出来的 ? 搭配:a dominant figure: dominate over: the predominate feature of sb’s character: 例句:Electronic mail will soon play a dominant role in transmitting messages.电子邮件很快就会在信息传输中起主 导作用。 Here、hers=to stick5 粘贴 词根解读:her-“黏着”来自于“her-她的”,表示: 女性对 丈夫的_________ 971、adhere6、adherence、adherent 助记:ad( )+her( )+e( ) ? Adher(= )+ence( ) ? 搭配:adhere to : 例句:Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria6 adhere to the surface of the red cells.一旦进入血液,这种细菌就会黏着在红 细胞表面。 972、cohere、coherent、coherence 助记:co( )+her( )+e? 搭配:coherent essay: 973、cohesion、cohesive 助记:co( )+hes(= 表示) ? Co+hes+ion ? 搭配:a cohesive community: 974、inherent8、inherence 助记:in(= )+her( )+ent? 搭配:inherent characteristics: 975、hesitate8、hesitant、hesitation 助记:hes( )+it( )+ate ?(思想)黏糊? hes+it( )+ant ? 搭配:hesitate to do sth: hesitate about doing sth: 例句:Some NBAC members hesitate to ban human cloning completely.一些NBAC的成员对完全禁止克隆人类有所保 留。 976、alter7、alternate、alternative19 助记: 搭配:alter one’s will: alternative solutions: 例句:Drugs that affect the central nervous system and alter perception, mood, and behavior are known as psychoactive substance.那些影响中枢神经系统,改变人们的直觉、情绪和 行为的药品被称为心理活性药物。 Online schools, which cater to the needs of different people, have emerged as an increasingly popular education alternative. 网络学院迎合了不同人的需要,已经成为越来越 受欢迎的教育选择之一。(2006.12) Magn、maj、max =great 伟大的、壮大的 977、magnify8、magnificent、magnifier 助记: 搭配:magnify the importance of : magnify oneself(考): 978、magnitude 助记: 979、major、majority、mayor 助记: 980、maximum、climax 助记: 搭配:maximum speed: bring to a climax: Tect= to cover 掩蔽、盖子 981、detect10、detection、detective 助记:去掉盖子? 搭配:detective novel/story: detective agency: 例句:An animal that can’t detect danger can’t stay alive. 不 能够察觉到危险的动物无法生存(2006.12) 982、protect、protection、protective、protector 助记: Cide、cise=to cut 切割 983、concise、concision 助记:con( )+cise( ) ?(把多余的)全部切掉 ? 搭配:concise speech: 例句:The new secretary has written a remarkably concise report only in a few pages but with all the details.新来的秘书只用几 页纸就写出了一份相当简洁的报告,言简意赅。 984、decide、decision、decisive5 助记: 搭配:decisive influence: decisive person: 985、precise7、precision 助记:pre+cise?提前切割好的? 搭配:precise measurement/instrument: precise calculation(考): 986、suicide 助记:sui(= )+cide( )? 搭配:commit suicide: 987、load、overload、unload、road 助记: 助记:be overload with: unload the ship: Nov=new 新的 988、novel、novelist、novelty 助记: 搭配:a novel proposal/experience: 例句:When a novel literary idea appears, people should try to determine its purpose.当一种新的文学观点出现时,我们应当 尽量确定其目标。 989、innovate、innovation13、innovator、renovate、renovation 助记: 搭配:a recent innovation: renovate old furniture: Group 55 记忆口诀 Descendant、decent7、accent、innocent、recent、percent、frequent7串记 爱国华侨 他是中国descendant( ) 穿着非常decent( ) a decent job(考): 带有特别accent( ) 满脸虽显innocent( ) 回国助学recently( ) 捐款占高percent( ) 爱心捐赠frequent( ) Wit、habit、kit、sit、bait、quit、merit、visit、fit串记 姜太公钓鱼 子牙非常有wit( ) 还有一个怪habit( ) 独自带上了kit( ) 芦苇丛里去sit( ) 直钩钓鱼无bait( ) 日日坚持不quit( ) 文王终识其merit( ) 亲自来把他visit( ) 做个丞相正fit( ) room、groom、mushroom、bloom、boom、loom、gloom、doom串记 望夫归 她独自在room( ) 却看不到groom( ) 说上山采mushroom( ) 昙花已经bloom( ) 天上打雷boom( ) 坏天气在loom( ) 她满怀着gloom( ) 望郎躲过doom( ) 新好官员 话说得很direct( ) 错误善于detect( ) 缺点从不neglect( ) 用人细心select( ) 公共设施erect( ) 人民利益protect( ) 闻鸡起舞 闻见鸡啼就rise( ) 舞剑权当做exercise( ) 无须别人来supervise( ) 招招式式都precise( ) 报国又何须premise( ) 大仁大义真wise( ) Subside、outside、inside、preside、aside、reside串记 台风过后 台风逐渐subside( ) 一片狼藉outside( ) 大伙汇集inside( ) 速把会议preside( ) 痛楚暂抛aside( ) 安排何处reside( ) sol=sole 唯一的、单独的 993、absolute 助记:ab( )+sol( )+ute ? 搭配:absolute trust/freedom/power: 例句:curiously, some two-and-a-half year and two novels later, my experiment in what the Americans term “downshifting” has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality.奇怪的是,在大约两年半时间内我写完了两部小说,我的这种被美国人称为“放慢节奏生活”的实践,已经使我拿老掉牙的借口成了绝对的现实。 994、isolate7、isolation 助记:i( )+sol( )+ate?使我自己一个人? 995、insulate 助记:in( )+sul( )+ate?进入孤独、隔绝状态? 搭配:insulate life: 996、solitary 助记:soli( )+(it)ary? 谐音: 搭配:solitary life: solitary retreat: 997、solid、solidarity、consolidate 助记:solid(固体)谐音:锁里的(东西)? Solid+ arity( )?固定在一起? Con( )+solid+ate( ) ? 搭配:in solidarity with: consolidate one’s position: 随着单词的演变,“isolate”中的“isol”被压缩成了“isl” 998、island 助记:isl( )+and( land ) ?孤立在海中的陆地? Sorb=吸,拟生词,soup 模拟喝汤时的声音 999、absorb11、absorption 助记:ab( )+sorb ? 搭配:be absorbed in: 1000、sob 助记:sorb压缩成sob,一边吸气,一边哭泣 补充:sip: 小口地喝、抿 Cuse=curse 1001、curse、accuse8 助记:curse(谐音 ) ac( )+cuse(= ) ? 搭配:curse ab: be under a curse: accuse ab of sth: 1002、excuse 助记:ex(= )+ cuse( ) ? Junct=joint 连接点 1003、join、joint、adjoin 助记:join(加入) ?加入进去,就是与事物产生了____________ joint=( )+( ) ? ad( )+join( ) ? 搭配:out of joint: 1004、junction 助记:junct(= )+ion? 搭配:at the junction of two highways: the junction of two rivers: 1005、conjunction 助记:con( )+junction( ) ? 搭配: in conjunction with:与„共同,连同 1006、jungle 助记:jung(= )+le( ) ?树与树彼此连接,没有间隙? or-=say 说 词源讲解: or 表示“说,嘴”的意思,是对口型的模仿,r无意义; 1010、adore 助记:ad( )+or( )+e? 常常说起,常挂嘴边? 谐音法:adore( ) 1011、oral 助记:or( )+al? 搭配: oral presentation8: 1012、 orbit 助记:orb(= )+it( ) ? 搭配:go into orbit: 例句:The long-awaited Hubble Space Telescope, due to orbit the Earth next March, will observe some of the oldest stars in the sky.人们期盼已久的哈勃太空望远镜于明年三月份开始环绕地球运转,有望观察到天空中最古老的星群。 1013、candidate10 邪解:can( )+did( )+ate( ) ?能做事、吃得开的人? 1014、career 助记:car+eer?车做过的轨道? 1015、chronic 助记:chron-时间;源于古希腊神话人物Chronos-柯罗诺斯(希腊神话中的原始神,代表时间) synchronize:syn( )+chron( )+ize? 1017、clumsy 谐音:粤语:一个老母鸡 1018、collaborate 助记:col+labor( )+ate?共同劳作? 1019、comment7 助记:com+ment(= ) ?评论即在某个观点上加上某 人的思想 搭配:comment on sth: 补充:mental: mention: commend: recommend: 1020、commerce 助记:com+merc(= market )+e? 补充:commercial: merchant: merchandise: 1021、finish、complete、accomplish 助记: 1022、concentrate 助记:con(加强语气)+centrr(=center:中心)+ate(使动 词)?使„成为中心? 搭配:concentrate on(考): 1023、slash15 砍、大幅削减;斜线 1024、sour15 酸的 1025、confirm12 1026、conserve7、conservative6、preserve9、reserve、reservation7 1027、corporate12 1027、deserve12 例句:M: I’ve won the scholarship for the next semester6. W: I knew you would. You certainly deserve it. (1997.6) semester6 助记:se(=six: )+mest(=month: )+er(名词后缀)? 1028、insight12 搭配:have an insight into sth:对„有深入了解(深刻洞察) 1029、recovery10 助记:re( )+cover(弥补)+y(名词后缀)?弥补、补充(精力等)? 例句:There can be no speedy recovery for mental patients. 精神病人是不能迅速痊愈的(2007.6) cover: 包括、涉及;负担得起;弥补;报道;盖(v) 封 皮(n.) 1030、element9、elementary6 搭配:economic element(考): elementary facility(考): 1031、irritate 助记: 搭配:irritate sb.(考): 1032、transition9 区别:transaction transmission7 transformation 1033、sophisticated7 助记: 1034、cautious6 1035、gloomy6 助记: 1036、hamper6 助记: 1037、inferior6 搭配:inferior to(考): 1038、shrink6 助记: 1039、counterpart5 助记: Represent 1040、hazard5 助记:ha(=harm: )+zard(=card: )?赌博中一种不利的卡片? 1041、duplicate5 助记:dupl(=double:两倍)+icate(=ic+ate: )? 1042、mingle5 助记:ming(=mix: )? 1043、orientation5 助记: 1044、permeate5 助记:per( )+me(=pass: )+ate( )? 1055、rational5 助记: 1056、register5 助记:regist(=list: ,同时在模仿record:记录)+er?记录在名单上? 1057、remedy5 助记:re( )+ med(= )+y(名词后缀)? 1058、yield5 助记:yield(=render:回报;让步)? render The sages of ancient times taught us to render good for evil. 古代圣贤教导我们要以德报怨。 They couldn't resist any more and decided to render up the city. 他们无法继续抵抗,决定放弃这座城市。 搭配:yield to(考): high-yielding crop: 1059、vulnerable5 助记:vuln(=wound: )+erable(=er+able: )? 搭配:be vulnerable to(考): 1060、toxic5 搭配:toxic chemicals(考): 1061、tolerant5 助记:tol(=endure: )+erant(= )? 搭配:be tolerant to/toward sth./sb.: 1062、terminate5 助记:term(=goal: )+inate(= )? 1063、temperament5 搭配:an artistic temperament(考): 1064、tedious5 1065、tempt5 搭配:tempt sb. into doing sth.(考): tempt sb. to do sth.: 1066、scrutiny5 助记:scrut(=search: )+iny(= )? 搭配:bear close scrutiny(考):经得起看 1067、shield5 搭配:shield(=shell: )? 搭配:wind shield(考): 1068、shuttle5 助记:shut(=shoot: )+tle? 搭配:shuttle bus: space shuttle: All human wisdom is summed up in two words—wait and hope. 六级听写重点词汇 accessible 易接近的,可达到的 access accustom 使习惯 acknowledge 承认,感谢 acknowledgement acquire 习得,获得 acquisition advantage 优势 advantageous, disadvantage aggressive 好斗的,有进取心的 alternative 二选一的,选择 ambiguous 含混不清的,模棱两可, ambiguity appropriate 适当的,合适的 inappropriate arbitrary 武断的,任意的 assemble 组装,集合 assess 评估,估计 assessment associate 结合,和相关 association assurance 保证,把握 bewilder 使迷惑,难住 coincidence 巧合 collaborate 合作 collaboration commit 犯错,犯罪;承诺 commitment commerce 贸易,商业 commercial 商业的,商业广告 competence 能力, 技能 competent 胜任的,称职的 complement 补充 compliment 赞美 compulsory 必修的,强制性的 complicated 复杂的 confidential 机密的 controversial 有争议的 controversy deficient 缺乏的,不足的 deficiency disciplined 遵守纪律的 discipline disguise 伪装,掩饰 distinctive 特别的,与众不同的 distinct dramatically 戏剧性地;引人注目地;显著的 eccentric 古怪的,异乎寻常的 ecological 生态的 ecological eligible 合意的,有资格当选的 enthusiastic 热情的 enthusiasm equivalent 等价的,相等物 exceptional 例外的,杰出的 excessive(ly) 过度,过分 exhaustion 耗尽,精疲力竭 exhaust extinct(ion) 熄灭,灭绝 extinguish 扑灭,消亡 extraordinary 非凡的,特别的 genuine 真的,非人造的 hinder 阻碍,妨碍,阻挡 harmonious 和谐的 hospitality 热情,好客 illiterate 文盲,无知的 illustrate 例证,说明 implement 实施,执行 implementation incidentally 顺便提及 incompatible 矛盾的,不兼容的 incredible 难以置信的 individual 个人的 individualism, individuality inevitable 必可避免的 influential 有影响力的 initiate 开创,发起 intelligent 聪明的 intelligence interfere 干预,干扰 intervene 干预,阻挠 magnify 扩大;增强 multiply 增加,(使)繁殖 overwhelming 巨大的,势不可挡的 overwhelm patriotic 爱国的 patriotism peculiar 古怪的,独特的 permanent 永久的,固定的 perpetual 永恒的 persistent 坚持不懈的 pollutant 污染物 predominant 占主导地位的,显著的 preliminary 初步的,预备的 prevail 流行,获胜 prevalent 流行的,普遍的 priority 优先权 privilege 特权,优惠 proficient 熟练的,精通的 proficiency profound 深刻的,深奥的 promote 提升,促进 promotion proportion 比例 proportionally按比例,成比例 psychological 心里上的,精神上的 psychology psychologist sensational 轰动的,耸人听闻的 sophisticated 老练的,精密的 spacious 宽敞的 specific 具体的,明确的 specify spontaneous 自发的,无意识的 statistics 统计资料 subsequent(ly) 随后,后来 subtle 微妙的,狡诈的 sufficient 足够的,充分的 superficial 表面的,肤浅的 supervision 监督 supervise, supervisor supplement 补充;增刊 supplementary suspicious 疑心的 sustainable 可持续的 unsustainable tedious 乏味的,单调的 temperament 气质,性格 transmission 传播,发送 transmit tremendous 巨大的,精彩的 unprecedented 史无前例的,空前的 vulnerable 易受攻击的 tongue official Administration commerce spread disadvantaged confidence investigate Symbol Individual identity connection infants communities acquire folks and knives theoretical issues appearance symbol decade export apparent percentage combination convenient quality suffers from pollutants emitted vehicles magnified virtual competes with pedestrians. survive complicated offend whereby incurring influence serving restore Alternative capital punishment tax payers guilty crime, owes. prison commit squarely floating Occasionally dutifully witty humorous guilt material instructor construction ancient Rome, blank expression betray automatically complex license obligation assess coordinate circumstance inappropriate responsibility prime require work overtime, shifts staff critical inadequate acceptable accidental apparent absorb adaptation alter annoy architecture artificial assistant barely characteristic classical communicate confuse constant constructive campaign cancel column conscience depress desperate differ domestic definite discipline equipment establish exceed existence emotion feedback frequent frustrate general guarantee ignorance indispensible increasingly intelligence intention literature instrument investigate leisure liberal privilege recommend comment reverse maintenance occasion pastime preserve possession principle principal mental observe option original practical psychology rational religion sample select serious specific specialize in theoretically transmit typical variety vary schedule vacuum weather whether 附录:六级高分必背词组 一. 名词词组和固定搭配 1. 介词+名词 on account of 由于 in addition 另 外 in addition to 除...之外(还) on (the/an) average 按平均值, 通常 for the better 好转, 向好的方向发展 in any case 无 论如何, 不管怎样 in case of 假如, 如果发生; 防备 in case 假使, 以防(万一) in no case 决不, 无论如何不 in charge (of) 负责, 管理 in common 共同的, 共有的 in conclusion 最后, 总之 on condition (that) 如果 in connection with 关于, 于...有关 on the contrary 正相反 in contrast with/to 与...对比起来 at all costs 不惜任何代价, 无论如何 at the cost of 以...为代价 in the course of 在...过程中 in demand 非 常需要的, 受欢迎的 in detail 详细地 on earth 究竟, 到底 in the face of 在...面前; 不顾 in the future 在将来 in general 一般来说, 大体上 at hand 近在 手边, 在附近 in hand (工作等)在进行中; 在控制中 hand down 把...传下去 in honor of 为纪念, 为了向...表示敬意 on/upon one’s honor 以名誉担保 at intervals 不时, 每隔一段时间(或距离) at length 终 于, 最终; 详细地 in (the) light of 鉴于, 由于 in line (with) 与...一致, 与...符合 at a loss 困惑, 不知所措 as a matter of fact 其实, 事实上 at the mercy of 完全受...支配,任凭...的摆布 by means of依靠, 用 at the moment 目前, 此刻 for the moment 目前, 暂时 on (that/this) occasion(s) 有时, 那时 on one’s own 独自, 独立地 in place 在合适的位置 in place of 代替, 取代, 交换 in the first place 第一, 首先 to the point 切中要害, 切题 in proportion to 与...成比例 in public 公开地, 当众 at random 随便地, 任意地 at any rate 无论如何, 至少 as regards 关于, 至于 with/in regard to 对于, 就...而论 in relation to 有关, 关于, 涉及 with respect to 关于, 至于 as a result of 作为...的结果, 由于 as a result 结果, 因此 for the sake of 为了...起见, 看在...的份上 in the long run 终究, 从长远看 on a ... scale ...规模地, 在...规模上 in secret 秘 密地, 暗地里 in a/that sense 从某种/那种意义上说 in (good) shape 处于(良好)状态 at first sight 咋一看, 初看起来 in spite of 不管, 不顾 on the spot 在场, 到场; 立即, 马上, 当场 in stock 有现货的, 有库存的 in terms of 从...方面来说, 按照; 用...的话 for one thing 首先, 一则 at a time 每次, 一次 at no time 从不, 决不 at one time 曾经, 一度 at times 有 时, 间或 for the time being 眼下, 暂时 from time to time 有时, 不时 in no time 立即, 马上 by turns 轮流地, 交替地 in turn 依次地, 轮流地; 转而, 反过来 in vain 徒劳, 白费力 by way of 经由, 经过; 通过...方式 by the way 顺便提一下 in sb’s/the way 妨碍(某人)的, 挡...道的 in no way 决不 on the whole 总的来说, 大体上 in a word 一句话, 简言之 2. 名词词组的其他形式 appeal to 呼吁, 恳求 attempt at 企图, 努力... a great/ good deal of 大量, 非常, 极其 attitude to/ towards 态度, 看法 have/impose/exert influence on/upon 对…施加影响 interference in 干涉, 介入 interference with 妨碍, 打扰 no doubt 无疑地, 很可能 decline with thanks 婉言谢绝 no wonder 难怪, 并不奇怪 二. 动词词组和固定搭配 1. 动词+介词/ 副词 account for 说明...的原因, 是...的原因 appeal to 诉诸, 诉请裁决(或证实等) attach to 附属于, 隶属于; 使依恋, 使喜爱 to begin with 首先, 第一 break down 损坏; (健康等)垮掉, 崩溃 break into 非法 闯入, 强行进入 break off 中断, 突然停止 break out 逃脱, 逃 走; 突然出现, 爆发 break through 突破,冲破;取得突破性成就 bring down 使落下,打到; 降低, 减少 bring about 导致, 引起 bring out 使显出; 激起,引起; 出版,推出 bring up 教 养, 养育; 提出 build up 逐渐积聚,结集; 逐步建立; 增进 call for 叫 (某人)来; 要求, 需要 call on/ upon 访问, 拜访; 号召, 要求 call off 取 消 carry on 继续, 进行 carry out 实行, 执行; catch on 理解, 懂得; 流行起来 catch up with 赶上. 追上 check out 结账后离开, 办妥手续离开 check in (hotel, airport)登记 cheer up (使)高兴起来, (使)振作起来 clear away 把...清除掉, 收拾 clear up 清理; 澄清, 解决; (天)放晴 come up出 现; 走上前来; 发生, come out 发表, 出版; 出现, 显露; 结果是 come through 经历, 安然度过 come to 苏醒; 涉及, 谈到; 总数为 depend on/upon 依赖,依靠 cut down 削减, 减少; 杀死, 砍倒 count on/ upon 依靠, 指望 deal with 处理, 对付; 论述, 涉及 die out 灭 绝 draw in (火车,汽车)到站; (天)渐黑 (白昼)渐短 draw up 起草, 拟订 dress up 穿上盛装, 精心打扮; 装饰, 修饰 do without 没有...也行 drop by/ in 顺便(或偶然)拜访 drop out 退出, 退学 fall through 落空, 成为泡影 fill out 填 写; 长胖, 变丰满 get across (将...)清楚, (使)被了解 get by 通过; 过得去, (勉强)过活 get through 度过(时间); (使)通过(考试、议案),; (将...)讲清楚, 完成; 接通电话 give in屈服, 认输,上交, 呈上; give away 泄露; 赠送 give off 发出(光, 声音等); 散发出(气味) give out 分发; 用完; 消耗尽 go by 遵守, 遵循, 依据; (时间)过去 go for 袭 击; 想要获得; 喜爱 go with 跟...相配; 与...相伴; 附属于 go over 仔细检查, 复习 go through 经历, 遭受; 详细检查, 查找, 详细讨论; 获得通 过, 被批准; (with)将...干到底 hand on 把...传下去 hand out 分发, 散发 hand over 交出, 移交 hang about/ around闲荡, 闲呆着 hang up 挂断(电话); 悬挂, 挂起 hold back 踌躇, 退缩; 阻止, 抑制; 隐瞒, 保守(秘密等) hold on 坚持住, 握住不放; (打电话)不挂断, 等一会儿 keep to 遵守, 信守; 坚持 keep in touch with 保持和…联系 let out 放走, 释放; 泄露, 放出, 发出 let down 放 下, 降低; 使失望 lie in (问题, 事情等)在于 live through 度过, 经受住 live up to 符合, 不辜负(期望); 遵守, 实践(诺言, 原则等) look back (on) 回顾, 回忆; 回头看 look into 调查, 观察 look up 好转; (在字典等中)查找 look out (for) 留神, 注意 make out 辨认出, 看出; 理解, 了解; 写出,开出 make up (of) 构成, 组成; (为...)化妆; 补充, 补足; 和解, 重归于好; 捏造, 虚构 mix up 混淆, 弄混, 弄乱 pay back 偿还, 还钱给...; 向...回报 pay off 还清(债); 付清工资解雇(某人) 向...行贿; 得到好结果, 取得成功 pay up 全部付清 pick up 获得, 学会 pull out 拔出, 抽出, 取出; (车, 船)驶出; (使)摆脱困境 pull together 齐心协力, 团结起来 put aside 储存, 保留; 暂不考虑, 把...放一边 put away 放好, 收好 refer to 参考, 查阅; 涉及, 提到; 指的是 run into 偶然碰见; 遭遇(困难等); think over 仔细考虑 throw away 扔掉, 抛弃; touch on/ upon 谈到, 论及 turn down 关小, 调低; 拒绝 turn in 交还, 上交; 上床睡觉 turn to 查阅; 求助于, 求教于 turn out结果是; 制造, 生产; turn over 翻过来,翻倒; 移交 turn up 开大, 调大; 出现, 到来 wear off 逐渐消失; 渐渐减少 wear out 穿破, 磨损, 用坏; (使)疲乏, (使)厌倦, (使)耗尽 wipe out 擦净, 擦掉; 彻底摧毁, 消灭 work at/ on 从事于, 努力做 work out 解决; 算出; 弄懂, 理解; 想出, 制定出 2. 后接动名词的动词搭配 aim at 目的在于, 旨在; 瞄准; 企图 accuse ... of ... 控告; 谴责 devote to 将...奉献给; 把...专用(于) engage in 从事于, 参加 cannot/ couldn’t help doing sth. 禁不住; 不得不 insist on 坚持, 强调, look forward to doing sth. 盼望, 期待 keep from 阻止, 抑制 persist in 坚持不懈, 执着 pervert from 预防, 防止 put off 推迟, 推延; 阻止, 劝阻 set about 开始, 着手 be about to 马上要、着手 send for 派人去请, 召唤; 函购, 函索 send in 呈报, 递送, 提交 set aside 留出, 拨出(时间, 金钱等); 把...置于一旁, 不理会 set back 推迟, 延缓, 阻碍; 使花费 set forth 阐明, 陈述 set out 动身, 启程; 开始; shut out 把...排斥在外 show up 显露, 暴露; 露面, 来到 show off 炫耀, 卖弄 speed up (使)加快速度 stand by 站在...一边, 支持; stand for 代替, 代表, 意味着, 主张, 支持; [用于否定或疑问 句] 容忍, 接受 stand out 清晰地显出, 引人注目; 杰出, 出色 stick to 坚持, 忠于, 信守; 紧跟, 紧随; 粘贴在...上 take away 减去 take down 拆卸; 记下, 写下 take ... for 把...认为是, 把...看成是 take in 接 受, 吸收, 接纳; take off 脱下; 起飞; 匆匆离开 take on 开 始雇用; 呈现, take over 接管; 借用, 承袭 3. 动词+名词 have/ gain access to 可以获得 take... into account 考虑到, 顾及, 体谅 take advantage of 占...的便宜, 利用 pave the way (for) 铺 平道路, 为...作准备 do/ try one’s best 尽全力...; 努力 make the best of 充 分利用 take a chance 冒险, 投机 take charge 开始管 理, 接管 keep... company 陪伴 make a difference 有 影响, 起(重要)作用 carry/ bring/ put into effect 使生效, 实行, 实现 take effect 生效, 起作用 come/ go into effect 生效, 实施 catch sb’s eye引起某人注意 keep an eye on 留神, 照看, 密切注意 find fault with 抱怨, 挑剔, 找茬 get/ catch/ take hold of 抓住, 得到 bear/ keep in mind 记住 throw/ cast light on/ upon 使人了解, 阐明 take the place of 代替, 取代 bring/ put/ come/ go into operation 实施, 使生效, 使运转 keep pace (with) 与...并驾齐驱, 保持一致 put into practice 实施, 实行 give rise to 引起, 导致...的原因 make sense 讲得通, 有意义, 言之有理 take one’s time 不着急, 不慌忙 keep track of与...保持联系 4. 其他动词词组 add up to 合计达, 总括起来 break away (from) 突然离开, 强行逃脱 come true (预言, 期望等)实现, 成为事实 come up to 达到(标准), 比得上 come up with 提出, 提供, 想出 do away with 废除, 去掉 get down to 开始认真处理, 着手做 get alone with 与...相处(融洽) go along with 赞同 go in for 从 事, 参加; 爱好 let alone更别提、不打扰 let go 放开, 松手 look up to 尊敬 make up for 补偿, 弥补 refer to... as... 把...称作, 把...当作 put up with 容忍, 忍受 set in 开始(并将延续下去) stand up for 支持, 维持, 保 think of... as 把...看作是, 以为...是 take... as... 把...当作, 认为 二. 形容词词组和固定搭配 be abundant in 丰富的, 富裕的 be accustomed to 习惯于, 适应于 be acquainted with 于...相识, 熟悉, 了解 be active in 积 极于 be anxious for 急切盼望 be anxious to do渴望(做...) be ashamed of 对...感到羞愧 be aware of 意识到 be better off 生活富裕起来, 境况好起来 be confident in 对...有信心 be characterized by 以...为特征 be combined with 与...结合 be concerned about 关心, 挂念 be curious to (do) 很想...; 渴望... be determined to (do) 决心(做) be eager for sth. 渴望 be eager to (do) 急于要... be equal to 等 于, 胜任 be indispensable for 对...必不可少的 be grateful to 感谢, 感激 be interested in 对...感兴趣 be well-off 生活富裕 be satisfied with 对...满意, 满足于 be short for 是...的缩写(简称) be short of 短缺 be sick for 渴望 be sick of 对...感到厌倦 be strict with 对...要求严格 be supposed to (do) 应该...; 被期望... be suited to 适合于 be sure of sth. 坚信, 确信 be sure to (do) 一定, 必定 be surprised at 对...感到惊奇 be tired out 疲惫极了 be tired of 对…感到厌倦 be unconscious of 不知道... be unequal to 无法胜任...的 be unfit for 不适合, 不胜任 be willing to (do) 乐意... be worried about 为...而担心 be wrong with 有点毛病, 有些不舒服 be worth doing 值得(做) 三. 其他词组和短语 above all 首先, 尤其是 leave alone 让...独处, 不打扰 anything but 绝对不 as for/to 至于, 关于 but for 要不是 or else 否 则, 要不然 in itself 本质上, 就其本身而言 if only 要 是...多好 no less than 不少于, 多达 as/ so long as 只要 many a 许多的 now and then 时而, 偶尔 once (and) for all 一劳永逸地, 永远地 or so 大 约, 左右 what if 如果...将会怎样 四、历年四、 六级重要短语 abide by 履行, 遵守 adapt to 适应 apologize to sb. for sth. 道歉, 认错 adhere to 粘附; 坚持 cling to 依附, 粘着; 坚持 collide with 抵触,冲突; 碰撞, compensate for 补偿, 赔偿 comply with 依从, 服从, 遵从 conceive of 设想, 构思出 conform to 遵守, 依照, 符合 cope with (成功地)应付, (妥善地)处理 cooperate with 合作, 协作 deduce from 演绎, 推断 derive from 起源, 衍生 dispose of 处理, 解决; 去掉, 丢掉, 除掉 deviate from 背离, 偏离 dwell on/ upon 老是想着; 详述 hinder from 阻碍, 妨碍 originate in/ from 起源于, 来自, 产生 impose on 把...强加于 participate in 参与, 参加 preside at/ over 主持, 主管 prevail over 获胜, 占优势 restrain from 抑制, 制止 make sacrifice 牺牲, 贡献 specialize in 专攻, 专门研究 testify to 表明, 证明 queue up 排成队(等候) dissatisfaction with/ at 不满意 exposure to 暴露, 显露; 曝光 preference for/ to 偏爱; 优惠; 优先选择 objection to 反对, 异议 proficiency in 熟练, 精通 requirement for/ to 需要, 要求 thirst for 渴望, 热望 by comparison 比较起来 in accordance with 与...一致, 依照, 根据 on behalf of 代表 on schedule 按时间表, 准时, 及时 in excess of 超过 hardly... when 刚... 就.. come to a conclusion 得出结论 agree on/ upon 取得一致意见 bring to mind 使人想起 take (make) a stand for/ against 捍卫/反对 indifferent to 不在乎 against one’s will 违心地 with ease 容易, 不费力 have no desire for 对...没有欲望 have desire to do sth. 想做...事 have sth. in stock 有现货 the key to ...的答案 be of little value 没什么价值 cure sb. of 治好某人... make a name of oneself 出名, 扬名 glimpse of 瞥见, 一瞥 glance at瞥见, 一瞥 take interest in 对...产生兴趣 break into tears (cheers) 突然哭(欢呼)起来 be beneficial to 对...有益 in correspondence with 与...联系(通讯) assure sb. of sth. 保证某人某事 put (set) right 使恢复正常, 纠正错误 within the limit of 在...范围内 be subjected to 遭受 be attached to 附属于 take pains to do sth. 费劲苦心做某事 a multitude of 大量+名词复数 give rise to 导致 make provision for 为...做准备 be involved in 卷入, 陷入 be assigned to 被分配给... on the basis of 根据,在…的基础上 in favo(u)r of 赞同,支持 have,gain access to 可以获得 quite a few/little 不少,相当多 the moment (that) 一…(就) once in a while 偶尔
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