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大学英语教案大学英语教案 课程名称:大学英语预备一级 教 材:大学英语预备1级 课 时: 64 课时 学 生: 大学英语预备1级学生 Unit 1 Is learning English Easy or Not ? I. 教学目标 Objectives Students will be able to: 1. grasp the main idea ( Without practice, without efforts, English will forever remain foreign). 2. mast...

大学英语教案 课程名称:大学英语预备一级 教 材:大学英语预备1级 课 时: 64 课时 学 生: 大学英语预备1级学生 Unit 1 Is learning English Easy or Not ? I. 教学目标 Objectives Students will be able to: 1. grasp the main idea ( Without practice, without efforts, English will forever remain foreign). 2. master the grammatical structures: The basic Classification of Nouns; Parts of Speech and Basic Sentence Patterns. 3. review the Phoneme. 4. learn how to greet each other in English. II. 课时安排 Time Allotment stnd1 period: Pre-reading 2 period: While-reading rdth3 period; While-reading 4 period: Post-reading & Review III. 教学 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 及过程 Tasks and Procedure 1. Warm-up exercises a. Ss learn to know each other through self-introduction. b Ss learn to greet each other in English.. 2. Reading comprehension a. T leads Ss into the text through questions and answers. b. Ss learn by heart the new words of the text. c. Ss skim and scan the text to get the main idea. d. T explains the text paragraph by paragraph e. Ss practice on some language points. 3. Review exercises a. T helps Ss review the phoneme. b. T helps Ss sum up how to improve the reading comprehension with context and word clues. c. Ss have a discussion on some basic sentence patterns and the classification of Nouns 1 Pre-reading tasks 1. T asks Ss to introduce themselves to the class. 2. T teaches Ss to greet each other in English. a. ___ How do you do ? ___ How do you do ? b. ___ How are you ? ___ Fine, thank you, and you ? ___ Very well, thank you. ___ Not too bad / Just so-so. c. ___ Good morning / afternoon / evening . ___ Hello / Hi. 3. T asks Ss to answer the following questions. --- Do you think English is easy to learn ? --- If not, why do you think English is difficult to learn ? --- Why do so many people want to learn English though it is not easy to learn ? --- What’s the efficient way to learn English ? 4. T may sum up like this: “Practice makes perfect .” We must try our best to find time and chances to practice what we have learned. Without practice, without efforts, English will forever remain foreign. Now let’s come to the text to see what does the author say about it. 5. T asks Ss to go over the text to get the main idea. 6. Review the phoneme and read the new words of the text While-reading tasks 1. T tells Ss how to improve the reading comprehension with the context and word clues.. 2. T asks Ss to listen to the tape recording and read after it. 3. T explains the text paragraph by paragraph and asks Ss questions to check on how Ss understand the text. 4. T and Ss discuss the difficult sentences of the text and explains language points. 5. T helps Ss practice on the Classification of Nouns: Common Nouns, Proper Nouns, Countable Nouns, Uncountable Nouns, The Singular Form, The Plural Form. 6. T helps Ss sum up some basic English sentence patterns: a. S + V b. S + V + P c. S + V + O d. There + V + S + (Adv. ) 7. T guides Ss through the Numerals on p. 7 and Parts of Speech on p. 6 8. Some useful information a. The languages in the world (see teacher’s book) b. English-speaking countries ( see teacher’s book) 2 9. Language Points 1) there be…(存在)有 There is a desk in the room. Is there any desk in the room ? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. There is a book and some magazines on the desk. There are some magazines and a book on the desk. There stands a church by the river. Is there any water in the bottle ? Yes, there is some water in it. Are there many students in the classroom ? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t many students in it. 2) not only… but (also) 不仅…而且 Not only I nut also my brother likes dancing. He not only sings but also plays. She plays not only ping-pong but also tennis. 3) think of 想想;考虑 We should think of others. He often thinks of his duty. 4) listen to 听;倾听 The old man is listening to the radio. He seemed listening to the teacher but didn’t hear anything. 5) have to 不得不 You have to wash your hands before meal. He has to stop writing now for time is up. 6) ask for 请求;要求 When I’m in trouble, I have to ask for help. She asked for a piece of paper. 7) depend on (upon) 依靠;信赖;取决于 He didn’t ask for help because he decide to depend on himself. Children have to depend on their parents. 8) a lot (of) 许多 A lot of people are studying English now. There are a lot of sheep on the grass. There is a lot of chalk in the box. Post-reading tasks 1. T asks Ss questions to review the text. 2. T asks Ss to make sentences with useful words and phrases. 3 3. T helps Ss do the ex. in the text and checks on Ss’ homework. 4. T asks Ss to recite the first paragraph of Lesson 1. 5. Ss have a dictation. IV. 练习 / 讨论 Exercises / Discussion 1. Give the plural form of the following words if possible. cup car boy teacher class box buzz wish bench play ray part lady wife shelf wolf knife piano photo radio tomato potato hero Negro deer fish man woman foot tooth child sheet mouse goose water food furniture paper ink chalk 2. Put the following sentences and numbers into English. 1) 许多学生喜欢早读。 2)他必须在两周内完成这件事。 3)全世界成百万的人在学习英语。 4)我们可以用同样的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 来复习语法。 5)很难说今天下午会下雨。 6) 13, 31, 50, 12, 第二十, 40, 第九, 二十世纪 7) 2111, 43553, 128967, 1083,1898, 2004, 3. Dictation 1) important language tongue practice Foreign excellent imagine dictionary 2) There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. Learning English needs great effort and takes much time. English and China are different languages. V. 作业 Assignments : 1. Recite the first paragraph of Lesson 1. 2. Do ex. 4, 6 & 8 on p. 8, 9 of Lesson 1. 3. Preview Lesson 2. 4 5
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