首页 全息照相实验报告-hologram



全息照相实验报告-hologram全息照相实验报告-hologram 班 级_*****___________ 组 别___E组__________ 姓 名__***___________ 学 号_********___________ 日 期__2013.11.6___________ 指导教师_***________ 【实验题目】 全息照相 【实验目的】 1.了解全息摄影的基本原理、实验装置以及实验方法; 2.掌握激光全息摄影和激光再现的实验技术; 3.通过观察全息图像的再现,弄清全息照片和普通照片的本质区别。 【实验仪器】 ...

全息照相实验 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 -hologram 班 级_*****___________ 组 别___E组__________ 姓 名__***___________ 学 号_********___________ 日 期__2013.11.6___________ 指导教师_***________ 【实验题目】 全息照相 【实验目的】 1.了解全息摄影的基本原理、实验装置以及实验方法; 2.掌握激光全息摄影和激光再现的实验技术; 3.通过观察全息图像的再现,弄清全息照片和普通照片的本质区别。 【实验仪器】 防震全息台,氦—氖激光器,扩束透镜,分束棱镜(或分束板),反射镜,毛玻璃屏,调节支架,米尺,计时器,照相冲洗设备等。 【实验原理】 全息照相在原理上与普通照相方法完全不同,它所记录的并不是用光学方法所形成的物体的像,而是物体光波本身,它利用了干涉原理。 全息图种类很多,有菲涅耳图、夫琅和费图、傅立叶变换全息图、彩虹全息图、像全息图、体积全息图等。不管哪种全息图都要分成两步来完成,即用干涉法记录光波全息图,称波前记录;用衍射原理使原光波波前再现,称波前再现。 1.全息照相的过程 物体发出的包含振幅和位相信息的光可以用下式表示: (14-1) 其中:为振幅, 为位相。普通摄影只能记录物体光波的振幅信息,而位相信息全部丢失,因此照片没有立体感。数学表达式为: (14-2) 实际上没有任何一种感光材料可以直接记录光波的位相,在全息摄影中我们利用光的干涉原理来记录光波的振幅和位相信息。如图14.1所示,激光器L发出的激光由 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 图14.1 全息图的记录光路 分束镜BS将光线一分为二,透射光线经反射镜M2反射再经过扩束后照射在被摄物体上,这束光线称为物光(O光);反射光线经反射镜M1反射再经过扩束后直接照射在感光材料上,因而称为参考光(R光);两束光线在P处相干并形成干涉条纹,这些条纹记录了物光的所有振幅和位相信息。 数学表达式为: 物光为: 参考光为: 两光相干后总光强为: (14-3) 式(14-3)说明全息图中包念着物光的振幅和位相信息,它们全部被记录在感光材料上,并以干涉条纹的形式表现出来。感光材料(全息干板或胶片)经过曝光、显影和定影后,即可得到一张菲涅耳全息图。 2.全息相片的再现过程: 将制作好的全息图放回原处,遮挡住物光()并取走被摄物体,用原参考光照明,则透过这张全息图的光强为: (14-4) 式(14-4)中的第二项与原物光光波只相差一个系数R,这说明通过全息图的出射光包含原物光的全部信息。所以我们透过全息图可以看到在原来放置物体的地方有物体的虚像,就像物体没有被取走一样。如图14.2所示。物体的虚像具有明显的视差效应,当人们通过全息accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 首都师范大学 物 理 实 验 报 告 图观察物体的虚像时,就像通过一个“窗口”观察真实物体一样,具有强烈的三维立体感。当人眼在全息图前面左右移动或上下移动时,我们可以看到物体的不同部位。即使全息干板破损、变小,但原物光的信息还保存在干涉条纹之中,所以我们通过参考光的照射同样可以看到物体的虚像,只是大小发生了变化。 【实验内容】 (1)按图布置好光路(在某些特殊情况下由 实验室 17025实验室iso17025实验室认可实验室检查项目微生物实验室标识重点实验室计划 给出)。 挡 光 版 (2)打开激光器电源开关,点燃激光,当光线强度稳定后开始调整光路:?调整光束等高;?用自准直法调整各光学元件,使其表面与激光束垂直。 (3)调整分束镜使物光和参考光的光程基本相等,同时使两光束之间的夹角小于(一般可在~之间选择,角度稍大些为好,这样再现时+1级衍射光和0级光以及-1级衍射光可以分得开些,便于观察虚像),并且使物光和参考光的光强之比在1 :2 ~ 1 :9之间,通常根据物体表面漫反射的情况来定,一般选择1 :4左右为宜。可用光强测量仪在固定全息干板的位置处测量,也可用毛玻璃放在这一位置,通过目测来大致判断物光与参考光的比例。 (4)在全息干板支架上固定白屏或毛玻璃,调节扩束镜 使物光均匀地照射在被摄物体上,调节物体的方位使物体漫反射光的最强部分均匀地照射在白屏上。调节扩束镜 使参考光均匀地照射在整个白屏上。这时物光和参考光在白屏上完全重叠。 (5)完全挡住光源。拿掉全息干板支架上的白屏,换上全息干板,并将药膜面(手感发涩)朝着光的方向安装在全息干板支架上。稳定1 ~ 2min后开始曝光,曝光时间可根据物光和参考光的强度选择合适的曝光时间(几秒到几十秒)。 (6)将曝光后的全息干板在暗室内进行常规的显影、停显、定影、水洗、干燥等处理,即可得到一张漫反射的三维全息图。 (7)将冲洗好的全息图放回到干板支架上,拿去被摄物体,挡住物accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 光,用原参考光照明全息图,在其后面观察重现的虚像。我们可以看到在原来放置被摄物体的地方有一虚像,人眼上下左右缓慢地移动,可以看到物体的各个部位。将全息图挡去一部分,观察虚像有何变化。 注意事项 曝光时注意不要碰台面。 【原始数据】 【思考题】 1.全息照相与普通照相的区别, 答:全息照相照出物体的立体感,而普通照相只是平面图。 2.为什么全息照相的每一碎片都能再现整个物体, 答:全息照相是以光的干涉和衍射等物理光学理论基础,借助于参考accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 首都师范大学 物 理 实 验 报 告 光和物光的相互作用记录了包括物光波的振幅和位相的全部信息,记录介质(全息片)上的每个点的光强是参考光与到达该点的整个物光波干涉的结果,物体上各点发出的光到达感光板上的这一点,都是对这一点的光强有贡献,全息片任一小部分都包括整个问题的全部信息,物体上的每一点的信息都记录在整个感光板上(点-面对应)及(面-点对应),碎片上记录了完整的信息,所以能再现整个物体。 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to
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