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奥克斯空调品质白皮书奥克斯空调品质白皮书 奥克斯《空调品质白皮书》 一、前言 目前,全国空调市场都在做围绕“高科技、核心技术”等概念进行的广告宣传,使得广大消费者晕头转向,不知所从。作为普通的消费者,同时又身处于信息不对称的位置,满怀敬畏地掏钱为这些“科技概念”买单,但实际买回之后并没有真的感受到这些高科技“高”在哪里。 面对市场上的种种概念炒作的产品,大都是夸大其辞的误导宣传。作为国内空调行业的领军企业之一,奥克斯空调本着对广大消费者高度负责的态度,有责任、有义务解开隐藏着“科技概念”背后的层层面纱,让空调回到产业竞争的本源...

奥克斯空调品质白皮书 奥克斯《空调品质白皮书》 一、前言 目前,全国空调市场都在做围绕“高科技、核心技术”等概念进行的广告宣传,使得广大消费者晕头转向,不知所从。作为普通的消费者,同时又身处于信息不对称的位置,满怀敬畏地掏钱为这些“科技概念”买单,但实际买回之后并没有真的感受到这些高科技“高”在哪里。 面对市场上的种种概念炒作的产品,大都是夸大其辞的误导宣传。作为国内空调行业的领军企业之一,奥克斯空调本着对广大消费者高度负责的态度,有责任、有义务解开隐藏着“科技概念”背后的层层面纱,让空调回到产业竞争的本源,那就是品质,品质,还是品质~ 此次奥克斯发布的《空调品质白皮书》,不仅仅再专指传统意义上的制造品质,而是跳出这个狭义的品质,从另外一个高度和深度去给品质一个全新的维度定义:品质是一个系统而全面的工程,从最开始的市场调研,新品研发、验证试验、研发确认到生产过程的零部件质量控制、生产过程、检验过程、稽查监控再到最后交付给顾客后的安装维护维修、顾客使用指导、上门服务等增值性活动,品质贯穿了整个空调产品的生命周期。 概括来说,空调品质新 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的六大核心维度就是“市场调研、产品开发、零部件采购、生产制造、顾客服务、持续改进”。宁波奥克斯空调有限公司成立18年以来一直致力于推动以“品质”为核心的企业竞争力建设和打造,探索出了一条辐射“市场调研、产品开发、零部件采购、生产制造、顾客服务”等全产业链的品质管理新路子。 二、奥克斯品质战略和质量方针 奥克斯空调的品质战略: 用3-5年成为空调行业卓越品质的典范,顾客满意度达到95%以上,市场维修率成为行业最低,用顾客的需求去衡量我们的产品,让顾客满意是我们永远的追求。 在这种战略指引下,奥克斯制定了质量方针:“技术创新、精心制造;持续改进,追求卓越”。同时,还确定了未来的品质目标: 指标 目标 进货检验合格率 100% 直通率 99.5% 产品开箱合格率 99.8% 维修率 0.5% 三、空调品质新标准的系统分析 1、市场调研 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 全面的市场调研是满足消费需求的关键。确保开发出适销对路、满足消费者需求的产品,成为近年来奥克斯空调在激烈的市场竞争中快速成长的关键要素。从外观、基本的制冷制热、节能、噪音、健康、智能化、价格等各个方面进行详细的市场调查研究。如下图。 充分而详细的市场调研并利用自身的技术优势,奥克斯成功推出的“热霸空调”解决了中国空调业近30年来“制冷快、制热差”的行业性难题,新上市的热霸2代在-25?的寒冬中还能“超强制热”,不仅成为中国南北极科考队的指定专用产品,也成为越来越多的中国家庭冬季取暖的首选。 热霸2代采用了国际领先的变频技术,在温度的精准控制和性能可靠性上获得的了极大的突破。不仅采用双缸变容、喷气增焓两大核心技术,还以其超强制热、智能化霜、低温启动、多功能过滤、自动水洗、智能芯片等七道臻金品质,更为科考人员的工作保驾护航,为其生活提供舒适的居家感受,一举奠定了在高端空调市场的领军地位。 2、产品开发 领先的技术创新理念是优良品质的基因。传统观念上,技术研发都是停留在开发新产品、新功能上。但奥克斯对此有着自己的独特见解,技术研发不仅仅如此,还要开发出“优质”的新产品,“优质”的新功能。所以奥克斯在新品研发上,不但努力加大市场调研的力度开发满足顾客新要求的产品,更注重对新开发的产品和功能在性能上能否得到优质的保证。 强强联手和强大人才团队是技术品质的保障。奥克斯已经建立AUX-瑞萨联合实验室、AUX-三菱联合实验室,并与美芝研发中心、金龙铜管研究院、浙江大学等著名机构高校强强合作进行项目研发合作。与全球十大半导体芯片供应商之一的瑞萨电子共建实验室,把瑞萨在芯片开发上的顶尖优势和奥克斯在空调方面优势完美的进行了结合,使奥克斯成为掌握变the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 频核心技术的少数几个厂家之一。而与三菱的合作,则为奥克斯空调在变频空调整机性能的匹配与研发上实现了与国际同步水平。 没有一流的人才就不可能有一流研发,就研发不出优良的基因和种苗。所以在引进日本专家、行业内顶尖研发人才、建立风道博士后工作站等科研人才的投入上,奥克斯从不含糊。目前奥克斯拥有1个国家级博士后工作站,日本专家、博士后、行业顶尖高级人才50余人,研发、科技人员共计300余人。 先进的检测设备是培育优良品质的基石。为确保每一款奥克斯新产品品质能够得到有效保证,企业每年在新品测试设备的投入上不惜成本进行大手笔投入。建立国际国内领先的耐久试验、焓差测试、压缩机性能测试等一系列寿命性能测试设备,如瑞士EMC性能测试仪、丹麦高保真噪音测试仪、压缩机性能测试台等100多台的设备,总价值达1.4亿元,可进行多达1000多项的检测项目。 过硬的检测能力让奥克斯空调测试中心顺利通过CNAS国家级实验室认可,从而确保培育出优良的空调种苗,确保每一台新开发的空调能通过在48度高温、-20度低温、95%湿度的恶劣工作状况下连续无故障运行6000小时,相当于普通家庭正常使用10年。 3、零部件采购 大品牌的零部件供应商培育优良细胞。奥克斯空调从供应商的引进和零部件选材上都有一套非常严格审核程序,不是行业内前三的供应商坚决不采购,特别是关键零部件全部选择国际知名品牌,确保零部件质量的可靠性。 序号 零部件 知名品牌 1 压缩机 美芝、日立、松下、三洋 2 电机 松下、威灵、大洋 3 单片机 瑞萨、东芝、松下 4 温度传感器 北陆、芝蒲、SHIBAURA 5 PCB板 杭州国际、建滔(KB) 6 高压电解电容 NICHICON、红宝石(Rubycon) 7 继电器 松下、欧姆龙 8 安规电容 OKAYA、西门子 、飞利浦 9 压敏电阻 北陆、西门子 10 接收头 德律封根、夏普(SHARP) 、光电子 为确保采购的零部件符合质量要求,奥克斯每年都投入数百万元采购新设备、引进和培养优秀的检验工程师对外购零部件进行1000多项质量测试。目前拥有电机综合测试台、压缩机综合测试台、高低温试验箱、电容寿命试验箱、湿热试验箱、高低温冷热冲击箱、盐雾the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 试验箱、紫外老化试验箱等300多套先进、完善的进货检验设备,很多零部件的测试设备、项目和测试能力达到专业生产零部件的水平。同时,还对诸如电机、电磁换向阀、风叶等核心零部件进行性能测试筛选,确保测试合格的零部件才能装配整机的刚性要求。 4、生产制造 优质的基因培育出优质的种苗,但优质的种苗能否茁壮成长为参天大树,后天的精心栽培、精心的呵护则是关键,否则中途夭折在所难免。奥克斯在整个制造环节倾注了大量的心血,确保批量生产的每一台空调都是100%的合格,100%的达到客户满意。从零部件的选用、进货检验、生产制造过程、出厂检验等每一个环节都制定一套严格质量把控体系,确保最终成品合格后方能出厂。 先进的制造设备是优质产品的前提。目前公司拥有30套日本高精机“两器”自动生产设备;16套微研(日本技术)两器(冷凝器、蒸发器)自动生产设备;15套日本爱发科及6套意大利伽利略电脑自动定量注氟机;4套日本大进钎焊机;12台日本松下及美国环球插件机;8台韩国三星及日本JUKI贴片机;5套德国瓦格纳尔自动静电粉末喷涂系统等1000多台国际国内领先的制造设备,总价值达4亿多元。先进自动化的设备造就了奥克斯稳定的 产品制造品质。 精心制造和严密检测成就100%合格。作为劳动密集型的空调制造业,生产过程的质量管控尤为重要。奥克斯空调通过学习德国精工制造的理念及方法,从员工 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 、技术指导、设备使用、过程检验、首检自互检巡检、关键特殊岗位、现场6S管理、物流运输、质量正负激励等等各个细节性的环节均建立一套行之有效的流程 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,不仅有普通员工的工艺禁令,也制定管理层的管理禁令,从上到下都有“品质紧箍咒”架在每一个奥克斯人头上。 不但每一个员工对每一道工序、每一个零部件进行认真检验,而且对关键工序还配备专业的检验工程师运用先进的设备对每一台空调专项检验检测,总计经过160道严格的过程测试。在出厂前还安排专业的检测工程师利用专业的设备对空调最后总计达200余项的整机测试和内部开膛大检验。精心的制造,严密的测试检验造就卓越的产品质量。 刚性的品质文化是品质制胜的法宝。刚性是奥克斯品质文化的核心,是造就卓越产品质量的核心要素。品质文化一旦失去刚性,就会被成本、效率等因素所左右,质量品质的执行力和质量意识也就无从谈起。所以,在奥克斯的质量考核历来是非常残酷,甚至在外界看来是不通人情,不讲道理,但是就是在这种痛苦的煎熬中,奥克斯的质量连年稳步提升,市场维修率持续大幅下降,失去的是人情和效率及成本,收获却是客户的赞誉和良好的市场口碑~ 领导重视是奥克斯品质文化落地的先决前提。领导不重视,讲品质都是空话,都是空中楼阁。高层领导在各种会议上都强调品质的刚性,强调品质的一票否决制、强调效率成本无条件为品质让步,并身体力行。领导的刚性支持是造就刚性品质文化的坚强后盾。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 没有稽查监控就没有品质 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 的落实和执行,为此奥克斯内部建立一套完整的一二级监控监控体系,包含工艺执行、流程制度、员工操作、设备点检、计量校验、现场6S、更改落实等等涉及方方面面的检查监控网,在庞大的网络监控下,各项制度流程得到有效快速落实。 先进管理方法和工具确保品质管理有效性。为确保质量的持续不断的提升,利用卓越质量 管理体系 怎么建立质量管理体系环保管理体系it运维服务管理体系质量体系程序文件项目安全生产管理体系 、全面质量管理工具、BRC 英国零售商协会全球标准消费品标准、DOE、FEMA、SPC、6SIGMA等各种先进的工具进行有效的改善。通过委外培训和内部培养学习,造就了一大批专业的质量管理人才,为奥克斯空调质量持续提升提供了源源不断的血液。 5、顾客服务 对于“三分质量,七分安装“的空调业而言,更要重视顾客的服务。奥克斯强调的顾客服务不是增值性的,不是可有可无。而是内化的、本应该的服务。 奥克斯针对南北方不同环境、房间大小、楼层高低、朝向、窗户数量及房间保温效果科学合理的给顾客更专业的推荐和指导,减少顾客购买空调的烦恼。空调的安装和维修是专业性很强的一项工作,为此我们采用欧洲专业安装资质认证的标准,专门编制了图文并茂的安装手册和维修手册,并在全国进行巡回不间断的培训,并形成定期的抽查检查制度,确保安装和维修质量保证~奥克斯在国内拥有51个营销中心(办事处),8000多个安装售后服务站,连锁售后服务网络人员6.5万余人,具有强大的售后质量保障团队,有力保障了及时、专业服务。发展不忘用户,实实在在地推出了“奥克斯年检周”、“8免费”、“6星级服务”、“5A级服务承诺”等各项服务措施,让用户无忧无虑用空调。 搭建了全国统一服务热线平台“4008-268-268”,现有300多个工作座席,无论节假日都是全天24小时人工接听受理用户服务信息,秉承“用户在我心中、服务在我手中,用户永远是对的;所有接进电话必须100%登记、必须100%处理、必须100%回访反馈、直至用户100%满意。 6、持续改进 持续改进的文化理念支撑品质持续提升。在刚性文化和质量第一的思想坚持下,类似于“质量无小事”,“有问题不怕,怕的是不改善““有问题就要立即改”、“质量无须惊人之举,重在持续改进“等等这些持续改进的思想和理念已经在奥克斯深深的扎下了根。奥克斯深知,质量不是一蹴而就,也不是一朝一日就能有效提升,是一个长期的积累过程,“不积跬步,无以至千里,不择细流,无以成江河”,所以在奥克斯随时随地都在强调持续改进的重要性,强调持续改进是一种习惯,是不断的自我完善和自我修炼,实施持续改进是奥克斯落实卓越运营和持续质量提升的支撑性力量。 在质量改善方面,奥克斯每年都大手笔的投入质量专项基金进行积极的质量奖励,每年the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 的各种改进项目和QC专项整改多达300多项,为确保改进项目能够落到实处,专门设立改善岗位对这些项目进行专项跟进和确认,并对项目进行评比,采取重奖重罚和稽查的方式促进项目落到实处,确保改善措施都得到固化,防止再发生。可以说,没有持续改进这样文化的熏陶,奥克斯空调质量就不能得到快速有效的提升,市场口碑就不能得到广大顾客的认可。 四、空调品质新标准的意义 技术研发、制造管理、客户服务是奥克斯空调行业质量标准的新定义,从深度和广度上发展了质量标准,体现了空调全生命周期的质量标准,实现了空调品质内涵从价格到价值的完美转变,引领空调行业回归冷静和本源,推动整个空调行业品质升级和良性健康有序发展~ 正如奥克斯空调事业部总经理王玉龙所说:“将目光从外收回内,在大力倡导健康空调的同时回归制造的本源——即更加注重品质”。“只强调产品制造的品质已经满足不了现在消费者的需求,我们认为要实现品质的与时俱进,则必须要从三个方面来着力打造:首先是技术研发的品质,其次是制造管理的品质,再次是客户服务的品质。” “不砸空调,砸饭碗”,“奥克斯将以这样决心,将壹计划•空调品质战略进行到底。”而事实证明,正是在品质方面的钢铁决心让奥克斯这几年树立了良好的口碑和赢得了顾客的信任。奥克斯拥有一批以GE、YORK、惠而浦、伊莱克斯、以莱特等为代表的全球知名战略客户,大型客户数千家,市场占有率在逐年上升,充分说明了奥克斯在空调领域的卓越实力和良好口碑。 展望未来,空调品质的提升与发展,一方面直接关系到企业的综合竞争实力的提升和打造。另一方面则关系到整个空调行业核心竞争力的完善。可以说,奥克斯代表中国空调企业率先推出的空调品质新标准,从本质上看是中国空调业在全球市场竞争中的话语权全面提升并得到了确立。 五、结束语 时光荏苒,与时俱进的中国空调产业,在刚走完了第一个规模做大的“黄金三十年”后,已经全面开启了又一个品牌做强的“黄金三十年”,全面实现中国空调产业从“全球制造中心”向“全球创造中心”的产业报国梦想。 当前,从产业规模、品牌数量、品质管理等方面来看中国空调产业,正如一些国际空调同行所说的,“中国空调企业已经完成了原始的规模、技术等积累,全面迈入了全球空调业的领导者行列。产品质量差、市场售价低、品牌口碑小的传统认知已经随中国空调企业健康发展而迅速远去。” 这一切,正是得益于以奥克斯为代表的一大批中国空调产业的“有识之士”,通过坚持不懈对品质理念的坚守、对品质内涵的完善、对品质标准的升级,实现了中国空调产业从“跑the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 马圈地为导向的规模化扩张”向“可持续经营为导向的业绩提升”,谋求并夯实中国在全球空调产业的“又大又强”地位和优势。 纵然,中国空调业离称霸全球市场的战略目标还存在一定的距离,特别是在一些关键核心部件上的话语权仍有效提升和完善。不过,随着近年来奥克斯空调积极倡导并全面开启的“品质战略”竞争序幕的拉开,越来越多中国空调企业的参与和响应,这意味着完成了30年发展积累的中国空调产业开始回归产业发展的根源,开始寻找并建立支撑产业可持续扩张的核心动力。 奥克斯空调并不满足现有的成就,作为一家正在快速发展、不断壮大的企业,在完善中国空调产业品质标准体系、品质管理新内涵等方面还有许多工作要做。由于中国空调企业走“品质化发展道路”的时间不长、全行业对于品质创新的重视程度还不够,甚至少数企业还存在“偷工减料、以次充好”损害中国空调产业品质形象的行为,这不仅会影响中国空调产业的可持续发展,甚至还会在全球市场上危害中国空调企业的品牌形象。 为此,奥克斯空调还继续完善品质战略的内涵,着手建立并制定品质管理的体系、制度和标准。并通过中国空调业首份《空调品质白皮书》的发布,全面推动中国空调产业品质创新工作迈上新的台阶。 在建立和完善品质战略的体系、空调品质标准的过程中,奥克斯空调已经得到了全球空调产业链上的瑞萨、松下、东芝、三菱、霍尼韦尔等跨国巨头的支持,并建立了面向全球市场的“空调品质联盟”。奥克斯空调郑重承诺,将继续积极推进品质战略的全球性合作,在自主创新、协同发展、整合全球资源的道路上,为推动和发展全球空调业品质管理创新,作出更大、更积极的贡献。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy
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