首页 兴隆百货商场开业活动策划方案



兴隆百货商场开业活动策划方案兴隆百货商场开业活动策划方案 第一部分:活动概要 活动主题: 兴隆商场天长地久 服务月系列活动 主题要素: 开业 优惠 服务 主题阐述: 主题突出了兴隆商场“为顾客天长地久服务”的服务心愿(可作为兴隆商场的服务理念)。天长地久之“久”谐音于9月之“9”,与开业的时期很好地切合起来。由此,可将每年的9月确定为兴隆商场服务月,并与每年年庆结合起来,开展一系列相关活动。 备选主题: 用优惠和真诚赢得感动 用优惠和真诚服务到永久 主题传达表现 •贯穿于活动,形成主体表现。 •有效地互动演绎及内容传...

兴隆百货商场开业活动策划 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 第一部分:活动概要 活动主题: 兴隆商场天长地久 服务月系列活动 主题要素: 开业 优惠 服务 主题阐述: 主题突出了兴隆商场“为顾客天长地久服务”的服务心愿(可作为兴隆商场的服务理念)。天长地久之“久”谐音于9月之“9”,与开业的时期很好地切合起来。由此,可将每年的9月确定为兴隆商场服务月,并与每年年庆结合起来,开展一系列相关活动。 备选主题: 用优惠和真诚赢得感动 用优惠和真诚服务到永久 主题传达表现 •贯穿于活动,形成主体表现。 •有效地互动演绎及内容传达。 •所有用品标示。 •所有宣传表现。 •社会影响与口碑传播。 活动概述:(略) 活动范围: 江门市(为主) 活动形式: 以优惠活动为主,配合教师节和中秋节相关互动活动。 具体安排为: •9月6日开业 •9月10日进行“祝福天长地久”教师节活动。 •9月11日进行“团圆天长地久”中秋节活动。 活动目的: 背景阐述 超市化经营已成为目前商品零售的流行业态。而在江门市,长期以来,这一业态却没有得到很好的发展。江门市民对大型超市的呼唤心态。 如今,江门市第一家大型、综合的超市——兴隆商场诞生了,是顺应消费趋势并大有发展前途的。在此前提下,我们在提升企业形象的基础上,加强、深化服务,以服务维系客户,树立“兴隆超市第一品牌“的形象,必然会有所发展。目前的阶段,对于品牌建立初期的兴隆超市而言,开展深入人心的开业活动是必然、适时和必要的。 活动目的: 提升形象,推进服务 活动预期目标: he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 目标一:树立兴隆超市业第一品牌,江门超市业强势品牌。 目标二:通过本次活动,使之与国庆节相关活动形成持续呼应,运用形象的传播效应和活动的连动效应, 促进销售。 目标三:力争兴隆商场在江门的市场认知率达到90%以上,购买率达60%以上。 活动时间: 2005年9月-10月 建议:之间可进行优惠促销活动,至10月份逐步形成价格巩固。 活动地点: 兴隆超市及周边区域 活动诉求对象:兴隆购物市民群 特征描述 已形成在江门市区消费的习惯,对超市消费怀有热衷期盼。 诉求形式及表现 •引导并促进消费。 •晓之以情,感动为怀。 •不断与之发生愉快关系,形成美好印象。 第二部分:活动环境布局及氛围营造 总体原则: •紧密结合主题,形成主题表现。 •突出隆重感,形象传达及视觉效果。 •所有宣传物出现企业LOGO,主体宣传物标示“兴隆天长地久服务月”主题。 片区分工•布局规划: 周边街区 •超市邻近街和市区主干道布标宣传(100条)。 •主干线公交车布标宣传(50条)。 •超市邻近街口指示牌宣传(20个)。 •商业集中区重点街区宣传单发放(50000份)。 超市外 •门外陈列标示企业LOGO的刀旗(50个)。 •门前设置升空气球(带竖标,8个) •门外设置大型拱门1-2个。 •超市前设立大型主题展版一块,发布活动主题及相关优惠活动。 •楼体悬挂巨型彩色竖标(50个) •门口用气球及花束装饰。 超市内 •门口设立明显标示企业LOGO的接待处,向入场者赠送活动宣传品、礼品及纪念品。 •超市内设立迎宾和导购小姐。 •超市内设立导示系统,设立明显标示企业LOGO的指示牌(50个) •超市顶部及货架处用气球及花束装饰。 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, •超市顶端悬挂POP挂旗(10000份)。 •超市内主题海报宣传(1000份)。 •超市内相关区域设立休憩处,配备服务人员并进行礼品和宣传品的发放。 •专设“天长地久服务人员”进行场内服务,服务人员统一着装、披绶带“兴隆超市天长地久服务月”。 •超市内相关位置设立业务宣传台,摆设相关礼品、宣传品展示品、纪念品,并提供咨询服务。 •超市内主题展板宣传(10块) •向参与活动客户发放印有兴隆超市标识的遮阳帽、手提袋等用品。 •现场宣传单的发放。 第三部分:活动实施方案 9月6日上午: 开业典礼 缤纷开幕,隆重、欢乐音乐响起 设置升空可爆气球若干,内置心形彩色花瓣(或彩纸)和中奖卡,气球升至一定高度爆炸,彩色花瓣(或彩纸)和中奖卡凌空落下。或者由高空处撒下彩色花瓣(或彩纸)和中奖卡片。 具体节目内容配合——进行新闻宣传 游戏(建议); 1、爱拼才会赢 进行拼版游戏,参与者可获显明标示企业LOGO的纪念品。拼版显明标示企业LOGO及“为顾客服务到天长地久”字样。计时游戏,时间最短者获胜,可获奖励。 2、心心相印 由两人组成一组。各站一边,被蒙上眼睛(或戴上头罩),先由主持者打乱他们的次序。然后,开始寻找。所有参与客户可获显明标示企业LOGO的纪念品。在限定时间内(5分钟)正确找到的组可获奖励。 9月10“祝福天长地久”教师节活动: •针对于教师的特别优惠活动。 向教师献礼活动: •邮寄(或派员)向教师赠送礼品及贺卡。 •与相关学校学生会联系,向其提供一定礼品,由其组织学生在课堂上向老师献礼(兴隆进行监督)——进行新闻宣传 9月11日“团圆天长地久”中秋节活动 9月6日-10日,“月饼一条街”活动 •在靠近超市区选择一条主街道进行此活动,组织超市内月饼商并邀请其它月饼商参加 •街道入口处设立拱门,标明“兴隆商场月饼一条街” •街口设立接待处 •街内悬挂宣传布标(50条) •相关销售点摆放吉瑞祥超市宣传品及月饼宣传品 •专设休憩处,提供免费品尝月饼及相关宣传品 •月饼优惠销售 9月11日,“团圆天长地久”中秋节活动 •特邀孤寡老人及孤儿逛月饼一条街,向其赠送月饼。 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, •与孤寡老人及孤儿共度中秋节 ——相关新闻报道 其它促销活动 •购物满200元报的费(兴隆组织) 第四部分:活动宣传配合 宣传主题: 兴隆商场天长地久服务月 宣传阶段划分: 第一阶段•活动前宣传 宣传时间: 2005年9月-5日 宣传形式: 告知宣传 宣传内容: 传达活动即将举行信息 信息传达要素: •兴隆商场企业形象 •兴隆商场的服务理念 •活动的主题及内容 •活动举行的时间及地点 媒体安排: 以报纸媒体、DM为主。 具体报纸媒体为《江门日报》 版面安排1/2版 运作步骤: •M共计50000份 通过3种渠道宣传: A、派员分片区发送 B、报纸夹页 C、邮寄 •报纸 1、2、3、4、5日《江门日报》 第二阶段•活动后宣传 宣传时间: 2005年9月11-20日 宣传形式: 软文宣传 he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, 宣传内容: 传达活动相关内容 信息传达要素: •活动的主题及内容 •兴隆商场企业形象 •兴隆商场服务理念、优惠活动推介 •兴隆商场对顾客的服务(具体表现、客户回馈、相关实例等) 相关软文文题: 《江门第一家大型综合超市开业》 《用优惠和真诚为顾客服务》 《为顾客服务,让心与心更接近》 《天长地久:承诺到永久,服务到永久》 媒体安排: 《江门日报》 运作实施: 预计1-2篇。 宣传表现: •企业形象 •服务 •活动主题 第五部分:活动效果(略) 第六部分:活动费用预算(略) he scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis,
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