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福建三旧改造政策福建三旧改造政策 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training,...

福建三旧改造政策 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 福建省人民政府关于加快推进旧城镇旧厂房旧村庄改造的意见 (闽政〔2010〕27号) 各市、县(区)人民政府,平潭综合实验区管委会,省人民政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业、各高等院校: 为深入贯彻省委八届九次全会精神,加快推进旧城镇、旧厂房、旧村庄(以下简称“三旧”)改造,进一步提升土地利用效率,调整优化城镇空间布局,切实改善城乡人居环境,促进产业结构升级,推动福建跨越发展,现提出如下意见: 一、充分认识“三旧”改造的重要意义 (一)大力推进“三旧”改造是落实先行先试,深化土地 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 改革,促进跨越发展的具体体现。落实科学发展、跨越发展的要求,必须深化重要领域和关键环节的改革,实施“三旧”改造,有利于深化土地资源要素配置市场化改革,充分发挥地价杠杆的调控作用,推动传统产业优化升级,保障新兴产业发展壮大,促进我省经济社会又好又快发展。 (二)大力推进“三旧”改造是围绕加快转变,科学利用有限的土地资源,切实保障发展用地的重要途径。我省土地资源供需矛盾日益突出,大力推进“三旧”改造,促进存量建设用地“二次开发”,有利于土地利用方式从外延式增量扩张向内涵式存量挖潜转变,提高土地的利用效率和产出效益,促进土地节约集约利用。 (三)大力推进“三旧”改造是坚持民生优先,加快改善城乡人居环境,推动城乡统筹发展的必然要求。当前我省城镇化进程全面加快,小城镇综合改革建设试点、新农村建设扎实推进,大力推进“三旧”改造,推动国土综合整治,有利于改善城乡面貌和人居环境,提升小城镇和新农村建设水平和质量,构建环境优美、设施齐全的生活生产空间。 二、“三旧”改造基本原则 “三旧”改造要坚持以科学发展观为指导,紧紧围绕全力推动福建跨越发展的战略部署,加大对低效用地的科学改造和深度开发,推进土地综合整治,重视保护历史文化遗产,强化市场配置土地资源功能,不断完善城乡空间结构和功能布局,促进城乡一体化发展。 (一)科学规划,有序推进。依据经济社会发展规划、土地利用总体规划和城乡建设规划,科学制定“三旧”改造规划,强化规划综合调控作用,大力推进集约节约用地,将“三旧”改造与存量建设用地挖掘利用有机结合,切实提高土地利用效率。 (二)城乡统筹,协调发展。将“三旧”改造与实施城乡规划和新农村建设有机结合,推进城市基础设施向农村延伸,进一步优化城乡空间结构和功能布局,提升城镇化水平和质量,促进城乡协调发展。 (三)以人为本,改善民生。“三旧”改造工作要关注民生,正确处理好“三旧”改造涉及的经济、法律关系,明晰产权,切实保障土地和房屋权利人的合法权益。建立公平合理的利益补偿、分配和平衡机制,调动原土地使用权人参与改造的积极性,实现多方共赢。 (四)政府主导,市场运作。充分发挥政府组织协调的主导作用,特别是基层政府的积极性,发挥市场机制在资源配置中的基础性作用,积极制订政策、统筹引导、搭建平台、优质服务、严格监管、加强执法,确保“三旧”改造工作的顺利实施。 三、“三旧”改造范围 市、县(区)人民政府可将下列土地列入“三旧”改造用地范围,加快实施改造: unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader (一)按城乡规划需改变用途的用地,包括国有和集体土地上的旧工厂、旧仓储、旧站场等建设用地以及城市市区“退二进三”的工业用地; (二)土地利用效率低(建筑容积率低、厂房使用效率低、投入产出率低)和不符合安全生产、环保要求的工业用地; (三)国家产业政策规定禁止类、淘汰类产业的原厂房用地; (四)规划确定要改造的不具有保留价值的旧民居、旧商铺、旧街巷、旧市场、旧校舍等低效利用的各类建设用地,包括建筑物和构筑物存在安全隐患的用地。 四、“三旧”改造实施主体和改造方式 (一)政府实施土地收储出让。市、县(区)人民政府为城乡基础设施建设或实施城市规划需开展“三旧”改造,由市、县(区)人民政府依法收储土地后,以招标、拍卖或挂牌方式确定实施主体,并按规划实施改造。经收储的“三旧”改造地块在出让前,应先确定规划建设条件和要求,并在土地出让 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 中予以明确约定。 三旧”改造地块拟用于经营性商品住宅的,应由政府收储土地后以招标、拍卖或挂牌出让的方式供地。 (二)国有土地使用单位依法开展改造。对国有土地上的“三旧”用地,在符合城乡规划、土地利用总体规划的前提下,经市、县(区)人民政府批准,原土地使用单位可作为实施主体申请改造建设,并制订改造实施方案报批。原土地使用单位与其他投资者以土地使用权作价出资、入股等形式实施联合改造的,应当签订联合改造协议。 (三)农村集体建设用地依法改造。对农民集体所有土地上的“三旧”用地,在符合城乡规划、土地利用总体规划的前提下,经市、县(区)人民政府批准,农村集体经济组织可作为实施主体,制定改造实施方案,依法申请改造,盘活低效利用的建设用地。要鼓励统一规划建设,引导零星分散的自然村向中心村或集镇集中,改善农村面貌。 五、“三旧”改造实施步骤 (一)调查摸底 市、县(区)人民政府要认真进行“三旧”改造用地的调查摸底工作,对符合“三旧”改造条件的地块进行调查登记,将每宗“三旧”改造用地标注在土地利用现状图和城乡规划图件上,同时列表造册、建档立卡,载明土地的使用权人、取得时间、取得方式和原“三旧”用地性质、用途、面积、四至以及地上建筑物、构筑物等情况。有条件的地方,要在标绘上图的基础上建立改造地块的数据库。 (二)编制规划 市、县(区)人民政府应组织城乡规划、国土资源、建设等部门,结合经济社会发展实际、产业需求和资源环境保护需要,依据当地土地利用总体规划和城乡规划,根据调查摸底的成果,编制当地的“三旧”改造规划。“三旧”改造规划期一般为5年,主要内容应当包括:市、县(区)范围内“三旧”改造地块的总体布局和规模、改造范围、改造目标、功能定位、配套设施、搬迁安置补偿、实施计划和相关的配套措施等。“三旧”改造规划报市、县(区)人民政府批准后实施。 (三)制订方案 各地要根据“三旧”改造规划,选定具体项目,制订项目实施方案。项目实施方案包括:拟改造地块的详细规划,确定土地用途、用地界线、容积率、绿地率以及建筑高度、建筑密度、建设风格、配套设施;拟改造地块的搬迁安置方案,明确补偿标准、安置方式和时间安排;拟改造地块的实施主体及改造方式等。项目实施方案应当经国土资源主管部门和城乡规划部门同意后,报市、县(区)人民政府批准实施。 (四)搬迁安置 “三旧”改造实施主体要拟订改造地块的搬迁安置方案,明确补偿标准、安置方式、过渡办法和组织实施措施等内容,搬迁安置方案应充分征询搬迁安置对象的意见,达成一致意见后才可实施改造。征地涉及拆迁住房的,要坚持先安置后搬迁,确保搬迁户的居住条件。提供产权调换、货币补偿或安置补偿等选择方式,必须履行法定程序,依法安置补偿。搬迁安置程序不合法、补偿不到位、被搬迁人居住条件未得到保障的,不得动工建设。 (五)实施改造 实施主体按基本建设程序和有关规定具体组织实施。市、县(区)人民政府规划主管部门根据城乡规划和“三旧”改造规划确定每个改造地块的控制性详细规划和修建性详细规划,办理相关规划许可。有关部门应开辟“绿色”通道,按规定及时办理项目的审批(核准、备案)以及用地、规划、建设、消防、环保等相关手续。 六、“三旧”改造扶持政策 dia, time pushes learning content. Guiding partyn and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network meractiors give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen intethe 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team memberoots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of -usinesses, schools and other grassture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, bparty members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Coty leche actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good parrty members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of tDecember). Every thematic discussions with a number of pa-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-he second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for JulyJune); t---e Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule Aprilarning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around thmmittee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused leis a qualified party members 2 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader (一)合理制定收储补偿办法。政府实施土地收储的补偿标准由土地储备机构与土地使用权人协商确认。市、县(区)人民政府可以根据“三旧”改造地块的区位、用途、土地等别等制定具体办法,明确土地收储的范围、补偿标准和方式、安置办法等内容。涉及省属单位土地资产的,按照《福建省人民政府办公厅关于进一步规范省属单位土地资产处置的 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 》(闽政办〔2007〕91号)的有关规定执行。 “三旧”改造地块的土地出让收益,优先用于“三旧”改造涉及的基础设施建设。农村集体建设用地“三旧”改造涉及土地用途改变,以及农村集体建设用地被征收后通过招标、拍卖或挂牌出让的,应将土地收益的一定比例用于当地农村基础设施建设和公益事业。具体办法由市、县(区)人民政府制定。 (二)优先提供搬迁安置用地。“三旧”改造搬迁安置尽量使用存量建设用地,确需新增建设用地的,优先安排建设用地指标,加快办理项目用地的农用地转用和征收手续。搬迁安置用地根据不同情形,可采取划拨、协议出让、招标拍卖挂牌出让或使用集体土地等多种方式提供。对生产用地,积极引导企业“进区入园”升级改造。 (三)积极支持集体建设用地复垦和流转。农村集体建设用地“三旧”改造,复垦为耕地的,新增耕地每亩补助1.8万元,从土地开发整理资金中安排;依法调整作为其他建设项目用地的,其流转价格由市场决定,流转收益的分配由集体土地所有者和原土地使用者协商约定。 四)引导原土地使用单位按规划改造。对纳入“三旧”改造的地块,实施方案经批准允许自行改造的,支持给予办理相关土地变更手续。使用原属划拨国有土地的,改变用途后符合规划但不符合《划拨用地目录》,经有权人民政府审批,可补办出让手续,补签土地出让合同,经评估后依法补交土地出让金。使用原属农民集体所有土地的,可以继续保留原所有权性质;也可申请征收为国有,然后按规定划拨或有偿协议出让给原土地使用单位继续使用。 (五)扶持发展新兴产业。在符合城乡规划和“三旧”改造规划的前提下,允许原土地使用单位将出让方式取得的工业用地改变用途作为商业服务等用途,但应按规定经评估后依法补交出让金,用于经营性商品住宅、法规规章另有规定和国有建设用地使用权出让合同另有约定的除外。原土地使用者利用现有工业厂房用地举办信息服务、研发设计、创意文化、仓储物流以及其他新兴产业的,可以不办理土地用途变更手续。 (六)积极鼓励提高土地利用率。对现有工业用地,在符合规划、不改变用途的前提下,提高土地利用率和增加容积率的,不再增收土地出让金。 七、“三旧”改造工作要求 (一)明确责任。市、县(区)人民政府要成立领导机构,组织开展“三旧”改造工作;投资主管部门负责“三旧”改造中涉及固定资产投资项目的审批(核准、备案)和重大项目风险评估工作;规划主管部门会同国土资源主管部门负责指导、组织编制和审查市、县(区)“三旧”改造规划和项目实施方案,提供项目的规划设计条件,及时办理项目有关手续;国土资源主管部门负责土地收储,办理农用地转用和征收、土地供应、土地确权登记等,组织国有建设用地使用权招标、拍卖或挂牌等工作;建设(房管)主管部门负责国有土地上“三旧”改造的房屋征收拆迁管理,工程建设管理;相关主管部门要各负其责,共同推动“三旧”改造。设区市人民政府和省直有关主管部门要根据本意见,结合实际,制定实施细则。 (二)规范运作。要完善规章制度,规范工作程序,严格依法办事,切实保障建设单位、农村村民和其他利害关系人的合法权益。要通过提前介入、并联审批等方式,及时办理“三旧”改造项目的审批事项。“三旧”改造中以协议方式供地的,必须按照“专业评估、集体决策、结果公开”的原则,实行“阳光作业”;以招标、拍卖或挂牌出让方式供地的,必须依法设定相关条件,严格执行工作规范。 (三)强化监督。市、县(区)人民政府和有关主管部门要认真学习、准确理解和熟练掌握“三旧”改造政策,统一认识,加强引导,正确实施;要强化监督检查,拓宽监督渠道,重视人民群众和社会舆论监督,在报批具体项目时,严格审核把关,确保真实性,杜绝弄虚作假、搭车报批;要不断总结 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 ,及时发现和解决存在的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,确保“三旧”改造工作取得实效。 (四)促进和谐。“三旧”改造工作要讲公平,促和谐,保稳定,要尊重改造区域群众的知情权、表达权、参与权和监督权,畅通诉求渠道,完善纠纷调处机制;要加大对“三旧”改造政策的宣传力度,让群众理解、支持和配合开展“三旧”改造工作,形成有利于工作开展的和谐氛围。 福建省人民政府 二〇一〇年十一月二十日 eaderconcise rvideo animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a -micro-party lecture, micro-sual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objectivestudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Vi-ion, distinction, selfffection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinctstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with a-. 1, individual selfprevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study resultson to ement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic supporto negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigatil and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, togicaion and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideoland remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradit world unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to impl 3 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 广东省人民政府关于推进“三旧”改造促进节约集约用地的若干意见(粤府〔2009〕78号) 各地级以上市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 为深入贯彻落实《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要(2008-2020年)》和《中共广东省委广东省人民政府关于争当实践科学发展观排头兵的决定》,切实推进我省旧城镇、旧厂房、旧村庄(以下简称“三旧”)改造工作,促进节约集约用地试点示范省建设,确保经济社会又好又快发展,提出如下意见。 一、充分认识推进“三旧”改造工作的重要性和紧迫性 (一)改革开放以来,我省经济社会快速发展,综合实力实现历史性跨越,连续23年经济总量排名全国第一。在经济高速发展的同时,也消耗了大量的土地资源,粗放的土地利用方式已难以为继,土地资源供求矛盾日益突出,严重制约我省可持续发展。立足土地资源省情,大力推进节约集约用地,千方百计盘活存量土地,统筹保障发展和保护资源,是当前和今后一个时期我省深入贯彻落实科学发展观,确保经济社会又好又快发展必须着力解决的迫切而重大的课题。 (二)“三旧”改造是我省在土地资源供需矛盾日益突出的情况下,拓展建设空间、保障发展用地的重要途径,是推进节约集约用地试点示范省建设的重要内容。必须进一步解放思想,深化改革,通过制度创新和政 策完善,有效破解“三旧”改造的难题,在新增建设用地逐年减少、单位建设用地产出逐年提高的条件下,统筹利用有限的土地资源,切实提高建设用地利用效率,力争在节约集约用地方面为全国探索出一条新路。 (三)珠江三角洲地区是我国改革开放的先行地区和重要的经济中心区域,在全国经济社会发展和改革开放大局中具有重要地位。贯彻实施《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要(2008-2020年)》,落实好科学发展、先行先试的要求,必须深化重要领域和关键环节的改革。大力推进“三旧”改造,是继续深化土地管理制度改革,进一步解放土地生产力的具体体现,不仅有利于节约集约用地、优化土地资源配置,也有利于促进产业结构调整升级、转变经济发展方式,保障和促进科学发展。 二、明确“三旧”改造的总体要求和基本原则 (四)总体要求。以科学发展观为指导,围绕提升综合竞争力和资源承载能力,切实转变发展观和用地观。遵循“全面探索、局部试点、封闭运行、结果可控”的原则,在不突破土地利用总体规划确定的耕地保有量、基本农田面积和建设用地总规模的前提下,积极稳妥推进“三旧”改造工作。将“三旧”改造与农村土地整治有机结合,统筹规划、全面推进土地综合整治。以推进“三旧”改造工作为载体,促进存量建设用地“二次开发”,统筹城乡发展,优化人居环境,改善城乡面貌,努力建设生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好、文化繁荣、社会和谐、人民群众充满幸福感的新广东。 (五)基本原则。 ——政府引导,市场运作。政府统一组织,制定专门政策,充分调动政府、集体、土地原使用权人及相关权利人的积极性,吸引社会各方广泛参与,实现多方共赢,确保国有、集体资产的保值、增值。在按市场化运作的同时,政府要正确引导,加强监管,确保改造规范推进。 ——明晰产权,保障权益。调查摸清“三旧”现状,做好“三旧”土地的确权登记工作。属于“三旧”改造的房屋和土地,未经确权、登记,不得改造。正确处理“三旧”改造过程中的经济、法律关系,切实保障土地权利人的合法权益,维护社会稳定。 ——统筹规划,有序推进。统筹经济社会发展和资源环境保护,依据国土规划、主体功能区规划、土地利用总体规划和城乡规划,科学制定“三旧”改造规划,并强化规划的统筹管控作用。严格界定“三旧”改造范围,对列入改造范围的,必须编制控制性详细规划和改造方案,有序推进。严禁擅自扩大“三旧”改造政策的适用范围。 -dia, time pushes learning content. Guiding partyn and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network meractiors give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen intethe 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team memberoots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of -usinesses, schools and other grassture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, bSeptember); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule Octoberty leche actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good parrty members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of tDecember). Every thematic discussions with a number of pa-he second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for JulyJune); t-e Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule Aprilarning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around thmmittee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused leparty members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Co--is a qualified party members 4 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader ——节约集约,提高效率。通过市场运作和公开规范的方式,强化市场配置土地,促进土地高效利用。严格执行土地使用标准,提高土地使用强度。创新机制方法,强化土地资源、资产、资本“三位一体”管理,实现土地利用效益的最大化。 ——尊重历史,客观公正。既要做好与国家法律政策的衔接,防止发生新的违法违规用地行为,又要兼顾各地发展历史和土地管理政策的延续性,妥善解决历史遗留问题。要科学合理地制定改造方案和配套政策,改造利用与完善手续相挂钩,做到公开、公平、公正。 三、围绕经济社会发展战略部署,合理确定“三旧”改造范围 (六)各地要紧紧围绕产业结构调整和转型升级、城市形象提升和功能完善、城乡人居环境改善、社会主义新农村建设等战略部署,在有利于进一步提高土地节约集约利用水平和产出效益的前提下,确定“三旧”改造范围。下列土地可列入“三旧”改造范围:城市市区“退二进三”产业用地;城乡规划确定不再作为工业用途的厂房(厂区)用地;国家产业政策规定的禁止类、淘汰类产业的原厂房用地;不符合安全生产和环保要求的厂房用地;布局散乱、条件落后,规划确定改造的城镇和村庄;列入“万村土地整治”示范工程的村庄等。 (七)“三旧”改造以土地开发程度较高、“三旧”分布相对集中的珠江三角洲地区为重点,兼顾其他条件具备的地区。各地要根据本地实际,因地制宜确定“三旧”改造的起步范围,先行试点,积累经验后再逐步推开。 四、科学规划,统筹推进“三旧”改造 (八)开展“三旧”改造的地方,要认真进行“三旧”用地的调查摸底工作,将每宗“三旧”用地在土地利用现状图和土地利用总体规划图上标注,并列表造册。要根据土地利用总体规划和城乡规划等,围绕本地区经济社会发展战略实施要求,对“三旧”改造进行统一规划,优化土地利用结构,合理调整用地布局。通过统筹产业发展,加快商贸、物流等现代产业或公益事业的建设,增加生态用地和休闲用地,优化城乡环境。 (九)依据“三旧”改造规划,制定年度实施计划,明确改造的规模、地块和时序,并纳入城乡规划年度实施计划。涉及新增建设用地的,要纳入土地利用年度计划,依法办理农用地转用或按照城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策规定办理。通过“三旧”改造,进一步推进土地利用总体规划、城乡规划以及产业发展规划的协调和衔接,优化城市功能布局和促进产业转型升级。 五、因地制宜,采用多种方式推进“三旧”改造 (十)市、县人民政府为了城市基础设施和公共设施建设或实施城市规划进行旧城区改建需要调整使用土地的,由市、县人民政府依法收回、收购土地使用权,纳入土地储备。土地使用权收购的具体程序、价格确定,由市、县人民政府依法制定实施办法。 (十一)在旧城镇改造范围内,符合城乡规划、“三旧”改造规划和年度实施计划的,鼓励原土地使用权人自行进行改造。自行改造应当制订方案,经土地行政主管部门和城乡规划部门同意后报市、县人民政府批准实施。所涉及的划拨土地使用权,可采取协议方式补办出让手续,涉及补缴地价的,按地级以上市人民政府的统一规定办理。 (十二)在旧城镇改造范围内,符合城乡规划的,市场主体根据“三旧”改造规划和年度实施计划,可以收购相邻多宗地块,申请进行集中改造。市、县土地行政主管部门可根据收购人的申请,将分散的土地归宗,为收购人办理土地变更登记手续。收购改造应当制订改造方案,经土地行政主管部门和城乡规划部门同意后报市、县人民政府批准实施。涉及补缴地价的,按地级以上市人民政府的统一规定办理。 (十三)旧城镇、旧村庄改造涉及收回或者收购土地的,可以货币方式向原使用权人补偿或支付收购款,也可以置换方式为原使用权人重新安排用地。置换的土地其使用权价额折抵不足的,可以货币补齐。 eaderconcise rvideo animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a -o negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigatimicro-party lecture, micro-sual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microstudy demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Vi-ion, distinction, selfffection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinctl and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, tstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with a-. 1, individual selfprevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study resultson to ogicaion and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideoland remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradit world , making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objectiveement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic supportunit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to impl 5 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader (十四)土地利用总体规划确定的城市建设用地规模范围内的旧村庄改造,原农村集体经济组织申请将农村集体所有的村庄建设用地改变为国有建设用地的,可依照申请报省人民政府批准征为国有,由市、县(区)、镇人民政府根据“三旧”改造规划和年度实施计划分别组织实施。其中,确定为农村集体经济组织使用的,交由农村集体经济组织自行改造或与有关单位合作开发建设。 (十五)土地利用总体规划确定的城市建设用地规模范围外的旧村庄改造,在符合土地利用总体规划和城乡规划的前提下,除属于市、县人民政府应当依法征收的外,可由农村集体经济组织或者用地单位自行组织实施,并可参照旧城镇改造的相关政策办理,但不得用于商品住宅开发。 (十六)“三旧”改造涉及拆旧腾挪的合法用地,确能实现复耕的,可根据国土资源部的相关规定,纳入城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点,由省土地行政主管部门根据各地级以上市的情况安排周转指标。周转指标的使用和管理按照国家和省的规定办理。 六、分类处置,完善“三旧”改造涉及的各类历史用地手续 (十七)纳入“三旧”改造范围、符合土地利用总体规划和“三旧”改造规划、没有合法用地手续且已使用的建设用地,用地行为发生在1987年1月1日之前的,由市、县人民政府土地行政主管部门出具符合土地利用总体规划的审核意见书,依照原国家土地管理局1995年 3月11日发布的《确定土地所有权和使用权的若干规定》进行确权后,办理国有建设用地确权登记发证手续;用地行为发生在1987年1月1日之后、2007年6月30日之前的,已与农村集体经济组织或农户签订征地协议并进行补偿,且未因征地补偿安置等问题引发纠纷、迄今被征地农民无不同意见的,可按照用地发生时的土地管理法律政策落实处理(处罚)后按土地现状办理征收手续,属于政府收购储备后再次供地的,必须以招标拍卖挂牌方式出让,其他可以协议方式出让。凡用地行为发生时法律和政策没有要求听证、办理社保审核和安排留用地的,在提供有关历史用地协议或被征地农村集体同意的前提下,不再举行听证、办理社保审核和安排留用地。 (十八)纳入“三旧”改造范围,没有合法用地手续的土地,符合土地利用总体规划而又保留为集体土地性质的,参照第十七条进行集体建设用地确权登记发证。 (十九)“三旧”改造中涉及的边角地、夹心地、插花地等,符合土地利用总体规划和城乡规划的,可依照有关规定一并纳入“三旧”改造范围。允许在符合土地利用总体规划和控制性详细规划的前提下,通过土地位置调换等方式,对原有存量建设用地进行调整使用。 (二十)纳入“三旧”改造范围、需完善征收手续的土地,由当地市、县人民政府制订改造方案,报省人民政府批准后实施;供地手续由市、县人民政府按本意见办理。 (二十一)完善“三旧”改造中涉及的各类历史用地手续工作应当在2012年前完成,之后第十七、十八、十九、二十条不再执行。2007年6月30日之后发生的违法用地不适用上述完善用地手续的意见。 七、加大财政支持力度,拓宽“三旧”改造筹资渠道 (二十二)市、县人民政府应保障开展组织实施“三旧”改造工作经费。对“三旧”改造涉及的城市(城镇)公共基础设施建设,应从土地出让金中安排相应的项目资金予以支持。 (二十三)在旧城镇改造中,需要搬迁的国有企业用地由当地人民政府依法收回后通过招标拍卖挂牌方式出让的,在扣除收回土地补偿等费用后,其土地出让纯收益可按不高于60%的比例,依照有关规定专项用于支持企业发展。在旧村庄改造中,市、县人民政府通过征收农村集体建设用地进行经营性开发的,其土地出让纯收益可按不高于60%的比例,依照有关规定专项用于支持原农村集体经济组织的发展。具体操作办法由市、县人民政府根据当地实际制订。 (二十四)对现有工业用地改造后不改变原用途,提高容积率的,不再增缴土地价款。 rty members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of tdia, time pushes learning content. Guiding partyn and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network meractiors give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen intethe 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team memberoots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of -usinesses, schools and other grassture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, bDecember). Every thematic discussions with a number of paty leche actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good par-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-he second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for JulyJune); t-e Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule Aprilarning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around thmmittee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused leparty members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Co--is a qualified party members 6 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader (二十五)鼓励各地探索利用社会资金开展“三旧”改造。除鼓励土地权利人自行改造外,对由政府统一组织实施“三旧”改造的,可在拆迁阶段通过招标的方式引入企业单位承担拆迁工作,拆迁费用和合理利润可以作为收(征)地(拆迁)补偿成本从土地出让收入中支付;也可在确定开发建设条件的前提下,由政府将拆迁及拟改造土地的使用权一并通过招标等公开方式确定土地使用权人。市、县人民政府可以探索引入市场主体参与“三旧”改造的具体方式。 八、切实加强“三旧”改造工作的组织领导 (二十六)推进“三旧”改造工作是我省贯彻落实科学发展观、建设节约集约用地试点示范省的重大举措,关系到经济社会发展大局,政策性强,关联度高。各级政府要从战略高度,将这项工作摆上重要议事日程,统筹谋划,周密部署,建立目标责任制,切实加强组织领导。各相关职能部门要主动服务,优化程序,凡涉及“三旧”改造项目的审批事项,应当采取提前介入、并联审批等方式加快办理,切实提高工作效率,为“三旧”改造工作营造高效的行政服务环境。 二??九年八月二十五日 prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study resultseaderconcise rvideo animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a -micro-party lecture, micro-sual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of microon to study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Vi-ion, distinction, selfffection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinctstudy. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with a-. 1, individual selfo negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigatil and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, togicaion and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideoland remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradit world , making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objectiveement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic supportunit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to impl 7
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