首页 关于本地水污染原因及防治论文



关于本地水污染原因及防治论文关于本地水污染原因及防治论文 课题组:龙海二中高一11班水污染原因及防治课题组 成 员:陈建利、陈坤雪、连雅玲、林晓玲、陈燕丽 执 笔:陈建利 指导老师:郑进也 引言:首先让我们看一个可笑又悲哀的故事,一辆拖拉机在葛洲坝水库因没油而熄火,司机看见水库里成片浮油的水,便用水桶舀起浮油灌入油箱,拖拉机竟突突地开走了。由此可见,我国水污染的严重性,我市位于九龙江下游亚热带季风区,拥有丰富的淡水资源,10年前,走出家门几步就可以挑到饮用水,然而,随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,水污染却日益严重,如今我市大部分河...

关于本地水污染原因及防治 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 组:龙海二中高一11班水污染原因及防治课题组 成 员:陈建利、陈坤雪、连雅玲、林晓玲、陈燕丽 执 笔:陈建利 指导老师:郑进也 引言:首先让我们看一个可笑又悲哀的 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt ,一辆拖拉机在葛洲坝水库因没油而熄火,司机看见水库里成片浮油的水,便用水桶舀起浮油灌入油箱,拖拉机竟突突地开走了。由此可见,我国水污染的严重性,我市位于九龙江下游亚热带季风区,拥有丰富的淡水资源,10年前,走出家门几步就可以挑到饮用水,然而,随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,水污染却日益严重,如今我市大部分河水已不能饮用,个别河流连供洗涤之用都不能,人们日常生活用水,只能靠自来水厂供应,一度水一块五毛钱,个别地方还超过二块钱,水污染已向人们敲响了警钟~ 一、选题目的:通过对水污染的原因、防治、及危害的研究,来唤醒人们的保护水资源意识以及能力,对水资源的保护尽自己的一份绵力。 二、完成研究的可能性 本地河流网布,便于取材调查,关于这方面的资料也很多,需要的工具也很简单,完成好的可以性很大。 三、实施的过程 1、2002年11月,组织课题组选课题,并写 调查报告 行政管理关于调查报告关于XX公司的财务调查报告关于学校食堂的调查报告关于大米市场调查报告关于水资源调查报告 ; 2、2002年12月2~6日,初步查找相关资料,确定研究方案; 3、2002年12月18日,访问环保局,并取得相关资料; 4、2002年12月29日,对海澄各河流进行实地调查,并拍照和写调查报告; 5、2003年元月,针对调查结果,筛选 资料,并上网查找针对性资料,调整研究 方案; 6、2003年2月,展示研究成果。 四、研究成果展示 1、本地水污染概况 资料显示,九龙江北溪从浦南河段,经郭坑大桥,石龟头断面,旧江东桥直到北溪桥闸河段和整个北引供水库区,水质都符合国家地面水?II类 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,水质良好, Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change. 是漳州、龙海和厦门供水的良好水源。然而离这里20公里的龙海水资源质量状况不容乐观,个别地方污染严重,调查发现,25%的河流呈现富营养状态,15%正在转向富营养状态,100%的河流有水葫芦生长,30%河面覆盖满水葫芦,80%的河边有垃圾堆,35%的河道堵塞不能通行,20%河流已成死水,为什么会形成这样的反差呢, 2、污染是怎样形成的,水污染是由于污染物质超过河水的自净能力造成的。据调查,居民保护水资源意识淡薄,把生活垃圾直接倒入河中,家里的厕所废水,直接排入河中;农业用水中,含农药和化肥的水流失入河中;个别私营工厂,以牺牲环境利益而获得经济利益,造成了严重的水污染。 3、水污染对人的影响 水污染直接影响人们的生活和生产。用被污染的水进行农业生产会造成减产; 5040% 4030% 30 2012% 10% 8% 10 0 水葫芦塑料制品化肥粪便其他 河道中的水葫芦,阻塞河道使船不能通行;水污染还会使人们得病,如腹泻、皮肤病等,甚致出现中毒,如日本的水俣病就是其中的一个很好的例子,对渔业生产的影响更是不可忽视。 6050% 50 4030% 30 20 10% 5%5% 10 0 生活污染农业生产工业污染养殖业自然Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change. 4、本地水的主要污染物 调查发现污染物当中40%是水葫芦,30%是塑料制品,如塑料袋、快餐盒、矿泉水瓶、泡沫等,此外还有电池、易拉罐、生物尸体、污泥、农业化肥氮、磷,人畜的粪便、油污等。 5、本地水的主要污染源 由于历史原因,本地区工业还不很多,主要以农业生产为主,又因为农药、化肥的过度使用,生活水平提高,而产生的生活垃圾就随之增多,所以本地污染物50%来自生活污染源,5%来自农业生产,5%来自工业污染,10%来自养殖业,其他属自然如水葫芦。 6、水污染的预防和治理 ?水葫芦污染的防治及其利用 水葫芦,学名“凤眼莲”,为水生漂浮植物,原产南美洲,50年前被引进中国,其繁殖速度极快,生命力极强,消耗水的大量溶解氧,使水低生物无法生存,又会加剧水体富营养化,直接或间接地造成经济损失。但是事物总是两面性的,适量的水葫芦生长对水质是有利的,关键是科学的管理。?水葫芦的根茎发达能吸收和分解水中的汞银磷,苯、酚、铅、镉、镍等有毒物质,实验证明一公顷水葫芦,每年净化4吨有机氮和1吨磷农药,足以处理2000个居民的生活用水,美国还利用其球形叶柄的纤维网吸附放射性废水。?水葫芦是优良的青饲料,可用于养猪、鸭等,上海的青浦县就将水葫芦加工成草粉饲料,饲养獭兔,获得很高的经济效益,它还是很好的造纸原料,其优势是资源丰富,生长快,采收易,价格低,可降低造纸成本。?水葫芦的压滤液还可作为沼气发生源,实验证明1公顷的水葫芦每天生产1.8吨干物质,通过微生物厌氧发酵,能产生660立方米的沼气,相当于250千克石油。 由此可见水葫芦开发前景十分广阔,它不仅是一种污染物,更重要的是一种净化物和资源,这话并不矛盾,但为什么水葫芦在本地区会造成污染呢,我想主要原因在于没有对水葫芦进行适时打捞,使其数量超过河水的自净能力,水富营养化,鉴于这一点,要加强水的流动,发挥自净能力,俗话说流水不腐吗,不但减轻水葫芦的污染,还可发挥其净化能力,所以在实际生活中要扬长避短。 ?需氧污染物的治理 需氧污染物是指碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪和本质素等有机化合物在微生物作 HO,6O6CO,5HO,在过用下最终分解为简单的无机物质其化学式为C61052 22程中需消耗大量的氧,这些主要来自生活污水、牲畜污水、造纸、制革、食品、油 3 Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change. 污等,本地主要需氧污染物来自农业废弃物,如秸杆、牲畜粪便,消耗水中的氧,使鱼类难以生长,很容易造成水的富营养化,治理方法是减少污水的排放,使之不超过水的自净能力,就可消除其污染。 ?污泥的处理 污泥含有大量有机物,废水中有大量的污泥,排出后会淤积在河道中,传统处理方法挖起后任意堆放,这样会重新污染水体、空气等。应先把污泥脱水干化,后置干密闭池中,使之发酵可得沼气,同时可杀死污泥中的病菌和寄生虫,而且肥力大大提高,这样引作农田肥料。实践证明,污泥的肥分很高,不仅可以使农作物增产,还可提高土壤肥力,对于其中的无机质沉淀还可作筑路材料,真是一举多得。 ?垃圾的处理 ?垃圾、粪便含有机物和病菌,不加处理排入水中,不易腐烂,还容易引发痢疾、伤害、小儿麻痹症、病毒性肝炎、蛔虫等病,影响人体健康,但垃圾粪便经处理后可作为肥料使用。 ?垃圾处置方法 ?填埋法:这是古老又最少投资的方法。填埋用地:废粘土坑、废采石场、废矿坑等,为防止对下水的污染,一般要高出地下水3.3米以上,本地地下水位一般离地面3-4米所以要另设粘土、沥青、塑料薄膜等不透水层。还要设排气口,使发酵放出的甲烷气体及时逸出,避免发生爆炸,并且20年内不宜在上建房,但可作绿地、农田等。 ?堆肥法:是使垃圾、粪便中的有机物,有微生物作用下进行生物化学反应,形成类似腐殖质土壤的物质,用作肥料或改良土壤,其原理可分厌氧与好氧致菌分解两种,厌氧微生物生长慢,故不多用,好氧分解过程同时可产生高温杀菌,我国主要采用后者。 ?制取沼气:随着能源的匮乏,以及废物对环境污染的日益严重,用机垃圾、植物秸杆、粪便等制取沼气,工艺简单,质优价廉,还可提高原料的肥力和杀灭虫卵,有发展前景。一般情况只需一个密封的厌氧环境即可。 沼气制取过程可概括为下式: 一座8立方米的沼气池,所产生的沼气可供烧饭、照明之用,沼气的发展不仅节约能源,对水资源的保护有重大作用。 ?焚化法:适用于可燃物较多的垃圾,并回收释放的能量作为能源,注意不造 Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change. 成空气污染,这种方法投资高,因而不太适宜用。 另外还可以对有用垃圾进行回收。 ?白色污染的防治 白色污染,即化学塑料制品污染,自然条件下会腐烂,还会释放有毒气体,治理方法主要有: ?光降解:在普通塑料中添加光敏剂,受光照后,变脆成为小碎片,但不能彻底分解,故不太实用。 ?生物分解:由脂肪、糖、乳酸等生物材料制成的塑料制品,可被生物分解,可大量生产,价格便宜。 ?生物崩解:在不降解的塑料中渗入淀粉、纤维素等,废弃后一段时间其中的生物材料会降解,塑料就会崩坍。 ?再利用,将可降解泡沬,塑料进行热裂解反应,加入催化剂在380?下,生成气体柴油和汽油的混合物,实现白色污染的无害化处理。 ?当然防治塑料对水的污染还需要居民良好的生活习惯和方式。 ?水体富营养化的治理 针对本地水体富营养化的严重性,治理其污染迫在眉睫。 ?水中营养生物的来源,主要来自农业中的氮、磷,以及动植物尸体。水体对 2?年) 氮和磷的允许负荷,如下表(克/米 允许负荷 危险负荷 平均水深 氮 磷 氮 磷 5米 1.0 0.07 2.0 0.13 10米 1.5 0.15 9.0 0.25 15米 4.0 0.25 8.0 0.50 如果超过以上表的数值,会使水体处严重缺氧状态,从而影响鱼类生存。 ?防治方法主要有减少化肥的使用,多用农家肥代替,使用无磷洗衣粉。 调查发现位于锦江大桥,中港大桥,玉江桥及西门桥下的九龙江水十分浑浊,含泥沙量5,8%;并且河道中还沉积着大量的淤泥,一旦碰到水流湍急时,江水更是浑浊不堪,直接响到水质的提高,为什么会有这么多的污泥,主要是从上游带来的九龙江流过的地方有许多山,山上主要以红壤,其质地疏松,容易受雨水侵蚀, 5 Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change. 而造成流失,之后在下游(前文的所提地方)沉淀下来,另一方面是九龙江经过沙州村才流龙海,所谓沙洲村,就是盛产沙子的地方,河水就是从这地方挟带许多细沙到下游,从上面所说的可以看出,这是一种以外力作用为主的地质作用。即河口三角州的形成过程,但治理方法还是有的: ?植树造林,防止红壤流失入江中; ?如照片所示在上游河道中,排石块,一般周期为一公里,对泥沙进行截留,防止全部冲入下游地带; ?对下游沉淀泥土进行治理和利用,淤泥中有肥力,可用于种植蘑菇,还可对紫泥三角洲个别沙地进行改造。 7、我们的设想及建议 ?可将养猪场、养鸭场、养鱼、种植业、水葫芦有机地连接起来,如下图: 饲料 水葫芦 猪、鸭 生活生产所用 排泄物 沼气 排有 泄机 物质 发酵剩余物 淤泥 鱼 沼气池 种植 这样就有了一个良性循环,池塘里的水葫芦,可当青饲料养猪、鸭等,还可作食草性鱼的饲料,另一部分水葫芦和猪、鸭的排泄物可作沼气反应物;另一部分适量排泄物可当鱼的饲料,河中的淤泥可当作当沼气池反应物或种植,沼气可维护日常生活所用,发酵剩余物还可用于种植的肥料,经济又实惠,何乐而不为呢, ?几个家庭之间可共同建一个10立方米的沼气池,可将日常生活的废水、有机垃圾、菜叶、秸杆和粪便通入沼气池,既可减少对环境的污染,所得沼气又可供生活之用。 ?政府应加强水资源保护建设,如垃圾处理厂、废水处理厂、废品回收站等,并在各村设一个垃圾车,加强对人们保护水资源的宣传和方法的教育。 参考文献: 《青少年自然百科探秘之环境保护》 《研究性学习导论》滑文革 《科技大趋势系列之环境科学》 《环境保护概论》刘天齐等,高等教育出版社 Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change. 7 Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change.
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