首页 1+三峡工程的利与弊Three+Gorges



1+三峡工程的利与弊Three+Gorgesnullnull三 峡null大坝选址之理由?null秭归地质考察部分秭归地质考察部分秭归链子崖C C Z r(花岗岩)nullnull巴东秭归Three Gorges: The Biggest Dam in the World QUESTIONSThree Gorges: The Biggest Dam in the World QUESTIONS1. What are some of the “pros” to building the Three G...

nullnull三 峡null大坝选址之理由?null秭归地质考察部分秭归地质考察部分秭归链子崖C C Z r(花岗岩)nullnull巴东秭归Three Gorges: The Biggest Dam in the World QUESTIONSThree Gorges: The Biggest Dam in the World QUESTIONS1. What are some of the “pros” to building the Three Gorges Dam? 2. What are some of the “cons” to building the Three Gorges Dam? 3. How will the Three Gorges Dam control flooding? 4. What are the purposes of the diversion channel and cofferdams during dam construction? 5. How will shipping traffic cross the Three Gorges Dam once it is completed? 6. What is the most difficult logistical challenge of the dam project? 7. Why do dams cause earthquakes? 1. What are some of the “pros” to building the Three Gorges Dam?1. What are some of the “pros” to building the Three Gorges Dam? The dam will prevent flooding, generate electric power that could fuel an economic boom, help establish China as a world power, increase the importance of the city of Chongqing, and reduce pollution from the burning of coal. null至2006年5月三峡电厂累计发电量1107.99亿多度重庆经济腾飞控制下游洪水泛滥令中国更强大减轻污染三峡 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 的兴建将使川江水运生机勃勃、一片繁荣三峡大坝之最三峡大坝之最防洪效益最大的水利枢纽 ·世界最大的水电站 ·航运效益最显著的枢纽 ·世界上工程规模最大的水利枢纽工程 ·居世界之最的单项建筑物 ·水库淹没及移民安置难度世界之最 ·世界泄洪能力最大的泄洪闸三峡工程的巨大效益 三峡工程的巨大效益 防洪: 防洪 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 由现在的约10年一遇提高到100年一遇 发电: 三峡水电站总装机容量1820万千瓦,年平均发电量846.8亿千瓦时 航运: 显著改善宜昌至重庆660公里的长江航道,万吨级船队可直达重庆港。 养殖: 库区形成1150平方公里的水面, 是虾、贝、鱼、鹅、鸭、鳖等淡水水产养殖基地 旅游: 瞿塘峡和巫峡江段水位仅分别抬高38—46米, 不影响三峡景观, 且旅游交通更加便利 净化环境: 三峡年均发电约850 亿度,相当于每年节约5000万吨原煤。若以火电代替,需建14座130 万千瓦的大型火电站和3 座年产超1500万吨的煤矿 南水北调: 从香溪河回流引至丹江口水库,便可汇入南水北调中线方案的总干渠 null1998年的长江水灾:死亡1526人,受灾231万人,参加抗洪抢险600多万人。长江九江大堤决口、湖北荆江分洪区内51万多人舍弃家园。1931年8月4日:长江特大洪水淹死14万余人 1998年长江特大洪水:受灾231万人null三峡电力机组全部建成后,可以顶10个大亚湾核电站发出的电量,而且三峡电力近年也已经源源不断地支援缺电严重的广东。将来,三峡工程的电力会源源不断地送往沪、赣、浙、皖、豫、鄂、湘、粤、渝 null三峡水库蓄水后,急流险滩无影无踪。以前从重庆到宜昌行船来回得走8天,现在只要两天。以前,在长江三峡拖轮最多拖两艘驳船,现在可以拖10艘。蓄水到156米水位后,万吨级船队可直达重庆主城区港口。 null如果将三峡水电站替代燃煤电厂,相当于7座260万千瓦的火电站,每年可减少燃煤5000万吨,少排放二氧化碳约1亿吨,二氧化硫200万吨,一氧化碳约1万吨,氮氧化合物约37万吨以及大量的工业废物。 2. What are some of the “cons” to building the Three Gorges Dam? 2. What are some of the “cons” to building the Three Gorges Dam? The dam will put roughly 2 million people out of their homes, eliminate the tourist trade to the Three Gorges area, and destroy important archeological artifacts. The dam may also create huge flooding problems for villages upstream or cause a devastating earthquake. null重庆云阳县双江镇部分移民乘船离开故土抢救文物水库诱发地震null大宁河(小三峡)的昨天与今天3. How will the Three Gorges Dam control flooding?3. How will the Three Gorges Dam control flooding? The dam will control flooding on the lower Yangtze River by containing water during high-water periods in a man-made reservoir on the upper Yangtze River. 三峡工程蓄水至175米时,可通过调节库容有效调控洪水,保护长江中下游至少1500万人口和150万公顷耕地 防洪标准由现在的约10年一遇提高到100年一遇。 4. What are the purposes of the diversion channel (导流明渠)and cofferdams (围堰)during dam construction?4. What are the purposes of the diversion channel (导流明渠)and cofferdams (围堰)during dam construction? The diversion channel is built to maintain river flow and shipping flow during dam construction and to protect the main dam structure from floodwaters during construction. Cofferdams create a dry bed for building the foundations of the dam's main walls. nulldiversion channelnull2001年三峡实习摄于围堰大坝工地内null导流明渠(2001年实习拍摄)null5. How will shipping traffic cross the Three Gorges Dam once it is completed?5. How will shipping traffic cross the Three Gorges Dam once it is completed?Shipping traffic will cross the Three Gorges Dam either by using a ship elevator or by using a series of locks. 6. What is the most difficult logistical challenge of the dam project?6. What is the most difficult logistical challenge of the dam project? The largest problem of the Three Gorges Dam project is to resettle the 2 million people who will be displaced by the rising waters of the reservoir. Some families will be moved from their fertile farms to homes on hillsides not suitable for farming. 7. Why do dams cause earthquakes ?7. Why do dams cause earthquakes ? Dams can cause earthquakes because of the large water weight pressing down on Earth's crust. 建三峡工程总共要花费多少钱?建三峡工程总共要花费多少钱?1993年7月批准枢纽工程的静态总投资为500.9亿元; 1994年11月批准水库移民搬迁与安置的静态总投资为400亿元; 两项合计,三峡工程静态总投资为900.9亿元。 三峡工程建设,时间跨度长达17年,将每年的动态投资累加起来约达到2040亿元。 目前已投资1600亿元 100亿 、500亿、1000亿、2000亿?
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