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柴科夫斯基:歌剧约兰塔歌词(罗马俄语、英语) P.I. Tchaikovsky Iolanta Synopsis The action takes place in XV century. Iolanta, the blind daughter of the King of Provence, is whiling away the time in the garden of the castle. As the curtain rises she is talking to her nurse, Marta. She tells Marta th...

P.I. Tchaikovsky Iolanta Synopsis The action takes place in XV century. Iolanta, the blind daughter of the King of Provence, is whiling away the time in the garden of the castle. As the curtain rises she is talking to her nurse, Marta. She tells Marta that she has never ever felt so depressed, Iolanta's friends, Brigitte and Laura, try to cheer her up by singing songs and bringing her posies of flowers. Marta also tries to comfort Iolanta by singing her favourite lullaby. This sends Iolanta to sleep. The sleeping Iolanta is carried into the castle. There is a fanfare of trumpets and Almerik, King Rene's sword-bearer, appears. He informs the castle doorman, Bertrand, that very soon the King will be arriving with a famous Physician who, it is hoped, will cure Iolanta of her blindness. The trumpets sound again, announcing the arrival of the King. King Rene enters accompanied by the Moorish Physician, Ibn-Hakia. King Rene tells Ibn-Hakia that Iolanta has been betrothed from infancy to Robert, Duke of Burgundy, and is soon to marry him, but the Duke does not know that his future wife is blind and, indeed, Iolanta herself is totally unaware of her misfortune, Iolanta had been brought up by her father in this remote castle and he had surrounded her with loyal retainers whom he had ordered on pain of death not to tell her the truth. Ibn-Hakia says that the only cure for Iolanta is to inform her of her disability and then, so long as she passionately wishes to recover her sight, she will do so. King Rene, full of anxieties for his daughter, retires in indecision to the castle together with the Physician. Robert, Duke of Burgundy, and his friend the Knight, Count Vaudemont, appear on the scene. They are impressed to find a beautiful garden in such a wild, remote spot. The notice over the entrance to the garden which threatens with death anyone entering it without permission, puzzles them. Robert is downhearted for he is soon to be united in matrimony with Iolanta whom he has never met and his heart already belongs to another, Iolanta appears on the castle terrace. Vaudemont is struck by her beauty. Hearing voices, she does not recognize, Iolanta suggests to the strangers that they rest under the shade of the trees and she hurries off to fetch them some wine. Left alone with his friend, the Duke, who has a sceptical attitude to the world, voices his apprehensions and decides to leave; Vaudemont, who is quite enchanted by Iolanta's beauty, stays behind. When Iolanta returns he tells her of the great impression she has made on him and asks her to pick him a red rose in memory of their meeting, Iolanta plucks him a rose, but it is a white one. Vaudemont repeats his request and again he is handed a white rose. The Count begins to suspect something is wrong. He picks a bunch of roses and asks Iolanta to tell him how many flowers there are in the bunch, Iolanta asks him to give her the roses so that she may count them. Vaudemont now realizes that Iolanta is blind. And he tells her so. He tries, in so far as is possible, to comfort Iolanta but, getting somewhat carried away, he starts to describe to her the beauties of God's world which she is destined never to see. Voices are heard: the King enters, followed by Physician Ibn-Hakia and servants. Rene is horrified when he learns that Vaudemont has told Iolanta of her disability; he does not know what to do to help his daughter and eventually suggests that she should try Physician Ibn-Hakia's course of treatment, Iolanta is not enthusiastic about this and says she is quite happy as she is which makes the Physician lose all hope that his treatment will be effective. Noticing that Iolanta is very much taken by Vaudemont, King Rene tells the Knight that he will be executed unless his daughter recovers her sight, Iolanta, out of her mind with love for Vaudemont, begs the Physician to cure her and goes with him into the castle. A fanfare of trumpets announces the arrival of the Duke of Burgundy who, with a group of armed knights, is hurrying to the rescue of his friend. Robert is amazed to see King Rene. Vaudemont confesses to Robert that he is in love with Iolanta, the latter's betrothed, and asks him to tell the King that he, Robert, has given his heart to someone else. Rene consents to the marriage of Iolanta and Count Vaudemont. Shouts of joy are heard, Iolanta, who has recovered her sight, appears at the castle door. Overjoyed, King Rene hurries to embrace his daughter and then leads Vaudemont up to her. Falling on her knees, Iolanta gives passionate thanks to God for her recovery. Note: the libretto of Iolanta has been modified several times; in this recording, a few variations from the original libretto are found. P.I. Tchaikovsky Iolanta – Transliterated Russian-English libretto page 2/36 PETR IL'ICH CHAJKOVSKIJ Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 – 1893) IOLANTA Iolanta Opera v odnom akte Op. 69 Opera in One Act, op. 69 Libretto by Modest Tchaikovsky after "King René's daughter" by Henrick Hertz Premiere 6 December 1892, Maryinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg Dejstvujushchie lica Characters Rene, korol' Provansa René, King of Provence Robert, gercog Burgundskij Robert, Duke of Burgundy Vodemon, graf, burgindskij rycar' Vodemon, Earl, a Burgundian knight Ebn-Khakia, mavritanskij vrach Ebn-Khakiha, a Moorish doctor Al'Merik, oruzhenosec korolja Rene Almerick, King Rene's armour-bearer Bertran, privratnik dvorca Bertrand, a door-keeper Iolanta, doch korolja Rene (slepaja) Iolanthe, King Rene's daughter Marta, zhena Bertrana, kormilica Iolanty Marthe, Bertrand's wife, lolanthe's wet-nurse Brigitta, podruga Iolanty Brigitte, lolanthe's friend Laura, podruga Iolanty Laura, lolanthe's friend Prisluzhnicy i podrugi Iolanty, svita korolja, vojsko gercoga Burgundskogo i oruzhenoscy. Dejstvie proiskhodit v gorakh juzhnoj Francii v XV veke. Iolanta's servant-girls and friends, the king's retinue, the Burgundian Duke's regiment, men-at-arms Southern France in the fifteenth century: A garden with roses and fruit trees with its gate overgrown. Iolanta, the blind daughter of King René of Provence, and her companions pick fruit and gather flowers. COMPACT DISC 1 [1] Introdukciya Introduction No. 1. Scena i ariozo Iolanty Scene 1 Krasivyj sad s roskoshnoj rastitelnostju. Paviljon v goticheskom vkuse. V glubine -- stena s malen'koj vkhodnoj dver'ju, skrytoj rastenijami. Kusty cvetushchikh roz na avanscene. Plodovyje derevja. (Chetyre muzykanta igrajut. Iolanta sobiraet plody, oshchupju ishcha ikh na derevjakh. Brigitta, Laura i neskolko prisluzhnic, podstavljajut ej vetvi so spelymi plodami. Marta derzhit korzinu, kuda Iolanta kladet ikh. Ee dvizhenija stanovjatsja medlennymi, i nakonec, ponurja golovu, ona opuskaet ruki.) MARTA MARTHA [2] Moj ptenchik, Iolanta, ty ustala? Iolanta, my dear, are you tired? IOLANTA IOLANTA Ustala li? Ne znaju, pravo! (vzdykhaja) Da! Tired? I don't know. Yes! Kormilica, skazhi mne... Nurse, please tell me... MARTA MARTHA Chto, golubka? What is it, dear? P.I. Tchaikovsky Iolanta – Transliterated Russian-English libretto page 3/36 IOLANTA IOLANTA Chego-to mne nedostaet... chego? I feel something is missing. Hotela by ja znat'. But what? I would like to know. Otec, ty, Marta, My father, you, Martha, (Obrashchaetsja ne v tu storonu, gde stojat Brigitta i Laura. Oni perekhodiat) vy, milye podrugi, vse zhivete dla menia. all my friends, you all live for me. Laskoj, schast'em krasite mne zhizn', You enrich my life with love and joy A ja nichem ne v silakh otplatit' za vsiu ljubov'! and I cannot repay you. MARTA MARTHA Sluzhit' tebe nash dolg: It is our duty to serve you. Ty gospozha, my -- slugi! You are the mistress, we are servants. IOLANTA IOLANTA Net, net, nepravda, vy mne druz'ja. No, it isn't true. You are my friends. O. Marta, ja hochu chego-to, a chego? Martha, I want something, but what? Sama ne znaju. I don't know. MARTA (placha) MARTHA Golubka, Iolanta, perestan'. Dear Iolanta, don't go on. IOLANTA IOLANTA Postoj, postoj! Pridi ko mne, Wait. Come closer. pridi poblizhe!.. Come closer. (trogajet glaza Marte) Ty plachesh? Otchego? You're weeping. Why? MARTA MARTHA Mogu li ja spokojnoj byt', kogda ty plachesh? How can I stay calm when you're weeping? IOLANTA IOLANTA Marta, ja plachu, no slez moikh nichem ne vydala, kak ty. Yes, Martha, I'm weeping, Moj golos tverd i roven byl, glaz moikh ne kasalas' ty, but I did not show my tears, as you did. Pochemu zhe ty znaesh pro `eti slezy? My voice was firm and steady. (Marta i podrugi v smushchenii molchat.) You did not touch my eyes Net, tut chto-to jest', chego nelzja skazat' mne! so how did you know I was shedding tears? There is something you are not allowed to tell me. MARTA MARTHA Polno, polno! That's enough! BRIGITTA IOLANTA Vas muzyka rasstroila. The music has upset you. MARTA MARTHA O. da, konechno muzyka. Yes, of course, the music. (k muzykantam) Dovolno, budet! Thank you, that will do. LAURA LAURA Sygrali by veseloe, a to... If you had played something cheerful… but this… IOLANTA IOLANTA Ne nado... (k muzykantam) Spasibo vam, druz'ja moi, Don't reproach them. Thank you, my friends, P.I. Tchaikovsky Iolanta – Transliterated Russian-English libretto page 4/36 (muzykanty ostanavlivajutsja) you played well, but... Vy khorosho igrali, no... Spasibo vam, teper' dovol'no; thank you, that is enough. V chas kogda ne budet gret' tak solnce, vy prijdete poveselit' Later, when the sun's rays do not warm us, menja. (muzykanty ukhodiat) come and cheer me up. BRIGITTA I LAURA VMESTE BRIGITTA & LAURA Chto khochesh delat'? What would you like to do? Zhelaesh prjast' il' pet'? Sing, do some spinning? KHOR PRISLUZHNIC CHORUS Il' skazki slushat'? Or listen to stories? IOLANTA IOLANTA No, I don't want to do anything. Net, nichego ne nado... I'm tired. V samom dele ustala ja. Pick me some flowers. Narvite mne cvetov, ja budu ikh perebirat' I'd like to hold them. I zapakh prohladnykh, nezhnykh lepestkov byt' mozhet dast pokoj... The fragrance of the cool, delicate petals Vsju `etu noch' bez sna ja provela. might bring me peace. (Brigitta, Laura i prisluzhnicy ukhodiat) Last night I couldn't sleep at all. Neuzheli glaza dany za tem, chtob tolko plakat'? Surely we are only given our eyes Skazhi mne, Marta! for weeping, aren't we, Martha? Ariozo Aria IOLANTA (s bol'shim chuvstvom) IOLANTA [3] Otchego `eto prezhde ne znala Why have I not known sorrow Ni toski ja ni gorja, ni slez, or tears till now? I vse dni protekali, byvalo, Why have I spent my days Sredi zvukov nebesnykh i roz? amid heavenly sounds and roses? Chut' uslyshu ja ptic shchebetan'e, Whenever I heard birds twittering, Chut' teplo ozhivit dalnij bor, or distant pine forests warming to life I vezde zazvuchit likovan'e,- and everywhere ringing with jubilation, Ja vstupala v torzhestvennyj hor! I felt I was standing in a triumphant choir. A teper' vse mne dnem navevaet But now every day I feel a mysterious, Neponjatnyj, glubokij uprek, deep reproach in everything, I ukory sud'be posylaet which seems to rebuke fate for sending Ptichek hor i shumiashchij potok. the chorus of birds and the rushing stream. Otchego `eto nochi molchan'e Why are night's stillness and coolness I prokhlada mne stali milej? dearer to me now? Otchego ja kak budto rydan'ja Why do I hear sobbing Slyshu tam, gde poet solovej, whenever the nightingale sings? Otchego? Otchego skazhi? Otchego? Otchego? Tell me why, Martha? Skazhi, Marta? No.2. Scena i khor. Scene 2 MARTA (vedja Iolantu k lozhu bliz kusta roz) MARTHA [4] Polno ne nado [zachem zhe] rodnaja, Enough, dear, there's no need Popustu dushu tomit'! to torment your soul for nothing, Plakat' o chem-to, ne znaja, crying about what you do not know. P.I. Tchaikovsky Iolanta – Transliterated Russian-English libretto page 5/36 To zhe, chto Boga gnevit'. It will make God angry. (Za scenoj slyshny smekh i vosklicanija Brigitty, Laury i drugikh devushek. Oni vbegajut, nesja korzinu polnuju cvetov.) BRIGITTA, LAURA I KHOR PRISLUZHNIC BRIGITTA, LAURA, MARTHA & CHORUS Vot tebe ljutiki, vot vasil'ki, We bring you buttercups, cornflowers, vot mimozy, vot i rozy, i levkoja cvetki; mimosa, roses and gillyflowers, Lilii, landyshi, chary vesny, lilies, lily-of-the-valley, bal'zaminy i zhasminy, aromata polny. the charms of spring, balsam and scented jasmine. BRIGITTA Touch them, smell their fragrance, Tron' ikh: kak chudno dushisty, virginally fresh and pure. May their fragrant sweetness and the warmth LAURA of spring days drive away doubt and sorrow Tron' ikh: kak chudno dushisty, They're soft as velvet, delicate and fragrant, you'll forget all your misgivings BRIGITTA and sleep will drive away your torment, devstvenno svezhi i chisty! your doubt and sorrow. May your troubles be over, LAURA with joy instead of sorrow, devstvenno svezhi i chisty! O flowers, O springtime. BRIGITTA, MARTA ) Pust' aromatnym ikh dykhan'em ) i dnej vesennikh laskoj nezhnoj ) muki, somnen'ja i stradan'ja ) sgonit blazhennyj, sladkij son, ) BRIGITTA I ) ty zabudesh stradan'ja, somnen'ja, muki! ) MARTA ) i pokoj vernetsja radostnyj! ) LAURA ) Kak barkhatisty, mjagki, blagoukhanny i nezhny, ) ty pozabudesh somnen'ja i sny blazhennyje ) sgonjat stradan'ja, somnen'ja i muki! I ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC I ) Kak barkhatisty, blagoukhanny, I ) svezhi i chisty, nezhny, mjagki! I ) Akh, chto za prelest'! Chto za krasa! ) MARTA, LAURA, BRIGITTA, KHOR PRISLUZHNIC (VMESTE) Vot tebe ljutiki, vot vasil'ki, vot mimozy, vot i rozy, i levkoja cvetki; Lilii, landyshi, chary vesny, bal'zaminy i zhasminy, aromata polny. BRIGITTA ) Vse goresti skrojutsja vdal', ) sny sladkie smenjat ) LAURA ) Goresti vse skrojutsja vdal, ) sladkie sny smenjat ) MARTA ) Gore skroetsja vdal', radost' smenit ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC ) P.I. Tchaikovsky Iolanta – Transliterated Russian-English libretto page 6/36 Sladkie sny smenjat ) BRIGITTA, LAURA, MARTA, KHOR PRISLUZHNIC ) pechal'! O cvety, o, cvety, ) BRIGITTA, LAURA, MARTA ) o, vesna! ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC ) luchshij dar vesny! ) No. 3. Scena i khor Scene 3 IOLANTA IOLANTA [5] Brigitta, eto ty? Brigitta, is that you? LAURA LAURA Net, ja Laura... No, it's Laura... IOLANTA IOLANTA (ne vypuskaja ee ruki, protjagivaet druguju Brigitte) Blagodarju vas, milye moi. I want to thank you, my friends. Za chto, za chto vy ljubite menja? Why are you so fond of me? Chem ja mogu vam otplatit' za vashu druzhbu? How can I ever repay your friendship? BRIGITTA ) BRIGITTA & LAURA Tvoja ljubov',- vot luchshaja nagrada! ) Your love is the best reward. LAURA ) Tvoja ljubov',- moja nagrada! ) IOLANTA IOLANTA Gde Marta? Where's Martha? MARTA MARTHA Zdes', moja rodnaja! I'm here, dear child. IOLANTA IOLANTA Slushaj, pridi sjuda. Listen, come here. Pozvol', kak prezhde byvalo v detstve, Let me lean my head on your shoulder golovu sklonit' mne na plecho k tebe, as I used to when I was a child i spoj mne pesnju, ty pomnish', and sing me that song, tu... ljubimuju! do you remember? It was my favourite. (Marta delaet znak Brigitte, Laure i devushkam. Odna iz nikh beret opakhalo i tikho veet im nad golovoj Iolanty) MARTA MARTHA Izvol. Of course. (obrashchajas' g Brigitte i Laure) I vy so mnoju pojte! And you two can sing with me. IOLANTA IOLANTA (otkryvaja glaza) Net, im skuchno! No, they'd be bored. BRIGITTA I LAURA BRIGITTA & LAURA Da chto ty? polno, perestan'! What do you mean? Don't say that! (Iolanta zasypaet. Vo vremja pesni Marta ostorozhno ukladyvaet ee na lozhe i delaet znak, chtoby voshli slugi. Slugi P.I. Tchaikovsky Iolanta – Transliterated Russian-English libretto page 7/36 vkhodjat i ostorozhno unosjat Iolantu.Pesnja tikho zamiraet po ukhode dejstvujushchikh lic za scenu) BRIGITTA BRIGITTA, LAURA, MARTHA & CHORUS [6] Spi, pust' angely krylami navevajut sny, Sleep, and let angels' wings bring you dreams, LAURA as they move softly among us, Spi, pust' angely krylami navevajut sny, full of blessings. Sleep, let blessed sleep enfold you. BRIGITTA May God hear our childish prayers reja tikho mezhdu nami, blagosti polny. and send down happiness, joy, rest and peace. God looks down on you from heaven LAURA and sends you joy and rest. reja tikho mezhdu nami, blagosti polny. MARTA Baju, baju, BRIGITTA I LAURA ) Baju, baju, spi! ) MARTA ) bajushki-baju, ) MARTA baju, baju, BRIGITTA I LAURA ) Baju, baju, spi! ) MARTA ) bajushki-baju, spi! ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC Spi, ditja, pust son blazhennyj osenit tebja! BRIGITTA I LAURA ) Spi, ditja, pust son blazhennyj osenit tebja; ) Bog molitve detskoj vnemlja, ) shchedroju rukoj nisposhlet na zemlju i schast'e ) i radost' shchedroju rukoj, ) nisposhlet On s neba i schast'e i radost' ) i pokoj, i mir. ) MARTA ) S nebesi Gospod' vselennoj vzgljanet na tebja, ) nisposhlet tebe On schast'e, radost' i pokoj, ) nisposhlet tebe On schast'e, radost' i pokoj, ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC (soprano) ) Nisposhlet On s neba i schast'e i radost' ) i pokoj, i mir. ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC (alty) ) Nisposhlet tebe On schast'je, radost' i pokoj. ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC ) Spi, pust' angely krylami navevajut sny! ) BRIGITTA ) Spi, spi sladkim snom, o, svetlyj angel nash, ) pust' angely krylami navevajut sny, ) sladkije sny! Reja tikho mezhdu nami ) blagosti polny! ) LAURA ) P.I. Tchaikovsky Iolanta – Transliterated Russian-English libretto page 8/36 Spi, spi tikho luchezarnyj svetlyj angel nash! ) Spi, pust' angely krylami navevajut sny, ) MARTA ) Spi, spi sladkim snom, o svetlyj angel nash! ) Spi sladkim snom! luchazarnyj, svetlyj angel nash! ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC ) S nebesi Gospod' vselennoj vzgljanet na tebja! ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC (alty) Baju, baju, bajushki baju, ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC (soprano) ) Baju, baju, ) MARTA ) Baju, baju, ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC (alty) ) baju, baju, ) KHOR PRISLUZHNIC (soprano) ) spi! ) BRIGITTA, LAURA, KHOR PRISLUZHNIC (soprano) ) Baju, baju, spi! ) MARTA, KHOR PRISLUZHNIC (alty) ) bajushki-baju, spi! ) BRIGITTA, LAURA I KHOR PRISLUZHNIC ) Spi, ditja, pust' son blazhennyj ) osenit tebja! ) MARTA I KHOR PRISLUZHNIC ) Spi, ditja, pust' son blazhennyj ) osenit tebja! ) BRIGITTA, LAURA Sladko spi! VSE Baju, bajushki-baju! Spi! Spi! No. 4 Scena i ariozo korolja Scene 4 (Scena nekotoroe vremja ostaetsja pusta. Vdali okhota. Razdaetsja signal'nyj zvuk roga i stuk v kalitku) The sleeping Iolanta is carried into the castle. There is a fanfare of trumpets and Alméric, King René’s sword-bearer, appears. BERTRAN BERTRAND [7] Prizyvnyj rog... Kto `etot gost' nezhdannyj? A bugle call… Who is this unexpected guest? (Otvorjaet kalitku. Vkhodit Al'merik) Kto b ni byl ty, ni shagu dal'she! Whoever you are, do not approach. Sjuda nel'szja vojti pod strakhom kazni. Stupaj! You are forbidden to enter on pain of death. Begone! AL'MERIK ALMÉRIC Velen'em korolja ja zdes' i ne ujdu, I am here at the king's command, prikaza ne ispolniv. and will not leave until I have fulfilled his orders. P.I. Tchaikovsky Iolanta – Transliterated Russian-English libretto page 9/36 BERTRAN BERTRAND Kogda korol' zhelaet peredat' prikaz, When the king has orders for us, he sends on posylaet nam Raulja, oruzhenosca, Raoul, his armour-bearer, a friend of mine. druga moego. AL'MERIK ALMÉRIC Uznaj, starik: Raul' vchera skonchalsja. Listen, old man
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