首页 剑桥国际英语教程Unit1-12语言点小结



剑桥国际英语教程Unit1-12语言点小结 蕊 】¨~ ⋯¨¨ 鹧嬲聘豺黯簿器 Pos:tiVe gJa″r'εs accornpIished 弭ppropriate cons1derate creat】ve dovtrn¨to-earth easygo1ng generous helpful (absolutely)、vonderful lcompleteln honest Cncrediblyˉl talen⒃d (totalIy)re1iable 鲮筢舻銎萝静餮 加fefIs尉ers abso1utely coηnp1etely extreme1...

蕊 】¨~ ⋯¨¨ 鹧嬲聘豺黯簿器 Pos:tiVe gJa″r'εs accornpIished 弭ppropriate cons1derate creat】ve dovtrn¨to-earth easygo1ng generous helpful (absolutely)、vonderful lcompleteln honest Cncrediblyˉl talen⒃d (totalIy)re1iable 鲮筢舻銎萝静餮 加fefIs尉ers abso1utely coηnp1etely extreme1y incFedib1y not at a⒒ pretty real1y so totally very fairl,/ humb1e laid-back outgoing practical qu1et safe shy ″ega″Ve¢Ja`F〃εs arrogant cornpetitiye demanding dishonest disorganized i1npatient 1ncons1derate reckless rude selfish unf1·忆ndly unreliab1e on tiIue properly quick1y reckless1y seriously slowˇ strongly vlrell 月Ⅱitude basicany 醣蛐鑫 ad∏11re someone apoIogize to someone ba1ance work and play borrovv something count on someone drive recklessly feel strongly about something get iInpat】ent have a(greatl sense ofhumor have illlpeccable taste(in clothes) honk your horn interrupt people s1ow down take(school/work)seriously talk about people behind thei「backs te1lthe truth trust someone try hard to(getto c1ass) Ma刀刀er automaticaHy bad1y carefu11y correct1】⒎ differently easily fast hard in△111ediately late nice圩 霾艚鑫霾箩囊搬歹撺锣螽艚鑫攮踺霪鼹笋 Nobody feels safe on the highvvays because people drive reckIessly. I think扯、n允eto win,butI dort feelstrong圩aboutit. on buses,people seen1very rude, Iˇloung people don’t knoxv hoxlv to speak cOrrecd,ˉ. 1think young people dress properly here‘ Young people often dress casua11y,but that’sOK. 霾蜜鑫痨萨瑙翮镙翻砻缁晗婶黢翻鞭 攮婶酽蜜翻潘溜喇霾蜜 I rea1Iy adⅡ1ire a guyin r11y karate class. He’s not very outgoing.He℃ba“call,Tjust shl,``。 He’s practical and do、l`ntˉo-earth, He’s fairIy easygoing and laid-back。 He’s a pretty cooI guy, He’sComp1etely honest.I can trust what he says. she has a greatsense ofhumor, She’s eXtremely generous.She’s notse1fish at all. 蠡艚零露寮蛮鼯勰翳翮籀瞎毒嘁嫒鑫铲播霾攮f霹鑫 Ho vˇ′s your nellvzrooΠ11uate working out? I don’tsee thatrnuch of hirn He℃alⅥ厂ays vσorking I’Π1alⅥ/ays borrowing his stuf1and he doesn’tFnind. She、 ^/as al、 ∧ `ays ta1king behind people’ s backs. I△n alⅥ `ays losing things。 It drives rne crazy. 翻鼹豳凄萨撺酽拶罅萨鼬辖胛锣鑫黼蹭 Atleast he、not always throwing、vild parties, I’Π1alllvays checking Fny phone rnessages,but atleastI don` do itin class. 卩霾萝$鼢擗寤萨勰鼬£觯攮蜜鼯黟 can be(very competitive)beCause. can speak.¨ have a degree in.. vˇork for a company ca11ed. I’m allcrgic to。.. I’Π1an aCComphshed(piano pIaye1) 加灯nⅡtnameis∞al .ˇ¨ 霾鼬酽萨撮胛搪檑猁拥舳¢翮翻蜜卢鼢擗 I moved to(Sydney)atthe age of αhree), I was born and raised in.¨ Tˉq40·Iamσ″agε s″″″臼丌es ◎Can1bridge University Press photocopiab1e ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 禹硇霾 `rFε σrraF卩asf夕a″ `ε 轫res been(be) broken(break) done(do) fal1en(fal1) forgotten(forget) found(鱼nd) gone(go) gotten(get) had(have) hear-(heall hurt(hurtl lost(1ose) seen(see) spoken(speak) taken(take) x,NOn l△vin) 占aJ expε″e″εεs break something valuable fal1and hurt yourself faⅡ o壬1:la raftl forget an important appoint1△ent have the f1u 1ose something important εooJ:X,erre刀εes enter a talent contest get a(perfect)grade(on an exan1) vviˉn a contest or competition oⅡfJoOF a¢Ⅱfi佐:εs go hang gⅡding go saⅡing go scuba div1ng go skⅡng go sur扭ng go parasaiIing go white-ˇvater rafting go wtndsur伍ng 黟霾舻艚爨 comedy competnion contest dream hopes and dreams sai1boat wildh托 r″reF″εr`扌″gJagε blog(VVeb1og) b1ogger onhneiournal 蠲醐霾霾搬蹭鑫 af1·aid(ofdeep wa艾eθ fun scared(of heights) scary 飕癞镞萝搬骥 屑r扌fr″Je amazingly fortunately unfortunately `V%,Ve yOJ εI/eFP a few tImes many tiInes (never/notl before once several times twiCe ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˇ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 0 ˉ ˉ 确啻飘鼋确酽鑫翻罅罅蜜翻晗黟霾鑫霾鼢渡醵群艚稷隅雷 V,h/hat are your secret dreams? My dream⒗to study aCthg. VVhat’s something you’ve alˇvays、vanted to do? I’ve al、vays vvanted to try hang ghding. 确銮祗鬣魏醪攮淼罅槲餮齑爵霾翳蒉锣醴萨蚤键鼢霾蜜霾 We’ve gone sa圭ling a fev、严tiInes. VⅥe haven`saved enough rnoney to buy a boat。 Raquel has never tried surⅡng before. 1’ve been to Europe several/1nany ti1nes. Have you eVer been to Ecuador? Have you eversungin f1·ont ofpeop1e? Have you ever done anything scary? No,I haven’t。 /)`k⒉s,I have‘I、Vent、 ^/hite冖 vˇater rafting. I’Ve never been so sCared in mylife 邋鼯醴鼢萝撺醪霾鑫翳霾霾獬舻霾爵翳餮爨蜜番馏翳鼢翻覆辔 Are you a lVⅡl Snlith fan? I’ve heard Of hi1n。1s he good? Have you seen that new Ii1n Carrey rnovie? No,butI’ve heard it’s good,Did you1ike it? Do you knoⅥ/the band cal1ed Sunset? No,butI’ve heard good things aboutthem,Do you have any oftheir CDs? s齑o戡 `飘 gf胛feres铲Of s拶矽萨霪s霾 I’rn impressed! Vˇow, Are you?/YOu are? Do you?/You do? Did you?/You did? Have you?/You have? 胛g啊O罗耱s镄獬拶晷勰猡勰醒蓄翻腰 Ama犭ng蜕⒒Ⅵ泛sn\re狨l,rscar≯ Fortunatel9/jthαe wαe some gⅡatguides, I didn’t see a lion,unfortunately, ? ?? ?? ? ◎ Cambridge Universjty Press photocopiable止a刀gJaσe s″m仞ar`es·T~141 uRit∷3 ∷ 郊宰醛菲亨 ⅣafJra'wε″Jers (active)volcano archipelago beach canyon continent desert island 1ake mountain mountain range natural、vOnder ocean rain forest r1ver tree va1ley wiIdli坨 羚心s cover erl△ploy(workers) erupt go hiking go snorkehng hold ″J″a刀WO″trers airport ancient c汪y monument office bunding pyraⅡ1id roller coaster shopping1na1l stadium structure suspension bridge train station 产f,雩f·gFv窖革 狩εgIrrar sJ卩εr`a″vεs the bus1est the1east expensive the rnost interesti11g `FregJrar sIrpε r`ar`yes the best the llvorst 言0蠹蛰宇扌垂淤衤年三护妆f事 玎社:亨考亻 Vˇhat’s the tallest building in the、vorld? This bui1ding is509rneters(l,670feet)tall, 、Vhich stadiunl has the1nost seats? This stadium can hold over200,000peop1e. Vˇhat’s the busiest restaurant? This restaurant emp1oys rnore than1,000workers, Vˇhich country is the n1ost pOpuIar Ⅵ严ith tourists? What’s the least expensive city in the、vorld? 琳 擂 空於F矛垂窦 茫 辈室羟 蓿 言玎扩 毋 矛F卞 1′he highest mountain in the Ⅵ/orld is、Ιount Everest. The largest deserris the Sahara in Africa. HoⅥ/large is it?It’s about9‘l Inillion square kⅡometers The largest ocean is the Pacific.It covers one-third of the Earth 勤 素 湘 窘 蹿旁契 茫 茫时 扌葚空耳 罩 峦 乒菇 Hollv deep is the pacisc Ocean? It’s about11,000meters(36,000fCet)dcep, HOxt,high isˇ【ount Everest? It’s8,850meters(29,035feet)high. HoⅥ严hot does it getin Death、厂alley? It can reach钅8degrees Celsius(120degrees Fahrenheio. I1ov氵large is the sahara Desert? 1t’s911nnⅡon square kⅡollleters(3,51nⅡhon square FFli1es) 建窍 轳守廴扌子ε 幸纡 ,稽录革舻揩 鞯 雪蒲 deep(36,000feet deep) high(8,8501ueters high) long(钅丿1601△ 1iles long) tall(l,670feet taⅡ) xrvide(29kilometers、vide) 社j艹扌ε幸亭辈苫芒萤聿事f笋辛狩亨扌社事 CeIsius(荃8° C/48degrees Celsius) Fahrenheit(12o°「/120degrees Fahrenheit) 0° C=32°「 l kilometer= 62mi1e 1metcr=3.28feet 1square kⅡometer=.386square1ηile 菇掌空宫洚圣窜言苫 a biIlion=l,()00`000,000 a rnⅡhon=1,000,000 6氵 52θ =six thousand five hundred(and)tⅥ`enty-11ine509=five11undred(and)nine 7.7=seVen point seven How long is the Nile Rive` It’s6,695kⅡometers(钅,160rniles)long IIow wideisthe Grand Canyon? It’s about29ki1ometers(18rniles)、vide. 苎:|≡雪 ≡萝辛守纟苫£宇言F萼 ≡ 乒≡纟掌茫罗笋务垂扌f富 This is the mOstincFcdible pIace! I had the bestti1ue。 k’sjustthe greatest place to hike, YOu see the rnostinteresting people there They have the greatesttxli1dhfe there ,|∶∶∶∶∶∶||||∶∶∶∶∶ˉf室雪j-雪f萝掌串寻享∮F喾 f∮毒富旁茫曹芦 It feels good to be out ofthe city. It sure does. 1^hese trees arejust awesome. They really arc XlVe should go hiking there somethne. You’re right讽艮really shou1d 磊J£ff雪女ε蓥尸,T扌打扌赀4∵ 狩辛f斡雪 Many people come to Argentina to see the Andes,the longest mountain range in the vvorld, MOunt Aconcagua,a peak in the Andes range,is the highest mountain in Argentina T△42· La″σ″age s″″″a″es 0Can】bridge Unjversky Press photocopiabte un⒒彳 霜串嬖事硭$ Fm″εdfaFe ra″ '`/father mother husband wift, spouse(=husba11d or`A严ife) son daughter brother sistcr sib1】ng(=brother or sister) only child B佗刀deJ助钾″ stepfather stepbrother steplllother stepsister stepson half brother stepdaughter half s】stcr 豇沸擎郫铲揩器s蚰筇革 Pasf atthe age of(17) back then in those days when I was(17) lvhen lve、vere kids fX佗刀JeJ助刀″ great-grandfather great-grandmother grandpa丁ents grandfather grandmother uncle aunt nepheˇv nlece cousIn brother in lavσ sister¨in-Iaxlf Prεse刀r nOL/V nowadays these days today 搀腑 络舻铵鞯;J落爹妒揿 啻.肿茫邓£衅 NIy parents xlvant rne to study1aVv,and they’re aIvˇays pressuring1ne aboutit, Itry to have rny kids do their homework befOre dinner, buttheyˇvatch TV instead, Luis’parents1nake hi1u come home before11∶00 Jong’s kidS never help her clean the house, she can’t even getthem to clean up theirrooms. Ⅰˇy parents xlvon’tletrne use the car 1have to ask them to drive me every、vhere. l\/Iy wife is a backseat driver.Shc’sa1xs ays telling Fne to sIow down 搀 蹭 摺 栉 肇芦泔 f扌淞 My great¨grandmother used to keep candyin her pockets,and sheV always give us some. All my aunts and unc1es used to come overfor sunday dinner,and1ny cousins and IvvOuld cra、、71underthe table and play. I used to play on a basketballtearll with my four brothers,andl1^vΓe、VOuld allN/ays win. 1didn’t use to likejazz,butI do no、v What kind of music did you use to like? 殆踏苔 ⒎″ε卩asf used to Ⅵ/ould D沁ε巾 `加 εa″J rJ/es havc someonc do something he1p someone do somcthing letsomeone do sOmething n1ake someone do something ask someoneto do something gct son1eone to do something tellsomeone to do something 、vantsomeone to do something Fa″″ `Ffεbe part of(a big faΠ1ily) clean up(your roon1) come over(for dinnel:) cra△h1under the tab1e nght。ver lthe remote) get divorced get rnarried go over the speed liⅡ1it gripe(about) grow up have a gripe(aboutl have kids/children marry someone pressure someone stay outlatc tease someone =言 f言+F串疒士霄∫串f扌革 It secms like(there’s alot of pressure on kids these days)。 Ifyou ask1ne,(kids are way too busy these days), I don’tthink(fa∏1ihes spend enough tirne together- notlike they used to⒈ I think(it’s better to getl△1arried ls/·llcn you’re older) It seen)s to Fne that(Iife is harder for teenagers noⅥ严than it used to be) 戽雪萝聿事f富蕾 AbsolutelⅤ, That’s for surc. Definitely I agrec(with you) Exacd】 `1 (oh,)yeah,YOu’re right, (oh,)Iknow, That’s true. ◎Cambridge University press ph。1。copiab1e La刀gJage s〃″″arFes·T刊 43 伽″∷f-∷ ¨∷ 鼻冉艹Jo Frfr″ mango orange pineapplc /egε招D/es broccoh carrot green pepper tomato 厂oεJ a刀J乃e窗″舟 calorie carbohydrate fat protein Fypεs Of fOOJ app1e pie desscrt hst奶od frcsh fruit and vegetablcs frozen dinner frozen meal snack snack food strcet food Pr:εes fO keep rOOJ cupboard 打eezer fridge(refrigerator) rcfrigerator vegetable bin ∵Ⅱ∷rⅡ△∵∷= 尸re卩aFεJ fOOd baked(potatoes) barbecued(beef) boⅡed(eggs) fl·icd⒍ice) 打ozen(peas) griI1ed(shri1np) pickled(cabbage) raw(∴sh) roast(Iamb/beef) roasted(vegetables) sll10ked(Ⅱsh) steamed(vegetab1es) stir-fried(noodles) ||△|=j∷||o∵|△ ∷∶∷∶|∷∴∴|∷|∷ a IittIe a few Ⅴery littIe very few less 托wer (notl rnuch (not)nlany too luuch too rnany ∴||i∴∴ = toO(sloⅥ `ly)(talk)t00Inuch ||F:i|∴|Ι ∶△=||| for exan1p1e like such as 耐ays Of εooking bake barbccue boiI frv grill pickle roast stcam stir-fry 尸ood a刀J″εa′r力 gain wcight 1ose lhreight ilnprove your rnood 厂ood εo,,raf″εrs a″JF'刀εastfFεs a bag of(potato chips) a bott1e()f(soy sauce/ketcht1p) a box of(cereal/chocolates) a can of(soup/soda) a carton of ouice/milk) ajar of(lnayon naise/mustard/hot peppers) a kⅡo of(rice) kilo=kⅡogram a liter of(soda/、vater) a1oaf of bread/t、vo1oaves of bread a package of(frozen peas/noodles) a pound of(Cheese/hamburger) a quart of(skiIn rl△ilk) 搀妇艹tJ釜氵△|i△r|.:卡j∫Ιf.=Ι∴∷∷Ⅱ△ There’s very littIe food in lny refrigerator There℃not much food in the house I eat out most nights I alvˇays havc plenty offresh vegetables. There aren’tFnany vegOtables in my refrigerator, There arejust a few green peppes. skitn Iηnk has less fat and fevfer calories. A little chocolate can i1nprove your n1ood I’n1starving.I didn’t eat enough. I’nn too ful1.I ate too1ηany fries/too111uCh food I∵n thirstyˇⅠy fries were too saltF ~1y salad、vasn’tfnhng en。ugh. She eats too sloX/fly because she ta1ks too Inuch There’s ahvays roo111for dessert I probably eat too lnuch fast food, 、l!`Vhen1’1n stressed out,l eattoo quickly, Can I get you something tO eat? I’m oKfornow.Butthanks, Are you sure? No,thanks.Γm nne Really No氵thanks,NIaybe later I1olN/aboutsome tea or coffee? 1Jh,are you having somc? Are you sure it’s nottoo rnuCh trouble? NO,i逡’s no troubIe at al1 ,f;j|Ⅱ∷∵∷Ⅱ|||||∷∷∷∷∷∷ |∷Ⅱ∴∷∷∷ Either one(is fine) Either xvay(is fine) llVhatever you prefer, Whatever you冫re haVing, l氵Vhichever is easier(for you). T△44· 止a刀σⅡage s″″仞a″es ◎Call,bridge tJ11jVersity Press photocopiable t/rl″ε =。 ∷Ⅱ∷ `dV'saO'`ffyhad better(not) might wantto oughttO rvεεεss″y don’t have to going to have to have gotto 尸FεreFε刀εε 、vould rather(not) 刀o加gσ00〃 do some gOod(for) do volunteer xA Ork do Ⅴour best n1ake a difference make an effortto do something εεFrf刀σ ridOr εrrFrer DεaIjng Ⅳ;th rn加gs do a lot ofthinking do research do solnething about a problem do the rnath ignore a problern make a declslon to do sornething make a list(of) n1ake a living n1ake a rnistake make exc1】ses make money makc sense makc surc(that) makc up yourlllind(if) n1ake rooFll for tl1rovσ aⅥ严ay putaway 尸 'a刀 s I’m meeting Anna afterwards(after class) We’re going to11ave dinnertogether, Γn1not doing anything tonight, FaεrJa`加fOFma″o″/Pre斫εf'o刀s Ⅰˇy bossis going to have us a11、vork late Friday 小/Ιy guess is lkre hAJOn’tl△leet our deadhne. 、Vc won′t be fi11ished on thne. You’re going to be out oftoˇvn,but you11bc back Frid`、right? Dεε峦勿刀s″aJε wDer s卩εa夕加σ That℃a hbulousidea,Hljuststop by my apartment to change cIothes,and then I’ll come right over to meet you sε乃εd″ `ε s I have1ny aerobics class tomorrovv Ⅸ汀y aerobics class starts at7:00. |∵+扌 氵i iJ∵|i卩|∴∶ I oughtto do son1e vo1untecr xR Ork I’d better not add anything to rny schedule You’d better do something quickly before it gets worse YOu1nig11t vσantto take a colleague、vith you You oughtto let her parents do the talking~ rrFεraεf'卩g withpε0卩rg catch11p xvid1someone do the talkillg make a goodimpression on someone make an appointment to see sollleone make an excuse to someone make fun of llnake(nice)colllⅠuents clutter colleague Co Ⅵ¨70rker deadhne promotion trash can aslong as provided that unless ∷∷∷∶∷∷∷∷∷∷∷Ⅱ∷∷∷∶ after、vards by next week for the们rst tilue You don’t have to spend allyourtime on k, I’ Π1going to have to do something aboutit I’ve gotto decide by next、veek, ||Ⅱ∷∵Ⅱ∷∷∷∵∷|∷i∷I∷∷∷∷ I oughtto study,butI’d rather sleep, ∷|∷∷|Ⅱ∷∷∷∷ =∴ ∷∷∴∴∴Ⅱ∷∷∷∷ I can’trnake up rny Inind if1should ⋯ I don’t knolvlor、V、氵rhatto do about It doesn’trnake any sense to .. I’ve tried talking to hirn,bt1tit doesn’t do any good. ∴∶ˉ∶∷△∷∷∷Ⅱ∷∷∷ ∷∷I∷ ∷∷∷ Is this a good tiIne to talk? Not real1y,Can Ical1you back? I’∏1going to have to run.I’ve gotto run. 1’d better go(novv) /Better go(novvl. 1’d betterlet you go, I’Ⅱ catch you later./Catch you later I’lltalk to you later /Talk to you later I’ve gotto get going. I’ve gotto go /Gotto go‘ 1t、^`as niCe talking to you,/Nice talking to youBye noⅥ/, donate get rid of recycle store ◎Cambridge University Press photocopiable∠a″g〃age s″″″ar`es·T△45 Jf,″∷7-¨∷∷∷∷ ∷∷∷ ∷∷¨ ∷¨∷ ∷ 搀瘤蕾 刀erar'0刀s力巾s break up(、vith so1neone) date(someone) get along(llv/ith somcOne) go back(to someo〕△e) go out(togetheo go out llvith son1eone) settlc doⅥ7n(、Λ厂ith someone) vvork out 肠 ″″ga刀J历a初fa加加g″抬刀ds”巾s get togcther(、Λ `ith someone)hang outˇv】th the same croⅥ/d make friends lA「ith someone meet a person through a friend share an apartluent sign up(for a class) Keε卩 `刀 g'卩rO饣c″ Contact someone get backin touch(with SOmeone) lose touch(with SOmeone〕 vvrite back ofDer yεrDs come back fIy back go avvay(to coⅡege) grolv up move a、vay(fron△/to) turn out 搀f簸钅轰箩窜鼻宰墅事矍尹扌矛茹茫$ Mike is the guy飞∧/ho/that got mc started running. Angela is a friend(who/that)I rnetthrough NIike, Toshiro llvas1ooking for an apartmenttO share Charhe and I have been through a1ot together He’ssomeone(lt/ho/that)I can totaⅡy trust Iennifer ca1ls to ta1k about al1the things(that)she飞 doing.Her hfe is differcnt from∏1ine, Nina used toˇvork for a company that/Ⅵ/hich plans weddings. BOth of uslike going to the rnovies, 氓龟both Iike going to the1novies, 讽℃’re both science-fiction fa11s, Neither of us is good at art, 鞠菖禽船喾釜弁侧曹蔓船蝌 蹭鼯銎葭霈萝罩酵酗晷 Anna and steve grew upin the san1e toγvn and hung outslvith the same crovvd in high schoo1, They started going outtogethcr, Anna llvent aIltjay to cOllege 黟礤莒躞嚣 却饴JlJs夕和s IOre Fera″cJIsn和s circle Of fr主ends boyfriend closest friend girlfriend friend fronl co11ege high school sˇveetheart friend from、∧/ork Iongˇdistance relattonship (,ld schooI£riend oldest friend runn1ng buddy 遵碧F母 F鑫曹亲f芒百鼙萝掌$各£子雾瘩 a1ittle/a(1ittle)bit nearby 1n a way just kind of/sort of maybe probably 疒f轳撺乎窘社ε Rerar″e卩rO刀oJF,s that Ⅵ/hich who right do、∧厂n the street together vx/ithin a fe、/`厂months 口fner卩rOrIOJ,s both both of us cach other ne扯her of us Things didn’t work out,and they broke up Steve1ost touchˇvith Anna、vhen her falllily rnoved away from GreenvⅡle Itturned outthat Anna、、严as stⅡl single X/Vhen they sa、v each other,the old tnemories callle back. sometirnes your firstlove turns out to be the best 、Ⅳhat’s a good agc to settle dovvn? ε酴黟曹鼢舞督酽 醪鑫露爵萝畲雪 霉柔萝 I gucssthey don’t have anything betterto do I gucss that‘oKin a way It、kind of word, 1t’s irritating in a、vay, Ithink they’re probablyjust busy, Maybe they’rejust a htde(bit)sh)/1 They kind of/sort ofignore1ne, £餐萝铲宓誉窜 畲镣扌窨季歹嚣落享f蜜量睿窖蜜庐∫搏蜜警萝雷晷 霈耀琶睿窒£矍秀霍s (11e can be a bit strict),though. T△ 46· Ιa″σ″aσe s″″″a彳es ⊙Calnbridge Unjversity Press photocoPitlble unit∷,娨-¨ ∷¨¨∷∷¨ 龊躔霾 '田 ag加加g could 、⌒/ould ′刀rεfaεr',g wff″卩εo卩 `ε 月Df`'fy be ab1e to apologize for doing solllething ask someone forsomething borroⅥ/something from someone buy something for someone lend something to someone reⅡund someone aboutsomething say something to someone share sOmething with someone talk to someone aboutsomething thank someone forsomething scnOOr a刀 'J″ Vers即 get a(full)scholarship get accepted to(grad school) get into(grad school) graduate frolll(G011ege) mε1jor in(historn 糟霉愚鑫霾骥揩螽辔黟銎爵掩髀舻笋艚蕾嚓翻矍镙艚醴蠢舻遵酪萝霾 How do you wish your1i如were different? just Wish1Weren1/wasn’tso busy with work vvish I had more ti1ne, wisl△I、、厂ere/、ˇ严as riCh she vvishes she didn飞live so far a、vay fron1her family。 she never gets to sce her sistcr’s bab】,`∶ 鐾獭攘瘳蓄撺黩笋鼙爨蜜爨耱艚霎蜜寤艚蕙蜜艚葚蠢辔齑笋霾鑫藜艚季甜秽拶勇鼗孽拶萨爨 IfI had1nore ti1ne,I’d/I、vouId go kayaking. IfI vveren’tso busy Icould go away on the vveekends。 1t Ⅳvou1d be greatifxt·e could afford a bigger pIace to live 1fthey could afford tt,they’d Fnove immediately, If she lived closer,she′d be able to help out。 I£ I found a xlvallet,Iˇvouldn’t say anything aboutit. `冖 σhatvvould you do ifyou broke a friend’s camera? Would you si1npIy apologize for breaking it? No,1wouldn’t./Yes,I would 1’d pay for the repairs. 翮漪猡 姆瑙裘 forget(about) go kayaking heIp out pay(£or) think(about) vσorry(aboutl 虞硭铲酵萝嗓氆 de∏nitely probab1y ε毒酽畜舻罩蛩瞄麴胯 if 貘萝嫒鼍飘醪 翻醪镙晷毯蜜 IfI vvere you,I’d/I vvrould take the scholarship Iˇvouldn’t worry aboutthat YOu Cou1d go visttthe sChoo1. YOu lllight wantto Fneet the professors. g馥镧蠲辔鑫谩蹰篝翻蝥霾窭霾墅晷腧肓景莒鼍饕皱萨掌辂霾辔鬯晷络奉薛 oh,yeah.That would be hard。 Really?Wovv!Thatlvould be aγvesome! Thatvvou1d be neat, Thatvˇou1d be xvonderfu1 That’d be Cool 醣罡蠡赏甜翳礤蠢霾舻摩掣橥翳笋翳蘸蕙 IfI had Fny life to live over,1’d definitely spend rnore t11ne 、^` ith1ny faΠ 1ily I dennitely、vou】dn’t vvatch sO1uuch T~】 I’d probabIyˇvork outrnore atthe gym, I probably、vou1dn’t give up ice cream. I、vou1d deⅡnitely get rnore exercise. ? ?? ◎ Can】bridge University Pre$s photocopiableⅠaJPgJage s〃″仞a″es●TˉH47 】/r,″g ∷∷∷ ∷∷ ∷∷∷ ∷∷ 搀增葚 Js加ge¢〃 `刀 e刀f de1ete fⅡes(fron△a computer) doxA/nload(nlusic)fiICs off thc1ntcrnet freeze up go around(A virusis going around) hook(a computer)up look something up(in a lnanuaI) pick(the telephone)up plug(the DVD p】ayerl in press a button print(a rcport)out put(the CDs)away put(the headphones)on put(the te1evision)dollvn run ant1vlrus soRware taκC(a watch)apart take(the headphones)
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