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电话用语•​ 我是张华(打电话人)。 This is Zhang Hua speaking. Zhang Hua speaking. This is Zhang Hua. •​ 喂,史密斯先生在吗? Hello, is Mr. Smith there by any chance? Is Mr. Smith in, please? Is Mr.Smith available? •​ 我想请史密斯先生接电话。 I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith. May (Can, Could) I speak to...

•​ 我是张华(打电话人)。 This is Zhang Hua speaking. Zhang Hua speaking. This is Zhang Hua. •​ 喂,史密斯先生在吗? Hello, is Mr. Smith there by any chance? Is Mr. Smith in, please? Is Mr.Smith available? •​ 我想请史密斯先生接电话。 I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith. May (Can, Could) I speak to Mr. Smith? Can I talk to Mr.Smith? •​ 他在,我来把你的电话转过去。 •​ Yes, he is here (in). I’ll put you through to him. •​ 请等一等。 Wait a moment (minute), please. Just a moment (minute), please. •​ 请不要挂掉。 Hold the line please. Hold (Hang) on, please. •​ 我去看看他此刻在不在办公室。 I’ll see if he is in his office at the moment. •​ 我去看看他在不在。 I’ll just see if he is here (in). I’ll just find out if he is in. •​ 我去把他找来。 I’ll fetch him up. •​ 你有什么事吗? Can I help you? Is there anything I can do for you? •​ 我有要(急)事跟你商量。 I have something important (urgent) to talk over with you. •​ 他此刻不在这里。 He is not here (in) at the moment. He is not available right now. •​ 他在接另一个电话。 He is on another line (phone). •​ 他在开会。 He is at a meeting. •​ 她刚出去。 She has just gone out. •​ 今天他不会回来了。 He’s gone for the rest of the day. •​ 请问你是谁? May I ask who is calling? Who is that speaking, please? Who is calling please? •​ 我是张华(接电话人)。 This is Zhang Hua here. Zhang Hua here. •​  My name is Zhang Hua. •​ 给您留个口信,好吗? Can I take a message for you? •​ 您要给她留个口信吗? Would you like to leave a message for her? •​ 您想留话让我转达吗? Do you want to leave word with me? •​ 有什么话我可以转告他吗? Is there any message I can give him? •​ 您可不可以叫他打一个回电给我? Could you tell him to call (ring) me back? •​ 过半个小时我再打个电话试试。 I’ll try another call in half an hour. •​ 我可以以后再打来。 I can phone again later. •​ 请说大声点,我听不到你的声音。 Please speak louder. I can’t hear you. •​ 我怎样能打电话找到他? How can I reach him by phone? •​ 我什么时候能打电话找到他? When can I get hold of him? •​ 我看你今天哪儿都没法打电话找到他? I don’t believe you can reach him anywhere today. •​ 电话号码已经改为50938818。 The number has been changed to 50938818. •​ 我几次给你打电话,但总是占线,没打通。 I tried several times to call you, but the line was always busy (engaged) and I couldn’t get through. •​ 我一定是拨错号码了。 I must have dialed the wrong number. •​ 对不起,打搅你了。 Sorry to have troubled you. •​ 谢谢你给我打电话。 Thanks for calling. •​ 约翰,有你的电话。 John, you are wanted on the phone.
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