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英语翻译教程Lesson 23Lesson 23(E-C) The Other Road新路 By Rachel Carson雷切尔·卡森 We stand now where two roads diverge(分叉,分岐). 我们正处在两条道路的分岔的地方。 But unlike the roads in Robert Frost’s familiar poem, they are not equally fair(=good). 但是并不像我们所熟悉的罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗中所说的,这两条路是同样的好。 The road we ...

英语翻译教程Lesson 23
Lesson 23(E-C) The Other Road新路 By Rachel Carson雷切尔·卡森 We stand now where two roads diverge(分叉,分岐). 我们正处在两条道路的分岔的地方。 But unlike the roads in Robert Frost’s familiar poem, they are not equally fair(=good). 但是并不像我们所熟悉的罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗中所说的,这两条路是同样的好。 The road we have long been traveling is deceptively(迷惑地,虚伪地) easy, a smooth superhighway (高速公路)on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. 我们一直在走的这条路 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面上很好走,是一条平坦的超级公路,我们可以高带前进,但是走到尽头却要遇到灾难。 The other fork of the road--- the one “less traveled by” --- offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of our earth. 另外一条路,也是唯一的出路,以便我们达到一定的目的,使我们这个地球确实得到保护。 The choice, after all, is ours to make. 走哪一条路,最终还是要由我们来选择。 If, having endured much, we have at last asserted (宣称的[尚待证实的])our “right to know”, and if, knowing, we have concluded (结束,终止,决定,作出结论,推断,断定,缔结,议定)that we are being asked to take senseless (不省人事的,无感觉的,无意识人)and frightening risks, then we should no longer accept the counsel (讨论,商议,辩护律师,劝告,忠告)of those who tell us we must fill our world with poisonous chemicals; we should look about and see what other course is open to us. 如果我们在忍受了很长时间之后,终于提出了“知情权”,如果我们知情以后,认为现在人们是要求我们冒无谓的可怕风险,我们就不应该再听从那些人的建议,非得把我们这个世界弄得到处都是化学毒物,而应该往四下里看一看还有没有什么别的路。 A truly extraordinary (非常的,特别的,非凡的,特派的)variety of alternatives to the chemical control of insects is available(可用到的,可利用的,有用的,有空的,接受探访的). 除了用化学方法控制昆虫以外,还有其他各种非常奇妙的方法可以利用。 Some are already in use and have achieved brilliant(灿烂的,闪耀的,有才气的) success. 这些方法,有的已在使用,而且取得了显著的效果。 Others are in the stage of laboratory testing. 有的处于试验阶段。 Still others are little more than ideas in the minds of imaginative scientists, waiting for the opportunity to put them to the test. 有的则不过是富于想像力的科学家头脑里的一些想法,等到有机会的时候才能加以试验。 All have this in common: they are biological solutions, based on understanding of the living organisms they seek to control, and of the whole fabric of life to which these organisms belong. 所有这些方法都有一个共同特点:他们都是生物的解决办法,其基础是人们对所要控制的生物体的了解,以及对这些生物体整个生活状况的了解。 Specialists representing various areas of the vast field of biology are contributing --- entomologists(昆虫学者), pathologists(病理学者), geneticists(遗传学者), physiologists(生理学者), biochemists(生物化学家), ecologists(生态学者) --- all pouring(涌入,倾盆大雨) their knowledge and their creative inspirations (灵感)into the formation of a new science of biotic controls. 广博的生物学各个领域的专家,包括昆虫学家、病理学家、遗传学家、生理学家、生物化学家、生态学家,都在做出贡献,他们把自己的知识和创造性汇集起来,形成了一门新的科学——生物控制学。 “Any science may be likened to a river,” says a Johns Hopkins biologist, Professor Carl P. Swanson. “It has its obscure (暗的,朦胧的,模糊的,晦涩的,使暗,使不明显)and unpretentious (不骄傲的,谦逊的)beginning; its quiet stretches (伸展,伸长)as well as its rapids(迅速的,飞快的,险峻的,急流,高速交通工具); its periods of drought(干旱,缺乏) as well as of fullness(满,充满,丰富,成熟). It gathers momentum (动力,要素)with the work of many investigators (调查人)and as it is fed by other streams of thought; it is deepened and broadened by the concepts (概念,观念)and generalization(一般化,普遍化,广义性) that are gradually(逐渐地) evolved.” 霍普金斯大学生物学家卡尔·P·斯旺森教授说:“每一门科学都可以比做一条河。期源头,隐隐约约,并不引人注目;其流势,时而平缓,时面湍急;其水情,有汛期,也有枯竭期。由于许多人从事研究工作,各种思想像支流一样注入其中,势头逐渐加强。新的概念和结论陆续产生,又使它得以加深和展宽。” So it is with the science of biological control in its modern sense. 现代的生物控制学就是如此。 In America it had its obscure beginnings a century ago with the first attempts to introduce natural enemies of insects that were proving troublesome(麻烦的,棘手的) to farmers, an effort that sometimes moved slowly or not at all, but now and again gathered speed and momentum under the impetus(推动力) of an outstanding (突出的,显著的)success. 一百年前,这门科学在美国开始创立时也是隐隐约约的。当时有些昆虫给农民找麻烦,有人就试图以这些昆虫的天敌来对付。这项活动有时进展缓慢,甚至毫无进展,但有时一项突出的成就又推动它加快速度,使它突飞猛进。 It had its period of drought when workers in applied entomology, dazzled(使眼光,眩耀,耀眼) by the spectacular(引人入胜的,壮观的) new insecticides of the 1940’s, turned their backs on all biological methods and set foot on “the treadmill(踏车,单调的工作) of chemical control.” But the goal of an insect-free world continued to recede. 这门学科也有过枯竭期。在二十世纪四十年代,从事应用昆虫学的人看到新杀虫剂有显著效用,不禁为之眼花缭乱,便对生物方法冷眼相看,重新走上“化学控制的老路”。然而实现无昆虫的世界这目标却越来越渺茫。 Now at last, as it has became apparent that the heedless (不注意的)and unrestrained (无限制的)use of chemicals is a greater menace (威胁,危险物,恐吓,危及)to ourselves than to the targets, the river which is the science of biotic control flows again, fed by new streams of thought. 现在已经很明显,盲目地大量使用化学杀虫剂,对我们自己的威胁比对要控制的对象的威胁还要大,于是生物控制这一条河又流动起来,而且有新的思想支流注入其中。 Some of the most fascinating of the new methods are those that seek to turn the strength of a species against itself --- to use the drive of an insect’s life forces to destroys it. 在这些新方法中,有一些最为令人神往的,就是设法利用昆虫本身的力量来对付这种昆虫——即利用昆虫的生命力作为动力来消灭之。 The most spectacular of these approaches is the “male sterilization(杀菌,绝育)” technique developed by the chief of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Entomology Research Branch, Dr. Edward Knipling, and his associates. 这种方法中,最引人注目的是“雄性不育”术,这种技术是由美国农业部昆虫研究所主任爱德华·尼普林博士和他的同事们发明的。 ‘(from Rachel Carson, Silent Spring) About a quarter of a century ago Dr. Knipling startled(震惊的) his colleagues by proposing a unique method of insect control. 大约在二十五年前,尼普林博士提出了一种控制昆虫的绝妙方法,使他的同事们大吃一惊. If it were possible to sterilize(杀菌,消毒,使成不毛) and release large numbers of insects, he theorized, the sterilized males would, under certain conditions, compete with the normal wild males so successfully that, after repeated releases, only infertile(不肥沃的,贫瘠的,不毛的,不结果实的) eggs would be produced and the population (人口)would die out. 他的理论是,如果能使大量的昆虫不育,再把它们放出去,在一定条件下,不育的雄虫展开竞争,并取得胜利.这样反复多次,产下的卵便都未受精卵,这种昆虫就会绝迹。 The proposal was met with bureaucratic inertia(惯性,惯量) and with skepticism from scientists, but the idea persisted in Dr. Kniplin’s mind. 这个建议遇到来自墨守成规的官僚机构的阻力,也受到科学家的怀疑,但尼普林博士却始终没有放弃这个想法。 One major problem remained to be solved before it could be put to the test --- a practical method of insect sterilization had to be found. 还有一个重大的问题需要解决,然后才能进行试验,这就是必须找到使昆虫不育的切实可行的办法。 Academically, the fact that insects could be sterilized by exposure to X-ray had been known since 1916, when an entomologist by the name of G.A.Runner reported such sterilization of cigarette beetles. 1916年,一位名叫G.A.朗纳的昆虫学家报告说,可以通过X光照射使烟草失去生育能力。 Hermann Muller’s pioneering work on the production of mutations(变化,转变,突变) by X-ray opened up vast new areas of thought in the late 1920’s, and by the middle of the century various workers had reported the sterilization by X-rays or gamma rays of at least a dozen species of insects. 从那时起,人们就已经从理论上知道可以这样使昆虫失去生育能力。赫尔曼·马勒首创的以X光引起变异的工作,在20世纪20年代后期为新思想的产生开辟了广阔的道路。到本世纪中期,根据专业工作者提出的报告,通过X射线或γ射线已经至少可以使十几种昆虫失去生育能力。 But these were laboratory experiments, still a long way from practical application. 但这都是实验室里的试验而已,离实际应用还有很长一段距离。 About 1950, Dr. Knipling launched a serious effort to turn insect sterilization into a weapon that would wipe out a major insect enemy of livestock in the South, the screw-worm fly. 1950年前后,尼普林博士开始认真地致力于把昆虫不育术变为一种武器,以便消灭南方牲畜在昆虫界的大敌——螺旋锥蝇。 The females of this species lay their eggs in any open wound of a warm-blooded animal. The hatching larvae (孵化跌幼虫)are parasitic, feeding on the flesh of the host(寄主). 这种昆虫的雌虫在温血动物身上的伤口上产卵,幼虫在孵化过程中寄生的,靠寄生的肉为生。 A full-grown (生长完全的,发育完全的)steer (驾驶,掌舵)may succumb to (屈服于)a heavy infestation (传染,群袭,出没,横行)in 10 days, and livestock losses in the United States have been estimated at $ 40,000,000 a year. 一头成年的公牛染上这种病,严重的话,十天就会死亡。据估计,美国每年因此损失的牲畜约值四千万美元。 The toll of wildlife is harder to measure, but it must be great. 死于此病的野生动物数量更加难以确定,想必是很多的。 Scarcity of deer in some areas of Texas is attributed to the screw-worm. 有人说,得克萨斯州某些地区鹿之所以稀少,就是这种螺旋锥蝇造成的。 This is a tropical or subtropical insect, inhabiting South and Central America and Mexico, and in the United States normally restricted (受限的)to the Southwest. 螺旋锥蝇 一种热带或亚热带昆虫,生长在南美州、中美州及墨西哥,在美国一般限于西南地区。 About 1933, however, it was accidentally introduced into Florida, where the climate allowed it to survive over winter and to establish populations. 然而在1933年前后,这种昆虫偶然传到了佛罗里达州,因为那里气候适宜,使它得以过冬并大量繁殖。 It even pushed into southern Alabama and Georgia, and soon the livestock industry of the southeastern states was faced with annual losses running to $20,000,000. 它甚至侵入了亚拉巴马州和佐亚州的南部,不久以后,东南部诸州的畜牧业应面临着每年损失高达2000万美元的局面。 PAGE 3
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