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中英文版股东合作协议整理-中英文-改后股东合作协议书 Shareholders ' Cooperation Agreement 甲方名称:万达集团有限公司武汉瑞华酒店 地 址:武汉市武昌区楚河汉街万达瑞华酒店 电 话:18366855543 传 真:010-3542842 法定代表人:张瑞达 Party A: Wanda Group Co., Ltd. Wuhan Ruihua Hotel Address: Wuhan city Wuchang District Han River Street Wanda Ruihua Hote...

股东合作 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 书 Shareholders ' Cooperation Agreement 甲方名称:万达集团有限公司武汉瑞华酒店 地 址:武汉市武昌区楚河汉街万达瑞华酒店 电 话:18366855543 传 真:010-3542842 法定代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 人:张瑞达 Party A: Wanda Group Co., Ltd. Wuhan Ruihua Hotel Address: Wuhan city Wuchang District Han River Street Wanda Ruihua Hotel Tel: 18366855543 Fax: 010-3542842 legal representative: Zhang Ruida 乙方名称:王蓓 地 址:武汉市东湖高新区九峰街景源里社区东苑3栋1单元1102 电 话:13545296029 Party B: Wang Bei Address: Nine peak street Jingyuan Wuhan high tech Zone of East Lake City, village community 3 Building 1 unit 1102 Dongyuan. Tel: 13545296029 第一章、总则 甲、乙双方经友好协商,本着平等互利、优势互补、合作共赢的原则,就双方共同发起、共同出资、成立合资公司,达成如下合作协议: According to principles of equality and mutual benefit , complementary advantages , and win - win cooperation, Two parties have reached a cooperation agreement on the establishment and capital contributions of the joint venture company as follows: 第一条 合资公司名称、经营范围、注册地址及公司形式: 1.合资公司名称:北京鸿瑞有限责任公司。 2.经营范围:主营钻探设备的销售、维修及售后服务;钻探设备租赁;相关工程施工。(以工商局核准范围为准) 3.注册地址:北京市 4.公司性质:有限责任公司 5.经营期限: 50年,经营到期前6个月由三方再协商续期事宜,并向工商局提出延期 申请 关于撤销行政处分的申请关于工程延期监理费的申请报告关于减免管理费的申请关于减租申请书的范文关于解除警告处分的申请 。 Article 1: Name, business scope, registered address, and corporate form of the joint venture company: 1. Name: Beijing Hongrui limited liability company. 2. Business scope:sale, leasehold, maintenance and after-sales service of drilling equipment; construction of related project. (authorized scope of the Administration for industry and commerce is as the criterion) 3. Registered address: Beijing 4. Corporate form: limited liability company 5. Operating period: 50 years, three parties negotiate the renewal 6 months before the expiration of the operating period, and apply to the Administration for industry and commerce for extension. 第二条 合资公司注册资本及各方出资比例、出资形式 1.合资公司注册资本为200万元人民币(大写:贰百万元整)。 2.各方出资比例及出资形式: 甲、乙双方均以货币形式出资,其中甲方以人民币出资,出资金额192万元,持有合资公司股权96%;乙方以人民币出资,出资金额:8万元,持有合资公司股权4%。 3.出资期限: 各方出资必须在临时账户开设后七个工作日内一次性足额缴纳,存入公司在银行开设的验资账户,并聘请法定验资机构验资,出具验资报告。 Article 2: Registered capital, proportion and form of capital contribution. 1. Registered capital is 2 million RMB. 2. proportion and form of capital contribution: A, B both in the form of currency contribution, which party to invest in Renminbi, invested 1.92 million yuan amount, 96% of the joint venture company equity holdings; Party B to invest in Renminbi, investment amount: 8 million yuan, holding ownership 4% of the joint venture. 3. Time limit of capital contribution: Each party shall pay in full amount at one time within 7 days after the provisional account is opened. The capital will be deposited in the bank verification account, and then we employ statutory capital verification agency to assess capital and provide capital verification report. 第二章、公司管理情况 第三条、拟设立公司组织结构 1. 公司成立后,设董事会,董事会成员共5名,甲方委派三人出任董事;乙方委派两人出任董事。 2. 公司成立后,董事长由甲方委派代表担任。公司总经理由乙方委派代表担任。财务经理一名,由甲乙双方共同选任;监事一名,由甲方委派人员担任。合资公司董事长: 刘勤学 (甲方);合资公司法定代表人: 郭军 (乙方)。 3. 公司实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制。总经理是公司经营管理和行政工作的组织者和领导者,拥有公司经营自主权,业务工作的指挥权,公司内部人事任免权和对员工的奖惩权。 Article 3 Organization structure of the joint venture company to be established: 1. after the establishment of the company, the board of directors, the board of directors of a total of 5, the three party appointed by the board of directors; Party B to appoint two directors. 2. Chairman will be appointed by party A, general manager by party B. A financial manager and a supervisor are needed, both appointed by party A. Chairman of the joint venture company: Liu Qinxue (party A); legal representative: Guo Jun(party B). 3. The company to be established practices general manager's responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors. The General Manager is responsible for the administration of the company. And he owns company operating autonomy, command of bussiness, and personnel management. 第四条、资金、财务管理 1.公司成立前,资金由临时帐户统一收支,并由甲、乙双方共同监管和使用,一方对另一方资金使用有异议的,另一方须给出合理解释,否则一方有权要求另一方赔偿损失。 2.公司成立后,资金将由开立的公司账户统一收支,财务统一交由甲、乙双方共同聘任的财务会计人员处理。公司账目应做到日清月结,并及时提供相关报表交甲、乙双方签字认可备案。 Article 4 Funds, financial management 1. Before the establishment of the company, capital by temporary unified account balance of payments and by both Party A and Party B co regulation and use, party to the other party funds use have objections to the, the other party shall be given reasonable explanation, or a party is entitled to requirements another party compensation for the losses. 2. After the establishment of the company, the funds will be issued by the company's account balance of payments, financial unity by a, B, the two sides jointly appointed by the financial accounting personnel. Company accounts should be clear statements, and provide relevant and timely report to both parties signed the record. 第五条、盈亏分配 1.利润和亏损由甲、乙双方按照持股比例分享和承担。 2.公司税后利润,在弥补公司前季度亏损,并提取法定公积金(税后利润的10%)后,方可进行股东分红。股东分红的具体 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 为: (1)分红的时间:每财务年度第一个月第一日分取上个财年的利润。 (2)分红的数额为:上个财年剩余利润的60%,甲乙双方按持股比例分取。 (3)公司的法定公积金累计达到公司注册资本50%以上,可不再提取。 (4)如公司发展需要,经甲、乙双方协商一致,也可不分红,全部利润作为公司发展资金。 Article 5 Profit and loss distribution 1. Profits and losses by a, B shares in accordance with the proportion of the two sides to share and bear. 2. The company profit in making up the company before a quarterly loss, and the statutory common reserve fund (after tax profit of 10%), can be carried out dividends to shareholders. Specific institutional shareholders dividends for: (1) bonus time: each financial year the first month on the first day of the last fiscal year profit share. (2) the amount of dividends for the last fiscal year the remaining 60% of the profits, the parties pro rata share. (3) the company's statutory provident fund has reached more than 50% of the registered capital of the company. (4) if the company needs to develop, the two sides agreed by a, B, also can not dividends, all profits as the company's development funds. 第三章、权利与义务 第六条、公司股东享有的权利 1.依照其所持有的股份份额获得股利和其他形式利益分配; 2.参加或者推选代表参加股东会及董事会并享有表决权; 3.依照其所持有的股份份额行使表决权; 4.对公司的经营行为进行监督,提出建议或者质询; 5.依照法律、行政法规及公司 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 的规定转让所持有的股份; 6.依照法律、公司合同的规定获得有关信息; 7.公司终止或者清算时,按其所持有的股份份额参加公司剩余财产的分配; 8.法律、行政法规及公司合同所赋予的其他权利。 Article 6 Shareholders' rights 1.To obtain dividends and other forms of interest distribution according to the shares held by them; 2.Participate in or elect representatives to participate in the shareholders' meeting and the board of directors and have the right to vote; 3.The exercise of voting rights in accordance with the shares held by them; 4.To supervise the operation of the company, make suggestions or questions; 5.To transfer the shares held in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations and the company's contract; 6.Obtain relevant information in accordance with the provisions of the law and the company contract; 7.When a company terminates or is liquidated, it is assigned to the company's remaining assets according to the shares held by it; 8.Other rights given by laws, administrative regulations and company contracts. 第七条、公司股东承担的义务 1.遵守公司合同; 2.依其所认购的股份和入股方式缴纳股金; 3.除法律、法规规定的情形外,不得退股; 4.法律、行政法规及公司合同规定应当承担的其他义务。 5.股东之间可以相互转让其全部出资或者部分出资,股东向股东以外的人转让其出资时,必须经过全体股东过半数同意,不同意转让的股东应当购买该转让的出资,如不购买该转让的出资,视为同意转让。经股东同意转让出资,在同等条件下,其他股东对该出资有优先购买权。  6.公司的股东在行使表决权时,不得作出有损于公司和其他股东合法权益的决定。 H:\fanwen caiji two\公路段元月至九月份工作总结.doc Article 7 Obligation of shareholders of the company 1. abide by the company contract; 2. according to the shares subscribed and the paid subscription; 3.in addition to the provisions of the laws and regulations of the case, may not be returned; 4.other duties as required by laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the company's contract. 5.Shareholders may be transferred between all or part of its investment, the shareholders to shareholders other than the transfer of its contribution must by all shareholders the consent of more than half, do not agree to the transfer of shareholders shall purchase the transfer of investment, such as not to purchase the transfer of investment, is deemed to have consented to the transfer. The shareholders agreed to transfer the capital, under the same conditions, the other shareholders have the priority of the purchase of the investment. 6 .of the company's shareholders in the exercise of voting rights, shall not make damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the company and other shareholders decided. 第四章、违约责任 第八条、违约责任 1.任一方违反协议约定,未足额、按时缴付出资的,须在30日内补足,由此造成公司未能如期成立或给公司造成损失的,须向公司和守约方承担赔偿责任。 2.除上述出资违约外,任一方违反本协议约定使公司利益遭受损失的,须向公司承担赔偿责任,并向守约方支付违约金100万元。 3.本协议约定公司持股本人参于公司业务及财务各事项,非持股本人不得插手干预,若有违反对公司造成损失的,须向公司和守约方赔偿造成的经济损失。 Article 8 Liability for breach of contract 1. Any party in violation of an agreement, not in full and on time payment of contribution, shall within 30 days of complemental, resulting company failed to set up as scheduled or to the company losses shall be liable to the company and the non breaching party. 2. In addition to the contribution on default, any violation of this agreement agreed to the interests of the company suffered losses shall be liable to the company, and pay 100 million yuan of liquidated damages to the non defaulting party as. 3. The agreement holding company I reference to the company's business and the financial matters, non I held not to intervene, if there is a breach of causing losses to the company, shall be to the company and Shouyuefang compensation caused by economic losses. 第九条 本协议一式 3 份,各方股东各执一份,交工商行政管理部门一份,自股东各方签字盖章之日起生效。 Article 9 This agreement has 3 copies of the same legal effect, each party holds one copy, and one will be handed to the administrative department for industry and commerce. This agreement comes into force at the moment that all parties sign it. 第十条 本协议于 2016 年 02 月 18 日在 武汉瑞华酒店 签订。 以下无正文。 Article 10 This agreement is signed in Wuhan Ruihua hotel in February 18, 2016. No text below. 甲方代表人(签字): 年 月 日 乙方代表人(签字): 年 月 日 Party A (signature): Party B (signature):
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