首页 设计采购施工合同条件银皮书第条中英文



设计采购施工合同条件银皮书第条中英文. FIDIC 设计采购施工合同条件(银皮书第7-10条 中英文) FIDIC CONTRACT OF DESIGN, PURCHASE AND CONSTRUCTION (EPC)交钥匙项目合同条件 7 Plant, Materials and Workmanshi生产设备、材料和工艺 7.1 Manner of Execution实施方法 The Contractor shall carry out the manufacture of Plant, ...

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FIDIC 设计采购施工合同条件(银皮书第7-10条 中英文) FIDIC CONTRACT OF DESIGN, PURCHASE AND CONSTRUCTION (EPC)交钥匙项目合同条件 7 Plant, Materials and Workmanshi生产设备、材料和工艺 7.1 Manner of Execution实施MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1714324164097_3 The Contractor shall carry out the manufacture of Plant, the production and manufacture of Materials, and all other execution of the Works: (a) in the manner (if any) specified in the Contract, (b) in a proper workmanlike and careful manner, in accordance with recognized good practice, and (c) with properly equipped facilities and non-hazardous Materials, except as otherwise specified in the Contract. 承包商应按以下方法进行生产设备的制造、材料的生产加工、以及工程的所有其他实施作业: 按照合同规定的方法(如果有); 按照公认的良好惯例,使用恰当、精巧、仔细的方法; 除合同另有规定外,使用适当配备的设施和无危险的材料. 7.2 Samples样品 The Contractor shall submit samples to the Employer, for review in accordance with the procedures for Contractor’s Documents described in Sub-Clause 5.2 [Contractor’s Documents], as specified in the Contract and at the Contractor’s cost. Each sample shall be labelled as to origin and intended use in the Works. 承包商应根据合同规定,按照第5.2款[承包商文件]中所述的对承包商文件的送审程序,自费向雇主提交样品,供其审核.每件样品应标明其原产地、及其在工程中预期的用处. 7.3 Inspection检验 The Employer’s Personnel shall at all reasonable times: (a) have full access to all parts of the Site and to all places from which natural Materials are being obtained, and (b) during production, manufacture and construction (at the Site and, to the extent specified in the Contract, elsewhere), be entitled to examine, inspect, measure and test the materials and workmanship, and to check the progress of manufacture of Plant and production and manufacture of Materials. 雇主人员应在所有合理的时间内: 有充分机会进入现场的所有部分、以及获得天然材料的所有地点; 有权在加工、生产和施工期间(在现场和其他合同规定的范围),对材料和工艺进行检查、检验、测量和试验,并对生产设备的制造和材料的加工生产进度进行检查. The Contractor shall give the Employer’s Personnel full opportunity to carry out these activities, including providing access, facilities, permissions and safety equipment. No such activity shall relieve the Contractor from any obligation or responsibility. 承包商应向雇主人员进行上述活动提供一切机会,包括提供进入条件、设施、许可和安全装备.此类活动不应解除承包商的任何义务和职责. In respect of the work which Employer’s Personnel are entitled to examine, inspect, measure and/or test, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer whenever any such work is ready and before it is covered up, put out of sight, or packaged for storage or transport. The Employer shall then either carry out the examination, inspection, measurement or testing without unreasonable delay, or promptly give notice to the Contractor that the Employer does not require to do so. If the Contractor fails to give the notice, he shall, if and when required by the Employer, uncover the work and thereafter reinstate and make good, all at the Contractor’s cost. 对于雇主人员有权检查、检验、测量和(或)试验的工作,每当任何此类工作已经准备好,在覆盖、掩蔽、包装以便储存或运输前,承包商应通知雇主.这时,雇主应及时进行检查、检验、测量和试验,不得无故拖延,或者立即通知承包商无需进行这些工作.如果承包商没有发出此类通知,而当雇主提出要求时,承包商应除去物件上的覆盖,并在随后恢复完好,所需费用由承包商承担. 7.4 Testing试验 This Sub-Clause shall apply to all tests specified in the Contract, other than the Tests after Completion (if any). 本款适用于竣工后试验(如果有)以外的合同规定的所有试验. The Contractor shall provide all apparatus, assistance, documents and other information, electricity, equipment, fuel, consumables, instruments, labor, materials, and suitably qualified and experienced staff, as are necessary to carry out the specified tests efficiently. The Contractor shall agree, with the Employer, the time and place for the specified testing of any Plant, Materials and other parts of the Works. 为有效进行规定的试验,承包商应提供所需的所有仪器、帮助、文件和其他资料、电力、装备、燃料、消耗品、工具、劳力、材料,以及具有适当资质和经验的人员,对任何生产设备、材料和工程其他部分进行规定的试验,其时间和地点,应由承包商和雇主商定. The Employer may, under Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments], vary the location or details of specified tests, or instruct the Contractor to carry out additional tests. If these varied or additional tests show that the tested Plant, Materials or workmanship is not in accordance with the Contract, the cost of carrying out this Variation shall be borne by the Contractor, notwithstanding other provisions of the Contract. 根据第13条[变更和调整]的规定,雇主可以改变进行规定试验的位置或细节,或指示承包商进行附加的试验.如果这些变更或附加的试验表明,经过试验的生产设备、材料、或工艺不符合合同的要求,不管合同有何其他规定,承包商应负担进行本项变更的费用. The Employer shall give the Contractor not less than 24 hours’ notice of the Employer’s intention to attend the tests. If the Employer does not attend at the time and place agreed, the Contractor may proceed with the tests, unless otherwise instructed by the Employer, and the tests shall then be deemed to have been made in the Employer’s presence. 雇主应至少提前24小时将参加试验的意图通知承包商.如果雇主没有在商定的时间和地点参加试验,除非雇主另有指示,承包商可以自行进行试验,这些试验应被视为是在雇主在场情况下进行的. If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost from complying with these instructions or as a result of a delay for which the Employer is responsible, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer and shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to: 如果由于服从这些指示,或因雇主应负责的延误的结果,使承包商遭受延误和(或)招致费用,承包商应向雇主发出通知,并有权根据第20.1款[承包商的索赔]的规定提出: (a) an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion], and 根据第8.4款[竣工时间的延长]的规定,如果竣工已或将受到延误,对任何此类延误给予延长期; (b) payment of any such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shall be added to the Contract Price. 任何上述费用加合理利润应加入合同价格,给予支付. After receiving this notice, the Employer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine these matters. 雇主在收到此通知后,应按照第3.5款[确定]的要求对此类事项进行商定或确定. The Contractor shall promptly forward to the Employer duly certified reports of the tests. When the specified tests have been passed, the Employer shall endorse the Contractor’s test certificate, or issue a certificate to him, to that effect. If the Employer has not attended the tests, he shall be deemed to have accepted the readings as accurate. 承包商应立即向雇主提交充分证实的试验报告.当规定的试验通过时,雇主应在承包商的试验证书上签字认可,或向承包商颁发等效的证书.如果雇主未参加试验,他应被视为已经认可试验示数是准确的. 7.5 Rejection拒收 If, as a result of an examination, inspection measurement or testing, any Plant, Materials, design or workmanship is found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract, the Employer may reject the Plant, Materials, design or workmanship by giving notice to the Contractor, with reasons. The Contractor shall then promptly make good the defect and ensure that the rejected item complies with the Contract. 如果检查、检验、测量或试验结果,发现任何生产设备、材料、设计或工艺有缺陷,或不符合合同要求,雇主可通过向承包商发出通知,并 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 理由,拒收该生产设备、材料、设计或工艺.承包商应立即修复缺陷,并保证上述被拒收的项目符合合同的规定. If the Employer requires this Plant, Materials, design or workmanship to be retested, the tests shall be repeated under the same terms and conditions. If the rejection and retesting cause the Employer to incur additional costs, the Contractor shall subject to Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] pay these costs to the Employer. 如果雇主要求对上述生产设备、材料、设计或工艺再次进行试验,这些试验应按相同的条款和条件重新进行.如果此项拒收和再次试验使雇主增加了费用,承包商应遵照第2.5款[雇主的索赔]的规定,将该费用付给雇主. 7.6 Remedial Work修补工作 Notwithstanding any previous test or certification, the Employer may instruct the Contractor to: (a) remove from the Site and replace any Plant or Materials which is not in accordance with the Contract, (b) remove and re-execute any other work which is not in accordance with the Contract, and (c) execute any work which is urgently required for the safety of the Works, whether because of an accident, unforeseeable event or otherwise. 尽管已有先前的任何试验或证书,雇主仍可指示承包商进行以下工作: (i) 将不符合合同要求的任何生产设备或材料移出现场,并进行更换; (ii)去除不符合合同的任何其他工作,并重新实施; (iii)实施因意外、不可预见的事件或其他原因引起的、为工程的安全迫切需要的任何工作. If the Contractor fails to comply with any such instruction, which complies with Sub-Clause 3.4 [Instructions], the Employer shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons to carry out the work. Except to the extent that the Contractor would have been entitled to payment for the work, the Contractor shall subject to Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] pay to the Employer all costs arising from this failure 如果承包商未能服从任何此类符合第3.4款[指示]要求的指示,雇主应有权雇用并付款给他人从事该工作.除承包商原有权从该工作所得付款的范围外,承包商应遵照第2.5款[雇主的索赔]的规定,向雇主支付因他未履行指示而使雇主支付的所有费用. 7.7 Ownership of Plant and Materials生产设备和材料的所有权 Each item of Plant and Materials shall, to the extent consistent with the Laws of the Country, become the property of the Employer at whichever is the earlier of the following times, free from liens and other encumbrances: (a) when it is delivered to the Site; (b) when the Contractor is entitled to payment of the value of the Plant and Materials under Sub-Clause 8.10 [Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension]. 从下列二者中较早的时间起,在符合工程所在国法律规定范围内,每项生产设备和材料都应无扣押和其他阻碍的成为雇主的财产. 当上述生产设备、材料运至现场时; 当根据第8.10款[暂停时对生产设备和材料的支付]的规定,承包商有权得到按生产设备和材料价值的付款时. 7.8 Royalties土地(矿区)使用费 Unless otherwise stated in the Employer’s Requirements, the Contractor shall pay all royalties, rents and other payments for: (a) natural Materials obtained from outside the Site, and (b) the disposal of material from demolitions and excavations and of other surplus material (whether natural or man-made), except to the extent that disposal areas within the Site are specified in the Contract. 除非在雇主要求中另有说明,承包商应为以下事项支付所有的土地(矿区)使用费、租金和其他付款: 从现场以外地区得到的天然材料; 在合同规定的现场范围内的弃置区以外,弃置拆除、开挖的材料和其他剩余材料(不论是天然的或人工的). 8.1 Commencement of Works工程的开工 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Agreement: (a) the Employer shall give the Contractor not less than 7 days’ notice of the Commencement Date; and (b) the Commencement Date shall be within 42 days after the date on which the Contract comes into full force and effect under Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement]. The Contractor shall commence the design and execution of the Works as soon as is reasonably practicable after the Commencement Date, and shall then proceed with the Works with due expedition and without delay. 除非合同协议书另有说明: 雇主应在不少于7天前向承包商发出开工日期的通知; 开工日期应在第1.6款[合同协议书]规定的合同全面实施和生效日期后42天内. 承包商应在开工日期后,在合理可能情况下尽早开始工程的设计和施工,随后应以正当速度,不拖延地进行工程. 8.2 Time for Completion竣工时间 The Contractor shall complete the whole of the Works, and each Section (if any), within the Time for Completion for the Works or Section (as the case may be), including: (a) achieving the passing of the Tests on Completion, and (b) completing all work which is stated in the Contract as being required for the Works or Section to be considered to be completed for the purposes of taking-over under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of the Works and Sections]. 承包商应在工程或分项工程(视情况而定)的竣工时间内,完成整个工程和每个分项工程(如果有),包括: 竣工试验获得通过;完成合同提出的、工程和分项工程按照第10.1款[工程和分项工程的接收]规定的接收要求竣工所需要的全部工作. 8.3 Programme进度计划 The Contractor shall submit a time programme to the Employer within 28 days after the Commencement Date. The Contractor shall also submit a revised programme whenever the previous programme is inconsistent with actual progress or with the Contractor’s obligations. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, each programme shall include: (a) the order in which the Contractor intends to carry out the Works, including the anticipated timing of each major stage of the Works, (b) the periods for reviews under Sub-Clause 5.2 [Contractor’s Documents], (c) the sequence and timing of inspections and tests specified in the Contract, and (d) a supporting report which includes: (i) a general description of the methods which the Contractor intends to adopt for the execution of each major stage of the Works, and (ii) the approximate number of each class of Contractor’s Personnel and of each type of Contractor’s Equipment for each major stage. 承包商应在开工日期后28天内,向雇主提交一份进度计划.当原定进度计划与实际进度或承包商的义务不相符时,承包商还应提交一份修订的进度计划.除非合同另有说明,每份进度计划应包括: 承包商计划实施工程的工作顺序,包括工程各主要阶段的预期时间安排;根据第5.2款[承包商文件]规定的审核期限;合同中规定的各项检验和试验的顺序的顺序和时间安排;一份支持报告,内容包括:承包商在工程各主要阶段的实施中拟采用的方法的一般描述;各主要阶段配备的各级承包商人员和各类型承包商设备的大概数量. Unless the Employer, within 21 days receiving a programme, gives notice to the Contractor stating the extent to which it does not comply with the Contract, the Contractor shall proceed in accordance with the programme, subject to his other obligations under the Contract. The Employer’s Personnel shall be entitled to rely upon the programme when planning their activities. 除非雇主在收到进度计划后21天内向承包商发出通知,指出其中不符合合同要求的部分,承包商即按照该进度计划,并遵守合同规定的其它义务,进行工作.雇主人员应有权依照该进度计划安排他们的活动. The Contractor shall promptly give notice to the Employer of specific probable future events or circumstances which may adversely affect or delay the execution of the Works. In this event, or if the Employer gives notice to the Contractor that a programme fails (to the extent stated) to comply with the Contract or to be consistent with actual progress and the Contractor’s stated intentions, the Contractor shall submit a revised programme to the Employer in accordance with this Sub-Clause. 承包商应及时将未来可能对工程施工造成不利影响或延误的事件或情况通知雇主.在此情况下,或在雇主通知承包商指出进度计划(在指出的部分)不符合合同要求,或与实际进度或承包商提出的意向不一致时,承包商应遵照本款要求向雇主提交一份修订进度计划. 8.4 Extension of Time for Completion竣工时间延长 The Contractor shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’ Claims] to an extension of the Time for Completion if and to the extent that completion for the purposes of Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of the Works and Sections] is or will be delayed by any of the following causes: (a) a Variation (unless an adjustment to the Time for Completion has been agreed under Sub-Clause 13.3 [Variation Procedure]), (b) a cause of delay giving an entitlement to extension of time under a Sub-Clause of these Conditions, or (c) any delay, impediment or prevention caused by or attributable to the Employer, the Employer’s Personnel, or the Employer’s other contractors on the Site. 如由于下列任何原因,致使达到按照第10.1款[工程和分项工程的接收]要求的竣工受到或将受到延误的程度,承包商有权按照第20.1款[承包商的索赔]的规定提出延长竣工时间: 变更(除非已根据第13.3款[变更程序]的规定商定调整了竣工时 间); 根据本条件某款,有权获得延长期的原因;或 由雇主、雇主人员、或在现场的雇主的其他承包商造成或引起的任何延误、妨碍和阻碍. If the Contractor considers himself to be entitled to an extension of the Time for Completion, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims]. When determining each extension of time under Sub-Clause 20.1, the Employer shall review previous determinations and may increase, but shall not decrease, the total extension of time. 如果承包商认为他有权提出延长竣工时间,应按照第20.1款[承包商的索赔]的规定,向雇主发出通知.雇主每次按照第20.1款确定延长时间时,应对以前所作的确定进行审核,可以增加,但不得减少总的延长时间. 8.5 Delays Caused by Authorities当局造成的延误 If the following conditions apply, namely: (a) the Contractor has diligently followed the procedures laid down by the relevant legally constituted public authorities in the Country, (b) these authorities delay or disrupt the Contractor’s work, and (c) the delay or disruption was not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender, then this delay or disruption will be considered as a cause of delay under sub-paragraph (b) of Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion]. 如果符合下列条件,即: 承包商已努力遵守了工程所在国依法成立的有关公共当局所制定的程序; 这些当局延误或打乱了承包商的工作; 延误或中废是一个有经验的承包商在递交投标书时无法合理预见的; 则上述延误或中断应被视为根据第8.4款[竣工时间的延长](b)项规定的延误的原因. 8.6 Rate of Progress工程进度 If, at any time: (a) actual progress is too slow to complete within the Time for Completion, and/or (b) progress has fallen (or will fall) behind the current programme under Sub-Clause 8.3 [Programme], 如果在任何时候: 实际工程进度对于在竣工时间内完工过于迟缓,和(或) 进度已(或将)落后于根据第8.3款[进度计划]的规定制订的现行进度计划, other than as a result of a cause listed in Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion], then the Employer may instruct the Contractor to submit, under Sub-Clause 8.3 [Programme], a revised programme and supporting report describing the revised methods which the Contractor proposes to adopt in order to expedite progress and complete within the Time for Completion. 除由于第8.4款[竣工时间的延长]中列举的某项原因造成的结果外,雇主可指示承包商根据第8.3款[进度计划]的规定提交一份修订的进度计划,以及说明承包商为加快进度在竣工时间内竣工,建议采取的修订方法的补充报告. Unless the Employer notifies otherwise, the Contractor shall adopt these revised methods, which may require increases in the working hours and/or in the numbers of Contractor’s Personnel and/or Goods, at the risk and cost of the Contractor. If these revised methods cause the Employer to incur additional costs, the Contractor shall subject to Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] pay these costs to the Employer, in addition to delay damages (if any) under Sub-Clause 8.7 below. 除非雇主 另有通知,承包商应采取这些修订方法,对可能需要增加工时、和(或)承包商人员和(或)货物的数量,承包商应自行承担风险和费用.如果这些修订方法使雇主招致附加费用,承包商应根据第2.5款[雇主的索赔]的要求,连同下述第8.7款中提出的误期损害赔偿费(如果有),向雇主支付这些费用. 8.7 Delay Damages误期损害赔偿费 If the Contractor fails to comply with Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion], the Contractor shall subject to Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] pay delay damages to the Employer for this default. These delay damages shall be the sum stated in the Particular Conditions, which shall be paid for every day which shall elapse between the relevant Time for Completion and the date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate. However, the total amount due under this Sub-Clause shall not exceed the maximum amount of delay damages (if any) stated in the Particular Conditions. 如果承包商未能遵守第8.2款[竣工时间]的要求,承包商应当为其违约行为,根据第2.5款[雇主的索赔]的要求向雇主支付误期损害赔偿费.此项误期损害赔偿费应按照专用条件中规定的每天应付金额,以接收证书上注明的日期超过相应的竣工时间的天数计算.但按本款计算的赔偿总额,不得超过专用条件中规定的误期损害赔偿费的最高限额(如果有). These delay damages shall be the only damages due from the Contractor for such default, other than in the event of termination under Sub-Clause 15.2 [Termination by Employer] prior to completion of the Works, These damages shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to complete the works,or from any other duties, obligations or responsibilities which he may have under the Contract. 除在工程竣工前根据第15.2款[由雇主终止]的规定终止的情况外,这些误期损害赔偿费应是承包商为此类违约应付的唯一损害赔偿费.这些损害赔偿费不应解除承包商完成工程的义务,或合同规定的其可能承担的其他责任、义务或职责. 8.8 Suspension of Work暂时停工 The Employer may at any time instruct the Contractor to suspend progress of part or all of the Works. During such suspension, the Contractor shall protect, store and secure such part or the Works against any deterioration, loss or damage. 雇主可以随时指示承包商暂停工程某一部分或全部的施工.在暂停期间,承包商应保护、保管、并保证该部分或全部工程不致产生任何变质、损失或损害. The Employer may also notify the cause for the suspension. If and to the extent that the cause is notified and is the responsibility of the Contractor, the following Sub-Clauses 8.9, 8.10 and 8.11 shall not apply. 雇主还可以通知暂停的原因.如果是已通知了原因,而且是由于承包商的职责造成的情况,则下列第8.9、8.10和8.11款应不适用. 8.9 Consequences of Suspension暂停的后果 If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost from complying with the Employer’s instructions under Sub-Clause 8.8 [Suspension of Work] and/or from resuming the work, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer and shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to: (a) an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion], and (b) payment of any such Cost, which shall be added to the Contract Price. 如果承包商因执行雇主根据第8.8款[暂时停工]的规定发出的指示,和(或)因为复工,而遭受延误和(或)招致增加费用,承包商应向雇主发出通知,并有权依照第20.1款[承包商的索赔]的规定提出: 根据第8.4款[竣工时间的延长]的规定,如竣工已或将受到延误,应对任何此类延误给予延长期; 对任何此类费用应加入合同价格,给予支付. After receiving this notice, the Employer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine these matters. 雇主收到此通知后,应按照第3.5款[确定]的要求,对这些事项进行商定或确定. The Contractor shall not be entitled to an extension of time for, or to payment of the Cost incurred in, making good the consequences of the Contractor’s faulty design, workmanship or materials, or of the Contractor’s failure to protect, store or secure in accordance with Sub-Clause 8.8 [Suspension of Work]. 承包商应无权得到为弥补因承包商有缺陷的设计、工艺或材料,或因承包商未能按照第8.8款[暂时停工]的规定保护、保管、或保证安全的后果,带来的延长期和招致费用的支付. 8.10Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension暂停时对生产设备和材料的付款 The Contractor shall be entitled to payment of the value (as at the date of suspension) of Plant and/or Materials which have not been delivered to Site, if: (a) the work on Plant or delivery of Plant and/or Materials has been suspended for more than 28 days, and (b) the Contractor has marked the Plant and/or Materials as the Employer’s property in accordance with the Employer’s instructions. 在下列条件下,承包商有权得到尚未运到现场的生产设备和(或)材料(按暂停开始日期时)的价值的付款: 生产设备的生产、或生产设备和(或)材料的交付被暂停达到28天以上; 承包商已按雇主的指示,标明上述生产设备和(或)材料为雇主的财产. 8.11 Prolonged Suspension 拖长的暂停 If the suspension under Sub-Clause 8.8 [Suspension of Work] has continued for more than 84 days, the Contractor may request the Employer’s permission to proceed. If the Employer does not give permission within 28 days after being requested to do so, the Contractor may, by giving notice to the Employer, treat the suspension as an omission under Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments] of the affected part of the Works. If the suspension affects the whole of the Works, the Contractor may give notice of termination under Sub-Clause 16.2 [Termination by Contractor]. 如果第8.8款[暂时停工]所述的暂停已持续84天以上,承包商可以要求雇主允许继续施工.如在提出这一要求后28天内,雇主没有给出许可,承包商可以通知雇主,将工程受暂停影响的部分视为根据第13条[变更和调整]规定的删减项目.若暂停影响到整个工程,承包商可以根据第16.2款[由承包商终止]的规定发出终止的通知. 8.12 Resumption of Work复工 After the permission or instruction to proceed is given, the Parties shall jointly examine the Works and the Plant and Materials affected by the suspension. The Contractor shall make good any deterioration or defect in or loss of the Works or Plant or Materials, which has occurred during the suspension. 在发出继续施工的许可或指示后,双方应共同对受暂停影响的工程、生产设备和材料进行检查.承包商应负责恢复在暂停期间发生的工程或生产设备或材料的任何变质、缺陷或损失. 9Tests on Completion竣工试验 9.1 Contractor’s Obligations承包商的义务 The Contractor shall carry out the Tests on Completion in accordance with this Clause and Sub-Clause 7.4 [Testing], after providing the documents in accordance with Sub-Clause 5.6 [As-Built Documents] and Sub-Clause 5.7 [Operation and Maintenance Manuals]. 承包商应按照第5.6款[竣工文件]和第5.7款操作和维修手册]的要求,提供各种文件后,按照本条和第7.4款[试验]的要求进行竣工试验. The Contractor shall give to the Employer not less than 21 days’ notice of the date after which the Contractor will be ready to carry out each of the Tests on Completion. Unless otherwise agreed, Tests on Completion shall be carried out within 14 days after this date, on such day or days as the Employer shall instruct. 承包商应提前21天将他可以进行每项竣工试验的日期通知雇主.除非另有商定,竣工试验应在此通知日期后的14天内,在雇主指示的某日或某几日内进行. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, the Tests on Completion shall be carried out in the following sequence: (a) pre-commissioning tests, which shall include the appropriate inspections and (“dry” or “cold”) functional tests to demonstrate that each item of Plant can safely under-take the next stage, (b); (b) commissioning tests, which shall include the specified operational texts to demonstrate that the Works or Section can be operated safely and as specified, under all available operating conditions; and (c) trial operation, which shall demonstrate that the Works or Section perform reliably and in accordance with the Contract. 除非在专用条件中另有说明,竣工试验应按照以下顺序进行: 启动前试验,应包括适当的检验和(“干”或“冷”)性能试验,以证明每项生产设备能够安全地承受下一阶段(b)项试验; 启动试验,应包括规定地操作试验,以证明工程或分项工程能够在所有可利用地操作条件下安全地操作. 试运行,应证明工程或分项工程运行可靠,符合合同要求. During trial operation, when the Works are operating under stable conditions, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer that the Works are ready for any other Tests on Completion, including performance tests to demonstrate whether the Works conform with criteria specified in the Employer’s Requirements and with the Performance Guarantees. 在试运行期间,当工程正在稳定条件下运行时,承包商应通知雇主,告知工程已可以做任何其他竣工试验,包括各种性能试验,以证明工程是否符合雇主要求中规定地 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 和履约保证. Trial operation shall not constitute a taking-over under Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking Over]. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, any product produced by the Works during trial operation shall be the property of the Employer. 试运行不应构成第10条[雇主的接收]规定的接收.除非专用条件中另有说明,工程在试运行期间生产的任何产品应属于雇主的财产. In considering the results of the Tests on Completion, appropriate allowances shall be made for the effect of any use of the Works by the Employer on the performance or other characteristics of the Works. As soon as the Works, or a Section, have passed each of the Tests on Completion described in sub-paragraph (a), (b) or (c), the Contractor shall submit a certified report of the results of these Tests to the Employer. 在考虑竣工试验结果时,雇主应适当考虑到因雇主对工程的任何使用,对工程的性能或其他特性产生的影响.一旦工程或某分项工程通过了本款(a)、(b)或(c)项中的每项竣工试验,承包商应向雇主提供一份经证实的这些试验结果的报告. 9.2 Delayed Tests延误的试验 If the Tests on Completion are being unduly delayed by the Employer, Sub-Clause 7.4 [Testing] (fifth paragraph) and/or Sub-Clause 10.3 [Interference with Tests on Completion] shall be applicable. If the Tests on Completion are being unduly delayed by the Contractor, the Employer may by notice require the Contractor to carry out the Tests within 21 days after receiving the notice. The Contractor shall carry out the Tests on such day or days within that period as the Contractor may fix and of which he shall give notice to the Employer. 如果雇主不当地延误竣工试验,雇主可通知承包商,要求在接到通知后21天内进行竣工试验.承包商应在上述期限内的某日或某几日内进行竣工试验,并将该日期通知雇主. If the Contractor fails to carry out the Tests on Completion within the period of 21 days, the Employer’s Personnel may proceed with the Tests at the risk and cost of the Contractor. These Tests on Completion shall then be deemed to have been carried out in the presence of the Contractor and the results of the Tests shall be accepted as accurate. 如果承包商未在规定的21天内进行竣工试验,雇主人员可自行进行这些试验.试验的风险和费用应由承包商承担.这些竣工试验应被视为是承包商在场时进行的,试验结果应认为准确,予以认可. 9.3 Retesting重新试验 If the Works, or a Section, fail to pass the Tests on Completion, Sub-Clause 7.5 [Rejection] shall apply, and the Employer or the Contractor may require the failed Tests, and Tests on Completion on any related work, to be repeated under the same terms and conditions. 如果工程或分项工程未能通过竣工试验,应适用第7.5款[拒收]的规定,雇主或承包商可要求按相同的条款和条件,重新进行此项未通过的试验和相关工程的竣工试验. 9.4 Failure to Pass Tests on Completion未能通过竣工试验 If the Works, or a Section, fail to pass the Tests on Completion repeated under Sub-Clause 9.3 [Retesting], the Employer shall be entitled to: (a) order further repetition of Tests on Completion under Sub-Clause 9.3; (b) if the failure deprives the Employer of substantially the whole benefit of the Works or Section, reject the Works or Section (as the case may be), in which event the Employer shall have the same remedies as are provided in sub-paragraph (c) of Sub-Clause 11.4 [Failure to Remedy Defects]; or (c) issue a Taking-Over Certificate. 如果工程或某分项工程未能通过根据第9.3款[重新试验]的规定重新进行的竣工试验,雇主应有权: 下令根据第9.3款再次重复竣工试验; 如果此项试验未通过,使雇主实质上丧失了工程或分项工程的整个利益时,拒收工程或分项工程(视情况而定),在此情况下,雇主应采取与第11.4款[未能修补缺陷](c)项规定的相同不久措施;或颁发接受证书. In the event of sub-paragraph (c), the Contractor shall proceed in accordance with all other obligations under the Contract, and the Contract Price shall be reduced by such amount as shall be appropriate to cover the reduced value to the Employer as a result of this failure. Unless the relevant reduction for this failure is stated (or its method of calculation is defined) in the Contract, the Employer may require the reduction to be (ⅰ) agreed by both Parties (in full satisfaction of this failure only) and paid before this Taking-Over Certificate is issued, or (ⅱ) determined and paid under Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] and Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations]. 在采用( c )项办法的情况下,承包商应继续履行合同规定的所有其他义务.但合同价格应予降低,减少的金额应足以弥补此项试验未通过的后果给雇主带来的价值损失.除非对此项试验未通过相应减少的合同价格在合同中另有说明(或规定了计算方法),雇主可以要求该减少额(ⅰ)经双方商定(仅限于满足此项试验未通过的要求),并在此项接收证书颁发前支付,或(ⅱ)根据第2.5款[雇主的索赔]和第3.5款[确定]的规定,确定并支付. 10Employer’s Taking Over雇主的接收 10.1 Taking Over of the Works and Sections工程和分项工程的接收 Except as stated in Sub-Clause 9.4 [Failure to Pass Tests on Completion], the Works shall be taken over by the Employer when (ⅰ) the Works have been completed in accordance with the Contract, including the matters described in Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion] and except as allowed in sub-paragraph (a) below, and (ⅱ) a Taking-Over Certificate for the Works has been issued, or is deemed to have been issued in accordance with this Sub-Clause. 除第9.4款[未能通过竣工试验]中所述情况外,当(ⅰ)除下面(a)项允许的情况以外,工程已按合同规定包括第8.2款[竣工时间]中提出的事项竣工,(ⅱ)已按照本款规定颁发工程接收证书,或认为已经颁发时,雇主应接收工程. The Contractor may apply by notice to the Employer for a Taking-Over Certificate not earlier than 14 days before the Works will, in the Contractor’s opinion, be complete and ready for taking over. If the Works are divided into Sections, the Contractor may similarly apply for a Taking-Over Certificate for each Section. 承包商可在他认为工程将竣工并做好接收准备的日期前不少于14天,向雇主发出申请接收证书的通知.若工程分成若干个分项工程,承包商可类似地为每个分项工程申请接收证书. The Employer shall, within 28 days after receiving the Contractor’s application: (a) issue the Taking-Over Certificate to the Contractor, stating the date on which the Works or section were completed in accordance with the Contract, except for any minor outstanding work and defects which will not substantially affect the use of the Works or Section for their intended purpose (either until or whilst this work is completed and these defects are remedied); or (b) reject the application, giving reasons and specifying the work required to be done by the Contractor to enable the Taking-Over Certificate to be issued. The Contractor shall then complete this work before issuing a further notice under this Sub-Clause. 雇主在收到承包商申请通知后28天内,应: 向承包商颁发接受证书,注明工程或分项工程按照合同要求竣工的日期, 任何对工程或分项工程预期使用目的没有实质影响的少量收尾工作和缺陷(直到或当收尾工作和缺陷修补完成时)除外;或 拒绝申请,说明理由,并指出在能颁发接收证书前承包商需做工作.承包商应在再次根据本款发出申请通知前,完成此项工作. If the Employer fails either to issue the Taking-Over Certificate or to reject the Contractor’s application within the period of 28 days, and if the Works or Section (as the case may be) are substantially in accordance with the Contract, the Taking-Over Certificate shall be deemed to have been issued on the last day of that period. 如果雇主在28天期限内既未颁发接收证书,又未拒绝承包商的申请,而工程或分项工程(视具体情况而定)实质上符合合同规定,接收证书应视为已在上述规定期限的最后一日颁发. 10.2 Taking Over of Parts of the Works部分工程的接收 Parts of the Works (other than Sections) shall not be taken over or used by the Employer, except as may be stated in the Contract or as may be agreed by both Parties. 除合同中可能说明或可能经双方同意以外,任何部分工程(分项工程以外),雇主均不得接收或使用. 10.3 Interference with Tests on Completion对竣工试验的干扰 If the Contractor is prevented, for more than 14 days, from carrying out the Tests on Completion by a cause for which the Employer is responsible, the Contractor shall carry out the Tests on Completion as soon as practicable. 如果由雇主应负责的原因妨碍承包商进行竣工试验达14天以上,承包商应尽快地进行竣工试验. If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost as a result of this delay in carrying out the Tests on Completion, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer and shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to: (a) an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion], and (b) payment of any such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shall be added to the Contract Price. 如果由于进行竣工试验的此项拖延,使承包商遭受延误和(或)招致增加费用,承包商应向雇主发出通知,有权根据第20.1款[承包商的索赔]的规定提出: 根据第8.4款[竣工时间的延长]的规定,如果竣工已或将受到延误,对任何此类延误给予延长期; 对任何此类费用,加合理的利润,应加入合同价格,给予支付. After receiving this notice, the Employer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine these matters. 雇主受到此通知后,应按照第3.5款[确定]的规定,对这些事项进行商定或确定. 欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料可以编辑修改使用 致力于合同简历、 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面, 打造全网一站式需求 ppt课件设计制作,word文档制作,图文设计制作、发布广告等, 公司秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意! 感谢您下载我们文档 PAGE 20 .
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