首页 五年级下册英语短文翻译



五年级下册英语短文翻译五年级下册(英语短文) 1、昨天我很忙,我7:00起床,然后在家做作业;午饭后,我洗碗碟;下午,我帮妈妈打扫 房子;晚上我为家人煮晚饭,我很累,但我很开心。 Y esterday I was very busy. I got up at 7:00 a.m. Then I did my homework at home. After lunch, I washed the dishes. In the afternoon, I helped my mom clean up the house. I cooke...

五年级下册(英语短文) 1、昨天我很忙,我7:00起床,然后在家做作业;午饭后,我洗碗碟;下午,我帮妈妈打扫 房子;晚上我为家人煮晚饭,我很累,但我很开心。 Y esterday I was very busy. I got up at 7:00 a.m. Then I did my homework at home. After lunch, I washed the dishes. In the afternoon, I helped my mom clean up the house. I cooked the dinner for my family in the evening. I was very tired, but I was very happy. 2、今年寒假,我和家人去了海南旅游,我们乘飞机去,在海南,我们游览了许多地方。我 们还去了沙滩,那里的食物很美味,我们很开心。 This winter holiday, my family and I went on a trip to Hainan. W e went there by airplane. In Hainan, we visited many places. W e also went to the beach. The food was tasty there. W e were very happy. 3、上个月,我和父母去了桂林,那里很漂亮,我不喜欢那里的食物,很辣。然后,我们去 探望了祖父母,他们很高兴。我和我的表兄弟们玩,我们一起骑马,我们遇到了许多趣事,真是好玩! Last month, my parents and I went to Guilin. It was very beautiful there. I didn’t like the food there. It was spicy. Then we went to visit my grandparents. They were very happy. I played with my cousins. W e met many interesting things. It was funny. 4、明天是星期六,我和我的弟弟们打算先去买衣服,然后打算去看望我的阿姨,我们打算 和我们的表哥一起做模型,并且帮阿姨打扫房间。 Tomorrow is Saturday. My brothers and I are going to shop for some clothes first, and then we are going to visit our aunt. W e are going to make models with our cousin and help aunt clean the room. 5、下周是一个假期,我不用上学,我打算和朋友一起玩,我们打算去公园野餐。这个星期 六,我们打算到超市买一些水果和食物,我们打算在公园照一些相,我们会玩得很开心。 Next week is a vacation, I don’t (need to )go to school. I’m going to play with my friends. W e’re going to have a picnic in the park. This Saturday, we’re going to buy some fruit and food in the supermarket. W e’re going to take some photos in the park. W e will be very happy. 6、我生病了,我不舒服,我感冒发烧,我没有上学,妈妈带我去看医生,医生说我应该吃 一些药,好好休息,我希望我快点好起来。 I was sick. I didn’t feel well. I got a cold and a fever. I didn’t go to school. Mother took me to see the doctor. The doctor said I should take some medicine and have a rest. I hope I will be better soon. 1 7、Gogo今天不开心,他牙痛,他不能出去玩了,他要去看牙医,他要吃药,多点休息, 他希望他快点好起来。 Gogo is unhappy today. He has a toothache. He can’t play outside. He should see the dentist. He should take some medicine and have more rest. He hopes he will be better soon. 8、五一假期快到了,我和父母准备去北京旅行,我们打算乘飞机去,我们打算参观长城, 我们还打算参观很多地方,我们打算品尝北京美食,我们打算在北京逗留一个星期,然后乘火车回来,我们将有一个愉快的假期。 May Day is coming. My parents and I are going to go on a vacation to Beijing. W e’re going there by plane. W e’re going to visit The Great W all of China. W e will visit many places. W e are going to have some tasty food in Beijing. W e’ll stay in Beijing for a week. Then we’ll come back by train. W e will have a happy vacation. 9、周末快到了,Gogo很开心,他的父母打算和他去公园野餐,他们打算骑车去,昨天他 去商场买了一些饮料和食物,他们打算在那里画画,他们会在那里逗留半天,他会有一个愉快的周末。 The weekend is coming. Gogo is very happy. His parents are going to have a picnic with him in the park. They will go there by bike. Y esterday he went to the shop to buy some drinks and food. They will paint some pictures there. They will stay there for half a day. He will have a happy weekend. 10、去年暑假我去了重庆看望我的爷爷奶奶,那儿的天气很好,每天都是晴天。重庆的食 物很辣,但是很美味,我在那里过了一个愉快的假期。 Last summer holiday I went to Chongqing to visit my grandparents. The weather was good there. Everyday was sunny. The food in Chongqing was very spicy but very delicious. I had a happy vacation there. 11、我很喜欢旅行,我和家人每年都去旅行,去年寒假我和家人乘飞机去了哈尔滨。今年寒 假,我们去了北京,我们参观了许多地方,我还去了海滩,那里的食物很美味,我很开心。 I like traveling. I go on a trip with my parents every year. Last winter holiday I went to Harbin by plane with my parents. This winter holiday we went to Beijing. W e visited many places. I went to the beach . The food there was very delicious. I was very happy. 12、昨天是星期一,Tony没有上学,他得了重感冒和发烧,他去看医生,他吃了一些药, 现在在家里休息,明天可以去上学了。 Y esterday was Monday. Tony did n’t go to school. He had a bad cold and a fever. He saw the doctor. He had some medicine. Now he is at home to have a rest. Tomorrow he can go to school. 13、每个星期六和星期日,我都不用上学,我经常逗留在家里做作业,现在我很开心,因为 明天爸爸、妈妈准备带我去鹤山公园,我们将会在那里野炊和放风筝,我妈妈今天早上在超市买了许多食物和水果,我们打算9点开小车到达那里,下午四点回家,我们将会有愉快的一天。 Every Saturday and Sunday, I don’t go to school. I often stay at home to do my homework. Now I’m very happy. Because my parents will take me to the Heshan Park tomorrow. We’ll have a picnic and fly kites there. This morning my mother bought many food and fruit in the supermarket. W e are going to get there at 9:00 by car. We’ll get home at 4:00 in the afternoon. We’ll have a nice day. 14、上星期天阳光灿烂,我不用上学,早上我很早起床,陪妈妈去市场买了些水果和面包, 然后和我的表哥去旅游,玩了一天,我们很开心,我晚上写了日记。 Last Sunday was sunny. I didn’t go to school. I got up early in the morning. My mother and I went to the market to bought some fruit and bread. Then we went on a trip with my cousin. W e played for a day. W e were very happy. I wrote a diary in the evening. 15、昨天是星期六,我不用上学。早上,我在家做作业,下午,我写了一封信给我的好朋友, 晚上我学英语,昨天我过得很开心。 Y esterday was Saturday. I didn’t go to school. In the morning, I did my homework at home. In the afternoon, I wrote a letter to my good friend. In the evening, I studied English. I was very happy yesterday. 16、明天是星期天,我不用上学,早上,我打算和朋友玩,下午,我打算照一些相片,晚上, 我打算制作模型和看电视。 Tomorrow is Sunday. I don’t go to school. In the morning, I’m going to play with my friends. In the afternoon, I’m going to take some photos. In the evening, I’m going to make models and watch TV. 17、今天Jack很不开心,他牙痛,没有上学,也不能去玩,他要去看牙医,他要多一点休 息,希望他快点好起来。 Jack is unhappy today. He has a toothache. He didn’t go to school. And he can’t play outside. He should go to see the dentist. He should have more rest. I hope he will be better soon.. 18、我有一个好朋友,他的名字叫Tony。他很喜欢打篮球,每个星期天他和朋友们打篮球, 但是上个星期天,他没有去,早上他在家里做模型,下午他在家里看书,晚上,他还帮妈妈洗碗碟。 I have a good friend. His name is Tony. He likes to play basketball. Every Sunday he plays basketball with his friends. But last Sunday he didn’t. In the morning he made models at home. In the afternoon he read some books at home. In the evening, he helped his mom do the dishes. 19、昨天是忙碌的一天,早上,我在家里做作业,下午,我帮妈妈扫地、洗碗,晚上,我和 妹妹一起洗衣服,明天我将会和朋友去北湖公园玩,我们还打算照相,我想我们会玩得很开心。 Y esterday was a busy day. In the morning, I did my homework at home. In the afternoon, I helped my mom sweep the floor and do the dishes. In the evening, I washed the clothes with my sister. Tomorrow I’ll go to the Beihu Park with my friends. W e’re going to take some photos, too. I think we’ll have a good time. 20、上星期天,我早上九点起床,我的房间很凌乱,早餐后,我首先整理床铺,然后把书桌 上的书放好,再把地上的玩具收拾好,最后把房间打扫干净。妈妈说我是个好孩子。 Last Sunday I got up at 9:00. My room was messy. After breakfast, I made the bed first. Second I put away my books on the desk, and then I put away the toys on the floor. At last I cleaned up the room. Mother said I was a good child. 21、一个月后,我和家人将会搬到新屋去,这个星期六,我们打算去打扫新屋,天气将会晴 天,我打扫客厅、饭厅。爸爸打扫浴室和卧室,妈妈打扫厨房,弟弟打扫阳台。我们将会很忙。 A month later, my family and I will move to a new apartment. This Saturday, we’re going to clean up the new apartment. The weather will be sunny. I’ll sweep the dining room and living room. Dad will sweep the bathroom and bedroom. Mother will sweep the kitchen. Brother will sweep the balcony. W e’ll be very busy. 22、上个月,我和父母去了旅行,我们乘火车去,我们住在伯父家,伯父家有三个卧室,一 个客厅,一个饭厅和一个大阳台,我们住了一周,我们游览了许多地方,我们很开心。 Last month, I went on a trip with my parents. W e went there by train. W e lived in my uncle’s home. There are three bedrooms, a living room, a dining room and a balcony in uncle’s house. W e lived there for a week. W e visited many places. W e were very happy. 23、下个月是暑假,我打算和父母去海南旅游,我们打算乘飞机去,我们打算住在朋友家, 他家有四个卧室,一个客厅,一个饭厅,屋前还有一个大花园。我们打算去沙滩游泳,还有参观其他地方,我们还品尝了海南美食,我们打算在那里住一个星期,然后乘火车回来,我想我们会有一个愉快的假期。 Next month is a vacation. I’m going to go on a trip to Hainan with my family. W e’re going there by plane. W e’ll live in my friend’s home. There’re four bedrooms, a living room, a dining room in his house. There is a big garden in front of his house, too. W e’re going to swim in the beach, and visit other places. W e also have tasty food in Hainan. W e’re going to live there for a week. Then we’ll come back by train. I think we’ll have a happy vacation. 24、今年Mary将搬去一套新公寓,公寓在他的学校附近,公寓又大又美,公寓前面有一个 花园,内有客厅,浴室和卧室,其中一个卧室是Mary祖母的,Mary非常喜欢这套公寓。 This year Mary will move to a new apartment. The apartment is near to his school. The apartment is big and beautiful. There is a garden in front of the apartment. There is a living room, bathroom and bedroom in it. One of bedrooms is Mary’s grandma’s. Mary likes this apartment very much. 25、明天是星期天,天气将会很晴朗,迈克一家很忙,因为明天是迈克妈妈的生日,迈克和 妹妹准备唱歌给妈妈听,爸爸准备做家务和美味的晚餐。 Tomorrow is Sunday. The weather will be sunny. Mike and his family will be very busy. Because tomorrow is Mike’s mother’s birthday. Mike and his sister will sing a song to his mother. Dad will do the housework and cook the tasty food.
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