首页 抗衰老产品生产制备工艺



抗衰老产品生产制备工艺抗衰老产品生产制备工艺 1 03157305.3 抗衰老养生片及其制备方法 2 03133873.9 纳米铜粉作为制备抗衰老药物的应用 3 03112485.2 一种降脂抗衰老保健品 4 02136652.7 抗衰老制剂 5 02136897.X 抗衰老水剂 6 02136898.8 抗衰老片剂 7 02136901.1 抗衰老蜜丸 8 02136902.X 抗衰老胶丸 9 02136903.8 抗衰老冲剂 10 02136904.6 抗衰老丹剂 11 02136905.4 抗衰老胶囊 12 ...

抗衰老产品生产制备工艺 1 03157305.3 抗衰老养生片及其制备方法 2 03133873.9 纳米铜粉作为制备抗衰老药物的应用 3 03112485.2 一种降脂抗衰老保健品 4 02136652.7 抗衰老制剂 5 02136897.X 抗衰老水剂 6 02136898.8 抗衰老片剂 7 02136901.1 抗衰老蜜丸 8 02136902.X 抗衰老胶丸 9 02136903.8 抗衰老冲剂 10 02136904.6 抗衰老丹剂 11 02136905.4 抗衰老胶囊 12 02159743.X 抗衰老药物及其制备方法 13 03134522.0 一种生发黑发和抗衰老的药物 14 02148398.1 一种抗衰老中药胶囊及其制法 15 03143255.7 生殖间质细胞抗衰老技术 16 200410006543.0 抗衰老药物组合物及其制备方法 17 02114271.8 截断呼吸信号传入途径的抗衰老法与分解呼吸累积质的去衰老法 18 02112427.2 纯植物提取物的抗衰老、抗疲劳保健品 19 02125080.4 一种含修饰SOD的抗衰老胶囊 20 200310106698.7 一种用于润肠抗衰老美容的保健食品 21 03116722.5 一种抗衰老及免疫调节的中西合剂 22 200410015867.0 抗衰老、提高性功能制剂 23 200710024021.7 抗衰老健身补阳还五汤 24 200710024022.1 抗衰老长寿酒 25 200710024020.2 抗衰老延寿丹 26 200710024028.9 抗衰老益寿丸 27 200710024019.X 抗衰老百发酒 28 200580046581.1 抗衰老的方法和组合物 29 200710058960.3 降脂抗衰老药物组合物及其制备方法 30 200610032087.6 一种能提高人体抗衰老功能的保健酒及制备方法 31 200710018374.6 一种具有美白抗衰老的藏本草提取物及其应用 32 200710189611.5 抗衰老中药口服液 33 200710113736.X 抗衰老和治疗前列腺增生的天浆子药物 34 200710030170.4 抗衰老葡萄酒及其制备方法 35 200810015086.X 一种抗衰老养颜保健酒 36 200810027274.4 沙蒿籽油美容抗衰老保健食品 37 200810027277.8 抗氧化抗衰老防疾病的生物食品 38 200680037011.0 尤其具有抗衰老活性的含有非洲生??或唤妍草植物提取物的 美容组合物 39 200810061927.0 一种蝇蛆粉的抗疲劳、抗衰老和抗肥胖保健功能方面的用途 40 200680039626.7 使用抗衰老化合物生产蛋白质的方法 41 200810091436.0 一种含黄精多糖、黄芪多糖的抗衰老片及制法 42 200810140453.9 一种抗衰老白兰地酒 43 200810030279.2 添加生物微晶冻干粉抗衰老化妆品 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 44 200810198508.1 一种增加皮肤油分的抗衰老中药组合物及其制备方法 45 200710045235.2 防龋齿降脂抗衰老巧克力 46 200810231855.X 抗衰老防疾病玉纺织品及其生产方法 47 200810232970.9 一种抗衰老的中草药浴足液 48 200710163632.X 一种治疗冠心病、高血脂和抗衰老的药物,及其制备方法 49 200810162915.7 一种添加超氧化物歧化酶的抹茶抗衰老面膜及其制备方法 50 200710165485.X 一种抗衰老、增强记忆的中药组合物及其制备方法 51 200810233665.1 提高骨髓造血干细胞增殖能力达到抗衰老、抗贫血的保健品制剂 52 200810133878.7 含修复因子的抗衰老组合物 53 200710170590.2 用于抗衰老的中草药组合物、其制备方法以及应用 54 200810209845.6 一种大果沙棘复合抗衰老粉末的制备方法 55 200810209846.0 一种大果沙棘复合抗衰老粉末 56 200810246714.5 一种具有抗衰老功效的红景天提取物及其制备方法 57 200910044881.6 贻贝多糖在制备抗衰老药物或食品中的应用 58 200910045126.X 一种采用玫瑰精油抗衰老凉席的制备方法 59 200810056329.4 一种抗衰老的中药组合物及其制备方法 60 200910102442.6 一种纯中药抗衰老保健胶囊 61 200910066545.1 抗衰老的中药制剂 62 200810030736.8 一种能强身健体抗衰老的保健酒 63 200910014809.9 青梅花提取方法青梅花新用途及青梅花抗衰老护肤霜 64 200910147822.1 一种强身抗疲劳抗衰老的中药制剂及其制作方法 65 200910049758.3 具有预防心梗、脑梗、溶栓、排栓、活血化瘀、抗衰老功效的中草药组合物 66 200910060804.X 阿归养血糖浆的祛斑、抗衰老和增加皮肤营养的作用 67 200810149028.6 一种抗衰老及防治老年性痴呆的中药制剂 68 200910148503.2 一种多种纯中药制造的抗衰老增免疫胶囊 69 200910033536.2 一种抗衰老保健饮片及其生产方法 70 200810039268.0 抗衰老能力遗传检测试剂盒 71 200810140426.1 籽粒苋抗衰老饮料及其生产工艺 72 200910006085.3 一种抗衰老中药制剂的制备方法 73 200910102749.6 降压解脂、保肝护心、防癌抗衰老的中药 74 200810043677.8 一种天然免疫抗衰老剂 75 200810117410.9 生态负离子喷泉空气快速消毒净化抗衰老营养化保健机 76 200810117414.7 射流诱导型纯负氧离子空气快速消毒净化抗衰老营养化机 77 200810117415.1 射流诱导型生态负离子空气快速消毒净化抗衰老营养化机 78 200810117416.6 离子射流接力型空气快速净化抗衰老营养化大型控制系统 79 200810117412.8 生态离子捕捉型快速消毒净化抗衰老营养化中央空调系统 80 200810117413.2 空气立体化快速消毒净化抗衰老营养化远程射流空调机 81 200810119012.0 多生态定位型负氧离子淋浴型细胞再生抗衰老商用养生房 82 200810119009.9 高性能负氧离子淋浴细胞再生抗衰老单人淋浴养生房 83 200810119013.5 负氧离子均布淋浴型三态离子细胞再生抗衰老商用养生馆 84 200810119010.1 高性能负氧离子淋浴细胞再生抗衰老双人淋浴养生房 85 200810119011.6 多生态双人豪华型离子淋浴细胞再生抗衰老多功能养生房 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 86 200810119014.X 负氧离子定位淋浴型三态离子细胞再生抗衰老商用养生房 87 200880012559.9 羟基酪醇作为抗衰老剂的用途 88 200880013317.1 使用抗衰老化合物产生蛋白质的方法 89 200910213674.9 皮肤抗衰老复合纳米乳制剂及其制备方法 90 200910085242.4 一种抗衰老的中药配方及其制备方法 91 200910034309.1 喜马拉雅杜鹃活性提取物的制法及美白抗衰老活性化妆品 92 200910034310.4 高山松针活性提取物的制备方法及美白抗衰老活性化妆品 93 200910035904.7 蚕蛹蛾抗氧化抗衰老片食品及其生产工艺 94 200910163571.6 一种抗衰老抗疲劳补充精气血的颗粒和胶囊 95 200910101139.4 一种抗衰老润肤霜的制作方法 96 200910154280.0 一种抗衰老美容胶囊及其制备方法 97 200910230201.X 深海鱼皮胶原肽紧肤抗衰老面膜及制备方法 98 200810046415.7 治疗阳痿、早泄和抗衰老的超微粉中草药固体制剂 99 200910263401.5 复方雄蚕蛾抗衰老免疫调节保健食品及制备方法 100 200810158999.7 桑白皮抗衰老面霜 101 200810159000.0 洋紫苏抗衰老化妆水 102 201010114426.1 一种治疗高血压、高血脂、高血粘度与抗衰老的药物 103 200810229544.X 抗衰老延年益寿药 104 201010114427.6 一种治疗?型糖尿病与抗衰老的药物 105 200810227721.0 无臭氧高性能负氧离子空气抗衰老营养化保健风扇 106 200810227738.6 高浓度负氧离子化细胞再生抗衰老面部快速美容机 107 200810227740.3 高浓度负氧离子化细胞再生抗衰老脱发再生治疗帽 108 200810240205.1 有空气快速净化抗衰老营养化功能的保健空调的制造方法 109 200810233779.6 一种抗衰老、去皱抗皱化妆品组合物 110 201010102217.5 沙苑子黄酮在制备抗衰老药物及抗白血病药物方面的应用 111 201010156131.0 氨基酸抗衰老霜 112 201010183175.2 补血养颜抗疲劳抗衰老中草药保健茶 113 201010173169.9 丰乳美容抗衰老保健茶饮料 114 201010197688.9 一种抗衰老组合物 115 201010205415.4 普洱茶在制备抗衰老所致氧化应激或其相关疾病的药物中的用途 116 200910249727.2 一种中西药结合制成的增认知抗衰老胶囊 117 200910095147.2 一种抗衰老药物 118 200910157279.3 一种抗衰老、降血糖的药酒及其制备方法 119 201010233765.1 一种电缆用抗衰老聚氯乙烯及其制备方法 120 200910181205.3 一种美容养颜抗衰老火锅料 121 201010514618.1 一种抗衰老、改善更年期症状的霜剂及其制备方法 122 201010282568.9 一种抗衰老的中药养生酒及其制法 123 201010002381.9 可溶性的桥粒芯糖蛋白I蛋白物质用于筛选抗衰老活性剂的用途 124 200910034530.7 西伯利亚刺柏活性提取物的制法及美白抗衰老活性化妆品 125 200980116718.4 血管衰老抑制剂和抗衰老制剂 126 200910177140.5 一种具有补气血养颜固本抗衰老功能的保健食品 127 201010604957.9 一种抗衰老、降压、降脂SOD药物组合物及其制备方法 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 128 201010001114.X 人胎盘抗衰老活性蛋白及其分离方法和应用 129 201010530373.1 一种橙皮苷的抗衰老应用 130 200910167876.4 新型植物提取抗衰老保健品 131 200910024287.0 一种纳米复合抗衰老防癌多功能纺织品整理剂 132 200910024288.5 一种纳米复合抗衰老防癌多功能精纺面料 133 200910180661.6 一种高效美容抗衰老组合物 134 201010577474.4 一种根皮苷的抗衰老应用 135 201110041840.9 一种激活经穴经气(氢气)抗衰老健美仪 136 200980124273.4 新型抗衰老护肤霜、护肤装置及其中的霜 137 201010603281.1 一种含钩藤具有抗衰老作用的组合物 138 201110027205.5 一种抗衰老的化妆品 139 201010574344.5 抗衰老保健汤及制备方法 140 201010276056.1 纳米硒元素中药负离子远红外抗衰老祛斑霜 141 200980127544.1 含有来自紫杉形成层或原形成层的细胞系作为活性成分的抗氧化、抗炎或抗衰老组合物 142 201110087520.7 抗衰老面膜 143 200980130417.7 含有源于人参,包括野山参及高丽参的形成层的植物干细胞系作为活性成分的抗衰老或抗氧化组合物 144 201110085629.7 一种抗衰老紫苏叶油纳米乳化妆品 145 201110178503.4 一种具有抗衰老的汉方能量纯中药提取物 146 201110137122.1 一种麦冬总甾体皂苷提取物的制备和抗衰老制药用途 147 201110212171.7 一种能回复青春活力的抗衰老延寿饮品 148 201110285018.7 一种中草药嫩肤美白抗衰老去皱去斑化妆品组合物 149 201010218821.4 一种雪蛤油抗衰老口服液的加工方法 150 201110359141.9 一种美白皮肤抗衰老的组合物、其制备方法及应用 151 201110352882.4 抗衰老豆制品及其制作方法 152 201010533636.4 抗衰老用富硒景天黑粮面制食品 153 201010553485.9 海洋鱼皮胶原蛋白保湿抗衰老化妆品及其制备方法 154 201010540561.2 抗衰老护肤霜 155 201010531479.3 一种抗衰老补酒 156 201010569280.X 抗衰老护肤膏 157 201010554629.2 一种抗衰老保健酒 158 200620130844.9 导静电抗衰老健康鞋 159 200820221946.0 抗衰老防疾病玉石牙刷 160 200920159662.8 抗衰老面部轮廓雕塑系统 161 201120043291.4 一种激活经穴经气抗衰老健美仪 162 200620130844.9 导静电抗衰老健康鞋 163 200820221946.0 抗衰老防疾病玉石牙刷 164 200920159662.8 抗衰老面部轮廓雕塑系统 165 201120043291.4 一种激活经穴经气抗衰老健美仪 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 付款方式: 1、本套技术资料160元 2、资料都为电子版的,部分资料包括专利和科研成果资料,可以打印。专利技术资料包括 专利工艺流程,专利号,资料真实,资料可以邮箱发送或qq传送。也可以邮寄光盘技术资 料,需加20元。 3、汇款银行(您也可以通过银行汇款、网银转帐方式汇款。) pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread
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