首页 小房产公司薪酬管理制度



小房产公司薪酬管理制度小房产公司薪酬管理制度 xxxxx公司薪酬管理制度(草案) 一、总 则 一、目的 为使员工能够分享公司发展所带来的收益,使公司与员工能把短期收益、中期收益与长期收益有效结合起来,特制定本方案。 二、制定原则 本制度制定的六个基本原则:合法性原则、竞争力原则、公平性原则、激励性原则、成本控制原则和结合企业经济效益的原则。 三、薪资模式 公司薪资总体模式:月工资+年终奖金; 月工资模式:结构薪资制 四、适用范围:本公司所有正式员工。 二、结构工资制 一、员工的薪酬由固定工资和浮动工资组成。固定工...

小房产公司薪酬管理制度 xxxxx公司薪酬管理制度(草案) 一、总 则 一、目的 为使员工能够分享公司发展所带来的收益,使公司与员工能把短期收益、中期收益与长期收益有效结合起来,特制定本方案。 二、制定原则 本制度制定的六个基本原则:合法性原则、竞争力原则、公平性原则、激励性原则、成本控制原则和结合企业经济效益的原则。 三、薪资模式 公司薪资总体模式:月工资+年终奖金; 月工资模式:结构薪资制 四、适用范围:本公司所有正式员工。 二、结构工资制 一、员工的薪酬由固定工资和浮动工资组成。固定工资由基本工资、岗位工资、学历工资和工龄工资组成;浮动工资由绩效工资组成。公式 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示如下: 员工薪资,固定工资,浮动工资 固定工资,基本工资,岗位工资,学历工资,工龄工资 浮动工资,绩效工资 1、浮动工资所占比率 级 别 范围内员工 浮动工资占固定工资比例 高层管理人员 总经理、技术总监、市场总监 80% 中层管理人员各部门经理、项目部分公司经理 60% (经理级) 总工室、成本管理部、工程管理部技术类员工 40% 和各项目部技术人员 招商部、市场部销售案场经理、销销售一线员工 60% 售人员 市场策划专员、销售管理专员、物业客普通员工 30% 服人员、办公室员工、人力资源部员工、 财务部员工 不同职级的员工考核比例不同。职级较低的员工,相对来说收入较低,如果考核比up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 例过高容易造成员工的不安全感,对这部分员工在薪酬政策上采取“保障为主、激励为辅”;职级较高的员工,相对来说岗位重要性大、岗位承担的责任风险都较大,从而考核比例也相应较高。 2、工龄工资计算公式为:工龄工资=公司工龄*30元(即在公司每工作满一年,加工龄工资30元)。工龄工资最多不超过300元 3、绩效工资 = 固定工资×个人季度考核系数×部门季度考核系数 绩效工资季度考核,算出总额后于下季度按月平均发放。 4、基本工资:是为保证职工的基本生活而设立。为不低于当地基本生活水平,目前合肥市最低工资标准为520元,公司统一设为600元。 5、岗位工资:根据岗位评价的结果参考员工工作经验、技术、业务水平和工作态度等因素确定相应的岗位工资等级。岗位工资的确定采取宽带结构的薪酬政策。将公司的所有岗位分成了高层管理A、中间骨干层B和基层C三个层次及管理类、行政类、财务类、销售类、技术类五大类,同时,将全公司的岗位按照岗位重要性划分为10个等级(见下表) 职类 管理类 行政事务类 财务类 销售类 技术类 职层 职等 G10 总经理、技 术总监、市G9 核心层A 场总监、各G8 工程造价 部门经理、师、景观设G7 销售案场经各项目部分中 间 计师、土建G6 公司经理 理、招商专 成本会计 骨干层 工程师、水人事主管、 G5 员、一线销主办会计 B 电工程师、 档案管理员、 G4 文员、电脑技记账会计 售人员 术员、驾驶员、G3 物业客服、销出纳会计 售管理专员、G2 基层C 市场策划专员 G1 6、 由于各个员工业务技能差异,为了重点激励优秀员工,在职等不变的情况下,为优秀员工提供工资上升通道,我们将各个职等的岗位工资分为10级,简称“一岗十薪”。 7、根据岗位评价情况和薪酬市场调查,确定公司最低和最高岗位工资分别为500元和10000元),并推算出各等各级工资数额(详见附表)。岗位工资入等入级的原则是:根据岗位说明书评价入等,根据能力评价入级。 8、学历工资表: 学历 工资额度 博士 500 研究生 400 本科 300 2resence of their main problems, earnestly rectification,the p gion, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work int supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the redirecplementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective im fe Andres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes sao catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadment ternment should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only governfication work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the govrecti rage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in theed line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coveeople's life at the expense of 'the Ming rup, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of p 大专 200 大专以下学历 100 二、绩效考核对于薪酬的影响 绩效考核与薪酬直接相关。考核结果表现为个人的季度考核系数和年度考核系数以及部门的考核系数,相关的考核系数定义如下: 个人考核系数: 考核结果 优 良 中 基本合格 不合格 个人考核系数 1.5 1.2 1 0.8 0.5 部门考核系数: 考核结果 优 良 中 基本合格 不合格 部门考核系数 1.5 1.2 1 0.8 0.5 三、年终奖金 考虑到员工绩效考核结果的延续性,员工年终绩效考核比例分为: 1、员工季度的绩效考核平均成绩,占年终绩效总成绩的20%; 2、员工年度绩效考核成绩,占年终绩效总成绩的80%。 3、年终奖金 =岗位工资×部门年度考核系数×个人年度考核总系数×公司效益系数 公司效益系数是与所在公司年度效益状况相关的系数,根据公司奖金分配总额确定系数大小。 四、工资定级与调整 一、工资等级的确定 根据新到岗员工的学历及所在岗位对应的工资等级确定初始工资等级。 二、试用期工资:原则上每位新员工都必须经过一至三个月的试用期。 试用期工资=基本工资,岗位工资,学历工资 试用期员工无绩效浮动工资。 三、工资调整采取整体调整与个别调整相结合。 1、整体调整是调整所有人员的岗位工资或附加工资,调整周期与调整幅度由总经理办 departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry3problems, earnestly rectification, r main, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of theif the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision omust be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the iness "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management busch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the to catly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party phasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictto emstrict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I roduction safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance,eople's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen pup, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of p 公会根据具体情况确定,原则上调整周期应在一年以上。 (1)、岗位工资整体调整:根据公司效益与发展状况决定。工资增长率应低于公司劳动生产率的增长,可控制在5%。 (2)、受宏观环境影响而对工资进行的调整。根据通货膨胀、社会物价上涨情况等确定调整金额。 2、个别调整根据员工个人考核结果和职级、岗位变动决定。 (1)、考核调整。年度考核结果为“优”者,岗位工资等级在本职级内晋升一档。年度考核结果为“不合格”的员工下降一档工资。考核调整仅限于本职级内进行,达到本职级内最高档之后,如果职级没有变动,则不再晋升。 (2)、职务变动调整。若员工聘任职务发生变动,则员工工资等级升降通道调整到相应职级系列中。 (3)、岗位变动调整。若员工岗位发生变动,则工资等级变动为相应岗位、职级系列的工资等级。 3、岗位工资等级调整原则上每次只能上升或下降一级。 、岗位工资等级调整过程中,若目前等级已经达到相应岗位、职级晋升通道最高档,4 则工资等级不再根据考核调整。 五、其 他 一、代扣款项 1、 个人所得税 根据有关规定执行。 1、社会保险费 公司为员工缴纳的社会保险费(养老、医疗、失业、工伤及生育等)其中有员工个人缴纳的部分,由公司代扣代缴。 2、其他个人应负担部分 二、工资计算期间从本1日起至本月底止(月满勤为30天),并于每月5日发放工资。 六、 附 则 一、 本方案的拟定和修改由公司人力资源部负责,经总经理批准执行。 二、 本方案由公司人力资源部负责解释。 三、 本方案自公布之日起执行。 4resence of their main problems, earnestly rectification,the p gion, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work int supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the redirecplementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective im fe Andres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes sao catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadment ternment should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only governfication work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the govrecti rage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in theed line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coveeople's life at the expense of 'the Ming rup, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of p xxxxxx工资等级对照表 级 差 20-40 60 90 120 150 200 240 300 360 450 十级 780 1160 1570 2040 2550 3320 4240 5600 7360 10000 九级 740 1100 1480 1920 2400 3120 4000 5300 7000 9550 八级 700 1040 1390 1800 2250 2920 3760 5000 6640 9100 七级 660 980 1300 1680 2100 2720 3520 4700 6280 8650 六级 630 920 1210 1560 1950 2520 3280 4400 5930 8200 五级 600 860 1120 1440 1800 2320 3040 4100 5560 7750 四级 570 800 1030 1320 1650 2130 2800 3800 5200 7300 三级 540 740 940 1200 1500 1940 2560 3500 4840 6850 二级 520 680 850 1080 1350 1750 2320 3200 4480 6400 一级 500 620 760 960 1200 1560 2080 2900 4120 5950 职 等 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 职 层 C类(基层) B类(中间骨干层) A类(核心层) r main5, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of theiproblems, earnestly rectification, departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industryf the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision omust be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the iness "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management busch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the to catly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party phasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictto emstrict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I roduction safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance,eople's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen pup, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of p
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