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传媒英语重点翻译英译汉 McLuhan’s writings and speeches were filled with puns and aphorisms to the point of being cryptic,but his classic Understanding Media is really fairly clear about what he meant by “the medium is the message”He wrote:”The effects of technology do not occu...

英译汉 McLuhan’s writings and speeches were filled with puns and aphorisms to the point of being cryptic,but his classic Understanding Media is really fairly clear about what he meant by “the medium is the message”He wrote:”The effects of technology do not occur at the level of opinions or concepts,but alter sense ratios or patterns of perception steadily and without resistance.”麦克卢汉的文章及演说充满了双关语和警句,表现出神秘的特点,但他的杰作《理解媒介》一书讲得却很明白,清楚地指出了他所谓的“媒介即讯息”的意思。他写道:“虽然技术的效果并未在意见或观念的层次上发挥作用,但却逐渐地且不可避免地改变了“感官作用的比例”或理解的形式(p.18)。 Print ,Mcluhan says,emphasized vision.In turn,it influenced our thinking,making it linear,sequential,regular,repeated,and logical.it allowed human beings to separate thought from feeling.It led to specialization,and technology,but it also led to a sense of alienation and individualism.On the societal level,print led to the possibility of nations and the rise of nationalism.麦克卢汉说,印刷媒介强调的是视觉,因此,它影响了我们的思考,使得思想变成线性的,连续的,规则的,重复的和逻辑的。他使人类的思考可以与感情分开。印刷媒介带来专业和技术的分化,同时造成了疏离感和个人主义。就社会层面看,印刷媒介使国家可能产生,并导致民主主义高涨。 Mcluhan put it this way:”The ’content’ of the medium is like the juicy piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind”麦克卢汉是这样理解的:“媒介的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 就像破门而入的盗贼携带的一块多汁的肉,它的目的是分散看门狗的注意力(1965,p.18)。” In almost every other enterprise the person who expects to be served enters into an agreement that controls his passing whims.At least he pays for what he obtains.In the publishing of periodicals the nearest approach to an agreement for a definite time is the paid subscription,and that is not,I believe,a great factor in the economy of a metropolitan daily.The reader is the sole and the daily judge of his loyalty,and there can be no suit against his for breach of promise or nonsupport.而几乎任何其他行业,期待得到服务的人至少要为所获而付钱或签定协议约束控制随心所欲,对于期刊的出版发行来说,最接近协议的做法便是在一定时间内的预定,但我相信,这对一家大都市日报来说并非重要的经济因素。唯一能够每天判断读者是否忠诚的就是读者自己,没有任何办法能够用来对付他的背信弃义。 Though everything turns on the constancy of the reader,there does not exist even a vague tradition to call that fac t to the reader’s mind. 尽管一切都有赖读者的忠诚........ If the newspaper gives a satisfactory account of that which we think we know,our business,our church,our party,it is fairly certain to be immune from violent criticism by us.What better criterion does the man at the breakfast table possess than that the newspaper version checks up with his own opinion?Therefore,most men tend to hold the newspaper most strictly accountable in their capacity,not of general readers,but of special pleaders on matters of their own experience.如果报纸对我们自以为熟悉的事情,如我们的职业、教会、政党,有令人满意的报道,它就可以高枕无忧,基本不用担心会受到我们的猛烈批评。一个人吃着早餐浏览报纸,还有什么更好的评判 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 能够说明那份报纸正合他意呢?因此,绝大部分人都会倾向于认为,严格说来,报纸最有能力尽到的责任不是面对一般的读者,而是面对特别关注与自身经历有关的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的那些读者。 The function of becoming”the printed diary of the home town”is one that every newspaper no matter where it is published must in some measure fill.无论何地出版的每一种报纸,都要在一定程度上履行成为“家乡的印刷日志”这一功能。 The press services standardize the main events;it is only once in a while that a great scoop is made;there is apparently not a very great reading public for such massive reporting as has made the New York Times of recent years indispensable to men of all shades of opinion.新闻机构会把最重要的事情进行标准化处理;只是偶尔才会出现独家头条。显然,像近些年使《纽约时报》成了持各种观点的人们必读物的那类大规模报道,并没有很大的读者群。 Some even believe that radio is dying altogether because of the rapid and sweeping emergence of podcasting and satellite radio complemented by the very low-quality programming of US-like commercial radio stations.有些人甚至认为,传统广播目前正在走向衰亡正是因为播客和卫星广播的出现迅速而又势不可挡;另外,众多美国风格的商业电台节目质量低劣也是原因之一。 But there are traits and features that are unique to FM radio,and just like for Television,unless traditional broadcasters learn how to open themselves to the inevitable convergence with new media and the Internet the indeed doomed to a slow and painful death. 正如电视一样,调频电台也有着自己独有的特点和特色,但它们与新媒介以及因特网的融合是不可避免的,除非传统广播工作者们主动投身于这种融合,否则,他们将注定走向一条缓慢而痛苦的死亡之路。 Radio as we know,has indeed some unique characteristics,and some of them,combined with the opportunities offered by the web and new media,can permit the creation of an altogether new form of radio,which spans the airwaves and the fiber while bringing into people media devices quality programming that can’t be gotten anywhere else.正如我们所知,广播的确有它自身的独特之处,而这些特点一旦与网络和新媒介提供的机遇融合,就会催生出全新的广播模式,这种模式超越电波和光纤,开创新的媒介 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ,带给听众在别处无法获得的高质量节目。 Interruptive ads are dead.Give them up.The radio of the future is what blue-button suited advertising executives would call a “new branding experience” for audible interactive media.Thematic radio channels become perfect vehicles for high-powered thematic branding and sponsorship. Unintrusive ,friendly and discrete,the future of radio advertising is all about selected and limited set of sponsors.This means that to adapt,traditional radio needs to reflect more the type of focused content delivered today within podcasts while dropping the nasty and interruptive advertising approach. 在节目中插播的广告已经没有出路了,不要再指望这些广告。对那些衣服上有蓝纽扣的广告经理们而言,未来的广播电台是可听的、互动式的媒介,是一种“全新的品牌体验”。对于拥有巨大能量的主题品牌和主题赞助而言,主题电台频道是绝佳的载体。未来的电台广告将不再打断节目,将是用户界面友好的和独立的,它把独具特色的主题内容和一些有限的精选赞助商结合在一起,为听众带来不同的体验。这就需要传统电台改变自己以适应新的要求,它们需要更多地反映眼下播客中的焦点内容,同时摒弃那些令人生厌的、不停打断节目内容的广告方式。 The new,grassroots air+online radio stations of the near future are going to be valuable debut camps for new music,news and reporting talent.Many of them will in fact focus on this very theme itself becoming specialized new talent clearinghouse.Scouting and identifying new talent and sharing it at a unique distribution point is what some of the best bloggers,curators and talent scouts do in other parallel realities.对于新音乐、新闻和报道方面的天才来说,未来的新兴平民型广播和在线广播将是他们崭露头角的宝贵阵地。事实上,很多电台都会致力于这样一个课题:如何使自己成为专业化的新型人才的挖掘基地。搜寻和鉴别新型人才的才能,并将这一才能通过一个特定的展示平台展现出来与大家分享,这正是一些最棒的博客管理人、评议专家或猎头公司在其它领域所做的事情。 Before the finger was pointed at his own channel,the ITV executive chairman(and former chairman of the BBC) Michael Grade,in part blamed the embarrassing revelations of audience deception in BBC programs on under-trained,inexperienced young people working in the industry.独立电视台执行主席麦克尔·格雷德(Micheal Grade)(英国广播公司前任主席)面对受众指责独立电视台时,反戈一击,他批评了英国广播公司二台(BBC2)的节目。他说这些节目大量聘用缺乏训练和经验不足的新手。暴露出种种欺骗观众的做法,让业内人士感到很尴尬。 He was not in a position to question anything,describing the typical industry attitude as:”We’re doing you a favour.”Looking for the next step up---researcher--Mike describes the work he’s asked to do as”phone-bashing and trying to find contributors .This he believes,will never lead to a job on a serious factual program.而麦克根本没有资格发问,他这样描述业内普遍存在的工作态度:“我们是在给你帮忙。”再来看看麦克的下一份工作,麦克说项目研究员的工作就是“接打电话,拉赞助商。”他感觉这样的工作永远不会让他做上严肃性时事节目。 Bolton believes the problem is deep-rooted,describing it as a “casualization of the industry”.He says:”Before deregulation and th e creation of independent production companies,you worked on a long-term contract for a broadcaster.There was a formal system of training,as well as an informal one where producers and editors like me organized seminars to teach people how to construct something.Now,anyone can come into broadcasting,with no particular training,and there is a casualization of the industry.It’s highly competitive,with short-term contracts and far more people wanting to do it than there are jobs.博尔顿相信问题由来已久,他认为这是行业内“随意化”的结果。他说:“撤销对独立制作公司的管制之前,为广播公司工作要签订长期合同。当时还有一个正式的 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 系统,同时还有一个非正式的培训体系,由像我这样的制片人或者编辑组织讲座,教人们如何制作节目。现在任何人都可以涉足广播电视行业,甚至不需要什么特殊的训练,行业呈现出随意化趋势。竞争非常激烈,合同都是短期合同,想来工作的人数比工作机会多得多。” You get hothoused, pushed up the ladder,without necessarily gaining the breadth of experience to make an editorial decision.Because everyone works long hours and drinks together,there’s a strange feeling of remoteness,of isolation.You’re all in it together to deliver the goods,without thinking of broader issues or,journalistically,that there might be another side to a story.你好像被放在了花房里,扶扶梯子,不需要有多么丰富的经验,在编辑方面无需你作决定。因为大家长时间在一起工作,一起吃喝。有一种与世隔绝,被孤立的感觉。你们在一起合作是为了提供产品,不用想太多的问题,根本不用从新闻职业的角度思考问题,这或许是真实电视的另一面吧。” The problem is the corroding culture from the buyers,the broadcasters,demanding formats that make popular,reliable TV for less money. 问题是买家和广播公司带来了腐蚀性文化,他们需要新型节目,用更少的钱制作出更受欢迎的节目。 “As we’ve seen”Bolton says,”it goes wrong if suddenly those people go on to make a grown-up program about cocaine,say--or,indeed,the Queen.And that’s why we need prop er training.就像我们看到的那样,如果这些制作人员需要立刻制作一部关于年轻人吸毒的节目,或者关于英国女皇的节目,就会露馅了。因此我们需要对新人进行适当的培训。 Although structure is important,what really separates a great screenplay from a good one is the script,in which the writer makes us care about the people,involves us in the story,and propels us to keep reading.尽管结构很重要,好的剧本与坏的剧本的区别不仅局限于此。在好的剧本中,作者能调动读者关心他的人物,置身于故事情节之中,推动读者一直读下去。 After you have seriously worked on your craft,i do believe that living in Los Angeles or New York is important,as it is imperative to become knowledgeable about how the business operates. 当你在这一行扎下根以后,我确实认为住在洛杉矶或纽约很有必要,因为要想有好的发展,对这一行的运作确实要有相当的了解。
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