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心理咨询案例分析心理咨询案例分析 国家职业资格全国统一鉴定 心理咨询师论文 (国家职业资格二级) 文章题目:_一例高三学生考试焦虑的案例报告 姓 名: XXX 身份证号: 142201197411XXXXXX 准考证号: __ ____ 所在单位: XXX人民医院 ____ workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team...

心理咨询案例分析 国家职业资格全国统一鉴定 心理咨询师论文 (国家职业资格二级) 文章 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目:_一例高三学生考试焦虑的案例 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 姓 名: XXX 身份证号: 142201197411XXXXXX 准考证号: __ ____ 所在单位: XXX人民医院 ____ workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according 一例高三学生考试焦虑的案例报告 XXX XXX人民医院 【摘要】: 本案例通过一个高三女生面临高考压力而致考试焦虑的心理咨询和治疗的报告过程。通过观察个人成长历史、他人的反映、原因分析和评估诊断~咨询师运用认知疗法和合理情绪疗法~帮助求助者提高认识~树立自信心~减轻考试焦虑。经过5周治疗~该生能够正常学习。 【关键词】:一般心理问题 焦虑 合理情绪疗法 一、一般 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 : 王羽菲,女,18岁,高三学生,独生女,出生地:忻州市神池县,父亲在当地企业上班,母亲在忻州市陪读,父母对其学习要求严格,家庭条件一般,家庭环境比较和睦。求助者近一个月失眠、紧张、注意力不集中,有时头疼,去医院检查无器质性病变,家长陪同前来咨询。 经调查父母无人格障碍和其他精神障碍,家族无精神疾病历史。求助者无重大躯体疾病史。 心理测量结果: (1)SAS量表测量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 分68分,为中度焦虑; (2)SDS量表测量标准分55分,为轻度抑郁。 二、主诉和个人陈述: 主诉:高三后期连续几次周考、月考考试时因紧张发挥失常。最近一个月晚上失眠、多梦,白天上课时紧张不安,注意力不集中,有时头疼,感到心烦意乱。 个人陈述:自述最近几次考试总是考不好,在考试中常会感觉脑子里一片空白,本来会的题目也不会做,考试成绩比以前下降。母亲说了我几次,让我再用功。最近一个月晚上总是失眠、睡着后多梦,workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according 白天又心烦意乱、紧张不安、上课时注意力不能集中,前几天头疼,去医院检查CT没问题,大夫让多休息,但自己总感觉时间不够用,睡不着,看书又无效率。上次考试前3天就不能看书了,考试当天早上感到心慌,食欲不振。 非常着急,每次考后,都会自我反思,在学习 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 上找原因,但问题仍然没有解决。为此,常常自责、失落,陷于极度的苦恼之中。自述:“我现在很痛苦,如果学习成绩一直下滑,我肯定考不上重点大学,我家家庭条件一般,为了我上学母亲租房陪读,如果我考不上重点大学,家里人的一切努力就白费了,再说如果考不上重点大学,我的前途一片渺茫。现在我已经很用功了,为什么成绩总上不去,每次考试前我总是反复提醒,不要紧张„„,但是一到考试,总会感到手脚在颤抖,脑子一团糟,并且心跳得特别快。近一个月相当烦躁,胸闷,晚上也睡不好,不知道该怎么办好,” 三、心理咨询师的观察和他人反映: 咨询师观察:求助者衣着整洁,精神不佳,有些烦躁,很紧张。陈述时一直紧锁眉头,思维连贯,逻辑清晰,语言表达没有异常。说话时不敢正视咨询师的眼睛,声音小,面露痛苦的表情。 家人反映:从小很懂事、要强,父母对其寄予很大希望,学习很认真,成绩一直不错。性格较内向,平时不太与家长交流,现在交流更少了。 班主任反映:近一个月以来,情绪低落,不爱说话,烦躁,虽然学习依然很努力,但听课时注意力不集中,记忆力差,成绩有所下降。 四、评估与诊断: (一)心理状态的评估: 综合上述资料,求助者思维清晰,精神活动正常,无幻觉、妄想症状,无重大躯体疾病表现。心理冲突是由现实生活事件(考试失败)激发,导致害怕考试,为自己的高考与前途焦虑。主客观世界具有统一性,心理活动内在协调一致,人格相对稳定,属于心理咨询的工作范围。 (二)评估诊断及诊断依据: 1、对该求助者的诊断是:一般心理问题、考试焦虑。 2、诊断依据: workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according (1)根据病与非病的三原则 求助者主客观世界一致,有自知力,且有主动求医行为,心理活动具有内在一致性,人格完整相对稳定,无逻辑思维的混乱,无感知觉异常,无幻觉、妄想等精神病的症状,可以排除精神病。 (2)根据严重心理问题的诊断标准 ?引起一般心理问题的原因是现实刺激。求助者期望考上重点大学,但目前遇到考试总是发挥不好,而且情况正在恶化,这样可能导致其不能完成既定目标,影响到前途,这是一种现实性的心理冲突。 ?从产生焦虑情绪开始,不间断持续时间1个月以内。 ?焦虑情绪对学习、生活有一定程度的影响。 ?焦虑、紧张情绪主要局限在学习过程中,情绪反应尚未泛化。 (三)鉴别诊断: 1、与焦虑性神经症进行区分:求助者的问题是由现实生活事件——考试激发,求助者的内心冲突具有现实意义,病程未超过1月,未严重影响社会功能和逻辑思维,可以排除神经症。 2、与严重心理问题进行区分:求助者问题的持续时间短,只有1个月,社会功能未受到严重影响,不良情绪体验在控制范围内,故排除严重心理问题。 (四)病因分析: 1、生物因素:无明显生物学因素。 2、社会因素: (1)负性生活事件:高三后半学期次几次考试失败。 (2)一直以学习成绩较好,老师、家长对其期望较高。 (3)高考将至,学校高频率的考试带来紧张的氛围,造成心理压力。 3、心理因素: (1)自我要求严格,追求完美,容易产生不合理信念。 (2)自我期望过高。面对高考,对考试分数及自己的学习能力期望过高,认为考不上重点大学,就对不起父母的辛苦,自己前途渺茫的错误思想,使精神处于紧张状态。 五、制定咨询目标: 具体目标(近期目标):理性分析产生焦虑情绪的原因,改善情workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according 绪状况,消除不合理的信念,基本恢复正常的生活规律,逐步提高学习效率,以坦然的心态面对高考,以积极的情绪投入到高三后面的学习中去。 最终目标(长期目标):调整对学习和生活的认知方式,多关注积极面,给自己以积极暗示,接受重要事件的得失成败,促进心理健康。 六、制定咨询方案: (一)主要咨询方法与具体原理: 1、咨询方法 本例主要采用合理情绪疗法、放松技术疗法。 2、具体原理: 合理情绪疗法又称理性情绪疗法,这种方法旨在通过理性分析和逻辑思辨的途径,改变求助者的非理性信念,以帮助她解决情绪和行为上的问题。这种理论强调情绪的来源是个体的想法和观念,个体可以通过改变这些因素来改变情绪。ABC理论是合理情绪疗法的核心理论,其主要观点是强调情绪或不良行为并非由外部诱发事件本身所引起,而是由个体对这些事件的评价和解释造成的。以理性治疗非理性,帮助求助者以合理的思维方式或信念代替不合理的思维方式或信念,从而最大限度地减少不合理的思维方式或信念给情绪带来的不良影响。 (二)咨访双方的责任、权利和义务: 咨询过程中,求助者及其监护人的责任、权利和义务: 责任: (1)向咨询师提供与心理问题有关的真实资料; (2)积极主动地与咨询师一起探讨解决问题的方法; (3)完成双方商定的作业。 权利: (1)有权利了解咨询师的受训背景和执业资格; (2)有权利了解咨询的具体方法、过程和原理; (3)求助者可以根据个人意愿选择或更换合适的咨询师; (4)有权利提出或终止咨询; workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according (5)对咨询方案的内容有知情权、协商权和选择权。 义务: (1)遵守咨询机构的相关规定; (2)遵守和执行商定好的咨询方案各方面的内容; (3)尊重咨询师,遵守预约时间,如有特殊情况提前告知咨询师。 咨询过程中,咨询师的责任、权利和义务: 责任: (1)遵守职业道德,遵守国家的相关法律法规; (2)帮助求助者解决心理问题; (3)严格遵守保密原则,并说明保密例外。 权利: (1)有权利了解与求助者心理问题有关的个人资料; (2)有权利选择合适的求助者; (3)本着对求助者负责的态度,有权利提出转介或者终止咨询。 义务: (1)向求助者介绍自己的受训背景,出示营业执照和执业资格等相 关证件; (2)遵守咨询机构的有关规定; (3)遵守和执行商定好的咨询方案各方面的内容; (4)尊重求助者,遵守预约时间,如有特殊情况,提前告知求助者。 (三)咨询时间与收费 咨询时间:每周一次,每次50分钟 咨询收费:每次50元 焦虑自评量表(SAS):25元 抑郁自评量表(SDS):25元 七、咨询过程: 咨询阶段大致分为: 1、诊断评估与咨询关系建立阶段; 2、心理帮助阶段; 3、结束与巩固阶段。 具体咨询过程 workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according (一)诊断评估与咨询关系建立阶段 第一次咨询 时间: 2014年3月1日 目的: (1)了解基本情况。 (2) 建立良好咨询关系。 (3)确定主要问题。 (4) 进行咨询分析发现不合理信念。 方法:摄入性会谈法,心理测验 过程: (1)填写登记表,询问基本情况,介绍有关事项与规定 (2)与求助者进行谈话,收集临床资料,探寻求助者的心理问题及改变意愿。 (3)进行心理测验(SAS、SDS自评量表)。 (4) 将测验结果反馈给来访者,并做出初步问题分析 (5)确定咨询目标,确定咨询方案。 (6)简单介绍合理情绪疗法的基本理论模型(ABC模型); (7)布置家庭作业。强化求助者对ABC之间关系的理解。要求求助者,按照下列模式,尝试把自己所有的问题都表示出来。 诱发事件A:考试失利 不良情绪C:焦虑 不合理信念B:这次高考要是考不好,我就完了 告诉求助者,家庭作业是咨询的重要组成部分,对自己的问题思考、检查越认真、全面,咨询的进步就会越快。 (二)心理帮助阶段。 第二次咨询 时间: 2014年3月8日 目的: (1)加深咨询关系; (2)帮助求助者正确理解焦虑情绪产生的原因; (3)介绍合理情绪疗法。 方法:合理情绪疗法 过程: workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according 反馈家庭作业。 与求助者一起探究心理问题产生的原因,确认求助者的焦虑情绪是由于把考试看得过于重要,觉得自己必须要上重点大学。认为考试失败,就怀疑自己的能力,认为自己不可能考上重点大学了。交谈中发现求助者存在很多不合理的信念,以下是咨询中的部分谈话: 求助者:老师,我现在非常难受,很痛苦,快帮帮我吧。(求助者,表情略带痛苦) 咨询师:老师非常愿意协助你解决你的困惑,能和老师具体谈谈吗, 求助者:马上就要高考了,可我觉得我考不上重点大学。很害怕。 咨询师:能具体谈一谈有关考试的情况吗, 求助者:其实,我以前学习挺好的。这学期上次周考,发挥失常成绩下滑,后来月考也开始在考试前感到紧张,心跳加快,手心出汗,结果成绩还不如周考。 咨询师:然后呢,(鼓励求助者) 求助者:老师和母亲都和我谈话,要求我再努力一点,我其实也想认真听讲,可就是感到紧张,上课无法集中注意力,考试前就害怕,考试时会做的题有时也写错,我如果考不上重点大学,我就在我们县城上学就好了,现在母亲每天陪读,如果考不上,太对不起父母了。„„ 咨询师:你刚才说了很多,我觉得大概可以有两层意思:首先,你觉得前几次成绩没考好就意味着高考不能考好;其次,高考考不好,就对不起父母,自己也不能上更好的大学。我可以这样理解吗, 求助者:差不多吧。 咨询师:那我们先从第一层意思,逐步来考虑。我想问一下,你是否肯定这几次考试成绩不好就代表你高考不能考好。 求助者:差不多吧,我以前成绩非常好,现在老是考不好,对自己一点信心也没有,一遇到考试我就紧张。 咨询师:那是不是其他同学的成绩都很稳定,考试都不会有失误呢, 求助者:好像不是吧,有一些同学学习成绩也有波动。 咨询师:所以说,成绩的波动,发挥不正常对大部分同学都可能有,几次考试失败并不意味中考就一定失败,你觉得呢, 求助者:嗯,可能是这样的。(若有所思) workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according „„ 求助者:可是马上就要高考了,我现在情况假如没有转变,高考失败了,我可就完了,我怎么对的起我的父母呀~(求助者很伤心的样子)。 咨询师:你认为高考失败就意味着自己一无是处,一生就没有什么意义了,所以才会这么痛苦、悲伤,是吗? 求助者:嗯,一想到这件事,我心里一阵阵地发虚。 咨询师:对于任何一件事情来说都有比之更坏的情况发生,事情可能远没有你想象的那么糟。刚才已经说过几次失败并不意味着高考就失败,即使是高考失败了,我们是不是就没有其它出路了,有成就的人就一定是名牌大学生吗, 求助者:好像不全是。(似乎明白自己想法有一些偏激) 咨询师:刚才你的一些想法可能出自你的主观臆断,人们往往把事情看得过于糟糕,这种不合理的想法可能是我们情绪困扰的真正原因。后面我们将使用刚才的方法来帮助你进一步提高。 (3)向求助者介绍合理情绪疗法,求助者愿意接受合理情绪疗法。 (4)布置作业‘’ 第三次咨询 时间: 2014年3月15日 目的:调整求助者的不合理认知 方法:合理情绪疗法 过程: (1)就上次咨询作业情况进行会谈。求助者家庭作业中找到的不合理信念主要有:?以前我每次考试应该每次考试都得很优秀,所以以后我每次考试也一定要优秀;?只有成绩优秀,考上好的大学才是父母,老师心中的好孩子,好学生。?考试失败就意味着自己没有能力。 通过与求助者进行分析和辩论,让求助者自觉改变过去非理性的想法。关键是学会用“希望”、“想要”、代替“必须”、“应该”等,从而使求助者建立新的合理信念,提高自信心。 逐步建立的理性信念有:?以前我每次考试应该每次考试都得很优秀,也允许在今后的考试中有失误;?我读书不是为了讨好父母和老师的欢心,而是为了实现我人生。?考试失败并不代表没有能力,可workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according 能有多方面的原因。 (2)布置作业。 让求助者回家再做一些类似理性的思考和分析,尝试把自己的注意力关注在对成绩评价的中性面或积极面。 第四次咨询 时间:2014年3月22日 目的:? 进一步学会合理评价。 ? 与不合理信念辩论。 ? 帮助来访者改变思维,放弃不合理信念,代之以合理信念。 方法:会谈法、合理情绪疗法。 过程:? 反馈咨询作业,对来访者的体验给予鼓励。 ? 与不合理信念辩论。 ? 学习、巩固新的合理信念。 (三)结束与巩固阶段:第五次咨询 时间: 2014年3月29日 目的: (1)巩固咨询效果 (2)结束咨询 方法:谈话法、测验法 过程: (1)反馈上次咨询作业,并评价作业完成情况。 (2)用SAS、SDS施测,并与咨询前对照。 (3)对前面的咨询过程进行总结,请求助者谈自己的体会和感受,并总结整个咨询过程中他的成长。 (4)肯定羽菲四次咨询来所取得的进步,积极鼓励其用新的认知和行为模式面对未来生活。 八、咨询效果评估: (一)求助者自我评价:心情好了很多,不像以前那样感到紧张和有压力,睡眠质量也有了改善,能够理性地面对考试。 (二)家长的评价:现在她又开始笑了,情绪有好转,睡眠也有改善。 (三)班主任评价:与同学的交往加强,自信心有所提高。 workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according (四)心理测验结果:SAS测验结果:标准分48 SDS测验结果:标准分45 测验表明:求助者的焦虑程度是显著降低,抑郁水平也大大下降,二者都恢复到了临界值以下的正常水平,咨询效果显著可靠。 (五)咨询师评估:求助者情绪已稳定,改变了一些不合理认知,基本能坦然面对生活、考试中的成败,对未来的高考也比较有信心。 参考文献 [1] 郭念峰主编:《国家职业资格培训教程(基础知识)》,北京:民族出版社, 2012.7 [2] 郭念锋主编:《心理咨询师(二级) 》北京:民族出版社,2012.7,第二 版: workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and placement of the whole project, including concrete mixing systems, concrete formwork, Rebar, concrete pouring and spraying concrete and so on. Mechanical and electrical installation team: responsible for electrical and mechanical equipment installation and installation of metal structures for this project; responsible for installation, maintenance, and repair of construction machinery and electrical equipment, etc; for wind, water and electricity supply and management. 13.4 construction staffing plan construction staffing plan, including the peak number, on average, technicians and general workers, as described in the scheme of construction staffing table. 13.5 1, construction coordination site coordinating the time construction of the contract, shall be according
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